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Q-1: Answer in short.

1--Explain difference between active coversion and passive conversion of web application.

In a passive conversion, we select the information that is to be presented, but have no direct control over its volume,type,or structure where as,in an acitive conversation, we provide input so that the information that is presented is customized to meet our specially.

2--Define term framework. Describe in brief.

Framework is a set of activites that is always performed for every web engineering project. The nature of activities might change to suit the project.

The framework activities should be performed accurately and in a proper manner as its an overall design or an overall outlay of a project.

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Each framework activity is composed or include following four main things:

-Work tasks-Work product -Quality assurance

and-Project milestone

The set of framework activities is also known as "Umbrella activities". Each and every activity of framework includes following steps:

-Communication-Planning -Modeling-Construction-Deployment

3--List aspects of web application design model.

They are as under:-Interface design-Aesthetic design-Content design-Navigation design-Architecture design-Component design

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4--List the umbrella activities. Describe any one in brief.

They are as under:-Change management -Quality management-Risk management-Project management

Change management: Manages the effects of change as each increment is engineered, integrating tools that assist in the management of all WebApp content.

Q-2 Answer the following in shortly.

1-- Describe WebE methods resides within the process framework.

Framework is a set of activites that is alwys performed for every web engineering project. The nature of activities might change to suit the project.

The WebE methods resides with process framework are as follow:

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i} Communication methods: Defines the approach used to facilitate communication between Web engineers and other WebApp stakeholders. Its a very important task must be carried out between developer and customer throughout the process so that the webapp developed satisfies tthe customer each needs.

ii}Requirement analysis methods: Provides a basic for understanding the content to be delivered by a WebApp, the functions to be provided for the end users, and the modes of interaction that each class of user will require as navigation through webapp occurs. This analysis is very essential for developer so that a developer gets idea for the requirements he/she needs to develop a webapp and satisfy the customer needs.

iii}Design methods: Encompasses a series of design techniques that addresses webapp content,application and information architecture,interface

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design, and navigation design. This is an important activity as it is an overall design or layout of a project.

iv}Construction methods: A developer has to apply a broad set of languages,tools, and related technology to the creation of webapp content and functionality.

v}Testing methods: A developer has to test the webapp developed and has to check each steps performed ahead. A webapp developed should able to satisfy the customer needs and thst verification should be done by a developer in this last activity.

2--Explain categories of WebApp using example of online examination system.

An application which acquires information,structure it, build a package presentation and delivers it is known as a web application.

Categories of webapp are as follow:

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i}Informational WebApp: A WebApp developed must be a informational WebApp which should provide an accurate and useful informations to the user or customer of a particular WebApp.

For e.g.:In online examination system, a student is provided with all necessary informations such as examination schedule,syllabus,pattern of question paper, login, password, exam id, etc. Thus its an informational WebApp.

ii}Download WebApp: A WebApp developed from which a customer wish to download their necessary things or data then it must satisfy their needs.

For e.g: In online examination system, a student shouldbe able to download exam schedule, practise question papers,etc as per their requirements and wish. Thus its a download WebApp.

iii}Customizable WebApp: A WebApp developed must be a changable WebApp

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as the needs of a customers always keeps on changing so it must be satisfied by a developed WebApp. The necessary changes should be able to applied by the developer in the WebApp as per needs of a customer.

For e.g: In online examination system,an examiner wants to provide practise papers to students and students should be able to download it then this changes must be able to applied in its WebApp. Thus its a customizable WebApp.

iv}Interaction WebApp: A WebApp developed should be an interactive WebApp which can create a link between two person as per their needs.

For e.g: In online examination system, if a student wishes to interact with the examiner then it must provide such facilities which can create interactaction between them.Thus its a interaction WebApp.

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v}User input WebApp: A WebApp developed must be able to take user's input if its customer's need.

For e.g: In online examination system, a student must be able to input their data for applying for an online examination. A student must be able to input their data in form of a particular exam as per demanded. thus its an user input WebApp.

vi}Transaction-oriented WebApp: A webapp should be anble to perform the necessary transactions between the customer and the server side or developer.

For e.g: In online examination system, if a student apply for an exam and fill up a form for it and submit the same which is stored or maintained in the database on server is an informational transaction between them. Thus its a transaction-oriented WebApp.

vii}Service-oriented WebApp: A customer wishes to create an

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application which provide service to the users then a developer must be able to satisfy it.

For e.g: In online examination system,stdents are provided srvices as they are able to apply for their desired examination and can from anywhere throughout world wide web. Thus its a sevice oriented WebApp.

viii} Portals: Its a collection of a web pages which can be accessed through a single domain name. If a customer needs to access the different web pages through a single domain name then it must satisfy.

For e.g: In online examination system, the different web pages of different exams can be accessed through a single domain name i.e. .Thus its a portal.

ix}Database Access: A webApp must be ableto access the desired data of a user from the database on the server.

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it must be able to accessa particular records from database.

For e.g: In online examination system, if a student wishes to access his/her result then it must be able to access it from database on server. a student can access it and other all such informations which a student desires. Thus its a database access Web App.

x}Data Warehousing: A webapp should be able to store the different data in its database on server. it must be able to store all kind of information inputted and must be able to manage it.

For e.g: In online examination system, students apply for different exams and answers for each questions then its database able to store all the data or answers inputted by the students. So its a Data warehosing WebApp.

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3--What tasks are required to develop an incremental plan? Describe all in detail.

In incremental process the first foremost step that is communication clarifies the needs and requiremants of a customer which has to be planned as per it to satisfy their each needs. Planning clarifies all activities to be performed and it shows where we are and where we wants to reach.

To develop an incremental plan following tasks are necessary:

i} Refined your description of the WebApp increment to be delivered.

ii} Select the WebApp increment to be delivered now.

iii} Estimate the effort and time required to deploy the increment.

iv} Assess risks associated with the delivery of the increment.

v} Define the development schedule for the increment.

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vi} Establish work products to be produced as a consequence of each framework activity.

vii} Define your approach to change control.

viii} Establish your assurance approach.

i} Refined your description of the WebApp increment to be delivered.

In this task a developer has to solve the answer of the questions such as; Do requested changes by any customer require a modification in the number or definition of increments that remain to be delivered? If modifications are required, what changes in content and functionality are necessary? How much effort is likely to be expanded on each increment that remains to be delivered? How much calender time will be expended on each increment? What is the estimated deployment date for each increment?

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ii} Select the WebApp increment to be delivered now.

In this task a developer has to solve the answer of the questions such as; Is there is enough information about the increment to begin other framework activities? Do you have a clear understanding of the content and functionality to be delivered by the increment? Are constraints and performance issues clearly understood? Are all necessary usage scenarios available and complete?

iii} Estimate the effort and time required to deploy the increment.

In this task a developer has to solve the answer of the questions such as; How much effort and time will be required to model, construct and deploy the increment? What resources will be required to do the work?

iv} Assess risks associated with the delivery of the increment.

In this task a developer has to solve the answer of the questions such as; What risks should be addressed

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during the development of this increment? How will high-profitability ,high-impact risks be mitigated? What long range risks should be considered?

v} Define the development schedule

for the increment.In this task a developer has to

solve the answer of the questions such as; How will tasks be allocated along the time line for increment? What intermediate milestones will be established?

vi} Establish work products to be produced as a consequence of each framework activity.

In this task a developer has to solve; What work products will developed as work on the increment proceeds?

vii} Define your approach to change control.

In this task a developer has to solve the answer of the questions such as; How will changes to content and functionality be requested,evaluated,

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and executed within the context of other development activities?

viii} Establish your assurance approach.

In this task a developer has to solve the answer of the questions such as; How will the team access quality as the increment is modeled, constructed, and deployed? What is any, reviews will be conducted? What if, any, metrics will be used?

Q-3:- Answer in detail.

1-- What do you mean by modeling in Web Engineering? Explain its actions. Also describe all tasks which helpful in developing analysis modeling.

In Web Engineering modeling means an activity that creates one or more conceptual representation of some aspects of the WebApp to be built.

There occurs two actions during modeling in web engineering which are as under:

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i} Analysis:- It includes following:

Decides whether a requirements model is needed.

Represent WebApp content.Identity content relationship.Refine and extend user

scenarios.Review usage scenarios.Create an interaction model for

complex scenarios.Refine interface requirements.Identity functions.Define constraints and

performance requirement.Identity database requirements.

ii}Design:- The goal of the design for web engineering is to produce a model or representation that exhibits firmness commodity and delight.

It includes following:

-Firmness: A WebApp should not have any bugs that exhibit its functions.

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-Commodity: A WebApp should not be suitable for the purpose for which its intended.

-Delight: The experience of using the WebApp should be pleasurable one.

There are following elements of a design model which are as under:

-Interface design-Aesthetic design-Content design-Navigation design-Architecture design-Component design

The following are the tasks performed in design modeling:

i} Design the inteface.ii} Design the aesthetic for the

WebApp.iii} Design the navigation scheme.iv} Design the WebApp architecture.

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v} Design the content and the structure that supports it.

vi} Design functional component.vii} Select appropriate design

pattern.viii} Design appropriate security

and privacy mechanisms.ix} Review the design.

2-- What do you mean by communication in WebE? Explain in detail.

It defines the approach used to facilitate communication between web engineers and all other webapp stakeholders communication techniques are particularly important during requirement gathering and whenever a webapp increment is to be evaluated.

It helps in understanding the problem before developer begins to solve it and be sure that the solution found is satisfied to the customers.

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It includes three main activities:-Formulation-Eliciation-Negotiation

i}Formulation:This activity includes to define

the project needs and scope.It begins with the

identification of a business need.The questons are asked by the

developer to the required persons and gather the required informations which includes following: WebApp objectives

Defines WebApp features

Establish a common set of goals and objectives

Scope of development efforts

In formulation all such informations required are gathered by the developer. The question asked should be related to WebApp such as its goal,which necessary things it should fulfill then whats the use of a particular WebApp.

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ii}Eliciation:This activity includes the

gathering of requirements and its analysis. All the required things are gathered and analysis is done on it by the developer to create or develop customer's WebApp.

iii}Negotiation:In this activity it includes the

clarification of quality,cost and time.

It also includes the performance of the WebApp.

It also includes following -Map out strategies -Listen actively-Focus on other party's interest-be ready to commit

Thus, in communication all activities are performed.

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