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Time OrganizationMain Task (Music Magazine)

WEEK 2 Work Started on the Main

Task (Music Magazine Front Cover Page, Contents Page & Double Spread Sheet)

Research done with the help of using Internet & going to several book stores and music stores in search for music magazines.

WEEK 3 Organized all my research

and information. Music magazines cover

pages searched on the internet.

Important notes made and several rough sketches drawn.

Photography (photo shooting) done. Over 50 pictures taken.

Started to make first cover page model for the music magazine using Adobe Indesign CS4.

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WEEK 4 Photographs selected which are to be

used in the music magazine. Photographs brightness and contrast

adjust by using Windows Photo Gallery. Photographs cropped by using

Windows Photo Gallery and resized by using Adobe Indesign CS4.

Different fonts downloaded from for the text to be used in the music magazine.

Barcode image downloaded from the internet and place on the cover page image using Adobe Indesign CS4.

Colour (temperature, tint & saturation) of the images adjust by using Windows Photo Gallery.

Work started on the music magazine cover page and the contents page with the use of Adobe Indesign CS4.

Text placed on both the cover page and the contents page. For example, Title “ROCK N ROLL”.

Cover Page and Contents Page completed in 2 days.

Work started on the music magazine double spread sheet with the use of Adobe Indesign CS4.

Each image placed in a separate layer.

Brightness and contrast of images adjust again.

Different effects used such as the black and white effect while using the camera to take the photograph used in the second page of the double spread sheet.

Text placed on the double spread sheet.

Double Spread Sheet completed in 2 days.

Final adjustments made to the Cover Page, Content Page & Double Spread Sheet.

Cover Page, Content Page & Double Spread Sheet uploaded on Facebook.

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Initial Research (Cover Pages)

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Initial Research (Double Spread Sheet)

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Magazine cover pages and double spread sheets shown in the previous slides were some of those I found on the internet.

The magazine covers I found mainly had an image of a famous artist or a band with eye catching taglines and cover lines. These magazine were all very attractive and were mainly aiming the younger audience around the age of 16-22.

All magazine covers used a range of different colours and fonts in their magazine. All images were eye catching and were clear.

My research included magazines such as The Rolling Stones, NME, Q magazine, KERRANG!, Vibe, Metal Hammer and Rock Sound. Among these magazine I found KERRANG! And NME most attractive and enjoyable to read.

Initial Research

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IDEAS FOR THE COVER PAGE Inspired by magazines like NME

and KERRANG! I decided to make my magazine cover similar to them.

For the background I decided to have bright colours so that the subject (the model) can be in more focus.

I wanted the image of the model to be sharp and eye catching so that it could appeal to the target audience.

I thought that the title for the magazine to be “ROCK N ROLL” as it being simple.

Also my magazine is not targeting any particular genre of music.


For the background colour I decided it to be white as it will look simple.

Four original photographs of the featuring band were used (included in the photo shoots were photographs of three friends of mine).

These pages include the band interview, on how the band started and about their success and music albums, taken by me.

Initial Research

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Through research I came to the knowledge that more males preferred buying music magazines than females. I also found out that people aged from 16-24 years preferred reading music magazines.

Research also proved that the audience are attracted by the front covers, contents, pictures and featured articles of their favourite artists in a magazine.

I also came to know that good front covers, clear images, catchy taglines and free stuff inside a magazine are essential to attract audience.

Mostly the audience want to buy a magazine at a good affordable price. The audience want the music magazine to be worth their money and they don’t want it to be cheap or way too expensive.

The audience look for the product quality. The audience are more likely to buy a music magazine featuring

their favourite artist or band. Research also showed that teenagers are more likely to buy a

music magazine.

Research Evaluation

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Resource List

Mentioned below are the list of resources available to me while making the music magazine.

Adobe Indesign CS4 Adobe Photoshop Samsung 10.2 megapixel digital camera Microsoft Paint Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Microsoft Publisher Windows Photo Gallery Internet (downloaded fonts from and used for

research and information on different music magazines) Music Magazines such as NME, KERRANG! Etc Newspaper articles on artists and music bands. Laptop Models

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PhotographyBelow shown are some of the photographs taken on the photo shoot.

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Some of my early work and designs of how the magazine should look like.

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More work and designs.

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Above shown is some of my work on the double spread sheet. I chose white background and continued with the same numbering of the pages pattern.

Both coloured and black & white images were used to attract the audience and text (the interview) was later placed on the double spread sheet.

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Final Magazine Cover Page and Contents Page

From Left to Right: Magazine Cover Page and Contents Page.

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Final Double Spread Sheet

Above shown is my final double spread sheet after placing the text (interview) and adjusting all images used in the pages. Images were edited in Windows

Photo Gallery.

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Making of My Final Magazine Cover Page

Original Image. Image after adjusting the colour

(temperature, tint and saturation) and the


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Making of My Final Magazine Cover Page

Adjusting image colour (temperature, tint and saturation) and the brightness (exposure and contrast) by using Windows Photo Gallery.

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Making of My Final Magazine Cover Page

Text and barcode image placed in different layers on the cover page image as shown above while using Adobe Indesign CS4.

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Stages of My Double Spread Sheet

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Stages of My Double Spread Sheet

Final Double Spread Sheet after placing all the text needed and


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Evaluation1. In what ways does your music magazine use, develop or challenge

forms and convention of existing music magazines?

My music magazine cover conforms to the conventions of existing music magazines, as the layout is similar to most of the music magazines. Different coloured text is used so that the cover does not look over bearing. The layout of my magazine cover challenges the existing as it is very basic and simple with dark colours which gives it a distinctive appeal and distinguishes if from other magazines. The masthead (title) is on the top while the image of the model is on the left hand side, all of these conform to the typical media conventions.

2. How does your music magazine present a particular social group?

My media product represents a social group of teenagers and young adults. I think I have achieved this through usage of different images, layout and informal language that I have used. Also my music magazine divides social groups through gender and age. With the use of young artist image on the front cover and an article of young band featuring inside the magazine I think I have through out the product targeted a young audience.

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Evaluation3. What kind of music institution might distribute your music magazine and why?

Many institutions can be used to distribute my music magazine. Mainly retail outlets, music stores, book stores and game stores. They can attract more and new customers who may come for the magazine but may end up buying other products/items available to them as well as the outlet will experience an overall increase in their sales. This could be a good investment in distributing and selling the music magazine.

4. Who is the audience for your music magazine?

It is appealing to younger audience (16-24 years) as my model is of the same age group as the audience to whom the magazine is aimed at. Through research I also came to the knowledge that more males preferred buying a music magazines. And audience of the age ranging from 16-24 years were more likely to buy a music magazine than others.

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Evaluation5. How did you attract/address your target audience?

I have used many different fonts and colours for the masthead (title), tagline and cover lines to attract the audience. A clear bright image of a model is used to attract the audience as well. I have added many effects using Windows Photo Gallery and Adobe Indesign CS4 which gave the magazine a unique distinctive eye catching look. The price of the magazine is pretty cheap and affordable to the audience as the price is based on my research and most of the audience preferred a price in the region of PKR. 20. Also my magazine includes free stuff inside such as a sample music CD, poster of the featuring band, consists a lot of images from concerts and music concert guides through which audiences are attracted.6. What have you learned about technologies from the process of

constructing the product?

This project has been very useful to me as I learned a lot from it. I have learnt a lot of new Adobe Indesign CS4 techniques for example the using the pen tool, creating different layers, how to put effects, and placing the text. I have learnt how to adjust the colour (temperature, tint and saturation) and exposure (brightness and contrast) of an image while using Windows Photo Gallery.

I also learnt the way on how a magazine is structured, why things are where they are and why it helps to attract audience and also the importance of appealing of the target audience. I learnt how to take better photographs by different angles of shots and discovered that importance of internet for research.

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Evaluation7. What do you feel you have learnt in the progression from the preliminary task to the full product?

I think my preliminary task has helped me a lot in creating my final product. One of the major factor that my preliminary task helped was time management, for example, when to organise images and time needed to edit them. I using plain backgrounds for my images which were easy to edit.

Although my preliminary task helped with the time management I have also had to learn many new things which were not covered in the preliminary task. I learnt how to use Adobe Indesign CS4 which helped me great time for my final product. I also learnt how to put effects and graphics on images. I learnt how to do better photography and get good quality images.

With my research I learnt many new things on how to make a magazine, what sort of fonts to be used, how images to be used and a lot more. Overall I think I have gained a lot of knowledge and experience and have improved significantly since my preliminary task. And I think I have created a much more professional and creative product similar to the popular famous magazines.

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