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Developing Business Practice




STUDENT ID: 4325352


20 February 2012

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2.1. KOLB, Honey and Mumford learning style

2.2. VAK learning style

2.3. Surface vs. Deep Learning



3.1. ACADEMIC SKILLS: Element of Management, Motivation, SMART

Objectives and Mindset


4.  PERSONALISED ACADEMIC STRATEGY: Critical reading, writing and taking






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In this assignment I intend to analyse various learning style. As well as developing skills and personalise academic strategy that maximise successful study.

The first part of the assignment you will find a range of learning style and factors to help me to develop the skills that I need to learn both as a student and in work life.

The second part addresses planning, organising, implementing, coordinating and monitoring the studies and work life. It is also describe motivation, objectives and mindset. It is crucial to manage and plan studies and work effectively.

Third and final part of the assignment looks at the personal strategy. Reading, writing and taking notes effectively. And develop the skills that influence successful study.

Confuscius said, over 2000 years ago:

‘When three of us are walking together I am sure to have a teacher. Having noted his competences, I imitate them: his incompetences I avoid.’ (Cameron 2009)

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"an understanding of learning styles is a necessary component in the groundwork of an emancipatory pedagogy"

(Fielding 1994, 394)

2.1 KOLB, Honey and Mumford

KOLB’s Learning Cycle:

Source: Text and concept by Clara Davie (SDDU, University of Leeds)

David Kolb (1984) developed a theory of experiential learning which to develop our practice. It is called ‘Learning Cycle’ (Kolb’s 1984).

Concrete Experience (doing / having an experience):

There is no end of learning. Every learning has an experience. Such as writing this assignment is an experience and it is a continuous process.

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Reflective Observation (reviewing / reflecting on the experience):

The 'Reflective Observation' (Boud D, Keogh R and Walker D 1985) element stems from my analysis and judgements of events and the discussion about the learning and teaching that I engage in with my mentor and colleagues.

Abstract Conceptualisation (concluding / learning from the experience):

Reflection gives us the ground that brings theories and analysis to a past action. And it allows us to come to a conclusion.

Active Experimentation (planning / trying out what you have learned):

'Active Experimentation' (Brockbank A and McGill I 1998) then starts the cycle again when we implement those changes in our teaching practice to generate another concrete experience which is then followed by reflection and review to form conclusions about the effectiveness of those changes.

In setting out the pedagogic implications of Kolb's theory, Gibbs (1988, 9) argues:

"It is not enough just to do, and neither is it enough just to think. Nor is it enough simply to do and think. Learning from experience must involve linking the doing and the thinking."

Honey and Mumford:

Honey and Mumford (2000) developed a theory based on Kolb’s (1984) theory of learning. They have found Kolb’s LSI (Learning Style Inventory) has low face validity with managers.

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Reflector – Reflectors are learning from activities which allow them to review, think and watch what has happened.

Theorist – Theorist are deep thinker. They prefer lectures, case studies and readings. Conversation with experts is not helpful normally.

Pragmatist – Pragmatist are more likely to prefer practical work such as field work, observations and laboratories.

Activist – Activist like something new, more challenge involving, new experiences and role-playing.

2.2 Visual Auditory Kinesthetic (VAK)

Everyone has their own learning style and understanding of any objects is either or combination of auditory, visual or kinaesthetic.

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Visual Learning Style – These types of learners learn through seeing. They need to see the other person’s body language and facial expression to fully understand the content.

Auditory Learning Style – Auditory learners learn best from talking, listening and discussions.

Kinesthetic (Tactile) Learning Style – Kinesthetic learner learn from touching, moving and doing.

2.3 Surface vs. Deep Learning

Deep Learning

‘Deep learning’ idea first came from Marton and Saljo (1976). It implies higher level of thinking and personal commitment to learn the material, ‘not just merely passing grade’ (Biggs, 1987; Entwistle, 1981; Ramsden, 2003; Tagg, 2003).

Surface Learning

Surface learning, on the other hand, is associated more with rote learning and the desire to earn a passing grade (Biggs, 1989; Bowden & Morton, 1998; Draper, 2009; Tagg, 2003). Students who use a surface learning strategy are trying to avoid failure with the minimum amount of effort and involvement (Cano, 2007).

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3.1 Academic Skills

To manage our study and work life we have to follow five simple steps, that is ‘Elements of Management’ (Fayol’s 1916).

‘...still recognised as relevant for the managers of today and tomorrow.’ Moorcroft (2000:8-10)

Elements of Management:

1. Planning

Identify goals and requirement to succeed in the course. Plans time and resources and break down work in smaller steps.

2. Organising

Organising own best study system and prioritise them accordingly.

3. Commanding

Find out best time and where to study and usefulness of learning styles.

4. Coordinating

Balance work life with friends and family and also with studies. Work together with colleagues.

5. Controlling

Identify lacking, reduce stress and deal with distractions.

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Motivation is our needs and satisfaction. There are several theories of motivation. Most popular ones are: Herzberg's Theory of Motivation (1959) and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (1970).

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Chart


Maslow first introduced the theory in 1954 about people needs and satisfaction. It follows five different stages from bottom to top.

1. Physiological:

Physiological needs are thirst, sex, hunger etc.

2. Safety:

Safety belongs to security, stability and protection.

3. Social:

Social needs are belongingness to the society, love and to be loved.

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4. Self-esteem:

Respect others and respected from others.

5. Self-actualization:

Identify owns potential and fulfil the goals.

SMART Objectives

SMART objectives are objectives to achieve my own goals. These are as follow:

S- Specific. Our goal or objective should be specific. Not some that cannot be achieve. For example, being best is not enough.

M- Measurable. Measurable means my goal has an end point.

A- Achievable. Breaking down my objective into smaller steps, that can be achievable.

R- Relevant. My goals should be realistic. If my goal is to become immortal that is unrealistic and physically impossible.

T- Time Defined. In order to achieve my goal it should have time limit.


Dr. Carol Dweck (2006) discovered people have ‘two mindsets’. Fixed mindset and Growth mindset.

Fixed mindset:

In fixed mindset, one believes their talent or qualities are fixed.

Growth mindset:

In a growth mindset, people believe their qualities or talent can be developed through hard work and determination.

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3.2 Self-Marketing and Personal Skills

Team Development

Tuckman and Jensen introduced “team development” in 1977. There are five stages of team development. These are:

Stage 1: Forming

At first team meets each other and introduce to each other. They share information about themselves, interests, experience.

Stage 2: Storming

A new team who had never worked together goes through “storming” stage. Team members have different ideas and opinions which conflict within the team.

Stage 3: Norming

This is the beginning of the team work together effectively. The team members start trusting each other and help each other actively.

Stage 4: Performing

In this stage teams are working very well and focus on achieving their goal. They are motivated to get the job done.

Stage 5: Adjouring

End stage of a group project. Time to celebrate the success and detain finest practice for future.

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There are four elements of communication. These are Sender, receiver, message and transmission medium.


I have to clear my objectives. What message I want to send to my receiver? Am I aware of my strengths and weakness? I cannot express myself what I know. My plan is to write more and practice more to overcome my weakness and send better message to my receiver.


It is important to identify the needs of the receiver and their expectation towards me. The requirement of the message I am conveying.


The message could be simple information or very complex. Depends what I am trying to explain.

Transmission medium

The medium or channel could be anything, email, letter, analysis of data.

Critical Reading and Taking Notes

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As a student we spend hours and hours reading than anything else. It is among one of the important skills for our career. There are ‘7 critical reading strategies’ ( These are:

1. Previewing:

It enables the reader to get a thought of the context and other opening objects.

2. Contextualizing:

To read critically, I have to recognize the context of the books and significance from living in an exacting time and place.

3. Questioning to understand and remember:

As a student, teachers asking question on our reading. These questions are planned to help us to recognize a reading and act in response to it more.

4. Reflecting on challenges to your beliefs and values:

Sometimes reading might challenge our belief and value that we possessed. We have to take notes and look back where we felt challenged.

5. Outlining and summarizing:

Exactness and brief are particularly helpful strategies for accepting the content and formation of a reading selection.

6. Evaluating and argument:

All writers want us to belief of their writing. But I should not accept anything until I recognize the argument and assess them carefully. An argument has two essential parts. First claim and second support the claim.

7. Comparing and contrasting related readings:

Explore and find differences between texts and recognise them well.


Taking Notes

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It is always very important to take notes to refer to in our report or assignment and revise the details of our own list of information.


To do well in assignment requires good planning, monitoring and use of feedback from tutors. Developing the key skills and knowing me better which way I learn effectively and communicate better.


Biggs, J. B. (1987). Student approaches to learning and studying. Hawthorn, Victoria: Australian Council for Educational Research.

Boud D, Keogh R and Walker D (1985) Reflection: Turning Experience in to Learning, London: Kogan Page

Brockbank A and McGill I (1998) Facilitating Reflective Learning in Higher Education, Buckingham: SHRE/Open University Press

Careron S (2009) The Business Student’s Handbook

Carol D. (2006), Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.

Clara Davie (SDDU, University of Leeds)

Fayol H, (1916) Administration Industrielle et Generale.

Gibbs G (1988) Learning by Doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. Further Education Unit. Oxford Polytechnic: Oxford.

Honey, P. & Mumford, A. (2000). The learning styles helper's guide. Maidenhead: Peter Honey Publications Ltd.

Kolb D.A. (1984) Experiential Learning experience as a source of learning and development

Maslow, A. H. (1970). Motivation and Personality (2nd ed.). New York: Harper and Row.

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Chart (

Marton, F., & Säljö, R. (1976). On qualitative differences in learning I: Outcome and process. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 46, 4-11.

Tuckman, B.W. & Jensen, M.A.C. (1977) Stages of small group development revisited. Group and Organizational Studies, 2, 419-427


1. Core Skills Self Assessment Test


3. Learning Journal

4. SMART Objectives

1. Core skills self assessment test

Core Skill Skill Rating (1–10)

Low =1 – High = 10


Insert an example to support your rating

Cognitive skills: critical thinking, analysis and synthesis

5 I could not think critically before taking this module. I have learned how to think critically and I am applying it to my work and study.

Problem solving and decision making: using quantitative and qualitative data

7 I am a very good problem solver. Very good user of data analysis. At my work I calculate hours, productivity, and sales team member target.

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Research and investigative skills: as part of individual and team assignments

6.5 In research and investigate as an individual my skill is fair but as team assignments I do always very good results. As a Team Leader for 2 groups at university and at my work my duty is to research and investigate on others and make sure they are doing their assigned task and serve as a group.

Information and communications technology skills: using a range of business applications

8 I was an IT student before. And moderate user of MS Office, to communicate I use all sort of resources such as mobile, email, text, internet etc.

Numeracy and quantitative skills: data analysis, interpretation and extrapolation

7 Once taught I am very good at calculation, analysis, ratios etc. I am doing it every day at work as a Team Leader like hours, productivity and personal targets.

Communication skills: oral and written English, using a range of media

6.5 Oral or Speaking in English I am very good but I am not a good writer. An average person. But I want to improve it. In my IELTS test I scored only 5.5 on writing.

Interpersonal skills: talking, listening and negotiation

7 I can talk, at the same time I can listen to others. My negotiation is skill is very good because I know how to explain. In the class I always participate with lecturer, I listen to them. In group activities I listen to the group members, share my ideas and come up with the best solution and distribute between them what needs to be done.

Team-working skills: leadership, team-building, influencing others

8 I am a Team Leader in world largest shoe company and I am managing almost 90 people in my store. Without those skills I won’t be able to do so.

Personal management skills: time management and planning, motivating yourself, using initiative

5.5 Time management is pretty good when it's come to serve on time at work or at university. I submit my papers on time and I never leave pending works for tomorrow at work. I motivate

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myself doing hard work and getting feedback from lecturer and from my store manager.

Learning skills: reflective, adaptive and collaborative

6.5 Throughout my student life I am a very good learner on practical study rather than text book. I can adapt any environment easily. I am reflective and adaptive rather than collaborative.

Self-awareness: sensitivity and openness to others who are different to you, emotional intelligence

7 I am open to others and I observe others so that I could know who are different than me and how to deal with them. I always keep contact with my colleagues and those who need personal assistant to finish their course or job.

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2. SWOT Analysis:


Hardworking Good Listener Team Player Communicative Eager to learn Active IT skilled Strong public speaker


Impatience Short temper Lack of time management


Can be score excellent grades at university

Become a successful manager Allow me to gain access in

different business fields.


Other graduates at the job market

Might be score poor grades at university

My group members

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3. Learning Journal

Learning Journal – Muhammad Tanvir Hossain

Date What I did Why I did it What I learnedHow or

where I could apply it

Any improvemen

t or development


I did Kolb’s Learning Cycle, Honey and Mumford Learn Style

I did Kolb’s Learning Cycle on practice at class and I have had explain my experience and what I have been through in my life.

I have learned how to put my learning on practice. And it was quite understandable.

It was a good practice to work on a group so that I can learn more from others.

I have also learned that I am activist and pragmatist at the same time.

I can apply it to my work and my daily life. Not all the people are same and I have to know who is what.

I have to do it regularly so that I won’t forget it.

I have to learn not to rush into anything rather than putting the context into critical thinking.


Visual Auditory Kinaesthet

I did VAK to know what my learning

Surprisingly I came to know I am a

I can apply my learning style at

I have to concentrate on reading

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ic (VAK) style is. Visual Auditory learner.

Most of the time I talk to myself and I convince or motivate by doing this.

I prefer writing than reading to memories something and I found it easy for me and it is called ‘visual linguistic learner’.

university, professional and personal life.

as much as possible.


Surface vs. Deep Learning

I have learnt Surface vs. Deep learning to get better understanding of me.

I am a surface and at the same time deep learner too.

I am a surface learning in that sense I do believe what have presented in some subjects or certain beliefs. I do not question or go into deep the concepts or ideas

From now on I have to dig into the subjects, methods and concepts so that I have better understanding. At the same time critics to by doing research.

I am going to apply my learning every aspect of

More research required on subjects, methods and concepts.

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presented to me.

I think I am deep learner most cases than surface learner. I like to research and learn more about what taught in the class as well as at work.

my life.


Fayol’s Elements of Management.

To manage my time, study and work all together.

I have learnt to plan my time and organise them accordingly to implementing and coordinating them. I am controlling my time and monitoring them as well.

I have made a diary to implement Fayol’s Elements of Management. I have start doing it on my study and at my work.

Still I am on learning process and I have to improve my time by monitoring closely each time I am doing something.


Motivation Motivate myself and my team at university and work.

I learnt to observe my colleagues to indentify the nature of behaviour

Identifying our behaviours and performances and

Feedback require from groups and from my professors

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and performance.

implementing them accordingly. Also getting feedback from group members and improve them in university and at work to get better rewards.

of the performances.


Critical reading, writing and taking notes

To develop my reading and writing skills.

Critical reading has some strategies. Such as previewing, outlining, evaluate the context and compare.

Writing is important part of communication. Writing should be clear and specific. I have lacking of describing the context while I write.

Taking notes is crucial to revise the details of my list of information.

I can apply this learning at my university and in work place.

It is vital for me to pass the information clearly to my receiver.

I am still learning and I need feedback from my tutors so that I can improve my lacking.

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4. SMART Objectives

Objective 1

Build up your objective hereFeedback from my colleagues

SPECIFIC To be the best at academic

MEASURABLEI have to study at least 2 hours a day and also review my notes every weekend for an hour.


Use the text relevant text books for an example from different authors, internet and journals from academic sources such as, ect. and also professional sources such as blogs, newspapers, articles ect.


Analyzing research, debates and gain knowledge from sources such as Financial Times, Economist, The Chartered Institute of Marketing ect.

TIME DEFINED End of module results.

Objective 2

Build up your objective hereFeedback from my


SPECIFIC To become a retail area manager

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MEASURABLEI am working 3 days a week and hopefully within one and a half year I will become a manager.

ACHIEVABLEI am already part of the management team. I have been Team Leader at Clarks last one and half year.

RELEVANTI recently moved into one of our biggest branch and I am getting training for management skills.

TIME DEFINED End of this year.

Objective 3

Build up your objective hereFeedback from my


SPECIFIC To become a better team member

MEASURABLEEvery day I contact with my group members and share our information to keep up to date.


I am learning my group members’ behavior, their strength and weakness so that we can work effectively and get best out from every one.

RELEVANTI am analyzing Tuckman and Jensen’s ‘team development’ theories and working on it.

TIME DEFINED End of the group presentation.

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