Download - Assignment 4

  • 1. Go Vikings By : Brandie T. Atkinson

2. Scott Lake Elementary Built in 1959 1160 N.W. 175th Street in Miami, Gardens, Florida Enrollment of approximately 620 students in Prekindergarten through Fifth grade Represented by 86% Black, 8% Hispanic, 5% Asian/Indian/Multiracial, and 1% White. Title I funded school 79% of all students qualified for either free or reduced lunch. Montessori Magnet Program. 3. Scott Lake Elementary Schools Mission Statement Scott Lake Elementary School strives to maintain high expectations of excellence for all students, teachers, parents and staff. Through quality education, we will meet the diverse, multicultural needs of our students by fostering a lifelong love of learning and developing responsible and productive citizens for the twenty-first century. 4. Montessori Magnet Program And so we discovered that education is not something in which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being. -Maria Montessori (Founder of the Montessori Method) 5. Ms. Seesahais 1st Grade Classroom There are a total of twenty-three students. The students in the classroom are primarily African-American, and Hispanic. There are about equal amounts of girls, and boys. The Future is in our Hands 6. Thursday-May 23, 2013 Traditional Style Teaching My experience with traditional style teaching begins at eleven thirty, on Thursday morning, in Ms. Seesahai 1st grade classroom. She begins the lesson by asking students to simply raise their hand if they know the answer to the question, Who remembers the parts of the plants? She selects one student to answer the question. Isis, a first grade student replies, The stem, petals, that is all I can remember Ms. Seesahai. The teacher then replies, That is ok Isis, we all forget sometimes. Who can help Isis out? The students put their hands up to answer the question again. Ms. Seesahai, picked another student to answer the question, and he answered the question correctly this time. Ms. Seesahai picks up a plant, and begins to point to the plant, and asks all of the students to name the parts of the plant in Unison, as she points to the different parts. Then she asks the students to come to the board, and write down the individual parts, as she names them. If they have trouble spelling the words, she asks the other students to help that individual out. The lesson was concluded with Ms. Seesahai stating, Now we know what the parts of the plants are, and we can also spell the names of the parts of plants. Great Job students! I am very proud of you! This lesson correlates to the FEAPS 3-G in which the teacher applied varied instructional strategies and resources, including appropriate technology, to provide comprehensible instruction and to teach for student understanding. I absolutely love how Ms. Seesahai incorporates all of her students in the 7. Friday-May 24, 2013-Field Day My experience with Field day begins at nine-thirty on Friday morning, May 24, 2013, in the field, at Scott Lake Elementary. There are five stations set up for the students. The first station is a simple obstacle course. The second station is a Hula Hoop Contest. The third station is a sack race. The fourth station is a relay race. The fifth station is tug-of-war. .Field day begins with all students assembling under the large pavilion. The P.E. teachers tell the students the rules for Field day. Rule number one states that everyone is to have fun. Rule number two states that all students must listen to the instructor at the individual stations. Rule number three states that all students must not fight. Rule number four states again that everyone must have fun. The students are then told they can go to the individual stations. At the stations the instructors tell some students how to do the specific games. Other students that need more assistance are shown by the instructors how to do the specific games. If a student is struggling, the instructors tell that individual student, Keep trying! Practice makes perfect! You are doing well! Field day concluded with the P.E. teachers of Scott Lake Elementary asking all of the students to come back to the pavilion. The students were told they all did a wonderful job, and that they all will be rewarded with ribbons later on that day. During Field day, all students were given instruction once they were assembled underneath the pavilion, this correlates to the FEAPS 1-C in which the instructor designs instruction for student to achieve mastery. I really enjoyed field day, I love how the teachers decided to give all of the students ribbons instead of giving to individual winners. 8. Tuesday-May 28, 2013 1st Grade Award Ceremony Stepping Into a Brighter Future 9. Wednesday-May 29, 2013 Montessori Style Teaching My experience with Montessori Style teaching begins at eleven- thirty on Wednesday morning, May 29, 2013, in Ms. Seesahais first grade classroom. The lesson I observed was a reading lesson. The lesson began by the teacher playing a game with the students. The teacher asked the students to look at the board. She states, We are going to play a word pronunciation game. I am going to create words, and I want you to say out loud what word I am spelling. Next, Ms. Seesahai tells the students that she is going to break them into groups. The students are placed into four groups of four and one group of three. They are placed at different stations relating to reading. The first group contains four students. The students are competing in a game designed to improve their vocabulary. The students are helping one another spell words. The second group contains four students, and they each have the same individual book. The students are reading, and asking each other questions about the material. The third group contains four students. The students are playing a vocabulary game, similar to monopoly. The fourth group contains four students, and they are at the computer station working on a reading program. The fifth group contains three students. The students are looking at pictures, and are asking each other to spell the item that they see. The lesson concludes with the teacher asking all students, Did you have fun? The students replied, Yes! The teacher then tells the student, Well I am very glad that you all enjoyed yourselves. Learning can be very fun! Now it is time to put all of the games, and materials away. , Ms. Seesahai recognizes different learning styles, and uses a variety of teaching strategies. She placed her students into groups based on learning styles, and skill. This correlates to the FEAPS 3-H in which the teacher differentiates instruction based on an assessment of student learning needs and recognition of individual differences in students. I absolutely love this method of teaching. It allows students to have freedom in the way that they learn. I plan to use this method in the future. 10. Overall Experience Education is the most powerful weapon in which you can use to change the world -Nelson Mandela 11. References Scottlake Elementary School.(2013). Retrieved July 9. 2013, 2010 Florida Educator Accomplished Practices

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