  • 8/8/2019 Arun Report for Biogas



    Seminar Report


    Biogas as an alternate fuel for IC Engines

    Submitted By: Guided By :Arun Kumar Dr. G.A. Harmain

    EN. No. 197/06

    Roll-25, 7th Sem. Professor

    Mechanical Engg. Deptt. Mechanical Engg. Dept

    NIT Srinagar. NIT Srinagar.



  • 8/8/2019 Arun Report for Biogas


  • 8/8/2019 Arun Report for Biogas




    It is certified that the seminar report entitled Biogas as an alternate

    fuel for IC Engines is the work carried by Arun Kumar under my

    guidance and supervision. He has fulfilled all the requirements as per

    status of NIT for the submission of this report.

    Dr. G.A. Harmain


    Mechanical Engg. Deptt.

    NIT Srinagar.

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    Biogasasthenameitselfindicatesthatthisgasismadeby usingbiogenic resources. Earlier

    it wasnot knownto usthathow muchitcanbebeneficial in future. Astimehascome

    showingapathtowards renewablesource requirementbeingtheshortage of fossil fuels.

    Economy of Indiais very poorif we focus ontheexistence of fossil fuel in India. Inthe

    coming years Indiaisgoingto establishbiogasplants onagreatscale. Asbiogascanbe

    manufacturedin Indiaeconomically as raw material to it, isinabundance. In IC enginesit

    canbeused very comfortably. Thisgasis free fromharmful emissionsaftercombustion. We

    in Indiaareusing CNG and LPG gases forthe IC enginestoday also so thereis

    No problem ofdealing withthegaseous fuel. Thisgasmainly has Methaneand Carbon

    dioxideasitsmainconstituents. Inthe 16thcentury thisgas wasused forheating ofbathe

    waterin Persia. Engine working onbiogas will emitalmostno harmful gas whichcauses

    greenhouseeffectintheenvironment. Asbiogenic wastein Indiaare occupyinga lot of

    spaceandcausing foul smell, so by using waste forbiogasa lot of landissavedalso

    environmentbecomescleannearthosesites. Biogasisproducedextractingchemical energy

    fromthe organicmaterial. Also humanexcretacanbeusedas raw material.

    Properties ofthisgas for IC enginearemoresuitablethangasolineanddiesel. Some

    modificationintheenginehasto bedoneif wantto operate onSI engine or CI engine. There

    isaneed ofadvancedsparktimingtechnique. Thereisalso requirement of Carbondioxide

    elimination. So somemoreprocessesareinvolved forthepurification ofbiogas forachieving

    better fuel qualities. Thisgasis resistantto knockingintheengine. Andhighercompression

    ratioscanbeachieved which leadsto greaterengineefficiency. Thisgas wasearlierused for

    cookingpurposesandstreet-lighting. Dungusedinitsplantaccounts for 21% oftotal rural

    energy in India. Indian Governmentintroduced largescalebiogasproductionin 1981 through

    National project. 2 millionbiogasplants werein operationin 1995. Thisgasisequivalent

    to CNG buteconomical than CNG. In India CNG isinabundancethan LPG so more CNG is

    beingused rightnow.

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    Thegasisdrawninto thecylinderstogether withthecombustionair. Theconnectionto the

    intakemanifoldmay takedifferent forms. Owingto thehighignitiontemperature ofbiogas, a

    diesel enginemustalwaysbe operated withamixture ofbiogasanddiesel oil. A spark-

    ignitionengine will also operate on 100% biogas. Biogasburns less rapidly thandiesel fuel.

    Consequently, enginesdesigned for lessthan 2000 rpmarethebetterchoice. Spark-ignition

    engines runabouttwiceas fastasdiesel engines, thus leadingto lowerefficiency when

    operating onbiogas.

    Any internal combustionengine, exceptatwo-stroke, canbeadaptedto run onbiogas. On

    spark-ignitiongasolineengines (hereafter referredto asgasolineengines), abiogasandair

    mixerisneededinadvance ofthecarburetornearthechoke. Thebiogasisintroduced viaa

    fivemmdiametertubeconnectedto thebiogassupply throughacontrol valve. Theengineis

    started ongasolineandthenswitched overto biogasaftertheengineis running. Theengine

    canbeswitchedbackto gasolineifthereisashortage ofbiogas. Forsmooth running ofthe

    engine, thebiogas flow shouldbesteady; thiscanbedone onstationary enginesbycounterbalancingthegascap. Sheafferand Roland, acompany thathasdevelopedbiogas

    systems foruseinthe UnitedStates recommendsusinggasolineengines. They only use

    biogas for fuel, butthey keeppropanebottledgasasabackupincasethereisashortage of

    biogas. Thecompany also recommendsthatenginesthatare runcontinuously have oncein

    week oil and filterchanges.

    Becausetheuse ofbiogasto runenginesandtheuse oftheexcessengineheatto heat

    digestersare oftenthemostimportant factorsinmakingbiogassystemsprofitable, what

    followsarethreedifferent reports onusingbiogasasanengine fuel.

    L. John Fry'saccount ofhisuse ofbiogasto runengines ona farmduringasix yearperiodis

    one ofthemoreimpressive onesto be foundinbiogas literature. The followingsectionis

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    adapted fromhisbook, Practical Building of Methane Power Plants for Rural Energy


    Methane (biogas withoutcarbondioxide)makesanexcellent fuel forinternal combustion


    1)hasa very high octane rating,

    2) leaves little orno carbondepositsincylinders or onpistons,

    3)greatly reducestheamount ofsludgebuild-upinthe oil, whichmeans longer operating

    timesbetween oil changes,

    4)doesnotdilutethe oil onthecylinder wallsduringenginestart-upas liquid fuelsdo, and

    thuspromotes longerengine life

    5)hasno tetra-ethyl leadinitto foul sparkplugsandpollutetheair,

    6)mixesbetter withairthangasoline, resultinginabetterexplosioninthecylinder,

    7) resultsin less valveburning,

    8)burnsclean, with fewerpollutantsthanmany other fuels.

    Thereisadirect relationshipbetweenpressureandtemperature. Whenpressuregoesup, so

    doestemperature; whenpressuregoesdown, so doestemperature. Thisisexactly what

    happensinsidethecylinders ofgasolineanddiesel engines.

    Ingasolineenginesa fuel-airmixtureis letinto thecylinder, thepistonpushesupand

    compressesthemixture, thesparkplug fires, thereisanexplosion, andthehotgases formed

    by theburning fuel expandandpushthepistondown. Atthe very bottom ofthepiston's

    travel, thecylinderspacehasitsgreatest volume. Atthe very top ofthepiston'stravel, the

    cylinderspaceisassmall asitcanbe. The ratio ofthe largest volumeto thesmallest volume

    iscalledthecompression ratio. Ifthecompression ratio is fourto one, the fuel-airmixture

    will becompressedby a factor of four. Or, to lookatitanother way, theexplodinggases will

    expand fourtimestheir original volume.

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    Now, astheprocess ofcompressionand firing repeatsandcontinues, thecylinder wallsheat

    up, andthisincreasesthetemperature oftheincoming fuel-gasmixture. Asthismixtureis

    compressedby thepiston, itbecomeshotterthanit wouldinacoldengineandmay reachits

    ignitiontemperaturebeforethepistonhas finishedcompressingit. Boom, the fuel-air

    mixturesexplodestoo soon (predetonates). Thisiscommonly called knock. Itstealspower

    fromtheenginebecausethepistonmustcontinueupwardagainstthe force oftheexplosion

    pushingitdown. Obviously, themorethe fuel-airmixtureiscompressed, thegreater will be

    itstendency to predetonate, sincegreatercompression will meanhigherpressuresand


    It wouldseemthat whatis wantedinanengineisa low compression ratio, right? Wrong. As

    waspointed outabove, thecompression ratio isalso theexpansion ratio, andthemorethe

    explodinghotgasesareallowedto expand, themorethey will fall intemperature. Inessence,

    thismeansthatthegreatertheexpansion ofthesehotgasesinthecylinderspace, themore

    efficienttheengine will becauseit will convertmore ofthatheatinto themotion ofthe

    piston. Thetrade-offisbetweenthe knocking ofpredetonationandthermal (heat)efficiency.

    Sparkengine fuelssuchasgasolineare ratedby their octanenumber. The octane rating ofa

    fuel isameasure ofhow well itavoidspredetonation. Methanehasan octanenumber of 120

    ormore. Thismeansthatitcaneasilybeusedinhighcompressionengines, becauseit rarely


    Biogas, whichismethanemixed withcarbondioxide, hasa lower octane ratingthanmethane

    (butstill over 100). Carbondioxidealso actsto decreasemethane'sability to detonate whenit

    isignited, so notasmuchpowerisavailable fromthemethaneinun-scrubbedbiogasasis

    frompuremethane, givenequal volumes ofmethane. The factisthatanythingexcept oxygen

    mixed withmethane will diluteit, becausenotasmuchmethanecangetinto thecylinder,

    andclearly this will further reducethepoweravailable fromeachpowerstrokeinthe

    cylinder. Removingthecarbondioxide will increasethepoweravailable.

    Thetrace ofhydrogensulfidethatisinbiogasshould onlybe removedifitispresentin

    amounts (by volume)greaterthan 0.1 percent. Butthenthere wouldbeno way to smell gas

    leaks--because ofall thegasesinbiogas, only hydrogensulfidehasany smell (rotteneggs).

    Hydrogensulfidetroublescanbepartly overcomeby replacingthestandardengine valves

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    withheat resistant valvesandchangingthethermostatinthecoolingsystemso thatthe water

    circulatesat 65 degreescentigrade (150 F) ratherthan 50 degreescentigrade (120 F).

    Sometimeseventheseprecautionsarenottakenandtheengine runs just fine.

    Testsshow thatby usingthebest fuel-air ratiosandaveraging outputs, 100 percentmethane

    outperformsa 50 percentmethane/50 percentcarbondioxidemixtureby approximately 86percentinthesameengine, all otherconditionsbeingequal. Lookedatanother way, diluted

    methane (biogas)hasto provide 1.86 timestheenergy inputto providethesameenergy

    outputthatpuremethanecan. Usingagasolineenginedesigned for research whichhada

    variablecompression ratio (4:1 to 16:1), it was foundthat outputpeakedatacompression

    ration 15:1, a fuel-air ratio of 1:10 (10 percentmethaneto 90 percentairby volume), and

    withthetimingsetso thattheengine fired30 percentbeforetopdeadcenter.

    Ordinary four-cycle, spark-ignitiongasolineenginescanbeeasily convertedto run on

    biogas, butthey tendnotto havethehighcompression ratios whichcanbeused withbiogas.

    Very small enginessuchasmotorcycleengines often requirea fuel mix ofgasolineand oil.

    Thesetwo-cyclespark-ignitionenginesarenot very suitable forbiogas, butthey canbeused.

    Lubricationmaybeaproblem, becausetheseenginesgetsome oftheirpiston lubrication

    fromthe oil inthe fuel mixture, of whichbiogashasnone. Operatingatwo-cycleengineasa

    dual fuel (biogasand oil)enginemightbeanexperiment worthtrying, especially ifthe

    capacity ofthebiogasdigesteristoo small to provideenoughgas fora largerengine.

    Anothercommonenginetypeisthediesel. Diesel enginesdo nothavesparkplugs. What

    happensinadiesel engineisthatairiscompressedand whenthepiston reachesthe right

    placeinthecylinderspace, thediesel fuel issquirted (injected)into thecylinderandtheheat

    whichhasbeendevelopedby compressingtheairignitesthe fuel-airmixture, causingan

    explosion withoutneed ofaspark.

    Diesel fuelsdo nothave octane ratings; they havecetane ratings. The kind ofmeasurementis

    different fordiesel becausethequalitiesneeded fordiesel fuel are very differentthanthe

    qualitiesneeded forgasoline fuel. Ingasolineenginesthe fuel shouldnotburnuntil itis lit

    withaspark. Indiesel enginestheinjected fuel shouldburnassoonasitentersthecylinder.

    Thatis why cetanenumbersareall abouthow easily the fuel ignites onits owninthe


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    3. HISTORY

    Hearingabouthow biogascontrolspollutionandimprovessanitation, Mr. Parayno visited

    thebiogassystemat Maya Farmsanddecidedthenandthereto have onebuilt forhis

    piggery. Mr. Parayno enjoys recounting whathappenedduringthe longdry summer of 1977

    whenthehydroelectricplantin Central Luzoncouldnotgenerateenoughpower. He

    extendedthebiogaspipeto thestoreandtransferredsome ofthemantle lamps fromthe

    piggery. Whentheelectricpower wasshut off, as frequently happened, hehadthe only

    brightly litstoreinthearea. Thisbroughtinmany customers. Mr. Parayno isnow thinking

    aboutusingthegasto runanengineanda 2.5 KVA electricgenerator (Maramba, 1978).

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    y The Adams Golf DiXX Digital Instruction Putteruses MEMS, specifically a MicroInertial NavigationSystem to analyze factors of the swingmotion, includingpath,

    tempo, speedandhand vibration levels.

    Companies withstrong MEMSprogramscome inmany sizes. The larger firmsspecialize in

    manufacturinghigh volume inexpensivecomponents orpackagedsolutions forendmarkets

    suchasautomobiles, biomedical, andelectronics. Thesuccessful small firmsprovide valuein

    innovativesolutionsandabsorb theexpense ofcustom fabrication withhighsalesmargins.on

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    Siliconisthematerial usedto createmostintegratedcircuitsusedinconsumerelectronicsin

    themodern world. Theeconomies ofscale, ready availability ofhigh-quality materialsand

    ability to incorporate electronic functionality make silicon attractive for a wide variety of

    MEMSapplications. Siliconalso hassignificantadvantagesengenderedthroughitsmaterial

    properties. Insinglecrystal form, siliconisanalmostperfect Hookeanmaterial, meaningthat

    it has linear relationshipbetween applied stress and strain. As well as making for highly

    repeatablemotion, thisalso makessilicon very reliableasitsuffers very little fatigueandcan

    have service lifetimes in the range ofbillions to trillions of cycles withoutbreaking. The

    basic techniques forproducing all siliconbased MEMS devices aredeposition ofmaterial

    layers, patterning of these layers by photolithography and then etching to produce the



    Even though theelectronics industry providesaneconomy ofscale forthesilicon industry,crystallinesilicon isstill acomplexand relatively expensivematerial to produce. Polymers

    on the other hand can be produced in huge volumes, with a great variety of material

    characteristics. MEMSdevicescanbemade frompolymersby processes suchas injection

    molding, embossing or stereolithography and are especially well suited to microfluidic


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    Metalscanalso beused to create MEMSelements. Whilemetalsdo nothavesome of the

    advantagesdisplayedby silicon in terms ofmechanical properties, whenused within their

    limitations, metalscanexhibit very highdegrees of reliability. Metalscanbedepositedby

    electroplating, evaporation, and sputteringprocesses.Commonly used metals include gold,

    nickel, aluminium, chromium, titanium, tungsten, platinum, andsilver.

    4 . General Design Methodology

    MEMSdesignprocessbegins with the identification ofthegeneral operatingprinciplesand

    overall structural elements, thenproceeds onto analysis and simulation, and finally ontooutlining ofthe individual steps in the fabricationprocess. This is oftenan iterativeprocess

    involvingcontinuousadjustments to the shape, structure, and fabrication steps. Thedesign

    processisnotanexactanalytical sciencebut ratherinvolvesdevelopingengineeringmodels,

    many for thepurpose of obtainingbasicphysical insights. Computer-basedsimulation tools

    using finite-elementmodelingareconvenient foranalyzingcomplexsystems. A number of

    availableprograms, suchas ANSYS

    (ANSYS, Inc., of Canonsburg, Pennsylvania) and CoventorWare (Coventor, Inc., of

    Cary, North Carolina), can simulatemechanical, thermal, and electrostatic structures. Any

    MEMSsimulationsoftwareuseseither oftwo approaches:

    4.1 System level (or behavioral or reduced order or lumped parameter) modeling:

    Thisapproachcapturesthemaincharacteristics ofa MEMSdevice. Itprovidesaquickand

    easy method to predict themainbehavior ofa MEMSdevice. The requirement is that the

    devicecanbedescribedby sets of ordinary differential equationsandnonlinear functionsata

    blockdiagram level. This approach originated fromcontrol systemengineering. Themulti

    domainproblemisavoidedsince, typically, thesimulationtoolsarephysically dimensionless

    only theuserinterpretstheinputand output ofthe variousblocksinaphysically meaningful


    4.2 Finite element modeling (FEM):

    This approach originated from mechanical engineering where it was used to predict

    mechanical responsesto a load, suchas forcesandmoments, appliedto apart. Thepartto be

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    simulated is broken down into small, discrete elements a process called meshing. Each

    element has a number of nodes and its corners at which it interacts with neighboring

    elements. Theanalysiscanbeextended to nonmechanical loads, forexample, temperature.

    Additionally, finiteelementsimulationtechniqueshavebeensuccessfully appliedto simulate

    electromagnetic fields, thermodynamicproblemssuchassqueeze filmdamping, and fluidics.

    FEM results inmore realistic simulation results than behavioral modeling, but it ismuch

    morecomputationally demandingandhenceitisdifficultto simulateentiresystems.

    5 .Fabrication Issues in MEMS

    Silicon micromachining has been a key factor for the vast progress of MEMS. Silicon

    micromachiningcomprises oftwo technologies: bulkmicromachining, in whichstructuresare

    etchedinto siliconsubstrate, andsurfacemicromachining, in whichthemicromechanical layers

    are formed from layersand filmsdeposited onthesurface. Bulkmicromachiningandsurface

    micromachiningarethetwo majormicromachiningprocesses ofsilicon; silicon waferbondingis usually necessary for silicon microfabrication. LIGA and three-dimensional (3D)

    microfabricationshavebeenused forhigh-aspect ratio and3D microstructures fabrication for


    Siliconmicromachiningcombinesadding layers ofmaterial overasilicon wafer withetching

    (selectively removingmaterial)precisepatternsinthese layers orintheunderlyingsubstrate.

    Theimplementationisbased onabroadportfolio of fabricationprocesses, includingmaterial

    deposition, patterning, and etching techniques. Lithography plays a significant role in the

    delineation ofaccurateandprecisepatterns. Thesearethetools of MEMS (see Figure 2)

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    Figure 2 Illustration ofthebasicprocess flow inmicromachining: Layersaredeposited;

    photoresistis lithographicallypatternedandthenusedasamaskto etchtheunderlying

    materials. Theprocessis repeateduntil completion ofthemicrostructure.

    5.1 Bulk micromachining of silicon: -Thebulk micromachining technique canbe divided into wet etching and dry etching of

    silicon according to thephase of etchants. Liquid etchants, almost exclusively relying onaqueous chemicals are referred to as wet etching, while vapor and plasma etchants are

    referredto asdry etching.

    Bulk micromachining is a fabrication technique which builds mechanical elements by

    starting with a silicon wafer, and then etching away unwantedparts, andbeing left with

    useful mechanical devices. Typically, the waferis

    photo patterned, leavingaprotective layer on theparts ofthe wafer that you want to keep.

    The waferisthensubmersedinto a liquidetchant, likepotassiumhydroxide, whicheatsaway

    any exposedsilicon. Thisisa relatively simpleandinexpensive fabricationtechnology, and

    is well suited forapplications whichdo not requiremuchcomplexity, and whichareprice


    Today, almost all pressure sensors are built with Bulk Micromachining. Bulk

    Micromachinedpressure sensors offer several advantages over traditional pressure sensors.

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    They cost less, are highly reliable, manufacturable, and there is very good repeatability

    between devices. All new cars on the market today have several micromachinedpressure

    sensors, typically used to measuremanifoldpressure in theengine. Thesmall sizeandhigh

    reliability of micromachined pressure sensors make them ideal for a variety of medical

    applicationsas well.

    Bulkmicromachiningisthe oldestparadigm ofsiliconbased MEMS. The wholethickness of

    a silicon wafer is used forbuilding the micro-mechanical structures.Silicon is machined

    using variousetchingprocesses. Anodicbonding ofglassplates oradditional silicon wafers

    is used for adding features in the third dimension and for hermetic encapsulation. Bulk

    micromachining has been essential in enabling high performance pressure sensors and

    accelerometersthathavechangedtheshape ofthesensorindustry inthe 80'sand 90's.

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    Figure 3 Bulksiliconmicromachining:

    (a) Isotropicetching; (b) Anisotropicetching; (c) Anisotropicetching withburiedetch-stoplayer; (d) Dielectricmembrane releasedby back-sidebulketching; (e) Dopantdependent

    wetetching. (f) Anisotropicdry etching.

    Withbulk-micromachinedsiliconmicrostructures, the wafer-bondingtechnique isnecessaryfor theassembled MEMSdevices. Surfacemicromachining, however, canbeused to build

    themonolithic MEMSdevices.

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    5.2 Surface Micromachining :-

    Surfacemicromachiningdoesnotshape thebulksiliconbut insteadbuildsstructures onthesurface ofthesiliconby depositingthin films of sacrificial layersand structural layersand

    by removingeventually thesacrificial layersto releasethemechanical structures (Figure 4).Theprimeadvantage ofsurface-micro-machinedstructures is theireasy integration with IC

    components, since the wafer isalso the working for IC elements. Surfacemicromachiningrequiresacompatibleset ofstructural materials, sacrificial materialsandchemical etchants.

    Siliconmicrostructures fabricatedby surfacemicromachining areusually planar structures(oraretwo dimensional). Othertechniquesinvolvingtheuse ofthin-filmstructural materials

    releasedby the removal ofanunderlyingsacrificial layerhavehelpedto extendconventionalsurface micromachining into the third dimension. By connectingpolysiliconplates to the

    substrate and to each other with hinges, 3D micromechanical structures canbe assembledafter release

    Figure 4.

    Processingsteps of

    typical surface micromachining

    Figure no 5 (Basic MEMS Processes.).

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    6.1 MEMS Thin Film Deposition Processes

    One ofthebasicbuildingblocks in MEMSprocessing is theability to depositthin films of

    material. In this text we assume a thin film to have a thickness anywherebetween a few

    nanometers to about 100 micrometer. The film can subsequently be locally etched using

    processesthe Lithography and Etching.

    MEMSdepositiontechnology canbeclassifiedintwo groups:

    1. Depositionsthathappenbecause ofachemical reaction:I. Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)

    II. ElectrodepositionIII. Thermal oxidation

    Theseprocessesexploitthecreation ofsolidmaterialsdirectly fromchemical reactionsingasand/or liquidcompositions or withthesubstratematerial. Thesolidmaterial isusually notthe

    only product formedby the reaction. Byproductscan includegases, liquidsandeven other


    2. Depositionsthathappenbecause ofaphysical reaction:I. Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD)

    II. CastingCommon forall theseprocessesarethatthematerial depositedisphysically moved onto the

    substrate. In other words, there is no chemical reaction which forms the material on the

    substrate. This isnotcompletely correct forcastingprocesses, though it ismoreconvenient

    to think ofthemthat way.

    Thisisby no meansanexhaustive listsincetechnologiesevolvecontinuously.

    I. Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)In thisprocess, the substrate isplaced inside a reactor to which a number of gases are


    The fundamental principle oftheprocessisthatachemical reactiontakesplacebetweenthe

    sourcegases. Theproduct ofthat reaction isasolidmaterial withcondenses onall surfaces

    insidethe reactor.

    The two most important CVD technologies in

    MEMSarethe Low Pressure CVD (LPCVD)and

    Plasma Enhanced CVD (PECVD). The LPCVD

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    processproduces layers withexcellentuniformity of thicknessandmaterial characteristics.

    Themainproblems withtheprocessarethehighdepositiontemperature (higherthan 600C)

    andthe relatively slow deposition rate.

    The PECVD processcan operateat lowertemperatures (downto 300 C)thanksto theextra

    energy suppliedto thegasmoleculesby theplasmainthe reactor.

    Figure no 6 (Diagram showing a LPCVD Reactor.).

    However, the quality of the films tends to be inferior to processes running at higher


    Secondly, most PECVD depositionsystemscan only depositthematerial on oneside ofthe

    wafers on 1 to 4 wafersatatime. LPCVD systemsdeposit films onbothsides ofat least 25

    wafersatatime. A schematicdiagram ofatypical LPCVD reactorisshownin figure 6.

    When do I want to use CVD?

    CVDprocessesareideal to use when you wantathin film withgoodstepcoverage. A variety

    ofmaterialscanbedeposited withthis technology, however, some ofthemare lesspopular

    with fabsbecause of hazardousbyproducts formed duringprocessing. The quality of the

    material varies fromprocessto process, howeveragood rule ofthumbisthathigherprocess

    temperature yieldsamaterial withhigherquality and lessdefects.

    II. Electrodeposition: -This process is also known as "electroplating" and is typically restricted to electrically

    conductive materials. There arebasically two technologies forplating: Electroplating and

    Electrolessplating. In theelectroplatingprocess the substrate isplaced ina liquid solution

    (electrolyte). When an electrical potential is applied between a conducting area on the

    substrateandacounterelectrode (usually platinum) in the liquid, achemical redoxprocess

    takesplace resultinginthe formation ofa layer ofmaterial onthesubstrateandusually some


    In the electroless plating process a more

    complex chemical solution is used, in

    whichdepositionhappensspontaneously on

    any surface which formsasufficiently high

    electrochemicalpotential withthesolution.

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    . Figure no 7(Schematic Diagram of a typical Setup for Electroplating).

    Thisprocessisdesirablesinceitdoesnot requireany external electrical potential andcontact

    to the substrate duringprocessing. Unfortunately, it is also more difficult to control with

    regards to film thickness and uniformity. A schematic diagram of a typical setup for

    electroplating is shown in the figure 7. Figure no 7(Schematic Diagram of a typical

    Setup for Electroplating).

    When do I want to use Electrodeposition ?

    Theelectrodepositionprocessis well suitedto make films ofmetalssuchascopper, goldand

    nickel? The filmscanbemade inany thickness from ~1 m to >100 m. Thedeposition is

    bestcontrolled whenused withanexternal electrical potential, however, it requireselectrical

    contactto thesubstrate when immersed inthe liquidbath. Inany process, thesurface ofthesubstratemusthaveanelectrically conductingcoatingbeforethedepositioncanbedone.

    III. Thermal oxidationThis is one ofthemostbasicdepositiontechnologies. Itissimply oxidation ofthesubstrate

    surfaceinan oxygen richatmosphere. Thetemperatureis raisedto 800 C-1100 C to speed

    up the process. This is also the only deposition

    technology which actually consumes some of thesubstrate as it proceeds. The growth of the film is

    spurned by diffusion of oxygen into the substrate,

    which means the film growth is actually downwards

    into the substrate. Figure no 8 (

    Schematic Diagram of a typical Wafer Oxidation


    As the thickness of the oxidized layer increases, the diffusion of oxygen to the substrate

    becomes more difficult leading to a parabolic relationship between film thickness and

    oxidationtime for filmsthickerthan ~100nm.

    Thisprocessisnaturally limitedto materialsthatcanbe oxidized, anditcan only form films

    thatare oxides ofthatmaterial. Thisistheclassical processusedto formsilicondioxide ona

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    siliconsubstrate. A schematicdiagram ofa typical wafer oxidation furnace isshown in the

    figure 8.

    When do I want to use thermal oxidation?

    Whenever you can! This is a simple process, which unfortunately produces films with

    somewhat limitedusein MEMScomponents.

    It is typically used to form films thatareused forelectrical insulation or thatareused for

    otherprocesspurposes laterinaprocesssequence.

    I. Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD):PVD coversanumber ofdepositiontechnologiesin whichmaterial is released fromasource

    and transferred to the substrate. The two most important technologies are evaporation and


    When do I want to use PVD?

    PVD comprises the standard technologies fordeposition ofmetals. It is farmorecommon

    than CVD formetalssince itcanbeperformedat lowerprocess riskandcheaper in regards

    to materials cost. The qualities of the films are inferior to CVD, which formetals means

    higher resistivity and forinsulatorsmoredefectsand traps. Thestepcoverage isalso notas

    goodas CVD.

    The choice of deposition method (i.e. evaporation vs. sputtering) may in many casesbe

    arbitrary, andmay dependmore on whattechnology isavailable forthespecificmaterial at


    A. EvaporationInevaporation thesubstrate isplaced insidea vacuumchamber,

    in whichablock (source) of thematerial to bedeposited isalso

    located. Thesourcematerial is thenheated to thepoint where it

    startsto boil andevaporate.

    Figure no 9 (Schematic Diagram for e-beam evaporation.).

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    The vacuum is requiredto allow themoleculesto evaporate freely inthechamber, andthey

    subsequently condense on all surfaces. This principle is the same for all evaporation

    technologies, only themethodusedto theheat (evaporate)thesourcematerial differs.

    Therearetwo popularevaporationtechnologies, whicharee-beamevaporationand resistive

    evaporationeach referringto theheatingmethod. Ine-beamevaporation, anelectronbeamis

    aimedatthesourcematerial causing local heatingandevaporation. In resistiveevaporation, a

    tungstenboat, containing the sourcematerial, is heated electrically with a high current to

    make the material evaporate. Many materials are restrictive in terms of what evaporation

    method canbe used (i.e. aluminum isquite difficult to evaporateusing resistive heating),

    which typically relates to the phase transition properties of that material. A schematicdiagram ofatypical system fore-beamevaporationisshowninthe figure9 .

    B Sputtering

    Sputteringisatechnology in whichthematerial is released fromthesourceat

    much lowertemperaturethanevaporation. Thesubstrateisplacedina vacuumchamber with

    the sourcematerial, named a target, and an inertgas (such as argon) is introduced at low

    pressure. Gasplasmaisstruckusingan RF powersource, causingthegasto becomeionized.

    The ions are accelerated towards the surface of the target, causing atoms of the sourcematerial to break off fromthetargetin vapor formandcondense onall surfacesincludingthe

    substrate. As forevaporation, thebasicprinciple ofsputtering is thesame forall sputtering

    technologies. Thedifferencestypically relateto themanorin whichtheionbombardment of

    thetargetis realized. A schematicdiagram ofatypical RF sputteringsystemisshowninthe


    Figure no 10 (Schematic Diagram of

    Sputtering System.).

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    II. CastingIn thisprocess the material to be deposited is dissolved in liquid form in a solvent. The

    material can be applied to the substrate by spraying or spinning. Once the solvent is

    evaporated, athin film ofthematerial remains onthesubstrate. Thisisparticularly useful for

    polymermaterials, whichmay beeasily dissolvedin organicsolvents, and itisthecommon

    methodused to apply photoresist to substrates (inphotolithography). The thicknesses that


    onasubstrate rangeall the way fromasinglemonolayer ofmolecules (adhesionpromotion)

    to tens ofmicrometers. In recent years, thecastingtechnology hasalso beenappliedto form

    films of glass materials on substrates. The spin castingprocess is illustrated in the figure


    When do I want to use casting?

    Casting is a simple technology which can be used for a variety of materials (mostlypolymers). Thecontrol on film thicknessdepends onexactconditions, butcanbesustained

    within +/-10% ina wide range. If youareplanningto usephotolithography you will beusing

    casting, which is an integral part of that

    technology. There are also other interesting

    materials such aspolyimide and spin-on glass

    whichcanbeappliedby casting.

    Figure no 11 (Schematic Diagram of Spin

    Casting System.).

    a) PhotolithographyLithography in MEMS context is typically the transfer of a pattern to a photosensitive

    material by selectiveexposureto a radiationsourcesuchas light. A photosensitivematerial is

    amaterial thatexperiencesachange in itsphysical properties whenexposed to a radiation

    source. Ifaphotosensitivematerial isselectively exposedto radiation (e.g. by maskingsome

    of the radiation) thepattern of the radiation on the material is transferred to thematerial

    exposed, as

    theproperties oftheexposedandunexposed regionsdiffers. Thisexposed regioncanthenbe

    removed ortreatedprovidingamask fortheunderlying

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    substrate. Photolithography istypically used withmetal or otherthin filmdeposition, wetand

    dry etching.

    b) Lithography:Pattern Transfer

    Lithography in the MEMScontext is typically the transfer ofapattern to aphotosensitive

    material by selectiveexposureto a radiationsourcesuchas light. A photosensitivematerial is

    amaterial thatexperiencesachange in itsphysical properties whenexposed to a radiation

    source. If weselectively exposeaphotosensitivematerial to radiation (e.g. by maskingsome

    of the radiation) thepattern of the radiation on the material is transferred to thematerial

    exposed, as the

    properties of the


    regions differs (asshownin figure)

    Fig 12:Transfer of a

    pattern to a



    This discussion will focus on optical lithography, which is simply lithography using a

    radiation source with wavelength(s) in the visible spectrum. In lithography for

    micromachining, thephotosensitivematerial usedistypically aphotoresist (also called resist,

    otherphotosensitivepolymersarealso used). When resistisexposedto a radiationsource of

    aspecifica wavelength, thechemical resistance ofthe resistto developersolutionchanges. If

    the resist isplaced inadevelopersolutionafterselectiveexposure to a lightsource, it will

    etchaway one ofthetwo regions (exposed orunexposed). Iftheexposedmaterial isetched

    away by thedeveloperandtheunexposed regionis resilient, thematerial isconsideredto be

    apositive resist (shown in figure 13a). Iftheexposedmaterial is resilient to thedeveloper

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    and theunexposed region isetchedaway, it isconsidered to beanegative resist (shown in

    figure 13b).

    Lithography is the principal mechanism for pattern definition in micromachining.

    Photosensitive compounds areprimarily organic, and do not encompass the spectrum of

    materialsproperties ofinterestto micro-machinists. However, asthetechnique iscapable of

    producing fine features in an economic fashion, aphotosensitive layer is often used as a

    temporary mask whenetchinganunderlying layer, so thatthepatternmay be transferredto

    the underlying layer . Photoresist may also be used as a template forpatterning material

    deposited after lithography . The resist is subsequently etched away, and the material

    deposited on the resist is "lifted off". The deposition template (lift-off) approach for

    transferringapattern from resistto another layeris lesscommonthanusingthe resistpattern

    as an etch mask. The reason for this is that resist is incompatible with most MEMSdepositionprocesses, usually becauseitcannot withstandhightemperaturesandmay actasa

    source ofcontamination

    Figure 13: a) Patterndefinitioninpositive resist , b)Patterndefinitioninnegative resist.

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    Once thepatternhasbeen transferredto another layer, the resist isusually stripped.

    Thisis oftennecessary asthe resistmay beincompatible with furthermicromachiningsteps.

    Italso makesthetopography moredramatic, whichmay hamper further lithography steps.

    c) Etching ProcessIn orderto forma functional MEMSstructure onasubstrate, itisnecessary to etchthethin

    filmspreviously deposited and/or the substrate itself. In general, there are two classes of


    1.Wetetching wherethematerial isdissolved whenimmersedinachemical solution

    2. Dry etching where thematerial is sputtered ordissolved using reactive ions or a vapor


    In the following, we will briefly discuss the mostpopular technologies for wet and dry



    Wet etchingThis is thesimplestetching technology. All it requires isacontainer witha liquidsolution

    that will dissolve the material in question. Unfortunately, there are complications since

    usually amaskisdesiredto selectively etchthematerial. Onemust findamaskthat will not

    dissolve or at least etchesmuch slower than thematerial to bepatterned. Secondly, some

    single crystal materials, such as silicon, exhibit anisotropic etching in certain chemicals.

    Anisotropic etching in contrast to isotropic etching means different etch rates in different

    directions in thematerial. Theclassicexample of this is the crystal plane sidewalls

    thatappear whenetchingahole ina silicon wafer inachemical suchaspotassium

    hydroxide (KOH). The result is a pyramid shaped hole instead of a hole with rounded

    sidewalls witha isotropicetchant. Theprinciple ofanisotropicand isotropic wetetching is



    Figure no 14 (Difference between Isotropic and

    Anisotropic Etching).

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    sidewalls. Theprimary technology isbased ontheso-called "Boschprocess", namedafterthe

    Germancompany Robert Bosch which filedthe originalpatent, wheretwo differentgas

    compositionsarealternatedinthe reactor. The firstgascompositioncreatesapolymer onthe

    surface ofthesubstrate, andthesecondgascompositionetchesthesubstrate. Thepolymeris

    immediately sputteredaway by thephysical part of theetching, but only on thehorizontal

    surfacesandnotthesidewalls. Sincethepolymer only dissolves very slowly inthechemical

    part oftheetching, itbuildsup onthesidewallsandprotectsthem frometching. Asa result,

    etchingaspect ratios of 50 to 1 canbeachieved. Theprocesscaneasilybeusedto etch

    completely throughasiliconsubstrate, andetch ratesare3-4timeshigherthan wetetching.

    Sputteretchingisessentially RIE without reactiveions. Thesystemsusedare very similarin

    principle to sputtering deposition systems. The big difference is that substrate is now

    subjectedto theionbombardmentinstead ofthematerial targetusedinsputterdeposition.

    Vapor phase etching is another dry etching method, which can be done with simplerequipment than what RIE requires. In thisprocess the wafer to beetched isplaced insidea

    chamber, in which one ormoregasesareintroduced. Thematerial to beetchedisdissolvedat

    the surface in a chemical reaction with the gasmolecules. The two most common vapor

    phase etching technologies are silicon dioxide etching using hydrogen fluoride (HF) and


    xenondiflouride (XeF2), both of whichareisotropicinnature. Usually, caremustbetakenin

    thedesign ofa vaporphaseprocessto nothavebi-products forminthechemical reactionthat

    condense onthesurfaceandinterfere withtheetchingprocess.

    When do I want to use dry etching?

    The firstthing youshouldnoteaboutthistechnology isthatitisexpensiveto runcompared

    to wet etching. If you are concerned with feature resolution in thin film structures or you

    need vertical sidewalls fordeepetchingsinthesubstrate, youhaveto considerdry etching. If

    youareconcernedabouttheprice of yourprocessanddevice, youmay wantto minimizethe

    use of dry etching. The IC industry has long since adopted dry etching to achieve small

    features, butinmany cases featuresizeisnotascritical in MEMS. Dry etchingisanenabling

    technology, whichcomesatasometimeshighcost.

    Integrated MEMS Technologies

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    Since MEMSdevicesarecreated with the same toolsused to create integratedcircuits, in

    some cases it is actually possible to fabricate Micromachines and Microelectronics on the

    samepiece ofsilicon. Fabricatingmachinesand transistors sideby sideenablesmachines

    thatcanhave intelligence. A number ofexcitingproductsarealready takingadvantage of


    7 . Applications of MEMS

    Herearesomeexamples of MEMStechnology:

    7.1. Pressure Sensors

    MEMS pressure microsensors typically have a flexible diaphragm that deforms in the

    presence of a pressure difference. The deformation is converted to an electrical signal

    appearing at the sensor output. A pressure sensor canbe used to sense the absolute air

    pressure within the intake manifold of an automobile engine, so that the amount of fuel

    required for each engine cylinder can be computed. In this example, piezoresistors are

    patternedacrosstheedges ofa region whereasilicondiaphragm will bemicromachined. The

    substrateisetchedto createthediaphragm. Thesensordieisthenbondedto aglasssubstrate,


    Figure no 15


    showing a




    Sensor .).


    cavity under

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    the diaphragm. The die is mounted on apackage, where the topside of the diaphragm is

    exposed to the environment. The change in ambient pressure forces the downward

    deformation of thediaphragm, resulting inachange of resistance of thepiezoresistors. On-

    chipelectronicsmeasurethe resistancechange, whichcausesacorresponding voltagesignal

    to appearatthe outputpin ofthesensorpackage .

    7.2. Accelerometers

    Accelerometersareaccelerationsensors. Aninertial masssuspendedby springsisactedupon

    by acceleration forces that cause the mass to be deflected from its initial position. This

    deflection is converted to an electrical signal, which appears at the sensor output. Theapplication of MEMStechnology to accelerometersisa relatively new development.

    Figure no 16

    (MEMS Application in Automobile, showing various MEMS

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    One such accelerometer design isdiscussedby DeVoe and Pisano (2001) . It is a surface

    micromachined piezoelectric accelerometer employing a zinc oxide (ZnO) active

    piezoelectric film. Thedesign isasimplecantileverstructure, in which thecantileverbeam

    servessimultaneously asproofmassandsensingelement. One ofthe fabricationapproaches

    developed isasacrificial oxideprocessbased onpolysiliconsurfacemicromachining, with

    theaddition ofapiezoelectric layeratopthepolysilicon film. Inthesacrificial oxideprocess,

    apassivation layer of silicon dioxide and low-stress silicon nitride is deposited on abare

    silicon wafer, followedby 0.5 micron of liquidphase chemical vapor deposited (LPCVD)

    phosphorous-dopedpolysilicon. Then, a 2.0-micron layer ofphosphosilicateglass (PSG) is

    depositedby LPCVD andpatternedto define regions wheretheaccelerometerstructure will

    beanchoredto thesubstrate. The PSG filmactsasasacrificial layerthatisselectively etchedattheendto freethemechanical structures. A second layer of 2.0-micron-thickphosphorus-

    dopedpolysilicon is deposited via LPCVD on top of the PSG, andpatternedby plasma

    etching to define themechanical accelerometer structure. This layeralso actsas the lower

    electrode forthesensing film. A thin layer ofsiliconnitride isnextdepositedby LPCVD,

    andactsasastress-compensation layer forbalancingthehighly compressive residual stresses

    in the ZnO film. By varying the thickness of theSi3N4 layer, the accelerometer structure

    may betunedto control bendingeffects resulting fromthestressgradientthroughthedevice

    thickness. A ZnO layer isthendeposited onthe order of 0.5 micron, followedby sputtering

    ofa 0.2-micron layer ofplatinum (Pt)depositedto formtheupperelectrode. A rapidthermal

    anneal isperformedto reduce residual stressesinthesensing film. Afterwards, the Pt, Si3N4,

    and ZnO layers arepatterned in a single ion milling etch step, and the devices are then

    releasedby passivating the ZnO film withphotoresist, and immersing the wafer inbuffered

    hydrofluoricacid, which removesthesacrificial PSG layer .

    7.3. Inertial Sensors

    Inertial sensorsareatype ofaccelerometerandare one oftheprincipal commercial products

    that utilize surface micromachining. They are used as airbag-deployment sensors in

    automobiles, andastilt orshocksensors. Theapplication oftheseaccelerometersto inertial

    measurementunits (IMUs) is limitedby theneed to manually alignandassemblethem into

    three-axissystems, andby the resultingalignmenttolerances, their lack ofin-chipanalog-to-

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    Figure no 17 (Figure Showing BIO MEMS Devices.).

    A recently developed MicroStar cross-connect fabric developedby Bell Labs , a micro-

    optoelectromechanical systemdevice, isbased on MEMS technology. Themostpervasive

    bottlenecks for communications carriers are the switching and cross-connect fabrics that

    switch, route, multiplex, demultiplex, and restore traffic in optical networks. The optical

    transmissionsystemsmove informationasphotons, butswitchingandcross-connect fabrics

    until now havebeen largely electronic, requiring costly and time-consumingbandwidth-

    limiting optical-to-electronic-to-optical conversions at every network connection and cross

    point. MicroStar iscomposed of 256 mirrors, each one 0.5 mm indiameter, spaced 1 mm

    apart, andcovering lessthan 1 squareinch ofsilicon. Themirrorssit withinthe routerso that

    only one wavelength can illuminate any onemirror. Eachmirrorcan tilt independently to

    passits wavelengthto any of 256 inputand output fibers. Themirrorarraysaremadeusinga

    self-assembly processthatcausesa framearoundeachmirrorto lift fromthesiliconsurface

    and lock in place, positioning the mirrors high enough to allow a range of movement.

    MicroStar ispart of Lucent Technology's Lambda Router cross-connect system aimed at

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    helping carriers deliver vast amounts of data unimpeded by conventional bottlenecks.

    Figure no 18 (Figure Showing Pressure Sensor Belt on Jet Planes.).

    As a final example, MEMS technology has been used in fabricating vaporization

    microchambers for vaporizing liquidmicrothrusters fornanosatellites. Thechamberispart of

    amicrochannel withaheight of 2-10 microns, madeusingsiliconandglasssubstrates. The

    nozzle is fabricated in the silicon substrate just above a thin-film indium tin oxide heater

    deposited onglass.

    Amongthepresently availableuses of MEMS orthoseunderstudy are:

    Global positionsystemsensorsthatcanbeincluded withcourierparcels forconstanttrackingandthatcanalso senseparcel treatmenten route

    Sensorsbuilt into the fabric ofanairplane wingso that itcansenseand react to airflow by changing the wing surface resistance; effectively creatingamyriad of tiny

    wing flaps

    Optical switching devices that can switch light signals over differentpaths at 20-nanosecondswitchingspeeds

    Sensor-drivenheatingandcoolingsystemsthatdramatically improveenergy savings

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    Buildingsupports with imbeddedsensorsthatcanalterthe flexibility properties ofamaterial based onatmosphericstresssensing


    Each of the three basic microsystems technology processes we have seen, bulk

    micromachining, sacrificial surfacemicromachining, andmicromoldingemploysadifferent

    set of capital and intellectual resources. MEMS manufacturing firms must choose which

    specificmicrosystemsmanufacturingtechniquesto investin .

    MEMStechnology hasthepotential to change ourdaily livesasmuchasthecomputerhas.

    However, the material needs of the MEMS field are at apreliminary stage. A thorough

    understanding of the properties of existing MEMS materials is just as important as the

    development ofnew MEMSmaterials.Future MEMSapplications will bedrivenbyprocessesenablinggreater functionality through

    higher levels of electronic-mechanical integration and greater numbers of mechanical

    components workingalone ortogether to enableacomplexaction. Future MEMSproducts

    will demandhigher levels ofelectrical-mechanical integrationandmore intimateinteraction

    with the physical world. The high up-front investment costs for large-volume

    commercialization of MEMS will likely limit theinitial involvementto largercompanies in

    the IC industry. Advancing fromtheirsuccessassensors, MEMSproducts will beembedded

    in larger non-MEMS systems, such as printers, automobiles, and biomedical diagnostic

    equipment, and will enablenew andimprovedsystems .



    2. SEARCH ENGINES ONLINE ENCLYOPEDIA MICROMACHINE DEVICES.5. M. Mehregany andS. Roy, Introductionto MEMS, 2000, Microengineering

    AerospaceSystems, El Segundo, CA, Aerospace Press, AIAA, Inc., 1999.

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    6. M. Mehregany, K. J. Gabriel, and W. S. N. Trimmer, Integrated fabrication ofpolysiliconmechanisms, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices ED-35, 719-723

    (June 1988).

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