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Audio object separation using microphone array beamforming

Philip Coleman1, Philip J. B. Jackson1, and Jon Francombe2

1Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU27XH, UK

2Institute of Sound Recording, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, UK

May 2015

AbstractAudio production is moving towards an object-based ap-proach, where content is represented as audio togetherwith metadata that describe the sound scene. From cur-rent object definitions, it would usually be expected thatthe audio portion of the object is free from interferingsources. This poses a potential problem for object-basedcapture, where microphones cannot be placed close toa source. In this paper, the application of microphonearray beamforming is investigated for its ability to sep-arate a mixture into distinct audio objects. Real mix-tures recorded by a 48 channel microphone array in re-flective rooms were separated, and the results were evalu-ated using perceptual models in addition to physical mea-sures based on the beam pattern. The effect of interferingobjects was reduced by applying the beamforming tech-niques.

1 INTRODUCTIONObject-based audio gives advantages over the traditionalchannel-based approach in terms of creative control, scal-ability across various rendering systems, and interactivitywith audio content [1]. A sound scene would ideally becaptured in such a way that it could be represented arbi-trarily in space (as desired by the producer), and transmit-ted without knowledge of the reproduction system (whichwould decode the scene in the way most appropriate to the

context). This is referred to as a format-agnostic system.

There are currently two main approaches for recordingmultiple active sources for audio production: close cap-ture and spatial capture. Close capture aims to maximisethe signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the source by placinga microphone as close to it as possible. In addition toachieving a high SNR (which is beneficial for separationfrom other sources and in terms of reducing the effects im-posed by the recording space itself), close capture record-ings can very easily be converted into conventional audioobjects with the addition of metadata describing the posi-tion. However, they contain no inherent spatial informa-tion. Spatial microphone techniques, which use multiplemicrophone capsules and therefore contain some spatialinformation about the scene (including the performanceand the room), are therefore often used. Examples of spa-tial microphone techniques include stereo or multichannelarrangements (which correspond directly to loudspeakerchannels) [2], binaural recording using a dummy head,room ambience capture (e.g. a Hamasaki square [3]), andusing a soundfield microphone which gives 3-D informa-tion encoded on to orthogonal basis functions (usually B-format). However, these techniques carry two main dis-advantages. First, the audio for individual sound sourcesis not available. Second, each technique (with the excep-tion of the soundfield microphone) is directly related to aspecific channel-based reproduction system, limiting thegeneral application of such techniques. In principle, thespatial information from the soundfield microphone can


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be recovered and processed, although there is an inherentphysical limitation given the small spatial extent of themicrophone.

A dense microphone array [4] has the potential to cap-ture a sound scene in a format-agnostic manner. Themicrophone array receives spatial information about thescene, and gives the opportunity to apply spatial filteringor other signal processing (e.g. to improve the SNR) byhaving a relatively large number of capsules with densespacing. The concept of spatial filtering, or beamforming,is well established. The purpose of a beamformer is toestimate the signal arriving from a certain direction, usu-ally in the presence of noise and interference [5]. Beam-forming algorithms applied to microphone arrays can becategorized into three approaches: additive (the signalsare filtered and summed to achieve the output); differen-tial (the microphones are closely spaced and so the ar-ray is sensitive to the derivative of the sound pressure);and eigenbeamforming (based on decomposing the soundfield onto orthogonal basis functions) [6]. Additionally,optimal beamformers such as the minimum variance dis-tortionless response (MVDR) can be formulated in thespherical harmonics domain [7]. For audio capture, acylindrical harmonic description has previously been usedto create coincident directive virtual microphones [8]. Inthis paper, additive beamformers are used as they are gen-erally applicable without requiring specific array geome-tries.

The beamforming methods introduced above do not en-compass the full range of techniques that can be appliedto a microphone array for object separation. Blind sourceseparation (BSS) techniques can be applied to a micro-phone array, and the additional spatial resolution gainedwith a microphone array has been considered explicitly bydefining a space-time-frequency transform [9]. This pro-cessing has potential for a sparse representation of the re-ceived signals at the array, being able to separate sourcesthat are active in the same time-frequency bin but are spa-tially separated.

In addition, the microphone array signals may be usedto estimate some of the object metadata, including cur-rently standardised parameters (e.g. source position) andother potentially useful information (e.g. parameterizedroom acoustics [10]). In particular, the microphone arraycan be used to determine the direction of arrival (DOA)of the sources. If a microphone array is positioned in a

recording session with the perspective of a listener (simi-lar to recording with a stereo microphone pair or binauraldummy head), then knowledge of the DOA could be ad-equate to suggest prototype metadata for the content pro-ducer (or, in principle, to fully automate source position-ing). Otherwise, multiple microphone arrays with knowngeometry could be used to fully determine the source po-sition. Methods for determining the DOA can be broadlycatergorized into time-delay estimation (e.g. [11]), spatialspectral estimation (e.g. [12]), and sound field analysis(e.g. [13]). In this paper it is assumed that the DOA isknown.

Some recent work has considered the issue of format-agnostic audio capture. Audio objects derived directlyfrom multiple microphone signals have previously beencaptured using a number of shotgun microphones, sound-field microphones, and an Eigenmike, and applied to afootball match [14]. In particular, the Eigenmike was usedfor ambient sounds, and twelve shotgun microphonesplaced around the pitch were used to detect ball kicks andthe referee’s whistle blows. Salient audio was identifiedfrom the shotgun microphone feeds, and where a singleevent was detected on multiple microphones the geomet-rical information was further used to localise the event toa position on the pitch. Capture of format-agnostic audiohas also been considered in relation to MPEG-H [15, 16].In this case, most objects were derived from clean monoand stereo microphone feeds, and an eight-cardioid 3-Darray was used to capture the ambience. The authors com-ment that the 3-D array provided an increased sense ofimmersion, but they experienced some issues with spill onthe ambience recordings. Application of spatial filteringand source separation techniques may therefore enhancethe approach taken.

This paper is structured as follows. In Sec. 2, spa-tial filtering techniques for audio object separation areintroduced, and in Sec. 3 metrics for evaluation of ob-ject separation are described. Two experiments, wherebyspeech and music data were recorded in real-world reflec-tive acoustic environments, are described in Sec. 4. InSec. 5 results obtained by applying beamforming algo-rithms to the speech and music signals are presented. Fi-nally, the outlook of the work is discussed in Sec. 6 andthe work is summarized in Sec. 7.


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2 SPATIAL FILTERINGA number of classical beamformers are very well es-tablished and still useful in modern applications. Inparticular, the delay and sum (DS) and MVDR beam-formers, included in a 1988 review article [5], are stillwidely used [17, 18, 19]. These algorithms also repre-sent the data-independent (DS) and statistically optimum(MVDR) approaches to beamforming. Data-independentbeamformers are based purely on the microphone arraygeometry (and in some cases the room response, if cal-ibrated in a real room), whereas statistically optimumbeamformers exploit the signals received at the micro-phones. In the following the DS and MVDR beamformersare introduced, together two further methods: the superdi-rective array (SDA), a high resolution data-independentbeamformer; and the linearly constrained minimum vari-ance (LCMV) beamformer, which is a generalization ofMVDR.

2.1 Signal modelConsider an array of M microphones. The signal xm(n)received at the mth sensor may be transformed intothe frequency domain via discrete-time Fourier trans-form and written as Xm(ω), belonging to a vector oflength M, x(ω) = [X1(ω),X2(ω), . . . ,XM(ω)]T . A com-plex filter weight wm(ω) can be applied at each mi-crophone to perform spatial filtering, with w(ω) =

[w1(ω),w2(ω), . . . ,wM(ω)]T , and the output of the beam-former can be written as

Y (ω) = wH(ω)x(ω), (1)

with frequency dependence omitted for clarity in the fol-lowing. It is often useful to explicitly consider x as com-prising signal and (uncorrelated) noise components, suchthat

x = as+n, (2)

where a is the array manifold vector describing the acous-tic paths (transfer function) between the source s and eachmicrophone, and n describes the uncorrelated backgroundnoise at each microphone. The array manifold vector a inprinciple incorporates room reflections, although beam-formers are often calculated based on the assumption offree-field conditions.

2.2 Beamforming algorithms

In the following sections the DS, SDA, MVDR, andLCMV beamformers are formally introduced. In this pa-per the beams are steered in azimuth only, although themethods readily extend to three dimensions. Furthermore,the sources are assumed to be static, with their positionsknown a priori.

2.2.1 Delay and sum beamformer

The DS beamformer exploits the known array geometryto align the received signals such that they constructivelyinterfere towards the target direction. The output signal isconventionally written in the time domain as

y(n,θt) =M


xm(n−∆m(θt)), (3)

where y(n) is the inverse Fourier transform of Y (ω), and∆m is a delay calculated based on look direction θt (fromwhich the desired sound will impinge on the array). Nar-rowband filter weights w(θt) can equivalently be calcu-lated in the frequency domain as a frequency-dependentphase shift.

2.2.2 Superdirective array

The superdirective array (SDA) minimizes the isotropicacoustical noise at all directions other than the target, andcan include a diagonal loading term to regularize the so-lution magnitude. In this case, the SDA weights for eachfrequency are calculated by [20]

w(θt) =(Rvv + εI)−1a(θt)

a(θt)H(Rvv + εI)−1a(θt)

, (4)


Rvv =1L



a(θl)aH(θl), (5)

where θl denotes the lth look angle, ε is a weighting pa-rameter which (physically) trades white noise gain againstdirectivity (see Sec. 3), and I is the identity matrix withdimensions M×M.


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2.2.3 MVDR and LCMV beamformers

The MVDR and LCMV beamformers both utilize linearconstraints, and rely on an estimate of the data covari-ance matrix. The principle of the MVDR beamformer isto minimize the overall output power of the array, subjectto keeping unity gain in the target direction. The opti-mization problem can be written as


wHRxxw s.t. wHa(θt) = 1, (6)

where Rxx = E[xxH ] denotes the spatial correlation ma-trix, θt denotes the target angle of incidence, and E[·] isthe expectation operator.

Adding diagonal loading as for the SDA above, the so-lution to the cost function is [18]

w(θt) =(Rxx + εI)−1a(θt)

a(θt)H(Rxx + εI)−1a(θt)

. (7)

The solution in Eq. 7 attempts simultaneously to performdereverberation and noise reduction. The beamformeris very often used for noise reduction only, i.e. wHRnwis minimized subject to the distortionless constraint (asEq. 6), where Rn = E[nnH ]. Further forms may make useof the estimated spatial correlation matrix of the noise-free term in Eq. 2 [21]. In practice, this means that somenoise-only portions of the signal must be identified, whichimplies a high level of supervision. If both signal andnoise components can be estimated, the MVDR becomesthe max-SNR beamformer [5].

The MVDR beamformer is a special case of the lin-ear constrained minimum variance (LCMV) beamformer,which gives the opportunity to impose additional con-straints on the solution. For instance, if an interferer isknown to exist at a certain location θi, the LCMV costfunction can be formulated as [18]


wHRxxw s.t. wHa(θt) = 1; wHa(θi) = 0, (8)

and writing the constraints in a compact form as CHw= g,the regularized solution is given by [18]

w(θt ,θi) = (Rxx + εI)−1C[CH(Rxx + εI)−1C]−1

g. (9)

A study of the MVDR and LCMV performance waspresented in [22]. Of particular note was the varying

performance of the two approaches under different typesof noise. For instance, they performed better under spa-tially white noise (e.g. from sensor noise) than under spa-tially diffuse noise (e.g. late reverberation). The LCMVapproach is very flexible and has been applied to rele-vant situations, in particular the extraction of the directsound from multiple sources [23] and extracting the dif-fuse sound from a room [24].

3 EVALUATIONEvaluation metrics for microphone array-based objectseparation falling into two broad categories are consid-ered: those based on the beamformer weights, and per-ceptual models based on features of the processed audio.Some commonly used evaluation metrics are introducedin the following subsections.

3.1 Beamformer weightsThe task of beamforming is essentially to apply a filterto each microphone signal, and basic metrics can there-fore be defined based on the filter weights themselves.These are mainly based around the directivity pattern,which may also be visualized to clarify the operation ofthe beamformer. The directivity pattern (beam pattern) issimply constructed by evaluating the response of the filterweights in each direction [6].

Accordingly, measures of beamwidth (BW) and side-lobe suppression (SLS) have been proposed. The BWis here defined as the angle between the −3 dB energypoints [25] (i.e. the half-power BW). The SLS is the atten-uation of the highest sidelobe, in decibels relative to theon-axis response [6]. Together, these metrics give an indi-cation of how likely an interfering source is to be capturedas part of the main lobe, and the worst-case attenuation ifit does not fall into the main lobe.

The directivity index (DI) is widely used (e.g. [20, 7]),to quantify the overall proportion of energy present in thefiltered signal that originates from the look direction [20]

DI = 10log|wHa(θt)|


wHRvvw. (10)

The white noise gain (WNG) is also widely stated.This indicates the beamformer’s sensitivity to small mis-


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matches in sensor positioning, estimation of the arraymanifold vector, and sensor gain and phase characteris-tics. The WNG can be written as [20]

WNG = 10log|wHa(θt)|


wHw. (11)

The WNG is closely related to the control effort evaluatedfor robustness in loudspeaker array systems (e.g. [26]).Large values of WNG are advantageous.

Additionally, given the presence of one or more knowninterferers, one can calculate the acoustic contrast (AC)between the target and interferer directions. The AC givesan indication of the signal-to-interferer ratio (SIR) at theoutput of the beamformer. It can be defined as [26]

AC = 10log|wHa(θt)|


1N Σ


Ha(θi)|2 , (12)

where there are N interfering sources.

3.2 Perceptual evaluation

While measures of directivity give an indication of thebeamformer performance, they do not necessarily quan-tify the suitability for the target application. Rather, theactual noise reduction, dereverberation, or source separa-tion when the array is deployed are of interest. A numberof physical measures have been derived with various mo-tivations.

When the array is applied to reduce background noise,the noise reduction factor [17] can be used, or similarlythe SNR gain [19], both of which compare the estimatedamount of noise contaminating the signal at the array out-put compared to the reference microphone signal. Vincentet al. [27] proposed four metrics for comprehensive eval-uation of source separation methods. Alongside the SNRand SIR, the signal-to-distortion ratio (SDR) and signal-to-artifact ratio (SAR) were evaluated. Thus the noisereduction (SNR), distortions caused by the beamforming(SDR), artifacts present in the non-target portions of thesignal (SAR; e.g. musical noise after source separation)and contamination by interfering sources (SIR) were esti-mated. However, these scores do not necessarily relate tothe perception of the separated audio.

Instead, models trained to closely match perceptual testresults, and other end usage applications for the beam-former (e.g. speech recognition rate or speech intelligibil-ity), can be used. Various perceptual models have beenproposed to evaluate the quality of audio. Perhaps themost pertinent for evaluating object separation is the per-ceptual evaluation methods for audio source separation(PEASS) model [28], which combines coefficients esti-mated based on the perceptual distance between the esti-mated signal and the reference signal, the estimated dis-tortion, the estimated interference, and the estimated arti-facts, respectively. The non-linear weighting of these co-efficients was established based on formal listening tests.For this reason, PEASS is here adopted instead of thesignal evaluation metrics. PEASS is particularly inter-esting for audio object separation because it was trainedon a range of stimuli, including music, and it gives in-sights into the source separation performance in terms ofthe target quality, artifacts and interference. Other use-ful models include perceptual evaluation of speech qual-ity (PESQ) [29], and perceptual evaluation of audio qual-ity (PEAQ) [30], which, unlike PEASS, do not require arecording of every interferer to be available.


Two sound scenes were recorded to facilitate the inves-tigation into object separation by beamforming. Bothscenes were captured with a 48 channel dual-circular mi-crophone array. In the following sub-sections, the record-ing hardware and sound scenes are described.

4.1 Microphone array

The microphone array consisted of two concentric circu-lar arrays, each with 24 omnidirectional capsules (Coun-tryman B3) spaced evenly around the circle. The radiiof the inner and outer circles were 85 mm and 107 mmrespectively. This configuration was adopted to allowfor robust beamforming with equal resolution in all az-imuths [31]. The array can be seen in Figs. 1 and 2. Levelcalibration was performed by recording a 1 kHz tone at94 dB SPL with each capsule, and scaling the recordingsfor each channel in software.


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Figure 1: Microphone array (circled) in the small set usedto record the speech recordings.

4.2 Speech sceneThe speech scene consisted of two female talkers in asmall room (2.44 × 3.96 × 2.42 m) within a larger lab,with a total of four reflecting surfaces (the ceiling and theend wall were missing) and reverberation time of 0.43 s.The actors were masters students at the Guildford Schoolof Acting. The array was used to record the actors speak-ing simultaneously, with each 1 m from the array centreand separated by azimuths of 15–90 degrees. Country-man B3 omni lapel microphones, mounted on a piece ofwire to be approximately 50 mm from the actors’ mouths,were used to make close recordings (to be used as the sep-aration reference). A total of 30 s of speech material wasrecorded for each position. A photograph of the room isshown in Fig. 1. Results for an angular separation of 45degrees are reported in this paper, with talkers positionedat 94 and 139 degrees relative to the array axis.

4.3 Music sceneThe music scene was recorded in a large recording studio(17.08× 14.55× 6.5 m) with a reverberation time of 1.1–1.5 s. The ensemble recorded was a jazz group consistingof a piano, two electric guitars, a bass guitar, and drums.Close microphone signals were available for the piano,bass guitar, and one of the electric guitars. This scenepresents a challenging scenario for source separation dueto the reverberation time, the number of sources, and theimportance of the reproduced sound timbre and quality. Adiagram of the relative source positions is shown in Fig. 3.‘Guitar 2’ (6 degrees) was used as the target for sepa-

Figure 2: Microphone array (circled) in the large studioused to record the jazz ensemble.




Guitar 1! Bass!


Guitar 2!


Stage area!

Figure 3: Layout of the jazz ensemble and coordinate sys-tem.

ration, with all other instruments active during the clipsused for testing. In the segment analysed, the guitar wasplaying a lead line, which is a good example of somethingthat a content producer may wish to re-spatialise or ma-nipulate when producing the recording.


The recordings of the scenes described above were seg-mented and the DS, SDA, MVDR, and LCMV beam-formers were applied to the signals. In the followingsub-sections, the performance of each beamformer is dis-cussed, first considering the physical performance of thebeamformer in terms of the beampattern, then evaluatingthe properties of the processed audio signals.


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5.1 Implementation

To produce the output audio, finite impulse response(FIR) filters were applied to each channel, and the result-ing audio was summed at the output (i.e. a filter-and-sumstructure). The array manifold vector a was calculated,in each case, based on the free-field delays expected be-tween the source position and the microphone array. Fil-ter coefficients were calculated in the frequency domainfor 255 frequency bins, and FIR filters of 512 coefficientswere obtained by complex conjugation, inverse Fouriertransform, and the introduction of a modelling delay. Ex-periments were conducted with a sampling frequency of16 kHz. A frequency-dependent diagonal loading param-eter ε was applied to the SDA, MVDR, and LCMV meth-ods, calculated so that the ratio between the largest eigen-value of the inverted matrix and ε was 10. This is relatedto the approach in ref. [32], and adjusted by experimen-tation. Coefficients for the DS method were calculated asnarrowband delays. For the MVDR and LCMV methods,the covariance matrices Rxx were calculated by splitting aclip into non-overlapping segments of 20 ms, taking thediscrete-time Fourier transform, and averaging the result-ing frequency domain coefficients over all segments.

5.2 Evaluation of source weights

The first indication of the beamformer performance isgiven by analysing the beam pattern, using the metrics de-scribed in Sec. 3.1. As the filter coefficients were obtainedusing an ideal array manifold vector, their direct evalua-tion would lead to results that implied better performancethan is practically realisable, due to issues including non-ideal microphone placement and noise. Therefore, to givean impression of the directivity under experimental condi-tions, the array manifold vector a was modified by movingeach microphone in the x and y directions by a randomamount drawn from a normal distribution with standarddeviation 5 mm, prior to the directivity pattern being cal-culated [26].

As a starting point for understanding the operation ofthe different approaches, consider Fig. 4, which shows di-rectivity maps for each method across azimuth and fre-quency, for the 94 degree speech target. The main fea-tures are the amount of energy in directions other than thetarget azimuth (quantified by DI), the width of the main

lobe (BW), the level of the highest sidelobe (SLS), andthe energy at the interferer locations (AC).

The SDA exhibits the noteworthy properties of theother beamformers. There is good energy rejection fromthe rear of the array, the main lobe is fairly narrow andsymmetric about the target direction, and there is goodSLS. At higher frequencies (above 6 kHz), spatial aliasingartifacts can be noted due to the half-wavelength becom-ing shorter than the microphone spacing. It can be seenthat DS is less directive than the other methods, exhibitinga broader BW (particularly below 1 kHz) and more promi-nent spatial aliasing effects. The MVDR and LCMV di-rectivity maps have noisier responses compared with theDS and SDA, due to their weights being calculated basedon measured data. The MVDR offers slightly improveddirectivity over DS, and the beam pattern is not symmet-ric about the target location, compared to DS and SDA.In fact, the MVDR response suppresses energy in the di-rection of the interfering source (139 degrees), while al-lowing more energy to pass in the opposite direction. Thenotch designed in the LCMV response can be noted acrossthe frequency range, and the null placement significantlyalters the LCMV directivity at azimuths other than the tar-get and interferer locations.

The objective measures quantify the differences be-tween the methods, and are shown in Tab. 1, consideringthe speech data (with errors in the microphone positions),and averaging over both target directions and 10 repeatsusing different 3 s segments. SDA is seen to be the op-timal method in terms of DI, BW, and SLS, whereas DSis guaranteed to give the best WNG [18] and the LCMVgives the overall best contrast. The DI and BW scorescompare favourably to first-order cardioid and hypercar-dioid responses, which have DIs of 4.8 dB and 6 dB, andBWs of 131 degrees and 105 degrees, respectively [33,p.59].

The beampattern-derived scores for the music scenewere comparable for DS and SDA, with small deviationsdue to the random microphone error. The MVDR andLCMV responses changed between the speech and mu-sic recordings due to the increased number of interfer-ing sources and reverberation. The MVDR performedcomparably with the speech data, with scores of 9.4 dB,36.9 deg., −7.2 dB, 16.9 dB, and 15.5 dB for DI, BW,SLS, AC, and WNG, respectively. On the other hand, theLCMV created a large null directed towards the other in-


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Angle (deg)


quency (




90 180 270 360









Angle (deg)


90 180 270 360

Angle (deg)


90 180 270 360

Angle (deg)


90 180 270 360

Response (










Figure 4: Directivity maps of the DS, SDA, MVDR and LCMV beamformers, for target 94◦ and interferer 139◦. Amicrophone position error with standard deviation 5 mm was applied prior to calculating the array response.

DI BW SLS AC WNG(dB) (deg.) (dB) (dB) (dB)

DS 9.36 45.4 −6.44 13.3 16.8SDA 10.6 32.2 −11.9 17.7 15.3

MVDR 9.37 34.5 −6.18 15.5 15.6LCMV 9.21 42.6 −6.96 28.0 14.8

Table 1: Objective measures of DI, BW, SLS, andWNG, averaged over 0.1–8.0 kHz, derived from the arrayweights in the presence of microphone position errors.

struments, at a cost of broadened main lobe and decreasedWNG. The scores were 8.55 dB, 68.1 deg., −8.81 dB,23.9 dB, and 12.7 dB for DI, BW, SLS, AC, and WNG,respectively.

5.3 Perceptual evaluationThe perceptual scores for the speech data were evaluatedby taking ten non-overlapping segments (each of length3 s) from the 30 s available. A 512 coefficient Wienerpost-filter was applied to the beamformer output, and thePEASS and PESQ metrics were calculated against theclose microphone reference recording. These results arerecorded in Tab. 2.

The best overall performance (indicated by PEASSoverall perceptual score (OPS) and PESQ) is given by DS.

However, DS is the worst performing among the beam-formers under the interference perceptual score (IPS),which quantifies the perceptual effect of interference. It isnoteworthy that the ranking among methods for the arti-fact perceptual score (APS), is opposite to that for the IPS,implying that the additional performance of the beam-formers (i.e. producing greater AC) results in audible ar-tifacts on the beamformer output. For all set of PEASSscores, the APS is the only score where the beamformersdo not all improve upon the omnidirectional microphonereference. The target perceptual score (TPS) is compa-rable among DS, SDA and MVDR methods, and slightlylower for LCMV. The mean scores and 95% confidenceintervals (CIs) are plotted in Fig. 5. Most notably, the dif-ferences between the OPS and IPS scores are statisticallysignificant, with the exception of DS and SDA, whose CIsoverlap in each case.

For the music scenario, the perceptual scores were cal-culated using a Matlab implementation [34] of PEAQ.The PEAQ scores were all severely degraded, givingdegradation scores below−3.5 in each case (where 0 rep-resents no perceptible degradation, and −4 is the lowerendpoint of the degradation scale). Using a clean guitarsignal as the reference for PEAQ, the degradation scoresinclude reverberation effects (temporal and spectral), in-terference, noise, and filter artifacts (temporal and spec-tral). Therefore, any differences between the omni ref-erence microphone and the beamformer output are com-


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Omni 28.1 41.3 53.0 39.7 1.99DS 46.2 62.8 62.8 52.7 2.35

SDA 44.0 58.1 64.9 49.4 2.28MVDR 38.0 59.9 69.0 40.1 2.29LCMV 32.6 53.4 72.4 32.3 2.14

Table 2: Mean perceptual scores of the separated audiocalculated using PEASS OPS, TPS, IPS, & APS (0–100)and PESQ (0–5) for the speech material, averaged acrosstwo simultaneous speakers separated by 45 degrees.

pressed into the lower end of the scale. However, a re-duction in the level of the interfering sources was notedfrom informal listening, with the ranking among methodsmatching the speech results reported above.

6 DISCUSSIONTwo kinds of directivity pattern can be obtained whenusing spatial filtering to perform object separation. Thefirst is simply to focus the energy of the microphone ar-ray towards the target, which can be achieved with min-imal WNG using the DS beamformer, or with improvedBW and SLS using the SDA. Alternative, the data-basedMVDR and LCMV filters account for the second orderstatistics of the observed signals, with LCMV providingan explicit opportunity to place a null towards the inter-ferer. In general, additional directivity appears to tradeoff against robustness and sound quality. This can benoted by comparing the OPS, IPS and APS generatedby PEASS. In fact, although all beamforming methodsimprove the OPS, even more significant gains could beachieved by minimizing any perceptible filtering artifacts.

It is important to note that the perceptual modelsadopted for this work were not trained based on the kindsof artifacts introduced by beamforming. Additionally, theclose microphone recordings provided as a reference werenot perfectly clean, and it is unclear how this might affectthe scores. Finally, the models are not perfectly suited tothe subsequent adoption of the separated signals as partof a produced mix. It is likely that in such a scenario,some interference and artifacts could be masked and theoverall effect achieved by re-mixing the stems could have

a significant impact by giving greater control to the pro-ducer. Future perceptual models designed for re-mixingmay take these effects better into account.

The beamforming approaches go some way to isolat-ing individual sound objects from the scenes, especiallyin terms of reducing the interference due to non-targetsources. In addition to reducing the beamforming arti-facts, improvements may be derived by adopting higher-order statistics to better exploit the number of capsules inthe array.

7 SUMMARYAcquisition of audio signals for object-based productionis a relatively new topic. In this paper, we proposed spa-tial filtering techniques applied to a higher-order micro-phone array as a potential method for object separation,i.e. segmenting a scene into a number of individual audiostreams. DS, SDA, MVDR and LCMV filters were ap-plied to a 48 channel array, with recordings of speech andmusic signals. The beamformers were found to improvethe overall perceptual impression compared to a referenceomnidirectional microphone, although the isolation of thetarget sounds was limited compared to the reference sig-nals captured with close microphones.

8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe authors would like to thank the voice actors and mu-sicians who performed for the capture sessions. This re-search was supported by the EPSRC Programme GrantS3A: Future Spatial Audio for an Immersive Listener Ex-perience at Home (EP/L000539/1), and the BBC as partof the Audio Research Partnership.

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