  • 8/22/2019 Assocham Exchange Rate Study


    Exchange Rate Slide

    What Impact Is It Having

  • 8/22/2019 Assocham Exchange Rate Study



    I. Falling Rupee and Its Impact

    Since the current round of global uncertainties started after the downgrading of USA and the

    increasing threat perception of a Greek default, the rupee has been depreciating. Earlier as well,

    the rupee has been unsettled whenever the global economy showed signs of trouble as in 2008. A

    look at the pattern of rupee in comparison to the four major currencies shows that since April

    2011, there has been a depreciation trend that is much more visible. (Fig 1)

    Fig 1 Exchange Rates

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    Such wild fluctuations in the rupee exchange rate within a short span of time are unsettling and

    leaving its imprint on the rest of the economy. The depreciating rupee will add further pressure

    on the overall domestic inflation and since India is structurally an import intensive country, as

    reflected in the high and persistent current account deficits month after month, the domestic costs

    will rise on account of rupee depreciation. The rupee depreciation will particularly hit the

    industrial sector and put higher pressure on their costs as items like oil, imported coal, metals and

    minerals, imported industrial intermediate products all are getting affected.

    A. Impact on Oil Imports

    Oil imports consume he largest part of the forex reserves. A depreciating rupee is bound to offset

    the decrease in the international prices of commodities such as oil. As can be seen from the

    figure below although the oil price per barrel has fallen however the depreciating rupee has not

    given any respite to the importer as they actually have to shell out more money in order to

    On the basis of ASSOCHAMs

    interactions with market players, there

    could be two possible scenarios:

    Scenario 1: If the global recovery does

    not take place and the pattern of flow of

    funds away from the Indian economy

    continues as it has done in the recent

    months the exchange rate could well

    reach the levels of 53.8 in January 2012

    and 55.1 in March 2012.

    Scenario 2: If global economies areable to recover and the funds start to

    flow again into the Indian markets then

    the exchange rate would settle for

    somewhere around Rs 49.50.This would

    also be the new normal level of

    exchange rate.


    PoundSterling Euro Yen


    Jan 45.4 71.5 60.5 55.0Feb 45.4 73.3 62.1 55.1

    Mar 45.0 72.7 63.0 55.0

    Apr 44.4 72.7 64.3 53.3

    May 45.0 73.4 64.3 55.4

    Jun 44.8 72.7 64.5 55.7

    Jul 44.4 71.7 63.2 56.0

    Aug 45.5 74.4 65.4 59.0

    Sep 47.6 75.2 65.5 62.0

    Oct 49.3 77.6 67.7 64.2

    Nov 52.7 81.4 69.9 67.3

    Dec 53.1 81.8 70.3 69.2


    Jan 53.8 82.1 71.8 70.5

    Feb 54.5 83.4 72.5 72.6

    Mar 55.1 85.8 73.7 74.4

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    purchase the same quantity of oil.Take for instance crude oil imports. Brent crude oil price was

    $118.46 per barrel on April 2011 when exchange rate for the rupee was Rs 44.4 to a dollar. On

    November, oil price had gone down to $109.03 per barrel and exchange rate was Rs 52.7 to a

    dollar. Thus, because of the rupee depreciation not much benefit can be derived out of the loweroil price.Instead, the increase in price of importing oil between April and Novemebr is to the

    tune of Rs. 489.8 per barrel. (Fig 2)

    Fig 2 Oil price and Exchange Rate

    Source: RBI

    B. Impact on Debt

    A depreciating rupee is not only impacting the import bill it has also severly affected the cost of

    borrowings for the corporate sector. As was reported recently1

    Indian companies have borrowed

    close to $29 billion in foreign currencies, through ECBs (External Commercial Borrowing) and

    FCCBs (Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds), since the beginning of this year, The corporates

    had been increasingly tapping overseas loans, mostly in the US dollar, till a few months ago to

    save costs arising out of higher interest rates and liquidity constraints within the country, but the

    subsequent fall in the rupee value has negated the benefits. The report suggested that a sharp fallof about 17 per cent in the value of rupee from near Rs 44-level against the US dollar at the start

    of 2011 to below Rs 51-level currently has made the cost of repaying these foreign loans costlier

    by a similar margin.


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    For instance an Indian company would now need to pay an amount of about Rs 5,134 crore

    (based on current rupee value of Rs 51.34 per US dollar) towards the principal amount to a

    bondholder of $1 billion, while a similar loan amount would have been worth about Rs 4,400

    crore at the beginning of 2010.

    The falling value of rupee may make the foreign loans availed by the Indian companies this year

    costlier by an estimated over Rs 25,000 crore (about $five billion), if the current currency

    valuations persist.

    External Debt Scenario

    As per the latest data made available by RBI, Indias external debt, as at the end-June 2011, was

    placed at US$ 317.0 billion recording an increase of US$ 10.5 billion or 3.4 per cent over the

    end-March 2011 level primarily on account of increase in commercial borrowings, short-term

    trade credits and NRI deposits.

    The external commercial borrowings and short term trade credits accounted for 70 per cent of the

    rise in total external debt over the quarter broadly reflecting the surge in imports. NRI deposits

    and multilateral borrowings accounted for about 20 per cent of the increase in total external debt

    (Figure 3).These are certain payments for which funds need to be kept at hand always.

    Fig 3 External Debt Outstanding US $ Billion

    Source: RBI Monthly Bulletin November 2011, Indias External Debt:Trend, Policy Changes and Cross-countryComparison*

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    Government (Sovereign) external debt stood at US$ 78.7 billion as at end-June 2011 as against

    US$ 67.1 billion as at end-March 2010. The share of Government external debt in the total

    external debt at 24.8 per cent at end-June 2011 declined marginally over end - March 2011 (25.5

    per cent). On the other hand, the share of non-Government debt in total external debt rose duringthe quarter to 75.2 per cent from 74.5 per cent (Figure 4).Therefore what this could mean is that

    maybe Indian corporates might have gone in for cheaper loans from foreign avenues which now

    would have become expensive owing to the depreciating rupee.

    Fig 4 Government and Non-Government External Debt inpercentage

    Source: RBI Monthly Bulletin November 2011, Indias External Debt:Trend, Policy Changes and Cross-countryComparison*

    Another key element to be noticed in the external debt picture of India is the exposure of debt in

    terms of various currencies. The data suggests that the US Dollar denominated debt continued to

    be the largest with a share of 54.2 per cent in the total external debt as at end-June 2011. The

    share of Indian rupee in the total external debt stock accounted for 19.2 per cent as at end-June

    2011 followed by Japanese Yen (11.1 per cent), the share of Euro accounted for3.7 per cent as at

    end-June 2011 (Figure 5).Now here again the depreciation of rupee is bound to increase the

    interest payments as indicated earlier that since April until November 2011 there has been an

    16.54 per cent depreciation.

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    Fig 5 Currency Composition of External Debt inpercentages

    Source: RBI Monthly Bulletin November 2011, Indias External Debt:Trend, Policy Changes and Cross-countryComparison*

    As indicated in the table below (Table 1) unlike the case is with China where they have foreign

    reserves to the tune of 3 trillion dollars the foreign reserves in Indias case were just about

    equivalent to the external debt at the end of June 2011 period.

    Table 1: Indias External Debt and the ratio of Foreign Reserves to the Total External Debt

    External Debts (US $Billion)

    Ratio of foreign Exchangereserve to total External Debts

    2007-08 224.4 138

    2008-09 224.5 112.2

    2009-10 261 106.9

    2010-11PR 306.5 99.5

    end-June 2011P 316.9 99.6Source: RBI Monthly Bulletin November 2011, Indias External Debt:Trend, Policy Changes and Cross-countryComparison*

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    I. Effect of a Depreciating Rupee

    Finally to somewhat understand the effect of depreciating currency on the external debt figures

    Table 2 has been tabulated taking an assumption that figures for various heads as given in theend of June 2011 period were the same for November 2011 and shows what shall be the effect on

    each parameter due to the depreciating rupee. Therefore we can see that the depreciating rupee

    has had the serious effects upon the external debt figures of the nation.

    Table 2: Effect of Depreciating Rupee on the External Debt Composition of India (inRupees Billion)

    Total External DebtEnd June-2011 End Nov-2011 Change

    Government Debt 3525.7 4068.7 543.0

    Non-Government Debt 10672.5 12316.2 1643.8

    Total External Debt 14198.2 16384.9 2186.8

    Currency Composition of Debt

    US Dollar 7695.4 8880.6 1185.2

    SDR 1348.8 1556.6 207.7

    Indian Rupee -------- -------- ---------

    Japanese Yen 1576.0 1818.7 242.7

    Euro 525.3 606.2 80.9

    Pound Sterling 241.4 278.5 37.2

    Impact of a depreciating rupee:

    Total external debt has increased by Rs. 2186.8 billion for the period June 2011

    to November 2011.

    The currency composition for major currencies has also had an impact due to

    this depreciation. The debt in U.S dollars has increased by Rs. 1185.2 billion,

    that in Japanese Yen has increased by Rs. 242.7 billion.

    In terms of the three major components of external debt the changes in External

    Commercial Borrowings, NRI Deposits and Short term Debts have been Rs.

    643.2, 365.0 and 472.5 Billion respectively.

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    Others 85.2 98.3 13.1

    Sum of Currency Composition of Debt 14198.2 16384.9 2186.8

    Components of External Debt

    External Commercial Borrowings 4176.3 4819.5 643.2NRI Deposits 2369.8 2734.8 365.0

    Short-Term Debt 3067.6 3540.1 472.5

    Key Components of External Debt 9613.7 11094.4 1480.7June Exchange Rate taken as 44.4November Exchange Rate taken as 51.7

    II.Why is the Rupee Falling

    Moving on, let us try and understand as to how the crises in the U.S. and European region might

    also be leading to this heavy depreciation in rupee. We shall try and do so by looking at the

    trends in Net FIIs. In the light of uncertainty and fall in global stock market, foreign

    institutional investors are supposed to be pulling out their money from various EMEs (Emerging

    Market Economies) and taking them back to their home countries in order to sustain themselves.

    As can be seen from the figures below since April barring the month of September we can see

    that whenever there has been a fall in the Net FIIs the exchange rate has depreciated

    considerably. (Fig 6)

    Fig 6 Net FII and Exchange Rate

    Source: SEBI

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    Table:3Trends in FII and Exchange Flow

    Net FII Exchange Rate

    Apr 7196.1 44.4

    May -4276.0 45.0

    Jun 4883.3 44.8

    Jul 10652.9 44.4

    Aug -7902.5 45.5

    Sep -1865.7 47.6

    Source: SEBI

    III.Comparative Exchange Rate movements in EMEs

    To understand whether this phenomenon of depreciating rupee is a standalone case for India the

    study has tries to look at the currency trends of six other nations vis--vis the U.S dollar. The

    countries considered were China, Brazil, South Africa, India, Mexico and Russia. The trend

    seems to suggest that almost all the nations have seen their currencies depreciating since May

    2011 barring China which has shown currency appreciation in the given period. (Fig 7) Assuggested by the trend lines amongst the nations considered South Africa has seen the highest

    level of currency depreciation, followed by India. (Table 4) Thus there is reason to believe that

    the crisis prevalent in the west is affecting almost all major economies worldwide.

    Key Observation

    Indian financial market index (BSE index)

    indicates a declining trend from April 2011 to

    November 2011. The falling index is partially an

    indication that FIIs are selling out, this would

    further increase the pressure on rupees.

    BSE Index

    Bse Index

    Apr 19,463.11May 19,224.05

    Jun 18,527.12

    Jul 18,974.96

    Aug 18,352.23

    Sep 16,963.67

    Oct 16,255.97

    Nov 15,822.28Source: SEBI

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    Fig 7 Comparative Exchange Rate movements in EMEs vis--vis U.S Dollar

    Appreciated by 2.67 per cent

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    Table 4: Exchange rates of Nations vis--vis U.S DollarBrazilReal


    South AfricaRand




    Apr 1.59 11.72 6.73 28.06 6.53 44.4

    May 1.61 11.66 6.86 27.92 6.50 45.0

    Jun 1.59 11.81 6.79 27.98 6.48 44.8

    Jul 1.56 11.67 6.79 27.91 6.46 44.4

    Aug 1.60 12.24 7.09 28.81 6.41 45.5

    Sep 1.74 13.04 7.56 30.73 6.39 47.6

    Oct 1.77 13.45 7.97 31.25 6.37 49.3

    Nov 1.78 13.67 8.19 30.83 6.36 51.7Source:

    IV.Should RBI Intervene ?

    The persistent decline in rupee is a cause of concern. Also there have been of lately suggestions

    made that, some intervention from the Reserve Bank could become a critical stabilising factor.

    Indeed, Reserve Bank had earlier intervened at times when the rupee was appreciating to protect

    the interests of Indian exports. So, the demand is why not when the rupee is depreciating.

    However looking at all the above factors the magnitude of external debt, the currency

    composition of the debt as well as the continuous depreciation of the rupee makes one wonder

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    whether the RBI should put extra burden on its existing foreign reserves on order to check this

    exchange rate fluctuation.

    V. Suggestions What the authorities can do, other than direct intervention

    Oil import demand could be staggered and purchases co-ordinated so

    that at no point there is undue bundling of imports.

    The government can take initiatives which encourage and increase the

    flow of foreign investments into India. Three recent steps taken by the

    government be it the pension fund FDI limit or the increase in the

    investment limit investors in government security and corporate bonds

    are the steps in the right direction.

    The government can make investments attractive and invites long term

    FDI debt funds in infrastructure sector.

    Government can consider temporary import compression.

    FDI in the aviation industry, retail can also attract foreign investors.

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