
CAP 1Shelves - prateleirasFleshy carnudoHyper energeticGreasy gordursoFizzy gasoso, efervescenteTwizzlers candySluggish lack of energy and vigos, slowSlice pedao, dividirGarlic alhoGrill grelhar, assar na grelhaGinger gengibreChop picar, cortar em pedaosPeel to remove the skin of fruit and vegetablesFry - fritarBake assar no fornoCinnamon canelaCarve esculpir, talhar, to cut in small piecesStrain peneirarPour server, despejarCurry temperoBoil ferverRoast assar

Present perfect To relate a past action to the present Present perfect simple

[Has/have + past participle]

** Used to imply a completed action or its results Used to mention actions that happened at an unspecified time in the past without and adverb of timeIve started a new diet to lose weight Used to talk about experiencesIve never been to a fast food restaurant before To describe actions that happened in the past, but have a present consequenceShe has eaten junk food for such a long time that she has become obese To talk about repeated actions You have bought pizza three times this weekYou CANNOT use the Present Perfect with specific time expressions such as: yesterday, one year ago, last week, when I was a child, when I lived in Japan, at that moment, that day, one day, etc

Present perfect continuous[Has/have + been+ past participle]*recently and lately

** implies a non-finished action Used to describe actions which started in the past and continue up to the present and futureI havent been eating greasy food for a while

Adverbs Just - to show that the action was completed in a very recent pastIve just finished dinner Recently, lately to show that the action has happened not long agoWeve recently seen many movies Yet used in negative statements and questions to talk about expected actions I havent asked him yet.Has Edmund arrived yet?Has she finished yet? Still a continuing actionI still havent found what im looking for Ever adverb that means any time. Used in questions, negatives, or sentences with ifHave you ever seen a ghost?I dont think she has ever studied English beforeIf youre ever in belem, come and see me. Never means not any time. Not user with another negative wordIm never going back there again Already used to imply that an action is completeI have already tasted food from all over the world______________________________________CAP 2Nauseous nauseasSore eyes dor nos olhosMeasles sarampoFlu gripeThrow up vomitarEKG eletrocardiogramaShot of breath Painkiller analgsico, acalmanteChickenpox cataporaShot Sneeze espirroCold tables Ointment pomadaStroke derrameEye drops colrioHypertension hi blood pressureDiabetes blood cant control the level of sugarHomeopathy - a system of treating diseases in which ill people are given very small amounts of natural substances which, in healthy people, would produce the same effects as the diseases produceLead conduzirKidney RimSubtlist Hetic agitadoTimetable Calendrio


Criticism crticaBorders fronteiraPolitician politico (a leader engaged in civil administration)Political party - is an organization of people which seeks to achieve goals common to its members through the acquisition and exercise of political powerLeft-wing the liberal, socialist or radical Public policy A group of rules and fundamental principles that a government has to create in order to operate their legal systemConvention A national meeting of a political partyGOP Grand old party (partido republicano)Ideology Political orientationCampaing - is an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making process within a specific groupPoll a survey used to forecast an electionIssue problema/ matter of discutionConcerning relativo / no que diz respeito a/ acerca deFloods InundaesMelting DerretimentoWitnessing TestemunhandoMankind HumanidadeAware Consciente

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