Page 1: Assessments SATs APP and Teacher Assessment National Curriculum Levels

How we assess children in

Year 2

Page 2: Assessments SATs APP and Teacher Assessment National Curriculum Levels

We use two types of assessment:

- formal (children are tested in “exam” type situations)

- ongoing (we look at their work and record what they say, to decide whether they have met the learning objectives of the lesson).


Page 3: Assessments SATs APP and Teacher Assessment National Curriculum Levels

SATs tests are pretty central to primary school assessment, with children taking them at the end of Years 2 and 6. However, for Year 2, there has been a move away from formal testing recently and children are now assessed by their teacher, using ongoing tasks as well as the SATS tests, which are administered more informally.

In other years, teachers looked at children's performance against the curriculum targets and based their levels on this.These are the subjects we assess formally at the end of the year:ReadingWritingMaths All other subjects are assessed in a more informal way


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APP is the assessment system that we use. It is broken down into all of the objectives that children are working towards during the year.

When we:- hear children read,- listen to what they say, - mark their work, - work together/group work, we collect information about what they are learning and how they learn. We record this information in several ways. This is called Teacher Assessment.

APP and Teacher Assessment

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From all of the information we gather we then give each child a National Curriculum Level.

Levels are used to measure your child’s progress compared to pupils of the same age across the UK.

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This is how the National Curriculum Levels build up:

1c 1b 1a 2c 2b 2a 3c 3b 3a 4c 4b 4a 5c 5b 5a C means that the child has started to work at the levelB means that the child is working well within the levelA means that the child has reached the top of the level and is working towards the next level Level 2b is the level expected nationally of the average child at the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2)At King’s we take into account the age difference of children compared with the UK and we expect 2c/2b Level 4 is the level expected nationally of an average child at the end of Key Stage 2 (Year6).

National Curriculum Levels

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The report is made up of different sections:

APP statements

Teacher subject comments and general commentsHeadteacher´s commentsEnd of year levels

Refer to levels to find out where you child is working at…


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Spanish Curriculum Subjects

Lengua Española

Ciencias Naturales

Ciencias Sociales

Ley de Ordenación de la Educación LOE - 2006

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Spanish Curriculum Subjects


• Los alumnos superan los objetivos maracados para cada uno de los trimestres. El esfuerzo realizado es el adecuado.


• Los alumnos superan los objetivos marcados para cada uno de los trimestres. El esfuerzo realizado es notable.


• Los alumnos superan los objetivos marcadados para cada uno de los trimestres e incluso comienzan a superar objetivos marcados para 2º de Primaria. El esfuerzo es sobresaliente.

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