

The Holy Qur'ān

The Golden Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (sa)

Pearls of Wisdom

Guidance from Khulafā-e-Ahmadiyyat

Tarana Atfāl

Messages from MAAC

Focus of the year

Short Story: I Saw a Boat Sailing without a Sailor

The Health Corner

ABL Updates

Religious Knowledge

The Fun Corner

Jokes & Riddles

Upcoming Events

Majālis Marathon

Musleh Mau'ūd Tournament (Report and Pictures)

Reports from Majālis

`Ashra Tarbiyat Flyer


حي ن الر ـ ح بسم هللا الر

عليكم ورحته اب حكيم ولول فضل الل تو وان الل


ا( اور ہی ہک اہلل تہب وتہب وبقل رکےن واال )اور( ب


اور ارگ اہلل اک لضف اور اس یک رتمح مت رپ ہن وہےت )وت اہمترا ایک ب

تمکح واال ےہ

And were it not for Allah’s grace and His mercy upon you, and the fact that Allah is Compassionate and Wise, you would have come to grief.

Al-Nur Chapter 24 : Verse 11

Allah’s blessing


ق فی

ر اہلل


قف الر



ا ےہ۔ ، اہلل اعتیل رنیم رکےن واال ےہ


رنیم وک دنسپ رکت

Allah is kind and loves Kindness (Muslim)

Allah is Kind


The Mission of Promised Messiah as

ڑ ںیہن۔ ایس ےک لضف ےس ھجم وک ہی اعاقشہن ”


ب ی ڑ


ڑھ رک ھجم ےس ق

ںیم االیک ںیہن وہ ومیل رکمی ریمے اسھت ےہ اور وکیئ اس ےس ب

ڑ ااجنم دوں۔ اس اکم


ں اور االسیم امہمت وک وشبق و دصق امتم ب اجب الو




روح یلم ےہ ہک دھک ااھٹ رک یھب اس ےک دنی ےک ےئل خ

“رپ اس ےن آپ ےھجم امومر ایک ےہ اب یسک ےک ےنہک ےس ںیم رک ںیہن اتکس

ڑانئ دلج )


(۵۵آہنیئ امکالت االسم ہحفص ۵رواحین خ

I am not alone. That noble Lord the Almighty is with me. No one could be closer to me than Him. It is only by His Grace that I have been granted a loving soul, ever willing to server His cause in the face of suffering; so that I should render with zeal and sincerity, outstanding services in the cause of faith and carry out to victory, great (spiritual) expeditions for Islam. He has commissioned me to accomplish all this, and none can make me desist from pursuing this cause.

)Ayena-e-Kamalat-e-Islam: Roohani Khazain Vol. 5, p 35)


Hadhrat Khalīfatul Masīh III ra says:

Every Ahmadī should recite the Holy Qur’an in the morning

You should love Holy Qur’an more than anything else in the world. But I see that Jamā'at is not paying full attention to this…………in each Ahmadī house any person who can read Holy Qur’an, should be re-citing the Holy Qur’an in the morning

(Al Fazl February 19, 1966)


ک دص ا ےہ رم ی ر ا ت د ن ا

دا ےہ


ک خ ہک ا س اع وک ن اک ا

ا یس ےن ےہ س ا ایک ا س ں وک

اتس ر و ں وک ر وک ا و ر آ ں وک

و ہ ےہ ا اک ا س اک ںیہن وک یئ س

و ہ ام ےہ اک و ہ اح ےہ رپ

ہن ےہ ت اپ ا س اک ہن ےہ وک یئ ٹ

ہشیمہ ےس ےہ ا و ر ہشیمہ ر ےہ

ی ان ح الث

مسی لہ ا ت

ف لی

لح موعود خ

رت مص ( کالم محمود )حض


There is no doubt that laws of universe are not going to change. Each day starts and finishes on the assigned time. But there are always some important events occur in each nation that will be remembered forever. And due to these reason the day that event occurs become important.

One of the most important day is March 23, 1989, when Hadhrat Masīh Mau'ūd as initiated first Bai'at at the house of Hadhrat Sofi Ahmad Jan ra in Ludhiana (India). On this very blessed day, Alhumdolillah 40 members took the Bai'at (became first 40 Ahmadīs).

The blessed day of March 23 remind us the about the pledge that was taken 122 years ago by small group with Hadhrat Masīh Mau'ūd as. The part of this pledge is

“Today on the hand of Ahmad as

I seek forgiveness of all the sins and bad habits that I was involved with, and with my pure heart and firm faith I pledge that I will try to stay away from all sins till the last day of my life. And I will prefer religion over the worldly comforts and wishes.

In this era God the Almighty has given the true Islam in Ahmadiyyat by Hadhrat Masīh Mau'ūd as. We as Ahmadī Tifl should be proud of ourselves. Today’s Atfāl will be the one who are going to win the heart of people and spread the message of Islam. May Allah Almighty grant us the courage and power to abide by our pledge. (Ameen)

If you have any question or you would like to provide us your feedback please email it at [email protected], Jazakallah





By the sheer grace of Allah Almighty once again this Ahmadiyya Basket ball for Atfāl has started from January 16, 2011 and following are results of week 4 - 6 games are as follows:

York A 22 final 0 Peel South

York B 23 final 0 GTA East

GTA Centre A 30 final 0 Peel North A

GTA Centre B 14 final 12 Peel North B

York A 13 final 0 Peel North A

York B 67 final 0 Peel North B

GTA Centre A 29 final 0 Peel South

GTA Centre B 20 final 0 GTA East

York A 21 final 22 Peel North B

York B 38 final 28 Peel North A

GTA Centre A 37 final 0 GTA East

GTA Centre B 49 final 0 Peel South

Week 6: Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week 4: Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week 5: Sunday, February 13, 2011

Please visit for latest updates regarding this event.


Rankings are given below:

Rankings of Top performers in ABL:

Rank Team


Played Wins Losses Points

1 York B 6 6 0 197

2 GTA Centre B 6 4 2 146

3 GTA Centre A 6 4 2 139

4 Peel North B 6 4 2 81

5 York A 6 3 3 129

6 Peel North A 6 0 6 14

7 GTA East 6 0 6 0

8 Peel South 6 0 6 0

Team No


Name 2 Points 3 Points


Throws Total

York B 0 Athar 26 9 8 87

York B 23 Huziafia 21 3 3 54

GTA Centre B 0 Sajid 21 2 2 50

York A 4 Fateh 18 0 11 47

GTA Centre A 32 Raheel 15 4 2 44

GTA Centre B 23 Imran 15 4 2 44

GTA Centre A 7 Fateen 14 1 6 37

GTA Centre A 23 Omar 13 3 1 36

Peel North B 7 Ijaz 9 4 2 32



Q: Who is Promised Messiah as?

A: The complete name of Promised Messiah as is Hadhrat Mirzā Ghulām Ahmad

Sahib as

Q: When and where Promised Messiah as was born?

A: The Promised Messiah as was born in Qādiān, India, on February 13, 1835


Q: What is name of Promised Messiah‘s as parents?

A: The name of Promised Messiah‘s as father was Mirzā Ghulām Murtaza and his

mother's, Chiragh Bibi

Q: When and where did formal ceremony of Bai'at take place?

A: The formal ceremony of the Bai'at started on March 23, 1889 in house of

Sofi Ahmad Jan Sahib ra in Ludhiana, India

Q: How many persons performed the Bai`at on March 23, 1889?

A: Some forty persons performed the Bai'at and thus was laid the

foundation of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam.

Q: When did Promised Messiah as passed away?

A: The Promised Messiah as passed away on May 26, 1908











Word Search

Search for following words from given chart:



A little girl came home from school and said to her mother, "Mommy, today in school

I was punished for something that I didn't do."

The mother exclaimed, "But that's terrible! I'm going to have a talk with your teacher

about this ... by the way, what was it that you didn't do?"

The little girl replied, "My homework."


Teacher: Why are you late, Joseph?

Joseph: Because of a sign down the road.

Teacher: What does a sign have to do with your being late?

Joseph: The sign said, "School Ahead, Go Slow!"


1) What goes around the world and stays in a corner? 2) You answer me, although I never ask you questions. What

am I? 3) The more there is, the less you see. 4) What can go up and come down without moving?


1) A stamp 2) A telephone 3) Darkness 4) The temperature


Event Time Department Level

`Ashra Tarbiyat March Break Tarbiyat Majlis

Inter Majālis Educational Competition

March 12 - 13 Ta'līm Regional

Mid Year Review April 2011 `Umumi National

`Ashra Mal - Chanda Membership

April 15 - 24 Mal Majlis


Umumi Department Region Name Top Majlis Reason

BC Surrey West On Time report, Held 2 Ijlas 'Aam and 1 Ijlas 'Amila

CA Calgary North East On Time report, Held 2 Ijlas 'Aam and 1 Ijlas 'Amila

EC Ottawa, Montreal Center On Time report, Held 1 Ijlas 'Aam

GTAC Toronto Central On Time report, Held 4 Ijlas 'Aam and 2 Ijlas 'Amila

PN Brampton Springdate West On Time report, Held 2 Ijlas 'Aam and 4 Ijlas 'Amila

PR Edmonton On Time report, Held 1 Ijlas 'Aam

PS Oakville / Burlington On Time report, Held 1 Ijlas 'Aam

WO Hamilton North On Time report, Held 1 Ijlas 'Aam

YORK Peace Village South On Time report, Held 1 Ijlas 'Aam and 1 Ijlas 'Amila

Ta'līm Department Region Name Top Majlis Reason

BC Surrey West Held 4 classes with Avg attendance of 55% Atfal

CA Calgary Taradale Held 3 classes with Avg attendance of 80% Atfal

EC Ottawa Held 4 classes with Avg attendance of 68% Atfal

GTAC Toronto Central Held 4 classes with Avg attendance of 84% Atfal

PN Brampton Springdale West Held 4 classes with Avg attendance of 100% Atfal

PR Edmonton Held 2 classes with Avg attendance of 72% Atfal

PS Oakville / Burlington Held 5 classes with Avg attendance of 47% Atfal

WO Hamilton South Held 3 classes with Avg attendance of 67% Atfal

YORK Peace Village South Held 4 classes with Avg attendance of 56% Atfal


Region Name Top Majlis Reason

BC Surrey West Held 4 Waqar-e-Amal activities with Avg attendance of 50% Atfal

CA Calgary Taradale Held 4 Waqar-e-Amal activities with Avg attendance of 65% Atfal

EC Ottawa Held 6 Waqar-e-Amal activities with Avg attendance of 40% Atfal

GTAC Weston North West Held 6 Waqar-e-Amal activities with Avg attendance of 11% Atfal

PN Brampton Peel Village Held 5 Waqar-e-Amal activities with Avg attendance of 34% Atfal

PR Saskatoon Held 5 Waqar-e-Amal activities with Avg attendance of 19% Atfal

PS Oakville / Burlington Held 1 Waqar-e-Amal activities

WO Hamilton South Held 3 Waqar-e-Amal activities with Avg attendance of 67% Atfal

YORK Peace Village West Held 6 Waqar-e-Amal activities with Avg attendance of 74% Atfal

Region Name Top Majlis Reason

BC Surrey West Held 3 sports activities

CA Calgary Taradale Held 7 sports activities

EC Ottawa Held 5 sports activities

GTAC Weston North West Held 13 sports activities

PN Brampton Springdale West Held 12 sports activities

PR Saskatoon Held 5 sports activity

WO Hamilton South Held 7 sports activities

YORK Vaughan East Held 5 sports activities

Waqar 'Amal Department

Sehat Jismani Department


Islam extensively emphasizes the importance

of living a life where the spiritual, moral,

and physical elements of ones personality are

developed according to man’s purpose of

creation. Having a clean, active, and strong

physical body has a great impact on our souls

as well. Keeping this aspect in mind, the

department of Sehat-e-Jismani in Atfālul

Ahmadiyya organizes various healthy activities

throughout the year. One of the prime

events in this regard are the Musleh Mau'ūd ra

Tournaments held every year at various

locations across Canada where Atfāl meet and

vie with each other in many healthy directions.

By the Grace of Allah, Majlis Atfālul

Ahmadiyya Canada held Musleh Mau'ūd ra

Tournaments on Regional level in the month of

February 2011. Various interesting sports such

as basketball, soccer, badminton, volleyball

etc. were held Nazimeen decorated these

tournaments and provided an enjoyable

atmosphere for the participating Atfāl. Aside

from the sports aspect, these tournaments gave a

great opportunity for the Atfāl to learn the

organizational structure of the Jamā'at and

uplift their morality from Tarbiyati perspective.

Apart from sports competition, Tarbiyati

Presentations, Exhibitions were also part of the


Various dignitaries of the Jamā'at and mem-

bers of the National Majlis `Āmila of MKAC

and MAAC attended especially the opening and

closing sessions of these tournaments, delivered

insightful speeches, and provided valuable

advises to the organizers and volunteers.

The total of 906 Atfāl from Mayar-e-Sagheer and Mayar-e-Kabeer attended these programs in their respective Region.

Musleh Mau'ūd Tournament in York

By the Grace of Allah, Majlis Atfālul

Ahmadiyya York Region held Musleh Mau'ūd

Tournament on February 26, 2011 at Maple

High School. The opening session was presided

by Respected Sadr Majlis Khuddāmul

Ahmadiyya Canada Abdul Hameed Waraich


The Program started with Tilawat and

Translation which was followed by pledge and

Nazm. In the opening address Respected Sadr

Sb discussed the history of Musleh Mau'ūd ra

and he also emphasized on 5 times prayers.

Session was concluded with silent prayers.

An exhibition was also set up by Atfāl in

which Atfāl have made poster and model on

various topics assigned. After the Opening

Sessions the sports Competitions of teams and

individuals started and continued till noon.

After Zuhr, ‘Asr prayers food was served and

remaining competitions were held.

The closing session was presided by Rehman

Mohar Sb Muhtamim Mal and Zaheer Ahmad

Sb Regional Qaid York Region. The Program

started with the recitation of The Holy Qur’an

and translation. After that respected guest

distributed prizes and concluded the session

with Silent Prayers.

Region No. of Majālis

Participated Atfāl


York 11 221


Musleh Mau'ūd Tournament in Peel North

By the Grace of Allah Majlis Atfālul

Ahmadiyya Peel North Region held Musleh

Mau'ūd Tournament on February 26, 2011 in

Mississauga, Ontario. The opening session was

presided by Respected Sadr Majlis Khuddāmul

Ahmadiyya Canada Abdul Hameed Waraich


The Program started with Tilawat and

Translation which was followed by pledge and

Nazm. An exhibition was also set up by Atfāl.

After the Opening Sessions the sports

Competitions of teams and individuals started

and continued till noon. After Zuhr, ‘Asr

prayers food was served and remaining

competitions were held. The closing session

ended with prize distribution and Dua.

Musleh Mau'ūd Tournament in Peel South

By the Grace of Allah Majlis Atfālul

Ahmadiyya Peel South Region held Musleh

Mau'ūd Tournament on February 26, 2011 in

Centennial Secondary School. The opening

session was presided by Nā'ib Muhtamim

Choudhry Fazal Hameed Sb. The Program

started with Tilawat and Translation which was

followed by pledge and Nazm.

After the Opening Session, the sports

Competitions of teams and individuals started

and continued till noon. After Zuhr, ‘Asr

prayers food was served and remaining

competitions were held. The closing session

was ended with prize distribution and Dua.

Musleh Mau'ūd Tournament in Calgary

By the grace of Allah Almighty Musleh

Mau'ūd Tournament was started with Ijlas

‘Aam with the recitation of Holy Qur’an

followed by the translation Pledge and Nazm.

Then we had presentation in which prophecy of

blessed son was explained by Qur’an and

Hadith, also the Prophecy Musleh Maud was

read out in English and Urdu. A Presentation

was also shown by Nāzim Majlis and group of

Atfāl. A video Presentation on the life of

Hadhrat Musleh Mau'ūd was also shown. A

small Q&A session was also held with

Muhtaram Murabbī Sahib.

Ijlas was ended with Dua and Lunch was

served and Zuhr and ‘Asr prayers were offered.

After this the games of Basketball, Soccer, Arm

wrestling and Tug of War were held and also

some individual games such as races were held.

Exhibition competition was also held in which

4 Majālis participated namely Calgary South,

Calgary NW, Calgary Taradale and Calgary

NE. The final Session was presided by Regional

Amir Sahib and started with Tilawat and Nazm

then Prize distribution took place. After a

Region No. of Majālis

Participated Atfāl


Peel North

9 128

Region No. of Majālis

Participated Atfāl


Peel South

6 68


concluding address program was ended with


Musleh Mau'ūd Tournament in Eastern Canada

By the Grace of Allah Almighty Eastern Canada Region held Musleh Mau'ūd Tournament in Ottawa. The total number of Atfāl who attended the program was 32. Majālis had combined their teams and Basket Ball and soccer was held and some individual sports were held. In exhibition only 1 Tifl from Montreal east had prepared a power point presentation. All Nazimeen were present during the program.

Musleh Mau'ūd Tournament in British Co-lumbia

By the grace of Allah almighty Musleh Mau'ūd (ra) Tournament for British Columbia was held along with Khuddām on February 27, 2011 from 10.30 to 18.00. After the opening session and Ijlas ‘Aam, team sports competitions were held. The total number of Atfāl who attended the program was 50. In the closing session prizes were distributed to winners and program was ended with Dua.

Musleh Mau'ūd Tournament in GTA Centre

By the grace of Allah GTA Center Region held Musleh Mau'ūd (ra) tournament on February 27,

2011 along with Khuddām in Emily Carr High

School. The opening session started with the recitation of the Holy Qur’an followed by pledge and Nazm. Then Nā'ib Sadr Kashif Ahmad Sahib addressed all Khuddām and Atfāl. The session was concluded with the silent prayers. After the opening session, teams and individual sports of Atfāl were held. In the closing session prize distribution was done and session was concluded by silent prayers.

Musleh Mau'ūd Tournament in GTA East

By the grace of Allah almighty GTA East Region held Musleh Mau'ūd Tournament on February 27, 2011. The program was very well organized. The opening session was presided by Secretary Umoor-e-'Aama, Haleem Tayyab Sahib and Nā'ib Sadr MKAC Kashif Sahib. Murabbī Sahib did a presentation on the Prophecy of Musleh Mau'ūd after the video. He mentioned a few points from the Musleh-e-Mau'ūd prophecy. Atfāl played soccer and badminton after the Ijlas 'Aam. About 55 Atfāl were present during this time. Regional Ameer Sahib presided the closing session. Regional Ameer Sahib addressed the Khuddām & Atfāl. He encouraged Khuddām and Atfāl to follow the directions of Hadhrat Musleh-e-Mau'ūd (ra) by leading a simple life and by spreading the message of Islam to the rest of the world. He also encouraged them to become regular in 5 daily prayers. The session was brought to end with Pledge and silent prayers.

Region No. of Majālis

Participated Atfāl


Calgary 6 107

Region No. of Majālis

Participated Atfāl


GTA East

4 67


Musleh Mau'ūd Tournament in Western Ontario

By the grace of Allah Almighty Musleh Mau'ūd (ra) Tournament for Western Ontario Region was held on Feb 26-27, 2011 along with Khuddām in Windsor. The opening session of this program was presided by Muhtamim Tarbiyat Kashif Danish Sahib. Program started with Tilawat followed by pledge and Nazm. After this teams and individual sports were held. This program was two days program with over night stay. In the evening some Tarbiyati presentations were shown to Atfāl. Program was ended with Dua.

Musleh Mau'ūd Tournament in Prairies

Alhamdulillah, On Sunday, February 27, 2011, Prairies Region Musleh Mau'ūd (ra) tournament was held in Lloydminster, Alberta. Total of 78 Khuddām and 51 Atfāl attended the tournament. A good number of Ansar were also present including Sadr sahib Jamā'at Edmonton, Lloydminster and Saskatoon. The attendance breakdown is as follows:

The opening session started with the recitation of the Holy Qur’an followed by pledge and Nazm. Then National Muhtamim sahib Sanat-o-Tijārat addressed all Khuddām and Atfāl and session was concluded with the silent prayers led by Sadr sahib Jamā'at Lloydminster. After the opening session teams and individual sports of Atfāl were held. In the closing session, prize distribution was held and session was concluded with silent prayers. The opening session started with the recitation of the Holy Qur’an followed by pledge and Nazm. Then National Muhtamim sahib Sanat-o-Tijārat addressed all Khuddām and Atfāl and session was concluded with the silent prayers led by Sadr sahib Jamā'at Lloydminster. After the opening session teams and individual sports of Atfāl were held. In the closing session, prize distribution was held and session was concluded with silent prayers.

Region No. of Majālis

Participated Atfāl


Western Ontario

6 22

Majlis Number of Atfāl

Edmonton 20

Saskatoon 19

Lloydminster 8

Regina 4








Reports from Majālis

Ijlas ‘Aam – Majlis Malton

By the Grace of Allah, Malton Majlis held Ijlas ‘Aam on February 18, 2011. The theme of the Ijlas is to highlight the achievement of Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ūd (ra). All Atfāl were encouraged to wear some sort of green as well to show their love and celebration. Mash Allah, 80% of the total Atfāl attended attentively and disciplined. Each Tifl was happy and left with a learned and positive attitude.

Our program was made so that the Atfāl were not bored and the quick breaks were filled with general question and answers regarding the presentations and/or interesting facts about the life of the Promised Reformer. All the speeches were kept small and to the point and Atfāl were at random asked to summarize the presented material. By the grace of Allah, every Tifl asked was able to successfully answer and summarize the requested material.

Lastly we concluded the program with special prayers for the future and safety of our Jamā’at. This followed with Dua and `Asr Namaz. Refreshments were served. May Allah enable us to continuously earn his blessings and may He allow us to stay on the right path (Ameen)



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