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Mars and channeling of energy

So Mars if not connected to Venus and being strong at the same time, would

indicate extreme

tejas shakti coming from Brahmacarya?

Either way the excessive sexuality leads to wastage of energy and the fruits of

children from such activity are not available. Fruitless activity is the realm of a fool.

Mars indicates the areas where we spend our energy. Thus is Mars is with Jupiter

the most favourable "GURU-MANGALA YOGA" results where the energy is spent

in good causes. This yoga is highly extolled in the Nadi's. If Mars conjoins Venus a

great waster is born as all the energy available is focused on one useless

activity...Mars & Mercury is a good yoga for learning and Mars with the Sun gives

energy for Dharmic work/ Govt etc.

Venus (ruling semen) shows sexuality and physical beauty whereas Mars shows the

destruction of semen /preservation and indicates Brahmacharya[4] thus Mars

causes the first error (dosha) on the significator of natural procreation.

Marriage and foundation of dharma

Dharma is examined in the ninth house and the one-ninth division of signs is

called Navamsa. Parasara advises us to examine this divisional chart (Navamsa) for

spouse as it is the fruit/gains of Dharma. Thus the 11th sign from the 9th house is

the 7th house which shows gains/increase of Dharma and the 12th sign from the 9th

house in the 8th house which shows loss/decrease of Dharma. Thus, marriage

indicates an increase of Dharma while widowhood symbolizes a destruction of

Dharma. In these tense in Hindu wedding the son-in-law is regarded as Vishnu as

his coming to the family has led to an increase in Dharma.

The Sun is a significator of Dharma and hence Maharishi Jaimini teaches

that the Sun can never be a malefic for Upapada (Arudha of 12th house symbolizing

the Vivaha Mandapa[1]). Rahu is the greatest enemy of the Sun and causes its

eclipse. Thus Rahu symbolizes destruction of Dharma and also widowhood. Saturn

is an enemy of the Sun and significator of the 8th house (ruling widowhood/break in

marriage) whereas Jupiter is a friend of the Sun and saves marriages by giving

children. In fact Chanakya[2]Niti[3] teaches that a person who is not desirous of

having children should not marry. Venus (ruling semen) shows sexuality and

physical beauty whereas Mars shows the destruction of semen /preservation and

indicates Brahmacharya[4] thus Mars causes the first error (dosha) on the

significator of natural procreation. Ketu is always opposite to Rahu and both

Parasara and Jaimini teach that it causes marriage. In fact it indicates the

bestiality in man which is controlled by worshipping Lord Shiva as Pasupati[5]. The

Moon is a significator of mother hood and will surely give marriage whereas

Mercury the bastard son of the Moon indicates Adharma or children etc. born

outside marriage and thus, obstructs or break the purity of marriage relationship.

Thus, Jaimini teaches that if Moon & Mercury are in mutual trines in the Navamsa

the character may fall and marriage vows maybe broken while if Mercury is

aspected by Jupiter (the pure representative of Vishnu) then purity prevails and

marriage vows will be kept.

Scorpio is the natural eighth house of the zodiac and if Mercury & Venus are

in Scorpio Navamsa then the person is of very loose morals. In this manner the

various rules/dictums given in the classical literature can be understood.

It would be very interesting to note the relation between the 7th and 8th house in

terms of longevity. While the 8th indicates longevity, the 7th (being the 12th to 8th)

indicates loss to the longevity. A strong 7th indicating strong/over indulgence in sex

causes loss of longevity. Loss of semen, which is vitality, cuts short the length of life.

Thus the 7th, which is opposite to celibacy, affects very much the longevity of life. A

strong Venusian activity is thus an enemy of the longevity

I remember reading that 8th lord in 7th will mean life span of 58 to 60.

Does this also mean that all bad effects of 8th house get neutralized? What about

good effects - e.g, study of occult or inheritance upon death of father?

7th is 12th house to 8th , hence it is loss house to 8th and thus goes predictions. As

7th house is 11th house to father, 8th lord in 7th house would destroy income of

father while alive,that is one school of thought. If 8th lord is placed in 8th house,

then inheritance on account of death of father would be seen to get strengthened. As

regards to study of occult, I wish to say some of proponent like venkatesa, believe if

the 8th lord is placed in 7th , the native may be good astrologer but very poor in life.

-If Rahu is in star of Jupiter then Rahu will give the results of 11th

house[where Jup is posted] and the houses owned by Jpiter particularly if those are

vacant. If Jup is in star of Venus in 12th, then in Rahu period you can expect reslts

of 11th Jup +houses owned by Jup.You can not get result of Venus in 12th.


(Some Birth details are with held for obvious reasons)

Chart1: Female born on 31st January 1951.

Chart 1 is the Navamsa of a Lady born in a Brahmin family. The sixth Lord Mars is

in the ninth house aspected by Rahu. Rahu also eclipse the Sun and Moon in Lagna.

Thus fall in Dharma is to occur. Ketu, signifying sexuality is in the seventh house

as the 7th Lord Jupiter and seventh house are both afflicted by Saturn (a dire

malefic signifying and ruling the 8th house). Both Venus and Mercury are in

Scorpio (specific combination for Low morals). The second house from Navamsa

Lagna in Cancer aspected by Mars & Venus by Rasi drishti. Thus all planets point

at one thing–fall of Dharma and excessive uncontrolled sexuality. This Lady has

lost all morals and has had all sorts of men in her life.

Chart 2 : Female born on 30th May 1954 at 7:40’ PM at Delhi, India.

In Chart 2 The Lagna is subject to Papakartari Yoga between Rahu, Mars and

Saturn indicating a life of some kind of bondage. The ninth Lord Moon is all placed

in the sixth house showing a fall in Dharma. Venus in the 8th house is also very evil

for marriage. In the Navamsa Saturn is in Capricorn Navamsa aspected by Ketu

(Rasi Drishti) indicating either adultery or Tapaswi (Sanyasi) depending on

whether Jupiter is strong. Jupiter is afflicted by Rahu’s aspect both in Rasi and

Navamsa and is placed in a Dusthana (8th & 12th) in both Rasi & Navamsa. Thus

Jupiter is afflicted. In the Navamsa it is under Papakartari Yoga between Saturn &

Rahu. In female horoscopy Jupiter is the significator of husband and unless this is

strong, married life will not be present or not happy

Venus is in the second house aspected by Mars from the

eighth showing ability (or talent!) for all kinds of sex. Both debilitated Moon and

Mercury are in Scorpio indicating excessive illegal sexuality and conjoined with

Rahu shows the extensive nature of these activities. Her life is a sad story of

exploitation and rape finally leading to the infamous profession of prostitution.


There are various remedial measures given for solving marriage problems like delay

in marriage, divorce etc. Some of them are very tamasic like black magic and others

give temporary results. When it is clearly established that Dharma alone protect

the purity/marriage then the highest and surest remedy lies in increasing Dharma.

Bhagwan Vishnu sits in the ninth house of Dharma and worshipping him with the

Astakshari mantra “OM NAMO NARAYANAYA” or meditating with the mantra “

OM TAT SAT” is the best remedy. In addition, a gemstone of the Lord of ninth

house (in Rasi Chart) and fasting on days ruled by the Lord of Upapada can be


So lagnamsa is the position of lagna in navamsa. Karakamsa is

the position of atma karaka (variable significator of self) in navamsa. Atma

karaka is the planet (out of seven planets and Rahu) with the largest

advancement in the rasi occupied. For Rahu, advancement is measured from the

end of the sign. Let us take an example.

Body Longitude

Lagna 7 Aq 26' 00.69"Sun 26 Aq 02' 48.83"Moon

3 Ge 51' 59.65"

Mars 1 Ta 53' 19.80"Mercury 16 Aq 32' 56.39"Jupiter ®

4 Vi 37' 58.82"Venus 17 Aq 04' 18.34"Saturn 20 Sc 54'

58.50"Rahu 29 Li 52' 33.46"Ketu 29 Ar 52' 33.46"

If you look at the advancement in rasi, Sun has 26 deg 3 min. Moon has 3 deg 52

min. Though Rahu is at 29Li52, his advancement (from the end) is only 8 minutes

(30-0 minus 29-52). of the eight planets, Sun has the largest advancement and

becomes atma karaka (AK).

Let us take this native's navamsa:


In navamsa, lagna is in Sg. So Sg becomes lagnamsa. AK in this chart is Sun and he

is in Ta in navamsa. So karakamsa is in Ta.

Swa simply means "self" and may refer to either lagna or atma karaka. So swamsa

refers the position of either lagna or atmakaraka in navamsa. Parasara used

"swamsa" for both lagnamsa and karakamsa. So swamsa here is in Sg or Ta,

depending on what we mean.

What do they both show?

Navamsa shows the inner self, sense of dharma (duty) and motivation. It shows

attitudes. Analysis of navamsa w.r.t. lagnamsa shows the motivation and attitudes

of the person. Analysis of navamsa w.r.t. karakamsa shows the motivation and

attitudes of the soul that's inside a person. If the person is acting against the wishes

of the soul, it leads to inner turmoil and results in a life that is wasted (soul has to

take birth again and *start from scratch* to fulfill its desires). If lagnamsa and

karakamsa are in mutual shashthashtakas (6th/8th positions), this happens.

In the above example chart, this happens. So the native leads a miserable and

wasteful life (from the point of view of soul).

Analysis from Karakamsa:

Jupiter and Mercury in the 10th house of karma show a soul that wants to be

learned and scholarly in traditional subjects and put the learning to the use of

society. Malefics Saturn and Mars in 9th show a soul that wants knowledge of

tantras, yantras and taamasik rituals. Exalted Ketu in 8th from karakamsa shows

desire of the soul for occult knowledge.

Analysis from Lagnamsa:

Ketu in 1st shows a spiritual person or a revolutionary/thief. Here, in this navamsa,

Ketu is in Rakshasa (demonic) group. So Ketu in lagnamsa shows a thief or a

terrorist. Exalted 6th lord shows strong sense of enmity. Saturn and Mars in

Manushya (human) group in 2nd from lagnamsa show a person who cannot speak

fluently (may have some kind of stammering - Ketu in 2nd gives full stammering).

Mercury and Jupiter in 3rd show an author and a soft-spoken


As you can see, what his soul wants is different from what he is doing. Withoutthe

soul being happy, one cannot have complete success. Finally the life will go waste

and the soul will start from scratch in the next life.

Q: Nathuram Vinayak Godse 19 May 1910 at 8-29 AM ; 73E52’ 18N31’ India. He

was supposed to be a god fearing person, yet he committed homicide! What are the

factors by which this happened?

Nathuram was both a religious man and a killer of a great mahatma. Not only that,

but he was very intelligent.


The placement of Moon and Jupiter in the 6th from AL shows a pious man. From the

natal ascendant, Venus is the exalted 5th lord, aspected by gajakesari, showing

strong bhakti towards god, and a high degree of intelligence.

However there is a very terrible situation with the 9th house. Rahu is the heavily

afflicted Atmakaraka and lord of the 9th placed in the 12th and A9, showing serious

moral and religious deviation. The other lord of the 9th house is debilitated in the

AL. From AL Saturn is in the marana karaka sthana showing that he is a destroyer

of a saint, religion and ethics shown by the 9th.


Mars is the most violent planet for this ascendant, owning the 6th and 11th houses of

violence and punishment. He is placed in Tamasic Gemini ascendant. Affliction to

Gemini causes affliction to the mind, as it is not only the lagna, but also a sign of

Mercury. Mars is the only planet in trines, having the most violent ownership of

any lagna and placed in an inimical sign, showing that he is of the most destructive

nature, despite what the AL shows. The AL shows the maya associated with the

person, and as such to many people he would have shown his Ahimsa due to the

planets in the 6th therefrom, but the Satya of the ascendant finally asserted itself,

and it caught the public eye, as shown by Mars’ position in the 3rd and deadly

Saturn in the AL.


The lagna lord is retrograde Mercury in the 12th, which is a very bad position for

natural benefics to be in, as the retrogression in a duhstana robs them of any good

qualities. Combined with Rahu and Marana karaka sthana Sun, he is very weak,

especially as he has the bandhana/kartari yoga formed by two very evil malefics.

As impressionable lagnesh Mercury is involved in such a malefic combination, and

the ascendant house fairs no better, a very wicked man is produced.

Intelligence is there due to the disposition of the 5th lord, and Mercury’s strength

throughout the charts, being placed in so many vargottamas, swakshetras and

ucchas. However it has been greatly perverted. In this case the logical abilities and

reasoning of Mercury are very strong, however due to the overwhelming influence of

malefics, he is completely robbed of goodness, and becomes the like the cliched evil

mastermind in so many movies.


Rahu is the atmakaraka and also is under the same situation, indicating

displeasure of God, or punishmet from the soul in this life. Rahu as atmakaraka

indicates that Godse has been cheated completely in this life, having fallen under

serious delusion indicated by Maya karaka Rahu.

The naisargika karaka for the soul - Sun, is completely destroyed, being within a

degree of Rahu, keeping his conjunction in navamsa. He has Ubhayachari yoga with

Mars and Saturn showing the extent of his illfame, and darkness of his soul.


Venus is the istadevata. In navamsa ascendant, bhakti of Venus should have saved

him from his evil ways, especially as Mercury is also in the 5th giving purity of

dharma and the mind. He would be very pleasant in mannerisms, and soft in

nature. He would also be more sensual in nature. However the navamsa reveals

the true inner nature of the person, and as such should reflect the reality.

If recitified to Aquarius, the person becomes proficient in the use of guns as Rahu in

trines gives mastery of projectile weapons, such as bows, etc. Saturn in the 5th

makes him a staunch traditionalist. Sun in the 1st gives him his knowledge of the

Vedas. Sun also makes him strongly politically minded, with Rahu, is shown an

antigovernmental schemer.

As the planets in trines are malefic, so to his character becomes malefic. As

Atmakaraka is in Navamsa ascendant, we have a rajayoga, that is well fortified by

the Bheri yoga around the ascendant. This has given his great fame. As Karakamsa

and lagnamsa match, the life events can be said to be the desire of the soul, which

would make sense as he was the instrument of the great Mahatma’s demise.

An unfortunate situation arises as the istadevata gets sent to the 12th house.

Exalted Venus in the natal chart is a promising feature showing the strength of the

istadevata, but this gets weakened by the placement of Venus in the 12th duhstana.

If the navamsa chart was more indicative of a true spiritual nature, Lakshmi’s

placement in the 12th may have been condusive to moksha, but in this case, I would

give the 12th house indications as showing a negligence in worship and general

disregard for Devi. This has resulted in the case, where she has not been able to

save him from his fall. If more beneficially placed she would have given more

assistance, as Venus is the exalted 5th lord in the natal chart, which would have

helped balance his intelligence.


D-10 lagna is Libra. Lagna lord Venus indicating his patriotism goes into the 8th

house causing him to gamble with his life for political reasons. Sun and Rahu in the

5th have papargala over the ascendant, and aspect showing the obsession with

political manipulation. This initially took the form of violent political writings

during Rahu dasa as indicated by the 5th house placement of these planets.

Lagna lord receives papargala from Saturn in the 9th and Ketu/Moon in the 11th

showing the malefic influence of his elder guru and elder brothers. Narayana

Dasamsa Dasa Rasi at the time of assassination was Libra, so during this dasa the

papargala of these planets took effect.

Jupiter sits in the 12th, and it was during Jupiter-Saturn dasa that his dhi shakti

was perverted to kill Gandhi. Mars and Saturn aspect this Jupiter leaving him in a

deplorable state, particularily as he is in his worst enemy’s house. Saturn from the

9th indicates his Dhi perverted at the time of assassination by his mentors.

The strength of the naisargika and chara atmakarakas Sun and Rahu are destroyed

by Jupiter during his dasa, as the two planets sit in the 6th house from him.

The same indications regarding his violent temperment are confirmed in this chart

with Mars in the 3rd house, and AL. Saturn aspects from the 7th. Jupiter in the 10th

from AL gave him fame as the epitome of immorality as indicated by his dual

affliction from Mars and Saturn.


The affliction to his Dhi-shakti is also in his D-60, as Jupiter comes under the

combined influence of Mars and Saturn, which shows that there were many

negative forces in play already in his last life against his spiritual nature.

Conjunction of exalted Mercury in this case does not help, as the beneficence of

Jupiter is largely overpowered by a strong intellect, as Mercury in this case is the

staunch, and more powerful enemy of Jupiter. This spoiled Jupiter also destroys

the atma in this chart as well as Sun is placed in his 6th house. This affliction has

revealed itself again fully in this life, hopefully for the last time.

Nathuram Godse

The ascendant is Gemini. This is an usually a persuadable lagna. There are 3

malefics aspecting it - debilitated saturn from aries, a martian sign, rahu from

taurus, and mars occupies the sign. This is not a person who is going to do any good

in the world, really. Add to it that the ascendant also falls in rahu's nakshatra of

ardra. May be someone who can feel quite sorry for himself. The mars in the

ascendant aspects the 8th, rahu in the 12th aspects the 8th, saturn in the 11th

aspects the 8th. With all 3 grahas aspecting the ascendant also aspecting the 8th

house of killing, this person may have been almost fated to kill. Both mars and rahu

aspect jupiter and moon together in the 4th. I would think that at some time, Godse

looked up to Gandhi. In this case, I think the jupiter/moon combination stands for

Ghandi. The spect from mars and rahu indicate the forces that drove him to the

deed.The aspect on the 4th would indicate that he would not have been happy about

it after the event. The aspect of rahu on guru gives guru chandala yog - a pretty

good example of it! Rahu as 9th lord, he may have thought he had a religious

motive. Add to this the fact that rahu is atmakaraka, and the compulsion can be

strong. Rahu and saturn rule the 9th. I would guess that he was influenced by his

teachers who were not very nice people. In the 12th house, the teacher may have

been in hiding, been a kind of power behind the scene etc. May have even have had

government connections, with the sun associated. Godse may have been very

dependent on this teacher. He had very little confidence in himself with mercury

retrograde in the 12th. 5th lord in the 10th aspecting the 10th lord gives someone

involved in politics in relation to work. Mars as 11th ruler in the 1st also gives

someone who may work with groups, and in this case, militant ones, and with the

aspect of saturn violent ones.

In navamsa too, both saturn and rahu aspect saturn. This practically guarantees ill

conceived and malefic actions.

The Gajakesari in the 4th would give a good mother, but with the 4th ruler in the

12th with rahu and sun, both separative planets, I would guess he lost yer early.

But probably remembered her idealistically.

Probably let down by his father, given the bad 9th rulers and badly placed sun. May

have been separated from the father as well. This meant he had no other guidance.

The rules of the 9th house are afflicted - saturn debilitated with no saving grace,

rahu in the 12th with enemy sun heading rapidly to a collision.

On the whole, a weak person, with little inner resources, very easily persuaded

by stronger and malefic others to commit an act that he was persuaded to think was

a good one.

President George W. Bush

6.7.1946, 7.26am,Tz-4.00 (W of GMT)

Long-72W55, Lat-41N18

Native has KAY lead by Ketu. So upto 43 years his temporary AK will be Ketu and

then his original Ak will take over. Placement of Ketu shows the purpose of birth in

this life. His Ketu in 5th and Scorpio. It must be indicating his commitment in

fighting (Scorpio) terrorism to protect his countrymen (5th)

Venus as AK indicates that the native must have a very clean character and refrain

from illegitimate sex/lust.Exalted Ven in 5th from lagnamsa shows his nature

(venutian-fond of luxury) and his artistic ability. Of course I am not aware or heard

of his artistic ability but he should guard himself from scandal as Rahu aspects

Moon (asc. lord) during his sat-rahu-ve period onwards till end of sa-ra-moon.

Exaulted AK is in 5th house the native is Dharma Parayana i.e. obeys the laws of

his dharma diligently and is straightforward (which he is). Blesssings of his father

shall always protect him. One thing to note here that Me (PiK) and Mo (asc lord and

BK or associate) is in parivartan yoga which may indicate that he is always being

guided by his father, ex President of USA.

Ketu in 12th from karakamsa indicating Ista as Ganapati. In modern times it may

mean writer/ phylosopher and the President will be guided such persons to his

dharma. It is interesting to see that Jup is his Amk and is in GKY with moon in 3rd

from asc. (action). He will be famous by his action. Jup is also lord of 6th (MT place

of Jup) as well as lord of A6, which shows his enemy will be from institutional

religion (sag) i/e fundamentalism. Besides outside enemy he may receive

fundumentalistic advice (Ju being AmK) which he should guard against.

He will definitely come out victoriuos as Me-Ve (AK)-Sa is in Rajayoga in Asc. and

Sa (DK, partner or countries helping him in his persuit) aspects 3rd house. and Jup

and also his AL with GL.

In his D12 asc. lord Jup is in 8th with GK. This clearly shows his political

inheritance from his parents. 9th lord (father) is Sun with Mars (10th lord from his

father's paka lagna Aqua) in 7th from 9th house and Sat in 9th (father's house)

clearly shows his father's political high post (and tryst with war during his time).

In his D10 asc. is again Cancer. having Rahu in 3rd shows his parakram over his

enemy. 10th lord Mars exaulted in 7th house with GL and having parivartan yoga

with Sat. In Sat-Ma dasa he came to power. 10th lord from AL is Sa who is

debilitated in 12th house. This gives VRY (rise from fall of enemy as Sa aspects 6th

house from AL). 10th house from AL also have HL. In Sa-Ma-Ra dasa he started the

war and definitely his enemy will be finished.

Again coming back to rashi chart, 8th lord Sa and 3rd lord Me combines in lagna

transfering power to lagna lord Moon by 3rd aspect of Sat and parivartana yoga of

Mer-Moon. This should be a strong VRY (?) and shows his rise by fall of his trouble

(also may be threat to his life).

Combination of Sat, Venus and Mars gives his tapasyi yoga in lagna showing his

determination and mental strength to persue. He will not sit back untill his goal is


2. Study the chart of atleast one member of any royal family to bring out the

Rajyoga due to birth

Queen Victoria.

24.05.1819, 4:15am,Tz-0:00:40 (W of GMT)

Long-0W10, Lat-51N30

AK is Mars in 10th from Lagnamsa. AK is in 10th house indicate that the native is

blessed with a clean heart and good home and shall be a a pillar for his family.

Combination of 4th lord Su (PiK), exaulted Moon (MK), GL and HL in lagna is the

rajayoga showing his birth in a royal family. 12th from karamsa (Cap) is empty and

aspected by Ve and Ju by rashi dristi. Here though Ju is stronger by degree, Ve

receive 10th aspect of Sat (lord of 12th from karakamsa). So Ve shall indicate her

Ishta. She must have been devotee of Mother Mary.

In rashi chart her 8th and 11th lord Jup debltd in 9th. But in D10 Jup gains

strength being in GKY with exalted Moon and D10 lord Ve. Jup also attain strength

by parivartana yoga with 9th & 10th lord yogakaraka Sat (people). I am not very

good in history. Learned list members may through light if she had to face some

problem regarding legacy (8th).

3. Examine your own horoscope and determine your Ista devata

J.K. Dasgupta

15.09.1947, 4.30 pm (rectified)

Calcutta, India

My original BT as per hospital card is 4.03 pm. I have rectified to 4.30 pm which

makes more sense. I already posted my rectification analysis as instructed by you


AK is Jup in 7th from the lagnamsa. Jupiter as AK indicates that I should always

respect Guru, wife and care for children. If AK is in 7th house from lagnamsa, the

native is blessed with a clean heart (?) and many joys (yes, I enjoy everything). If

Venus is strong, marriage shall be a great blessing. Ve is dbltd in rashi but has

gained strength in navamsa being in friend's house and getting aspect of HL lord

mars from 7th (I have a happy married life).

12th from karakamsa (Taurus) is empty. But it is aspected by its lord Venus by

rashidristi. So clearly Ve (Mahalaksmi) is my Ishta. Ve is my DK-so I shall be

guided to my Ishta by my wife or my some partner/associate.

11th lord Ju (AK) in 9th shows my interest in astrology. But I am a slow learner as

Sat is lagna lord and aspects 4th & 5th lord in 8th.

4th and 9th lord yogakaraka Ve in Neechabhanga with 8th lord Me and 6th lord Mo

in VRY (both are with debltd and combusted Ve) in 8th. 12th lord Sat is in 6th also

causing VRY. I also have a GKY in my D10 4th house. I am not sure how and when

these yogas will fructify.

I am sorry for the delay in posting this lesson due to lack of time. However, with my

limited knowledge I am very cofused with this chart. I have used LMT

Q 1.4

Mahatma Gandhi 2 Oct 1869; 7-45 AM; 21N37', 69E49' India. He chanted the name

of Sri Ram to lead india to independance and followed the path of Ahimsa strictly.

Bring this out in his chart and show how he had developed the power to direct such

a great number of people.


AK is Mo. Mo as AK indicates that the native should very caring and


12th from karakamsa is Aqu without any planet. It is having rashi dristi from Ari

(Ke), Can (none) and Li(Ra). This is confusing as Ra & Ke will have same deg. So

should we take Aqu lord Sa who represents Narayana. As we know Rama was his

Ishta and an Avatar of Narayana. (I am not very sure about this simple


6th from AL is Sag whose lord Ju is in 10th from AL. Most probably this explains

his firm believe in Ahimsa and interrelation in his believe and karma (10th house).

Ra Moon combination in AL or 10th from Asc in rashi must be explaining his area

of karma (placement of Ra in 10th) ragarding mother country (10th lord moon,

moon is natural karaka for mother)

Sa (masss) in 5th (follower) from AL explains his mass following.

AK is in 3rd from lagnamsa- native shall be successfull in many undertakings and

be a friend if powerfull people. This is true as we know.

He was assasinated in his Ju-Ve-Ve dasa. Ju is his 6th (enemy) lord in 7th. Ju is his

Amk also. Ve is 8th lord (longivity). Association of 2nd & 7th lord Ma with Mo & Ju

explains the violent death. One interesting aspect here. Ju is in star of Sun - who is

badhakesh. Ve & Ma both are in the star of Ju. Association of Juexplains dharma

being reason of his death (?). Does it mean that such clear association of 6th,8th &

2nd lord and if Ma is also involved will bring such violent death? Why Ve - being

lagna lord, has not protected him? Of course I am also not sure if this is sufficient

logic for his assacination.

In D-10, 10th lord from AL is Me and with Ju. This may explain his proffession in

law. But why he sacrificed the profession? Is it due to that Ju - Me combination

occurs at 12th in D10 asc. and it is with 12th / Asc lord Sa himself?

My question:

why he became so famous worldwide?

My take of Jesus' chart:

Mercury ( Lagna lord) in the (D1) in the 5th gives wisdom, good morals; bhakti. Yet

with 12th lord Sun ( natural AK) suggest

spiritual tendency; inner strength; Sun ( owner of 12, moksha house)+ Mercury( 1st

or self) within 5th suggests past life credit

and education ( or educator ) of spiritual growth, spiritual journeys ( pilgrimages),

serves others and this was his teaching , that of service.

Ninth lord Venus in the 3rd from Lagna indicates peace advocate and renounces

power. Being A Upachaya, Jesus' peace grows and matures over time...And the the

9th ( Dharma) in 3rd his spirituality grows over time... maybe comes to Moksha


Jesus meets John the Baptist is reborn into the spirit ( the awakening)

YET D9, Mercury is Maraka of 2nd house Gemini in Lagna... so grief is to be

expected. Add 8th lord ( Jupiter) in strength ( in Cn), and Rasi Dristi to

Lagnesh, and Rasi dristi to Lagnesh lord only compounds the level of grief to be


1.AK = Venus; also the Lagnesh lord of D9 chart; very clean character; also in the

9th house in D9; spiritual and pious indicator.

Venus , not considered a malefic, suggesting a lower spiritual level, yet this does

not hold true for that can

proclaim " I and my Father are one"

Vimshottari Dasa of AK in Jesus' 32nd of life was the time of his crucifixion;

which holds to the rule of suffering during the

the dasa period of AK.

2. Ista Devata = 12th from AK in Navamsa = Rahu or Durga.

3. Ista Devata is in the 8th from Lagnesh ; additional hardships

4. Strong and exalted in D9: Mars, Saturn and Jupiter (

Courage+wisdom+sacrifice+renunciation+service+sins) = the Lamb of God.

6. Ketu and Rahu in debilitation

7. Mercury in Swamsa gives good speech, intelligence ( with Sun and Mercury yoga

in D1); a craftsman - carpenter

and one versed in social norms - that is right conduct. Mercury in rasi Dristi ( D9)

of Yoga Karaka ( Saturn) should give

additional strength in spiritual/dharma quest. Let alone tight association with

Saturn - Venus in Parivartana yoga

and Raj yoga formed via lord of 1st , 9th-10th.

8. Some relief to debilited Rahu in D9, by Exalted Yoga Karaka Rasi dristi.

9. Last and just an observation- 3rd house ( D1) disposter Mars in the 6th (

enemies) also may suggest Jesus final breath is

brought about by a spear while being crucified " Into your hands I commend my

soul, is his last words , never being outside

the darshan of his Lord.

I will attempt Q1 of the lesson. This is not a usual area for me so please bear with

any mistakes I make.

Saturn as AK is retrograde and indicates a deep desire has been responsible for this

birth. In the D-60 chart, assuming this is correct, saturn is in the 12th house and

rules both the 7th house and UL. I think this may indicate a spouse or relationship

in a previous birth. As Saturn was in the 12th house in D-60 this could indicate a

relationship that was not fulfilled in that life. The sun in the 7th is also a separative

influence, and add the aspect of rahu on the sun and the 7th, venus in the 6th with

mars, and there seems to be sufficient evidence to indicate a broken relationship.

Sun in the the 7th indicates a strong partner who was the dominating influence,

and did not really give in. Mars and venus together give a passionate nature, and

the aspect on saturn is both by rasi and graha drishti. rahu and ketu also aspect

saturn by rasi drishti, indicating that this is a karmic matter. Sun in the 7th also

shows a person for whom relationships arevery important. And here sun and moon

(and moon also rules the ascendant and is karaka for desires) are in the kama

trikona of 3/7/11.

In this life too, relationships are fraught with stress as mars is in the 7th,7th ruler

is in the 6th, saturn aspects venus, venus is with 6th ruler. Mercury in the 6th can

cause digestive upsets due to stress.

In both rasi chart and d-60, Jupiter is strongly placed in the ascendant, as

ascendant lord in own sign in D-1 and as exalted 9th lord in D-60. This shows a

person who has been a force for good over many lifetimes. in D60, Ketu as 5th ruler

is placed in the 9th aspected by 9th lord jupiter. Both a very spiritual chart and also

a very passionate chart.

Ishta Devata is Vargottama Mercury aspected by the Sun. Mercury I know stands

for Vishnu, and Sun for Shiva. I am not sure what the combination mean. But it

may be that the ishtadevata will lead him through the path of analytical truth to

freedom and enlightenment. AK Saturn in the navamsa of Virgo possibly confirms


Both in rasi and navamsa saturn and mars aspect the ascendant by graha drishti.

This can cause a fragility in the body. But with ascendant ruler well placed in both

rasi and navamsa, there is a great deal of actual resilience. Possibly operations

cannot be avoided. Saturn in Gemini when it is aspecting Pisces is a time to be

careful, especially when mars also aspects the ascendant. But mars is also the 9th

lord, so there is also protection from it.

There is also problems due to children or followers as 5th lord is in the 12th, 3rd,

6th and 8th lords are joined in the 5th. But the aspect of Jupiter in the 5th, give

good personal decisions that resolve this.

Mercury dasa is running at the moment. This could involve intermittent digestiv

troubles. It could be a time of some scandal due to followers, children etc. Or with

the aspect between the 7th lord and the 5th in the 6th 12th axis, it could be a

problem with a relationship. As both mercury and moon and 4th ruler are involved,

it does not promise well for peace and happiness. When saturn moves into gemini, it

will stop aspecting the 5th lord moon and start aspecting the 7th lord mercury. And

it will be in the 4th house. A time to be fairly careful, but all this assumes someone

just going with the flow, rather than taking their own stand in life.


Date: June 21, 1982Time: 21:03:00Time Zone: 1:00:00 (East of GMT)Longitude: 0 W

10' 00"Latitude: 51 N 30' 00" Altitude: 0.00 meters

Prince Williams Atmakaraka is Saturn. This could indicate that he is spiritually

evolved which is supported by exalted Ketu in lagna. Atmakaraka is in house ten in

rashi. William is destined to be a public person and he will have to share the sorrow

of many others (Saturn is AK).

In navamsha, Saturn is in house 3: William is rich and he will have many powerful

friends. The same thing is confirmed in the rashi: Lagnalord Jupiter in house eleven

is excellent for material gains and associating with rich and educated people.

The eleventh from Arudha Lagna has exalted Rahu, weak Moon and the Sun.

These get rashi drishti from Saturn and Mars and grahadrishti from Jupiter:

There will be gains from many sources, particularly from father because

Pitrukaraka Rahu is the strongest of the combo in house eleven from AL.

This chart has many maha yogadas: ketu, Rahu, Moon, Sun, Mars and Saturn - all

have sambandha by conjunction or rashi aspect with Gl, Hl and lagna. We can add

Mercury to this list as he is Lord of Hl and Gl and aspects lagnalord Jupiter. In fact,

even the remaining two planets, Jupiter and Venus, may have yogada powers, too,

as they are connected to Lagnalord and Lord of GL and HL, Mercury. William will

enjoy wealth and fame throughout his life.

Much of this is confirmed in the navamsha, where again all planets (except Jupiter

and Rahu) have sambandha with Lagna and GL or Lagna and HL. All of this shows

powerful potential for Rajayoga. But when will it be initiated and can it be

sustained? Both Sun and Moon are eclipsed by Rahu and get Saturns malefic

aspect. Moon is weak in paksha bala. Probably the dhanayoga aspect of this chart

will come out much more prominently than the aspect of raja yoga or political


It is interesting that the pitrukaraka Rahu is eclipsing Williams Moon and Sun.

Prince Charles will probably try to control Prince Williams affairs, including his

marriage. Here the father clearly plays a very prominent role in shaping the course

of Williams life. William will be mostly obedient to his father ( Moon and Venus in

house 9 in navamsha). He will be engaged in political and royal assigmnents (sun

and Venus influence svamsha). He may be less of a philosopher than his father

(Jupiter does not influence svamsha) but may have more technical knowledge or

skills than Charles (combined influence of Saturn, Mars and Ketu on Svamsha). He

will be an accomplished speaker (Merkury and Mars in Lagnamsa) and, like his

father may take interest in architecture.

Early death and suffering of the mother can easily be seen as the weak Moon which

is also chara Matri karaka is under heavy affliction. Moons association with Rahu

shows Dianas mental and emotional problems. His placement in house nine in NA

show her goodhearted and charitable nature which William inherited.

Wealth is certain for many reasons (second lord in HL with fifth Lord; lagnalord in

house 11 aspected by 11thlord and tenth Lord; Moon and Venus aspect 4th from

svamsha = palatial residence) particularly because of the excellent disposition of the

eleventh from AL and the mutual trine position from AL and Darapada (A7).

Prince Williams tenth house is mixed. Saturn and 12th Lord Mars may at one point

tarnish his excellent reputation. Probably he will continue the tradition of his

parents and may get entangled in one or two scandalous affairs (Ul in house 8,

afflicted 7th house). His spouse is likely to be from royal circles (UL sambandha with

Sun; Moon and Jupiter) but because Saturn and Rahu asoociate with UL Lord and

A7 there may also be contact with commoners.

## Examine your own horoscope and determine your Ista devata

Birth Details : 19 June 1977, Bombay 18n58, 72e50 , India (Sunday) at

12:38 P.M (uncorrected).

The chart is attached as a text file

Guru is the atmakaraka and he is in Simha navamsa. The 12th from it is tenanted

by Budha and Chandra in kataka. Budha represents Krishna( Budha is in 3rd

drekkana in Taurus) and Chandra also represents Krishna according to Maharshi

Parashara.So my Ishta Devatha is Lord Krishna. Chandra also represents Gauri

and I do have an affinity to Gauri.Cancer is aspected by Sani from Capricorn by

Griha Drishti. I also desire to pray to Narayana(Sani) in the 4 handed form as

Guruvayurappan and Venkateshwara Nonetheless, my Ishta Devatha is

Lord Krishna.In Rasi, the Atmakaraka and Ishta Devatha who form the lords of

quadrants for Kanya lagna are conjunct in the 9th house.Thus, the basis(pillar or

quadrants) of my life is to please my Ishta Devatha by Dharmic(9th house) means.

The Atmakarak , Guru owns the 4th and 7th for Kanya Lagna and the Ishta

Devatha planet Budha owns Lagna and 10th house.This means that I have to do my

Dharma by constructing temples(or such like) for the Lord(4th), by preaching about

HIM to people(7th), by offering the fruits of my action to HIM(10th) and engaging

my body in his service(1st).Further, Budha is Amatyakarak and Chandra is

DaraKarak. Thus , my advisors , friends, intellectuals(Budha - amatyakarak) and

the people I interact with daily(Darakarak) will lead me to worship my

IshtaDevatha. This is indeed true. My mother (chandra - naisargika matru karak)

used to take me to Bhagavatha Parayana talks when I was young and my interest

and love for Krishna was initially kindled by the Bhagavatha( amatyakarak with

Guru in rasi means that Gurus will be my advisors).Further, the IshtaDevatha

planet being the lord of the Lagna and conjoining the Atmakarak means that my

Atma will be guided by my Ishta devatha and for my progress of my soul, I have to

listen to the voice of my soul. Whenever, I have not listened to the voice of my soul, I

have suffered.

In November 1993, I attended a symposium organised by ISKCON Temple(Kataka

- the rasi of ishta devatha -represents holy places - temple) , Bangalore.I was led

into it by my College Student Union President(friend - Amatyakarak)(who became a

brahmachari devotee in ISKCON later) where I started to chant Hare Krishna

Maha mantra and love Krishna and I have not stopped chanting the Hare Krishna

Mantra eversince.Interestingly, I was running under Cancer Mahadasa and Leo

Antara in Narayana dasa scheme.Thus, i started chanting the mantra of my Ishta

Devatha in the MahaDasa of the sign in which the ishtadevata is placed in

Navamsa and the antara of the karakamsa.I don't know Narayana Dasa

scheme.But, just on observing the output of the JHL 4 software, i saw the above


Guru being atmakarak means that I have to respect my teachers. In

April/may 1997, when I was under Guru antara of Sani Mahadasa(vimsottari), I

got punished in my class for laughing without control in front of the teacher and I

was asked to bring my parents to the college, something which had not happened in

my 16 years of educational life.This was the antara of the atmakarak and this event

really pained me.If I had known these concepts then, I should have taken extra

efforts to respect my teachers.Also, I was learning the Vedas from one Brahmin and

astrology from an astrologer of repute in 2000(from Jan to June).But, I got an admit

from an university in U.S and without paying them any respects or telling them

about my leaving India, I left for U.S.A. Again, I had showed disrespects to my

teachers even though I hold them in high esteem from the bottom of my heart. This

could also mean that I have a habit of doing so from my previous births.I have had 3

epileptic attacks till now, the last one being on march 5 1990 .Sometime ago, when I

glanced through Prasna Marga, I read that epileptic attacks are caused due to

causing anguish to the Guru in a previous birth .So, I have to make extra efforts to

please my Guru.

An intersting feature of the Chart is the Kalasarpa Yoga in the 1-7 house and the

most difficult period of my life was in Sani Dasa Rahu Bhukthi and Budha dasa

kethu bhukthi(Vimsottari) .I was led to my Ishta devatha in Rahu Bhukthi of Sani

mahadasa.But, my interest in spirituality and the occult started in August -

November 1989 when I was under Sani Dasa Chandra Bhukthi(Sani- Chandra

combination in 11th gives inclination to spirituality) and Rahu Antara.

## Here is my attempt at Q2 Chart of Aurobindo Ghose

Explain the reason behind his great work Savitri and the interpretation of the Rig


Atmakaraka is Sa retrograde. Will have to share sorrow of many others. World

War and India's Independence Struggle.

3 signs between AK to Nav Lagn. Cap to Aqua. House that will dominate is 3rd -

Creativity, Writing. Karaka of 3 = Mars = Brothers. His followers lived in poverty

with him during hard times and his ashram was a brotherhood of people. AK is in

10th of Nav - clean heart, good home(Auroville) Pillar for family (Spiritual

followers) and Mother (Divine Mother and also Auroville Mother Mira). Mo is also

in exchange and represents Mother.


Lagna in Aqua which was heavily aspected in Rasi. House of Occult and

Organizations. Sun is exalted in Aries in this chart. Su rules 2nd house of poetry

in Rasi. Mo-Ra combo - Both Mo and Ra are exalted in Taurus here. Combo of

Political and Spiritual activist. This combo occurs in 4. Auroville was his Spiritual

home and one he created for others to share. Moon is Karaka of 4th and is in an

exchange with Ju in Rasi. Nodes intoxicate the planets they combine with, this

particular combo produces highly spiritual people or criminals. He talks about a

"new evolution" in his writings. Ke Me and Sa are together in Scopio. Ke like

Scorpio, Me promotes writing, speeches and marketing and Sa keeps focus

serious. Ma aspects 7 in Rasi and sits in house 7 in Navamsa Ma is YK. Deb in

Cancer in Rasi but in Leo in Navamsa - passionate and firey about his cause and his

connection with others, but difficult for personal relationships.


Born in Ke/Ra - Spiritiual and Radical. Mo/Ra was Jan 28 1904, age 32 was

probably eventful. This may have been the time he was imprisoned during which

time he changed his focus from radical to spiritual. Ra/Mo Feb 0 1935 he was 63, I

think he died at 67. This may have also been an important time.

His books were written in four years and then he stopped writing. I do not know

how to pinpoint this in his Dasas.

Savitar is the Sun God indicating Creativity, transformation and achieving goals,

Sun promotes life. Sun is well placed in the chart in 2 in Leo its own sign. 2 is

house of poetry and in the old days poetry was a spoken art. Sun also represents

the soul = atma and lights up the whole being. It is also the center of our known

Universe. Legend of Savitri is about a princess whose undying love for Satyavan, (a

penniless prince who was doomed to die in one year) saved him from Yama the God

of Death.

I have read that Ghose's father wanted to deracinate him and make him English

and alienate him from Indian culture. Not much is said about his mother. Ma

aspects the 4th and 12th from 4th is aspected by Sa and 8th from 4th has Ra. I feel

his mother was either lost in childhood, of weak character or unable to provide the

nuturing he needed. Mo is in 6th. With this nurturing gap he idolizes women as

Goddesses as he does in his poem. Later he has a Spiritual Partnership with The

Mother Mira Richards of Auroville fame and he also uses his poem to describe her

and his meeting with her. Mo is in mutual exchange with Ju and acts as though in

its own sign in the 6th. Can indicate suffering with biological mother but great

power with Spiritual Mother. Ishta Deva is Venus, Deity is Lakshmi - female


1st Hse Ju exalted in Cancer in Trikona, Dik Bala and powerful mutual exchange

with Mo, so acts as though he is in his own sign. Within 11 degrees of Sun - is he

Combust even if Sun is in other sign? Ma is YK, debilitated in Cancer and in

Trikona. Accounts for his earlier political activism during struggle for India's

independence. Lagna Lord Moon is in Ju/Mo exchange giving it strength along with

Ma YK in first house.

2nd House Su is lowest degree of all planets and wins Yuda. Ve is exempt from the

negative effects of combustion. Promotes the arts and in this case his poetry and

other writings. Ve is Ishadeva. Me gives good intellect and verbal skill. Su gives

recognition by people and gov. Ghose wrote a book on The Hymns of Agni from the

Rig Veda. Sun represents fire and he says fire is "aspiration and the inner flame of

the heart". Sun combust Ve gives a regular and charmless married life. I did not

find any references to marriage and I am guessing he was married to Spirituality

and his Spiritual partner The Mother (Auroville).

He believed that suffering is the soul's training and I think this is also a reference

to his relationship with his own mother with Mo in 6th in an enemy sign.

3rd House Atmakaraka Saturn aspects his 3rd house. Sa is retrograde, in an

enemy sign in the 6th. Possible connection with writings that were revolutionary -

against the British enemy. Sa effect giving the seriousness and the hardwork this

involved. These also contributed to his arrest his enemies overcoming

him. However protection of the Moon indirectly. Although an enemy of Sa, his

imprisonment motivated him to turn to spiritual work and strategies against the

British. Mo Ju exchange - Mo acts as though it is in own house.

4th House Ma aspects 4th house. Problems in family home. He was sent to

England to be educated. Gap in nuturing from mother. He filled this with

association with spiritual Mother (Mira) and also worship of the Divine

Mother. Auroville was his home away from home. Ma being YK & GK turns a

difficult situation into a positive one.

5th House Aspected by Ra - Patriotic and radical writings that were published and

nationalistic. 5th represents govt and publishing. Ju also aspects - fame and also

for the good of others and the nation. Ke retro and moving forward and also in its

favorite sign Sco. Spirituality and spiritual writings but also loss. He was

imprisoned. In Nav AK Sa is in Sco with Ke and Me. Me gives intellectual energy

to Ke.

6th House Moon is also Lagna Lord. Mo is in exchange with Ju so acts as though it

is in its own sign. It is PK. I think this refers to his followers who gave him

strength and support in the face of his enemies. AK - Sa malefic in an improving

house and malefics do well in dusthanas. 6th house is also about working for


7th House Aspected by Ju (BK) and Ma (YK) I think he was married to his patriotic

and spiritual work, his followers, The Mother (Mira) in a spiritual sense.

8th House No planets but very heavily aspected. This is the main focus of his

life. Spirituality and also dealing with and forming organizations. Ma (YK and GK)

Me (AMK) Ve (MK - may represent The Mother (Mira) Su (DK) his poetry, writings

and his Diving Muse Sa (AK). Very strong spiritual emphasis.

9th House Ju aspects. Pisces is good for spiritual work. 9th Lord is in the first

showing the spiritual direction and motivation in his life. Although his fathers

influence and efforts to Anglosize him were initially strong it eventually motivated

him to represent India politically and spiritually.

10th House Lord is Mars in the first showing leadership and success in his life.

11th House Ra retro and sign he like Taurus - materiality. Ghose believed in Down

to Earth Divinity - he wanted to be involved in "divin man-making". He was anti

world renunciation and negation of physical existence, he believed in the descent of

Divine Force and Consciousness into both the individual and universal processes of

nature and history.

12th House Aspected by Mo and Sa. Sent Overseas at a young age - effect of Sa

sending him away from home. Mo/Sa aspect and 12th house may also refer to

imprisonment and consequent enlightenment.


Scorpio is loaded. 5th in Rasi it is 4th in D20. Mo, Sa retro, Ra retro, Ke

retro. Nodes in retro have more energy and power as they are moving forward. Ke

is exalted. Mo is Dik Bala but debilitated, good for serving others. Ke is

vargotamma with Rasi.

Jaimini Karakas

Note AK is Sa and MK is Ve and also ID. Ve diety is Lakshmi. AMK is Me Others

spreading his word. BK is Jupiter in exchange with Moon. Fathers tyranny

inspired him to be a spirtual revolutionary. Guru is Shiva. PK is Mo in exchange

with Mo - his followers can be seen as his children. GK is Ma - His activism

motivated him and also landed him in jail where he became interested in

Spirituality which led to Auroville.


Ascendant and Ju in Ashlesha. Very sharp mind and well able to defend himself

from enemies in an intellectual and spiritual way. Ghandhi has Mo in

Ashlesha. Su and Ve in Magha. Power to be a leader and to leave the body. Mo in

Moola - Root star, foundation star. Wanted a new way, Integral Yoga but going

back to India's ancient Spiritual roots - the Veda. Fight the West with Eastern

Methods not Western.

When I was younger I visited Pondicherry which is a beautiful place. I do not

remember going into the Ashram. My mother saw The Mother (Mira) and noticed a

blue light around her head. My Mom thought everyone else was seeing it too but

they were not. Later she was told she had seen the Mother's Aura. My Mom's Yoga

teacher told her she could take the higher Hatha Yoga class but she was

afraid. She has also seen ghosts. I hope that I have inherited some of her intuitive

and spiritual ability.

I was very puzzled and sad to read that Aurobindo declined to meet with

Ghandiji. How could anyone refuse to meet with such a great soul?

I apologise if I have not answered the question directly. I hope some of it is


## Mahatma Gandhi 2 Oct 1869; 7-45 AM; 21N37’, 69E49’ India. He chanted the

name of Sri Ram to lead india to independance and followed the path of Ahimsa

strictly. Bring this out in his chart and show how he had developed the power to

direct such a great number of people.


This chart is very strong with many rajayogas giving testament to his stature.

Bheri yoga surrounds his Mahapurusa ascendant. All quadrants are occupied, by

every benefic as well. AK Moon is involved in gajakesari. Putrakaraka and 5th lord

joins atmakaraka Moon in his own sign giving rise to a Maharaja yoga in the

Arudha lagna and 10th house, showing his great fame and actions that effect the

karma of so many. Moon in swakshetra indicates his popularity to the masses, and

his followers of all backgrounds through Rahu. In AL this shows him as a person

who has compassion for all people of the world. Ahimsa is shown through this

universal love.

From AL Sun is in the 3rd which gives his fighting spirit, but in a non-violent,

dharmic way. Sun here is in Virgo in the 12th indicating worship of Rama, who

became his guide in this battle. The Mantra of Rama is denoted by Sun’s rasi aspect

on the mantrapada. This sun gives unobstructed vipareeta argala on the AL,

showing that this worship is spread to the masses.

Rahu in the 10th in Rasi gives his antigovernmental and societal inclinations. This

is compounded many times as Moon-Rahu combination is shakti yoga. It shows the

great energy that Gandhi has harnessed through the blessings of Shri to wreak

havoc on the balance of British order in India through the simple act of self

starvation. This yoga was activated during Rahu dasa, which resulted in many

ploys (Rahu) to break the British rule. Of course this yoga was not harmful for India

due to its placement in the sign of God (Cancer).


Atmakaraka Moon has Aquarius in the 12th, the lord of which joins Mercury in

Capricorn clearly indicating Vishnu as the Istadevata. Intense devotion to him

arises through the placement of these planets in the navamsa lagna, as well as

Mercury in the Rasi lagna. Saturn owns the 4th and 5th houses of the rasi chart

showing that his devotion to God is strengthened through his experiences with the

masses and his followers.

Mercury rises with Venus in the 5th giving the extensive writing abilities.

Mars in the 5th shows the study of law.

His extreme tenacity and discipline is shown through the positioning of Saturn in

Navamsa lagna in earthy Capricorn. Venus aspects contributing to his discipline in

regards to his patriotism.

Moon in the 6th from AL matches the AL in the rasi chart to show Ahimsa for the

benefit of the general public. This position is also repeated in Dasamsa chart.

Jupiter in the 3rd contributes, while forming gajakesari again as well as aspecting,

showing the incredible fame that has accrued through ahimsa.

Marriage was during Pisces Navamsa Narayana dasa. Pisces aspects the UL from

the 7th and holds the 7th lord Moon, and is aspected by lord Jupiter. However both

A7 and UL are placed in dwirdwadasa position from AL showing his rejection of his

spouse. This is confirmed by Ketu aspecting his 2nd house showing his eventual

disinterest in sexual matters.

Rahu forms a bandhana yoga with Ketu along the political axis showing his many

imprisonments for antigovernmental actions.


Capricorn rises with 4 planets, aspected by Mars and Venus from the 6th and having

unobstructed argala of Atmakarka Moon, Sun, Mars and Venus. Rahu opposes in

the 7th house. In short all planets directly affect Dasamsa lagna showing his

enormous sway on all people, while creating a most powerful rajayoga. The rising

sign is also the 4th from AL showing the masses.

Mars in the 6th artha trikona shows his intial law career, and then neechabhanga

Sun in the 10th his final career and actions in politics. As it is placed in AL this is

finally what he became known for. Karma is ultimately controlled by Rama in his

case. Mercury and Jupiter in the ascendant shows the extent of his writing abilities.

Vargottama Ketu rises in Capricorn with Saturn, aspected by Venus showing his

incredible Tapasya in regards to establishing the correct political environment for

India. The association of Jupiter and Mercury speak volumes of his Sattvic desires

to establish right rule in his homeland. This combination in Capricorn is noted by

Bhrigu as one of an extremely spiritual nature, and as there is 4 planets in a

kendra, there is also a pravrajya yoga, which has caused Gandhi to give up his life

in order to fulfil this political mission.


Venus is placed vargottama in Libra, showing the mahatma to be a true

## Using the birth data given by Sanjay: 12-25 7 BC 10:18 pm Bethlehem and

Narasimha’s new software I cast the attached chart differing only that the Moon

was with Rahu in 8th house forming a Chandra-chandala yoga and Venus was the

AK. Venus as the AK would indicate that the desire for rebirth was due to having a

clean character and refraining from illegitimate sex/lust. Venus placed in the

3rd house would only accentuate this issue. I opted to move the birth time back

about 11 minutes so the Moon moves back to the holy sign of Pisces and also

becomes the Atmakaraka. With the Moon as the AK the desire for rebirth could be

out of compassion and caring and being placed in the 7th house with Jupiter and

Saturn creates a host of wonderful yogas befitting a messenger of God. The key of

this chart and probably what signaled the Magi to search for Jesus was the

Saturn/Jupiter conjunction in Pisces. As written by Kepler, this conjunction only

every Jupiter is in it’s own house in a quadrant forms a Hamsa yoga meaning that

the native will be a great man of ethery nature having spiritual strength and

purity, respected by all. Jupiter with the Moon forms a Gajakesari yoga meaning

that the native will be intelligent, famous, and intelligent, has great character and

liked by kings.

Looking to navamsa, fixing the navamsa is a more difficult task (for me at least).

There are 4 candidates where the rasi ascendant is Virgo and Moon is in Pisces as

the AK. These are Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Aries. Aries is out because that

would put Rahu in the 9th house producing unrighteousness. Pisces as the navamsa

lagna with AK would fit nicely indicating a religious, righteous individual who will

get final emancipation and Ketu in the 4th house would also grant emancipation.

After Jesus’ Resurrection after some time he ascended into heaven what Christians

call the Transfiguration. The sun in swamsa gives royal assignments, and people

would give him honor with qualities of leadership. AK in the navamsa lagna would

indicate the native is of noble birth and lineage. If we use Aquarius navamsa, then

mars would give skill with weapons and Venus would give a passionate person or a

government or political official. Mercury in the 5th would indicate an ascetic or a

mimamsaka, involving the interpretation of texts and Ketu would give knowledge of

astronomy/astrology or mathematics. The karakamsa in the second house means

that the native shall be very spiritual and a great saint. So this one could be

considered also but to a lesser degree in my opinion, for what it’s worth. If we use

Capricorn navamsa, we get Sat/ Jup in the lagna with Rahu in the 12th. The AK is

in the 3rd house; the native shall be rich and successful in many undertakings and a

friend to many powerful people. But at the same time it places Rahu in the 12th,

which could indicate unlawful and bad activities so this may not be a good choice. I

would think that it is important to consider Jesus’ ability to heal the sick and raise

the dead….unfortunately I’m certain what the indicators for a healer are. I’m

guessing that we should see malefics in trine to the AK aspected by a benefit giving

special abilities used for a good purpose. With the Aquarius lagna we has 3 malefics

(Mars, Ketu, and Mercury in trine). I would like to see malefics in trine to AK

aspected by benefics to explain his ability to heal and do miracles.

I was taught that Christians worship on Sunday because that is the day of Christ’s

resurrection. From an astrologically point of view on this chart. I don’t see a

connection with the Sun in the chart I presented. So perhaps I should reconsider the

another chart. I do agree that Jews worshipping on Saturday makes sense. Jews

worship from Friday evening to Saturday evening and they don’t worship the Divine

Mother so Venus doesn’t makes sense but Saturn does. Jews worship God in a

completely formless and attributless way so worshipping God as Brahma-the

Creator or Narayana makes sense. If we take Venus as the karakamsa. As in the

chart Sanjay presented, then Saturn represents the ista. This makes sense

remembering that Jesus was a Jew

At first I didn’t agree with Sanjay-ji about Jesus worshipping God as the Holy Spirit

because I also thought of God a "Father-Creator but as I studied the Bible further

with the help of a wonderful study link

I began to see that in Sanjay was correct.

Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit ( Matt 1.18,20), baptized by the Holy Spirit

(Matt 3.11, 16) and led by the Spirit. So yes, Jesus worshipped God as the Holy

Spirit. So the Sun has to be in the 12th from the karakamsa. Using the chart I

presented above, with the Moon as the AK would put Mars in the 12th in a male

sign representing Kartikeya, Skanda or the like. This just doesn’t fit.

So the next question was what is the Hindu equivalent of the Holy Spirit?

Christian, like Hindu have the concept of the Holy Trinity, the Trimurti. For

Christians there is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Hindus have Brahma, Vishnu and

Shiva. Christians have God the Father, the creator, so that one is easy, Brahma is

God the Father to Christians. So is the Holy Spirit like Shiva? Some authors write

that the Christian concept of Holy Spirit is similar to the Hindu concept of

Kundalini, in the indwelling Divinity- Shaki the consort of Shiva who is represented

by the Sun. would also explain why Christians worship on Sunday.

But the problem I am having now is not being able to find a chart that has the Sun

in the 12th to the karkamsa using this data. Ironically, if you use the September

29th 5 BC date, you do get Venus as the AK and Sun in the 12th from the

karakamsa. I do fear that I will fall to far behind if I keeo working on this chart, so

I'’ like to complete the rest of the lesson and come back to this. I am just submitting

this now so you will know that I have been diligently try to complete this chart.

## Using the birth data given by Sanjay: 12-25 7 BC 10:18 pm Bethlehem and

Narasimha’s new software I cast the attached chart differing only that the Moon

was with Rahu in 8th house forming a Chandra-chandala yoga and Venus was the

AK. Venus as the AK would indicate that the desire for rebirth was due to having a

clean character and refraining from illegitimate sex/lust. Venus placed in the

3rd house would only accentuate this issue. I opted to move the birth time back

about 11 minutes so the Moon moves back to the holy sign of Pisces and also

becomes the Atmakaraka. With the Moon as the AK the desire for rebirth could be

out of compassion and caring and being placed in the 7th house with Jupiter and

Saturn creates a host of wonderful yogas befitting a messenger of God. The key of

this chart and probably what signaled the Magi to search for Jesus was the

Saturn/Jupiter conjunction in Pisces. As written by Kepler, this conjunction only

every Jupiter is in it’s own house in a quadrant forms a Hamsa yoga meaning that

the native will be a great man of ethery nature having spiritual strength and

purity, respected by all. Jupiter with the Moon forms a Gajakesari yoga meaning

that the native will be intelligent, famous, and intelligent, has great character and

liked by kings.

Looking to navamsa, fixing the navamsa is a more difficult task (for me at least).

There are 4 candidates where the rasi ascendant is Virgo and Moon is in Pisces as

the AK. These are Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Aries. Aries is out because that

would put Rahu in the 9th house producing unrighteousness. Pisces as the navamsa

lagna with AK would fit nicely indicating a religious, righteous individual who will

get final emancipation and Ketu in the 4th house would also grant emancipation.

After Jesus’ Resurrection after some time he ascended into heaven what Christians

call the Transfiguration. The sun in swamsa gives royal assignments, and people

would give him honor with qualities of leadership. AK in the navamsa lagna would

indicate the native is of noble birth and lineage. If we use Aquarius navamsa, then

mars would give skill with weapons and Venus would give a passionate person or a

government or political official. Mercury in the 5th would indicate an ascetic or a

mimamsaka, involving the interpretation of texts and Ketu would give knowledge of

astronomy/astrology or mathematics. The karakamsa in the second house means

that the native shall be very spiritual and a great saint. So this one could be

considered also but to a lesser degree in my opinion, for what it’s worth. If we use

Capricorn navamsa, we get Sat/ Jup in the lagna with Rahu in the 12th. The AK is

in the 3rd house; the native shall be rich and successful in many undertakings and a

friend to many powerful people. But at the same time it places Rahu in the 12th,

which could indicate unlawful and bad activities so this may not be a good choice. I

would think that it is important to consider Jesus’ ability to heal the sick and raise

the dead….unfortunately I’m certain what the indicators for a healer are. I’m

guessing that we should see malefics in trine to the AK aspected by a benefit giving

special abilities used for a good purpose. With the Aquarius lagna we has 3 malefics

(Mars, Ketu, and Mercury in trine). I would like to see malefics in trine to AK

aspected by benefics to explain his ability to heal and do miracles.

I was taught that Christians worship on Sunday because that is the day of Christ’s

resurrection. From an astrologically point of view on this chart. I don’t see a

connection with the Sun in the chart I presented. So perhaps I should reconsider the

another chart. I do agree that Jews worshipping on Saturday makes sense. Jews

worship from Friday evening to Saturday evening and they don’t worship the Divine

Mother so Venus doesn’t makes sense but Saturn does. Jews worship God in a

completely formless and attributless way so worshipping God as Brahma-the

Creator or Narayana makes sense. If we take Venus as the karakamsa. As in the

chart Sanjay presented, then Saturn represents the ista. This makes sense

remembering that Jesus was a Jew

At first I didn’t agree with Sanjay-ji about Jesus worshipping God as the Holy Spirit

because I also thought of God a "Father-Creator but as I studied the Bible further

with the help of a wonderful study link

[ ] I began to see that in Sanjay was correct.

Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit ( Matt 1.18,20), baptized by the Holy Spirit

(Matt 3.11, 16) and led by the Spirit. So yes, Jesus worshipped God as the Holy

Spirit. So the Sun has to be in the 12th from the karakamsa. Using the chart I

presented above, with the Moon as the AK would put Mars in the 12th in a male

sign representing Kartikeya, Skanda or the like. This just doesn’t fit.

So the next question was what is the Hindu equivalent of the Holy Spirit?

Christian, like Hindu have the concept of the Holy Trinity, the Trimurti. For

Christians there is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Hindus have Brahma, Vishnu and

Shiva. Christians have God the Father, the creator, so that one is easy, Brahma is

God the Father to Christians. So is the Holy Spirit like Shiva? Some authors write

that the Christian concept of Holy Spirit is similar to the Hindu concept of

Kundalini, in the indwelling Divinity- Shaki the consort of Shiva who is represented

by the Sun. would also explain why Christians worship on Sunday.

But the problem I am having now is not being able to find a chart that has the Sun

in the 12th to the karkamsa using this data. Ironically, if you use the September

29th 5 BC date, you do get Venus as the AK and Sun in the 12th from the

karakamsa. I do fear that I will fall to far behind if I keeo working on this chart, so

I'’ like to complete the rest of the lesson and come back to this. I am just submitting

this now so you will know that I have been diligently try to complete this chart.

## Jupiter is the 5th lord and hence should be beneficial for you. However it is

placed in the Marana Karaka sthana i.e., 3rd from the Lagna.If you strenthenn

Jupiter by wearing a yellow Sapphire (Pokhraj/ Pusparaga/ Topaz), this will effect

your 5th house and you would suffer for children etc... also 8th, debt...

Rahu is placed in the 7th. Malefic in the 7th is not a very good thing. Moreover Rahu

is pretty strong placed in its own house. This also aspect the Sun, who is placed in

the maranakara sthana in the 12th. Rahu also aspect the Jupiter by the Rasi

drishti. Strenthening Rahu will affect your health, intelligence and also dharma. So

wearing Hessonite (Gomedh) is not advisable to you.

What remain is worship Shiva as Jupiter aspect the Lagna is the only hope. Jupiter

will take out Sun from the blemish of direct drishti of Rahu on the Sun in the 12th.

## Namaste. The following is the analysis of my own


Mars is the Atmakaraka, and being a malefic, he indicates a high level of spiritual

development. He is in the 6th house-Taurus- from Lagna (Sagittarius) in D1. Mars

(5th & 12th lord) is in his own nakshatra with 99% residential strength, lording

purvapunya/mantrashakti and moksha. A strong Mars in the 6th house is supposed

to be an asset in any horoscope, according to Dr. Raman. In D9, Jupiter, the 2nd and

5th lord is again in 6th house, Aries, with mokshakaraka Ketu, indicating a lot of

opposition. As both in D1 and D9, 5th lord is in 6th, I am worried about my kids. Any

mantra to be chanted ?

I am blessed with robust health. Ofcourse, Mars did bring surgery during childbirth

and both sons are born during Mars-Rahu and Rahu-Rahu. Rahu is Putrakaraka.

In Navamsa, Mars is the lagnamsa lord and is placed in the 10th house (digbala)

with vargottama Sun in Leo - Atmakaraka with Pitrukaraka. Mars also aspects

lagnamsa and 5th house. Jupiter & Ketu are in the 9th house from karakamsa

(Aries, ruled by AK again).

In D1, Mars aspects the 9th (hosting Pik & Pk), 12th and lagna (hosting AmK & DK).

The mokshasthana is Mar’s house and being aspected by the owner, becomes

especially strong.

Lagna & Chandra lagna

The Lagna is Sagittarius, with lagna lord Jupiter (occupying moolatrikona - Moola

nakshatra) , 2nd lord Saturn and 8th lord waxing Moon in the ascendant itself,

forming 1) Hamsa 2) Gajakesari 3) Brahma 4) Parijatha 5) Go 6) Parivraja 7)

Kemadruma yogas. Kemadruma yoga is broken by Venus in the 10th house.

Saturn, the 2nd and 3rd lord, is retrograde and indicates unfinished jobs from

previous birth. Rajalakshana yoga (all the benefics in the forefront) is present as

Jupiter, Moon, Venus are in kendras, with only Mercury in the 9th house.

The 3rd house is occupied by Ketu, which is bad for siblings and accordingly, I don’t

have any siblings. Ketu in a malefic house is good for courage and fosters original

thought in the 3rd house. He’s in Saturn’s house and is aspected by Saturn, showing

Tapaswi yoga. Saturn is also in mutual aspect with Venus (Rasi rishti).


The 9th house is Leo and the 9th lord Sun is placed in 9th house itself with Mercury (

7th &10th lord) and Rahu. Usually such a situation is bad for one’s father, but

because the Sun strong in his Moola trikona arc, thankfully my father is 85, going

strong. Same can be said about my mother as both the 4th lord and Moon are

conjoined by Saturn and aspected by Mars & Rahu. In the 9th house 1) Dharma

karmadhipati 2) Budhaditya 3) Sreenatha 4) Lakshmi 5) Mridanga yogas occur.

The situation in lagna, Chandra lagna and suryalagna are almost similar, as

counting from Suryalagna also, the 2nd lord & 7th lords are in the lagna.

Venus is the prime malefic for Dhanus, being the lord of 6th and 11th houses, is

debilitated but has neechabhanga in the 10th house (virgo), the house of mercury,

who’s yogakaraka for dhanus and is exalted in navamsa. Venus gives 1) Subhavesi

2)Amala and 3) Bheri yoga. Venus is in Sun’s nakshatra while Sun is in Venus’s

nakshatra, establishing yet another link between 9th &10th houses. Lagna, Moon,

Saturn, Sun, Mercury, and Rahu are all placed in Venus’s constellations.

Mars, the AK is also in Venus’s house. Venus is in the 4th house in Navamsa, a

kendra with digbala, and is in parivartana with Rahu. Venus is a major planet in

my horoscope. Does this give lots of enemies, debts and gains too? I really don’t have

serious enemies and debts. So, is it the dominating effect of AK? Or Libra being the

Moolatrikona of Venus, mostly 11th house effects are felt?

But Jupiter and ketu are exempt from Venus’s sway, being in each other’s

nakshatras, and giving me hope for moksha.

A single Jupiter in lagna can offset all the evils in the horoscope, says Parasara. In

my chart, Jupiter takes care of virtually all houses as all the planets in the chart

are linked to Jupiter, either by conjunction, aspect, or neechabhanga. The 9th house

too receives the influence of all kendra/trikona lords in the chart. While in D1, Mars

aspects Jupiter, in navamsa Jupiter aspects Mars. Jupiter aspects Sun both in D1 &

D9. Sun, vargottama in Leo, is the Dharmadhipati and Karmadhipati also.

In accordance with profession indicated by Lagna lord Jupiter(strongest in the

chart), I am employed in the management cadre in a bank.

Mars, the AK alone is not aspected by any planet, either benefic or malefic. But he

in turn aspects 9th house, 1st house and 12th house showing his main concerns in life.

Out of 9 planets, 6 and lagna are in dharma trikona, and with Mars as AK, Jupiter

as lagna lord, and a powerful Sun perhaps give me that fiery, uncompromising

streak. But I remember, Ahimsa is my mantra. Of the 9 planets, except for Mars &

Ketu (co-lords of lagnamsa), all the other planets are above horizon.

Apart from Lakshmi yoga, 2nd and 11th lords are placed in kendras, 1st & 10th, and

dhanakaraka Jupiter and bhagyadhipati Sun are powerfully disposed. In D1, 2nd

lord aspects 11th lord too.

Navamsa & Ishtadevata

Karakamsa is Leo and 12th from it is Cancer, the house of Lalitha Tripura Sundari,

the Adishakti and my Ishtadevata, where my lagna lord Jupiter (Shiva)finds

exaltation. She’s is extolled as “Hamsa mantraadhi devata”. As Sanjayji explained

previously, Gajakesari brought me Mother at 16 years (Jupiter’s maturity and

Chandra dasa initiation). I think it’s the best yoga in my horoscope. Can there be

greater Rajayoga than being with Mother?

I started wearing a “Pushyarag” on my right index finger around 1980, during

Chandra-Guru, as per the advice given by one astrologer.

Honours for academic excellence: Chandra-Ketu


: Chandra- Sukra

Marriage :


In D9, the 11th house holds exalted Mercury and Saturn, good for gains, I guess.

Rahu’s placement in the 12 house is good for spirituality. The Moon+Rahu

combination (4th & 9th lords) in 12th house gives me some worry, since moon is the

9th lord in navamsa, does this combination become shakti yoga? But in 12th, can this

yoga indicate soul/spiritual energy directed towards moksha ?

Guruji, funnily enough, my date of birth (1-9-1960) pinpionts all the

important/populated houses in my D1chart...1, 6, 9,10. I am including Ketu in 1st

house, though he's in 3rd,because that's his exaltation and he's in Jupiter's


## Male born 7 Aug, 1963 at 9:15' PM IST at Sambalpur India. What remedy would

you recommend for the native to reduce the suffering and obstacles in life? [28 Sept


In this chart retrograde Saturn is Atmakaraka. Ista Devata is indicated

by Mercury. Mercury is at 13 degree and indicate Krishna as Ista Devata.

Atmakaraka Saturn is in his own sign in Rasi and in Virgo in Navamsha which are

both good position for Saturn. So. I suppose that there will not be so many problems

for the person, especially because Jupiter is in the lagna in his own house (Pisces).

If any problem come to the person that problem will be alleviated by the benefic

influence of Jupiter in lagna.

Mercury (Ista Devata) is in the Leo both in Rasi and Navamsa and that's friendly

sign for Mercury. Mercury is Gnati karaka and it indicates relatives. So, person will

probably be taken to Ista Devata by some relative.

Saturn is in the 11th house in Navamsa - 3 houses to Navamsa lagna. Significator

for 3rd house is Mars which can indicate younger brother.

For reducing the sufferings and obstacles native can worship Ista Devata - Sri

Krishna and serve and please his relatives (and younger brother).

Sri Aurobindo Ghose 15 Aug, 1872 at about 1 ghati (i.e. 24 minutes) before sunrise

at Calcutta, India. Explain the reason behind his great work Savitri (Savitur) and

the interpretation of the Rig Veda.[29 Sept 2001

Atmakaraka is Mercury who is in Leo together with Sun and Venus. Mercury is not

combusted because he is more than 20 degrees apart from Sun. Rather they form

nice Budh Aditya yoga which will give good intelligence. Venus is little bit closer to

the Sun (8 degree) and it will get lightly combusted.

In the Navamsa chart Mercury is with Ketu and retrograde Saturn in Scorpio (10th

house). Sun is exalted in Navamsa and has an aspect on Mercury Atmakaraka.

Ista Devata is indicated by Venus - Lakshmi, Radharani or maybe Parvati.

Connection between strong Sun and Atmakaraka Mercury can be seen both in Rasi

and Navamsa. Savitur is a name for Sun. This is the reason that inspired Sri

Aurobindo to make his work.

Mercury in the 10th house together with Ketu and Saturn (retrograde) and under

the aspect of Jupiter (although debilitated and in the 12th house) and Sun can show

the dedication to the interpretation of old occult or religious texts (Saturn and

Ketu). This has been the life mission of this person.

## [RATH: Thus, you will notice that the birth of the Prophet was on the 12th day of

Rabie Al Awal yet the Tithi was Chaturdasi as claimed by you! Why, 12th day

means the 12th day from the signt of the crescent Moon (Is this dwiteeya and not


From the above, I presume, the birth day must have been a sukla dwaadasi (taking

as an approximation).

AK is Sun. Muslims worship on Fridays. So, Venus must have been in 12th from AK

OR 12th from AK is empty and is owned by Venus.

i.e. AK is either in Gemini, and Tau is empty (or has Venus), (in D-9), OR

AK is in Scorpio and Libra is empty (or has Venus).

1. Father died before his birth

2. Mother died in his sixth year

3. I think marriage was with his emplyer who was a widow.

4. Was called AL-AMIN -Everyone could TRUST him or He was the embodiment of


5. When Muhammad reached the age of 40, the angel Gabriel guided him with

revelations that established his prophethood.

6. next 20 years of his life, he communicated the message of Allah

7. 632, the year of his death, I think 8 June was the day..Krishna Pratipada, Makar

Lagna, Sun in Gemini.

8. Why is GREEN so much favoured by Muslims? See his Karakamsa...Nobody was

attached to his body, they were guided by his spirit. Ahimsa??? Anyway, study this

chart carefully.

AK must have been in Gemini or Sagitarious in D-9.

So, AK must be in Gemini.

AK must have been in 2,4,10 or 11 from Lagna in D-9

(6 is ruled out as his health was good,

1. If AK is in Navamsa Lagna, the native belongs to a royal family/ is of noble birth

and lineage. If Navamsa Lagna Lord conjoins AK, then the native, although of

humble origin shall rise to a high rank equal toa king. If the AK aspects Navamsa

Lagna, then Royal association shall be present from birth. The natural karaka of

1st house (Sun) should be strong to indicate the extent of Rajyoga.

2. If AK is in 2nd house, the native shall be very spiritual and a great saint. If saturn

is strong, the renunciation shall be complete whereas if Venus is strong the native

shall perform severe austerities.

3. If AK is in 3rd house, the native shall be rich and successful in many undertakings.

He shall be a freind of many powerful people.

4. If AK is in 4th house the native shall be a Karma Yogi. if the moon and jupiter are

strong, he shall have fame whereas if the Sun is strong rajyoga and a strong saturn

indicates a hard working person.

5. If AK is in 5th house the native is Dharma Parayana i.e. obeys the laws of his

dharma diligently and is straightforward. if the sun is strong, he shall have many

good yogas. Blesssings of his father shall always protect him.

6. If AK is in 6th house, the native is diseased and troubled. Propitiate as per saturn

or Lord Satya Narayana, fast on full moon days and speak the truth OM TAT SAT.

7. If AK is in seventh house, the native is blessed with a clean heart and many joys. If

Venus is strong, marriage shall be a great blessing.

8. If AK is in 8th house, the native has many troubles and weaknesses. He is defeated

in war. Propitiate as per saturn or Lord Satya Narayana, fast on full moon days and

speak the truth OM TAT SAT.

9. If AK is in 9th house, the native is a very pious person and is wealthy and


10. If AK is in 10th house, the native is blessed with a clean heart and good home. He

shall be a a pillar for his family and mother. the moon in strength shall be an added

blessing for this.

11. If AK is in 11th house, the native shall be brave, successful in war and capable of

executing any task. if Mars is strong there shall be Rajyoga.

12. If AK is in 12th house the native is very rich and blessed by Lakshmi.

By birth, he is not rich, so, 1, 3, 9, 12 are ruled out.

He lost his father, so, could not have his father's blessings (his teaching are self and

he did not have any guru). So, 5 is ruled out.

He is healthy. So, 6 is ruled out.

His marriage did not benefit him much. So, 7 not likely.

He did not have any weaknesses. So, 8 is ruled out.

So, AK must have been in 2, 4, 10 or 11 from Lagna in D-9.

i.e. Lagna in D-9 must have been Tau, Pis, Vi or Le.

Q. ## Study the chart of atleast one member of any royal family to bring out the

Rajyoga due to birth. [12-15 Oct 2001]

I have selected the chart of the last Nizam of Hyderabad for this exercise. (Chart

source: Notable Horoscopes) using Raman Ayanamsa, who ruled the erstwhile State

of Hyderabad from 1911 to 1950.

He was renowned for two things – (1) his wealth (at one time he was reported to be

the richest man in the world, and (2) his harem – he is rumoured to have more than

100 wives.

Here is my attempt:

This is a LI lagna chart has several pecularities.

the Lagna is Vargottam in D3, D7, D9 & D10;

9th lord ME(R) is Vargottam in all D-charts

there are no exalted or debilitated planets, either in D1 or in D9.

JU is vargottama in D3 & D5

Lagna lord, VE is also AK as well as Ishta devata

The Lagna lord is also AK and is involved in sevaral Raj Yogas, described below.

In Rasi chart, Conj. of 9L ME with 10L MO is another Raja Yoga - this happens in

HL and aspects lagna by 7th aspect and GL by Rasi aspect – making it extremely

powerful, as two Mahayogadas are involved in a Raja Yoga.

In itself, the conj. of 9L & 10L is a powerful Dhanyoga – its aspect to GL makes it

extremely powerful and conj. of HL makes it famous, the right recipe for creating

the worlds richest man and spreading his fame.

9th lord ME in 7H, in all D-charts is a very powerful Raja Yoga.

Lagna Lord, VE exchanges rasi aspect with 10L MO, posited in 7H gives another

Raja Yoga in rasi chart.

AK VE conj. with Yogakaraka SA, lord of 4H & 5H, in 4th house in D9 creates a very

powerful Raja Yoga. This Yoga occurs in AL as well as GL.

The above yoga receives rasi aspect of 7L, MA, creating two more Raja Yogas, lagna

lord VE with 7L MA & 5L SA with 7L MA.

In D9, 7L MA & 9L ME exchange rasi aspect.

There is a Gaja Kesari yoga in D9, though involving two dusthanas, JU in 6H & MO

in 12H.

No wonder this native was the ruler of the largest princely state in pre-

independence Inda, for 37 long years.

## Here are the answers on next question from the lesson.

Nathuram Vinayak Godse 19 May 1910 at 8-29 AM ; 73E52' 18N31' India. He was

supposed to be a god fearing person, yet he committed homicide! What are the

factors by which this happened?[30 Sept 2001]

Atmakaraka is Rahu. In the Rasi chart Rahu is posited in Taurus together with

Sun and retrograde Mercury. At the first sight it can be seen that the 12th house

containing AK and Sun is surrounded by two malefics - Mars in lagna and

debilitated Saturn in 11th house. Next thing - Rahu and Sun are in close


Mars in lagna in Gemini (enemy sign) will surely give some sort of aggression or

passion. AL is in 11th with debilitated Saturn, Mars is also ruler of AL. Mars will

give mixed results because he is under aspect of exalted Venus (which is forming

Malavya yoga in 10th house) and Jupiter and Moon.

Native will have very much good influence and pious activities in this life,

intelligence and skills and he will be quite a pious and good hearted person (Venus,

Jupiter and Moon very good posited). But because of all above mentioned afflictions

he will have some problems with aggression, uncontrolled temperament and will

easily loose his intelligence under the influence of illusion (Rahu in conjunction with

Sun and lagna lord Mercury retrograde in 12th house).

In the Navamsa chart Rahu is again with Sun. Ista Devata is indicated by Venus

(Lakshmi devi) which is favorably positioned in lagna. So, Venus will surely give

serious religiosity to this person. But other factors will also prevail and in certain

time will give destructive temperament.

## Please accept my apology for the delay in sending this on time. I am attempting

question 6 and I will attempt other questions later.

This is my first ever attempt to do a lesson and I hope I am doing it properly. Any

advice and guidance from Gurus and other learned members would be graciously


Ista Devata is seen from Atmakarka, which is the planet with the highest degree.

The Navamsa sign occupied by Atmakarka gives us the clue about desire of the

Atma and the nature of the Atmakarka gives us vital information about the nature

of Atma and its spiritual development.

Question: - Examine your own horoscope and determine your Ista Devata.

My birth chart:

Date of Birth: February 5, 1936

Time of Birth: 1:10:00 am

Time Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMT

Longitude of Birth: 77 E 13

Latitude of Birth: 28 N 40

Lunar month (maasa): Magha

Lunar day (tithi): Sukla Trayodasi

Tithi balance: 0.5445

Nakshatra balance: 0.9007

Sun-Moon Yoga: Vishkambha

Sun-Moon Karana: Kaulava

Vara (weekday): Tuesday

Sunrise = 7:09 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)

Ayanamsa = 22-58-9

Dasa year length chosen = 365.2500 days

Planet Position Pada CharaK

Ascdt 25 Li 39 Visakha 2 -

Sun 21 Cp 51 Sravanam 4 BK

Moon 21 Ge 19 Punarvasu 1 MK

Mars 23 Aq 36 Poo.Bhaa. 2 AmK

Mercury (R) 13 Cp 21 Sravanam 2 GK

Jupiter 25 Sc 21 Jyeshtha 3 AK

Venus 15 Sg 49 Poo.Shaa. 1 PK

Saturn 16 Aq 30 Satabhisham 3 PiK

Rahu 18 Sg 06 Poo.Shaa. 2 DK

Ketu 18 Ge 06 Aardra 4 -

BhavaLg 21 Li 07 Visakha 1 -

HoraLg 21 Cn 08 Aasresha 2 -

GhatiLg 21 Li 12 Visakha 1 -

Dhooma 5 Ge 11 Mrigasira 4 -

Vyati 24 Cp 48 Dhanishtha 1 -

Pari 24 Cn 48 Aasresha 3 -

I.Chapa 5 Sg 11 Moola 2 -

Upaketu 21 Sg 51 Poo.Shaa. 3 -

Kaala 5 Vi 17 U.Pha. 3 -

Mrityu 18 Li 17 Swathi 4 -

ArthaPr 9 Sc 18 Anuradha 2 -

YamaGha 0 Sg 43 Moola 1 -

Mandi 2 Le 58 Makha 1 -

Gulika 22 Cn 24 Aasresha 2 -


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| | | | Ket |

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| Sat | | HL |

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| Mar | | Glk |

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|-------------| R A S I |-------------|

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| MerR | | |

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| | | BL | |

| Ven | | | |

| | Jup | GL | |

| Rah | | | |

| | | Asc | |



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| Ket | | MerR | |

| | BL GL | | |

| | | Mar | |


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| Jup | | |

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| Sat | | |

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|-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|

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| HL | | |

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| Glk | | |

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Vimsottari Dasa:

Jupi 1936-02-05 Satu 1936-08-21 Merc 1939-03-04 Ketu 1941-06-09 Venu 1942-


Sun 1945-01-14 Moon 1945-11-02 Mars 1947-03-04 Rahu 1948-02-08

Satu 1950-07-04 Merc 1953-07-07 Ketu 1956-03-16 Venu 1957-04-25 Sun 1960-


Moon 1961-06-06 Mars 1963-01-06 Rahu 1964-02-14 Jupi 1966-12-21

Merc 1969-07-04 Ketu 1971-11-30 Venu 1972-11-27 Sun 1975-09-27 Moon 1976-


Mars 1978-01-02 Rahu 1978-12-31 Jupi 1981-07-19 Satu 1983-10-25

Ketu 1986-07-04 Venu 1986-11-30 Sun 1988-01-30 Moon 1988-06-06 Mars 1989-


Rahu 1989-06-03 Jupi 1990-06-22 Satu 1991-05-29 Merc 1992-07-07

Venu 1993-07-04 Sun 1996-11-02 Moon 1997-11-02 Mars 1999-07-04 Rahu 2000-


Jupi 2003-09-03 Satu 2006-05-04 Merc 2009-07-04 Ketu 2012-05-04

Sun 2013-07-04 Moon 2013-10-21 Mars 2014-04-22 Rahu 2014-08-28 Jupi 2015-


Satu 2016-05-10 Merc 2017-04-22 Ketu 2018-02-26 Venu 2018-07-04

Moon 2019-07-04 Mars 2020-05-04 Rahu 2020-12-03 Jupi 2022-06-04 Satu 2023-


Merc 2025-05-04 Ketu 2026-10-03 Venu 2027-05-04 Sun 2029-01-02

Mars 2029-07-04 Rahu 2029-11-30 Jupi 2030-12-18 Satu 2031-11-24 Merc 2033-


Ketu 2033-12-30 Venu 2034-05-28 Sun 2035-07-29 Moon 2035-12-03

Rahu 2036-07-03 Jupi 2039-03-17 Satu 2041-08-09 Merc 2044-06-15 Ketu 2047-


Venu 2048-01-21 Sun 2051-01-21 Moon 2051-12-16 Mars 2053-06-15

My Atmakarka is Jupiter. Jupiter as AK indicates that the native should always

respect Guru and care for children. I have always respected my teachers and taken

good care of my children.

In Navamsa my AK is in Aquarius sign and counting the number of signs from AK

to Navamsa Lagna comes to 4, which indicates that my 4th house results shall

predominate. AK in the 4th house indicates that the native shall be a Karma Yogi. I

do not know much about Karma Yogi but I have always tried to do things, which I

thought were right, sincerely and honestly without any expectations or rewards and

with the grace of God I have always felt happy inside, even during difficult times.

Ista Devata is seen from the 12th house from the karakamsa (the sign occupied by

AK in Navamsa chart). In my navamsa chart the sign occupied by my AK (Jupiter)

is Aquarius, so Aquarius is my karkamsa and the 12th house from this sign is

Capricorn. As no planet occupies this sign the lord of the sign, Saturn is my

Ista and Narayana is my Ista Devata.

The Karka indicated by the Ista Devata planet Saturn is Putrakarka (PK), which

indicates that my children, subordinates or followers will lead me to my Ista Devata

and I should have excellent relations with them.

My AK (Jupiter) is debilitated both in rasi and navamsa charts, I do not know how

it has affected me in the past and how it is going to affect me in future.

My Ista Devata planet, Saturn, is yogakarka in both rasi and navamsa charts. It is

also mooltrikona in both charts and it is vargottam. I do not know the effects of this

and would appreciate your kind guidance on these.

## Question 1.1: Determine the Ista Devata in thefollowing chart:

Male born 7 Aug, 1963 at 9:15’

PM IST at Sambalpur India. What remedy would you recommend for the native to

reduce the suffering and obstacles in life?

Attachments: .jhd file attached

Retrograde Saturn is the Atmakaraka, which is a natural malefic. Saturn as AK

indicates that the native may have to take suffering & sorrow from others but can

not hurt others. Atmakaraka as a malefic indicates a highly evolved soul (which had

its fun & learning, in previous incarnations and now has come to the stage of

Serious Learning!). As the AK is retrograde, it indicates a deep-rooted desire for its

rebirth, carrying an unfinished agenda from past life.

Its position in 11th house (desire) from Lagna in Rasi & Navamsa indicate gains(11th

house) for the native in desire fulfillment. Knowledge in occult, as 4th from 8th , is

one of the key areas of interest.

Since, Ista devata helped in bringing the soul to its present incarnation (and the

soul knows it), the native needs to pray to Ista devata for its continued benevolence

in fulfilling the desires and to make the soul content. In the native’s Navamsa,

Karakmsa is Virgo and Mercury alone is placed in 12th from it. Mercury is in the

second drekkana and as per Harihara (in Vedic Remedies in Astrology) represents

Sri Krishna. Worship of Lord Sri Krishna is recommended for the native.

Mercury is the Gnati Karaka for the native, so the native’s cousins would have led

him to the Ista Devata. As Mercury is lord of 8th house from Lagnamsa, the native is

indebted to Lord Sri Krishna from his previous incarnation. The native needs to

donate ~14.25% (17 years of Mercury out of total 120 years) of his income to lord Sri

Krishna, to gradually become debt free in his personal life. (Can this donation be

made to Guru also?)

Karakamsa is in the 11th from Lagnamsa and indicates that the native is brave,

shall be successful in war and is capable of executing any task. Karaka for third

house (counting from Karakamsa to Lagnamsa) is Mars, which is a Maha Yogada

for the native (In rasi it is in the seventh from lagna and is lord of HL & GL) Mars

is low in its amsa bala. In Rasi, Maha Yogada and 9th house Lord, Mars and AK,

Saturn afflict Lagna lord Jupiter in Lagna, by their 7th & 3rd house , respectively.

The affliction from Mars & Saturn to Jupiter amounts to Curse of a Brahmin (As

per Vedic Remedies in Astrology pp 67). The remedy lies in worshipping Lord Shiva

on Mondays and making certain donations as mentioned in the book.

Because Maha Yogada, Mars, is fulfilling the curse of a brahmin, it is not likely to

give its benefic results before the curse is redeemed. As far as AK is concerned its

period (Main/sub) is likely to give much mental agony. Thus redeeming the curse is

paramount for the native.

It should also be noted that the dispositor of Mars in Rasi is Mercury, who

represents Lord Sri Krishna and to whom the native is indebted. The root cause

needs to be seen and confirmed from D60, which is beyond my present capabilities.

## Here is my attempt in your chart referring Atmakaraka and Istadevata.

Saturn is the Atmakaraka and is lord of the eleventh and twelfth. It is placed in the

eleventh house, own sign and retrograde. This shows high capacity of

accomplishment in what is desired. He will work in a very methodical and

organized way to achieve things. He will achieve what he desires but after a lot of

efforts and hard work. Sani being retrograde AK shows a deep desire as the cause

for this incarnation. Depending on the strength of Mars (He gets the least bindus of

strength in shadbala, 97%) the Yogas will fructify, as Mars is the karaka for the

third house. Saturn being aspect by Sun and Venus, Lords of sixth, third and eight

and associated both of them with A7. This shows affliction and impediments to your

goals through partners, associates, government authorities, bad communication and

relatives. Of course due to Venus feminine side especially females will be involved

in all this delays and problems. Saturn as AK indicates that the native should not

give sorrow to others but should share it from them.

Date of Birth: August 7, 1963

Time of Birth: 9:15:11 pm

Time Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMT

Longitude of Birth: 83 E 58

Latitude of Birth: 21 N 27

Lunar month (maasa): Sravana

Lunar day (tithi): Krishna Tritiya

Tithi balance: 0.5920

Nakshatra balance: 0.0023

Sun-Moon Yoga: Atiganda

Sun-Moon Karana: Vanija

Vara (weekday): Wednesday

Sunrise = 5:29 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)

Ayanamsa = 23-20-39

Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days

Planet Position Pada CharaK

Ascdt 14 Pi 08 U.Bhaa. 4 -

Sun 21 Cn 04 Aasresha 2 BK

Moon 19 Aq 58 Satabhisham 4 MK

Mars 13 Vi 40 Hastha 2 PK

Mercury 13 Le 22 Poo.Pha. 1 GK

Jupiter 26 Pi 08 Revathi 3 AmK

Venus 14 Cn 55 Pushyami 4 PiK

Saturn (R) 26 Cp 50 Dhanishtha 2 AK

Rahu 25 Ge 45 Punarvasu 2 DK

Ketu 25 Sg 45 Poo.Shaa. 4 -

BhavaLg 16 Pi 57 Revathi 1 -

HoraLg 13 Sc 27 Anuradha 4 -

GhatiLg 2 Sc 58 Visakha 4 -

Dhooma 4 Sg 24 Moola 2 -

Vyati 25 Cn 35 Aasresha 3 -

Pari 25 Cp 35 Dhanishtha 1 -

I.Chapa 4 Ge 24 Mrigasira 4 -

Upaketu 21 Ge 04 Punarvasu 1 -

Kaala 21 Cp 48 Sravanam 4 -

Mrityu 13 Pi 57 U.Bhaa. 4 -

ArthaPr 10 Ar 12 Aswini 4 -

YamaGha 3 Ta 52 Krittika 3 -

Mandi 23 Ge 12 Punarvasu 1 -

Gulika 13 Ge 59 Aardra 3 -

Saturn here in Navamsa is also placed in the eleventh house in Virgo clearly

showing the connection with Jyotish. Being in the 11th you are brave successful in

war and capable of executing any task that you intent. Counting from Saturn to

Lagna we got third house so if Mars is strong (here Mars is not strong either, He is

being afflicted by conjunction of Rahu and aspect from 12th Lord Venus)

The Istadevata is seen from the twelfth from AK. Here we got Mercury in Leo.

Being in the second Drekana indicates Sri Krsna Bhagavan (Sri Jagannatha Dev)

as your Ista Devata. You always have to be very careful in please your maternal

uncles, cousins and relatives in general, being Mercury the Karaka for Them. As I

understand the relation between the Ak and Istadevata represents the relation

between the Jivatma and Bhagavan or Paramatma. And the key to avoid the real

problems and realize the true goal in life is to improve this relationship as indicated

by the planets in chart. So your Mercury is being fully aspected by Devaguru,

Jupiter (Graha drishti) and Sun by (Rasi drishti) That means that by worshipping

your Diksha Guru and following strictly His orders you will be succesfull in Your

life and will overcome any obstacles. Your Sun in Navamsa is somehow afflicted

being in Capricorn I suggest for this, menial service (like Prataparudra Maharaja

sweeping in front of the Rathayatra of Sri Jagannatha) in a Sri Krsna Temple on


Please accept my pranams, I will be sending the rest as soon as possible.



Prince William’s chart does not look like the chart of the future heir to the crown of

England. It lacks the necessary strength of rajayoga, and is full of malefic yogas.

The strongest argument for kingship is that GL and HL combine with Atmakaraka

in the 10th from ascendant, being dual Saggitarius. That creates 6 mahayogadas, as

all of the planets in quadrants aspect the 3 ascendants. But besides this, there are

many weaknesses.

He has a very powerful Sarpa Yoga, that contains all of the malefic planets. Moon

does not offer any assistance, as He is combust and involved in a Shakti yoga, which

also destroys the beneficence of the 9th lord Sun. Further 9th lord’s weak placement

here in badhak sthana shows that due to the neglect of his worship in his last life he

will suffer greatly, and lack divine support. It also may be the case that his father or

another elder has cursed him, as Sun goes into Scorpio navamsa.

Not only is the 7th house destroyed for marital matters, but more significantly

Moon, the life force, even more so as the 8th lord, is destroyed. Sun, representing the

physical body is also under serious affliction from the Shakti yoga. More over these

planets receive aspects from every malefic. As the 10th lord goes into the 6th house,

the only planet maintaining longevity is Jupiter placed moderately strongly in the

11th house.

A situation arises, with the Sarpa yoga containing all malefics in quadrants, while

the benefics go to the duhstanas and the luminaries get destroyed. This bodes ill for

his life span, and is a strong rajabhanga as well.

AL also has a daridya yoga in the 2nd house with 2 malefics, ketu in the 5th and

Jupiter in the 3rd, which is similar to the rising sign in causing rajabhanga.

Besides the Sarpa yoga there is a very malefic yoga that arises from Ketu and

Mandi being in the ascendant under the aspect of Mars, as well as the other

malefics. Since the badhak lord is conjoined the strong 6th lord in the 6th, Black

Magic being used against William is indicated. Due to the planets being a

combination of Venus and Mercury in Taurus, a rich business man is shown. As the

planets conjoin in A8, and afflict the 3rd, 8th and 10th lord, the goal is to cause the

death of the Prince.

That he has taken to bad ways already is shown by several of his friends being

arrested for drug use, his numerous occassions of passing out from alcohol, despite

orders against drinking from his Grandmother the Queen. A11 is in the ascendant,

which suffers from Sarpa yoga, showing similarly corrupt close friends.


Prince William is known as being publically shy, which is an attribute of Taurus

lagnamsa, aspected by Saturn.

He is an accomplished athlete, and is one of the top 100 swimmers in England.

Mars in Navamsa ascendant gives him these abilities. His best sunject was English,

which supports Mercury rising. His proficiency is also in painting and art, which is

shown by the position of Venus with Moon in the 9th. He is also a fan of the cinema

and wanted to be an actor. Music is also an interest.

He is very skillful with a gun, fond of hunting, and has won shooting competitions.

Atmakaraka Saturn (bows) in the 3rd, under Mars’ and Sun’s aspect shows this


Lagna lord of the Rasi chart Jupiter, goes into the 8th house here. Although in

Moolatrikona, he is retrograde and under the aspect of Rahu and Mars, which is

again a very bad combination for health and life span.


Venus rises showing his natural inclination to Venusian professions, such as art

and the cinema. Mercury and Mars in artha trikona indicate Royal duty as the

Prince to be his work, especially as Mercury is strong in Gemini.

This chart is quite weak, with 6 planets in the duhstanas. Sun in the 5th having

argala on the ascendant indicates a royal inheritance, but this is fully obstructed by

6th lord Mercury and Ketu from the 6th house and 8th from AL, indicating ill health

or death to be the obstruction. As these planets are in A3, the brother also becomes

the obstructer.


The cause of misfortune and shortened lifespan in Prince Williams life is almost

certainly a consequence of his actions in his previous life. 4 planets are placed in

Aries, and 2 in Scorpio indicating him to have been a violent raja, who likely killed

people, and must suffer in this life as a result.

At grade school he was spotted saying “When I’m king, I’ll send my knights around

to kill you!”

This is also supported by his love of hunting in this life, and his exceptional ability

with shooting guns and taking the life of innocent deer.


Although a mahayogada, Atmakaraka suffers from a conjunction with enemy Mars,

and aspect of all malefic planets.

In the Navamsa Atmakaraka goes into the 3rd showing that he will befriend many

powerful people.

Saturn as the Atmakaraka causes him to share the sorrow of others. This lesson

began in a strong and famous way, as unlike the others in his family, he had an

extremely close bond with his mother at the time of her death.

His suffering will peak in Saturn dasa, with the afflicted Atmakaraka. As the prime

maraka, aspecting the 8th from AL life will also be at risk.

In the Dasamsa Saturn goes into the 12th house with the 12th lord retrograde

Juptier and debilitated Rahu forming a strong chandala yoga, which is not

condusive towards kingship, and indicates disappointment in D-10 matters due to

the displeasure of God.


This is indicated by Atmakaraka’s favourable placement from D-1 and D-9 lagna, as

well as his aspect on these. The 6 powerful Mahayogadas give his exalted position.

Dasas have also been favourable, with Gemin containing 3 mahayogadas, followed

by Aquarius, lorded by two.

Currently the prince is experiencing much fame, and has appeared in many

magazines as the most desireable young man, etc. This is due to the dasas running.

One lord of Aquarius goes into the 10th house of status and royalty, and the other

lord in the 7th with Sun and Moon for being a royal sex symbol.

Rahu dasa is exalted mahayogada. Jupiter dasa has brought the fame as an

international sex symbol, due to the aspect of JUpiter on AL from Libra, as well as

unobstructed argala and aspect on the 7th house containing Moon karaka for mass

popularity and the SUn.


“If you won’t do it, then I’ll be king.” - upon William complaining about one day

being king.

Harry’s chart in contrast to William’s is very potent and indicates that he will

become King, despite being the second fiddle at this moment.


A graha malika yoga extends from the 9th to 1st, with the atmakaraka Sun

initiating, and lagnesh Jupiter ending. Both planets indicate royal power.

Atmakaraka Sun forms a Maharaja yoga with Putrakarka Saturn. Atmakaraka is

in own sign, and Saturn lord of Shri lagna is exalted in the 11th house and 2nd from

AL. Sun also forms the DharmaKarmadhipati yoga in the 9th house itself. This

combination initiating the graha malika yoga from the Dharma sthana to lagna

with unafflicted Saggitarius and Jupiter rising shows a just and noble king who will

spread and encourage the propagation of higher knowledge, greatly benefitting his

people. He is a true Hamsamahapurusa, with Jupiter exalted in D-60, indicating a

continuation from the last life. Moreover in almost all of the divisional charts,

Jupiter either aspects or owns the ascendant.

Jupiter and Venus are Mahayogadas, and have special ability to cause Royal

position as they are two benefics as well as the lagna lord being the only planets

placed in quadrants forming a powerful rajayoga and Maalaa yoga. This is

supported by the position of exalted Rahu in the 6th, exalted Saturn in the 11th and

Moon in the 5th. Similarily from Atmakarak, Mercury is in the 1st, Venus 2nd,

Jupiter 5th, Moon 9th, and Saturn in the 3rd. From AL and GL, Venus is in the 1st,

Jupiter in the 4th, and Mars and Ketu, both in Scorpio in the 3rd.

These ascendants all have the majority of planets distributed with benefics in the

2nd/4th and trines, whereas malefics are in the 3rd/6th/11th, which forms a most

powerful rajayoga. 4 planets are also in swakshetra, and 2 in exaltation.

All of the Sattvic planets occupy the trines, without malefic affliction, speaking

volumes of his character.

However debilitated Venus in AL gives him a tarnished and immoral image. As

debilitated Venus in AL is the lord of A7 and sits in the second from UL, this

scandalous image will probably arise due to an affair carried on by Harry that will

be the cause of the break in marriage. As UL contains Sun in own sign, 9th and 10th

lords, and also holds 7th lord, while Venus is a mahayogada, marriage will be to a

royal woman, who Harry will dislike, as indicated by A7 and UL both being in

dwirdwadasa to AL. This is regretable as SUn in swakshetra in UL in 9th house, 7th

lord with this Sun, and darakarak Jupiter in mooltrikona says much about the

moral integrity and nobility of wife.


Harry’s obsession with computers is shown by Ketu’s placement in lagnamsa. Mars

in the 5th confirms his passion and prowess in sports. One year he failed everything

but sports. Harry has a love of botany and enjoys studying flowers, which is

indicated by Virgo lagnamsa.

This chart is strong as well, with all of the Kendras occupied, lagnesh with

Subakartari. Jupiter aspects the Sun and Gajakeasari Moon, as he does in Rasi.

The relationship of Pk and AK continues in this chart as well.

A regretable situation arises in the 7th house with the position of Rahu in Pisces

with Saturn in Badhak sthana. Both are the 6th lords. That combined with the

position of Venus 9th lord in the 12th indicate a curse of a Brahmin on Harry denying

pleasure from marriage, causing much sadness and problems. The dwirdwadasa

position of Al with A7 and UL confirms this, the same as in the Rasi.


The graha malika yoga again extends from the 9th to 1st. The Atmakaraka is again

involved in the ascendant as the terminating planet. This combination also forms

from the 5th to 9th house from AL, indicating great status, and rendering the

primary trines quite powerful.

Unlike William, Sun, the Atmakaraka rises in D-10 lagna indicating Kingship,

especially as the only planets aspecting are royal Moon and Venus from the 9th

house. The only planet in the artha trikona is kshatriya Mars, which supports this



Jupiter is exalted and conjunct Mercury in this chart, showing the depth of

knowledge. Ketu is in Capricorn a spiritual position. And Saturn is in Jupiter’s sign

Sagittarius. Moon in watery scorpio, with the 3 other planets in Cancer indicates a


Atmakaraka Sun is in Leo indicating the strength of this soul. 12th from this is

Taurus. Venus, the Bratrikarak goes into debilitation with Mars, under the aspect

of Saturn and atmakaraka Sun. This indicates that Harry was a powerful Tantric in

his past life. It is probable that his becoming king was due to his intense tapasya,

which is indicated by the aspect of Saturn and Venus on Atmakaraka, with Ketu in



Atmakaraka is most favorable in his chart indicating great fame and kingship.

Positioning of the Sun, atmakaraka and rajakaraka, in so many powerful yogas in

the 9th will bring him to kingship through the blessings of Shri. The positioning of

Atmakaraka in the 4th in navamsa is also a raja position, more so as it aspects the

lagna and takes place in Dhanus with the conjunction of Moon and aspect of Jupiter

from the 10th. Dasamsa has Atmakaraka in the lagna ending the grahamalika yoga

from the 9th.

Power from birth is indicated by the strength of the chart, which would even make a

poor man a king. The dasas running have all been favourable. Saggitarius Dasa

which is the lagna and end of the grahamalika yoga, followed by Leo containing

Atmakaraka and initiation the same yoga.

As Sun is the atmakaraka, a lesson in humility is to learned, as indicated by the

elder brother, who doesn’t want to be king, yet is in line for the throne. However as

the atmakaraka is favourable, the lesson will not be a harsh one.

## Lets look at Queen Victoria.

1. Asc = Ta with GL, HL and BL

2. Chandra in Ta as is Surya; Moon in Moolatrikona ( Office for Chandra) ....and

creates great Yogadas. Sun + Moon Luminaries.

In ASC shows greatness, suggests Royalty... Sun, being exhaulted in Navamsa

clearly indicates one of a noble family

Now Jupiter and Chandra in 1st and 9th aspects ea. other by Rasi dristi and

should product an overlord of villages

( Jamini 3.1.12).

Yet 8th lord Jupiter is debilited in the 9th, gives Graha Dristi to the Lagna; not

sure of this indication.

3. AK = Mars , suggests non-violence path in life. MArs' appears in the 11th from

Swamsa - indocating bravery, success in war,etc.

4. 12th from Karakamsa is Sg ; Sani owns and resides Vi, with Mercury and Ketu.

Sani suggests Ista Devata of Narayana.

5. Raj yoga of 1st house lord Venus with 5th lord Mars are in the 12th in D1 . Plus

AK and PiK reside also

this 12th is also AL, which indicates great success

6. Of interest - AK and PiK are in Graha dristi in D9, forming Maharaja Yoga.

7. AND - 2nd lord Mercury in the 12th ( D1) should produce poverty, yet the Queen

does not have this happen.

Sanjay teaches that the VL is the key to this riddle. VL is Gemini,so the count

goes from VL, and hense the Lord

of weath ends up in the 11th ( D1 chart) and produces a Dhanya yoga.

## I was in the middle of this lesson when you made your announcement about the

new classroom. I'd like to complete this compulsory lesson regardless of which class

you think I should be in.

Question: Study the chart of at least one President of the US to bring out the

relationship between the AK and the Rajyoga.

Abraham Lincoln was born February 12, 1809 in Hodgenville, Kentucky (37 N 34,

85 W 44)

Historical record the time of birth as "between 7am and 11 am. Sanjay-ji and B. V.

Raman have used the time 7-32 am in their books. Within the 7 to 11 am time

frame it’s easy to see why the Aquarius lagna was chosen. With Lincoln’s very tall

stature, long thin face and thin build, the lagna can easily fixed as Aquarius with

thin, bony, Saturn as the lagna lord placed in a sign of long ascension. With

Aquarius rising we have mercury and sun giving a budha-aditya yoga indicating

that Lincoln was highly intelligent, skillful in all works with a good reputation.

Mercury, who is also the Atmakaraka is 5th and 9th lord and the Sun is the 7th lord

so this also form a strong Raja yoga and reinforced by the Hora Lagna being there

also. This strong lagna is further enhanced by being surrounded by benefits in

2nd and 12th house including an exalted Venus and Jupiter in it’s own house in

Pisces giving rise to a Vesi yoga by being 2nd from the Sun. This yoga shows that

Lincoln would be virtuous, famous and aristocratic. These powerful combinations

show how Lincoln could go from a poor self-taught boy in the backwoods of

Kentucky to the President of the United States.

Lincoln’s Atmakaraka planet is Mercury indicating that in this lifetime he should

learn to control his speech and be truthful at all times. It seems that Lincoln

learned his lesson well as one of his nicknames was "Honest Abe’.

Using the 7:32 am, Lahiri ayanamsa and Narasimha’s software I get Capricorn

Navamsha and Raman gets Aquarius rising. Lincoln married Mary Todd on

November 4th, 1842 while Lincoln was running Rahu-Sun-Saturn in the Vimshotari

dasa. This suits the Aquarius lagna quite well with Rahu in the navamsa lagna and

the Sun being the 7th lord and Saturn joining the 7th lord. So I moved the birth time

ahead to 7:36 am. We can see that mercury as the karakamsa gives business

acumen and one well –versed in social and legal norms. Jupiter in the 5th indicates

a genius having knowledge in various branches. He taught himself law and began a

political career beginning in the State of Illinois legislature. Thought this puts the

AK planet, Mercury in the second house from the Lagnamsa indicating that the

native was very spiritual and a great saint. I’m not sure if that really fits Lincoln.

## Ref.: Lesson no.5/Varahamihira.

Qno.1; What is meaning of word Rajayoga, Explain.

Raja yoga means combination of planets which can bestow the native with Name,

Fame, All comforts, richness and above all the Power. This also implies to give long

lasting influence of personality even after death. Infact it is a relative term and its

realisation and applicability is subjected to various other factors in the birth chart.

For example, it can be quoted that, conjunction of Lords of Kendra and Kona in a

Horoscope results in one of such yogas. Most famous Raja yoga is "Gaja Kesari

yoga". Conjunction or mutual aspect ion between Guru and Chandra is believed to

form this yoga in any nativity. As already stated intensity or actualisation depends

on various other factors. Even Dustana-adhipathis can bring Raja yoga and same is

more commonly known as Vipareetha Raja Yoga. Lords of such called evil houses,

3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th being weak and posited in conjunction in one of the dustanas

can confer results of Raja yogas though may be for limited periods.

Qno. 2: What is the meaning of Pravrajya yoga? Illustrate.

Pravrajya yoga is most commonly known as "Sanyasi Yoga". This yoga give rise to

renouncing material benefits and adopting more meaningful life style which can

lead the native to emancipation after death. Literally, combination of planets in the

birth chart indicates such potentials of the nativity. Here benefic planets placed

with strength in 3rd and 6th from AL may result in the yoga. Even malefic planets

placed in the same location will lead for Pravrajya yoga provided planets involved

are weak. This combination enhances spiritual perceptibility of the native and there

by guiding the person towards `divinity and detaching him/her from material

attachment. Influence of Ketu on the combination is believed to be more result

oriented. A school of thought in Vedic astrology advocates that, hemming of all

planets in between the axis of Shani and Kuja also cause such yogas.

In the chart of sri Mohan das K. Gandhi, more popularly known as Gandiji, in

India, such combination exits. In rasi, sthira atmakaraka, vargottama Ravi is

placed in the 3rd from AL. In Navamsa, Strong Guru is in 3rd and Chandra is in

6th from AL resulting in Pravrajya yoga. Both in Rasi and Navamsa AL is being

aspected by Mokshakaraka Ketu by graha dhrusti.

Qno. 3: Would you consider your own Horoscope for Raja yoga and Pravrajya yoga?

Is there too much confusion?

In my chart (enclosed), there is a Dharma-karmadhipadhi yoga occurring in

dustana in 6th. Hence it is only stands for names sake. How ever it is believed that

spiritually it plays a major role in shaping things in Narayana dasa of the sign

involved. coming to Pravrajya yoga, yes certainly a strong indication is existing.

Lagna lord Guru is placed in 6th in his exalted position from AL in Rasi. Rahu is

placed in the 3rd from AL in rasi and it is in the star of Ketu and hence it should

support the cause. In rasi, Ketu is aspecting Dharma-karmadhipathi yoga and has

got unobstructed argala on Lagna. In Navamsa, AL has got argala from Guru and

Ravi, who are Lagnesh and Bhagyesha respectively in the rasi. Guru is Pravrajya

yoga karaka and is aspected by Ketu in the Navamsa. As far as the timing of the

intialisation of the yoga is concerned, I am feeling, it can be in this Rahu-Sat

Vismottari Dasa, since I have been fortunate enough to be accepted in the SJVC by

Pujya Guruji, as student. Shani is in the house of Guru and is placed in the pious

sign Pisces and receiving strong aspect from exalted Guru. Guru is causing

unobstructed argala on Rahu. As already mentioned above, Rahu is 3rd from AL in

Rasi and hints for initiation in his Dasa and shani is being empowered to give

acceleration as already made evident.

Qno. 4: Case study. Male born on 4th September, 1969, at 1-52-37Hrs, New-Delhi.

What happened to native in his 5th year? How was Rahu dasa for him? Is there

VRY existing in the chart?

It is very.....very hard nut to crack! Especially for beginner like me. Well I will try to

make wild guess. Around his Five years of age, he was running Kuja dasa, Guru

bhukti and probably Shukra-ravi-Chandra antara. How ever, exact date is not given

and hence I take Kuja-Guru as base. Kuja is 6th and 11th lord and is in his own

house in 6th. He is in the star of Budha, who is 1st and 4th lord placed in the 4th in

exalted position with Maraka & Rajyadhipathi Guru. Guru is in the star of

Chandra, who seems to me very malefic, because of its ownership of 2nd house and

placement in 12th. How ever he is exalted in rasi. He is in his own star and

associated with Rahu in Navamsa. 8th lord Shani is debilitated in rasi and placed

in the 11th and is vakra. As per transit, Shani was moving in natal Lagna, Bhukti

lord Guru was vakra and was moving in natal 9th house. Dasadhipathi, Kuja was

with Lagnadhipathi Budha in 4th house of natal chart. Shani's transit indicates

time was not good. He was 2nd to natal Chandra. May be some undesirable

incidents might have occurred I beg an apology being not able assess further.

How ever it seems that, Rahu and Kuja are yoga causing grahas since they are

Dustana-adhipathis and placed very strongly in their own house from AL. I.e.,

malefic in 3rd and 6th from AL strongly placed can confer VRY.

The Death of Princess Diana

An Astrological Interpretation

by Garry Heaton

As the world laments the cruel twist of fate which deprived Princess Diana of her

new-found happiness, astrologers will inevitably be asked whether her life was

destined to end so suddenly. Diana never seemed to have lasting love in her life.

Her mother left during her early years and her marriage to Charles soon dissolved

into a loveless cold war. Nor was her affair with James Hewitt the romantic escape

she hoped it would be for he would soon betray her to the press for personal gain.

Finally she found Dodi Fayed, son of the Harrods tycoon. Though many doubted the

sincerity of the playboy's affections it seemed to all who observed her every

movement through they eye of the lens that Diana had at last found real love. Yet,

in the last moments of their lives it seemed as if fate beckoned them away from the

gaze of the world and over the edge of Lovers' Leap.

Although the crash which ended her life on 31st August was an accident,

astrologers can say with confidence that the timing certainly wasn't. Diana Spencer

was born on 1st July, 1961 at Sandringham [ 52N50 ; 0E30 ]. Two birth-times have

been suggested - 14.00 and 19.45 BST. The first, which yields a Libra ascendant,

was given by Roger Elliot from sources close to the Princess when her engagement

to Prince Charles was anounced but this was quickly corrected to 19.45 by

Buckingham Palace. Penny Thornton published the 19.45 time, giving a Sagittarian

ascendant, in her book "Synastry" in 1986 but in 1992 claimed Diana's true birth-

time was 14.00. Diana herself has given both times on different occasions but her

long-time friend and astrologer Debbie Frank insists the 19.45 time originally

confirmed by the Palace is correct. I have chosen the 19.45 chart to represent Diana

as I think the resulting progressions and return charts are overwhelming.

Astrological Houses and Death Indications

Of the main house systems Porphyry, Alcabitius, Placidus, Regiomontanus &

Campanus all place Uranus, the North Node, Mars & Pluto in the 8th house of

death. Only Koch and Equal houses show an empty 8th house. I will be refering to

Porphyry house cusps for the rest of this article.

The 8th, 1st and 4th houses are most important in analysing death. Saturn and

Pluto are the universal significators and I find the quincunx aspect appears

frequently along with contacts to the nodal axis. Diana's 8th house of death contains

Uranus, the North Node, Mars & Pluto, all of which become significators. The last

degree of Cancer is on the 8th cusp so the Moon is also involved. For the 1st house

we have retrograde Jupiter ruling the ascendant and Saturn just inside the 1st

though close to the 2nd. Notice Jupiter in quincunx aspect with Pluto in the 8th.

The 1st and 8th houses are connected at birth by the death planet (Pluto) the death

house (8th) and the death aspect (quincunx). Readers noting one or two of these

factors in their natal chart should not be alarmed as the rest of the analysis shows a

mulitplicity of factors which, taken together, account for Diana's death.

Progressions & Transits

I have always found progressed mutual aspects to be as relevant as progressed

aspects to natal positions and Diana's chart proves the point. 4 progressed factors

line-up in a dramatic FINGER of FATE configuration at the time of her death.

Progressing the angles by Kepler's solar arc in right ascension - the only method

which accurately represents the true solar day (1) - we find 29 SCO 40 on the MC

and 24 CAP 50 rising. Progressed Saturn is retrograde at 25 CAP 12 so we have the

planet of mortality casting a shadow over the point of life. This symbolism is

repeated by the transit of Saturn at 19 ARI 39 approximately trine the natal

ascendant. The progressed finger of fate is completed by progressed Uranus at 25

LEO 23 and the progressed Moon at 24 GEM 47. Here we have two 8th house

significators making quincunx aspects to the two 1st house factors but there is even

more in Diana's progressed chart. Below is a list of progressed 8th house cusps by

the main quadrant systems:






KOCH: 0 VIR 32

By the Porphyry method the progressed 8th cusp conjoins both natal and progressed

Pluto. The Alcabitius progressed 8th conjoins natal Pluto but not progressed Pluto

so does not show a contact in the progressed chart itself. None of the other methods

show a conjunction with anything.

Since the progressed finger of fate is at 24/25 degrees the planets involved all aspect

natal Venus in the 5th house of love affairs at 24 TAU 25. Even progressed Mars,

the only 8th house factor not yet mentioned, aspects Venus by trine from 23 VIR 40

so the stage was certainly set for the great romance. Marriage was probable but for

the disaster when we consider progressed Venus (3 CAN 45) conjuct natal Mercury,

ruler and occupant of the 7th house. Progressed Mercury (5 LEO 50) also aspected

ascendant-ruler Jupiter - another marriage indicator though one beset by much

conflict and opposition from others.

It seems it was transiting Pluto, at 2 SAG 56, which put an end to her marriage

prospects with its quincunx to Mercury and its approximate square to violent Mars

in the 8th. Mars and Pluto are conjuct at birth, giving extra 8th house weight to the

transiting square. Mars, as 8th house significator, was also active by transit, trining

the Sun from 10 SCO 28. The Sun can also be taken as another death planet here as

Leo is intercepted in the 8th. The nature of the aspect is secondary to the fact that,

again, two 8th house factors come together. If we allow a slightly wider orb of 1.5

degrees we also find another 8th house pair - transiting Sun (7 VIR 35) separating

from a conjunction with Pluto. I sometimes think even the cosmos often has a

problem getting everything to within one degree.

Another quincunx - transiting Uranus (5 AQU 30) to natal Pluto - brought two 8th

house significators into deadly relationship but the sudden, accidental death her

8th house Uranus carried with it was delivered first to Jupiter, her ruler, by

conjunction. Her other 1st house planet, Saturn, also received a conjunction - from

transiting Neptune the great loosener of ties. WIth Saturn in her 1st house,

Neptune brought her glamorous image from its natal position in the 10th, down to

her body to be cast in stone (Saturn). She was released from the ties to her life and

the body which she tried so hard to discipline.

The Solar Return

Diana's solar return, relocated for her residence at Kensington Palace (51N30

0W12), shows the early degrees of Libra rising - the beginning of a relationship.

Venus, in royal Leo, is in the 11th house of social activity but is exactly square to

deadly Pluto in the 3rd house of transport & short journeys. The exactness of the

aspect is alarming but not enough in itself to show death. What is more ominous is

that this Venus is in the natal 8th house.

Mars rising rules her 7th house of relationships and marriage but it is fallen and

squares the Sun in the 10th house of reputation. This Mars was therefore a

dangerous one despite its romantic sextile with Venus. Saturn, also in fall, is in the

7th so either her partner was unsuitable and a danger to her life or the relationship

was fated. My personal view is that this solar return was warning her against an

unsuitable partnership. The danger to her life is written clearly in this chart with

the Moon in the 8th house conjunct the fixed star Alcyone of the Pleiades - the

weeping sisters. The Moon right at the end of the sign yet still in close aspect to

retrograde Neptune in the 4th house of endings.

The Lunar Return

Her lunar return again has Libra rising with Mars in the 1st house, this time

squaring Uranus in the 4th house of endings. Venus is in the 12th house of self-

undoing and Saturn is again in the 7th, this time retrograde and exactly opposing

the rising degree - a danger to life. Neptune is also on the same angle as in the solar

return figure, this time within about one degree. The paran created here by Saturn

and Neptune, so close to the angles, suggests suffering and maybe worse. The lunar

return is also a full moon, suggesting culmination.

Dodi Fayed's Horoscope

As I write, all that is known is that Dodi Fayed was born on 15th April, 1955 in

Alexandria, Egypt [ 31N12 29E54 ] which was 2 hours ahead of GMT. However, a

plausible rectification can be based on the Moon at noon in the 25th degree of

Capricorn. Neptune, at 26 LIB 55, closely squares this degree and also opposes the

Sun at 24 ARI 40, so it's a fair assumption that Dodi's dominant Neptune would be

playing a part in this dramatic sequence of events. Since a princess is involved I will

assume that transiting Neptune, at 27 CAP 35, conjoins his Moon by transit. This

gives Scorpio and Sagittarius as the likely rising signs.

An ascendant in mid-Scorpio puts the South Node in Gemini in the 8th house with

Mercury in Aries in 6th or 5th, ruling the 8th. Progressions for the date of the crash

show Mercury [ 27 GEM 3 ] approaching natal South Node and conjunct the

progressed Node [ 26 GEM 35 ]. Mercury is descriptive of the manner of his death -

a speeding car with natal Mercury in Aries.

To fine-tune the rectifiction a diurnal chart is useful but my preference is for the

true solar diurnal and not the artificial, clock-time diurnal mentioned in most

books. The astronomically-based true solar day is not the same as our 24-hour clock

day but is one complete revolution of the earth relative to the Sun. Because the

earth's annual orbit around the Sun is slightly elliptical the length of the true solar

day varies slightly from day to day. It is measured by the distance, in right

ascension, between the Sun and the meridian. When this repeats each day after

birth one diurnal cycle is complete. To erect a true solar diurnal find the distance in

RA between the natal Sun and mid-heaven. Next find the RA of the Sun in the

clock-based diurnal and add/subtract the Sun/meridian arc in RA. This gives you

the RAMC of the diurnal. Convert this into longitude in a table of right ascension

and derive the ascendant from the table of houses.

With mid-Scorpio as an approximate ascendant, Dodi Fayed's diurnal chart for the

day of the crash shows retrograde Saturn in Aries near the ascendant. A birth-time

of 20.16 [32] puts Saturn on the ascendant in both the natal and diurnal charts with

Pluto exactly on the natal MC. The resulting chart, with 18 SCO 41 rising, shows

Mars, ruler of the ascendant, in Gemini in the 7th disposed by Mercury in impulsive

Aries in the 5th house of love affairs.

Diana's true solar diurnal gives a descendant of 5 VIR 13 - conjunct natal Pluto and

reminding us of the progressed 8th cusp, also conjuct natal Pluto.

The Event Chart

The car which killed Diana, Dodi and the chauffeur crashed at 00.27 (22.27 GMT)

on 31st August, 1997 in Paris [ 48N52 ; 2E20 ]. 18 GEM 12 rises - the sign of the

media - ruled by Mercury the winged messengers who chased the saloon car on their

motorbikes into the fatal tunnel alongside the River Seine.

Just as the dying light of the Sun sets on the western horizon so here Diana's

ascendant degree is setting at the end of an illustrious life. Mercury, as ruler of the

ascendant, is the car that crashed and all who died with it. Here we find Mercury

strong in technically competent Virgo but retrograding from a sextile to Mars and

crashing into combustion with the Sun. We should also note that the event took

place on a Saturn day and at 00.05 the Mars hour began. Remember, the planetary

day begins with sunrise. Both malefics ruled this period of time and with the

ascendant ruler retrograding from Mars and into the Sun the volatile nature of the

period was magnified.

The Moon in Leo on the IC is Diana, the "Queen of Hearts", the royal lady whose life

ended in the 4th house. She applies to Venus in Libra in the 5th house of romance

as she speeds away in the car to be alone with her lover. The reaction to her death

is shown by the Moon's close opposition to retrograde Jupiter in Aquarius, conjunct

the MC. The injustices of media intrusion into the lives of royalty and the famous

are questioned, with the possibility of new legislation suggested by some politicians.

With her ascendant-ruler, Jupiter in Aquarius, re-appearing on the MC of the event

chart we see the symbol of Diana's humanitarian efforts hoisted like a flag, its

retrogradation suggesting the end of a woman who was a friend to the world.

The 3 planets in the 4th house can be taken as the 3 people who were killed in the

crash. If the Moon is Diana and Mercury is the chauffeur then the Sun must be

Dodi. Mercury is overpowered by the Sun's rays so it's possible that the chauffeur,

though possibly drunk at the time, could have been acting under directions when he

raced away from the paparazzi motor cyclists at 120 mph. Notice also the chain of

dispositors. The Moon, for Diana, is disposed by the Sun, her lover Dodi but he, in

turn, is disposed by retrograde Mercury, the chauffeur. Mercury is also applying to

a parallel with Saturn (45 ' orb) and Saturn rules the 8th house of death and is also

the universal significator of mortaility.

The Sun was applying to a contraparallel with Pluto in the 6th house of servants (8'

orb), having separated from a square on the 26th. Dodi could have been intent on

wielding his influence by encouraging the chauffeur to ignore the speed limit.

Although Venus is almost 4 degrees away from the opposition with Saturn, the

contraparallel between them is less than 1 degree, making the impact more

immediate. In a natal horoscope this aspect often shows nothing more than hard

lessons in love but in an event chart such as this it suggests the relationship was

destined to end.

Solar Eclipse

2 days after the fatal crash there was a solar eclipse at 9 VIR 34 which, when cast

for Westminster, gives an ascendant of 10 CAN 26 - conjunct Diana's natal Sun at 9

CAN 40. The Moon was again conjunct the IC at 7 VIR 20 as was retrograde

Mercury at 6 VIR 53 so many of the features of the crash chart repeated at the time

of the eclipse. The caring qualities and public appeal for which she became famous

rose with her Cancerian Sun's degree with the eclipsed lights in Virgo on the IC

announcing the end of a great woman whose joy in life was to serve and care for the


Prince William

Born on 21st June, 1982 at 21.03 BST in Paddington [ 51N31 0W11 ], the

significators for William's mother are Mars and Pluto, rulers of the 10th house,

Jupiter close to the MC and the Moon. The death of the mother is shown by the 5th

house (8th from the 10th) and William's 5th is ruled by Venus in the 5th in a

FINGER of FATE pattern with the rising Neptune and Pluto in the 9th. As Pluto is

one of the significators of William's mother there is a possible death signature in

this pattern.

His Moon is also afflicted twice. Though strong in Cancer, reflecting Diana's natal

Sun and Mercury, William's Moon has not yet seperated from the shadow of the

eclipse and is also squared by Mars in Libra. Mars, ruler of the mother / 10th

applies to a conjunction with Saturn of mortality and the timing of this aspect

perfects by secondary progression as the pair are separated by only 10' of arc on the

day of the crash. The 4th house is also connected with death so Jupiter, ruler of the

4th from the 10th and conjunct the MC is another fateful testimony.

Capricorn is also intercepted in the 4th from the 10th so Saturn also signifies the

end of the mother's life. Progressed Sun, at 14 CAN 36, squared Saturn whilst the

converse mid-heaven [ 15 LIB 44 ] also formed a conjunction. The MC itself also

represents the mother. The conjunction of transiting Venus [ 15 LIB 47 ] with this

progressed aspects adds weight to the fateful testimony since we have already

established that Venus rules the 8th from the 10th. This kind of astrology shows us

quite clearly that transiting planets bring with them the issues they signify in the

natal chart.

We have already seen the applying conjunction of Mars and Saturn become close to

exact on the day of the event and by converse secondary progressions the Moon /

Mars square also closes in. Converse Mars had reached 4 LIB 10 when William

learned of his mother's death - only 47' minutes from exactitude. What was signified

approximately at birth became reality when the aspects tightened-up.

We have already seen the power of the quincunx in Diana's natal and progressed

chart as well as in the FINGER of FATE in William's natal chart. However, the

most convincing evidence for the power of this aspect in death patterns must surely

be the transit of Uranus [ 5 AQU 30 ] quincunx William's natal Moon.

Prince Henry

Henry , the youngest of Diana's two children, was born on 15th September, 1984, at

16.20 BST in Paddington Hospital [ 51N31 0W11 ]. The Moon is a singleton in the

4th house, exalted in Taurus but almost 8 degrees from the North Node which is

conjunct the fixed star Alcyone, the Weeping Sisters, which featured in Diana's

solar return. Vedic astrologers say the lights suffer from being too close to the nodes

as the dragon devours the lights, creating eclipses. Western astrology recognises the

karmic significance of the nodes and prominent directions involving the nodes

support the theory that they represent points of entry and exit between the physical

and the astral world.

William's Moon in Cancer is the same distance from the North Node as Henry's and

both have the Moon in a sign of dignity befitting Diana's exalted reputation. The

parallel progressions involving the nodes are quite striking and confirm the power

of these points in signifiying death. Henry's progressed IC, at 28 TAU 28, is

conjunct progressed North Node, at 28 TAU 44, and close to the natal position. In

William's chart it is the progressed descendant, at 12 CAN 55, which conjoins the

North Node. In both charts the angular cusp behind the Moon and North Node

progresses to the node on the event date.

Henry also has Scorpio on the MC so Mars and Pluto also signify his mother.

Mercury rules the 8th from the 10th and at 5 VIR 13 Mercury is square Uranus of

accidents. The power of this aspect becomes apparent at the event when transiting

Uranus [5 AQU 50] formed a quincunx to Mercury. Progressed Mercury [ 25 VIR 59

] and progressed Mars [ 25 SAG 28 ] also squared one-another bringing Henry's

mother (10th ruler) into contact with death (ruler of 8th from 10th). For a third

testimony there was converse Mars [ 8 SAG 56 ] conjoining natal Uranus, bringing

the mother into contact with the Mercury / Uranus death pattern.

The power of the Porphyry cusps is also evident in Henry's chart with progressed

Moon, at 23 SCO 56, squaring the 8th house cusp, at 23 LEO 17. As the 5th cusp

signifies the mother's death its progression to 17 GEM 24 is also striking in its

opposition to Mars, the mother.

The royal family and the world which loved Diana now has the long, difficult period

of mourning ahead. Perhaps astrology can help to relieve the sense of futility

surrounding Diana's untimely death. With so many horoscopes anouncing the

danger to her life it is possible to conclude that her death was written in the stars.

Although the anguished "why" of her death remains unanswered, the cosmic timing

cannot be mistaken. Diana's chauffeur was not the only driver behind the wheel of


Significant Horoscope Charts [ Porphyry Houses ] relating to the Death of Princess


Princess Diana: 1st July, 1961 / 19.45 BST / Sandringham [ 52N50 0E30 ] / ASC: 18

SAG 24 Source: Buckingham Palace & personal astrologer Debbie Frank

Dodi Fayed: 15th April, 1955 / Alexandria [ 31N12 29E54 ] / rectified to 20.16 [32] (-

2 hrs) ASC: 18 SCO 41 / Source: TIMES obituary (no time)

Fatal Crash: 31st August, 1997 / 00.27 (-2 hrs) / Paris [ 48N52 2E20 ] / ASC: 18

GEM 12 Source: Paris Ritz Camera and TIMES account of emergency phone call

Solar Eclipse: 2nd September, 1997 / 00.52 BST / Westminster [ 51N30 0W8 ] / ASC:

10 CAN 26

Prince William: 21st June, 1982 / 21.03 BST / Paddington [ 51N31 0W11 ] / ASC: 27

SAG 28 Source: Nicholas Campion quotes Buckingham Palace

Prince Henry: 15th September, 1984 / 16.20 BST / Paddington [ 51N31 0W11 ] /

ASC: 11 CAP 24 Source: Nicholas Campion quotes Buckingham Palace


Question - 3 Nathuram Vinayak Godse:

Atmakaraka - Ra :

Ra is 2nd from Navamsa lagna in Aq with Sun.

Ve is exalted in rasi and in the friendly house of


in Navamsa lagna,

Sa is debilitated in Rasi and in Ge in Navamsa lagna, clearly Ve is stronger.

Hence the native shall perform Severe austerities.

Number of signs from Ra to Navamsa lagna is 12, indicating that the results of the

12th house (or viraya) predominates. The karaka for this house in Navamsa is Ju®

placed in Fiery Aries The karaka for this house in Rasi is Me® placed in Earthy

Taurus conjunct with Ra and Su.

Me® in Rasi gives effects of a malefic since it is afflicted by Ra.

Ju® in Navamsa lords 3rd and 12th and Retrograde there by giving Valour and hence

loss through them.

Istadevata - Ve occupies 12 th from Ra and is stronger than Sa, thus making Sri

Lakshmi the Ista devata.

Ra is in 2nd to the Navamsa lagna,

Question -4 Mahatma Gandhi

Ak - Ju :

Retrograde indicating a deep rooted desire to take birth. Ak as Ju shows his love

and teaching (vyapakam) of ahimsa Ak in 3rd from Navamsa lagna indicates success

in undertakings (freedom struggle)

No. of signs from Ju to Lag. = 7 in Rasi and 11in Navamsa, indicating ability to be

successful in war and capability to execute any task (could rite with both hands at

the same time(also because of 3rd house being that of Ju’s own sign Sg, made his

own shoes, and had a number of such capabilities)

Acc. to upadesa sutra of Jaimini Maharishi,

8th from Ak with Sa aspected by Ra indicates unnatural and bad death.

Sa indicating death from pointed weapons. 12th from Ak in navamsa is Sc and its

lord Mars indicates Karthikeya, but Gandhi was very devoted to Sri Rama.

Question -2 Jesus Christ

Guruji, Please forgive me for my lackadaise here.

I am confused about the chart, how do i obtain the chart? There appear to be a wide

variety of charts for Jesus christ when i searched for “Jesus birth chart”.

Question - 3 Prophet Mohammed

I am using the chart that karu had attached.

Ak - Retrograde Sa. indicating deep desire to be born. Rasi chart shows Sasa Maha

purusha Yoga in House of Ve, indicating that he is “Jathaka Parijata” ascribes

cruelty and deceit to one born with Sasa Yoga, which is verified from his life. 12 th

from Ak is Aq lorded by Vakra and exalted Sa and Ra with Vakra ME.

Though I am not clear about the implications of this, the Vakra indicates a path

which is clearly different from the conventional, which could have possibly led to the

founding of a new religion. further saturn’s exaltation in Sukra’s house might could

be the reason, for Muslims worshiping on a friday.

Question - 4 US President : Kennedy

DAta used:

Date: May 29, 1917

Time: 15:00:00

Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT)

Longitude: 71 W 06’ 00”

Latitude: 42 N 19’ 00”

chart enclosed as attachment.

Me as is AK and lagna lord,

One of the first thing evident is the unnatural and bad death, because of Malfefic

saturn aspecting 8th house of SC, with Mars ( 3rd and 8th lord from Lagna) signifies

death due to bullets confirmed by SA owning and aspecting the 3rd from AL in Rasi.

co- lord Ra is 9th from Al in its moola trikona (Ge). The death occured during Aq-Ge.

Me, Ma and Mo aspect hora as well as GL indicating strong Raja yoga. further, 2nd

house is lorded by Ve indicating affairs, very powerful speech capabilities

augumented by Me lording the Lagna.

Also mo and MA are in 3rd from the lagna in navamsa, indicating the unnatural


Further 9th house with Su and and 9th lord indicates a very powerful father. itting

in own house in 9th, thus indicating many affairs. ME(aK) and MA (amk) indicate,

raja yoga.

Question - 5 Royal Family descendant - Diana

Data used:

Date: July 1, 1961

Time: 19:45:00

Time Zone: 0:00:00 (East of GMT)

Longitude: 0 E 30’ 00”

Latitude: 52 N 50’ 00”


The reasons for taking the birth time sounded very convincing.

Chart enclosed as attachment

Bhadra Yoga, due to Me in Virgo, thus giving yoga of international stature, and

liked by all and confirming noble family.

Lagna lord is Vakra and neecha,thus might lead to some defame. Break in

marriage is indicated because the 7th from UL is badly afflicted by presence of MA

and Ra.

Divorce happened during narayana dasa antar of Vi( 8th from UL), with Mahadasa

TA, 2nd from 8th is Ve, indicating chance of second marriage. Death occured on Aug-

31, 1997, when she was running Cp - Cp, 8th from Ak (RA) is Ju retrograde sitting

in Cp with malefic saturn aspecting 8th house. She was running Ju mahadasa RA

antar, when she died.

Question - 6 My chart.


Date: April 7, 1979

Time: 10:13:00

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Longitude: 80 E 17’ 00”

Latitude: 13 N 04’ 00”

Altitude: 0.00 meters

Chart enclosed as attachment.

My Atma karaka is moon, and 3rd lord in Cn cojoined by Ju. Ak in 3rd house in Rasi

chart indicates richness, succesful (i haven’t been so far) and powerful friends(true)

12th from Ak is Cp with Su and aspected by 4 planets , vakra me, Ju , Ma, vak. Sat.

Thus indicating a strong desire for a lot of gods to be my guiding lord.

Kartikeya (this was my first god that i adored till i was 7)

Shiva, ( this was after my 7th year till 10th year) DEvi ( was performing moola

mantra japa after my 12 th year, worshipping maha meru)

Guru, dakshinamoorthy and narayana ( from then on till now) The affliction of the

7th house by Ra and SA from UL forces me to think that I will have marriages in life

or break in marriage which dis heartens me the most. Me as second lord indicates

love marriage.

Ra in the second from Navamsa lagna, showing addiction, (used to consume to

intoxications and alchol, while i was in my bachelors, now stopped and quit)


Princess diana

Natal Chart

Date: July 1, 1961

Time: 19:45:00

Time Zone: 0:00:00 (West of GMT)

Longitude: 0 E 30’ 00”

Latitude: 52 N 50’ 00”

Planet Chara Karakatwa Meaning

Sun AmK Minister (advisor)

Moon GK Cousin (rival)

Mars PiK Father (authority)

Mercury MK Mother (nourisher)

Jupiter BK Brother (associate)

Venus DK Spouse (partner)

Saturn PK Son (follower)

Rahu AK Self



Q5) Study the chart of atleast one member of any royal family to bring out the

Rajyoga due to birth. Case Study Krishnraja Wodeyar IV, Maharaja of Mysore

State, India -1892 -1940. The chart is enclosed as an attachment.

The Atmakaraka for the chart is Sun.The twelfth from the Karakamsa is occupied

by Kuja indicating that his Ishta Devatha is Lord Ganesh.Kuja also happens to be

the MatruKarak and so his mother will lead him to his Ishta Devatha.His mother

did have a considerable influence on his life.The Queen Mother Maharani

Kempananjammanni of Vanivilasa Sanndihana was Regent during his minority

from 1895-1902.

Power and Rule:

The Atmakarak is closely associated with the Ghati Lagna separatd by 5 mins of an

arc.This shows that the native will be in a highly commanding position.This is

further strengthened by a Gaja Kesari Yoga involving exalted Guru in Lagna(and

occuring in the 1st and 10th from Arudha Lagna conferring a high material status

and power).The planets involved in the Gaja Kesari Yoga further aspect the

Atmakarak in Rasi by Rasi Drishti.Sani is also associated with Ravi in Rasi,

Navamsa and Dasamsa.Sani is the Amatyakarak(advisor) and Krishna Raja

Wodeyar had able advisors like Sir M.Vishveshwaraiah and Sir Mirza Ismail who

were instrumental in making the erstwhile princely state of Mysore as a modern

state.In the Dasamsa chart, Sagitarius is the Lagna and it is aspected by its lord

Guru and an exalted venus in 4th (indicating earnings from properties).It is said

that the King ruled Mysore state like Ram Rajya.The lord of the 10th from the

Dasamsa Lagna is Budha who is aspected by Atmakarak Sun who also happens to

be lord of the 9th., Kethu and Sani.This shows that his rule is influenced by

Dharma(9th lord), advice of old people (Sani - Amatyakarak) and

detachment(Kethu).I know that Rahu represents Muslims and Kethu represents

Christians.Can Kethu's aspect also mean that he will get power with the help of

Christians(British)?The association of Atmakarak with Amatyakarak is in itself a

Raja Yoga.


The Ghati Lagna(or the house of power) contains the Atmakarak and also the

Arudha of the 8th house(inheritance).Further, the lord of the Rajyapada(A10, Guru)

is exalted in the 8th(inheritance) from the A10 and is in a viparita yoga(lord of 6th

in 8th) with the lord of the 6th from A10.This shows that the native will be blessed

with inheritance of power.

Landed Properties:

In Chaturthamsa, Aries is the Lagna and there is a GajaKesari Yoga involving the

lord of the 4th .This combination in Chaturthamsa gives opulence in buildings.He

built the Vani Vilas palace which is known for its exquisite beauty.

## Question 5: Study the chart of at least one member of any royal family to bring

out the Rajyoga due to birth.

Queen Victoria was born May 24th 1819 at 4:04am in London, England.

Given the 4:04 am birth time we have Taurus rising with the Lagna, Hora lagna

and the Ghatika lagna joined with an exalted Moon and the Sun sitting precisely in

the Janma. Here we have the "tripod of Life" in one sign and the three special lagna

all in one sign. The HL gives wealth and GL gives power.

The exalted moon gives fames and the Sun government service or royalty.

If the lagna, HL, and GL are occupied by a planet in it's own or exaltation sign then

the person becomes a king. In the 12th, Aries, we have the lagna lord (Venus) and

the 5th lord Mercury also uniting forming another Rajyoga. I'm not sure what the

significance of this being in the 12th house other than perhaps speaks to the

Queen's imperialism or taking over foreign lands.

Rajyogas in the 1/7 houses tend to fructify late in life with struggle and rajyogas in

the 2 & 4th houses fructify early in life. Her Atmakaraka is Mars placed in the

11th house with Saturn and Rahu. Saurn is a yogakararka by owning the 9th and

10th houses and Mars is the 7th lord again forming a rajyoga.

In the navamsa, we have Aries rising again the the HL and the luminaries

again. This time an exaled Sun. Here again strong rajyogas are fromed by the

presence of an exalted planet with the Lagna and HL. Also by the Moon owning the

4th house and the Sun owning the 5th house. The AK is in the 11th house from the

navamsa lagna meaning that the Queen will be brave, successful in war and

capable of executing any task.

Question 6: Our own chart: July 18th, 1964 Montclair, New Jersey, USA . Recorded

time 8:41pm EDT (4:00 E GMT) Most likely actual TOB is 8:39 pm.

My atmakaraka planet is Mars. Being a malefic it indicates a high level of spiritual

development and that I must learn to live without conflict and lead a life of

ahimsa. Sanjay-ji, this piece alone made the lesson very valuable to me. It explains

why I have come in contact with very difficult personalities in my life. As the

saying goes, " It's easy to be a holy man in the ashram". In the navamsa, the 12th

house from the karakamsa is an unoccupied Leo. The Sun is joined with the moon

in it's own sign Cancer. The Moon, being stronger than the SUn represents my ista

devata. The Holy Mother. I knew her first as the Virgin Mary but have come to

know her in her more fierce form Kali as the Moon is debilitated in the rasi and

posited in the Martian sign of Scorpio.

Like a Mother defending her young from danger, Kali fights against our 10- headed

demon of passion, pride, anger,greed,infatuation, lust, hatred, jealousy,selfishness,

and crookedness to lead us to freedom. Though my parents didn't know a thing

about Kali when I was born, it's wonderful that the Ka- in Karen reminds me of my

ista. I do have a doubt about finding my Dharma devata, the strongest planet

influencing the 8th house from the karakamsa. The 9th house from Mars is Taurus

which is again unoccupied.

Venus, it's lord is joined with the AK. Which planet is stronger? Venus is

debilitated so does Mars reprsent the Dharma devata? Mars in the Rasi is in an

even sign, Taurus, so would this also represent Ma Kali?

The Navamsa lagna has always been a bit of a question mark in my mind.

My record times gives me a Pisces lagna but I believe that Aquarius is better suited

( with thanks to Visti). I was married during Me-Su MD/AD and worked as a

researcher in the biotechnology field which I think is well represented by Ketu in

Gemini, not to mention the strong interest in astrology and teaching Hatha Yoga.

So, with an Aquarius lagna this places the AK in the 8th house from it indicating

that I will have troubles and weaknesses. I have many troubles in my life, but I

feel that I have learned many lesson in striving to overcome them.

Sanjay-ji, I greatly appreciate this lesson and any guidance you have given me. I

have yet to complete the question on the Prophet Mohammed but I wanted to finish

the rest of the questions before I fall even farther behind.

## Date: February 8, 1954

Time: 23:45:00

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Longitude: 74 E 34' 00"

Latitude: 31 N 19' 00"

Place: Jullundur, Punjab

In this LI rising chart, AK is Lagna lord VE, posited in 4H whereas the 4L SA,

which isa yoga karaka for LI asc. Is posited in its exaltation sign and Lagna(LI),

creating a Parivartana Yoga.

In D9, VE is posited in the10H, and its deb. sign, VI. The 12th house from it is LE,

occupied by the sign lord SU and MA.

Venus as AK indicates that the native must have a very clean character and refrain

from illegitimate sex/lust.

But this AK, in 10th house in D9, blesses me with a clean heart and good home. He

shall be a a pillar for his family and mother. The exalted (in D9) moon should be an

added blessing for this.

As SU is more advanced, it is the Ishta Devata, Agni the fire God etc are indicated

(which is in line with my Arya-samaji up-bringing where formless God is

worshipped thourgh fire in a Havan/ Yagna). SUN in 12 from AK would also

indicate devotion to Shri Ram, Guru Nanak, etc, the incarnations of SUN.

SU, natural AK, is posited in its MT house and is chara AmK. Therefore, the

guidance has to come from counsellors/ advisors.

The conj. between the Ishta Devata/AmK SU, and the chara PK MA, in D-9, would

indicate that these advisors/ cousellors could be fatherly figures, elders, and

perhaps Gurus of this list.

I have a question reg. Vim-dasa of AK which, as per the lesson, invariably indicates

suffering. M

My VE-MD, as per Vim-dasha computed from Moon, was from 1958 to 1978, the

best period covering my academic life (with high achievements) and early career (in

service). However, as Lagna is stronger than MO, my Guru, Sat Siri ji, suggested

that lagna should be the computed from Lagna sphuta, and that gives VE-MD

during 2027-2047.

Similarly, as per the lesson, during the Narayana dasa of the sign occupied by the

Atmakaraka or those aspecting it, great achievements are made.

Do we take the sign in D1 or D9.

In D1, VE occupies CP and its MD was from 1968-72 - it was a reasonably good

period but the immediately succeeding period of AQ MD(1972-77) was the period of


## Q:. Mahatma Gandhi 2 Oct 1869; 7-45 AM; 21N37', 69E49' India. He chanted the

name of Sri Ram to lead india to independance and followed the path of Ahimsa

strictly. Bring this out in his chart and show how he had developed the power to

direct such a great number of people.

ANS: AK is JU(R), indicating that the native should always respect the Guru,

husband and care for children, and being Retrograde, indicates a deep rooted desire

as being the cause of the birth.

JU is also a maha yogada in the Rasi chart, aspecting LAG & HL with 7th, and GL

by 9th aspect, and being its Rasi lord.

In Rasi, AK receives Graha aspects of ME, VE & MA and Rasi aspect of SA


In Navamsa, AK is in 3rd house, SG(its MT house), from Lagnamsa, signifying that

the native shall be rich and successful in many undertakings. He shall be a friend of

many powerful people.

In Navamsa, the 12th house from AK, SC, is un-occupied and its lord, MA, conjoins

VE (MK) in TA, and being more advanced in degrees, becomes Ishta Devata..

MA is also BK, indicating siblings, followers, etc..

LI lagnamsa indicates troubles from trade/ business/ profession.

SU (a benefic for spiritual purposes) in 9th from Lagnamsa makes one righteous,

honest, self-confident, etc.

MA owning the 2H from Lagnamsa produces passion & illicit relationship which is

destroyed by Rasi apspect of KE from 6H.

JU in 3H from Lagnamsa produces a docile person. JU, in MT house and being

retrograde, adds strngth to this docility ( indicating that docility/ ahimsa is borne

our of strength, not weakness/ helplessness).

Aspected of SU, from 9H of dharma, elevates it to the level of religion.

ME in 5H indicates a ‘mimansaka’. (ME alone would indicate an asetic, one who

uses a walking stick, but conjunction of SA – does it indicate mass following???)

Overall, it may be summarised that the native as a person who:

Has a deeprooted desire to care ofr the children/ weaker people

Is a righteous, honest & self-confident person

Has overcome passion/ carnal desires

Is docile in his dealing but this docility(AHIMSA) is born from (inner) strength and

he treats this as his religion.

Date of Birth: October 2, 1869

Time of Birth: 7:45:00 am

Time Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMT

Longitude of Birth: 69 E 49

Latitude of Birth: 21 N 37

Lunar month (maasa): Bhadrapada

Lunar day (tithi): Krishna Ekadasi

Tithi balance: 0.0930

Nakshatra balance: 0.1670

Sun-Moon Yoga: Sadhya

Sun-Moon Karana: Balava

Vara (weekday): Sunday

Sunrise = 6:42 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)

Ayanamsa = 22-02-4

Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days

Planet Position Pada CharaK

Ascdt 0 Li 33 Chitra 3 -

Sun 16 Vi 53 Hastha 3 GK

Moon 27 Cn 46 Aasresha 4 AmK

Mars 26 Li 21 Visakha 2 BK

Mercury 11 Li 44 Swathi 2 DK

Jupiter (R) 28 Ar 11 Krittika 1 AK

Venus 24 Li 23 Visakha 2 MK

Saturn 20 Sc 16 Jyeshtha 2 PiK

Rahu 12 Cn 09 Pushyami 3 PK

Ketu 12 Cp 09 Sravanam 1 -

BhavaLg 2 Li 32 Chitra 3 -

HoraLg 18 Li 15 Swathi 4 -

GhatiLg 5 Sg 21 Moola 2 -

Dhooma 0 Aq 13 Dhanishtha 3 -

Vyati 29 Ta 46 Mrigasira 2 -

Pari 29 Sc 46 Jyeshtha 4 -

I.Chapa 0 Le 13 Makha 1 -

Upaketu 16 Le 53 Poo.Pha. 2 -

Kaala 6 Sg 25 Moola 2 -

Mrityu 21 Cp 38 Sravanam 4 -

ArthaPr 18 Aq 53 Satabhisham 4 -

YamaGha 16 Vi 01 Hastha 2 -

Mandi 6 Sc 36 Anuradha 1 -

Gulika 26 Li 43 Visakha 3 -

Vimsottari Dasa:

Merc 1869-10-02 Satu 1869-11-25

Ketu 1872-08-04 Venu 1872-12-31 Sun 1874-03-02 Moon 1874-07-08 Mars 1875-


Rahu 1875-07-05 Jupi 1876-07-22 Satu 1877-06-28 Merc 1878-08-07

Venu 1879-08-04 Sun 1882-12-04 Moon 1883-12-04 Mars 1885-08-04 Rahu 1886-


Jupi 1889-10-04 Satu 1892-06-04 Merc 1895-08-04 Ketu 1898-06-04

Sun 1899-08-04 Moon 1899-11-22 Mars 1900-05-23 Rahu 1900-09-28 Jupi 1901-


Satu 1902-06-11 Merc 1903-05-24 Ketu 1904-03-30 Venu 1904-08-04

Moon 1905-08-05 Mars 1906-06-05 Rahu 1907-01-04 Jupi 1908-07-05 Satu 1909-


Merc 1911-06-05 Ketu 1912-11-04 Venu 1913-06-05 Sun 1915-02-03

Mars 1915-08-05 Rahu 1916-01-01 Jupi 1917-01-19 Satu 1917-12-26 Merc 1919-


Ketu 1920-02-01 Venu 1920-06-29 Sun 1921-08-29 Moon 1922-01-04

Rahu 1922-08-05 Jupi 1925-04-17 Satu 1927-09-10 Merc 1930-07-17 Ketu 1933-


Venu 1934-02-21 Sun 1937-02-21 Moon 1938-01-16 Mars 1939-07-18

Jupi 1940-08-04 Satu 1942-09-22 Merc 1945-04-05 Ketu 1947-07-11 Venu 1948-


Sun 1951-02-15 Moon 1951-12-05 Mars 1953-04-05 Rahu 1954-03-11

Satu 1956-08-04 Merc 1959-08-08 Ketu 1962-04-17 Venu 1963-05-27 Sun 1966-


Moon 1967-07-08 Mars 1969-02-06 Rahu 1970-03-17 Jupi 1973-01-21

## 1. Male born 7 Aug, 1963 at 9:15' PM IST at Sambalpur India. What remedy

would you recommend for the native to reduce the suffering and obstacles in life?

Date: August 7, 1963

Time: 21:15:00

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Longitude: 84 E 01’ 00”

Latitude: 21 N 28’ 00”

Altitude: 0.00 meters

Lunar Year: Shobhana

Lunar Month: Sravana

Tithi: Krishna Tritiya (59.09% left)

Weekday: Wednesday

Nakshatra: Satabhisham (0.12% left)

Yoga: Atiganda

Karana: Vanija

Hora Lord: Moo

1. Satrun ® is the AK in this horoscope.

2. The very fact that satrun is a natural malefic points to great spiritual

development in this life time. Also indicates the fact about spiritual development

being the cause of this person;s birth, as AK is retrograde.

3. The fact that satrun is the AK, this leads to sharing of sorrow of other people.

4. Saturn as the AK is placed in Virgo and Viro happens to be the

11th from Navamsa Lagna. Hence from the AK the Navamsa Lagna is the 3rd. All

this points to success in ventures and having powerful and famous friends.

5. In the rasi chart the AK is in the 11th from Lagna and more importantly the AK

in rasi is in the second from AL. This again is a combination of a spiritual

person. The entire period of Vimshotari Dasa of Saturn could have given good

progress in Spirituality, but not much in money matters. Going by the same

logic, the Narayana Dasa of CP (lorded by Saturn AK) would give the native


6. The presence of sun in the 5th from Karakamsa also points to studies of Vedas.

More-over the 5th from Karakamsa also is the A5. (mantrapada)

Ishta Devata.

The 12th from Karakamsa is leo which is occupied by Mercury. Mercury is in the

2nd Drekanna pointing to Krishna as the Ishta Devata. The path towards the

Istha Devatha is shown by the native;s co-borns (cousins) as mercury is the GK.

I hope i was not too wrong in my obserevations. I look forward for comments

from learned guru;s here.

## My partner has a vargottama exalted AK Venus in Pisces. He has a Libra


He has lost quite a bit of money via his work, due to unpaid back pay.

I suspect he may not actually get it back.

What I find interesting is that the company is owned and run by a woman, whose

ascendant is almost exactly on his AK. His AK is also his Paka Lagna, so it makes it

even more significant. This makes me wonder whether this is a past debt. He has no

ill will towards her about the loss of pay, but does not want to suffer any more

losses. I think this is something of significance as this happened in Jupiter/Venus

and Jupiter is his 6th ruler placed in the 10th, again exalted and vargottama,

aspecting the 6th, 2nd, 4th. This period was pretty hard on him all around, as I fell

rather seriously ill as well, but he has been very diligent about fulfilling his duties

about the work he has done, despite not getting paid. During this time, he has

supplied his own equipment, own reference material, mostly his own expenses. I

think karma yogi about covers it. He also loves the work he does and wants to

create something worthwhile.

I have not pushed him otherwise. But he is already making plans to move on next

year, which makes sense as AK's sub-period will end. I attach his chart for the

interest of all of us in the group.

Mr Arulprakasam, the Sri Lankan astrologer who died recently, told him in 1990

that he would lose money through women. (Hopefully I am not one of them) But I

find it interesting that this should happen and that the person involved has an

ascendant almost right on his AK. Interestingly also, my ascendant (29Ge06) is very

close to his DK(01Cn22).

What concerns me however, is whether at the end of all his efforts, he will be

appreciated for what he has done. He has done some amazing things all by himself

as the single developer still with this company. I think it would mean a lot to him to

know that even if he does not get paid, that he is respected and appreciated for his


I am concerned because at a previous company where we worked together, after

almost single handedly bringing a new product into completion, he was told he was

overpaid by his manager(he was being paid the most), and he left. By this time, they

realised what they had done and offered him a substantial salary rise to remain,

but it was too late then, as he is not bought and sold. In fact he took a 25% pay cut

and went into a completely different area that he wanted to work in.

Subsequently, that whole R&D section of the company was closed down by the US

parent. I know the quality of his work as we worked together, and he was a

perfectionist. The product he worked on had basically gone into stasis and has not

kept up with technical developments. I already know what is going to happen to the

product he is working on now.

I also hope he is going to find the ideal job next year, since jupiter will move into the

10th house where it was at birth, and he will be running Jupiter/Sun and both are

well placed and exalted in his chart. It does not really matter what he gets paid, it

is more important that the work should be as challenging and technically difficult

as possible. He will be very happy learning things and solving problems.

Whether you will be among those women will depend on whether Venus and

jupiter influence your lagna. yes, it is a debt. He must move on and when the sun

comes he will move and prosper a lot, especially after saturn leaves gemini.

Venus is in Marana karaka Sthana and as Lagna Lord aspects the 12th house.

hence the reading about losses from women and that too in venus period. Jupiter is

placed in 12th from AL and not too many gains there. Ask him to look at

export/import related business. Gains from gemini and aries. This person is the

greatest asset in any firm or company. Do everything under the sun to continue

your partnership with him.

Sagittarius Dasa from 2004 will prove to be a million times better financially than

this Capricorn dasa which gave him the reputation of gajakesari, but no money.

### Date: February 8, 1954

Time: 23:45:00

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Longitude: 74 E 34' 00"

Latitude: 31 N 19' 00"

Place: Jullundur, Punjab

In this LI rising chart, AK is Lagna lord VE, posited in 4H whereas the 4L SA,

which isa yoga karaka for LI asc. Is posited in its exaltation sign and Lagna(LI),

creating a Parivartana Yoga.

In D9, VE is posited in the10H, and its deb. sign, VI. The 12th house from it is LE,

occupied by the sign lord SU and MA.

Venus as AK indicates that the native must have a very clean character and refrain

from illegitimate sex/lust.

But this AK, in 10th house in D9, blesses me with a clean heart and good home. He

shall be a a pillar for his family and mother. The exalted (in D9) moon should be an

added blessing for this.

As SU is more advanced, it is the Ishta Devata, Agni the fire God etc are indicated

(which is in line with my Arya-samaji up-bringing where formless God is

worshipped thourgh fire in a Havan/ Yagna). SUN in 12 from AK would also

indicate devotion to Shri Ram, Guru Nanak, etc, the incarnations of SUN.

SU, natural AK, is posited in its MT house and is chara AmK. Therefore, the

guidance has to come from counsellors/ advisors.

The conj. between the Ishta Devata/AmK SU, and the chara PK MA, in D-9, would

indicate that these advisors/ cousellors could be fatherly figures, elders, and

perhaps Gurus of this list.

I have a question reg. Vim-dasa of AK which, as per the lesson, invariably indicates

suffering. M

My VE-MD, as per Vim-dasha computed from Moon, was from 1958 to 1978, the

best period covering my academic life (with high achievements) and early career (in

service). However, as Lagna is stronger than MO, my Guru, Sat Siri ji, suggested

that lagna should be the computed from Lagna sphuta, and that gives VE-MD

during 2027-2047.

Similarly, as per the lesson, during the Narayana dasa of the sign occupied by the

Atmakaraka or those aspecting it, great achievements are made.

Do we take the sign in D1 or D9.

In D1, VE occupies CP and its MD was from 1968-72 - it was a reasonably good

period but the immediately succeeding period of AQ MD(1972-77) was the period of


## How to explain the guru/cnadala conj in Navamsa lagna, of the cancer Rising

Chart in question.?( Chart enclosed as attach.)

Sanjay, you had said "I would have easily agreed had it not been for the

guru/chandala yoga in the navamsa lagna.Rather hard to digest about you, actually

this yoga causes a person to murder another sometimes using black magic or other


But i am capable of murder(my own) and have spent alot of my life thinking about

it( suicide),as I mentioned in my earlier post.

Before we reject a cancer lagna we can check and see if it is related to my own self

destructive tendancies, rather than towards another.( I hope this doesnt bother

anyone, but astrologers do have to examine these things.And any way Im just trying

to learn so please take it with a grain of salt.)Of course there are good things in my

chart too, but just to explore this as an explantion for Jup/rahu conj in the navamsa

chart of cancer Lagna..

We learned form COVA and Upadesa sutras that the condition of death is to been

seen from 3rd from AL,Lagna and AK.,and also we should check the 8th from lagna,

and 8th lord.

In both gemini and cancer lagnas certain placements remain the same. And

jup,sun,moon and venus are vargot, and AK is still Sat, with taurus as karakamsa

lagna, so either way so we have some consistancy.

Let us look at both lagnas to determine for both, the cause of death.

In the cancer rising chart- 3rd from cancer lagna is virgo,aspected by mars,(and

rahu by rasi drishti)

AL isSat/Moon in libra, and 3rd from there is Rahu in sag, aspected by Sat(and

Mars by rashi drishi)

additionally, 3rd from AK is again Rahu in sag so a repeat of above.This gives a

pretty strong malefic cause of death.Rahu,Sat and Mars are all indicating bad end.

In the cancer chart we also have the following to consider.- The 6th lord is in the

Lagna showing some self opposition.

The 8th lord is conjunct the LL moon.(this also shows state of mind), 8th lord sat is

aspecting Lagna, and the 8th house.

The 12th house shows loss to self and there is Ketu and Ketu is also aspecting Moon

and the 4th,and the 8th house itself. Mars is also aspecting lagna lord.

In navamsa chart of the cancer chart, using cancer as the navamsa lagna--

3rd from the navamsa lagna is Mars in virgo. Moon is in the AL and 3rd from AL is

sag aspected by Mars (from rashi drishti.)

And 3rd from AK is Rahu/Jup in sign of cancer( the moon/mind)

I think this shows strong potential for murder of the self=suicide due to affliction

from spirits/curse.

But, lets say we dont like the way the way cancer lagna looks and we want to check

out the gemini rising chart....

In gemini chart- First thing of interest is the lord of the first is in the 8th, and the

8th lord Sat is conj. Moon.

3rd from lagna is leo, unuoccuopied.

AL is leo and 3rd from it is, Sat/Moon in libra, aspected by Ketu and Mars. Sat is

AK and third from him is Rahu in sag.

We see similiar conditions. Mars aspects the lagna and Ketu is in the lagna.

If we look at the navamsa chart of gemini rising from vantage point of karakamsa

lagna( since even navamsa lagna rasi could be of question) we notice that SatAK

aspects the 3rd from itself,= the Rahu/Jup conjunction in cancer(sign ofMoon/mind).

Other points of significance.In my chart regardless of lagna are indications of

curses, and affliction from spirits.

When rahu is in the sign of sag the curse is from a priest astrologer,etc. When the

Moon,lagna its lord are afflicted by malefics spirits can cause grief.

Since all the malefics are in trines to karakamsa lagna in both charts we know that

from previous birth I was involved in mantras,tantras,etc.The aspect of benefics is

supposed to counter this and the magic is used to benefit people. Merc is in

karakamsa lagna and Venus, lord of the karakamsa lagna is aspecting karakamsa

lagna from the 7th. But that also means that the karakamsa LL is BEING aspected

by Sat AND by Jup/Rahu! When a benefic like jup is conj rahu,aspected by the

malefics, and at the same time aspecting these trines, the person succumbs/dies by

this magic also.

The conclusion- The hard part for me is that most events in my life can be

explained by both lagnas so maybe this exercise doesnt prove much either except,

both charts show strong tendancy for self destruction.

We would think this would occur in periods associated with these planets ,positions.

i actually did almost end my life in Jup maha Dasha. And thoughts of it were strong

in all the planetary periods associated with these planets. I think this curse to die

by suicide is from bad association(with tantrics) and conduct(using it myself) in past


I think the the fact the jup is retrograde has something to do with my not ending

up going through with it. In Jup Maha Dasha, even though the worst period of

hopelessness was in the beginning of Jup Maha( the time I actually purchased the

gun) -the second half of the Dasha brought relief from spirits when i entered the

temple,started chanting and doing devotional service,was initiated etc.Or maybe it

was the AK Sat himself who is heavily involved in all this and has his foot on jup

house(sag) and on Jup himself.,and on Rahu. Sat has been my best planet in many

ways,and been the nicest to me during his Maha Dasha Im in now.

Thank-you, Lakshmi devi K. Hare Krishna.

P.S.I was very happy to receive your NarayanaDasha book today in the mail. For

anyone interested JDR ventures has them.

## Here is my compulsory exercise on Sri Aurobindo.

Sri Aurobindo:

Dharma karma yoga in lagna. This yoga is unafflicted by the aspect of any other

planet especially the rulers of the 8th and the 11. Being in lagna it shows an

exceptional person. It shows skill in action and in a yogi it shows the attainment of


“I transformed my nature from what it was to what it was not. I did it by a special

manner, not by a miracle and I did it to show what could be done and how it could

be done.”

Ruler of lagna Moon is conjoined with Saturn alone. It is said that if the ruler of the

ascendant is aspected by Saturn alone it is a Pravrajya Yoga. This combination also

shows dispassion and detachment.

There is a dhana yoga in the 2nd house caused by the conjunction of Venus and the


Aurobindo was born in a wealthy family and had been selected for the “heaven-

born”ICS. More importantly Sri Aurobindo has a Saraswati yoga. Jupiter exalted

in the 1st and Venus and Mercury in the 2nd house. His writings bear testimony to

this yoga.

“he silenced his mind and sat at the typewriter, and from above, from the higher

planes, all that had to be written came down, all ready, and he had only to move his

fingers on the typewriter and it was transcribed.”

This is what you would expect with Ketu in the 5th (intuition) house aspected by

exalted Jupiter ruler of the 9th (Supermind) conjoined with yogakaraka Mars (ruler

of the 5th and the 10th) and the Saraswati yoga.

The 6th house also indicates Pratyhara and Jupiter is the ruler of the 6th house. In

an esoteric sense the 6th house represents siddhis and struggles on the spiritual


Coming to the navamsa Aquarius rises. Sun, Moon and Rahu/Ketu are

exalted. Jupiter exalted in rasi is debilitated in navamsa. Venus ruler of the 9th is

in the 5th house. Lagna lord Saturn is conjoined with Ketu and Mercury (ruler of

the 5th) and showing cognitive abilities and aspected by the aspected Moon the

ruler of the mind, who in addition is placed in the 5th house.

Mercury is atmakaraka and karakamsa is Scorpio with Saturn and Ketu. Saturn in

karakamsa is supposed to give world fame, which is true here. Mercury represents

Meemamsa. Mercury also represents Krishna. In rasi mokshkaraka Ketu is placed

in Scorpio. 12th from atmakaraka is Libra aspected by exalted Sun the natural

atmakaraka. Aurobindo’s epic Savitri represents the Sun. If Jaimini aspects are

used it is aspected by exalted Moon and Rahu and Mars. Moon and Rahu to my

mind represent the Mother.

Aurobindo’s philosophy as expressed in his Essays on the Gita is represented by the

Dharma Karma yoga in the ascendant. His prodigious and inspired literary output

is shown by the Saraswati yoga.

Saturn is amatyakaraka, exalted Sun is placed in the 6th from Saturn. Sun to me

is the supramental force.

Aurobindo started yoga in 1904 during the major rule of the Moon who is involved

in a Sanyasa Yoga with Saturn and placed in the house of pratyahara and struggle.

“My whole life has been a struggle with hard realities, from hardships, starvation in

England and constant and fierce difficulties to the far greater difficulties

continually cropping up here in Pondicherry, external and internal. My life has been

a battle from its early years and is still a battle”

The exchange of the rulers of the 1st and 6th shows his struggles in spiritual life.

“A far heavier burden to bear than you or anybody else in the Ashram or outside,

far more difficult conditions, battles to fight, wounds to endure, ways to cleave

through impenetrable morass and desert and forest, hostile masses to conquer—“

It was followed by the yogakaraka period of Mars, Rahu (an 11th house Rahu is

always good.) and then yogakaraka Jupiter involved in a Hamsa yoga.

In the Narayana Rasi dasa of Gemini (12 th house) in 1879 Aurobindo left for


returning after 14 years in the rasi dasa of Pisces. In Vimshottari it was


Till nearly the end of the rasi dasa of Sagittarius he was in the Baroda government

service. From 1910 onwards he devoted himself to spiritual sadhana. This was in

Scorpio rasi dasa. In Libra dasa i.e. in 1914 he began the publication of a

philosophical monthly, the Arya in which all his important writings The Life

Divine, The Synthesis of Yoga, Essays on the Gita, The Isha Upanishad, appeared

serially. He left his body in Dec 5 1950. In Narayana dasa it was Gemini/Gemini

from which atmakaraka Mercury is in the 3rd. According to Vimshottari dasa it

was Jupiter/Mars/Ketu. For a realized being this is the great liberation.

## The chart being discussed is the chart of U.S. Pres.Richard Nixon. The question

was to bring out raja yoga in chart of U.S. president. In his chart i thought we can

also see his rise, and his fall from this raja yoga. Externally, we all know he lost his

presidency due to lying. (mars in conj second lordmerc)

In the lagna, leo the sign of royalty or gov.rises. Leo is the seat of the A10,A9. The

LL has gone to the 5th house, a trine/position of strength. In addition the LLSun, is

conjunct Jup/ lord of the 5th, AND Mars, lord of the 4/9th houses- the yogakaraka

planet for Leo rising- who is capable of giving rajayoga by itself,(as the owner of

kendra and trine)..This is very powerful combination of planets not only a powerful

combination of lords but they are all friends.Jup lord of the 5th in the 5th is

aspecting his friends houses, 9th house owned by mars, and lagna owned by the

Sun. There are many powerful combinations Jup/Sun,Jup/Mars,etc.This shows very

strong destiny.

Merc as lord of the 2/11th combined with this powerful combination gave Dhana

yoga also.The 5th house is where we defeat the enemy, house of politics,and in

addition all these powerful lords are aspecting the 11th house of gains,desires.He

also must have been very intelligent. This powerful 5th house is the Paka lagna.

Merc is the weak planet in this conj, by association.

As the 4th and 9th lords are involved he has strong family backing.

What happened to this raja yoga or what else happens? Sat in the 10th is known to

give a fall in carreer. He is retrograde.Sat owns two bad houses the 6th house of

enemies and the 7th house which is a maraka. sat is aspecting the 12th house of self

undoing,the 4th(which also happens to be the sign of scorpio,sign of secrets), and

the 7th house(and Venus10thlord).

While sat is good in taurus, and there is an exchange-parivartana between Sat and

Venus-(friends), and can give success in career through determination and hard

work,they are enemies to the AC lord, Sun.

Other points Moon is in the 6th, and Jup is in the 12th from the Moon. Moon

represents the masses/publis eye.

Rahu in 8th,aspected by rajayoga planet,Mars gave him an imfamous legacy.

Looking at the navamsa chart we see some intersting things. Lagna is cancer the

sign owned by the AK planet, Moon. Moon has gone to the 3rdand is in the sign of

virgo(merc)representing speech,intell,communication,etc and the seat of A6,A11.

Also note that the AL for this navamsa chart is Rahu in scorpio. This is big

indication of deception and secrets.Rahu aspects the lagna, and 9th house afflicting

his reputation(lagna) and fortune(9th house).

Sun(royal position) is in the 6th house, and the other planets(jup/mars) that gave

the power in the rasi are now in the 12th house of loss.12th house is also house of

jail,imprisonmant. Sat(R) is again a malefic lord owning the 7th and 8th. And as

8th lord is aspecting the 10th house ,the second house of speech, and the 5th house -

the house that gave all the power in natalchart.

I thought this was an interesting example of the navamsa showing the fruit of the

rasi and how important it is to look at the navamsa to confirm indications (or not).

Moon as AK planet one is supposed to have compassion for others. In nixons chart

AK is in the 6th house in rasi chart, he was always suffering from enemies.AK is in

not only in the 6th house and consequently in 6/8 to lagna ,but he is in the house of

Sat, a malefic.In navamsa MoonAk was 11signs away from navamsa lagna this is

supposed "to give bravery,success in war and capable of executing any task. If Mars

is strong it gives Rajayoga" In his case was in powerfully placed yogakaraka planet.

One is supposed to maintain good relations with the karaka of the AK planet- In

this case we can say the Moon represents the public/masses.

if anyone has anything else to say about the AK moon and his raja yoga I would be

interested. he didnt hav

## All calculations are done using; Lahiri Ayanamsa, and the epheremis from

Jaggannath Hora Lite, 4.0.

Excercise 1: Sanjay Rath; 7th Aug 1963, 21:14:50 (IST) 83e58, 21n27.

No Name

Lagna 12 L


Nak 24 M

Ghati 40 G

Name 4 sa

Graha Avastha


No. Keywords Strength

1 Su Sabhaa 7 Being at an

assembly Dristhi 1

2 Mo Prakaasana 4 Shining

ViChesta 0

3 Ma Sabhaa 7 Being at an

assembly ViChesta 0

4 Me Aagama 8 Coming/Acquiring Chesta 2

5 Ju Prakaasana 4 Shining

Dristhi 1

6 Ve Prakaasana 4 Shining

Chesta 2

7 Sa Sayana 1 Lying down,

resting Chesta 2

8 Ra Aagama 8 Coming/Acquiring ViChesta 0

9 Ke Prakaasana 4 Shining

ViChesta 0

(C x P x


Su Helps others, possesses wealth, gems and lands, virtous, very

strong, affectionate and kind.

Sun is in 5th house, in Sabhaa Avastha, with medium power, being 6th lord. Hence

matters like, children, jyotish, etc, were approached with good spirit in the mannor

of Sun's avastha. Sun is 6th lord, so alot of discussion and strife, prevails in this

field. As Sun is Bhratri Karaka, this sets the scene for his understanding of the

essence of 'Guru'.

Mo Famous in world, virtous, royal patronage, royal insignia, wealth, wealth,

luxuries, regular visits to shrines, many ornaments.

Moon is Shining, however with little strength, and in Dusthana. As Moon is

disposited by Retro-Saturn; the giver of the curse in the chart, the Moon suffers

greatly and its auspicious state is almost nullified. Moon is also Chara Matri

Karaka, showing that this depression could have brought him closer to the essence

of mother-hood and protection.. Brought him Closer to Krishna as well.


A scholar in a king's court, wealthy, honorable, charitable;[if exalted] skilled at

wars, succesful, upholds dharma; [in trines] unlearned; [in 12th] devoid of

happiness from wife and children.

Mars is in Kendra in Marana Karaka Sthana, and devoid of Strength to "shine", in

activity. As Mars lords Ghati Lagna and Hora Lagna, and is 9th lord in Badhaka

Sthana, its hard for him to achieve the fortunes of Fame & wealth. Reason is due to

forgetting worship of Hanuman in past birth. Mars in 7th from Jupiter who is in

Lagna, shows that a terrible anger, could actually tilt the scales at some point and

bring him the fortunes of Fame and Wealth. As Mars is in Badhaka Sthana, this

would be a selfless action, and give more problems to him.

Me Serves mean people and makes money, two sons, one daughter who brings

good name.

Mercury is Badhakesh and is placed in 6th house. Mercury has full-power to

perform and makes him serve mean people, who cause problems for him. But then

why does one do so? Rahu is in Gemini(4th)-exalted indicating a building with a

high purpose, in science and education. Mercury disposits Mars in 7th, showing

the unsurmountable anger that may arise.

Ju Virtous, pure happiness and comfort, splendorous, visits holy places of krishna;

[if exalted] excellent fame in the whole world, very opulent.

Jupiter is in Lagna in Prakasaana Avastha, with medium power, and in

Simhasaanamsa(using Parivritti Dwaya Hora). It is also stationary. As its in

Kendra to Arudha Lagna, it could very well give high fame and oppulence.. The

good qualities of our guru are allready prevailing, and theres not much need of


Ve [exalted or in own/friendly rasi] has a conduct similar to a mighty elephant; equal

to a king, interested in poetry, arts and music.

Venus is in 5th house in Prakasaana Avastha in an enemies house, however watery

Rasi. As Venus has power, it will bring the results of Raja Yoga in Jyotish, and

other 5th house indications. Sun in 5th limits children, so the full raja yoga may

come in knowing the Past-present and future..No doubt that Sanjay is a strong and

big contender in the Jyotish-scene.

Sa Hungry, thirst, diseases in childhood,

wealthy later.

Saturn is Atmakaraka, and has full power. This complies with the fact that First

the person learns from troubles, and then later on the person learns from these

actions and performs great conduct. Wealth can also mean all the senses.

Ra Financial losses, fear of enemies and litigation, depressed, seperated from own people,

emaciated, manipulative.

Rahu has no power, and is in 4th house, lording 12th house. As its exalted the

building of this magnificent structure, is going to take time, and will be full of

worries.. Spend more time making wife happy(Darakaraka).

Ke Wealthy, righteous, lives abroad, enthusiastic, genuine,

serves the king.

No strength for Ketu either, hence little consideration in this field. Ketu is exalted

and joined with Arudha Lagna, showing that people percieve his as Ganesh(he also

looks abit like him :)), and that his approach to the world, is in full service to his

guru's(lords 9th).

## Here is my attempt on a chart, on the aspect of continuing education for further

and probable date of marriage of the native. Request to rectify me and enlighten me

by high lighting my mistakes and omission.

The Lagna is Karka and Budha and Rahu are stationed in it. . The 4th house is

Thula and Chandra is placed over there sharing her Navamsa position in Meena

along with Rahu. Chandra in 4th is aspected by, Shukra, Guru, Kuja and

Shani. 4th from AL is Makara, tenanted to Ketu and it receives aspects of same

planets as above. Karaka Budha is placed in Karka both in Rasi and Siddamsa.

Influence of Guru and Chandra on this 4th house seems to be predominant. Native

would be running with Shani-Budha period up to Jan. 2003 from this 2001. Shani

is a lot afflicted. Shani and Budha's Dwidwadasa placement in both Rasi and

Navamsa may give trouble in education. Placement of Shani from Ravi and Budha

from Chandra respectively are also not encouraging. Shani and Rahu are afflicting

Vidyakaraka Budha, and should it indicate that, the native would not be expected

to achieve much up to Janaury, 2003?

In the Chart, UL is in Simha, 2nd house to Lagna. Its lord Ravi is 12th to Lagna,

indicates delay in marriage? Conjoining of 8th lord Shani and natural malefic Kuja

in UL is not helps for any good cause. Position of Guru can only expand results

indicated by the other factors? In Navamsa also UL is heavily aflicted being 12th to

AL and 2nd from UL is being aspected by malefics, Shani & Kuja. Marriage and

Marriage life seems may pose situations involving tensions. Shani and Kuja 8th

from UL in Navamsa may also threaten longivity of marriage.7th house from

Shukra being sthira sign in both Rasi and Navamsa it may be told that the Partner

would be from same locality/ place. Start of Janaury, 2005 may give the marriage.

Vimsottari period may be Shani-Shukra-Kuja.

## Here below I have made an attempt to analyze a case of a lady, whose chart is

enclosed, from marriage prospective. Please rectify my mistakes and give your

valuable comments for guiding me.

Back ground:

1. She is anchoring her family with a widow mother, Two younger sisters and a

younger brother. Her elder brother has got himself separated from the family and

staying away with his spouse and children.

2. She is searching for a suitable match for marriage for last few years but marriage

has been elusive so far.

3. Last year, during November-2000, she was engaged to a person and even the

Ceremony was celebrated. Later on realising Boy's mis-doings and about his bad

reputation, she broke the engagement.


The lagna is Mesha and Lagnamsa is Simha indicating predominant fiery nature of

the Native. Ravi is placed in 12 th house both in Rasi and Navamsa. In Rasi Rahu is

conjunct Ravi and in Navamsa it is casting its aspect (Rasi dhrusti) on Ravi from

7th house. Such an adverse placement of Naisargika Pitra Karaka in the chart

might have resulted for her negating father's support.

UL is located in Makara, Shani, its lord is placed in the in 12th house, threaten to

take away the marriage bliss.

UL and AL are mutually 1/12 (Dwidashasa) placed this combination is strengthened

to give more severe results as A7 and UL are also Shada-astaka. Shani, Kuja and

Rahu are afflicting UL by their unobstructed papargala from 3rd (as this is being

12th house may be more severe). Ravi is darakaraka. He is very weak in shadbala

and placed in a house where SAV bindus are also very less(21). Vivaha karaka

Shukra is lord of 2nd and 7th is joined with dustana-adhipathi Budha in

Badhakastana. Guru is vakra and very weak in astaka varga strength(both in SAV

and BAV). He has got moderate shadbala strength. His dhrusti on UL, and graha

dhrusti on Shukra and Lagna can generate little hope. In Navamsa, A7 and AL are

mutually in kona and UL and A7 are in square. Lords of UL and A7 are mutually

aspecting each other. In dasamsa, A7 and UL are lorded by Budha and Guru and

are again involved in mutual aspection. This can give a ray of hope at the end of the

tunnel, as she may finally able to find somebody at work place to rest her head on

their shoulder. Taking into other planetary combination which are quite adverse,

relation is not likely last beyond Guru dasa. Movement of Guru in the sign Simha,

would aspect UL from rasi dhrusti and shukra from Graha dhrusti. In Navamsa

also it would aspect 7th house and Shukra from graha dhrusti. At the same time

she would be running with Guru-Shukra, Vimsottari period. This combination can

bring her to the union of Marriage? Strengthning of Guru by performing remedial

measures can show her some direction?


Natal Chart

Date: June 24, 1980

Time: 8:35:47

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Longitude: 73 E 55' 00"

Latitude: 15 N 30' 00"

Altitude: 0.00 meters

Lunar Year: Raudra

Lunar Month: Nija Jyeshtha

Tithi: Sukla Ekadasi (19.17% left)

Weekday: Tuesday

Nakshatra: Swathi (8.41% left)

Yoga: Siddha

Karana: Vishti

Hora Lord: Venus

Sunrise: 6:05:25

Sunset: 19:07:55

Janma Ghatis: 6.2654

Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa ChKarak

Lagna 12 Cn 15' 25.91" Pushyami 3 Cn Li -

Sun 9 Ge 10' 43.39" Aardra 1 Ge Sg PK

Moon 18 Li 52' 42.20" Swathi 4 Li Pi MK

Mars 27 Le 30' 45.74" U.Pha. 1 Le Sg AK

Mercury 0 Cn 49' 01.85" Punarvasu 4 Cn Cn DK

Jupiter 11 Le 24' 37.40" Makha 4 Le Cn PiK

Venus (R) 25 Ta 39' 52.83" Mrigasira 1 Ta Le BK

Saturn 27 Le 30' 32.07" U.Pha. 1 Le Sg AmK

Rahu 29 Cn 02' 24.61" Aasresha 4 Cn Pi GK

Ketu 29 Cp 02' 24.61" Dhanishtha 2 Cp Vi -

Bhava Lagna 16 Cn 40' 18.64" Aasresha 1 Cn Sg -

Hora Lagna 24 Le 15' 52.35" Poo.Pha. 4 Le Sc -

Ghati Lagna 17 Sg 02' 33.51" Poo.Shaa. 2 Sg Vi -

Vighati Lagna 10 Cn 55' 59.27" Pushyami 3 Cn Li -

Sree Lagna 11 Ge 58' 25.32" Aardra 2 Ge Cp -

Dhooma 22 Li 30' 43.39" Visakha 1 Li Ar -

Vyatipata 7 Vi 29' 16.61" U.Pha. 4 Vi Pi -

Parivesha 7 Pi 29' 16.61" U.Bhaa. 2 Pi Vi -

Indra Chapa 22 Ar 30' 43.39" Bharani 3 Ar Li -

Upaketu 9 Ta 10' 43.39" Krittika 4 Ta Pi -

Kaala 7 Sc 09' 12.34" Anuradha 2 Sc Vi -

Mrityu 19 Ge 21' 04.49" Aardra 4 Ge Pi -

Artha Prahara 11 Cn 25' 32.71" Pushyami 3 Cn Li -

Yama Ghantaka 4 Le 05' 11.89" Makha 2 Le Ta -

Maandi 21 Vi 23' 48.17" Hastha 4 Vi Cn -

Gulika 9 Vi 30' 22.16" U.Pha. 4 Vi Pi -

Varnada Lagna 6 Sg 31' 18.27" Moola 2 Sg Ta -

V2 6 Aq 31' 18.27" Dhanishtha 4 Aq Sc -

V3 23 Pi 28' 41.73" Revathi 3 Pi Aq -

V4 23 Cp 28' 41.73" Dhanishtha 1 Cp Le -

V5 23 Sc 28' 41.73" Jyeshtha 3 Sc Aq -

V6 23 Vi 28' 41.73" Chitra 1 Vi Le -

V7 23 Cn 28' 41.73" Aasresha 3 Cn Aq -

V8 23 Ta 28' 41.73" Mrigasira 1 Ta Le -

V9 23 Pi 28' 41.73" Revathi 3 Pi Aq -

V10 23 Cp 28' 41.73" Dhanishtha 1 Cp Le -

V11 23 Sc 28' 41.73" Jyeshtha 3 Sc Aq -

Planet Chara Karakatwa Meaning

Sun PK Son (follower)

Moon MK Mother (nourisher)

Mars AK Self

Mercury DK Spouse (partner)

Jupiter PiK Father (authority)

Venus BK Brother (associate)

Saturn AmK Minister (advisor)

Rahu GK Cousin (rival)

Ashtakavarga of Rasi Chart:

Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi

Asc 4 7 4 3* 7 5 3 3 5 4 2 2

Sun 7 4 6* 2 3 5 2 4 5 2 3 5

Moo 4 4 4 3 4 5 4* 4 5 5 3 4

Mar 4 5 3 2 4* 3 2 4 4 1 2 5

Mer 5 7 5 5* 5 4 2 5 3 3 4 6

Jup 4 4 5 4 6* 4 5 5 4 4 5 6

Ven 4 7* 5 3 3 4 4 5 5 4 3 5

Sat 4 3 5 4 1* 2 4 0 7 4 1 4

Sodhya Pinda Rasi Pinda Graha Pinda

Asc 214 104 110

Sun 169 135 34

Moo 38 28 10

Mar 138 105 33

Mer 221 132 89

Jup 98 52 46

Ven 104 68 36

Sat 256 194 62

Planet Shadbala In rupas % Strength IshtaPhala KashtaPhala

Sun 529.44 8.82 176.48 48.86 3.78

Moon 439.84 7.33 122.18 14.27 30.45

Mars 362.38 6.04 120.79 18.28 36.15

Mercury 526.42 8.77 125.34 40.85 17.72

Jupiter 557.03 9.28 142.83 32.56 21.43

Venus 540.50 9.01 163.79 47.12 10.00

Saturn 337.11 5.62 112.37 33.14 24.45

Try calculating Vimshottari from Lagna for educational purposes.

Mercury is well placed in 4th house in Siddhamsa.. i don't see any problem.

Mercury with Rahu in lagna could give skin problems.. I see that your using the

predeffined 354 days per year in Jagannath Hora.

In the Chart, UL is in Simha, 2nd house to Lagna. Its lord Ravi is 12th to Lagna,

indicates delay in marriage?

Malefics in Upapada can delay marriage. Sun is in Marana Karaka Avastha. Sure

she'll marry?

Conjoining of 8th lord Shani and natural malefic Kuja in UL is not helps for any

good cause. Position of Guru can only expand results indicated by the other factors?

I can't agree with that logic. Jupiter expands because its the greatest benefic and

hence blesses with more.

Jupiter will not expand evil.

Venus is retrogade, yet in own sign, so interest for opposite sex is there.

Venus is in Badhaka Sthana and is also badhakesh, hence defenite problems, in

being with opposite sex.

Darapada is in Pisces, and Mercury is the 7th lord therefrom. 2nd from Mercury

houses, Saturn Mars and Jupiter, hence she may not be very attractive.

7th lord from Upapada is Saturn, who has Gulika and Mandi, aspected by Sun

which may reppell spouse,

As Upapada and lord is heavily afflicted in both Rasi and Navamsa, the 1st

marriage will not last very long. i'll give it a few months.. maybe an annulment.

Note that Atmakaraka is in Upapada as well.

I was going to say; "tell her to worship Hanuman to bring a spouse", however

Hanuman is Atmakaraka, and also supports celibacy. Kartikeya maybe.

I would love to see an elaboration on remedial messures for such a case. Chart

Attached bellow.

Thanks for your explaination.

I too felt that, Lord of UL in 12th and heavy affliction to UL may deny marriage,

but for Ravi being lord of UL and Guru's conjuction in UL. In Indian tradition it is

very hard to for see any girl remaining unmarried, unless a famous figure/social

worker etc. The family back ground she hails from also suggest, she would be

married, of course God willing.

You have given me few new information/hints.

Venus is retrogade, yet in own sign, so interest for opposite sex is there.

Venus is in Badhaka Sthana and is also badhakesh, hence defenite problems, in

being with opposite sex.

Whether, Shukra placed in Vrishabha in Vakra Gati generates an extra liking,

beyond social structural norms and attraction towards opposite sex? Or should we

consider any other combination also, like house no., aspect, Argala etc? Since

Shukra is badhakesha and karaka for marriage/attraction , and being in state of

retrogression, would make the native to get desperate to get company of opposite

sex and failure on account of vakra state?

Darapada is in Pisces, and Mercury is the 7th lord therefrom. 2nd from Mercury

houses, Saturn Mars and Jupiter, hence she may not be very attractive

Whether the native's look need not be ascertained from Lagna/Navamsa Lagna/Sun

sign? Or are you reffering to look of the spouse?

7th lord from Upapada is Saturn, who has Gulika and Mandi, aspected by Sun

which may reppell spouse,

Do you refer to 2nd from Shani? Do you consider, that 2nd house from the Lord of

the 7th from the UL represents Native's face?

I was going to say; "tell her to worship Hanuman to bring a spouse", however

Hanuman is Atmakaraka, and also supports celibacy. Kartikeya maybe.

I would love to see an elaboration on remedial messures for such a case. Chart

Attached bellow.

As far as remedical measures are concerned, apart from your advices, fasting on

Sundays and wearing a gold ring studded with Pusyaraga(Topaz), on the index

finger of right hand is not advisible? Shani is with AK (and with Ista) in both Rasi

and Navamsa, can she not get any benefit by performing Sathya Narayana


## As per you, Dasa sign in the 3rd/8th from UL, promotes marriage. If

this is true(and you have demonstrated in ample cases) *seems*

contrary to the rule as per Sanjay given in "Narayana Dasa"

that "During the Narayana Dasa of a sign, the arudha placed in it, or

its Kendra or Trikona shall prevail & prosper. The Arudha Pada in

Dusthana(6&8) shall lose significance, decay or be neglected".

If we try and reconcile these 2 rules, then the only condition I can

come up is:

Marriage can occur during

1. A sign housing UL. OR

2. A sign in 3H from UL. OR

3. A sign housing 3L from UL. OR

4. A sign housing 8L from UL. OR

Provided, the following condition is satisfied.

1. This sign is a Kendra or a Trikona from UL.

I am ruling out the sign 8th from UL, as UL will be in a dusthana

from the Dasa Rasi.

I think even the converse is true.

The other point I want to make is :

If Dasa rasi is 7H from is in a kendra to UL, and hence

should promote marriage, but we know that 7H from UL denies marriage

or ends it!!!

My rule is an observation based on the navamsa Narayana dasa of many people. It

could be wrong or half-baked.If you find the paka lagna corresponding a particular

child in one’s Saptamsa (D-7), then 1st, 3rd and 8th from there can give the birth of

that child as per Sanjay. My rule is in the same spirit.I did not see the 3rd/8th from

UL being prominent at the time of marriage in rasi chart’s Narayana dasa, but I did

see it in navamsa chart’s Narayana dasa in many example.Quadrants bring

sustenance and trines bring prosperity, but 1st, 3rd and 8th houses show vitality and

coming into existence.There seems to be some difference between Narayana dasa of

rasi chart and Narayana dasa of navamsa chart. In the former, aspect over UL

seems to be important. In the latter, being a house of vitality from UL seems to be

important.First try to understand the meaning of upapada lagna in rasi chart and

in navamsa chart.

## Rema has asked me to help her figure out if she will lose her job and get another.

I have been reading Narayana Dasha and thought i would try to give her an answer

based on this..I would appreciate if any one sees an error in my exercise to please

correct me.Her chart is attached.

She is currently in Leo NarayanaDasha , which over all should be good as it is the

seat of the HL, and the Sun is in his own sign in the 11th.however next major

period Virgo looks much better.

However right she is now in the sub period of Leo/scorpio and scorpio looks like a

malefic period.Scorpio in in her natal 6th houseand is being aspected by its lord

mars, and, has the following negative influences- scorpio is aspected by capA6,

airesA8Sun,and leoHL,UL. the 2nd lord fromscorpio falls in the 8th therefrom

etc.This can show the problems she is facing.

She will be entering Virgo Dasha period next april and should start feeling the

effects inmarch.

Virgo Dasha looks much better. Virgo is the AL,A7 and is aspected by its lord

merc.and GL,seat of power.AND the despositor of the powerful arudhas in the 1st

house. Virgo is also influenced by Jup7/10th lords and seat of A4,A5,A10,A11.Ketu

is there also. (Although I am not sure how Ketu will contribute in this case as he is

in the house of the Dasha lord.

Moon and Rahu are in Sagwith A3. Altogether I think this shows a good period for

her.)She is a talented medical research technician.

In april Jup will still be transiting over her natal 10th lord and influencing all those

arudhapada in 1st house, in addition to Moon 2nd lord, 9th lord and A9.Next year

Jup will be transiting through her 2nd house natally aspecting his houseGL, and

Merc 1/4lords and her natal 10 th house.

Only hang-ups to virgo Dasha period are argala from Sat her natal 8th/9th lord in

the 2nd from virgo. So she still might have to work hard and have some restriciton

on her income due to debts,etc.The argala from Moon/rahu is blocked by the

jup/ketu in the 10th fromvirgo.However, ExSun is the HL lord, in 8th from Dasha

lagna and is in the 2nd from DashaLL merc.,also seat of A8. Could this be positive

at all? like a goverment contract.

I have a question- In this chart there is bandhana effect having Moon/Rahu in the

4th and Jup/ketu in the 10thfrom dasha sign=having an equal number of planets in

the kendras. And merc dasha lord is in the 7th, from Dasha sign. Can someone

please explain which sign is stronger and what are the effects of this??Also the

significance Sun plays.

## The lagna is Mesha and Lagnamsa is Simha indicating predominant fiery nature

of the Native. Ravi is placed in 12 th house both in Rasi and Navamsa. In Rasi

Rahu is conjunct Ravi and in Navamsa it is casting its aspect (Rasi dhrusti) on Ravi

from 7th house. Such an adverse placement of Naisargika Pitra Karaka in the chart

might have resulted for her negating father's support.

Observe relations with father in Dwadasamsa.

UL is located in Makara, Shani, its lord is placed in the in 12th house, threaten to

take away the marriage bliss.

UL and AL are mutually 1/12 (Dwidashasa) placed this combination is strengthened

to give more severe results as A7 and UL are also Shada-astaka.

When UL is in 12th from AL, the spouse(UL) ignores the native(AL). UL and A7 in

Shastashaka shows that the spouse(UL) rejects the natives associations(A7).. Note

that Lord of Darapada(a7) is in 2nd from Upapada; Others words/influence on the

native may have weighed more than her own words.. this is also an indication of

affairs causing end of marriage.

Shani, Kuja and Rahu are afflicting UL by their unobstructed papargala from 3rd

(as this is being 12th house may be more severe).

Malefics in 3rd give Virodargala, i.e. Argala through evil, and is fortunate. An

example would be if you knew a police man(mars), who could speed things up in a

certain area of life for you. Or a Thief(Rahu) that could steel some money for you.

Ravi is darakaraka. He is very weak in shadbala and placed in a house where SAV

bindus are also very less(21). Vivaha karaka Shukra is lord of 2nd and 7th is joined

with dustana-adhipathi Budha in Badhakastana. Guru is vakra and very weak in

astaka varga strength(both in SAV and BAV). He has got moderate shadbala


What does this tell you? If you don't know what it means then don't use it.. GIVE


Well there doesn't bode much chance of Marriage as Upapada lord, 7th lord and 7th

lord from Venus is in 12th.

Venus is in Badhak Sthana indicating problems getting propper-aquanted with the

opposite sex. But yet there should be a chance for some aquantance, as many

planets give Rasi Dristi on Darapada. Worshipping the 7th-lord from Venus brings

the spouse quickly, so worshipping Rama will speed up the delivery.

She must also fast on Saturdays, as theres little hope for a smoothe marriage.

Reciting the Rasi-Mantra for Capricorn should help; "Om Shrim Vatsalaya Namah",

begining on a Saturday offcourse.

That Sun in 12th is not good, try cats eye - in gold metal, on right hand ring finger.

You half read the sentence/explaination,

Ravi is darakaraka. He is very weak in shadbala and placed in a house where SAV

bindus are also very less(21). Vivaha karaka Shukra is lord of 2nd and 7th is joined

with dustana-adhipathi Budha in Badhakastana. Guru is vakra and very weak in

astaka varga strength(both in SAV and BAV). He has got moderate shadbala


What does this tell you? If you don't know what it means then don't use it.. GIVE


It was like this,

Ravi is darakaraka. He is very weak in shadbala and placed in a house where SAV

bindus are also very less(21). Vivaha karaka Shukra is lord of 2nd and 7th is joined

with dustana-adhipathi Budha in Badhakastana. Guru is vakra and very weak in

astaka varga strength(both in SAV and BAV). He has got moderate shadbala

strength. His dhrusti on UL, and graha dhrusti on Shukra and Lagna can generate

little hope. In Navamsa, A7 and AL are mutually in kona and UL and A7 are in

square. Lords of UL and A7 are mutually aspecting each other. In dasamsa, A7 and

UL are lorded by Budha and Guru and are again involved in mutual aspection. This

can give a ray of hope at the end of the tunnel, .......

Well, Mr. Visti, I was, obviously, giving more stress to the point that, both Karakas

for the Marriage and Married life, viz., Charakaraka(Ravi) and Naisargika

Karaka(Shukra) are also quite weak. Lordship of marakastana is bound to pose

more tense moments and I specifically mentioned it and further thought, it

is evident about its effects and hence did not eleborated. Did you expected more

elaboration here? How ever, why did you feel that, I didnot know about what I was


After writing about Karakas, I mentioned about most benevolent planet, Guru and

its condition in the chart. I beleive you are knowing, Guru's dhrusti is capable of

warding off many a evils in the Horoscope. How ever its effectiveness, of course, a

lot depends on its Natal placement and association. Further, clearly I have told

that, implying the meaning, with the limitations, aspect of Guru on badly placed

Shukra (and Budha), Lagna and UL, can generate hope of Marriage.

In fact, I am always under impression that, people around are more prudent than

me and it is fool of me to unnecessarily spare a lot words. How ever it seems this

attitude of me confuses some times people.

I want to tell you, if I feel I don't know or/and confused about any thing, I will ask

for more details instead of passing hurting remarks.

## Bellow is a screen-dump of the Sayanadi Avastha Calculations for my own chart:

21st Nov 1981, 6:22:22 AM, +3 East, Nairobi, Kenya(36e49, 1s17).(Chart Attached).

Lahiri Ayanamsa has been used.

No Name

Lagna 8 L


Nak 12 M

Ghati 1 G

Name 1 va

Graha Avastha


No. Keywords Strength

1 Su Sabhaa 7 Being at an

assembly Dristhi

2 Mo Bhojana 9 Eating


3 Ma Bhojana 9 Eating


4 Me Gamana 5 Going (on the

move) Chesta

5 Ju Gamana 5 Going (on the

move) Dristhi

6 Ve Bhojana 9 Eating


7 Sa Sayana 1 Lying down,

resting Chesta

8 Ra Gamana 5 Going (on the

move) ViChesta

9 Ke Sabhaa 7 Being at an

assembly ViChesta

Keywords and comments for each avastha bellow:

Su Helps others, possesses wealth, gems and lands, virtous, very strong,

affectionate and kind.

Sun is lord of 10th, in Parivartana with lord of Lagna(mars), indicating that Sun

will take on the effects of Mars, however its state won't change. Sun in Sabhaa

Avastha, shows my charachter as one that likes to learn and listen to the many

walks of life.

Mo [if waxing] Social status, honor, conveyances, wife and daughters, servants;[if waning] these

results will be hard to get.

Moon is the Mind(manas), and being in Bhojana Avastha with full-strength,

indicates a Mind who wants to gather.

Moon is involved in a Gyana Yoga with Saturn, indicating that my mind wants

gather knowledge.

As Moon is also Badhakesh, this Gyana Yoga is saught for selfless purposes.

As this Gyana Yoga falls in 11th house(4th from 8th) this could be knowledge of the

occult, i.e. Astrology.

Ma [If strong] sweet food; [if weak] mean acts,


Its said that malefics in Bhojana Avastha ruin the house its posited in. Mars is in

10th house, and has taken the effects of Karmapaka, so it won't ruin its own house,

but may ruin anyone else who associates with this house. i.e. fighting(mars) anyone

who seeks to take its place, in the house of carreer and siddhi.

Me Visits the courts of kings frequently,


Mercury is in Gamana Avastha, indicating that the disposition i take towards

learning, is an active one.. especially as Mercury has full strength.

Mercury lords 8th and 11th, so the learning will give fruits of occult practice and


Mercury is in 12th joining 2nd, and 5th lord; Jupiter, showing a sureshot

combination for astrology, so Astrology will bring this occult practice & knowledge.

Ju Brave, many friends, scholar,


Jupiter is also in Gamana Avastha with Mercury, showing the active disposition

towards the same.. allthough Jupiter is only with medium strength, i spend alot of

time "preaching" astrology to newcomers. Jupiter aspects Arudha Lagna with both

Graha and Rasi Dristi, which makes many people percieve me as a scholar.

Ve [debilitated] wealthy, respected by scholars; [else] distressed due to hunger,

diseases, fear from enemies.

Venus in Bhojana Avastha, with medium strength, is in 2nd house, in parivartana

with 2nd lord Jupiter. So Venus takes on the effects of the 2nd lord, thus countering

the evil influences as lack of food, hunger etc. This could however make one fond of

eating, and tend to overeat as well.

Sa Hungry, thirst, diseases in childhood,

wealthy later.

Saturn is in Sayana Avastha, and has full strength. So my disposition towards all

kinds of work, is relaxed and layed-back. As Saturn lords 3rd and 4th houses, this

work is related to the actual initiation of action and home-enviroment. The effects

are that the native will be troubled by lazyness in early life, but learn to work hard

later in life.. Thats when the Gyana Yoga will come. Keep in mind that i'm also

suffering from a Kala Amrita Yoga, restricting much of my effort.

Ra Many children, scholarly, wealthy, charitable and honored

by a king.

Rahu is in Gamana Avastha, and has no strength. Rahu is atmakaraka, but as

theres Kala Amrita Yoga, Ketu takes his place until the Yoga has matured(45).

When it matures, my souls disposition will change from a more listening, awaiting

state, to a more active-seeking state.

Rahu is in 9th house showing that the place of this activity is spirituality, and the

results will give fortunes to the 4th house(happiness). However Rahu in 9th is

Marana Karaka Avastha, which ruins the happiness due to spirituality/philosophy.

As Aqua also has Upapada and Arudha Lagna, self image will be ruined as well as

marriage.. Rahu is also joined with Darapada, which could be due to advice of

colleagues, or affairs.

As 2nd from Navamsa Lagna is unoocupied and lorded by merc, i doubt affairs will


Maybe i'll be reborn with retro-Saturn or retro-Jup.

The Keywords given for Rahu, however shows auspicious results, as that being

honored by the king? As Rahu in 9th promotes adharma, and is also in Badhaka

Sthana, this is unlikely.

Nevertheless I should wear yellow saffire on Dharma-finger on right hand.

Ke Garrulous, proud, misery, licentious, skillful in

evil subjects.

Ketu is in Sabhaa Avastha, with no strength. Ketu has taken the place of the souls

disposition for now, and gives my soul a more listening, awaiting posture. Hence the

teachings recieved will be used to perform action(3rd house), and as theres Kala

Amrita Yoga, Ketu will do so through the associations of spiritual people.

As Ketu lords Lagna and Rajya Pada, this will bring fortune to the charachter, and

social status. As Ketu also is Maha Yogada, it will sure bring these indications.

## It's my first try to explain any chart after Narasimhaji accepted me as his

sisya. It took me some time to grasp some meaning of fundamentls.

I'm here giving two examples (one of KSY and second of KAY) and their little


Example 1 : KSY

Natal Chart (Male)

Date: August 12, 1977

Time: 17:00:00

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Longitude: 77 E 07' 00"

Latitude: 29 N 00' 00"

Altitude: 0.00 meters



| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ GL / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| x Asc x |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ 9 / AL \ |

| / \ / \ |

| Ket x Rah |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / Jup \ / |

| \ / \ / Glk |

| x Moo x Mnd Mer |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ Ven / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / Mar \ / Sun \ |

| / \ / Sat HL \ |


This is an example of KSY as all he planets lie between Ketu and Rahu. But this

yoga is broken by 3 natural benefics in the 7th house viz. Venus, Moon (Maha-

Sankha yoga), Jupiter (Maha-Padma yoga); giving way to sucess and wealth.

With lot of initial struggles, the native is now working in a reputed multi-national

company getting a handsome salary. (results attributed by Maha-Padma yoga)

The native joined the company in their new built office with a launch of their new

product. (results attributed by Maha-Sankha Yoga - beginning of someting new).

Moon is also AK here.

Also, both Rahu and Ketu are in their mooltrikona signs. (I'm unable to interpret

their results - either this makes the KSY more stronger, giving more struggle and

suffering OR they both will give good results.) Please guide me here.


Example 2 (KAY)

Curie, Marie (Female)

Natal Chart

Date: November 7, 1867

Time: 20:09:00

Time Zone: 2:00:00 (East of GMT)

Longitude: 21 E 00' 00"

Latitude: 52 N 15' 00"

Altitude: 0.00 meters



| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ GL / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

|Rah Glk x Asc x AL |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ 3 / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| Mnd x |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / Ket |

|Sun x x Jup Moo |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / Sat HL \ / \ |

| / Mar \ / \ |

| / Mer Ven \ / \ |


The conjunction of 4 planets, generally, gives pravarjya yoga. But here the yoga is

in 6th house(Dusthana). So, it does not give pravarjya yoga (COVA - Page 479).

Moreover, KAY is broken, so the native does not renounce the world and shall

continue with the life depending upon the planets (Moon & Jupiter) who break the

yoga. The yoga breaks in 9th house, results in higher education / knowledge.

With the combination of Moon (mind) and Jupiter (Husband), she discovered a new

substance radium (result attributed by Maha-Sankha yoga) and latter on she got

Nobel prize in 1911 in Ketu-Moon dasa. (results attributed by Maha-padma yoga)

She was 44 years old, when she got the prize (just after the natural age of nodes viz.

43). Gaja-Kesari yoga with Ketu gave her fame and recoginition.


Sarpa Yoga

If the 3 quadrants are occupied by the natural malefics, this gives sarpa (serpant)

yoga. This yoga is very bad as it makes the native cruel, miserable and a poor man.

Quadrants are the 4 pillars of life. They are important for sustenance of life.

Presence of malefics in them will certainly gives very bad results. Presence of

natural benefics will curtail its negative effects.

Remedial measure: The diety associated with the benefic planet, causing the break

of this yoga, should be worshipped.

The poison effect of the serpent can also be nullified by reciting Garuda mantra. It

will destroy enemies, sorrow, misery, removes addictions and gives pure devotion

for Shri Vishnu.

Note: It was Garuda (the king of birds), who removes the poison effect of snakes

from the body of Shri Ram and Laxman, when they were made unconsciousness by

Meghanath demoniac power.

(Sri Ramacaritamanasa, Lanka-Kanda 74 A-B)


KALA SARPA YOGA : curse of serpents

Date of Birth: July 16, 1942

Time of Birth: 11:31:00 pm

Time Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMT

Longitude of Birth: 80 E 01

Latitude of Birth: 9 N 36

Lunar month (maasa): Ashadha

Lunar day (tithi): Sukla Chaturthi

Tithi balance: 0.9686

Nakshatra balance: 0.4844

Sun-Moon Yoga: Vyatipata

Sun-Moon Karana: Vanija

Vara (weekday): Thursday

Sunrise = 5:56 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)

Ayanamsa = 23-03-10

Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days

Planet Position Pada CharaK

Ascdt 23 Pi 34 Revathi 3 -

Sun 0 Cn 29 Punarvasu 4 DK

Moon 6 Le 52 Makha 3 GK

Mars 27 Cn 10 Aasresha 4 AmK

Mercury 12 Ge 52 Aardra 2 PK

Jupiter 15 Ge 11 Aardra 3 PiK

Venus 29 Ta 11 Mrigasira 2 AK

Saturn 15 Ta 24 Rohini 2 MK

Rahu 13 Le 22 Poo.Pha. 1 BK

Ketu 13 Aq 22 Satabhisham 3 -

BhavaLg 23 Pi 19 Revathi 2 -

HoraLg 16 Sg 51 Poo.Shaa. 2 -

GhatiLg 27 Aq 27 Poo.Bhaa. 3 -

Dhooma 13 Sc 49 Anuradha 4 -

Vyati 16 Le 10 Poo.Pha. 1 -

Pari 16 Aq 10 Satabhisham 3 -

I.Chapa 13 Ta 49 Rohini 2 -

Upaketu 0 Ge 29 Mrigasira 3 -

Kaala 29 Ar 23 Krittika 1 -

Mrityu 10 Ge 25 Aardra 2 -

ArthaPr 1 Cp 08 U.Shaa. 2 -

YamaGha 22 Cp 57 Sravanam 4 -

Mandi 24 Pi 10 Revathi 3 -

Gulika 11 Pi 41 U.Bhaa. 3 -


| | | | |

| Glk BL | | Sat | Mer |

| | | | |

| Asc Mnd | | Ven | Jup |

| | | | |


| | | |

| Ket | | Sun |

| | | |

| GL | | Mar |

| | | |

|-------------| R A S I |-------------|

| | | |

| | | Moo |

| | | |

| | | Rah |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | | | |

| HL | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |



| | | | |

| | | | Moo |

| Mar | | Sat | |

| | | | GL |

| | | | |


| | | |

| Jup Ket | | |

| | | Sun |

| Asc Mnd | | |

| | | |

|-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|

| | | |

| Mer | | |

| | | Rah |

| BL | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | | | Ven |

| | | Glk | |

| | | | HL |

| | | | |


Vimsottari Dasa:

Ketu 1942-07-16 Jupi 1942-11-23 Satu 1943-10-30 Merc 1944-12-08

Venu 1945-12-05 Sun 1949-04-06 Moon 1950-04-06 Mars 1951-12-06 Rahu 1953-


Jupi 1956-02-04 Satu 1958-10-05 Merc 1961-12-05 Ketu 1964-10-05

Sun 1965-12-05 Moon 1966-03-25 Mars 1966-09-23 Rahu 1967-01-29 Jupi 1967-


Satu 1968-10-11 Merc 1969-09-23 Ketu 1970-07-30 Venu 1970-12-05

Moon 1971-12-05 Mars 1972-10-05 Rahu 1973-05-06 Jupi 1974-11-05 Satu 1976-


Merc 1977-10-05 Ketu 1979-03-06 Venu 1979-10-05 Sun 1981-06-05

Mars 1981-12-05 Rahu 1982-05-03 Jupi 1983-05-21 Satu 1984-04-26 Merc 1985-


Ketu 1986-06-02 Venu 1986-10-29 Sun 1987-12-30 Moon 1988-05-05

Rahu 1988-12-05 Jupi 1991-08-18 Satu 1994-01-10 Merc 1996-11-16 Ketu 1999-


Venu 2000-06-23 Sun 2003-06-24 Moon 2004-05-18 Mars 2005-11-16

Jupi 2006-12-05 Satu 2009-01-22 Merc 2011-08-05 Ketu 2013-11-10 Venu 2014-


Sun 2017-06-17 Moon 2018-04-05 Mars 2019-08-05 Rahu 2020-07-11

Satu 2022-12-05 Merc 2025-12-08 Ketu 2028-08-17 Venu 2029-09-25 Sun 2032-


Moon 2033-11-07 Mars 2035-06-08 Rahu 2036-07-17 Jupi 2039-05-24

Merc 2041-12-04 Ketu 2044-05-02 Venu 2045-04-29 Sun 2048-02-28 Moon 2049-


Mars 2050-06-05 Rahu 2051-06-02 Jupi 2053-12-19 Satu 2056-03-26

She has Kala SarpaYoga in 12/6 axis. All the planets are from ketu to Rahu

zodiacally. Even the Asc is in it. In the Navamsa Rahu and Ketu is vargoththama.

She has relationship problems with everybody she associates with. She is not

married in spite of the best efforts of her parents and siblings. Her Upapada is in

the 12th from the Aruda Lagna. Upapada is 6/8 of Darakaraka. Upapada is occupied

by Saturn.

Moon conjoined Rahu gives some relief to KSY. In the rasi she has Maha Sanka

Yoga. In Moon dasa she inherited a house. In the Navamsa Jupiter breaks the

KSY.Her,s is a very unhappy life. She is not a evil person. She is a very

quarrelsome person.Moon and Jupiter,s influence is not enough to alleviate her

suffering. Rahu aspects her 2ndhouse of speech and harsh speech is her biggest


She should fast on Mondays and woship Lord Shiva and Nagaraja.


I got this chart from COVA (Chart 28. female) born on 16th dec 1995.

All the planets are from Rahu to ketu zodiacally.

She is born a to very poor family. Moon breaks the yoga. Thus her mother is the


You say in this chart the srimantha yoga and Sasa mahapurusha yoga does not

work because of the KAY. Could you please explain why Jawaharlal Nehru ‘s chart

with the KAY these yogas work.(Malavya)


Sarpa yoga is caused by 3 or more malefics in kendras. It indicates a curse of


The presence of benefics in Kendra destroys the Sarpa yoga. Remedy is to worship

Nagaraja and donate a cow, land , seseme seed and gold.

Sarpayoga weekens the kendras and cause suffering.

Guruji has this yoga broken by Jupiter in lagna.

## Here below I have made an attempt to study the chart of Sri Nelson Mandela,

which has got Kala SarpaYoga but broken.

1.a) Study the case of a person with KSY.

Birth details of Sri Nelson Mandela are:- July 18, 1918, 15-00Hrs, GMT Diff-

2.0Hrs(east), 28E47, 31S35.

In this case The KSY has been formed along the houses, 12 and 6. Thus Lagna has

come out of the clutches of the devil. But the KSY has been broken by the Two


1) First rated natural benefic and also Lagna Lord, Guru, has joined 7th house,

generating MAHAPADMA YOGA.

2) A natural benefic planet, Shukra is placed along with Ketu strongly.

General indications of the KSY, formed along the houses, 12 and 6 are:

Imprisonment, Secret enemies, Bad health and severe diesease.

Mr. Mandela spent his major part life in jail and confronted with open enemy and

suffered a lot and it might have run endless but thanks to Mahapadma Yoga. In

Vismottari Dasa of Chandra, he must have found the light. In the chart, Chandra is

in 11th house in Thula in the star of Guru (Vishaka). Chandra is being aspected by

Shukra by Rasi dhrusti and also by Guru by graha dhrusti. Both these planets are

break opening the dreaded yoga. Because of the Gajakesari yoga formed both in

Rasi and Navamsa, his fame was internationally very well spread even before he

occuppied the prestigeous post of President. Is it the indicative of the point that,

very strong yogas even can cross barricades of the adverse other planetory positions

in the chart? Guru is very strong and aspecting the Lagna both in Rasi and

Navamsa. This must have been the driving force for him to over come and emerge

as victor after very long suffering against powerful rulers. The Gajakesari Yoga is

also in the house of 7th and hence bestow the result late in life. But why inspite of

very strong breaking of KSY, the positive results not started just realising at

around the age of 46, but late? Or should We consider that, the Yogas started

fructifying when he started drawing the attention of the whole world on his fight

against the autocracy of the rulers?

2) Another version of Sarpa Yoga. : When at least Three quadrants in a chart are

occuppied by the Malefics that combination leads for the results of Sarpa Yoga. Out

of Four quadrants in a chart, if Three quadrants are tenanted by malefics and non

of the quadrants are ocuppied by any benefics and no benefics gets conjoined with

malefics placed in the quadrants, then this leads for the SARPA YOGA. This Yoga

present in a chart, makes the native poor, unsuccessful, dependent on others and


I will submit charts having KAY and Sarpa Yoga in next postings.

I request to clarify my following doubts.

1) What would be the results, if only one of the planets goes out of the axis of the

Rahu-Kethu by more than a house? Can We infur any results by counting the

number of planets remained out of Rahu-Ketu axis?

2) If Rahu is placed in the Mesha, Vrishabha and or other good placement, can it

make any diference in the intensity of the results of the KSY?

3) In some of the charts, Rahu acts as Yogakaraka, does in such cases, presence of

KSY/KAY negates the Rahu to give beneficial results?

## Assignment regarding the lesson on KSY, KAY,and sarpa Yogas. Give examples

and explain.

The first chart is the chart of Dan White who was the supervisor of the city of San

Francisco.He became famous in 1978 when he murdered a supervisor and the

mayor of San Francisco, supposedly in anger over the homosexual affiliations of his


Prior to being a politician he was a respected policeman,fireman, and had served his

country in the military. His legal defense became famous, as"the twinkie defense"as

his lawyers tried to claim he acted irrationally because of eating to much junk food.

His trail was considered a farce, as he got such a light sentence.It was a case of a

good man gone bad.It is interesting that this all happened in Ketu

Mahadasha,KETU Maha dasha started July 1978, and when Ketu was over he

committed just short of 39years old.

He was sentenced to jail on May 21 1979(KETU/Venus mahaDASHA)

He spent 5 years,one month in jail before he was paroled inJan1984(Ketu/Sat) but

killed himself by carbon monoxide in the garage of his ex-wife within a year.Oct


His lagna is sensitive sign kanya, and the LL is in the 12th with the 12th lord

suggesting that the individual will be the cause of his own destruction and also

since the 12th house rules jails we are suspect.

In his chart Rahu in Taurus in the 9th house leads the yoga,and it ends in the 3rd

house With Deb. Moon(eclipse) conj.Ketu in Scorpio.

Significant here is that Mars, desposits the Moon and Ketu (in his house the

3rdcourage,action). and is in the AC.(11thfrom the moon).mars is also in the nak of

the moon

In addition Lagna is aspected by Sat(6th lord), and strong Rahu in Taurus.

There are no benefics in kendras, and I don't see anything else that could've helped

this fellow. Another point is that Jup isin the 12th from Moon,and so is the 9th


In the Navamsa ,Sun(2ndlord) and Moon(LL) are both conjunct Rahu. Venus ,sat

and Jup in the 4th,aspecting the 10th.

So while he had the karma to rise to a position, and have a good reputation the Kala

Sarpa yoga overtook him and ultimately he took his own life.Mars as 8th lord is 3rd

fromAL,and aspects the 7th and 8th.Mars owns the 64th navamsa.I think just the

moon deb and scorpio must have given him a kind of weird reality.

He killed himself shortly after entering his Venus Maha Dasha. Although Venus is

maraka, being the 2nd lord in second,and conjunct another marakaJup.It would

seem more logical that he ended his life in Ketu(ghostly form).??(And ketu is

connected toMars being in his sign

The next chart is of a young man who emanates "niceness", he is very patient,

tolerant,and seems like the all around good,sweet person.. He wants to be teacher,

loves children and is currently enrolled in college.

His Lagna is Scorpio,which is also theA4,A5,A9,A10,A11.! His LL, mars is in is own

sign in the 6thhouse.Withhis AK merc.andPitK Venus.

His Ketu MahaDasha just ended.His KalaSarpa yoga starts off with Ketu in the 4th

house of heart mother,etc.and ends in the 10th house with Rahu in Leo.Sat4th lord

is there.

I wanted to see if this boy had what it would take to be a spiritual person. He has

Moon(9th lord) in the5th.That is very nice and shows past life devotional activities.

Inaddition,Jup is Ex. in the 9th.So Moon and Jup are involved in an amazing

exchange.!In addition from the 9th jup aspects own 5th houseand (moon again)and

the lagna.This also makes, exjup in trine from Moon and vice versa-I thought this

was too good to be true!

I have some doubts about this so I like to hear what others think. There are no

benefics in kendras here so he also has sarpa yoga.Rahu,Ketu,Sun,and Sat in

kendras to lagna and Mars is LLand aspects the lagna.Another interesting thing is

that the Sun 10th lord is in the 7th house (setting).Its despositor,Venus is in

the6th(12th from its house)Sat is aspecting the Sun in 7th so doesn't look positive

for marriage. Sat is really heavy here aspecting 4th,7th,and residing in 10th!He is


Rahu andSat conjunction couldn't be good,and rahu aspects the 2nd house, and also

the 6th house that holds a Viparita combination of planets. 6th lordMars in the 6th

with 12lord venus,and 6th lordMerc.

I'm not sure how this will play out. But it appears that Rahu will play a part in it.I

was just thinking maybe he ends up being a lawyer???

I could picture him being a person who would stand up for poor peoples rights or

something like that.

Moon is aspecting his AL so again, so many things suggest success in life.

If someone can pull this chart together i would appreciate it. I am missing the

importance of Rahu/Sat.When he hits his Rahu Maha dasha he will be 65yrs

How does this apparent malefic combination bring about rise/recognition and form

saintly combination?Does it have to do with saturn as 4th lord (and the despositor

of Ketu) and being conjoined Rahu?

## Chart 1 (SCC-KSY 1)

The KSY on 6/12 axis indicates excessive sufferings due to misfortune/ bad-habits,

health, superiors as well as subordinates in service, etc. After the KSY breaks, this

combination would also lead to aversion to sensuality on one hand and attraction

towards spirituality on the other.

This chart shows a native with an unusual and extreme personality who, mainly

through his own efforts, will be extremely rich and (in)famous, will suffer due to his

own excesses and yet will become spiritual and rise to higher worlds.

His vocation would be civil/ heavy engg., perhaps government contracts, where he

may make high profits, and may be involved in heavy litigations too.

He may marry a lady elder to him, who may also happen to be his competitor too,

and her wealth or prosperity could be a reason for her marriage. The lady may

belong to different community.

The married life would be troublesome, caused by undesirable liaisons of the native

with the opposite sex – which in turn could be caused by the detachment/

disinterest of the marriage partner. The extra-marital liaisons may also lead to

financial ruin of the native.

All this may lead the native towards spirituality and elevation.

Since both JU & MO, though weak, are involved in breaking the KSY, and it happens in a kendra- 10th house, it creates a beneficial, and perhaps lasting Maha-Sankha and Maha-Padma Yogas, which will give a great rise in status and prosperity to the native, along with, perhaps, beginning of a new heavy engg. or contruction giant. The dasa of AK is supposed to be a period of struggle and evolution but in this chart MA Vim-dasa will set in very late. And rthe presence of KSY will prevent the AK from weilding any effect till the KSY is broken. [Is it likely that in this connection, SA- which conjuncts AK MA and forms a RY with it - may assume that role and its Vim-mahadasa, which started in May 2001, may assume that role.] Break of KSY: Due to Lagna being outside the RK arc, LL VE may help to break this KSY at an earlier age, at the natural age VE- 25/26 years. Similarly presence of GKY may help to breaking this yoga at the natural age of JU – 30 years. KSY is normally expected to continue upto the natural age of KSY, i.e. 45 years. Another school of thought states the following years as the duration of KSY and would suggest that, for this native, KSY will run upto 54th year. The general rules in this case, for the KSY starting in various houses are:

in 1st house: upto 27 years of age. in 2nd house: upto 33 years of age. in 3rd house: upto 36 years of age. in 4th house: upto 42 years of age. in 5th house: upto 48 years of age. in 6th house: upto 54 years of age.

Comments: This chart belongs to a very intelligent young boy who is almost always at the top of

his class without any apparent effort. He will be appearing for IIT entrance in 2003.

He has an elder sister - an engg. student.

So far the native has not faced any sufferings as be is blessed with doting parents. The boy has been accident prone and has a weak constitution but seems to have overcome that age. I request the respected Gurus and seniors to help me identify the potentially problemetic areas and time-spans.

CHART 2 (SCC-KSY 2.jhd)

MALE, born on February 8, 1951, at 21:10:00 hrs, at Delhi

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Longitude: 77 E 13' 00" Latitude: 28 N 40' 00"

This is an extremely peculiar chart, that has several interesting features, such as:

1. Not a single benefic, either in Angles or in trines

2. KSY on 6/12 axis

3. Conjn. of 5 planets, 2 benefic and 3 malefics, in the 6H, including 3 & 8 lord, MA,

4. Mutual rasi aspect between Lagna, GL and HL, with Rx SA in Lagna, itself

generating a RY

5. Presense of KE in 12H.

The KSY is on 6/12 axis, normally indicating excessive sufferings due to misfortune/

bad-habits, health, superiors as well as subordinates in service, etc. After the KSY

breaks, this combination would also lead to aversion to sensuality on one hand and

attraction towards spirituality on the other.

This chart shows a native with an egoistic and a very aggressive person, who may

have be constantly troubled due to opponents on one hand and his own relations

with his immediate family on the other. He will rise high in life by overcoming his

rivals, and even partners, but may suffer due to lack of progenic bliss.

There are several conflicting indication in the chart – especially in the 6H of Rashi


Presense of several very strong RY and VRY show a comfortable life, easing the

rigours of the KSY.

Break of KSY: As there are no benefics, at all, in the angles. However, presence of a strong GKY causes the KSY to break. At the age of 24. Moons natural age of 23/24 would ease the KSY but since JU is stronger, the age for break would be 30, the natural age of JU. However, the secondary age for JU, 24, coincides with natural age of MO, and GKY breaks the KSY, hence 24 could be the indicated year. Otherwise, KSY is normally expected to continue upto the natural age of KSY, i.e. 45 years or, as per the second school that was mentioned above, KSY would run upto 54th year. Comments: This chart belongs to a very intelligent and self made individual, who spent a better

part of his early life in several foreign countries – first with his father who was in

foreign service and then in the merchant navy- before settling down in Hyderabad

where he is successfully running two industrial units – a foundry and a stone

quarry/ crusher- and have acquired several properties.

He had a fairly comfortable childhood and has a strong physique and robust health,

as per his age.

Both his parents are still alive.

To the best of my knowledge, he has a very cordial and close relationship with his

wife and daughter, though his relations with son are strained (who ran away from

home for a short duration a few years back).

He is a compassionate and helping person who has lost a lot of money trying to help

his needy friends and relatives.

This is contrary to the KSY indications (sufferings due to health, opponents, etc.) and to the imbalanced nature of his chart, which indicates womaniser, excessive passion, VRY and inheritance. Is it possible the the GKY fructified at the age of 5, the secondary age for MO, when JU-MO vim. dasa was running, causing the KSY to break, and laying the foundation for his subsequent progress, success and prosperity. I have failed to locate appropriate indications for the following:

1. frequent change of residence, and countries, in the childhood 2. career as a seaman, in merchant navy (he was a radio officer) 3. present line of business – steel foundry, heavy machinery, stone quarry 4. loss through friends and relatives- whom he tried to help

May I request you to guide me to identify the indications that I have either missed or mis-interpreted. ## KSY Lesson: Asssignment Q1

Chart with KSY

Natal Chart

Date: September 17, 1955

Time: 14:15:00

Time Zone: 10:00:00 (East of GMT)

Longitude: 151 E 13' 00"

Latitude: 33 S 52' 00"

Altitude: 425.00 meters

Lunar Year: Manmatha

Lunar Month: Nija Bhadrapada

Tithi: Sukla Pratipat (6.13% left)

Weekday: Saturday

Nakshatra: Hastha (88.50% left)

Yoga: Sukla

Karana: Bava

Hora Lord: Jupiter

Sunrise: 5:56:42

Sunset: 17:44:26

Janma Ghatis: 20.7623

Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa ChKarak

Lagna 16 Cp 57' 50.14" Sravanam 3 Cp Ge -

Sun 0 Vi 16' 08.11" U.Pha. 2 Vi Cp DK

Moon 11 Vi 32' 01.26" Hastha 1 Vi Ar PiK

Mars 19 Le 58' 38.58" Poo.Pha. 2 Le Vi MK

Mercury 26 Vi 39' 44.91" Chitra 1 Vi Le AmK

Jupiter 27 Cn 14' 29.89" Aasresha 4 Cn Pi AK

Venus 4 Vi 34' 08.96" U.Pha. 3 Vi Aq PK

Saturn 24 Li 00' 10.36" Visakha 2 Li Ta BK

Rahu 28 Sc 27' 24.07" Jyeshtha 4 Sc Pi GK

Ketu 28 Ta 27' 24.07" Mrigasira 2 Ta Vi -

Uranus 7 Cn 54' 51.22" Pushyami 2 Cn Vi -

Neptune 3 Li 29' 34.86" Chitra 4 Li Sc -

Pluto 4 Le 06' 46.50" Makha 2 Le Ta -

Bhava Lagna 4 Cp 30' 19.09" U.Shaa. 3 Cp Aq -

Hora Lagna 9 Ta 04' 45.48" Krittika 4 Ta Pi -

Ghati Lagna 22 Ta 48' 04.62" Rohini 4 Ta Cn -

Vighati Lagna 1 Le 24' 40.37" Makha 1 Le Ar -

Pranapada Lagna 1 Sg 44' 55.76" Moola 1 Sg Ar -

Sree Lagna 28 Aq 22' 24.17" Poo.Bhaa. 3 Aq Ge -

Indu Lagna 11 Ar 32' 01.26" Aswini 4 Ar Cn -

Kunda 24 Li 04' 41.20" Visakha 2 Li Ta -

Dhooma 13 Cp 36' 08.11" Sravanam 2 Cp Ta -

Vyatipata 16 Ge 23' 51.89" Aardra 3 Ge Aq -

Parivesha 16 Sg 23' 51.89" Poo.Shaa. 1 Sg Le -

Indra Chapa 13 Cn 36' 08.11" Pushyami 4 Cn Sc -

Upaketu 0 Le 16' 08.11" Makha 1 Le Ar -

Kaala 14 Sc 47' 56.70" Anuradha 4 Sc Sc -

Mrityu 26 Sg 06' 37.88" Poo.Shaa. 4 Sg Sc -

Artha Prahara 14 Cp 32' 32.62" Sravanam 2 Cp Ta -

Yama Ghantaka 2 Aq 49' 58.31" Dhanishtha 3 Aq Li -

Maandi 16 Vi 40' 19.46" Hastha 3 Vi Ge -

Gulika 29 Le 40' 00.13" U.Pha. 1 Le Sg -

Prana Sphuta 24 Le 29' 10.82" Poo.Pha. 4 Le Sc -

Deha Sphuta 1 Ar 56' 10.21" Aswini 1 Ar Ar -

Mrityu Sphuta 27 Cn 56' 09.01" Aasresha 4 Cn Pi -

Trisphuta 24 Sg 21' 30.04" Poo.Shaa. 4 Sg Sc -

Varnada Lagna 26 Aq 02' 35.61" Poo.Bhaa. 2 Aq Ta -


| |AL |Ket HL | |

| | |GL | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


| | |Jup |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|-----------| Rasi |-----------|

|Asc | |Mar Glk |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |


| |Rah |Sat |Sun Moo |

| | | |Mer Ven |

| | | |Mnd |

| | | | |

| | | | |



|Jup Rah |Moo |Sat |Asc Mnd |

|HL | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Ven | |GL |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|-----------| Navamsa |-----------|

|Sun | |Mer |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |


|Glk | |AL |Mar Ket |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):

Moo Moo 1954-07-30 Mar 1955-05-26 Rah 1955-12-22

Jup 1957-06-14 Sat 1958-10-07 Mer 1960-04-29

Ket 1961-09-21 Ven 1962-04-19 Sun 1963-12-10

Mar Mar 1964-06-07 Rah 1964-11-01 Jup 1965-11-14

Sat 1966-10-16 Mer 1967-11-19 Ket 1968-11-10

Ven 1969-04-06 Sun 1970-05-31 Moo 1970-10-04

Rah Rah 1971-05-02 Jup 1973-12-29 Sat 1976-05-11

Mer 1979-03-03 Ket 1981-09-06 Ven 1982-09-19

Sun 1985-09-03 Moo 1986-07-24 Mar 1988-01-15

Jup Jup 1989-01-27 Sat 1991-03-06 Mer 1993-09-03

Ket 1995-11-28 Ven 1996-10-29 Sun 1999-06-16

Moo 2000-03-30 Mar 2001-07-23 Rah 2002-06-24

Sat Sat 2004-11-04 Mer 2007-10-23 Ket 2010-06-18

Ven 2011-07-22 Sun 2014-09-04 Moo 2015-08-12

Mar 2017-03-04 Rah 2018-04-07 Jup 2021-01-27

Mer Mer 2023-07-28 Ket 2025-12-11 Ven 2026-12-03

Sun 2029-09-18 Moo 2030-07-21 Mar 2031-12-13

Rah 2032-12-04 Jup 2035-06-10 Sat 2037-09-03

Ket Ket 2040-04-29 Ven 2040-09-23 Sun 2041-11-17

Moo 2042-03-23 Mar 2042-10-19 Rah 2043-03-15

Jup 2044-03-27 Sat 2045-02-26 Mer 2046-04-01

Ven Ven 2047-03-24 Sun 2050-07-06 Moo 2051-07-01

Mar 2053-02-20 Rah 2054-04-16 Jup 2057-03-31

Sat 2059-11-16 Mer 2062-12-30 Ket 2065-10-15

Sun Sun 2066-12-09 Moo 2067-03-27 Mar 2067-09-23

Rah 2068-01-27 Jup 2068-12-16 Sat 2069-09-30

Mer 2070-09-07 Ket 2071-07-10 Ven 2071-11-13

I have known this person since around 1985. As far as I know, he has had a pretty

good life, with no major traumas. Good wife, good children, good career.

The chart has an unbroken KSY. However there are 3 exalted planets including

ascendant ruler, 9th ruler, 3 strong raja yogas in 9th house (7th,9th,10th lord in

9th) with 10th ruler having neecha bhanga. As Moon and sun are in 9th, the raja

yogas are repeated from sun and moon. During the time I have known him he has

run rahu maha dasa and the Jupiter maha dasa, both of which were good for him.

Jupiter as lord of 3 and 12 is exalted in the 7th. He has been working independently

since Jupiter maha dasa. Jupiter also has 6 bindus in its D-1 ashtavarga. It is in

own sign in Dasamsa in 11th and has 5 bindus in D-10 ashtakavarga. So all in all,

it has been a pretty good period with much overseas travel. His wife has also done

well during the same period, going back to a career after bringing up the children.

Though rahu is not well placed in Scorpio, rahu dasa was also OK for him, with

management promotions etc. He has been having problems with a troublesome

client, but I expect this to iron out when saturn stops aspecting the 7th and 2nd.

The client actually needs him more than he needs the client, and I think this is

beginning to sink in.

He is a car maniac with a love for fast machines. As this is 4th ruler mars in the

8th, I am not too happy about this, esp as it aspects Rahu. Rahu dasa passed

without event. When young he used to take cars apart, change parts between them

and completely rebuild them. Great sense of initiative (3rd lord!) and also in the IT

industry - 3rd ruler again.

Has actuarial statistical training - strong mercury and saturn. Works in the

insurance industry - sun as 8th ruler associated with 10th ruler and saturn in

10th?Self made with exalted lagna lord in 10th.

As he is now 46, I would imagine that there would not be any results due to the

KSY in his case. I wonder whether the fact that the ascendant is not caught in the

KSY is part of the reason for this non-effectiveness of the KSY to fruictify.

## t's yours and Narasimhaji's blessings beacuse of which I've learned some

fundamentls of astrology. I'm sure I'll get these blessings and guidance

throughout my life and serve human kind.

I'm here trying to explain all about Sarpa yoga, its results and remedial

measures. I've referred your books - COVA and VRA for all about it.

Sarpa Yoga


If at least 3 quadrants are occupied by natural malefics, this yoga is

present. Sarpa means a sepent. Since, quadrants are the pillars of life,

presence of malefics in them will give very bad results.



The poisonous effects of this yoga are:

the native is cruel, miserable, poor, crooked, excess of sexual desires,

will always depend on others for food and drinks.

This yoga is the exact reverse of Maala yoga.

A natural malefic in the 4th will curtail general happiness, comforts,

education, vehicles (4H results).

Malefic in 7H shows bad attitude of spouse. Also, it will give

uncontrollable sexual desires. As 7th house is also a 4th from 4th house, a

malefic in 4th house will damage the sexual relations of the couple as they

will not find a suitable place for mating.

The 7H has argala on the 3rd, 4th, 6th and 9th houses. That shows malefic

planets tends to have enimity with co-borns (3rd house), mother (4th house),

father (9th house) and enemies (6th house).

The 7th house is an upachaya sthan from the 5th, 2nd, 10th and 9th houses

resulting in the growth of the same. Thus, the prospects of children (5th

house), family, wealth (2nd house), profession, name and fame (10th house)

and good fortune (9th house) will all be severely afflicted.

10th house is not only a house of profession, it is a karma-sthan of the

native. It has an argala on the 6th, 7th, 9th and 12th houses, thereby

directly affecting enemies, servants (6th house), spouse (7th house),

fortune (9th house), sleep, meditation (12th house). e.g. bad actions, due

to malefic planet in 10th house, will reflect adversely on the 12th house

and moksh will be denied in the long run, while sleep could be adversely

hampered in the short term.

Thus, it is seen that malefics in quadrants can ruin all the aspects of the

one's life. In Sarpa yoga, these malefics results in destruction of

quadrants due to spread of poison in that house.

Cancellation of Sarpa yoga:


Presence of benefics in quadrants will curtail the nagative effects of sarpa

yoga. Also, see the strength of the constellation lord ( as perVimshottari

dasa scheme) of benefic planets. They should not loose strenth in divisioal

charts, especially in Navamsa (D-9).

It is good if this yoga is cancelled by benefic Moon and Jupiter. When the

body of Lord Shiva started burning after He took poison (from the churning

of ocean by the Gods and Demons) till His neck, Maharishi Atri (one of the

sapta rishi) went into deep meditation, resulted in the birth of Moon. The

sage (Jupiter) placed the Moon on the head of Siva and the poison receded.

Hence, the best remedy for removing the effects of posions on the body is to

worship Shiva on Mondays in His Somnath form.

Note: It may be due to this reason that the association of Jupiter and Moon

gives highly benefic yoga - Gaja-Kesari yoga. (It's just my idea.)

Remedial Measures:


A) One can use Trayodasakshari (removing snakes and related danders) mantra

along with Datta-Raksha Yantra.

Om Klim Aastikam Munirajam Namonamah.

However, this is a Guru mantra and should be used by the initiated.

B) Remedy of Sarpa yoga / KalaSarpa yoga lies in making an idol of Nagaraja

(king of serpents) in Gold and worship it. Donate a cow, some land, sesamum

seeds and a little gold.

Note: If it is not possible to donate a cow, one can donate rice also as

Moon rules both Cow and milk. Alternatively, milk and water can be offered

to Lord Shiva.

If Moon is breaking Sarpa yoga or KSY, fasting on Mondays and worshipping

Lord Shiva and Nagaraja is advised.

If Jupiter is breaking Sarpa yoga or KSY, fasting on Thursdays and

worshipping Lord Vishnu and Sri Balram is advised.

How to predict career and profession using D-10 dashamsha chart analysis in


First of all before watching the D-10 chart, you should see D-1 chart carefully that

what its showing about profession, name & fame, if there is govt service , private job

or business, whether education is going to help in career or not, courses, talent and

attitude of the native at its work place, if the native will struggle or not, fields in

which native could get into (in broader terms), his/her respect in work place and

also how much the native will rise in his professional life. All these should be seen

from D1 chart.

D-1 shows the basic nature and working environment of the profession but D-10

specifies particular field.

Remember dominant sign and planets shows basic nature of native and his/her

talent also, that means nature talent of the native and career are both equivalent,

as natives work place will going to be same as what his/her nature and talent is.

Now understanding it more in depth could help you,

Now interpret the D-10 chart for specific field in career, see

The 1st and 10th house sign

Its lord, and sign in which its lords are placed

Combinations of planets and relationship with 10th house and its lord.

All these factors are to be seen in D10 chart. Predominant sign and planets in D10

chart gives career in their respective fields.

Its difficult to understand in this way so let us analyze some charts,

Here to understand better it will be good to have example of rare careers instead of

very common fields, so we are taking horoscope of a singer

Firstly you need to know what combination makes a person signer. Relationship b/w

10th, 2nd and 5th house. As 10th shows profession, name and fame than 2nd shows

voice and 5th is for entertainment.

Here in D1 chart 2nd lord in 10th confers relation b/w second and tenth house. Sun

and Venus in 10th house adds artistic and creative talent to persona and also to the

profession. 5th lord is aspecting its own house fifth and also have its aspect on 2nd

and 10th house.

Now coming to the D10 chart, 2nd and 5th lord in 10th house showing career

related to them. 10th house is owned by Libra.

As 2nd house shows voice

5th house connected professions: amusement, entertainment, artists, musicians,

schools, teachings, Diplomats, speculators, Gamblers.

Libra sign professions are Judges,Diplomats, Management consultants, law

officers,actors, singers, artists,Beauticiams, models, Photographers, perfume

manufacturers, Brothel owners, Air hostess, fashion designers etc.

Also D10 lagna lord is in libra, another plus point is Venus is 5th lord in own sign

libra and in the 10th house. And the aspect of moon on 10th house can’t be ignored.

Here is an horoscope of a man in Military,

In D1 chart, Cancer in lagna gives the native commanding and leading skills and

also a powerful voice as leo in is 2nd house.

4th lord in 10th gives the native power to rule, 10th house contains aries shows

fiery professiona and its lord in is sign of Saturn which is karaka for defensive

services. Saturn is powerfully placed as 8th lord in Kendra, 10th lord in 8th house

shows central services, and professions related to hard work, mysterious, fighting,

detective etc.

Also 6th lord (enemy house) is exalted in lagna.

Now coming to the D10 chart, planets that take native to army Mars and Saturn

are powerfully placed in Kendra, sun in upachaya house. Aspect b/w 3rd and 6th

lord in D10 shows boldness and aggressiveness, 3rd lord in lagna.

Again here 10th lord is posited in 8th house.

The main point in this D10 to be noted is 4 out of 9 planets are in fiery signs.

Karkas in Jaimini Astrology

Dr. Amar Aggarwal, Chandigarh Chapter

Sage Jaimini emphasises on the use of variable karakas or chara karakas alongwith

the fixed karakas. Variable karakas are 1 Atmakarka 2. Amatyakarka, 3.

Bharatrikarka 4. Matrukarka 5. Pitru Karka 6. Gnati Karka 7. Dara Karka.

In Prashari Astrology the Sun, apart from being karka for father, is Atmakarka for

each and every horoscope but according to Jaimini the Sun may be Atmakarka in

one horoscope but in the next horoscope the Sun may become Daiv karka or any

other amongst the list. Hence each and every karka is changeable from horoscope to

horoscope. With the following sutras the sage defines the variable Karkas and he

starts with Atmakarka.

A planet with highest longitudes without considering sign is known as Atmakarka.

Here the sage is strict on choosing the seven karakas from seven planets i.e. from

Sun to Saturn. But the word 'Ashtanamara' used in the sutras indicates the

inclusion of eighth planet i.e. Rahu. Since the Sutra does not state 'Navanama'

hence Ketu cannot be considered under any circumstances.

Atmakarka is the supreme lord of the planets. If a benefic planet becomes

Atmakarka and it is completely free from malefic influences and well placed in the

horoscope, it is capable of final alancipation of soul or the Moksha. In case the

Atmakarka is a benefic planet but it is under the influence of malefics, the native

performs good and evil deeds. Thus sage emphasises that Atmakarka should be well

placed in the horoscope, at the same time it should be free from malefic influences.

Next to Atmakarka is known as Amatyakarka

Next to Amatyakarka it is Bharatrikarka.

Next to Bharatrikarka it is Matrikarka.

Next to Matrikarka it is Putrakarka.

Next to Putrakarka it is Gnatikarka

Last and next to Gnati karaka it is Darakarka.

Thus the planet with highest longitudes sans sign is known as Atmakarka, next to

Atmakaraka karka it is Amatyakarka, next to Amatyakarka it is Bharatrikarka

and so on till the last which is known as Darakarka.

Here is an horoscope to determine the various chara karakas:

Female Native :

DOB : 4.9.1986, TOB : 09.35 AM IST,

POB : Delhi , Longitude: 77E13, Lattitude : 28N40

Planet with highest longitudes is the Moon i.e. 10s26°27'. Hence the Moon becomes


Next comes Mars with Longitudes 8s22°33' it becomes Amatyakarka.

Longitude of All the planets :

Sun 12s19°44'

Moon 10s26°27'

Mars 8s22°33'

Mercury 12s00°25'

Jupiter 10s22°16'

Venus 1s15°18'

Saturn(R) 7s14°26'

Rahu 12s06°18'

Thus the Moon a fixed karka for mother as per parashari rules becomes

Atmakarka. Mars a fixed karka for brothers becomes Amatya karka. Jupiter

becomes Bharatri karka as per jaimini system.

Note : The last sutra which indicates the last karka i.e. Dara karaka which is

related to spouse or wife. But this is the only Sutra in which the sage has used word

'pk' which is rL; nkjk'p%A Hence Neelkantta opines that the word (cha) used in the

sutra suggests the every thing related to spouse should be judged not from

Darakarka only but alongwith Charakarka the fixed karka i.e. Venus should also be

reckoned into. He further suggests everything related to marriage, married life etc.

should be seen from Arudha lagna and upa pada etc. alongwith chara karka and

fixed karakas also.

Some of the commentators advocate the judgement of Putrakarka alongwith

Matrukarka but sage Jaimini rejects this by using word ,sds (eke) in the sutra ie.

After discussing the chara/variable karakas the sage now reveals the fixed karakas.

As per Jaimini Mars is karka for sister, wife's brother, younger brother. The word

tuuh used in the sutra should be taken for the younger and elder sisters of the

mother since sage mentions Venus as karka for mother in the coming sutras.

After Mars the next planet is Mercury who is karka for uncles, relatives and step-

mother as well.

Thus Jupiter is karka for father's father i.e. grand father, husband and son. Some

commentators opine that Jupiter is karka for father's father, Venus as the karka for

husband and Saturn as the karka for son. But it is incorrect and not justified to

connect Saturn with progeny since Saturn is significator of childlessness.

Hence Venus is Karka for wife, parents father-in-law and mother's father these are

the views of Jaimini.

Bhava Seven Karkas

If we go through the table given above the 4th bhava indicates Matru & Putra

karka while 5th Bhava indicate pitru karka. But this interpretation is not

acceptable, since sage Jaimini himself doesnot seem to agree to the definition of

matrukarka and putrakarka to the one and same planet and this he has clarified by

using word 'eke' in the earlier sutra which means one.

Some of the commentators have used word 'Ashtanamva' in the sutra, in totality

thus clinging to eight karakas instead of seven. Since 'Ashtanamva' is an

alternative provided by the sage hence it should not be used verbatism. Age is

critical about using eight karakas.

Thus the table as described above indicates eight karakas instead of seven as

suggested by the sage. In this table 5th Bhava corresponds to Pitrukarka, 6th bhava

to the Putrakaraka, 7th Bhava to the Gnatikarka and 8th Bhava to Darakarka.

Hence there is no corelation between the Bhava and the Karka since 5th Bhava is

indicative of progeny so it should correlate to putrakarka while 7th Bhava is

indicative of spouse so it should corelate to Darakarka. In case the concept of eight

karakas is taken into consideration, Rahu has all the chance to become Atmakarka.

But Rahu being a severe malefic is capable of giving bondage and not Salvation

¼eks{k½ as per sutra ! lbZ"Vs ca/keks{k;ks%] Atmakarka is capable of giving

salvation and bondage under certain rules and conditions.

Hence the sage outrightly rejects the proposition of eighth karakas since Rahu is

prohibited to become Atmakarka. Thus it is very much clear as well logical that

seven karakas should be determined out of seven planets.

Rules pertaining to the intrusion of Rahu as a karaka

a.When two planets attain identical number of degrees, in such a case one karka

may be omitted. In such a case Rahu's intrusion is essential.

b.When three planets attain identical number of degrees, in such a case relevant

fixed karka intrude.

c.Only father's variable/chara karakas among the seven can be omitted in case of

equality of planetary degrees. Here sage is strict and mentions that four fixed

karakas are capable of filling the gap of four variables/chara karakas.

d.There are no fixed karakas for Atmakarka and Amatyakarka and Rahu is not

eligible to become Atmakarka.

e.In case two planets attain equal number of degrees, since there is no fixed karka

to become Atamakarka, and Rahu cannot become Atmakarka under such a

circumstance planet with natural strength qualifies to become Atmakarka while the

second becomes the Amatyakarka.

Example to explain above :

Female Native

DOB : 16.7.1975,

TOB : 17.05 IST

POB : Moga (Punjab)

Longitude : 75E°10',

Lattitude : 30N°48'

Sun 2s29°48'

Moon 06s08°19'

Mars 0s17°12' Mercury 2s13°04'

Jupiter 11s29°48'

Venus 4s11°12'

Saturn 2s29°05'

In this case both the Sun and Jupiter have attained identical number of degrees

and minutes. The Sun is placed in sign Gemini, a neutral sign but in a bad i.e. 8th

house while Jupiter is placed in its own sign Pisces and in eternal house. Thus

Jupiter is stronger than the Sun, hence qualifies to become Atmakarka.

In case three planets attain equal longitude, out of three the stronger planet will

become the Atma karka. Next to Atmakarka the next strong planet will be

Amatyakarka and the third planet having same longitude will be omitted and Rahu

is intruder.

Planet Longitude Variable/Chara Karka

Since Rahu moves in a retrograde motion and it is placed at 07°00' in sign Leo.

Rahu has travelled 23° already and it will become Darakarka. Same way, in case

four planets attain equal number of degrees Jnan and Dara karka will be dropped.

Rahu will become one of the karka as per its longitude and Venus, the fixed karka

for wife should be judged.

Note : Sage Jaimini has treated the longitude of planets in degrees and minutes

only, he has not mentioned about seconds anywhere and this seems little confusing.

Suppose a planet is placed at 00°00', as per Jaimini's views, this planet in not

supposed to be any karka but these views, looking into the limitations of sage,

should be examined carefully. Thus it is a humble advice that while dividing the

variable karakas in any chart, one should always go upto degrees, minutes and

seconds. If we decide the karka under this method we may never require the

intrusion of Rahu to become a karka and it will be very easy to decide all the 7

variable / chara karakas from the seven planets only.

Example : Female Native

DOB : 27.12.1968,

TOB : 23.10 IST.

POB : Nahan (HP)

Long : 77E18'

Latt : 30N33'

Lagna 4s27°15'

Sun 8s12°07'

Moon 02s12°06'

Mars 5s18°42'

Mercury 8s00°00'

Jupiter(R) 3s09°00'

Venus 8s23°57'

Saturn 11s00°22'

Rahu 12s21°43'

Now in this example Mercury is placed in sign Sagittarius at 00°00' only, hence

cannot be considered to become any karka. This seems bit ridiculous hence under

the circumstances one should always go upto seconds to decide the variable

karakas. In this case when we move upto seconds the variable karakas emerge as

under :

While going upto seconds Mercury emerges out as Darakarka. In case we consider

these planets upto degrees and minutes only, Mercury neither can be considered nor

can be dropped, hence it is advisable to consider the longitude of planets upto


## Confusion on lagna

Birth : 21.08.1996, Time : 5 : 41 AM, Place : Jammu, J&K, Lagna changes rashi 48

seconds earlier.

One thing is obvious, whether Karka or Simha, the Lagna is in Gandanta.

The horoscope is basically of my daughter. I see my daughter suffering from ailing

health from years and the astrologers are not even able to say about 'HER AILING


transcendental meditator, I know about the value of "Jyotish-mati pragya". But I

am not able to accept the prediction from the so called astrolgers available in my

place of stay i.e. Jammu. Basically I am from Kashmir migrated to Jammu in 1990

on account of mass migration of the community and I have seen my ancestors

predicting things even without seeing the horoscope. My faith in Jyotish, therefore,

is hard to deter. Doctors also are not able to detect the problem and all the

tests/scans etc. are perfectly alright.

- Suffered from health hazards and fevers from 2004. Main problems were fever,

allergies, typhoid etc. Things worsened w.e.f 2008.

- The horoscope is of my daughter SHREEYA BHAT who is my second daughter.

- She passed 10th class exam in March 2013 and result was beyond expectation.

- She is very religious, a meditator and love to memorize stotrams etc.

- She is medium built, sober, round face, fair.

- Maternal grand father died on 21 apr 2001 and grand mother died recently on 05

mar 2013.

- changed school march 2005.

I hope this information might give some clue. I shall remain highly obliged. She is

in 11th class and has been able to attend school for 8 days only till now. It is a great

agony to all of us.

Ans. Correction time= 5:40:49 am


What is Vivaga (Marriage) Chakra (Wheel)?

The Vivaga Chakra helps you to identify the aupicious day for the Marriage. After

selecting the day, you can find out the correct Muhurtha Time by following simple

steps mentioned in the link. This process would help the Couples to enjoy smooth

relationship and happiness in their married life.

Look at the "Vivaga Chakra" picture given below.

First you must know two things by using the Panchangam.

1. Sun's trajectory position (Star Path) on the Marriage Day.

2. Moon's trajectory position (Star Path) on the Marriage Day.

How to use this Vivaga Chakra?

1. You must choose 3 stars that are called as "Mirutha Nakshatras".

2. These 3 Nakshatra's are the Sun's trajectory position (Star Path) on the Marriage

Day, then the Star that precedes the above Star and the Star that follows the above

mentioed Star.

3. Place the above mentioned star in the House No: 1

4. Then, you must choose the subsquent 3 stars and place it in the 2nd house; and

next 3 Star in the 3rd house and so on.

5. Allocate all the 27 Star in the 9 houses. Use the table given below to find the out

the listing of 27 Stars.

6. Now you must know the Moon's trajectory position at the time of Marriage. Find

out the name of the Star.

7. Search for that Star in the Vivaga Chakra.

8. Given below is the table, that gives you the results of your Marriage.

9. Read the results from the above table. For example, if the Moon's trajectory

position on the particular Marriage day is placed on the House 5, then the Marriage

becomes very successful and brings more Gains.


We study the method of using the "Vivaga Chakra" by taking a particular date as

our example. Let us take the 15.09.2013 as our example date, to find whether the

particular date brings auspicious results or not.

Through Panchangam, we have found out the following results.

1. The Sun is traversing in the Uthiram (Uttara) Nakshatra on the marriage day


2. The Moon is traversing in the Uthiradam (U. Sada) Nakshatra on the marriage

day (15.09.2013).

3. Now we take the Star Uthiram (Uttara) on which the Sun's trajectory position

lies. Take the preceding star Pooram (Poorva) and the following Star Hastham of

the Uthiram (Uttara) Star.

4. You have selected Pooram, Uthiram and Hastham Stars. Place it in the House 1.

5. Now select the next 3 stars Chittirai, Swathi and Visaka. Place it in the House 2.

6. Now select the next 3 Stars Anuradha, Jyestha, Moolam. Place it in the House 3.

7. Now select the next 3 stars Pooradam, Uthiradam and Thiruvonam. Place it in

the House 4.

8. Likewise, fill the consecutive Stars in the consecutive Houses. That is all the 27

stars should be filled up in all the 9 Houses by offering 3 each.

9. Now you must search for Uthiradam (U. Sada) Nakshatra (on which Moon's

trajectory position lies on the particular Marriage day)

10. The Star "Uthiradam (U. Sada)" lies within the 4th house. Hence we must look

for the results in the table given below

11. By this table, we understand that the marriage conducted on this day causes

"Poverty and Curse". Hence this day must be avoided at any cost.

12. The same day must have been declared as a "Subha Muhurtha Day" in your

daily calender. But as for the Hindu Vedic Astrology, the Day is unfit for conducting

the Marriage.


There are lot of hype among the Public about selecting a bride with Moolam,

Visakam, Ayilyam, Kettai etc., The parents of the bridegroom chose to reject the

Girl's having their birth star as mentioned above. They just go by the so called

"Proverb" and come out with their conclusions. They never attempt to anayze the

Rasi Kundali (Natal Horoscope) and find out the truth.

But accepting or rejecting a Girl on the basis of heresay of a Proverb is a

condemnable act. As per the Vedic Astrology, there are certain norms of selection

and rejection are defined on the basis of Planetary position and Birth star (Jenma

Nakshatra) of the Boy too.

If the Bridegroom/ Boy's Jenma Nakshatra (Birth Star) is Magham, then think

multiple times before giving your daughter's hand to the Boy. Let us see the effects

of having Son-in-law with Magham as the Jenma Nakshatra.

1. The relationship between the Magham Boy and his Son-in-law would turn sour

and bitter.

2. The Magham Boy may not maintain a proper working relationship with his


3. The Magham boy may not allow his wife to speak to her father/relations.

4. The Magham Boy might ill-treat his father-in-law or may not give him his due


5. The Magham Boy might marry a Girl, whose father already might have expired.

6. The Magham Boy might live away in a distant place, where it may not be possible

for his Father-in-law to see and speak to her daughter on a regular basis.

7. There could be danger to the physical saftey to the father-in-law, whose son-in-

law's Jenma Nakshatra is Magham.


1. The Magham Boy may maintain cordial relationship with his wife.

2. These different predictions are possible on the basis of the Rasi Kundali of the

Girl's father.

Hence analyze your Rasi Kundali in a proper manner, before committing marriage

of your daughter to a Magham Boy.



The Moon becomes malefice when it is in the descending mode or in debilitated

position or both. This type of malefice Moon (Chandra) gives various type of results,

when it is aligned with Mars (Chevva) and Venus (Sukra). The Moon is responsible

for mental fitness of everyone as per the Hindu Vedic Astrology.

The malefice Moon creates instability within the mind. It is brings about some

unexplained, vulgar or distasteful interests in the sexual activities. First let us see

the planetary position of these three planets in the natal chart (Kundali) to confirm

its association among themselves. The association of these can be described thus:

1. The presence of malefice Moon with Kuja/Chevva and Sukra in any one of the


2. The presence of malefice Moon, Kuja/Chevva (Mars) and Sukra (Venus) in the

same zodiac sign.

3. The presence of malefice Moon in the diametrically opposite house @ 7th house

from the place where Kuja/Chevva and Sukra are located.

4. The traversing of Kuja/Chevva (Mars) and Sukra (Venus) in the malefice Moon's


If any of these combinations are in established in the Natal Chart, then we must

assume that it would bring the following effects.

Now let us see the effects of the combination of Mars and Venus (Kuja/chevva and

Sukra) along with malefice Moon.

1. The Combination of malefice Moon with Kuja/Chevva and Sukra (Mars and

Venus) either in the 1st or 7th house or both, would make the person to seek sexual

favors from multiple partners either with or without the consent of his/her life

partner. In this process, they would damage both their reputation and also the

relationship with their life partner.

2. The Combination of malefice Moon with Kuja/Chevva and Sukra (Mars and

Venus) either in the 2nd or 8th house or both, would make the person to indulge in

unnatural sexual activities with multiple partners. This would damage their family

structure, financial position and would even lead them to colossal losses.

3. The Combination of malefice Moon with Kuja/Chevva and Sukra (Mars and

Venus) either in the 4th or 10th house or both, would make the person to indulge in

sexual activities with multiple partners. This would damage their hold on the

properties, business and also their health.

4. The Combination of malefice Moon with Kuja/Chevva and Sukra (Mars and

Venus) either in the 6th or 12th house or both, would make the person highly

unpredictable during his/her sexual activities, which would make him a person of

"regressive mindset". In this process, the person would damage both his physical

and mental health; earns lot of opponents; creates huge debt; creates legal troubles



The Raghu is called a shadow planet and it does not own any house. The Raghu has

a "Thamasa character", which means it derives the qualities of the Planets that are

associated with itself. Thus the combination of Raghu, Kuja/Chevva (Mars) and

Sukra (Venus) would give the Raghu the characterestics of Kuja/Chevva and Sukra

(Mars and Venus).

The Raghu would tempt the person's mind with all kinds of wordly benefits both in

a legal and illegal format. Thus the Raghu becomes the prime reason for addiction

of wordly benefits in every person's minds. The association of these can be described


1. The presence of Kuja/Chevva and Sukra in any one of the houses.

2. The presence of Raghu, Kuja/Chevva (Mars) and Sukra (Venus) in the same

zodiac sign.

3. The presence of Raghu in the diametrically opposite house @ 7th house from the

place where Kuja/Chevva and Sukra are located.

4. The traversing of Kuja/Chevva (Mars) and Sukra (Venus) in the Raghu's star.

If any of these combinations are in established in the Natal Chart, then we must

assume that it would bring the following effects.

Now let us see the effects of the combination of Mars and Venus (Kuja/chevva and

Sukra) along with Raghu.

1. If the combination of Mars and Venus (Kuja/Chevva and Sukra) and Raghu are

placed either in the 1st house or in the 7th house or both, then the person would

become an addict to any of the wordly benefits (food, drink, sexual pleasure).

He/She would to go any extent to fulfill their aspirations. In this process, he/she

would damage their own reputation and relationship with life partner.

2. If the combination of Mars and Venus (Kuja/Chevva and Sukra) and Raghu are

placed either in the 2nd house or in the 8th house or both, then the person would

utter lies, gets addicted to various entertainments (food, drink, sexual pleasure).

He/She would damage their family relationships, financial position and would end

up in lot of legal and personal troubles.

3. If the combination of Mars and Venus (Kuja/Chevva and Sukra) and Raghu are

placed either in the 4st house or in the 10th house or both, then the person would do

anything both legally and illegally to make them comfortable. They would be

addicted to every kind of wordly comforts (food, drink, sexual pleasure). In this

process, they would damage their holdings on the property and business or


4. If the combination of Mars and Venus (Kuja/Chevva and Sukra) and Raghu are

placed either in the 6st house or in the 12th house or both, then the person would go

to any extent to make them comfortable and happy (food, drink, sexual

pleasure). This would earn them huge number of opponents. They might suffer from

diseases too. They would also spend a lot, which would make them debt ridden too.


We had already seen the effects of Kuja/Chevva and Sukra combination on various

houses. Now let us see the effects of association of Shani (Saturn) with the alliance

of Kuja/Chevva and Sukra (Mars and Venus). The association of these can be

described thus:

1. The presence of Kuja/Chevva and Sukra in any one of the houses.

2. The presence of Shani (Saturn), Kuja/Chevva (Mars) and Sukra (Venus) in the

same zodiac sign.

3. The presence of Shani in the diametrically opposite house @ 7th house from the

place where Kuja/Chevva and Sukra are located.

4. The traversing of Kuja/Chevva (Mars) and Sukra (Venus) in the Shani's star.

If any of these combinations are in established in the Natal Chart, then we must

assume that it would bring the following effects.

The effects of Shani's (Saturn's) association with the combination of Mars

(Kuja/Chevva) and Venus (Sukra).

1. If the combination of Shani along with Kuja/chevva and Sukra are placed either

in the 1st house or in the 7th house or both the houses, then it would induce the

person's mind with sexual thoughts coupled with violent and indecent methods.

2. If the combination of Shani along with Kuja/chevva and Sukra are placed either

in the 2nd house or in the 8th house or both the houses, then their sexual activities

would be both violent and uncivilized too. It would damage their finanacial, family

relationships and take them deep into legal troubles.

3. If the combination of Shani along with Kuja/chevva and Sukra are placed either

in the 4th house or in the 10th house or both the houses, then their violent and

indecent sexual behavior would harm their public relationships, assets and their

business or profession.

4. If the combination of Shani along with Kuja/chevva and Sukra are placed either

in the 6th house or in the 12th house or both the houses, then their violent sexual

activities creates huge number of opponents, fights, wounds and even trouble with

legal authorities. Their indecent sexual acts would drain their earnings.

These effects are subject to minimum changes, due to the consideration of various

astrological factors in the Kundali (Natal Chart).


We had already seen the effects of Kuja/Chevva and Sukra combination on various

houses. Now let us see the effects of association of Sun with the alliance of

Kuja/Chevva and Sukra (Mars and Venus). The association of these can be

described thus:

1. The presence of Kuja/Chevva and Sukra in any one of the houses.

2. The presence of Sun on the same house, but with a difference of a minimum of 10

degrees from both Kuja/Chevva and Sukra (Mars and Venus).

3. The presence of Sun in the diametrically opposite house @ 7th house from the

place where Kuja/Chevva and Sukra are located.

4. The traversing of Kuja/Chevva (Mars) and Sukra (Venus) in the Sun's star.

If any of these combinations are in established in the Natal Chart, then we must

assume that it would bring the following effects.

The effects of Sun's association with the combination of Mars (Kuja/Chevva) and

Venus (Sukra).

1. The combination of Sun, Kuja/Chevva and Sukra on 1st and 7th house brings

uncontrollable anger and thirst in the quest for sexual expectations damaging their

own reputation and relationship with the life partner.

2. The combination of Sun, Kuja/Chevva and Sukra on 2nd and 8th house brings

anger and harsh words while indulging in their sexual activities that would bring

collateral damages and financial loss; some time it would even leads to legal


3. The combination of Sun, Kuja/Chevva and Sukra on 4th and 10th house brings

anger, domination, power and status to gain undue sexual advantage in their work

place that would damage their profession itself.

4. The combination of Sun, Kuja/Chevva and Sukra on 6th and 12th house

brings troubles with their sexual activities and uncontrollable anger that earns

them huge number of opponents, that could even lead to legal troubles too.


We have read about the characterestics of Chevva and Sukra (Mars and Venus).

Now let us see the effects of the combination of both Mars and Venus (Chevva/Kuja

and Sukra).

The Mars (Chevva/Kuja) would always make a man more greedy and induce

temptations. Venus (Sukra) on other hand, would induce sexual feelings. Thus the

combination of Sukra and Kuja/Chevva (Mars and Venus) would ignite sexual

appetite within a person in an uncontrollable manner.

Let us see the various possibilities of this unholy combination of Chevva and Sukra.

1. If the Sukra and Chevva combination is any way associated with the Lagna lord

or the Lagna itself, then the person's mind would be completely blanketed with

Sexual thoughts and nothing else.

2. If the combination of Chevva and Sukra has a association with 2nd house or 2nd

house or Budha (Mercury), then their word would be laced with sexual flavour.

3. If the combination of Chevva and Sukra has any association with 4th house or

4th house lord, then their lifestyle would be based on comforts received through

sexual activities.

4. If the combination of Chevva and Sukra has association with 6th house or 6th

house lord, then the person would gain opponents and face legal troubles through

their sexual activities.

5. If the combination of Chevva and Sukra has any association with 7th house or

7th house lord, then the person will damage their relationship with their life

partner due to their overt sexual activities.

6. If the combination of Chevva and Sukra has any association with 8th house or

8th house lord, then the person would face collateral damages to his personal life

and also to his/her financial position.

7. If the combination of Chevva and Sukra has any association with 10th house or

10th house lord, then the person would indulge in sexual activities in his/her work


8. If the combination of Chevva and Sukra has any association with 12th house or

12th house lord, then the person would forgo anything for the comfort through their

sexual activities.

In the future, we would study the effects of having association of Sun, descending

Moon, Raghu and Shani on the already troubled combination of Mars and Venus

(Kuja and Sukra)


In the last Post, we have read about "SATHVIKA, RAKSHASA AND THAMASA

CHARACTERS" of all planets. In these only Mars and Venus has the Rajo Guna

(Rakshasa Guna) (Demonish character in English). Let us see the effects of the

Mars (Kuja/Chevva) and Venus (Sukra).

Kuja/Chevva (Mars) is basically a war planet. Hence it is primarily responsible for

violence, arson and fights. Kuja/Chevva (Mars) is also responsible for Barren land,

Heat and Fire. The Kuja/Chevva (Mars) would tempt the person for buying or

owning land/propert for himself/herself.

As we know. most of the trouble, crimes and death occurs due to various property

disputes both within the family and also with outsiders. If Kuja/Chevva (Mars)

owns any malefice houses or associate with any malefice planets or associate with

the lords of any malefice house lords or Chevva/Kuja (Mars) is itself placed in any

malefice houses or the combination of any of these above mentioned factors would

make the Kuja/Chevva (Mars) into a deadly planet. This would bring enormous

amount of trouble during the Mars (Chevva/Kuja) Mahadasa, which can not be

forgotten during the rest of our lifetime.

Sukra (Venus) is responsible for love, affection, sex and marriage. Hence it is

primarily responsible for Gaining a lover or Marrying a person; and also troubles,

fights, crimes and monetary loss over this sexual and marriage relationships. If

Sukra (Venus) owns any malefice houses or associate with any malefice planets or

associate with the lords of any malefice house lords or Sukra (Venus) is itself placed

in any malefice houses or the combination of any of these above mentioned factors

would make the Venus (Sukra) into a deadly planet. This would bring illegal sexual

relationship or sex related illness or mental depression related to sexual activities

or loss of honor due to sexual issues or loss of money or property due to sexual

activities. The Sukra (Venus) also bring fights, crimes and loss of life or limb due to

the sexual activities.

Thus both the Kuja/Chevva (Mars) and Sukra (venus) would induce everyone to

have uncontrollable greed for both Sexual pleasure and for owing up the Properties.

If Thamasa Planets like Sun, Descending Moon, Shani and Raghu joins or associate

with the Kuja/Chevva (Mars) and Sukra (Venus), then it is like pumping more fuel

into the fire.


There is a popular proverb "Female Moolam is Nirmolam" (total destruction). This

literally means that anyone marrying females born with Moolam as their Birth Star

(Jenma Nakhsathara) would meet the total destruction. Is it true? There are also

some other Proverb that connects with other Nakhsathra's (Star) like Ayilyam,

Kettai and Visakam for the females.

Actually what happens to a person, who marry a girl with Moolam, Ayilyam, Kettai

or Visakam as her Birth Star (Jenma Nakhsathara). First let us see, what the Vedic

Astrology tells about these Nakshathara's. Given below are the table that contains

the possible effects of marrying a girl with these above mentioned Nakhsathras




Girl's Birth Star (Jenma

Nakshathara) Results

1 Moolam Dosha to Mother-in-law

2 Ayilyam Dosha to Father-in-law

3 Kettai Dosha to Brother-in-law (Elder)

4 Visakam Dosha to Brother-in-


But will these results mirror in everybody's life?. Let us study the possible effects of

getting married to a girl with these Jenma Naksatharas (Stars). Here the In-laws

denotes Father-in-law, Mother-in-law and Brother-in-law according to the Birth

Star (Jenma Naksatharas).

1. They (Both the Girl and her in laws) may not live together; they may live

separately due to their professional requirements.

2. They may get separated due to friction on their family relationships.

3. The relationship between both the Girl and their In laws might get starined.

4. The health of the In laws might be affected.

5. The In-laws could face critical moments in their life.

The above results are possible only if there are any problems detected in the Natal

Horoscopes of concerned In-laws. That is, problem with the health of a Father-in-

law of a Moolam girl is possible only if his Natal Chart indicates a health problem.


A person with good health (predicted according to the Natal Horoscope) do not get

hospitalized, just because his Son gets married to a Moolam girl.

A Women do not die, just because her Son gets married to a Ayilyam Girl, if her Life

longevity is stronger according to her Natal horoscope.


The Natal Chart is stronger and the results reflects directly on the life of every

person. These Porutham's (Marriage Matches) do not have any power to over rule

the results of a Horoscope. Thus the effects would happen only if the Natal

Horoscope also delivers the concurrent results.

Hence the Natal Horoscope has to be analyzed for the proper effects of getting

married to the Girls of Ayilyam, Moolam, Kettai and Visakam. Read Marriage

Astrology for multiple information.


Everyone desires to have good mannered girl as their Daughter in law. But how to

find the character of a girl before the marraige. Every girl looks amicable, smart,

good looking and respectful in the pre marriage era. But in the post marriage

period, some of those girl turns lazy, aggresive, shrewd and troublesome.

To break this logjam, the boy's parents has to verify the following points in the girl's


1. The Lagna and the Rasi should be in the female sign. The Lagna Lord should also

be in the female sign.

2. The Lagna Lord should not be associated in any way with malefice planets or

malefic houses.

3. There should not be any association of Sun & Mars in any house.

4. There should not be any association of Saturn & Mars in any house.

5. The Lagna, 7th and 8th house should be empty.

6. The Raghu & Kethu should not be placed in 2nd, 4th, 8th and 10th house.

7. The 4th house lord should not have any association with malefic planets; the 4th

house lord should not be weakened or debilitated.

8. 7th house lord should not be associated with 6th, 8th and 12th house & its lords.

9. The association of Mars & Venus, Sun & Venus and Moon & Venus should be in

the benefic house only.

10. The combination of Moon & Raghu is also quite undesirable.

If you can find a girl, whose horoscope scores "No" answer for most of the above

question, then you will be lucky to have a admirable Daughter in law.

It is better to be late than never; analyze the horoscope fully before the marriage

and do not repent for it later.


There is a general trend among the Indian peoples that by just looking into

Marriage Match ratio (@ if there is a match of 6 or more out of 10), the marriages

are being fixed. Even the informed & educated people believe that the Marriage

match analyzis is enough to go for a wedlock. They believe that the horoscope is

fully analyzed. But the truth is that the Marriage match analyzis is just 5% of the

total analyzis to be done on the Horoscope.

Let us understand the correct method to analyze the Horoscope for marriages.

The Marriage Match analyzis is nothing but finding out Physical and Mental

compatibility of the couples. In those olden days, the bride & bridegroom do not get

a chance to meet each other before the marriage. No photographs, no

communications and no proper transportations were available. Here the Vedic

Astrology had provided some simple solutions @ Marriage Match Analyzis. By

checking the Physical & Mental compatibility of both the boy & girl, the marriages

had been fixed along with the complete analyzis of the boy & the girl's horoscope.

1. A Couple gets married and run the family too. But the girl could be harassed by

her husband. Either he may have some bad habits or may harbour suspicion on her

wife. Here the Couple might have married on the basis of the Marriage Match

analyzis. The Bad habits of the boy can not be acessed through this Marriage Match

analyzis. It can be found only by analyzing the Natal chart of the boy and nothing


2. A Girl may look very beautiful, sweet and calm before getting married. But the

same girl may start harassing her in-laws after getting married. She might even opt

for living separately from her mother in law and father in law. The Boy's family

realize their folly of selecting a wrong girl for their beloved Son; thus a wrong

decision taken only on the basis of Marriage Match analyzis puts the family into a

critical situation. The Marriage Match analyzis do not show anything about the

Girl's chracter and that can be found only through proper analyzis of the Natal


Thus fixing a Marriage only on the basis of Marriage Match analyzis would land the

peoples into disaster. Without understanding the essence of the Horoscope, people

simply put the blame on the Astrology as false.

Analyzis of Horoscope are more important than looking into Marriage Match. But

Marriage Match also has some values.

The general results of Vimshottari Mahadashas

It is important to know which House is being occupied by a particular planet & the

capacity of the planet to produce the results (The same rule is applicable to


Lord of 1st House:- May be considered as the best, provided it is not debilitated or

aspected by a malefic planet or in conjunction with malefic planet or asth or not

being placed in 6th or 8th or 12th House. This mahadasha gives luxury, increase in

wealth, improved health.

Lord of 2nd House:- A very good earning. If this Lord is being aspected or in

conjunction with malefic or weak planet then in the Antardashas of the Lords of 6th

or 7th or 8th House, a family crisis takes place or the expenses increase. If a Lord of

2nd House is Shubh grah or strong enough then a native gets good financial


Lord of 3rd House:- Oppositions, financial losses are likely if it is not being placed in

3rd or 6th or 8th or 11th or 12th House. In all these 5 Houses it gives a positive


Lord of 4th House:- Increase in wealth, comfort with vehicle, gain from mother are

likely, provided it is not weak or aspected or in conjunction with malefic planet. If it

is weak or aspected or in conjunction with a malefic it will create differences with

mother and may give some heart trouble too.

Lord of 5th House:- Very good results. One may get success in studies, birth of child

is also possible. In the Mahadasha of 5th House Lord, Antardashaswami of 1st or

5th or 9th House Lord gives the best results. But, if a Lord of 5th House is weak or

aspected or in conjunction with a malefic planet, it causes problems in studies or

increases worries of children.

Lord of 6th House:- If this Lord is placed in 3rd or 6th or 11th or 12th House, it

gives a positive result. Similarly, in the Mahadasha of 6th House Lord and

Antardashaswami of 6th or 8th or 12th House, it gives a good result. If Lord of the

6th House is strong or it is being placed in 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th or 10th House, it

results in poor health, increases enemies or gives troubles from the juniors or


Lord of 7th House:- If it is strong or being placed in 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th or 10th

House, it gives very good results- a good marital life, gains through business

partner, fame in society. But, if it is placed in 6th or 8th or 12th House or if it is

weak or asth, problems in married life, health problems, differences with business

partner or loss of wealth are not ruled out.

Lord of 8th House:- If this Lord is being placed in 6th or 8th or 12th House, it gives

a positive result. It gives a negative result otherwise. Similarly, planet in 8th House

gives a negative result in the antardasha of it?s Lordship.

Lord of 9th House:- Very good results. If this Lord is being placed in 1st, 5th, 9th or

10th House, it gives the best results. Similarly, in the Mahadasha of 9th House

Lord, Antardashaswami of 1st, 5th, 9th or 10th House Lord gives the best results.

If Lord of the 9th House is being placed in 6th, 8th or 12th House or it is weak or

aspected by a malefic or asth, it creates problems.

Lord of 10th House:- If this Lord is strong, a promotion in job, expansion

of business, gains from father, success in life can be expected. If it is weak or

aspected or in conjunction with malefic or asth or is placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th

House, it gives negative results too. In the Mahadasha of 10th House Lord,

Antardashaswami of 1st, 4th, 5th, 9th or 11th House, it gives very good results.

Lord of 11th House:- It gives a positive result. Since the 11th House is 2nd from

10th House, it gives a very good earning from career. It also gives a positive result if

it is strong or being placed in 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th or 10th House. If it is being

placed in 6th, 8th or 12th House, it gives a negative result too.

Lord of 12th House:- If a Lord of 12th House is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th House, it

gives positive results, otherwise, it gives negative results.

Dashaswami & Transit of planets:-

If a planet(dashaswami) is in Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius or Capricorn

during transit at the time of the start of its dasha, native will get the results at the

end of the dasha.

If a planet(dashaswami) is in Pisces during transit at the time of the start of it?s

dasha, native will get the results in the middle of the dasha.

If a planet(dashaswami) is in Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio or Aquarius sign in

transit at the time of start of it?s dasha, a native will get the result at the start of

the dasha.

By Abhaya Mudra Dasi

Let us glance at the astro-data of Raghava das Brahmachary and Ratnavali devi

dasi. From the correlations between them, we will see that these two are in fact the

same person who has transmigrated from one body to the next.

Raghava das’s birth chart

14 May 1954, 7:20 pm in Glasgow, Scotland

What is clear from Raghava’s chart is that we are dealing with a devotee. Jupiter is

nicely positioned in the house of dharma (the 9th). But Raghava has an extremely

good 8th house of death with 2 friendly planets there: Venus in his own sign of

Libra and friendly Mercury. Venus also rules the 1st house or atmastan (house of

self) where we find an exalted Saturn in Libra. Saturn is also retrograde and

moving towards the 12th house of loss in Virgo. Virgo is ruled by Mercury who,

again, is found on the 8th house of death with Venus the lord of atma. Mercury here

gives a good timing of death according to a system that is attributed to Brighu


Nonetheless, such a good 8th house should have

been responsible for a long and happy life. After

all, Venus lord of the 8th in the 8th confers a nice

sarala yoga for “easy life.” What planetary

culprits are there that could have caused his

premature death? At the time of his death,

Raghava das Brahmachary was undergoing Rahu

mahadasha. Rahu, according to some astrologers,

is in debilitation in Sagittarius. In any case,

Dhanush rashi is an unwelcome place for the

shadowy graha. Rahu is with the destructive

Mars, a maraka or death-inflictor as 7th lord. Both Rahu and Mars are in the house

of short distance travel the 3rd. Therefore, we conclude that it was the planetary

period of an afflicted Rahu that had the ability to override the other good points of

the horoscope and caused his death while traveling.

The punya chakra (time of death) of Raghava das Brahmachary.

Died: 20 October 1973 at 8:45 am in Morpeth, UK

20th October 1973 must have been an ordinary day for many people but not for

Raghava das Brahmachary. The first coincidence we notice in this chakra is that

Rahu is at the exact same position by house and sign as at the time of Raghava’s

birth, namely in third in Sagittarius. The quota of his life was therefore one round

of Rahu. But since the degrees are not the same in both charts, there must have

been other coincidences for the fatal incident taking place. Note that the rising sign

at the time of death is Libra, same as at Raghava’s time of birth. In fact the lagna

position between the two charts is almost exact; there is a difference of a mere 2

minutes. Note that the two planets of the 8th house of his birth chart, namely Sun

and the fatal Mercury, are also in the rising sign of the chart for the time of death.

Those were the circumstances as seen from the vantage point of external

circumstances or punya chakra.

From the natal chart, which gives us the internal circumstances of the time of

death, we can ascertain that Raghava was also running not only Rahu mahadasha

but he was in Venus bhukti dasha and Saturn pratyantara dasha. As the main

planetary period of Rahu created the backdrop of events, the bhukti gives the flavor

of events playing on the foreground. The pratyantara dasha gives the reaction to the

events set by mahadasha and bhukti.

Both bhukti lord Venus and prayantara lord Saturn have a strong connection to the

8th and 1st houses dealing with one’s physical body and it’s time of expiry. In his

birth chart, both Saturn and Venus are strongly positioned in the 1st and 8th

houses respectively. Saturn is in lagna in exaltation in Libra, ruled by Venus, while

Venus is in Taurus. Venus is in his own sign and is the atma karaka or “significator

of the self.” The wily outcaste Rahu, as the lord of the main planetary period, has

played these two friendly planets into his malefic favor, i.e. incurring death. If we go

deeper into the planetary influences of periods and sub-periods, etc., we find the

same theme repeated. Rahgava das was in Rahu / Venus / Saturn / Venus / Rahu.

Despite the fact that the death came quickly, its seed was planted in the very time

of birth just waiting for the right cluster of planets to occur. It all came together on

20 October 1973.

On the day of the accident three features of the panchang, namely tithi, nakshatra

and wara were inauspicious. The lunar cycle was navami, a rikta or “hollow” tithi in

the krishna paksha or waning lunar phase. The nakshatra was Ashlesha which is

never deemed favorable for travels. The day was Shaniwar, Saturday, ruled by

malefic Saturn. A look into the drekkana kundali, or three-part divisional chart for

the time of death, reveals that the stronger of the two luminaries, the Moon, is in

the drekkana of Sagittarius. Since Sagittarius is ruled by the righteous Jupiter, the

drekkana indicates a spiritual future for the departed soul of Shri Raghava das


There are still other clues to a violent departure in Raghava’s birth chart. The past

life is ruled by the 5th house which is therefore called the purva-punya-stan. In

Raghava’s janma chakra we can see that Saturn (one of the inflictors of death) is

the ruler of the 5th house. The shasha mahapurush yoga formed by Saturn in the

first house of self is spoiled by him being retrograde and moving toward the 12th

house of loss. As indicated by the powerful Saturn bad choices must have been made

in past lives using a position that had been attained to by good karma of an even

earlier life.

Nonetheless, although Raghava lived for only one round of Rahu, we cannot say

that he was in any way unfortunate. He passed on as a devotee and he was reborn

as a devotee. Rather than being a cause for regret, the death of a devotee is a time

for celebration despite his material circumstances. We now turn our attention to the

birth chart of Raghava’s future life as Ratnavali devi dasi.

Ratnavali devi dasi, Born: 9th August at 2am in London, UK

Since Raghava das Brahmachary was absorbed in thought of an Indian girl, he

found himself re-born as one. We recall that Venus, the significator of women,

played a very strong part at the time of his death. Venus was the lord of the rising

sign in the punya chakra as well as the lord of 8th house of death. Since Libra rises

in both instances, Venus’ dual role holds true for both the birth chart as well as the

chart for the moment of exit. Ominously, Venus was also the lord of the sub-period

or antardasha at the time of death. The overpowering influence of feminine Venus

planet caused the soul to accept the body of a woman.

In this life time we see that Ratnavali’s 5th house ruling past life is in Libra and is

therefore also ruled by Venus. The indication is clear. The “self” of Raghava (first

house or atma) has become the fifth “house of past life” for Ratnavali. Her fifth

house is aspected by Jupiter revealing her devotional past life connection. The

position of Jupiter in her 11th mitrastan or “house of friends” indicates her coming

in touch with Krishna Consciousness via the media of another person. Note that

Jupiter rules the 7th house of partners, the jayastan. Ironically, in her case the

other person is one’s very self from a previous lifetime as further explained in the

next paragraph.

Mars, lord of the 11th house where Jupiter is positioned, is lost in the 12th, again in

sign ruled by Venus. Her devotional link can be seen also in the drekkana chart

where the stronger of the two luminaries, the Sun, is again positioned in Sagittarius

ruled by Jupiter and indicates a devotional link to the past. In fact, this is the same

position where we found the Moon, the stronger of the two luminaries at the time of

Shriman Raghava Prabhu’s death. Here is a subtle yet indisputable proof that we

are dealing with the same individual in two different embodiments.

Mercury, who was also positioned in the 8th house in Raghava’s birth chart and

promised a good timing of death, has become the ruler of Ratnavali’s first house. In

other words, Ratnavali’s house of self in Gemini was Raghava Prabhu’s ninth house

of dharma. This is yet another indisputable proof for time travel of the same soul

from one body to another.

Ratnavali’s main revelations about her past life have come in her major planetary

period of the Moon, the manasakaraka or planet of the mind. Just see that her

Moon is with Venus, the ruler of the 5th house of past life. Lord of the fifth house of

past life Venus is also retrograde indicating a sense of returning or going back.

There is also a nice exchange or parivartana yoga between the Sun and the Moon in

her chart. Indeed, her early revelations came in 1994 during Sun dasha. True,

Ratnavali first felt the influence of her previous life during the dasha of the 5th

house lord Venus. However, Sun and Moon as lords of the houses of communication

(2nd and 3rd) have given Ratnavali devi dasi the means to illuminate the facts of

her previous birth. Hence the exchange of houses between the luminaries Surya and

Chandra allows her to relate her revelation to others during the periods they rule.

One feature that immediately attracts the astrologer’s eye is that Ratnavali’s lagna

is hemmed in by two malefic planets on either side. Violent Ketu and Mars are in

the 12th and enemies Sun and Saturn are in the 2nd. Hence she had to undergo a

horrible torture at the hands of a crazed lunatic due residual effects of lingering

karma. The blind and explosive rage is seen in the Sun-Saturn conjunction, the

violence and bloodshed are from Mars, and Ketu is seen in the nails. This trauma

occurred in her Venus major / Mercury minor planetary periods. Both planets are

strongly linked to the 5th house of past lives. At the same time transiting Rahu

happened to be in Sagittarius, the same sign from where he began and ended her

previous life. In this life since backwards-moving Rahu has moved one sign away to

Scorpio this indicates a moving on, a divesting of the past karma. This violent

attack was a brutal reflection sent from the past life and transported into this life.

Interestingly, at the time of this writing Rahu is at present moving through

Sagittarius (till 6 June 2011) and as an example of Rahu’s influence it is during this

period that she has decided to share her story, and divest of the karma of the past.

As a side note, she should be especially wary of traveling with tired or careless

drivers, fierce dogs, angry strangers etc. till Rahu enters Scorpio in the middle of

next year.

What can she expect from this lifetime? Saturn’s lordship over the 8th house of

death reveals that this life could not be as short as the previous one. Karma has

been paid for and now is the time to fully manifest the activities associated with

devotional service. The deep regret for the past is expressed by the weak position of

Rahu / Ketu axis dealing mainly with the issues coming from the past and leading

to future decisions. The weakness of Ketu is compensated by the strength of Rahu

who does very well in a malefic house like the 6th. Theketu-caused regretfulness

will be brought into focus at time of the present Mars planetary period running

from June 2010 until June 2017 since Mars stands alongside Ketu in the 12th house

of loss. It is good that Ratnavali has dedicated herself to fully spiritual activities

because such stars are unlikely to produce any satisfactory results in their period.

An 18-year Rahu mahadasha (the same dasha that was running during her

previous death) will follow Mars planetary period. Then Ratnavali devi dasi will

have the full opportunity to eradicate all the regrets emerging from the past and

establish a strong ground for her wonderful 16-year Jupiter period which follows

Rahu. Her next time of death will certainly come in Saturn’s planetary period. She

will pass on as an old lady, one who has told many a story about a life of fascinating

events. ·

(Horoscope of an Army officer analysed. The officer's career did not reach its peak

due to partial fructifications of the Rajayogas in his horoscope)

Rajayogas at a glance (Horoscope) – Lagna is Tula,vargottama but subject to a

papakartari yoga in the navamsha. The lagna lord, Venus, is in the 10th house with

10th lord, Moon, producing a rajayoga. Venus in Pushya nakshatra forms a Rajyoga

according to some south Indian books on astrology.

Here it is necessary to notice that Venus as the 8th lord in the 10th house can also be a cause for obstruction in the full blossoming of some rajayogas.

In the navamsha, lagna lord is in his own house aspected by 9th lord there.

In the dashamsha, Venus is again in 10th house with 6th Lord Jupiter and 2nd and

7th lord Mars, which together with the aspect of Mars on dashamsha lagna

suggests a career in the armed forces. This is confirmed in other ways also as will be

shown later.

The association of amatyakaraka, Moon, with Venus in the birth horoscope,

indicates that Venus will have a role to play in professional matters in its

mahadasha and antardashas if the Jaimini's significations are extended to

Vimshottari dasha.

Saturn's Enigmatic Role for Tula Lagna

Saturn, an important planet for Tula lagna, being the 4th and the 5th lord, and

therefore a yogakaraka, is vargottama. Atmakaraka, Saturn, is in Mithuna 9th

house both in the rashi and navamsha. Its association with 2 and 7 lord Mars, and

the aspect of Mars in Navamsha could indicate some problems. Both Saturn and

Mars being enemies such an inference can be drawn. Then Saturn's association with

the 2nd and the 7th lord can be baneful.

In the dashamsha, the position of Saturn in the 6th house, aspected by 6th lord

Jupiter and 10th lord Moon from the 12th, in Dashamansha, could indicate some

frustrations or obstructions in career Saturn further is in the nakshatra of the 6th

lord, so in unfavourable dasha periods can cause delay and problems regarding

children home etc

Mars Improves

Mars, however improves its position by being associated with 5th lord Saturn and

placed in the 9th house, in own house in the 2nd house in navamsha and in the 10th

house in Dashamsha with lagna lord Venus and friend Jupiter 6th lord and will

give a boost in financial matters, position (7th house lordship). Being a malefic for

this lagna, there could be some health problems in relevant mahadasha and antar

dasha. Mars is also the 10th lord from the Moon.

NoteThe principles of Laghu Parashari pointed out here must be kept in the mind

to understand the discussion that follows.

Mercury promises money

The 9th Lord Mercury, placed in 11th with 11th lord and aspected by the 5th lord

Saturn is a wealth giving planet. In Navamsha it is aspected by lagna lord Venus

with no malefic influences. In Dashamsha it is again in the 11th aspected by 11th

lord Sun. In its sub-periods it will give gain and position.

Sun too promises money

Sun, the 11th lord, in the 11th with 9th lord Mercury and aspect of the 5th lord

Saturn - a Dhanayoga.

In Navamsha though Sun is relegated to the 12th, it is aspected by 3rd and 6th lord

Jupiter (signifying efforts, competition and service). The 11th house still has the

aspect of 5th lord Saturn. The Sun is also the strongest in Shadbala.

In Dashamsha, Sun is in 5th aspecting 11th and aspected by 9th lord Mercury and

2nd and 7th lord Mars. Dhan and achievement oriented planet. In the sarvashtaka,

the 11th house has 30 bindus, indicating wealth, fulfilment of desires.

Jupiter's Role

The 3rd and 6th lord Jupiter in the 12th constituting a vipareeta Rajyoga.

In Navamsha, Jupiter is in own house, aspected by 11th lord Sun and 5th lord


In Dashamsha, Jupiter in the 10th house with lagna lord Venus and Mars. For

service matters, Jupiter will be beneficial. But the aspect of Mars 2nd and 7th lord

in Birth Chart and the 11th lord Sun in Navamsha (negative here because it is from

the 12th house), association of Venus 8th lord also and Mars in Dashamsha could

lead to health problems in unfavourable dasha periods and transits, as its is lagna

lord under the influence of 11th lord Sun and 7th lord Mars, morever Jupiter is also

in the nakshatra of Sun.

The 10th House and 10th Lord

The 10th lord Moon, placed in own houses with lagna lord Venus a Rajyoga.

In the navamsha, Moon aspects the 10th house.

In Dashamsha it goes to the 12th house in subject to a papakartari yoga in Birth

Chart. The Moon is further weakened by its lack of directional strength Pakshabal.

The 10th house from the Moon is Mesha, lord Mars in Mithuna in the 12th from

Moon with Saturn - 7th and 8th lord from Moon and Rahu.

Both Mesha and Karak fall in Char Rashis leading to movement and changes. Both

Moon and Mars are with 8th lords - Venus and Saturn which can give sudden gains

as also unexpected happening. Mars aspects 6th lord Jupiter, from Moon and

Lagna. Jupiter is also in the nakshatra of the Sun 2nd lord from Moon. A connection

is established through weak between 10th lord Mars. 6th lord Jupiter and 2nd lord

Sun (from Moon).

In Dashamsha however, Mars is with 6th lord Jupiter, lagna lord Venus in the 10th

house and aspects dashamsha lagna, career in the armed forces. From Sun, 10th

lord is Venus placed in 12th (from Sun) with Moon in 12th house.

Significantly, all the 10th lord from Moon, Sun in Birth Chart and in Dashamsha

Chart go to the 12th house. The 10th lord Moon from lagna is in the nakshatra of

the 12th lord Mercury. This means constant change, movement etc. regarding

profession during favourable dasha periods but the same could lead to obstacles,

frustrations in bad dashas and transits.

Jaimini Angle

Lurking Obstruction

According to Jaimini, from Karakamsha, Mars placed is in lagna aspected by 6th

lord Jupiter and himself aspects 6th house. The 10th house from karamasha is

Meena which is aspected by both Mars and Jupiter and Atma Karak Saturn. Career

with arms.

Atmakaraka, Saturn is in 9th and amatyakaraka, Moon in the 10th. Both are good

positions. But Atma Karak and Amatya Karak are in 2/12 positions in Birth Chart,

6/8 in Navamsha and though 1/7 in Dashamsha is in the 6/12 axis. this shows


The Clear Promise

Atmakaraka and putrakaraka are more favourably placed - in Birth Chart in 4/10

and also in Navamsha and 5/9 in Dashamsha. Planets influencing Amatya Karak

Moon, Venus in Birth Chart and Saturn in Dashamsha will have a say in

professional matters.

The presence of Moon and Venus in 2nd from Karakamasha constitutes a

Dhanayoga. This is not repeated in Navamsha nor in Dashamsha. The mutual

aspects of atmakaraka/putrakaraka is present in both the Birth Chart and

Navamsha. This is beneficial, there are yogas present specially dhanayogas though

the unfavourable relationship between Atma Karak and Amatya Karak must prove

difficult at times.

Other Events

(For the Verification of horoscope)


Graduated in the Vimshottari dasha of Ket/Mar and Chara dasha of Dhanu.

Ketu is aspected by 5th lord Saturn and the 5th house is aspected by Sun and

Mercury. In Ven/Ven, he had OTA (Officer Training Academy) course at Madras

before being commissioned in the army. Venus is in the nakshatra of 5th lord and in

the 10th house. Education career was in the Chara Dasha of Dhanu which is been

aspected by Putra Karak Jupiter.

Marriage in Ven/Rah/Mer (Vimshottari) and Chara Dasha of Makar/Karka.

He was married on Feb, 6, 1974 in Venus/Rahu/Mercury. Venus the natural

Darakaraka is, in the nakshatra of Saturn, 7th Lord from Moon. From the lagna,

Rahu with the 7th lord, Mars.

From the Moon, Rahu is with 7th lord Saturn. Rahu is aspected by 7th lord Mars in

Navamsha, Mercury placed 7th in Navamsha, while in Chara Dasha, Makar is

aspected by darakaraka Mercury. Upapada is Karka and the Makar period is the

7th from it.


The 1st Child daughter was born on Dec, 11 1974 Ven/Rah/Mon (Vimshottari and

Chara dasha of Makar/Vrishabha. Venus is in nakshatra of the 5th lord, Saturn.

Rahu with 5th lord Saturn in Birth Chart. Rahu is in 5th house in Navamsha.

In Jaimini, Putrakaraka, Jupiter is in 9th from Makar, while Vrishabha is 5th from

Makar and putrakaraka, Jupiter is in the 5th from here, promising the birth of a


The 2nd child Son born on 11-9-1976 in Ven/Jup/Ven. From the Moon, Jupiter the

natural Putra Karak, aspected by 5th lord Mars.

In Navamsha , Jupiter is aspected by 5th lord Saturn. In Jaimini Char Dasha

Makara/Kumbha was running. The 5th house form Kumbha is aspected by Putra

Karak Jupiter.


He was commissioned in Army on 2nd March 1968, in Ven/Ven/Mer of Vimshottari

Dasha and in Char Dasha it was Dhanu/Mina period. Maha Dasha lord Venus in

the 10th House with 10th lord and Moon in it.

Dashamansha with 6th lord Jupiter and 2nd and 7th lord Mars.

In Navamsha , in own house aspected by 9th lord Mercury, being with

amatyakaraka, Moon in Birth Chart, Venus responsible for career making.

The Mercury Pratyantar Dasha and 9th lord in 11th house with 11th lord and

aspected by 5th lord Saturn, showing gain. In Navamsha aspected by lagna lord


In Dashamsha in the 11th house, aspected by 11th lord Sun showing gain, which

here means the first salary.

In transit, Venus the mahadasha and antardasha lord was in Makara. Char Dasha

was of Dhanu/Mina. The Dhanu Rashi aspected by both atmakaraka, Saturn and

putrakaraka, Jupiter in Birth Chart, which is 10th from Dhanu and is again

aspected by atmakaraka and which has Jupiter the putrakarak.

In Navamsha Dhanu aspected by atmakaraka, Saturn and putrakarak, Jupiter.

In Dashamansha there are mutual aspects of atma karak amatyakarak.

In Mina antardasha atmakarak is in 4th and amatyakaraka in 5th showing a

period of career making. Mina is aspected by atmakaraka and putrakaraka. The

10th house from Mina, Dhanu also comes under the influence of both these.

In Navamsha, Jupiter is putrakaraka, therein and aspected by atmakaraka,


In Dashamsha Mina has atmakarak, Saturn, aspected by amatyakaraka, Moon. In

transit amatyakarak, Moon, in Mina aspecting Dhanu.

The Second Rise: Ven/Mon/Mer, Makara/ Dhanu as Captain 12th Sept, 1970.

Moon the antardasha lord, the 10th lord in all 3 divisional charts and in Birth

Chart Venus in 10th which is Maha Dasha.

In Navamsha, Moon aspects 10th house while in Dashamsha it is in the 12th house

aspected by 5th lord Saturn from 6th house. Transfer and a change for the better.

Moon's promise brought about in Mercury. pratyantra dasha, who is also 12th lord.

While in transit, Venus was in Tula, Moon as antar dasha lord in Makara aspecting

10th house. Mercury in Simha in the 11th house. Makara Rashi aspected by

darakaraka Mercury and 11th lord Sun, which is 10th from Makara. Tula Rashi

again is aspected by Dara Karak Mercury and 11th lord Sun.

Dasha of Moon, the 10th lord in own house, aspecting 10th house in Navamsha but

in the 12th in Dashamsha gave a setback in Jupiter Antar Dasha. In Saturn’s Antar

Dasha, the native was posted out of Delhi and has been cleared by medical board

(first step). The final clearance was to be given later in the relevant year. Saturn,

though a yogakaraka would delay, as was shown earlier when the period of Saturn

was analysed but may not deny any further promotion

Attended Professional Training in Vimshottari dasha of Ven/Sat to Ven/Mer from

Jan 81 to Dec 81 and in Char dasha it was Kumbha/Simha to Kumbha/Kanya.

Venus in nakshatra of 5th lord Saturn, in 10th showing connection with career.

Saturn 5th lord in all the 3 Charts. Saturn associated with Mars, 5th and 10th lord

from Moon. Saturn aspected by Moon, 10th lord in Dashamsha and by Jupiter 6th

lord, Mercury aspecting 5th house in Birth Chart and Dashamsha.

Kumbha Rashi 5th house in all 3 charts. Kumbha aspected by Amatya Karak Moon

in Birth Chart, 5th from Kumbha, Mithuna aspected by Putra Karak Jupiter.

In Dashamsha Kumbha aspected by Putra Karak Jupiter. The antar Dasha Simha,

5th from it aspected by Putra Karak Jupiter, and the Antra Dasha of Kanya has

Putra Karak Jupiter placed therein.

As shown earlier all 3 planets can give a rise. In transit, Venus just became

retrograde in Makar aspecting 10th house. Mercury in Dhanu was aspecting 9th

house and 10th lord from Moon.

Kumbha was aspected by Amatya Karak, Moon 10th, from Kumbha, Vrishika was

aspected by Amatya Karak .

In Navamsha aspected by Dara Karak Mercury and lagna lord Venus.

In Dashamsha aspected by lagna lord Venus, Putra Karak Jupiter and Mars. Kanya

Antar Dasha aspected by Ak and has Putra Karak Jupiter in it. Amatya Karak

Moon is 11th from it.

In Navamsha Kanya aspected by Atma Karak (AK) Saturn and Putra Karak


In Dashamsha it has the Amatya Karak aspected by Atma Karak Saturn. In transit

Amatya Karak Moon in Kumbha the Rashi Dasha.

Promoted to Lt Col on 15th March 1987in Vimshottari dasha of Sun/Rah/Mar and

in Char dasha it was Mina/Karka. The maha dasha lord Sun, as 11th lord in 11th

house with 9th Mercury and aspected by 5th lord Saturn. Sun in the nakshatra of

Venus Lagna Lord, placed in the 10th house, giving professional rise and gain.

In Navamsha Sun establishes connection with 6th lord Jupiter and in Dashamsha

aspected by 9th lord Mercury and 2nd and 7th lord Mars showing financial gains.

Rahu the Antar Dasha lord in the 9th with yogakaraka Saturn and in the 5th in

Navamsha. In Dashamsha Rahu is in Lagna. So gave a rise.

Mars, the Pratyantar Dasha lord, strong in Shadbala in the 9th in Birth Chart with

Saturn in 2nd in Navamsha (own house) and in the 10th in Dashamsha aspecting

lagna gave a promotion. Mars also happens to be the 10th lord from moon.

Sun Maha Dasha lord in transit had just entered Mina, earlier aspecting the 11th

house. Rahu in Mina both on Atma Karak in Dashamsha , aspecting Amatya Karak

Moon. Mars in Mesha, aspecting 10th house.

Karka Antar Dasha has Amatya Karak Moon. 10th from Karka, Mesha is aspected

by Dara Karak Mercury and 11th lord Sun. In Dashamsha Karka has lagna lord,

Jupiter the Putra Karak and Mars aspected by Sun 11th lord. Rise with gain.

In transit Amatya Karak Moon in Simha aspecting Mesha, 10th Rashi from Karka.

Promoted as Col in 2/4/90 in Vimshottari dasha of Sun/Ven/Ven and in Char dasha

of Mina/Makara.

As shown earlier, all planets indicating rise. In transit, Sun was in Mina in 6th


In transit Amatya Karak Moon in Mithuna aspecting Mina. Atma Karak Saturn in

Makar Rashi.

Setback due to health in Vimshottari dasha of Mon/Jup/Ket and Char dasha it was

Vrishbha/Tula problem

He was due for a promotion in 1994 but suffered a heart attack on 19th Sept, 1994

and was put on low medical category.

Moon the Maha Dasha lord, is weak in pakshabal and is in Sarpa Dreshkona with

8th lord Venus, who also happens to be the lord of the 22nd Dreshkona and in the

nakshatra of 12the lord Mercury leading to hospitalisation. The 4th house has the

malefic aspect of 2/7 lord Mars, the 6th lord Jupiter, 8th lord Venus and Moon. In

Dashamsha Moon in the 12th house aspected by Saturn. This became a negative

factor due to the prevailing Antar Dasha of 6th lord Jupiter.

Jupiter 6th lord, the Antar Dasha lord posited in 12th in Sun's nakshatra and

aspected by 2/7 lord Mars.

In Navamsha Jupiter again in 6th aspected by 11th lord Sun and Saturn.

In Dashamsha, Jupiter with 2/7 lord mars and lagna lord and 8th lord Venus.

Ketu the Pratyantar Dasha lord in Venus (8th lord aspected by Saturn and Mars).

Vrishbha the 8th rashi in all the 3 charts aspected by 8th lord Venus in all the 3

charts. The Maha Dasha and Antar Dasha are in 6/8 positions.

Tula the lagna rashi aspected by 11th lord Sun and 12th lord Mercury in Birth

Chart and Dashamsha charts. In Navamsha, Tula aspected by Rahu.

The 6/8 position of Maha Dasha and Antar Dasha Rashis is present in all the 3 charts.

Role of Venus

In Dasha of Venus, though involved in a Rajyoga did not give any spectacular

results in its ruling period. This may be due to :–

a. Venus being the 8th lord also and involved in a Rajyoga, could have diluted it.

b. Venus in an enemy’s house.

c. lacking in directional strength.

d. In the nakshatra of Saturn, which being yogakaraka did not deny a rise but

delayed it. The Rajyoga involving Venus and the 10th lord was not repeated in the

Navamsha or Dashamsha charts.

In the Dasha of Sun, lord of the 11th house and placed in own house with 9th lord

Mercury and aspected by 5th lord Saturn gave 2 quick promotions. In the nakshatra

of Venus, the lagna lord, Sun gave financial gain with rise in career.

In Navamsha though relegated to the 12th house, it is aspected by Jupiter, from its

own house, the 6th showing a connection between the 6th house, 6th lord and 11th

house. The Sun is also the strongest in Shadbal.

In the Dashamsha it is again aspected by 9th lord Mercury and 2/7 lord Mars. Being

the 11th lord however, it gave some health problems in the end of its dasha which

was later carried on to the dasha of the Moon.

Moon MD lord in Kumbha aspects 11th house and 11th lord Jupiter AD lord with

Rahu in lagna. Ketu in Mesha 7th house , Mercury in 12th house Kanya, Mars in

Mithuna 6th lord Jupiter. Venus lagna lord in Tula with Rahu and 6th lord Jupiter.

Sun in Kanya in 12th house. Jupiter in Tula Saturn (R) in Kumbha aspecting 11th

house and 11th lord and afflicting lagna lord Venus from previous house.

Promotion on 31/12/70 in Ven/Mer/Ven of Vimshottari dasha while Char dasha it

was Kumbha/Kanya

Venus MD lord in Tula aspecting aspecting 10th house. Mercury AD lord in Dhanu

aspecting 10th lord from Moon. Moon 10th lord in Kumbha in 11th house. Sun in

Dhanu aspecting 10th lord from Moon. Mars in Kanya aspecting 10th house from

Moon. Rahu in Mithuna. Saturn (R) in Mesha, the 10th house from Moon. Jupiter in

Tula, aspecting 10th house and 10th lord from Moon.

Promotion again on 15/3/87 in the Vimshottari dasha of Sun/Rah/Mar while Char

dasha was of Mina/Karka.

Sun just entered Mina 6th house, aspecting 10th in Dashamsha. Rahu Antar dasha

in Mina the 6th house. Mars Pratyantar dasha lord in Mesha. 10th house from

Moon. Moon 10th lord in Smha in 11th house. Venus in Makara aspected from 10th

house from Moon. Mercury in Kumbha in 11th house. Saturn in Vrishchik aspecting

11th house. In Navamsha Saturn aspecting Moon and is on Mars 10th lord from

Moon. Jupiter aspecting 10th house.

Promotion again in Sun/Ven/Ven of Vimshottari dasha and in Char dasha it was

running Mina/Makar on 2/4/90.

Sun in Mina 6th house aspecting 10th lord in Dashamsha Venus in Kumbha

aspecting 11th house. Mars in Makar aspecting 10th house.Mercury in Mesha, 10th

house from Moon Rahu in Makara aspecting 10th house. Saturn in Makar aspecting

10th house and 10th lord. Jupiter in Mithuna on 10th lord from Moon.

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