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Official Publication of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia


Ascension Manor Celebrates Grand Reopening

Historic Affordable Housing for SeniorsGets Updated for the 21st Century

Philadelphia, Oct. 15 – TheUkrainian Catholic Archdiocese ofPhiladelphia, along with itsdevelopment partner, TheMichaels Organization, todayhosted a grand reopening anddedication ceremony of the newlyrevitalized Ascension Manor, alandmark affordable housingcommunity in North Philadelphiathat the Archdiocese has ownedfor the past four decades, whichhas undergone a completemodernization.

The $11 million dollar renovationeffort initiated by the Archdiocese and the board of directors of Ascension Manor enabled substantial capitalimprovements to the buildings and its major systems as well as renovations to individual units, while ensuringthe community will remain as affordable housing for seniors and those with disabilities long into the future.

The Most Reverend Stefan Soroka, Archbishop of Philadelphia for Ukrainians Metropolitan of UkrainianCatholics in the U.S., and President of the Ascension Manor Board, led the community celebration, whichincluded a ribbon-cutting, a formal blessing of the Towers and a picnic for residents, their families, and theneighborhood.

“We’ve added more common open space, furnished in such a manner that it would encourage residents togather and socialize with one another,” said Archbishop Soroka, adding that one of his primary objectives wasto revitalize the communal aspects of the Ascension Towers.

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“The new computer lab, craft and exercise rooms, and a meditationroom all are aimed at residents enjoying and sharing activities with oneanother,” the Archbishop said. “We are excited about the life-givingatmosphere that has been created for the residents.”

The Archdiocese first built Ascension Manor Tower in 1967 so thatelderly residents of this traditional Ukrainian neighborhood in NorthPhiladelphia could stay near family, friends, and their church. A secondtower was added in 1977. The two high-rises now serve almost 300seniors and individuals with disabilities from all ethnic and culturalbackgrounds.

Working with The Michaels Organization’s Continental Mortgage Corp., the Archdiocese was able torefinance two previous loans from The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) with a newloan insured under HUD’s 221(d)(4) Substantial Rehabilitation program. The refinance generated enoughfunding for the Archdiocese to make significant capital improvements to the building systems, and to transformthe community rooms, common areas, and residential units. The renovation began in July 2010.

“We are so proud to be partners with the Archdioceseon the revitalization of this property, which is such animportant landmark in North Philadelphia,” said JamesMiller, senior vice president of Continental MortgageCorp., Miller credited the vision of the Board as wellas the support of HUD for making the modernizationpossible. “At a time when the need for affordablehousing is great, but finding affordable housing is sodifficult, preserving the affordability of Ascension Manorwhile ensuring that the improvements allow the residentsto live in a modern comfortable environment iswonderful for the city,” Miller said.

Continental Mortgage Corp. is part of The Michaels Organization, a family of companies dedicated toexcellence in affordable housing. Its sister company, Interstate Realty Management, has provided propertyand asset management services to Ascension Manor for years. After arranging for the refinance, ContinentalMortgage Group acted as the developer for the renovation.

About Ascension Manor: Ascension Manor is a non-profit senior citizen apartment project of the UkrainianCatholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Ascension Manor has two apartment buildings that are located oneblock away from the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.

About The Michaels Organization: Continental Mortgage Corp., Michaels Development Company andInterstate Realty Management are part of The Michaels Organization, a family of companies dedicated toexcellence in affordable, mixed-income, student, and military housing. Michaels Development is the numberone private-sector affordable housing owner in the country and in 2010 was named The Multifamily DevelopmentFirm of the Year by the National Association of Home Builders. Interstate Realty Management is an award-winning property and asset management company known for its industry-leading supportive services programs.

Ascension Manor Celebrates Grand Reopening(continued from previous page)

James Miller

Metropolitan Stefan and VeryRev. Archpriest John Fields

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3October 23, 2011

Ascension Manor Celebrates Grand Reopening

David Brawer, Architect John Siwak, ManagerAscension Manor

Peter Wikarczuk, SuperintendentAscension Manor

Lisa Scardigli, President ofAscension Manor's

Resident's Association

Watch videos from Ascension Manor'sGrand Reopening on our Blog

Pictures of aone bedroomapartment inAscensionManor II.

Mummers playing in the lobby ofAscension Manor I.

Flag Gardenrepresentingnationalitiesof residents.

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4October 23, 2011

Ascension Manor Celebrates Grand Reopening

Fishtank and Pool Table

Artwork in the Lobby


Flowers inthe lobby.

Missionary Sisters andfriends on a tour.

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5October 23, 2011






Philadelphia, PA6:00PM – 9:00PM

Tickets are $100.00All proceeds go to the Resurrection Sobor in Kyiv

Round-trip transportation provided

No tickets will be sold at the doorTickets are available by mail from the

Chancery or by Paypal on theArcheparchy website:

www.ukrarcheparchy.usDeadline is November 7th

Come and spend time visiting theLeader of Our Church

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6October 23, 2011

Strategy for Developing UGCC for next 10 years:‘Living parish – meeting place with living Christ’

“Lord God instructed thechurch to fulfill the missionof preaching the goodnews, that is,evangel izat ion. TheUkrainian Greek CatholicChurch as an integral partof the Ecumenical Churchalso participates in themission,” said the head ofthe UGCC, PatriarchSviatoslav, in hisintroductory address at apress conference at UNIANon October 5, 2011, ashe talked about thestrategy for developing theUGCC for the period until2020.

According to the hierarch,to fulfill the mission of thechurch, the bishopsdecided to define thestrategy of activity of thechurch for the comingyears as clearly aspossible. To simplify theimplementation of theproject and to bettermonitor its course, aperiod of ten years wasdetermined.

“The parish, led by thelocal bishop who is thesymbol of unity within it, isthe main component ofthe process ofevangelization. For it is inthe parish that the believersusually have their firstencounters with Christei ther through theparticipation in the Divine

Liturgy on Sunday orthrough a baptism,wedding or funeral,” saidthe head of UGCC as hetalked about the rationalof the strategy, namely, theliving parish.

“The development of theparish community shouldbe our priority. By fosteringand reviving communitieswe foster and vivify thewhole Church,” stressedPatriarch Sviatoslav.

The Synod of Bishops,according to the patriarch,decided to concentrate theefforts of the whole churchon developing the livingparish, which is “the bestmeans to achieve thegoals of evangelization.”“The living and open

parish will bring closer toChrist both those whopractice the faith regularlyand those who do soseldom (on Christmas andEaster) or do not do so atall,” explained PatriarchSviatoslav.

UGCC’s Strategy forDevelopment for the nextten years includes thefollowing components ofa living parish:

Leadership – the priest,religious and laity workingtogether, building a parishas a meeting place withthe living Christ.

Liturgy – the faithful prayto God and grow in Hisgrace.

Catechesis – the faithfulobtain knowledge abouttheir faith and Church.

Koinonia – the faithfulbuild the community.

Diaconia – the faithful gobeyond the parish to serveothers.

Missiology – the faithfulevangelize to others,inviting them to life inChrist.

Only once each of thesecomponents is reachedand implemented, says HisBeatitude Sviatoslav, willthe UGCC strategy fordevelopment be realized.

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The Synod of Bishops,which took place in Brazilon September 5-11,approved a Strategy forDeveloping the UGCC forthe period until 2020. Atlast year’s synod, held in2010 in Lviv, a workinggroup was created toformulate a vision for theUGCC for the next tenyears. This group includesbishops, who wereauthorized on behalf of thesynod to present a visionof the UGCC. Thus another

Strategy for Developing UGCC for next 10 years:‘Living parish – meeting place with living Christ’

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group was created that hasdeveloped the appropriatemechanisms to achieve thisgoal.

In light of the acceptedstrategy, the hierarchy andpastors will focus theirattention on the practicingmembers of the church (tofurther involve them in themission of the church) andon those who for variousreasons have moved awayfrom the church or whohave yet to have the

occasion to know JesusChrist.

To implement the adoptedstrategy, the Synod ofBishops appointed aworking group for itsimplementation, headed byBishop Ken (Novakovskyi),Eparch of NewWestminster. And eachdiocesan bishop in hisdiocese will appoint in hiseparchy/exarchate aperson who will join theworking group and

coordinate theimplementation of theUGCC strategy in thediocese.

UGCC InformationDepartment

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Come and Get to Know Your Clergy And Religious Men and Women!

Rev. Volodymyr Klanichka

Pastor of St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church, Wilmington, DE, and St. Basil Ukrainian Catholic

Church, Chesapeake City, MD

Training Grounds (Part 1)

If you hang around priests long enough, you might be lucky to hear a story or two about their days in seminary. Almost every priest has one or two funny or outrageous stories about their time of preparation and formation for the priesthood. In a way, stories about seminary are kind of like the war or sea stories veterans are apt to tell about their experiences at boot camp or officer candidate school. Seminary is the primary training ground for priests, providing a thorough formation in philosophy and theology, as well as giving the aspiring candidate tools on how to pastorally deal with people and counsel them, how to grow and mature as their own person, and finally how to deepen their relationship with God. These four dimensions help lay the foundation for a man to fully develop as a competent teacher of the Word of God, as well as to be a caring and loving doctor of wounded souls. They also help form the man to grow and mature personally in the light of Christ and live out a spiritual life as a disciple of God who shares a deep and intimate connection with Him. It is literally a spiritual “boot camp” that trains men to be well grounded servants of God and His Church. Some days are joyful, some days are plain awful, some are even downright strange or hilarious. Some days involve work and labor to maintain the seminary, some involve assignments to work with the sick or poor. Every day involves prayer, liturgy, sharing meals together, and of course, everyone’s favorite chore, study! It is the crucible that forms men into priests. (to be continued).

Rev. Paul J. Makar

Icon of the Nativity of John the Baptist, Author unknown,

Perhaps you feel that God may be calling you to service in His Church?

If you would like to discuss God’s call to a

vocation in your life, do not hesitate to contact:

Rev. Paul J. Makar Director of Vocations

Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia 827 North Franklin Street

Philadelphia, PA 19123-2097

Phone: 1-215-627-0143 Fax: 1-215-627-0377

E-mail: [email protected]

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9October 23, 2011

Respecting the Past, Celebrating the Present,Welcoming the Future: Eightieth Annual Pilgrimage of the

Sisters of the Order of Saint Basil the GreatHundreds of

pilgrims gathered on thegrounds of theMotherhouse of the Sistersof the Order of Saint Basilthe Great on Sunday,October 2, 2011 to honorthe Mother of God.Scores of children fromPlast, SUM and SaintJosaphat UkrainianCatholic School joined theSisters, Clergy andHierarchy in the processionand at the celebration ofthe Divine Liturgy.

This Eight iethAnnual Pilgrimage wasspecial since it was incommemoration of theSister’s 100th year inAmerica. This wasreflected in the theme:“Respecting the Past,Celebrating the Present,Welcoming the Future:100 Years under theProtection of the Motherof God (Pokrov).

The day beganwith the celebration of theHierarchical Divine Liturgyconcelebrated byArchbishop of UkrainianCatholics in Philadelphia,Stefan Soroka, the Bishopof the Stamford Eparchy,Bishop Paul Chomnycky,OSBM and the Provincialof the Basilian Father,Reverend Philip Sandrick,OSBM. In his homily, (continued on next page)

Archbishop Sorokaweaving in the Gospelstory of Martha and Mary,the role of a pilgrim andthe contribution the Sistershave made to theUkrainian Church inAmerica reminded usthat…An importantcharacteristic of everypilgrim is to celebrategrat i tude. God hasprovided richly forUkrainian Catholics in theUSA throughout these past100 years. Our BasilianSisters have taught andguided our children, ouryouth, and our faithful.Huge unknown sacrificeshave been made in theirgenerous response toGod’s invitation to serve.We all are beneficiaries oftheir ministry, of their love.

His Grace furtherwent on to inspire thepilgrims to…Choose to bevibrant teachers of faith.Speak to your children andyour loved ones aboutyour faith. Tell others ofhow important faith is foryou personally. Celebrateyour faith with your lovedones. We are all pilgrimsin a shared journey of faith.We need one another.

A very touchingmoment occurred beforethe Divine Liturgy whenArchbishop Stefan blessed

the Centennial Icons ofSaint Basil and SaintMacrina which werewritten by Daria Kulchytky.Simultaneously severalmembers of SUM came

forward to have the iconsmade by their handsblessed by the Archbishop.

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Respecting the Past, Celebrating the Present,Welcoming the Future: Eightieth Annual Pilgrimage of the

Sisters of the Order of Saint Basil the Great(continued from previous page)

Sister Dorothy AnnBusowski, OSBM,Provincial of the Sisters ofthe Order of Saint Basilthe Great, Jesus, Lover ofHumanity Provincewelcomed the pilgrims withthe invitation to visit fourspecial s i tes on thegrounds relating to thehistory of the Province.Each pilgrim received a“passport” which was tobe stamped at each of thesites – the Motherhouse,Macrina Hall (the originalMotherhouse), Holy TrinityChapel and the Shrine ofPochayev. Sister’s wordsalso included an act offorgiveness on the part ofthe Sisters with thefollowing words: “TheSisters walk with you andpray with you today ingratitude for the many

graces receivedthroughout the 100 years.We also turn to you andask your forgiveness if inany way you carry a hurtwithin your heart fromsomething we may havedone or failed to do foryou. We likewise turn toyou and forgive you aswe enter into our next 100years.”

In the afternoonVery Rev. Ivan Demkiv andVery Rev. Archpriest DanielTroyan spoke on threemiraculous icons fromUkraine. The three iconshighlighted by the talkwere from Zarvanytsia,Pochaiv and Hoshiv.

The day concludedwith a Moleben to theMother of God celebratedby His Grace, ArchbishopSoroka, clergy from theArchepachy andseminarians. ReverendIhor Royik fromAnnunciat ion Parishdelivered a touchinghomily on “Our Lady ofProtect ion” (Pokrov) .Pilgrims, along with thestudents from Saint BasilAcademy who attended,were sent away with thetraditional anointing ofhealing.

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A Special, One-Time Only Conference

The Temporal Aspects of

Managing Church Institutions

Vision, Mission and Strategic Planning:

Developing a Roadmap for Success

Managing People, Property and Resources

Stewardship: Fundraising in Today’s Environment

INTRODUCTION TO People and Institutions that can help YOU

Keynote SpeakerKerry Robinson, Executive Director of the

National Leadership Roundtable on Church Management

Conference is FREE but you must register to attend.

Friday, November 4, 2011

9:00am – 5:15pmLunch Provided

Conference in English and Ukrainian

Basilian Spirituality Center

710 Fox Chase Road

Fox Chase Manor, PA 19046

For more information and to register, contact

The Sisters of the Order of Saint Basil the Great Development Office

at (215) 379-3998 or [email protected]

Funding Provided by an Anonymous Donor

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Rev. Paul J. Makar who is the Director of Vocations at the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphiahas been traveling to parishes in the Archeparchy to offer a Homily based on the theme of Vocations. OnOctober 9th he offered his Vocations Homily at the Cathedral.

Watch video of his Homily on our blog at .

If you would like to discuss God’s call to a vocationin your life, do not hesitate to contact:

Rev. Paul J. MakarDirector of VocationsUkrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia827 North Franklin StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19123-2097Phone: 1-215-627-0143Fax: 1-215-627-0377E-mail: [email protected]

Saint Martyr Paraskeva (October 28)Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Canaanitewoman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercyon me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.” Jesus did notanswer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, “Send her away, forshe keeps crying out after us.” He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep ofIsrael.” The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said. Hereplied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” “Yesit is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’stable.” Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request isgranted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment. (Ìt. 15, 21-28)

Saint martyr Paraskevawas born and lived inIconia (Asia Minor). Herparents were Christians.They especially honoredFriday - the day of theweek, when the Lordsuffered on the Cross,saving and atoning thewhole mankind. Theirdaughter was born onFriday too. The parentsnamed her Paraskeva,which means in GreekFriday. But this word

means in Greek also«preparation», and St.Paraskeva was preparedto suffer for Christ.

She refuted all theearthly joy. She remaineda virgin and dedicatedherself to God andpeople, helping all whowere in need and suffered.In the beginning of the 4-th c. the persecutionsagainst Christ iansrenewed. St. Paraskeva

was one of the first victims.She was weak in her bodybut strong in her spirit; thehumble maiden stood allthe tortures of heathens.The Angel of the Lordcame to her in the prison.He brought her thepassions tools of the Lord(the cross, the spear andthe hyssop with a sponge).Having kissed them, themartyr was healedcompletely.

After that, she wastortured again and thenbeheaded. The Christiansvenerate this Saint ashealing from wounds, fromleprosy and from evilpassions. St. Paraskevawas considered as aprotector of trade, becausethe merchant day wasFriday.

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Good People Most royal greening verdancy, rooted in the sun, you shine with radiant

light, in this circle of earthly existence you shine so finely it surpasses understanding

God hugs you You are encircled by the arms of the mystery of God


B A S I L I A N S P I R I T U A L I T Y C E N T E R Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great

Celebrating 100 Years in America

710 Fox Chase Road / Fox Chase Manor, PA 19046 215.780.1227

[email protected]


We will consider the eight stages of our lives, see how the hurts we inevitably suffer during these times can be continuously healed through prayer. There will be an opportunity for individual prayer and anointing.


Sister Judith, OSBM. received a Bachelor of Education Degree from Villanova University, a Master’s Degree in Education from Duquesne University and is a graduate of the School of Spiritual Direction from the Cenacle of Divine Providence of Clearwater, Florida in conjunction with the University of Stuebenville, Ohio.


7:00 – 9:00 PM REGISTER BY:

NOVEMBER 21, 2011 DONATION: $20.00



City: State: Zip:

Phone: email:


710 Fox Chase Road

Advent Evening of Reflection DONATION: $20

Please register by: November 21, 2011 215.780.1227

1 3October 23, 2011

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1 4October 23, 2011

PRESENTER: ARCHPRIEST DANIEL TROYAN Chaplain for the Sisters of St. Basil the Great and their Ministries Director for Evangelization at the Archeparchy of Philadelphia



See what vision God has for you as you journey to the celebration of the Incarnation: God becoming man. A look at the prophecies concerning the Messiah during the time of the 40 day fast of St. Phillip, in preparation for Christmas.

Learn about our Savior from the perspective of those who predicted his arrival, and the Light which would enter the world.


710 Fox Chase Road Fox Chase Manor, PA 19046 215-780-1227



2:00 – 5:00 PM DONATION: $ 25

Respond by December 1, 2011



City: State: Zip:

Phone: email:


710 Fox Chase Road Fox Chase Manor, PA 19046


Please register by: December 1, 2011


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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1 5October 23, 2011

Sheen intercession cited inarea boy’s alleged miraculous healing

By Jennifer Willems of "THE CATHOLIC POST"

That James FultonEngstrom is celebrating hisfirst birthday on Friday isamazing. In fact, somewould call his life a miracle.

Considered stillborn onSept. 16, 2010 after ahealthy pregnancy and “abeautiful, short labor,”James was without a pulsefor the first 61 minutes ofhis life. It was only whendoctors at OSF SaintFrancis Medical Center inPeoria were ready to callthe time of death that hislittle heart started beating.

His parents, Travis andBonnie Engstrom, believeJames is alive due to theintercession of ArchbishopFulton J. Sheen, Servantof God.

On Sept. 7, a tribunal ofinquiry was sworn in toinvestigate the Goodfieldtot’s alleged miraculoushealing. Joining Jamesand his family at theceremony in Our Lady ofPerpetual Help Chapel inthe Spalding RenewalCenter in Peoria wereBishop Daniel R. Jenky,CSC; Dr. Andrea Ambrosi,postulator for ArchbishopSheen’s cause forbeati f icat ion andcanonizat ion; andmembers of theArchbishop Fulton J. SheenFoundation board, some

of whom are relatives ofthe late archbishop.

In addition to BishopJenky and Dr. Ambrosi,those sworn in were:

— Msgr. Jason Gray,pastor of St. Vincent dePaul Parish in Peoria andjudicial vicar of thediocesan MarriageTribunal. Designated theepiscopal delegate to theSheen tribunal, he isresponsible for guiding theprocess.

— Father James Kruse,vicar general of theDiocese of Peoria andpastor of St. Monica’sParish in East Peoria. Aspromoter of justice it is his

Before being sworn in to the tribunal investigating the allegedmiraculous healing of James Fulton Engstrom (center) due to theintercession of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, Dr. Andrea Ambrosi(left) and Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, pose for photos with thechild and his parents, Travis and Bonnie Engstrom of Goodfield.Dr. Ambrosi is postulator for Archbishop Sheen's cause forbeatification and canonization. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

duty to make sure thatcanon law is followed.

— Dr. Louis Varela, whopractices family medicinein Houston, Texas, andchairs the board of theArchbishop Fulton J. SheenFoundation. He is themedical expert for theSheen tribunal.

— Janice Vicary, whoworks in accounts payablein the diocesan Office ofFinance, notary.

— Ann Hill, ecclesiasticalnotary for the diocesanMarriage Tribunal, copyist.

The work of the tribunaltakes place in secret, sothere is much that Msgr.Gray cannot say. But since

the Engstroms have sharedtheir story widely, he saidthe general details couldbe made public.

TESTIMONY BEGINSMsgr. Gray noted that thetr ibunal’s task is toinvestigate the allegedmiraculous healing anddetermine whether or notit can be proved throughmedical documents andthe testimony of witnesses.

“We call them to testify todifferent things,” he said,including the seriousness ofthe medical condition. “Wecall them to testify aboutthe fact that prayers wereaddressed to Fulton Sheen

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asking for his intercession.And then we needwitnesses to testify to theend result, meaning thatthe crisis situation wascured, that health wasrestored.”

Not only will the tribunalconfer with the doctorsand nurses involved in thecase, but also with twooutside doctors who canreport on the child’s currentstate of health.

“That way we can see thatthis isn’t something that hasresurfaced,” Msgr. Graytold The Catholic Post. “Inother words, it’s a lastinghealing.”

He said the number ofwitnesses is not large, sotest imony should becollected relatively quickly.Some time will be needed,however, for the twooutside doctors to maketheir examinations, writereports and then explainthe contents to the tribunal.

“My guess, though, iswe’re talking aboutmonths, not years,” Msgr.Gray said.

Don’t expect a ruling soon,though.

“The alleged healing tookplace in Peoria; that’s whywe’re investigating it here,”he said. “When all’s saidand done, it goes to the

Congregation for theCauses for Saints in Romeand then they openanother phase of thistribunal.”

Only after thatinvestigation is done willrecommendations be sentto the pope, who willdecide the matter“according to his prudentjudgment,” Msgr. Graysaid.

“HOMETOWN HERO”Archbishop Sheen is anative of El Paso, “downthe road” fromGermantown Hills whereBonnie Engstrom grew up.“I always heard people sayhe was going to be asaint,” she told The Post.

She got to know moreabout the media evangelistas a student at the SalveRegina Newman Center atEureka College, whereMsgr. Stanley Deptula waschaplain. He is nowexecutive director of theSheen Foundation.

She got to know a littlemore last year as shewrote the proposal for agrant from the diocese’sFulton Sheen Endowmentfor Religious Educationand Adult Faith Formationon behalf of “Behold! ACatholic Conference onthe Dignity and Vocationof Women.” She is

assistant director of theannual event.

Six or seven monthspregnant at the time,Bonnie said she started topray that this “hometownhero” would pull somestrings for the conferenceand that he would watchover her pregnancy. Asshe and Travis watchedArchbishop Sheen onYouTube they decided thatFulton would be a goodmiddle name if their babywas a boy.

When her son was bornin crisis at home a yearago, Travis baptized himJames Fulton before theambulance came.

“I have a memory ofwatching the midwifeperform CPR and prayingto Sheen,” Bonnie said.She added that later in theday she asked peoplethrough her blog,[email protected], to prayfor Sheen’s intercession. AHoly Hour and Mass atSt. Mary’s Cathedral inPeoria, where thearchbishop had beenordained in 1919, cametwo days later.

While doctors had warnedthat he might be blind andunable to funct ionnormally, James ismedication free and almost

walking. “He laughs andplays with his toys anddoes things just like heshould be doing and hasfor awhile,” Bonnie said.

She is grateful to everyonewho prayed for her sonand provided for herfamily, and it gives her joyto think that ArchbishopSheen is still evangelizingthrough James.

“I believe it was Sheen’sintercession that played akey role in it, but it wasJesus who healed my son,”she said. “It was for hisgreater honor and glory.”

Sheen intercession cited inarea boy’s alleged miraculous healing

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1 7October 23, 2011

Upcoming Events at SS. Peter and Paul Church,100 South Penn Street, Clifton Heights, PA.

We hope you can partakein one or many of ourplanned seasonal events.

100 Year AnniversaryDinner/Luncheon -Sunday October 30th

For 100 years, theparishioners of Ss. Peter& Paul Catholic Churchhave aspired to berecognized as animportant part of theDelaware Countycommunity by reaching outand assisting our brothersand sisters in DelawareCounty and surroundingareas. On Sunday,October 30th at noon,immediately after the11:00 am. Divine Liturgy,the parishioners of Ss.Peter & Paul CatholicChurch will celebrate the100th year anniversary ofour parish with a catereddinner/luncheon. A fullmeal from salad to dessertwill be offered with turkey,ham and stuffed shells asthe featured items. Weextend an invitation to allto help us celebrate ourpast and our futureendeavors. A donation of$15.00 per person isrequested. To join us,please contact Pat Keevillat (610) 322-4813 beforeMonday, October 24th.

“Homemade Soup &Artisan Bread Sale” -

Now throughNovember 2nd

Beginning now throughWednesday, November2nd, Ss. Peter & PaulCatholic Church, 100South Penn Street, inClifton Heights, will beholding its ever popular“Homemade Soup &Art isan Bread Sale”.During this time, we willbe taking orders for 4homemade, hearty soupsthat will be freshly madeespecially for you and beready for you to pick upat noon (at our Church)on Sunday, November 6th.We are offer ing thefollowing soups: (1) BeefVegetable (2) ChickenNoodle (3) Crab Bisque (4)Lentil. Quart containersare only $7.00 each or 3for $20.00. A loaf ofArtisan Bread is only$3.00. For yourconvenience, we now areable to accept your ordervia email. To place yoursoup and bread orders,please email us [email protected] call Kathy at (610) 328-4731 by Wednesday,November 2nd.

Holiday Pierogie Sale- Now throughDecember 5th

Ss. Peter & Paul CatholicChurch in Clifton Heightsproudly announces the

opening of our “HolidayPierogie Sale”. We areoffering mouth-watering,flavorful, potato-cheesepierogies for theunbelievably low price ofonly $7.00 per dozen or3 dozen for $20.00! Stockup for Christmas and NewYear’s (or for your freezerto satisfy those specialcravings) . For yourconvenience, we now areable to accept your ordervia email. To place yourpierogie orders, pleaseemail us [email protected] call Kathy at (610) 328-4731. Orders are beingtaken now throughMonday, December 5thand pickup will be at noonon Sunday, December18th, at our Church whichis located at 100 SouthPenn Street in CliftonHeights, PA. Place yourorders early since highdemand and our desire tofully satisfy all orders mayrequire us to limit quantitiesand stop taking ordersbefore Monday,December 5th.

Annual ChristmasLuncheon - SundayDecember 11th

On Sunday, December11th, Ss. Peter & Paul

Catholic Church, 100South Penn Street, inClifton Heights, will hold atradit ional “SlavicChristmas Luncheon”.Lunch will be served atnoon, immediately after theregular 11:00 am. SundayEnglish Divine Liturgy. Wewelcome all who wish toenjoy traditional Slavicculinary delights such as;kielbasa, pierogies, stuffedcabbage, sauerkraut andboneless ham. As hasbecome our custom,expect a large variety ofdoor prizes. Due to thepopularity of this annualevent, we recommendgetting your reservationsin early. A nominaldonation of $15.00 isrequested for adults andchildren 7 to 12 years ofage are only $5.00!Children 6 years andyounger are free. Tomake your reservations,please contact John orCaroline at (610) 622-0261 before Monday,December 5th, to reserveyour seat for this specialevent. In the spirit ofhelping others in thecommunity who may beexperiencing hardeconomic times, we alsoask that each personattending bring a non-perishable food item forour Annual Food Drive.

Find a complete list of events on theirwebsite

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Date: Sunday, November 6th, 2011 Time: Doors open at 12:30 PM First BINGO drawing at 2:00 PM Where: Holy Ghost Ukrainian Catholic Church 315 Fourth Street, West Easton, PA 18042-6113

$20 admission includes first sheet of BINGO cards. Additional cards available. All ages welcome to play!

Many prizes to be won!!! Door prizes and 50/50 raffle, too!

Refreshments including pierogies, kielbasa & sauerkraut, halushky, BBQ, hot dogs, homemade baked goods and more will be available to purchase!

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It was in a packed St Peter’s Basilica on Sunday that Pope Benedict XVI declaredthat the year 2012 to 2013 was to be a “Year of Faith”. The Holy Father madethe announcement during his homily at a mass for the New Evangelization. TheEucharistic celebration marked the conclusion of a meeting organized by PontificalCouncil for the New Evangelization, which the Pope addressed on Saturday.

Speaking about his decision to invoke this “Year of Faith” Pope Benedict said itwas “to give new impetus to the mission of the whole Church to lead men out ofthe desert in which they often find themselves, to the place of life, of friendshipwith Christ”. .

The Pope explained that the year would be “a moment of grace and commitment to a more completeconversion to God, to strengthen our faith in Him and to proclaim Him with joy to the people of our time.”

In order to illustrate the meaning of this “Year of Faith”, the Holy Father said he would prepare a specialApostolic Letter and he informed the congregation present that the year would begin “on 11 October 2012,the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council, and would end on 24 November 2013, Solemnity ofChrist the King”,. .

During the course of his Homily the Holy Father referred back to the meeting of the Pontifical Council saying,he was delighted that this conference had taken place in the month of October, a month of prayer and justone week before the World Mission Sunday. .

The Pope underlined that there was no opposition between the mission ad gentes and new evangelization,although he added the latter was very urgent, “especially in traditionally Christian countries, which havebecome increasingly “indifferent” and “hostile” to the mission of the Church.” .

The Pope’s sentiments were echoed by those of the President of the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization,Archbishop Rino Fisichella in his address to the Holy Father at the start of the celebration. He said, the missionof the church now needed “an additional face, that of the new evangelization, primarily, as he put it, forbelievers to rediscover the strength to believe and the joy of bearing witness.” .

The Pope looked to history, and to the Gospel on Sunday to re-enforce the importance of a New Evangelization.He said “the theology of history was an important, and essential part of the new evangelization, because themen of our time, after the disastrous era of totalitarian empires of the twentieth century, need to find acomprehensive vision of the world and time, a truly free, peaceful vision.” .

Turning to the First Letter of Saint Paul to the Thessalonians for inspiration, the Holy Father explained, itdemonstrates that in order to be effective, evangelization needs the power of the spirit.

Drawing his homily to a close the Pope Benedict stressed that “the new evangelizers are called to walk in thePath that is Christ, and to make known to others the beauty of the Gospel that gives life”.

Pope announces a “Year of Faith”

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Patriarch Celebrates Divine Liturgy atImmaculate Conception Church in Palatine

Patriarch Sviatoslav (center) celebrated the Divine Liturgyat Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Byzantine CatholicChurch with Bishop Richard Seminack, Eparch of St.Nicholas Eparchy in Chicago (to his immediate left), andwith the following clergy (left to right): Rev. YaroslavMendyuk, Rev. James Bankston, Very Rev. Mitred ArchpriestAndriy Chirovsky, Very Rev. Archpriest Mykhailo Kuzma,Rev. Leonard Korchinsky, Rev. Ihor Koshyk, and Rev. AndriyPlishka. (All Photographs courtesy of Photography byStanley)

His BeatitudeBlesses


Patr iarch Sviatoslavhonored the faithful andfriends of ImmaculateConception UkrainianByzantine Cathol icChurch in Palatine, IL, witha visit on September 26.

This historic event in thel i fe of the churchcentered on HisBeatitude’s celebration ofthe Divine Liturgy. ThePatriarch was joined byBishop Richard Seminack,Eparch of St. NicholasEparchy in Chicago; VeryRev. Mitred ArchpriestAndriy Chirovsky; VeryRev. Archpriest MykhailoKuzma; Very Rev.Yaroslav Mendyuk; VeryRev. Bohdan Nalysnyk;Rev. Leonard Korchinsky;Rev. Ihor Koshyk; Rev.Andriy Plishka; and Rev.James Bankston.

In his sermon, PatriarchSviatoslav stated, “I feel

myself like in avery warm familyright now hereamong you.” Hereminded all thosein attendance that“the center of theapostolic traditionof the CatholicChurch is ChristHimself” and that“new generations[need] thepossibility to betouched by God,to meet HimHimself, to receiveHis power thatcan restore thefullness of humanlife.”

One of thehighlights of theday was thePatriarch’s blessing of apair of engraved granitestones commemorating HisBeati tude’s vis i t . Theparishioners plan to placethe stones in a new churchthat they hope to erect incoming years. “By blessingthe cornerstone for the newchurch, we have tomanifest to everyone that‘Christ Himself is thecornerstone of my life’”and that “’I’m supposedto bui ld my l i fe, myprojects, and my futureupon Him,’” PatriarchSviatoslav explained to theparishioners. He went onto say, “May Our Lord

Jesus Christ, who is presenttoday among us… be thecornerstone of the life ofOur Church, of the life ofeach of you.”

About 175 parishioners,guests, and members ofthe Ukrainian communityf i l led the church. Aprocession of clergy ledPatriarch Sviatoslav to theentrance of the churchwhere Fr. Kuzma, pastorof Immaculate ConceptionChurch, gave the crossover to the Patriarch as asign of the parish’s loveand its acknowledgmentthat His Beatitude is the

Head and Father of theUkrainian Greek CatholicChurch. The Patriarchwas then welcomed withflowers, the traditionalbread and salt, andgreet ings fromrepresentatives of thechurch’s Sisterhood of theApostleship of Prayerand Parish PastoralCouncil.

Commemorative holycards, graciously blessedby His Beatitude, weredistr ibuted at thedismissal of the DivineLiturgy.

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Metropolitan Stefan’s Schedule forSeptember/October 2011

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1-4 Sobor of Ukrainian Catholic Church, Prudentopolis, Brazil5-6 Synod of Ukrainian Catholic Church, Curitiba, Brazil14 Memorial Mass for former Nuncio to USA, Most Reverend Sambi, Washington, D.C.

Evening USCCB Reception for Archbishop Emeritus, His Eminence Justin Cardinal Rigali15 Congressional Luncheon and Workshop commemorating Independence of

Ukraine, Washington, D.C.Evening reception celebrating Ukraine’s Independence, Ukrainian Embassy, Washington, D.C.

16 Divine Liturgy and visit with seminarians and staff of St. Josaphat UkrainianCatholic Seminary, Washington, D.C.

17 Liturgy and blessing of site for new parish rectory, Ss Peter and Paul UkrainianCatholic Church, Phoenixville, PA

18 Mysteries of Initiation for Yurij Sviatoslav Pitula, son of Rev. Roman and Tetiana Pitula, St. MichaelUkrainian Catholic Church, Hillsborough, NJ

21 Meeting at Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center, Philadelphia22 Archieparchial Women’s Day Meeting

Archieparchial Pilgrimage Meeting23-26 50th anniversary celebrations of Eparchy of St. Nicholas, Chicago, Illinois27, 28Pennsylvania Catholic Conference meeting

Board of Governors Meeting


1 Ukrainian American Veterans’ Convention and Banquet2 Archieparchial/Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great Pilgrimage, Fox Chase Manor, PA3 Pennsylvania Bishops’ Meeting, Malvern, PA9 100th Anniversary of Patronage of Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Church, Marion Heights,

PA15 Ascension Manor, Philadelphia, official re-dedication and blessing16 60th Anniversary of Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church, New Brunswick, NJ18-21 Allocations meeting, USCCB Sub-committee on Aid to Home Missions, El Paso, Texas23 Archieparchial Wedding Anniversary Celebration, Immaculate Conception Cathedral, Philadelphia30 75-th Anniversary of St Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church, Pottstown, PA

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PA Catholic Conference Applauds Governor Corbett’sSchool Choice Plan

Submitted by J_Shea on Tuesday, October 11 2011

HARRISBURG (October 11) – The Pennsylvania Catholic Conference (PCC) reiterates the Catholic community’ssupport of school choice and applauds Governor Tom Corbett who today announced his plan to create aschool voucher program and increase the already successful Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC)program.

“The Catholic community agrees with Governor Corbett’s call for action – students deserve access toeducational opportunities that work for their learning needs and parents have the right to choose the schoolthat is best for their child,” said Robert J. O’Hara, Jr., Executive Director of the Pennsylvania CatholicConference. “Economic or social barriers often prevent families from accessing the educational options thatwould be best for them. A mandatory system in which students are assigned to a school based solely ongeographic location is unjust and inequitable for many students, especially those in low-income families.”

Under the governor’s school choice plan, parents would have access to more educational options for theirchildren. EITC scholarships that already allow low and middle income parents to send their children to non-public schools would expand. With vouchers, qualified parents could move their children from a failing schoolto another public school, a charter school or a non-public school.

“Two weeks ago, the Catholic Bishops of Pennsylvania called school choice ‘a defining social justice issue forour society.’ Educating each and every child to his or her potential is our moral obligation,” added O’Hara.“The Bishops do not see school choice as a public versus non-public school issue, but a family and child issue.Each family should have a full range of educational options for their children; it is a civil right for every parent.

“School choice reinforces that parents – not the state – are the primary educators of their children. Now isthe time for the Pennsylvania legislature to ensure that ideal educational opportunities are accessible andavailable to all. The Catholic community applauds Governor Corbett for his leadership on school choice.There are few priorities more important than educating for the future.”

Pennsylvania’s 500 plus Catholic schools together are the largest provider of non-public education in theCommonwealth. These schools educate both Catholics and non-Catholics in an academically excellent andnurturing environment. This essential service not only helps to create new generations of productive andengaged citizens, but also by saves over $4 billion tax dollars annually.

Joelle Shea is the Director of Outreach for the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference – the public affairs arm ofPennsylvania’s Catholic bishops and the Catholic dioceses of Pennsylvania.

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Editorial and Business Office:827 N. Franklin St.

Philadelphia, PA 19123Tel.: (215) 627-0143

Online: www.ukrarcheparchy.usE-MAIL: [email protected]

Blog: www.thewayukrainian.blogspot.comEstablished 1939

THE WAY StaffMsgr. Peter Waslo, Teresa Siwak, Fr. Ihor Royik

The Way is published bi-weekly by the Apostolate, Inc.,827 N. Franklin St., Philadelphia, PA.

Articles and photos proposed for publication should be in theEditor's office at least two weeks before requested date ofpublication. For advance notice of the upcoming events, kindlysend one month in advance. All articles must be submitted inboth English and Ukrainian languages, THE WAY will not translateproposed articles. All materials submitted to THE WAY becomethe property of THE WAY.


October 23, 2011: Wedding AnniversaryCelebration at the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral ofthe Immaculate Conception, Philadelphia, PA. DivineLiturgy at 11am followed by a Banquet. (Deadlinefor registration is October 9th.)

November 6, 2011: Sisters of the Order of St.Basil the Great celebrate their Centennial with aLiturgy at the Cathedral, Philadelphia, PA.

November 13, 2011: Pastoral Visit by HisBeatitude, Sviatoslav Shevchuk. Divine Liturgy willbe held at the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of theImmaculate Conception, Philadelphia, PA.

November 18-20, 2011: Liturgical MusicWorkshop with Professor Joseph Roll at the Ortynsky

Annual Cookie Walk and Fruit and Nut Roll Sale

St. Anne Ukrainian Catholic Church, 1545 Easton Road, Warrington PA 18976.

Are you too tired or busy to bake cookies? Let St. Anne’s bakers do it for you. $9/lb and specially priced unique cookies. Saturday - December 10 from 9am until weare sold out. Come early as we sell out quickly! Over 30 varieties to chose from.Pre-order your fruit and nut rolls by going to our website www.stanneukrainiancc.comand fill out the form, mail in your $$ and pick up at Cookie Walk. More info? Karen215-343-4310.

Spirituality Center, Philadelphia, PA. For informationcontact Fr. Troyan at 215-922-2917.

November 19, 2011: Personal Day of Prayer,Addictions & Spirituality. Bishop Ortynsky SpiritualityCenter, Philadelphia, PA, 215-922-2917.

November 20, 2011: Cathedral ChristmasBazaar (Franklin & Brown St, Philadelphia, PA) 10am - 4pm.

December 3, 2011: Personal Day of Prayer,Fasting in the Ukrainian Catholic church. BishopOrtynsky Spirituality Center, Philadelphia, PA, 215-922-2917.





Life M


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