  • Personal Leadership Plan Week 3

    Inclusive Leadership in Action



    Four Leadership Attributions That Link to Inclusion

    ACCOUNTABILIY You demonstrate

    confidence in direct reports by holding them

    responsible for performance they can


    COURAGE You put personal interests aside to

    achieve what needs to be done; you act

    on convictions and principles even when it requires personal


    HUMILITY You admit mistakes; you accept

    and learn from criticism and different points of view; you seek

    contributions of others to overcome limitations.

    EMPOWERMENT You enable direct reports

    to develop and excel.

    Inclusive Leadership is putting it all together!

  • Table 4: EACH Attributes and You:

    Inclusive Leadership Strong Need to greatly improve upon

    Empowerment Strongly Need to exhibit much more

    Accountability Strong No need to exhibit a little more

    Courage Strong No need to exhibit a little more

    Humility Strongly Need to exhibit much more

    Industrial Business Association: as my belief in this can be in many forms as to continue with the functioning process noted below. Empowerment: Unleash it!


    Authority Assessment


    To be authoritative means for the person in charge to be encouraging as well as engaging pathways as a means to exploring better ways to stimulate and release the thoughts of team players and also in reaching our own conclusion, the (Empowerment) and challenge respectfully in the expo meetings to encourage them to be self motivated for their successful ideas to be applied.

    (Accountability) Even thou he pushes the efforts of those involved in projects he is humble and in business. Companies that want to survive. Are smart enough to know that caring and cooperation are key factors. So, this is what he is for his people/staff for the ongoing success.

    (Conclusion) will be combining with these assets of attributes and coming up with innovative ideas to strive for creative and wealthy success.

  • Table 5-1: Inclusive Leadership in Action

    EACH Attribute (Empowerment, Accountability, Courage, Humility)



    Possible Actions How Did it


    #1 Empowerment: Transformational Leadership

    Emphasizing intrinsic motivation and positive development of followers

    Raising awareness of moral standards

    Highlighting important priorities

    Fostering higher moral maturity in followers

    Creating an ethical climate (share values, high ethical standards)

    Encouraging followers to look beyond self-interests to the common good

    Promoting cooperation and harmony

    Using authentic, consistent means

    Using persuasive appeals based on reason

    Providing individual coaching and mentoring for followers

    Appealing to the ideals of followers

    Allowing freedom of choice for followers

    Creating a vision to guide the change through inspiration, and executing the change in tandem with committed members of the group.

    Action for the Week I Openness to experience: Creative expression and emotional responsiveness have been linked to a general tendency of openness to experience. This trait is also seen as a component of transformational leadership as it relates to the ability to give big-picture visionary leadership for an organization.

    Action for the Month - I Conscientiousness: Strong sense of direction and the ability to put large amounts of productive work into tasks is the by-product of conscientious leaders. This trait is more linked to a transactional form of leadership given the management-based abilities of such individuals and the detail oriented nature of their personality.

    Well, as it shows it went smooth and went as planned! Between 75% to 85%.

  • Humility: Feel it, Use it, and Let it Flow!


    Authority Assessment


    To be (Authoritative) and humble means for the person in charge to be promising and giving someone support or confidence; supportive as well as engaging pathways for there to be an (Incentive) to feel included in all duties as a means to exploring better ways to stimulate and release the thoughts of team players in a form of (Humility) and respectfully do so in the expo meetings to open their hearts and minds to be self motivated for their wiliness and have their comfort zone excepted for all involved.

    (Incentive) To Asses these efforts of those involved in projects its necessary to be humble and always-in forward motion in business for the Companies that want to survive. Are smart enough to know that caring and cooperation are key factors. So, this is what should be for the people/staff for the ongoing success for all those that are involved.

    (Conclusion) will be combining these assets and coming up with innovation ideas to strive for creative success.

  • Table 5-2: Inclusive Leadership in Action

    EACH Attribute (Empowerment, Accountability, Courage, Humility)

    Leadership Vision Possible Actions How Did it


    #2 Humility: Having a clear

    perspective and respect for one's place in context.

    Emphasizing intrinsic motivation and positive development of followers

    Raising awareness of moral standards

    Highlighting important priorities

    Fostering higher moral maturity in followers

    Creating an ethical climate (share values, high ethical standards)

    Encouraging followers to look beyond self-interests to the common good

    Promoting cooperation and harmony

    Providing individual coaching and mentoring for followers

    Appealing to the ideals of followers

    Humility is one of the most important goals to master this in the lifes work of life where ever we are! This trait that can enhance leadership effectiveness. It will be multi-dimensional and includes self-understanding and awareness, openness, and perspective taking for a successful leader.

    Action for the Week I this is important as meta-attitude that constitutes the moral agent's proper perspective on the leader Creative expression and emotional responsiveness have general tendency of openness to experience. Open to team members in wiliness to be included in all projects important to the whole group venture and any suggestions to put forth in the highest level to be successful in.

    Action for the Month I The importance of following the lead of anyone that respects the course ability function in process for the continued project and to focus the importance of any member that induces creativity and structure towards one cause plan for completed project.

    Completed project as planned submitted and excepted process of 95%

  • Results of Meta Analysis finding correlation between personality traits and transformational leadership from data gathered by Joyce Bono and Timothy Judge.[8]

    Further Reflections:

    For any of this unconditional tension of attributes to take effect in perspective in an encouraging and healthy fashion we all must step back first to see all insights thats presented before us and

    open our hearts and minds to the utmost profound wiliness we can ever endure to become.

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