Page 1: Audience Survey Results - A2 Film Magazine Cover

Audience Survey Results- A2 Film Magazine Cover

By Jade Melady and Sonia Tyrna

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We created an online survey on the website ‘Survey Monkey’. It consisted of five questions that were either multiple choice or comment

boxed. We then sent out the survey to the rest of the students in our college and all staff members. All results have been quoted and copied in these next few slides. We created the survey in order to

collect audience responses to our A2 Media Coursework Magazine Cover.

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Our magazine cover:

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Our Survey:

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Q1: How often do you read magazines?

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Q2: What do you like about our A2 Magazine Cover?

“It looks interesting and appealing and has a lot of detail. The stories look good too and I like that there is a free gift”

“Simple and bold fonts that attract attention, interesting and intriguing background image”

“Clear name and title Main photo - reader questions who it is etc. Everything is clear and can be easily red - not too many words and the cover doesn't look too busy”

“Colour, sense of drama. Am intrigued - who is the girl? What is her story?”

“Mystery of the anonymous figure”

“Gives the impression that it's aimed at the general public; lack of celebrity content!!”

“I like the light behind the Title as it feels like a cinema projection and helps indicate the nature of the magazine. I also like the sub headings as they tell me if there are articles inside that I might be interested in.”

“Text very clear”

“The writing on the sides of the magazine that informs the reader what's inside.”

“The clarity of it”

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“Informative clear and precise.”

“I like the use of colours and tone.”

“The colours are good. I like the type face used for the magazine name.”

“Vintage look”

“Layout is good”

“it looks mysterious because you cant see the persons face. it makes you want to look inside.”

“its mysterious”

“it looks good generally”

“I like the main picture as it gives a subtle hint to the fact that the film inside my reality is about cyber bullying.”

“Clear text, informative, interesting design”

“Free Poster”

“clear, concise layout”

“It's bold and very clear what the content of the magazine entails. Possibly a little too subjective and focused on the female gender. However the colours work together and the design is very appealing.”

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Q3: What do you think can be improved on our magazine cover?

“Maybe change the picture so we can see the persons face”

“fonts could be coloured”

“The title seems a little subtle”

“Can't think of anything”


“More colour”

“I'm not sure about the main image being blurred but that is just me!”

“Image very dark.”

“I think it looks a bit dark, but it does look effective”

“The picture used causes confusion as the person isn't facing forward.”

“To use better contrasting text with the background, so things can be read easily.”

“Main Image”

“more advertisement of the inside contents”

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“Put bar code and cost on the back cover. Also it's a bit dark.”

“More freebies and prizes.”

“I'm not sure if I like not being able to see the persons face?”

“It's just a bit dark. I would have some lighter colour somewhere”

“Colour a bit dark Picture looks depressing not enough idea of what films are being reviewed”

“using a variety of colours. it looks quite scary with all the dark colours and looking at the back of the head.”

“Its a bit dark and gloomy”

“may be the title can be more colourful.”

“more small stories could be added, down the sides of the magazine, however I think it would ruin the effect of the picture and make it less visible”

“Maybe a little brighter. The colours don’t really tally with the title.”

“More content/teasers that would sell it to the reader.”

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Q4: Does it look like a professional magazine cover? (Does it follow typical conventions and codes of a magazine)? Please state why you think that also.

“Yes it does, you have included everything” “yes as it has a big title which stands out, date and price, barcode”

“Yes - Headline, barcode and pricing as expected, along with advertising, inserts and what is included in the magazine. Meets conventions”

“Yes - well designed - lots going on to interest the reader.”

“Yes. Mysterious and intriguing. Effective use of colour.”


“Yes - it has all the features of a magazine I might put.”

“The text is good but the image lets it down.”

“Definitely, you have captured everything perfectly”

“Yes, its got the title, the cost, the bar code”

“Yes has the key conventions such as a header and the subheadings appear to be in the correct place”

“yes, bold title of magazine, barcode, price, website - good because target audience are likely to be internet savvy.”

“The focus on the front cover seems off compared to the clarity of the banner and the content surrounding the image. Besides that the rest of the magazine looks professionally produced”

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“The information on the magazine gives the conventions of a magazine. However, the person isn't facing the right way, or looking at the reader so would put people off as they don't know who it is. The multiple images in the background (wallpaper, desk, computer, magazines and water) create too much for the reader to take in. The writing around the title and the information around the barcode are usual conventions of a magazine.”

“Yes typical format to include title and headlines of what can be found inside”

“Yes typical format to include title and headlines of what can be found inside”

“Yes because it has a barcode and a price and a tag line and a picture.”


“Yes and no, not enough info and doesn't make me want to read further”

“yes barcode names of articles inside on the front cover image clear title and magazine name”

“yes it has big texts which stand out nicely and has small texts to add more details not too much writing which is good”

“yes, because it has a bold title which stands out, different fonts to draw attention to words such as 'PLUS' and 'SHANE MEADOWS' and the barcode is in the typical place”

“Looks pretty professional and similar in style to other mags on the market,.”

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Q5: Would you buy the magazine? Please state your reason why.

“Yes, the content provided is focused on the purpose of the genre, which you have based your magazine, and has an appealing and tidy look.”

“Unlikely, as it isn't really of interest to me.”

“Yes because of the exclusive interviews”

“Probably not - I'm not much of a film buff.”

“yes, it looks interesting, has 'exclusive' stories and a free poster”

“no, i do not read this type of magazine very often”

“no, i don't buy magazines”

“no because the genre does not interest me.”

“Yes because the film looks interesting and I want to know more.”

“Yes for the information it contains but I would buy because I was specifically looking for a film magazine as I don't think it would jump out at you on the shelf.”

“No it looks depressing”

“Yes, because i like the image featured on the magazine and i like the free poster offer”

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“No but only because I'm not really into films”

“possibly not. i have never bought a film magazine, and this edition seems to be focused on reality shows, which I am not a fan of”

“yes, I like films”

“From the information around the magazine, I would buy it (and that it's a good price); never the less, the actual picture itself makes it unappealing to me.”

“I wouldn't personally as I do not buy that sort of magazine, but for those who do, I am sure they would buy it.”

“yes, I am interested in films.”

“No but only because I don't really read film magazines - It looks great and if I was going to buy a film magazine there is no reason why I would not buy this one.”

“Maybe; enjoy films but don't buy magazines about them these days - tend to read reviews etc on the internet.”

“Yes- to find out what the film is all about.”

“Yes - looks interesting for film lovers.”

“Yes, it looks good quality”

“yes because it looks interesting and professional”

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Given the survey results, what would we change about the magazine?

Personally, we would change the main image of the magazine. From audience feedback we have discovered that our image does not provide enough information for the reader and is a bit too dark. We would additionally add more cover stories to make it seem packed full of information and look more appealing to our target audience. For our magazine cover, our audience will be niche, as from our survey we have discovered that not many people read film magazines as they get most of there information online.

However, through audience feedback we have found that they think our magazine cover looks professional and the layout is clear and appealing.

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