Page 1: Attributes of a project-Sri Lankan case study

Attributes of a project Welioya resettlement project

Page 2: Attributes of a project-Sri Lankan case study

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Table of Contents

Attributes of a project ..................................................................................................................................................... 3

Welioya resettlement project ...................................................................................................................................... 5

Background .................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Well defined objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 6

Project has a unique purpose. ................................................................................................................................ 6

Project is temporary ................................................................................................................................................... 6

Project is developed using progressive elaboration ..................................................................................... 7

Project required resources ...................................................................................................................................... 8

Stakeholdersof the project ....................................................................................................................................... 9

Uncertainties of the project ..................................................................................................................................... 9

Project deliverables (Outcome /benefits / Impact) ...................................................................................... 9

References ................................................................................................................................................................... 11

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Attributes of a project

1. Project has a unique purpose

2. Project is temporary

3. Project is developed using progressive elaboration

4. Project requires resources

5. Project should have stakeholders

6. Project involves uncertainties

7. Project has deliverables

1. Project has a unique purpose

Each and every project has a clear objective. It shows initially what the reason is and

what the target of the project is. It is unique. From one project to another the purpose

or the objective is different. There is no hard and fast rule that the project should have

equal purposes. Definitely they are unique and different from one project to another.

2. Project is temporary.

Each and every project has a starting date and an ending date. No project continues for

ever. The time period of the project depends on many factors such as

Scale of the projects

Requirement of the owner of the project : Mahaweli project was convert in to

accelerated Mahaweli project with the changes of the political authorities.

3. Project is developed using progressive elaboration

Every project has a task, scope and a boundary. The actions of the project should be

supportive to achieve the project. In the sense that the project is trying to achieve the

triple constrains of a project. They are, Scope, Cost, and Time, start and end date.

Progress identifies & solves risks, issues, and problems manages the project team

escalates issues to project sponsor/stakeholders. So the challenge is to cope with those

risk and to proceed to achieve the targets.

4. Project requires resources

Projects need various kinds of resources. It may be human resources or other materials.

But to prepare accounts, costs of the project many project follow checklist analysis to

find are the exact resources need. The knowledge of expertise people are hired on such

instance, organizations, equipments, materials, and facilities are few examples for the

required resources.

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5. Project should have stakeholders

There should be a stakeholder to every project. If not the aim of the project won’t

succeed. It should give benefits to the stakeholder. And on the other hand stakeholders

are entity that provides the funds necessary to accomplish the project. So, an

organization who involved with a project must be make their customer satisfy and

happy. And in the case of welfare oriented projects the target benefit should goes

towards the target group of community.

6. Project involves uncertainties

Whatever the organization who involved in the project, need to calculate the risk of the

project. This is for prevent from loss and also make sure the project can run smoothly

and successfully. Ex: At the starting date the budget allocation may be 3 billion. But at

the end it may exceed to 4 billion. So it is a great risk. The project is full of uncertainties

or risks in terms of such cases.

7. Project has deliverables

Finally the project should give an outcome that expected at the end. After carrying out

many interdependence tasks the projects give outcomes. In terms of outcomes there

may be both pros and cons. Especially in large scale development projects there may be

impacts too. Ex: Kothmale hydropower plant project generate electricity in a

sustainable way but at the same time it is predicated that the rocks beside the dam may

collapse due to the vibration. So the ambition of the project should be to produce a high

effective output with minimum constraints.

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8. 6.



Welioya is an area that severely affected from war. Due to war situations there are

about one hundred and forty families of Gajabapura and Monarawila in the Weli Oya

AGA’s division, have returned to their original places and settled in temporary shelters.

The main factor behind their flee over was the terrorists activities raised around 1999

at the height of their influence they left their villages. Now they are at their villages after

12 years.

But as they returned to their villages it was not the village they lived. No infrastructure

facilities. All the facilities were destroyed during the war period. Even the school was

abandoned and destroyed. No pure water, no roads. The only solution they had was the

army commander that stationed at Weli oya at that time. If not the condition may be


“Welioya resettlement development project” was took place to create the condition

better where they were lived than what they experienced.

The houses where they lived

Welioya resettlement project

Houses they got from the Welioya

resettlement project

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Well defined objectives

The Welioya development project had only one defined objective. It is to

“Provide houses to 850 families that were affected and displaced due to conflict in the

Welioya Divisional Secretariat area in the Mullathivu District”

Project has a unique purpose.

There are endless resettlement projects in Sri Lanka. But in the terms of project

attributes each and every project should have a unique purpose. So Welioya

resettlement development project is not only another project. It has a unique character.

It is a “Sustainable Housing Development Project”.

Project is temporary

Projects are not permanent. It has an exact beginning date and an end date. This is the

same scenario with the Welioya project too. Welioya Sustainable Housing Development

Project was inaugurated on July 29, 2012 under the ‘Mahinda Chintana-Way Forward’ to

facilitate the needs of the resettled community in the area.

First phase

Under the first phase of the project, 500 New Houses have now been constructed in

Helambawewa, Kalyanapura-I, Kalyanapura-III, Monerawewa and Gajabapura villages

in Welioya Divisional Secretariat area. It was completed and handover on September

18, 2013.

Second phase

Under the Second phase of the project, 357 houses will be built in Janakapura,

Kiriibbanwewa, Ethawetunuwewa, Nikawewa-South, New Gajabapura and

Ehetugaswewa villages.

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Project is developed using progressive elaboration .

Each and every project has a task to perform. Although their ultimate scope is to realize

the “Mahinda Chinthana – Way Forward” political manifesto it adds an added

advantage in terms of the living status of Welioya community. It creates permanent

houses to those who were displaced.

It also provides a new model for rural development in the post conflict nation building

exercise, which attempts to synergize participation of public, semi-public, private sector

and security forces to address issues concerning resettled communities

Site of Weli oya resettlements

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Project required resources

To carry out the project tasks required more resources. They can be people, equipment,

technology, facilities, funding and anything which required for completion of the project

activities. To Welioya Housing Development project also needed those all kind of

recourses form first step of clearing site and last step of handing over of houses to the

resettlers and providing infrastructure facilities.

Funds are the most essential resource in this kind of large housing development

project. Ministry of Resettlement was the main funding agency of the entire project. The

capital expenditure for the project is Rs. 150 million. And also Rs.61 Lakhs were cost for

clear jungle to provide infrastructure facilities in the resettlement area. As well as

Ministry of Resettlement alone spent 276.0 million on this project and related

development work in the area.

200 liters provided by the causeway Paints Lanka Ltd. to paint completed houses.

As well as 0.73 million rupees were expended to provide various facilities to resettled

people. To build the ‘Meheniaaramaya’ have expended 1.2 million rupees also.

Resources are distributing by the authorities

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Stakeholdersof the project

Both Government and private institutions have participated in different level of the

Welioya Housing Development project. Apart from that particular agencies, community

which is take benefits from this project also can be consider as main part of the


Ministry of Resettlement

Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources Management

Ministry of Construction, Engineering Services, Housing and Common


Anuradhapura District Secretariat

Mullaitive District Secretariat

Welioya Divisional Secretariat

National Housing Development Authority

Sri Lanka Mahaweli Authority

Sri Lanka Army and Civil Defence Force

Sri Lanka Export Credit Insurance Corporation ((SLECIC)

Causeway Paints Lanka Ltd

Community (resettlers/beneficiaries)

Uncertainties of the project

The first phase of the project with 500 houses expected to be handed over to the

resettlers end of the December 2012. But they couldn’t hand over the houses at given

time. The houses were handed over to the beneficiaries by Minister of Resettlement on

September 18, 2013. But we can accept this kind of delay in large scale development


Project deliverables (Outcome /benefits / Impact)

In Resettlement Authority act no. 09 of 2007 under section 3, have mentioned

necessity to implement projects to promote personality, social and economic

development capacity among the resettled communities. In Welioya Sustainable

Housing Development project also aiming to attend those objectives. Project

deliverables of this project have fulfilled those necessities.

The Ministry of Resettlement has constructed 856 new houses with basic facilities for

the benefit of resettlers in the Welioya area who have returning to their villages after

the dawn of peace. This is the main project deliverable. The first phase was inaugurated

on the 29th of July 2012. Under first phase of the project Newly built 500 houses were

handed over to the beneficiaries by Minister of Resettlement on September 18, 2013 in

the Helambawewa village in the Welioya Divisional Secretariat Division. First phase of

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the project have now been constructed in Helambawewa, Kalyanapura-I, Kalyanapura-

III, Monerawewa and Gajabapura villages in Welioya Divisional Secretariat area. Second

phase of the project, 356 houses will be built in Janakapura, Kiriibbanwewa,

Ethawetunuwewa, Nikawewa-South, New Gajabapura and Ehetugaswewa villages in

year 2013.

In addition to the houses that are being built, infrastructure facilities, such as Roads,

Electricity, Irrigation, Transport. Schools are also being developed. Meheniyaramaya

has also been built to cater to the spiritual and religious needs of villagers, community

infrastructure, such as pre-schools, community centers, common dug wells, internal

roads have also been provided for the benefit of these villagers.

This project also supports to improve the livelihood and economic status of the people.

Under government’s ‘Divineguma’ programme, action has been taken to provide seeds

and plants to cultivate their home-plots. Ministry of Resettlement is taking action to

make available micro-credit facilities to resettlers on group basis, especially to women

groups to startup entrepreneurial activities with the help of Private Micro Credit

Agencies. It is hoped that enhancing their standard of living.

Newly build house Newly build house

Newly build houses for resettlers

New Meheniyaramaya Provided infrastructure facilities

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J. Thaning, SVP,Global Consulting, Top 10 Key Attributes of a Successful Project, United


Website of Ministry of resettlemet. (

J.Gido, Successful project management, Mason, OH, South western, Cengage


Daily news, Welioya housing project first phase launch today, Monday, September 16,


Infrastructure facilities provided

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