  • 7/30/2019 Associations between online patient ratings and traditional quality measures in the English NHS


    Associations between Internet-based patient ratingsand conventional quality measures in the English NHS

    November 6 th 2012

    Felix Greaves Department of Primary Care and Public Health Imperial College London [email protected] @felixgreaves

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/30/2019 Associations between online patient ratings and traditional quality measures in the English NHS


    We love rating things on the internet

  • 7/30/2019 Associations between online patient ratings and traditional quality measures in the English NHS


    We now do this in health too

  • 7/30/2019 Associations between online patient ratings and traditional quality measures in the English NHS


    The number of ratings is increasing

    USA UK

    Gao et al., JMIR, 2012 Greaves et al., JMIR, 2012







    A u g - 0


    O c

    t - 0 8

    D e c -

    0 8

    F e

    b - 0


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    J u n - 0


    A u g - 0


    O c

    t - 0 9

    D e c -

    0 9

    F e

    b - 1


    A p r -

    1 0

    J u n - 1


    A u g - 1


    O c

    t - 1 0

    D e c -

    1 0

    F e

    b - 1


    A p r -

    1 1

    J u n - 1


    A u g - 1


    O c

    t - 1 1

    D e c -

    1 1

    C u m u l a

    t i v e n u m

    b e r o

    f h o s p

    i t a l r a

    t i n g s

  • 7/30/2019 Associations between online patient ratings and traditional quality measures in the English NHS


    What some clinicians think

  • 7/30/2019 Associations between online patient ratings and traditional quality measures in the English NHS


    What people say about online rating

    Why it s bad1. Potential straining of

    doctor-patient relationships

    2. Reviews may be maliciousor fake

    3. Selection bias by thoseleaving reviews

    4. Lack of meaningful data ontechnical quality of healthcare

    Why it s good1.Doctors can often be poor

    judges of their patients

    satisfaction and experience2.Feedback changes doctors

    performance3.People will inevitably use

    the Internet to voiceopinions, so why notcapture this information in auseful form

  • 7/30/2019 Associations between online patient ratings and traditional quality measures in the English NHS


    Where we are

    Physician and hospital ratings websites arebecoming more popular

    They remain controversial The relationship between ratings and hard

    measures of quality is not known Can we compare ratings to other healthcare

    quality measures?

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    The opportunity for a natural experiment

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    Getting the data

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    We thought we could compare ratings with sometraditional measures of quality


  • 7/30/2019 Associations between online patient ratings and traditional quality measures in the English NHS


    Average scores

    Score Mean rating

    (out of 5) Range

    The environment where I

    was treated was

    3.6 2.6-5.0

    I was treated with dignityand respect by the hospitalstaff

    4.0 2.7-5.0

    I was involved withdecisions about my care

    3.8 2.4-5.0

    The hospital staff workedwell together

    4.1 2.9-5.0

    Greaves et al. BMJ Quality and Safety, 2012

  • 7/30/2019 Associations between online patient ratings and traditional quality measures in the English NHS


    Average scores

    Score Mean rating

    (out of 5) Range

    The environment where I

    was treated was

    3.6 2.6-5.0

    I was treated with dignityand respect by the hospitalstaff

    4.0 2.7-5.0

    I was involved withdecisions about my care

    3.8 2.4-5.0

    The hospital staff workedwell together

    4.1 2.9-5.0

    Greaves et al. BMJ Quality and Safety, 2012

    The majority of ratings are positive 67% would recommend to a friend

  • 7/30/2019 Associations between online patient ratings and traditional quality measures in the English NHS


    NHS ChoicesMeasure

    Survey question:Spearman

    Rho p value

    Proportion of patientsrecommending

    Overall, how would you rate thequality of care you received


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    NHS ChoicesMeasure

    Survey question:Spearman

    Rho p value

    Proportion of patientsrecommending

    Overall, how would you rate thequality of care you received


  • 7/30/2019 Associations between online patient ratings and traditional quality measures in the English NHS


    Ratings compared to outcomes

    NHS Choices Measure Other variable Spearman

    Rho p value

    Proportion of patientsrecommending

    Hospital Standardised MortalityRatio

    -0.20 0.01

    Proportion of patientsrecommending

    Standardised morality rate for highrisk conditions

    -0.22 0.01

    Proportion of patientsrecommending

    Standardised morality rate amongsurgical inpatients with serioustreatable complications

    -0.00 0.99

    Proportion of patientsrecommending

    Standardised mortality rate fromlow mortality conditions

    0.03 0.70

    Proportion of patientsrecommending

    Emergency readmission rate within28 days


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    Ratings compared to outcomes

    NHS Choices Measure Other variable Spearman

    Rho p value

    Proportion of patientsrecommending

    Hospital Standardised MortalityRatio

    -0.20 0.01

    Proportion of patientsrecommending

    Standardised morality rate for highrisk conditions

    -0.22 0.01

    Proportion of patientsrecommending

    Standardised morality rate amongsurgical inpatients with serioustreatable complications

    -0.00 0.99

    Proportion of patientsrecommending

    Standardised mortality rate fromlow mortality conditions

    0.03 0.70

    Proportion of patientsrecommending

    Emergency readmission rate within28 days


  • 7/30/2019 Associations between online patient ratings and traditional quality measures in the English NHS


    Comparing cleanliness ratings with infection rates

    Greaves et al, 2012 Arch Int Med

    NHS Choices Measure Other variable Spearman

    Rho p value


    perception of cleanliness

    Rate of MRSA bacteraemia

    (per 1,000 bed days)


  • 7/30/2019 Associations between online patient ratings and traditional quality measures in the English NHS


    Comparing cleanliness ratings with infection rates

    Greaves et al, 2012 Arch Int Med

    NHS Choices Measure Other variable Spearman

    Rho p value


    perception of cleanliness

    Rate of MRSA bacteraemia

    (per 1,000 bed days)


  • 7/30/2019 Associations between online patient ratings and traditional quality measures in the English NHS


    A wisdom in the crowd of patients?

  • 7/30/2019 Associations between online patient ratings and traditional quality measures in the English NHS


    Comparison of the NHS Inpatient Survey and ratings on the NHSChoices website

    NHS Inpatient Survey NHS Choices ratings

    Mechanism Paper-based survey Ratings left on a website

    Number ofresponses 69,000 per year

    5,000 per year

    Selection Random; patients receive asurvey requestingcompletion after leavinghospital

    Self-selecting; patients arenot solicited


    79% rated their overall careas excellent or very good

    67% would recommend to afriend

    Cost Likely more expensive Likely less expensive

  • 7/30/2019 Associations between online patient ratings and traditional quality measures in the English NHS


    Comparison of the NHS Inpatient Survey and ratings on the NHSChoices website

    NHS Inpatient Survey NHS Choices ratings

    Mechanism Paper-based survey Ratings left on a website

    Number ofresponses 69,000 per year

    5,000 per year

    Selection Random; patients receive asurvey requestingcompletion after leavinghospital

    Self-selecting; patients arenot solicited


    79% rated their overall careas excellent or very good

    67% would recommend to afriend

    Cost Likely more expensive Likely less expensive

    There were 10,000 hospital ratings in theUK over 2 years

    Over the same time period there were29,118,009 hospital admissions

    0.04% of hospital admissions are rated

  • 7/30/2019 Associations between online patient ratings and traditional quality measures in the English NHS


    The stereotypical reviewer?

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    Where are peoplerating their care?

  • 7/30/2019 Associations between online patient ratings and traditional quality measures in the English NHS


    Associations between whether a practice is ratedwith population and practice characteristics


    Z statistic p value

    Practicepopulation size


  • 7/30/2019 Associations between online patient ratings and traditional quality measures in the English NHS


    The cloud of patient experience

  • 7/30/2019 Associations between online patient ratings and traditional quality measures in the English NHS


  • 7/30/2019 Associations between online patient ratings and traditional quality measures in the English NHS


    Christopher Millett

    Ara Darzi Dominic King Henry Lee Utz Pape Azeem Majeed Robert Wachter Daniel Cano-Ramirez

    Thanks to my co-authors:

  • 7/30/2019 Associations between online patient ratings and traditional quality measures in the English NHS


    Thank you

    [email protected]

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