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My Music Magazine

Page 2: Audience feedback

Does my magazine appeal to its targeted audience group?

Audience Feedback.


As you can see from these results, 95% people said that my magazine does appeal to its target audience, which is girls and boys aged 13-18, however 5% did say no because they feel that the magazine is more for girls than it is boys.

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Do you think the photo-shoot fits the type of magazine well?


As you can see from the pie chart, 8 people answer yes and 2 people answer no. The people who answered yes mentioned that the photos had good enough deal in them, and just had an R&B look to them, not to simply but not a punk rock look either. However the people who answered no suggested that I could of added more colour to the boy in my group of 3 on the front page and also made the girls stand out more by having colourful makeup, wild hair and brighter coloured clothes.

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Is my magazine conventional or unconventional?

As you can see from this chart, I asked my audience I they thought my magazine was conventional or unconventional, 6 of them answer conventional and 4 answered unconventional. The people who answer conventional commented that the way some of my images and writing are laid out is very similar to other music magazines that have already been released. The people who answered unconventional suggested that my magazine had its own unique style by the way the layout of the writing is, and how I’ve used a big image on my contents paged, this isn’t very often seen in other day to day magazines.

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My target audience for this music magazine was male and females between the ages of 13-18. Even though it is suitable for people older or younger than this I think this is the main age range that this magazine suits more.

Whilst creating my magazine I made sure I included things that would benefit both the male and female audience because if not then it wouldn’t fit my aim of attracting both genders. To complete this, I made sure I used plain but bright colours like white black and red. I also made sure I had images of both girls and boys to give the effect that the target audience is both male and females.

I think this target audience was most suitable for this particular magazine because it includes artists/bands that all teenage people would listen to and I have also included a new band of an age that is slightly older than the targeted audience. I done this to attract more people to read the magazine because it is about people there own age.

Target Audience…

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The Four Pages…

This is the front cover of my music magazine,

“ShOuT”. I decided to use red as the title of

the magazine, and of the group because I think

it makes the writing stand out more on a white

background, and they are most important

parts of the page, which is why they are the

biggest. I chose to have a picture to the right

with the writing on the left hand side of it to

make people focus on the writing as well as

the picture. By putting it to the left I think this

will make the audience read it and be more

aware of it being there.

This is the contents page of my music magazine. As you can see the main focus to the page is the image because that is the biggest. Again I used red as the colour of “contents” because I liked the idea of having a colour scheme for my magazine and it also makes it stand out off the page. I decided to put the writing around the image to add more effect, and give the writing more style so it was just a big block of writing for the audience to read, because then they most probably wouldn’t bother.

This is my double page spread for my music magazine. I decided to use three different images of “Beth” on this page, because I think the way they are laid out makes it look more effect for the target audience. Just like the front cover and contents paged I have used black and red writing to make it stand out more on the white background and it follows the colour scheme of my magazine which is what I was aiming to do. I’ve shaped the writing slightly on the second column around “Beth's” photo to give it more edge and add effects to the page.

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To create my music magazine I had to take part in preparing a photo shoot with people I wanted to include within my magazine. I chose to have a boy and two girls to feature as the new band I had created, N.G.A.

I asked him to be in just plain black clothes, so he would still stand out next to the girls, but it added more effect when he stood between the two girls in different coloured clothes.

I decided to use props in the photos with the two girls, to show that my magazine features music of all different types.

My targeted audience gave me feedback to my photo shoot on what they think works well and what I could improve if I had to do something like this again. They suggested that on some photos the lighting wasn’t as good as it could have been, for example on the photo on the left the lighting isn’t all that good on the girl wearing black. However they did suggest that the way the people are positioned for each photos works well for the type of image I was aiming to have.


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During this project I have learn various different things that I didn’t already know about different music magazines and how the software's that I used, work. At the beginning of this project I had to complete some industry research and find out about different music industries around the world. This helped me because it gave me a rough idea on what artists/bands are with each type of music group.

Creating the magazine pages – Whilst doing this I had to use a wide range of software’s and websites that I had never used before, meaning that I learnt new skills whilst producing my magazine. For example, we used a ‘wix’ to help us create a well designed website, or get us used to editing photos and writing. This helped me because when I actually come to creating my own website I already had basic skills on how to do so. I also developed my skills of copy and pasting photos onto my word documents and then annotating them so people could understand why I had done certain things within that photo to make it look effective.

If I was to do a project like this again I would improve my planning for the magazine pages and spend more time on how I wanted them to look. Even though I am pleased with the design of all 4 pages, I think the layout could be improved slightly and more writing could be added, especially on the double page spread.

What I’ve learnt…

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How I planned my magazine…Before creating my magazine I done

a plan or how I wanted the layout to look, or the type of designed I wanted to create to attract my targeted audience of teenager boys and girls. However I did change a few things whilst producing my front page, I decided not to have a free CD included with the magazine, and I didn’t put the sell like on the side, instead I changed it to being directly under the masthead. I also kept to having an image of three people because I think it makes it stand out more and doesn’t attract you too much off the cover lines that is beside the image. I annotated the layout of my

magazine and how I wanted it too look. I also added more details of the colours I had chosen to have and the effect I thought they would give.

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