
Kadri: Social 10-2 F2018/R3-Aiii Assignment III: Exploring an Issue and Defending a Position

The film, Blood Diamond follows the journey of two men, a white South African mercenary and a black Mende fisherman, joined in a common quest to recover a rare gen that has the power to transform their lives. The dangerous trek they embark on illustrates the behind-the-scene uncovering of truly, blinding brilliance and the systemic detrimental cost.

A YouTuber film critic interviewed three characters from Blood Diamond and discussed the following

question: Does economic globalization affect people’s lives and the environment? Danny Archer:

Who do you think buys the stones I bring out? dreamy American girls who want a story book wedding and a big shiny rock just like the ones they see in the advertisements in your politically correct magazines. So, please, don't come here and make judgements on me, alright. I provide a service, the world wants what we have, and they want it cheap. We're in business together you and me. Get over yourself, darling.

Maddy Bowen:

The people back home wouldn't buy a ring if they knew it cost someone else their hand.

Benjamin Kapanay:

My heart always told me that people are inherently good. My experience suggests otherwise…It is what they do that makes them good or bad. A moment of love, even in a bad man, can give meaning to a life. None of us knows whose path will lead us to God.

Does economic globalization affect people’s lives and the environment?

Write a response in which you must

• Explore the issue of the impact of economic globalization on people and the environment • Analyze various points of view on the issue • Explain and defend your position on the question • Support your point of view using your understanding of social studies

APA format Due: Monday, December 10, 2018 by 10:00 pm via Turnitin

Kadri: Social 10-2 F2018/R3-Aiii Outline

Paragraph 1: Citizen I Explain the Source

1. Discuss any background or contextual information that is important to understand the position. For example: a. Who is the speaker? Position? b. Explain the respective citizen’s position on issue c. Important events that may have shaped his/her perspective (context)

2. What is the message, intent, or purpose of the speaker without repeating the source? 3. 2-3 sentences “describing the meaning” of the perspective, as it relates to the issue

Identify the Perspective

• What terms, concepts, or ideas are involved? • Does the speaker accept or reject any terms, concepts or ideas? • Is there bias?

Provide Support

• Use direct quotations, facts from source • Explain how they support your interpretation


• Rephrase speaker’s position + support (reason)

Paragraph 2: Citizen II

Paragraph 3: Citizen III

Paragraph 4: Your Position on the Issue Main idea: State your position on the issue (topic + proving point)

• Utilize the question in your response Evidence: Offer evidence/example to support your position

• Social Studies knowledge (history, concepts) Analysis: How does the evidence support your position?

• How does it relate to the issue? • How does it prove your point?

Final thought: Come full circle

Useful terms: argues, suggests, believes, encourages, agrees, considers, asserts, contends, maintains

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