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Short Film Festival Inspiration

The Film Festival

•The film festival was based around York in a mixture of venues.

•The festival had a very social feel to it with the majority of the people around the city attending the festival and most were up for being interviewed.

•Along with the short films themselves there were many exhibitions and masterclasses.

The Dark Night

•"The Dark Night" was a brilliantly shot short film with interesting and dynamic shots. The entire feel to the film was quite sinister and the plot was quite deceiving to the audience as they think they have figured out the story but really they haven't.

•The colours of the film were very thematic with red being the main tone within the film. I feel that this linked in well with the violent feel and overall "bloody" finish. I thin I that our film we should try to incorporate tones of blue to reflect on the coldness of death.

•The actual storyline isn't revealed until the end of the film when the audience comes to realise the story is on a loop like the videotape. I feel that's his is not to dissimilar to what we would like to do in our short film as we don't want to reveal the truth about our main character until close to the end.

The Stain

The Stain

• I found that this short film didn't use many experimental shots which is unlike the short film genre but the script was brilliantly detailed. I feel that one the main things I learnt from this short film and from the film festival was that within shorts films a bad script has more of an impact on the overall film more than it does in a feature length film.

•Also it was clear within this film that the screenwriter had done a lot of research which I feel added to the script; more believable.

Masterclass-Matt Grenhalgh

•"Write about what you know"- this is said by many writers whether they are screenwriters or not. Matt confirmed this for us as he feel that you need some knowledge behind or research and if not knowledge just interest or passion. Therefore I feel in our short film we need to home in on the heart break and rejection as I feel that we would have more personal information and knowledge on that more than on ghosts..

•As his two main feature films are book adaptations about influential people (John Lennon, Joy Division) he stated that he did a lot of research and that he had pictures and arctic less etc collected and placed around the room in which he was writing. This yet again proves that research is key.

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