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Instructional Design Standard III- Teachers know the content they


Sherry Wyche


Wiley Elementary School, 2013-2014 School Year Coach: Tina Johnson Staffing Specialist: Cristina Lester

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According to Dr. Ray Jones a teachers job is to cause change as well as to cause thinking in the

students. Dr. Jones , an experienced teacher and coach himself; believes that most teachers do what

they ‘think’ they ought to be doing as it relates to teaching. Understanding first that learning is a process

it then leads one to begin the process of figuring out then the answer to the question, “How do you

cause learning”?

I too belive that the process of learning begins with an external idea and the challenge then

becomes how to get that idea inside of the child. As Dr. Jones said children will get the idea in them by 1

of 3 ways; reading, listening or viewing. In this assignment I will attempt to show how I think I ought to

be teaching. I will present artifacts of my teaching before November 18th and end by showing growth in

my teaching and strength in my plans. My objective is to transform from what I think I ought to be

teaching and how I think I ought to be teaching to shortining the gap between teaching and learning.

Background of class:

Each class at Wiley Elementary school is vastly different. However, what I would like to see change is

universal. My lessons currently seem to flow well. I’d like to see the students become more ready for

the real world. I’d like to see them work on their social skills as well as becoming effective cominucators.

Each class is mostly full of students who don’t look you in the eye when they speak or students who are

not confident in themselves. I would like my overall goal to address these concerns and for those goals

to become visible in my lessons.

Overall Goal: To increase student led instruction as well as adding a more solid formative assesment

piece to each lesson.

Essential Standard: Apply comptetent motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a

variety of physical activites.

Objectives K-2.MS.1 Execute recognizale forms of basic locomotor skills

Essential Question: How can we use the locomotor skills to play?

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In the month of September my goal was to introduce and reintroduce locomotion and the skills

associated with it to K-5 students. My lesson plans for the week of September 23rd – September 27th

were geared toward that goal. We had previously introduced a few locomotor skills so the students

were farmilar with how to identify a skill as a locomotor skill. Before the lesson began I activated that

knowledge by asking them to recall those skills and also how to identify a locomotor skill.They were

required to perform the recalled locomotor skills to ensure they also knew how to do the movements.

During the lesson I played the book “Brown bear, Brown bear” via YouTube. To prepare the students for

the game which related to the context of the book I asked questions that would eventually conect the

two. After I gave the students the opportunity to apply the locomotor skills learned through playing a

game. Finally, I challenged the students to recall the colors in the book, the colors in the game, the

locomotor skills used during the game and to describe how locomotor skills help you play.

Distribution of Labor:I/We/They

For this lesson I demonstrated the locomotor skills for the students first. I also facilitated the

game. Together the students and I reviewed previously introduced locomotor skills. The word wall

words were introduced in a collaborative way in that I facilitated but the students have to join the

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conversation (using body movement, call and react, selected students writing the words on the board,

and actively encouraging their peers). They were asked to use bears to perform the new words that

would be used in the lessons to come. Finally, the students played the game independently and used the

skills and information that was learned before and during the lesson.


Lesson Plans September 23rd-27th (k-2).docx

YouTube reading of Brown bear, Brown Bear

Coach W’s Word Wall 3-5 (New).pptx

Brown Bear, Brown Bear.pptx


This lesson was planned to reach all students. Consideration to the ability to recall the various

locomotor skills was taken which is why they were reviewed in mulitple forms before the actual

application during the game. Careful consideration was also taken as it was assumed that all students

would not know their colors so a powerpoint that connected back to the book and the colors of the

animals was up during the entire game. This was a beginning locomotor game so the skills were set at a

very intermediate level and the requirements to perform them and participate were low.

I felt the lesson went well and walked away knowing I needed to leave room for more student

conversation. I felt the instructional plan was exactly what I anticipated but I could have allowed more

student involvement in the closing.

Essential Standard: Apply comptetent motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a

variety of physical activites.

Objectives PE.K.MS.1.2 Use recognizable forms of the basic manipulative skills.

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Essential Question: How can we use what we know about locomotor skills to play with magnets?

Distribution of Labor:I/We/They

For this lesson given October 28th – November 1st to grades K-5, I first collaborated with grade-

level chairs to determine what kind of information the students might bring with them as it related to

magnets. As I assumed that varied across the grade levels so I researched different information for each

level. I gathered all materials and created powerpoints and vidoes and align the lesson. At this point of

the year I began to have students lead the warm-up routine and during this lesson that was done. A

student was chosen to lead the warm-up and I monitored and facilitated as needed. The students then

either watched a Bill Nye the science guy video educating them on magnets or I read the book “What

Makes a Magnet?” (K-2 read the book and 3rd-5th watched the video). I then explained the game and

how to play and the students then played the game. Each student had a team captain who made sure

the people on their team knew how to perform the exercise for their group and the team captain was

also in charge of checking the cards verse the paperclips placed in the cup.


Lesson Plans Octotber 28th- November 1st (K-5th).pdf

Coach W’s Word Wall (Magnet).pptx

Bill Nye YouTube video


The game was a combination of sensory motor and manipulative skills, I felt that I was

successful in combining the PE content with information that the students would one day be able to use

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as prior knowledge in another area. I walked away feelin that the students did in fact leave my room

with knowledge that they didn’t have before. I was able to assess manipulative skills which allowed me

to plan what kinds of games I could plan for in the future that enable student success.

Essential Standard: Apply competent motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a

variety of physical activities.

Objectives PE.1.MS.1.4 Use non-locomotor and locomotor skills in a variety of pathways, in different

directions, and at different levels in response to music.

Essential Questions:

Kindergarten How can we use locomotor skills, letters, and teamwork to play? 1st-2nd How can we combine what we know about teamwork and locomotor skills to play a game using vowel sounds? 3rd-5th How can we revisit what we know about scooters and math facts to play a game using locomotor skills?

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Distribution of Labor:I/We/They

During the week of October 14th –October 18th my students continued to work on locomotion and

teamwork. I set up a relay style game that involved scooters, letters, working together as a team and

using limbs as a source of locomotor skill. The games intent was to make students think quick while

incorporating physical fitness. I read a story that connected seasons to the lesson. Together we

reviewed short a vowel sounds through a powerpoint that I created. Students wre instructed to give a

thumbs up or a thumbs down to assess their knowledge as the powerpoint went on. Finally, students

took the knowledge that they brought with them or the knowledge they gained during the learning time

and applied it to the game.


The game was a combination of learning new information and tapping into old information. I

was able to focus on the objectives of the standard by adding in team captains that had specific duties in

keeping their teams excited and organized. I further aligned the lesson to the standard by ensuring that

music was involved and at points during the game it was used rhtymically to start and stop the game.

I used this lesson for all grade levels and was able to differintiate it for the upper levels by

adding math content. All students received the same PE standard and physical fitness the only diffferent

was it was differintiated for Kindergatern, 1st-2nd and then 3rd-5th. I truly felt this was a great lesson that

involved many layers and allowed the opportunity for many learning points.


Lesson Plans Octotber 14th-18th (K-5th).docx


Letter Fall.pptx Coach W’s Word Wall (motion).pptx

Bicycle Crunch

3rd-5th Grade Game 3rd-5th Grade (modified game)

Short A vowel sound game

Letter Match game (Kindergarten)

Essential Standard: Apply comptetent motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a

variety of physical activites.

Objectives PE.K.MS.1.2 Use recognizable forms of the basic manipulative skills.

Essential Question:

Kindergarten Can we count, toss and write numbers? 1st -5th Can we create math problems with bean bags?

Distribution of Labor:I/We/They

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During the week of November 25th –Novemebr 26th my students reviewed a skill previously introduced.

To prepare them for the game each student was tossed a tennis ball. As the balls are tossed I am

explaing to the students the importance of focusing on the ball and knowing where you want your

hands to go. When a student did not catch the ball (for one reason or another) I asked them to throw

the ball back to me and focus on catching again. During this time I shouted as well as demonstrated

different ways to throw and catch the ball. Intermitedely I shouted our attention signal and

demonstrated how they should focus on me when it is called even if they had materials in their hands.

Those students who struggled with tossing and catching worked with me one on one and if they

continued to struggle I gave them a larger ball to practice with.

After this initial assessment we transitioned into the game room. In the game room there were multiple

colored spot dots on the floor aligned in rows to give the students a place to stand. Next to the spot dot

was a frisbee with a beanbag, a pencil, and a blank index card. On the screen students saw number flash

and they had to either write the number on their card and then toss the beanbag that number of times

or add, subtract or multiply the number times the next number.

The power point was not long which allowed for students to be called to roll the dice and count the

numbers. As they rolled I called out a sign and they created problems this way. At the end of the game

(time permitted) students tossed the beanbag to themselves as many times as they could and wrote

that number down. Finally, students had to write a sentence that used the word wall words for the day

detailed with the number of times they were able to toss the beanbag without dropping it.


This lesson included multiple layers that allowed the students to walked away changed. This lesson was

created after the session with Dr. jones and much consideration was place on the distribution of labor.

The only thing I did was change the slides on the powerpoint and explain the expectations of the game

to the students. They (the students) had to apply their prior knowledge of numbers and number facts,

they had to physically do the work, and they needed to think about the entire lesson to complete the

sentence. The sentences were then used as a formative assesment to ensure the students knew what

was intended for them in the lesson.


Lesson Plans November 25th-November 26th (k-5th).docx

Coach W’s Word Wall (catch).pptx

Beanbag math toss Bean Bag number sentence.pptx

Bean Bag Numbers (Kindergarten).pptx

Essential Standard: Apply competent motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a

variety of physical activities.

Objectives PE.1.MS.1.4 Use non-locomotor and locomotor skills in a variety of pathways, in different

directions, and at different levels in response to music.

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Essential Question:

Can we learn new ways to play with balls and use locomotor skills?

Distribution of Labor:I/We/They

In this lesson I planned to bring the text that we would read to life. The story left students wondering

what the game “Whaleball” is and how to play it. The lesson began with a vigorous warm up along with

music. I allowed the students to decide which exercise we would do. We then instroduced the new word

wall words which would help them play the game. Students were asked higher level questions to lead

them to the definitions of the words introduced. Students were then selected to write those words on

the board while their teammates cheered them on. They were then invited into the gameroom where

the room was set up with tunnels, exercise dots, jumpropes and cones. Students were arranged in

teams of 4-5 and given then instructions.


I thought this game went well. Students led most of the instruction which was my goal. They were able

to incorporate what they already knew about locomotor skills and add those ideas and learnings to a

new one which was inspired by the word wall words introduced. Students who didn’t know how or in

which ways you could balance a ball were able to find out how, students who envisioned what the game

might look like were able to see it and play it through. I felt there was plenty of ‘they’ and less of me and

I was also able to incorporate several components of student led instruction.


Lesson Plans November 14th - November 18th (K-5th).docx

Whale Ball.pptx Whale Ball Whale Ball Photos

Essential Standard: Apply comptetent motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a

variety of physical activites.

Objectives PE.K.MS.1.2 Use recognizable forms of the basic manipulative skills.

Essential Question:

Kindergarten-5th How can we review time, tossing and catching and still have fun? Distribution of Labor:I/We/They

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In this lesson students had to come to class with some prior knowledge of the clock. The lesson began

by the selection of a “teacher for the day”. Students were all engaged in the process by singing a song

that prepared them to be chosen as the teacher. The ‘teacher’ was then selected by me and given

instructions on what to teach. The student led and facilitated the warm up. After the student performed

the class gave the ‘teacher’ feedback on the lesson. The “teacher for the day” was welcomed back to

their seat with a positive song sung by the students (see video artifact). I then gave another brief

warmup where the students knew the arrangement of the centers and moved to the music. I introduced

the word wall words and they were encouraged to answer by their peers and myself. Higher level

questions were asked to guide the students to the correct definitions of those words. A student was

selected to then write the word on the board. Students then cheered for the student and we read the

story about time. Students were then given an apple with two sides that they would use to agree or

disagree with the answers given by their peers. A powerpoint was shown as the students used their

prior knowledge and the snapshot of knowledge given to them before introducing the powerpoint.

Students had to guess the times on the clocks.

Finally, students entered the game room where there were colored spot dots arranged in partner style.

Each dot had a frisbee with a clock, a game piece and each pair had a ball (either football, soccer ball or

dodge ball). Students had to use the knowledge learned from the learning room on the new word wall

words in order to correctly pass the ball to their partner. Soccer balls were kicked and the other balls

were passed appropriately. Students then had to either read their game card or match the clocl


I thought this lesson went well and that I met my goal. The students were thourougly engaged, they led

and I took the back seat and I added a more solid formative assessment.


Lesson Plans December 2nd - December 6th (NEW).docx

Time 3rd-5th Grade (Game).pptx

Coach W’s Chants for success.pptx

Coach W’s Word Wall (Pass).pptx

Time.pptx Time 3rd-5th Grade.pptx

Additional photos Additional photos


A teacher’s job is to cause students to change, to cause thinking. In order to do this I found it is

easier to begin with thinking about the students that I will teach. I recognized that students need to read

it, see it, hear it and view it before it sticks. The first 3 lessons provided were thought out by first

building an understanding of where my students were physically and educationally. I worked hard to

remember that students operate in the “yet” meaning there were things that they can definitely do but

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still things that they don’t know how to do yet. With that in mind I felt pretty decent about the

presentation, delivery and comprehension of the lessons.

After further reflection I recognized that I needed to take a deeper look at the distribution of

labor, giving up control, finding more ways to increase the ‘they’ column of the chart, reducing lecture

time and increasing play time and including a better formative assessment. Once I added these

components my lessons truly came to life! All of the students were totally engaged and the feedback

from them was unmatchable.

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