Page 1: Auditor-General of Pakistan - World Bank · 2017. 1. 31. · Financial Attest Audit Report on the Accounts of the Sindh Skills Development Project (SSDP) for the Financial Year 2015-16

Office of the

Auditor-General of Pakistan Special Sector Audit Wing

Constitution Avenue


No.PA!FAP/Sindh/SSAIF-14/1" <' I Dated: 30 -12-2016

To, I, The Secretary

Economic Affairs Division, Government of Pakistan Pak Secretariat Block-C Islamabad

/ JL· The Country Director, World Bank, Resident Mission 20A, Shahrah-e-Jamhuriat G-5/1, Islamabad


Financial Attest Audits of the following F AP Audit Report has been conducted by

this office:

S.No Name of Projects Name of Development Partners

1. Sindh Water Sector Improvement Project WB

2. Sindh Global Partnership for Education WB

3 Sindh Barrages Improvement Phase-I Project WB

4. Sindh Public Sector Management Reform Project WB

5. 2nd Sindh Education Sector Reform Program WB

6. Sindh Irrigated Agriculture Productivity Enhancement WB


7. Enhanced Nutrition for Mothers and Children WB

8. Sindh Agriculture Growth Project (Agriculture) WB

9. Sindh Agriculntre Growth Project (Livestock) WB

10. Sindh Skills Development Project (BBSYDP) WB

11. (/ Sindh Skills Development Project (STEVTA) WB


lic D



e A




lic D



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lic D



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Page 2: Auditor-General of Pakistan - World Bank · 2017. 1. 31. · Financial Attest Audit Report on the Accounts of the Sindh Skills Development Project (SSDP) for the Financial Year 2015-16

Financial Attest Audit Report on the

Accounts of the

Sindh Skills Development Project (SSDP)

for the Financial Year 2015-16

World Bank Credit No.4947-PAK


Page 3: Auditor-General of Pakistan - World Bank · 2017. 1. 31. · Financial Attest Audit Report on the Accounts of the Sindh Skills Development Project (SSDP) for the Financial Year 2015-16


Preface Abbreviations and acronyms


Project Overview,

Auditor's Report to the Management

Financial Statements


Management Letter

Executive Summary


4.1. Financial Management 4.2. Procurement & Contract Management 4.3. Overall Assessmenl




Page No







18 19 19




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The Auditor-General conducts audits subject to Article 169 and 170 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973, read with sections 8 and 12 of the Auditor-General's (Functions, Powers and Terms and Conditions of Service) Ordinance, 2001 . The audit of the Sindh Skills Development Project was caiTied out accordingly.

The Directorate General Audit Sindh conducted audit of the Sindh Skills Development Project during October 2016 for the period O l ' 1 foly 2015 to 30111 June 2016 with a view to reporting

significant findings to stakeholders. Audit examined the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness aspects of the Project. In addition, Audit also assessed, on test check basis, whether the management complied with applicable laws, rules, and regulations in managing the Project. The Audit Report indicates specific actions that, if taken, wi ll help the

management realize the objectives of the Project. (l'he observations included in this report have been finalized in the light of discussions in the exi t meeting.)

The Audit Report consists of two parts. Part-I contains Auditor 's Report (Audit Opinion) and Financial Statements. Part-II contains Executive Summary, Management Letter and Audi t


The Audit Report is submitted to the International Development Association ( IDA) in terms of grant Agreement between International Development Association & Islamic Republic of


Dated: 29-12-2016 Place: Karachi

(Azh:~ d) Dircc1tj:~al


Page 5: Auditor-General of Pakistan - World Bank · 2017. 1. 31. · Financial Attest Audit Report on the Accounts of the Sindh Skills Development Project (SSDP) for the Financial Year 2015-16



Abbreviations and Acronyms

Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Youth Development Project Board of Technical Education Country Partnership Strategy

Diploma in Associate Engineering Designated Account District Accounts Office Disbursement Linked Indicator District Program Coordinator Department of Technical Education Eligible Expenditure Program Financial Management Financial Management Information System Government of Sindh International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Information and Communication Technologies International Development Association International Public Sector Accounting standard Management Information System National Vocational and Technical Education Commission Non-Governmental Organization Provincial Steering Committee Project Management Unit Sindh Board of Technical Education Special Drawing Account Special Drawing Rights Specific Investment Loan Sindh Skills Development Project Sindh Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority Training Leaming Material Training Learning Resource Technical Vocational Education training Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority World Bank

Page 6: Auditor-General of Pakistan - World Bank · 2017. 1. 31. · Financial Attest Audit Report on the Accounts of the Sindh Skills Development Project (SSDP) for the Financial Year 2015-16


Project Overview

Auditor's Report to the Management

Financial Statements

Page 7: Auditor-General of Pakistan - World Bank · 2017. 1. 31. · Financial Attest Audit Report on the Accounts of the Sindh Skills Development Project (SSDP) for the Financial Year 2015-16

Project Overview

Name of Project-I Sindh Skills Development Project (Component-Il&III)

(a) Sponsoring Authority World Bank and P&D Department,

Government of Sindh

(b) Executive Authority Sindh Technical Education & Vocational Training

Authority Karachi

Loan No IDA Credit No. 4947-PK

PC-I Cost PKR 630 Million:

(Component-II PKR. 430 M)

Component III PKR. 200 M)

Net Commitment:

(Comp-III US$2.0 M) .,

Date of Approval by ECNEC May31,2011

Date of Commencement October 21, 2011

Actual Date of Commencement January 27, 2012

Date of Completion (as per PC-I) December 31, 2014 Extended up till December 31, 2016

Date of Comoletion December 31, 2016 Expenditure during F.Y2015-16 PKR. 145.230 Million

Progressive Expenditure up to F.Y 2016 PKR. 292.818 Million


Page 8: Auditor-General of Pakistan - World Bank · 2017. 1. 31. · Financial Attest Audit Report on the Accounts of the Sindh Skills Development Project (SSDP) for the Financial Year 2015-16

Auditor's R eport to the Management on the Sindb S kills Development Project (Component-Il&III) F inancial Statements

We have audited the accompanying financial Statements of Sindh Skills Development Project

(Component-II&Ill) financed through loan/credit of World Bank (JOA) that comprises o f

Statement of Receipts & Payments, Statement of comparison of Budget & Actual together

with the notes forming part thereof for the year ended June 30, 2016.

Management R esponsibility

It is the responsibility of the project management to establish and maintain a system of internal

control and prepare and present the Statement of Receipts & Payments in conformity with the

requirements of Cash basis IPSAS, Financial Report ing under the Cash Basis of Accounting


Auditor's responsibility

The responsibility of the auditor is to express an opinion on the financial statement based on

the audit conducted. We conducted our audit in accordance with the International Standards of

the Supreme Audit Institutions. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audi t to

obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements arc free of material

misstatement. The audit process includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the

amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes assessing the accounting

principles used and significant estimates made by management as well as evaluating the

overall statement presentation. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is

sufficient and appropriate to provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.


In our opinion:

a) The financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the cash receipts and

payments by the project for the year ended 30 June 20 16 in accordance with Cash basis

IPSAS, Financial Reporting under the Cash Basis of Accounting Standards.

b) The expenditure has been incurred in accordance with the requirements of the legal


Dated: 29- 12-2016 Place: Karachi

(Azh Dire

Page 9: Auditor-General of Pakistan - World Bank · 2017. 1. 31. · Financial Attest Audit Report on the Accounts of the Sindh Skills Development Project (SSDP) for the Financial Year 2015-16

Financial Statements

i. Statement of Receipts and Payments

11. Statement of Expenditure ( detailed break-up)

m. Notes to Financial Statements

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Sindh Skills Development Project - IDA Credit No. 4947 - PK For the Year Ended June 30, 2016


External Assistance - IDA 5 Direct Payment-IDA 5.1 ( Component - III ) Government ofSind 6 ( Component - II ) Total Receipts

Payments Consultancy Services 7 Direct Payment 7.1 Consultancy Services Services, Goods, \Vorks 8 Operating Expenses 9 Training/Capacity- l O Building & Workshop Market Driven Institutes 11 I Training Program Total Payments

Increase ln Cash

Cash at beginning Comp-III Total Cash: (Decrease) in cash Comp-Ill/II Cash at End of Year Component -III Un-utilized balance of Comp-II (Lapsed)



2015-16 Receipts (Payments controlled by Project)

10,466,610 23,112,214



15,288,0ll 23,112,214

l ,036,532 4,483,452






195,876,248 (145,230,129)



Payment by Third Parties



2014-15 Receipts (Payments controlled by Project)





3,414,960 3,982,761






138,720,826 (97,470,506)



PKR 2012-2016

Progressive Receipts/ Expenditure

132,056,595 23,112,214



82,123,664 23,112,214

8,132,985 12,922,766 18,680,104



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Sindh Skills Development Project - IDA Credit No. 4947 - PK For the Year Ended June 30, 2016

Receipts Extemal Assistance - IDA 5 Direct Payments-IDA 5.1 Component-III Government of Sindh 6 Component -II

Total Receipts Pavmcnts Consultancy Services 7 Direct Payment 7.1 Consultancy Services Services, Goods, Works 8 Operating Expenses 9 Training-Capacity IO Building & Workshop Market Driven Institutes IT raining Program 11

Total Payments

2015-16 Budget Amount

9,865,000 40,000,000



19,000,000 24,000,000

1,365,000 5,000,000



299 ,865,000

. '

Actual Expenditure

I 0,466,610 23,112,214


2014-15 Budget Amount

101,720,827 -


Actual Expenditure

101,720,827 -


178,926,610 198,720,827 138,720,827

15,288,011 63,000,000 59,774,967 23,112,214

1,036,532 3,600,000 3,414,960 4,483,452 5,500,500 3,982,761

338,387 29,620,327 17,~98,501

I 00.971,533 97,000,000 12,699,317

145,230,129 198,720,827 97,470,506

Nazi,('{/ ~ -a·nna P~irector

Sindh Skill Development Project (SSOP)

Sindh TEVTA Gos Karachi .


, .

Page 12: Auditor-General of Pakistan - World Bank · 2017. 1. 31. · Financial Attest Audit Report on the Accounts of the Sindh Skills Development Project (SSDP) for the Financial Year 2015-16


P118177: Sindh Skills Development Project IDA Credit No. 4947 - PK

Sindh Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority Component Ill Technical Assistance Notes to the Financial Statements

For the Year ended June 30, 2016

1. Reporting Entity

The financial statements are for Sindh Skill Development Project (SSDP) executed by Sindh Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority (STEVTA) under component II and component III of the project. The financial statement encompasses the reporting entity as defined in the Financing Agreement between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and International Development Association (IDA). The Financing Agreement was signed on October 21, 2011 for an amount of SDR 13.4 million. The project became effective from January 27, 20 12 with the extended closing date of December 31, 2016. The project has retroactive financing facility for payments made prior to date of effectiveness but on or after January 6, 2012.

"The objective of the Sindh Skills Development Project (SSDP) is to support the Sindh Government in strengthening its training programs to improve the skills set and employability of Trainees. The project comprises of 2 components. The following components are executed by STEVTA.

Co_mponent II: Establishing, Improving or Upgrading Market-Driven Institutional Training Programs (SDR 2,440,000).

Component III: Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the STEVTA (XOR 1,400,000).

The project controls its own Pak Rupee and US Dollar Assignment (Lapsable) Bank Accounts, Appropriations are deposited into the project's bank account. However, during period, receipts and payments for the project purpose were made from other bank accounts of STEVT A Gos prior to effectiveness. No any project agency was atlowed any Imprest account for the purpose of the project.


Financing Agreement dated October 2151 201 1, entered into between IDA and GoP under Credit No. 4947-PK, Project ID Pl 18177-Sindh Skill Development Project.

Responsible Agency

.. A primary responsibility for overall progress and management of the Sindh Skill ' Development Project under component II and III has been entrusted to Sindh Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority headed by Managing Director through Project Director of the project operative under Chief Minister's Secretariat, Government of Sindh, ST-! 9, Block 6 Gulshan-e-Iqbal Karachi.


Page 13: Auditor-General of Pakistan - World Bank · 2017. 1. 31. · Financial Attest Audit Report on the Accounts of the Sindh Skills Development Project (SSDP) for the Financial Year 2015-16

2 Certification by Project Management on Application of Funds

The project management certified that the funds have been applied/expenditures have been incurred for the purposes intended in the financing agreement.

3 Accounting Convention and Statement of Compliance

"The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Cash Basis IPSAS Financial Reporting under the Cash Basis of Accounting."

The accounting policies have been applied consistently throughout the period.

4 Significant Accounting Policies The policies applied by the executive agency are in line with approved national policies. The executive . agency has maintained its all accounts according to national policy as per practice in vogue.

4.1 Foreign Currency Transaction

Cash receipts and payments arising from transactions in foreign currencies are recorded in Pak Rupee by applying to the foreign currency amount, the exchange rate between the Pak Rupee and the. Foreign Currency at the date of the receipts and payments. Exchange differences arising on settlement of these transactions are recognized in the Statement of Receipts and Payments.

4.2 Reporting Currency

All amounts in the financial statements are in Pak Rupees .

.J.3 Revenue Recognition

Revenue is recognized on the date of receipt of money by bank or clearance of cheque. Revenue is recognized on gross basis and ru1y related costs are recorded separately .

.J.4 Recognition of Expenditure

Expenditure is recognized on the date when payment is made or cheque is issued. Financial year to which the payments pertain is determined by the date on which a cheque or payment advice is issued .

.J.5 Employee Terminal Benefits

Service ·benefits of government deputations employees are accounted for in their respective departments while no service terminal benefits are paid to the .contractual employees.


Page 14: Auditor-General of Pakistan - World Bank · 2017. 1. 31. · Financial Attest Audit Report on the Accounts of the Sindh Skills Development Project (SSDP) for the Financial Year 2015-16

..t.6 Payments by Third Party

The payments made by third parties do not constitute cash receipts or payments controlled by the Project but do benefit the Project as the Project does not receive cash (including cash equivalents) directly from, or gain control of the bank account or similar facility established for its benefit by, the third parties. Payments by third parties, if any, are disclosed in the Payments by third parties column on the face of Statement of Cash Receipt and Payments and notes to the financial statements.

5. External Assistance

External assistance was received in the form of credit from International Development Association (IDA) under financing agreement dated October 21 '1 2011 between IDA and Government of Pakistan (GoP) for the purpose of the Project. The following amounts were received by the Project during the period.

IDA-SOE Procedures 5.1 IDA-Direct Payment 5.2 IDA -Reimbursement -Gos (Non Food Account) 5.3


US$ Rupees

I 00,000 I 0,466,610 229,565 23,112,114


US$ Rupees

886,745.04 88,684,639

916,909.50 93,256,022.83

5.1 This represents funds transferred to the Project's Designated US Dollar Bank Account by IDA on the basis of Withdrawal Applications submitted by the Project, Fy 2015-16 World Bank disbursed $100,000 (PKR. 10,466,610) to the project on dated; 19th May 2016 through withdrawal application.

5.2 This represents direct payment from the project Comp-III to the consultant by the World Bank

5.3 The World Bank has reimbursed reporting amount to GoS in non-food account.

5.4 There has been no instance of non compliance with the terms and c,onditions of the financing agreement between IDA and GoP which have resulted in cancellation of IDA Credit.

5.5 Undrawn External Assistance Undrawn IDA credit at reporting date represent amounts specified in the financing agreement between IDA and GoP that IDA will disburse for project purposes, this agreement signed between GoP and World Bank in currency of Special Drawing Rights (XDR).


Page 15: Auditor-General of Pakistan - World Bank · 2017. 1. 31. · Financial Attest Audit Report on the Accounts of the Sindh Skills Development Project (SSDP) for the Financial Year 2015-16

Closing Balance

2015-16 Amounts in XDR



6. Government of Sind (GoS) Share




GoS has releasei:1 its share to Project through lapsable account # A-60 maintained in Main Branch, I.I chundigar Road, National Bank Karachi, for all eligible expenses as per PC-I.

7. Consultancy Services

l'v1/s British Council Pakistan (Pvt.) Limited was hired by the executive agency with the approval of World Bank for consultancy services during FY 2015-16 for "Establishment of Sector Pilot Skills Council in STEVT A. The British Council Pakistan while working with STEVTA completed its task as per TORs/deliverables according to their contract agreement meeting the satisfaction of client as well to the World Bank.

British Council Pakistan Payments 4 Installments


_ Rupees _ _




7.1 Mis Skills International was hired by the executive agency with the approval of\Vor!d Bank for consultancy services during FY 2014-15 for "Establishment ofTI"RITLM of 10 trades". The Skills International while working with STEVT A completed its task as per TO Rs/deliverables according to their contract agreement meeting the satisfaction of client as well to the World Bank

2015-16 2014-15

Direct Payments 03 Payments _ _ Rupees__ __Rupees _ _


This payment made in US dollar directly by the World Bank through withdrawal application processed by the project to the consultant.

8. Services. Goods & Works Incremental Operating costs

201.5-16 _ _ Rupees __


2014-15 _Rupees __ 3,414,960

T NDA for Project Management Unit and includes operational expenses i.e stationary, printing, photocopies and tonners.


. .

Page 16: Auditor-General of Pakistan - World Bank · 2017. 1. 31. · Financial Attest Audit Report on the Accounts of the Sindh Skills Development Project (SSDP) for the Financial Year 2015-16

• . •

9. Operating Expenses.

2015-16 2014-15 Rupees Rupees

Salary 2,760,000 3,269,898 Repair & Maintenance-Vehicle 136,566 187,430 . POL 148,236 274,077

Stationary 92,203 62,203 Printing & Publication 96,562 13,270 Courier 150 Utilities 66, 110 Travel & Transportation 136,522 108,723 Electronic Communication 41,620 18577 Mobile charges 31,227 48,433 TA/DA Payment (231 Trainers) 974,406 Total 4,483,452 3,982,761

Theses expense related to the "Sindh Skills Development Project" selected Institutes.

10. Training-Capacity Building & Workshop

Training/Capacity Build/ Workshops/Con/Seminar









Training session held of trainers for developing Training Learning Resource I Training Leaming Material.


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11. Market driven Institute I Training Program.

The amount mentioned has been spent on staff allowances, up gradation of institutes and procurement of machinery out of total GoS funding ofRs.430 Million earmarked in Component II as per PC-I.

Original Grant Approved Head as Grant for the Released out per PC-1

Year2016 of Budget

01227 {Project 6,000,000 -Allowance) A-13301 (R&M & 14,230,000 -Renovations building (Facility Up gradation)

A-09601 23,230,000 125,000,000 {Procurement of Equipment & Machinery

Total 43,460,000 .125,000,000

12. Unrealized Exchange Gain (Loss)

Balance as per Books of Project as at Year end Closing Balance before Conversion as at Year end Closing Balance after Conversion as at the Year end Exchange (Loss) I Gain

Amount in Runees

Amount Progressive

Balance I Total Lapsed

Released Expenditure


6,000,000 5,907,220 92,780

14,230,000 10,544,888 3,685,112

148,230,000 84,519,425 63,710,575

168,460,000 100,971,533 67,488,467

(Amount in Rupees) 2015-16

6,269,866 6,269,866 6,269,866

2014-15 16,949,638 16,949,638 16,949,638

This represents national (loss) I gain on dollar amounts shown in the bank statement. The resultant (loss)/gain do not accrue to the Project. Unrealized Gain/(Loss) will be settled at the completion of the Project. The unspent dollar balance, if any, will be refunded to IDA at the end of the Project.

Cash and Bank

2015-2016 2014-2015

Cash in Hand Rupees Rupees

Cash at Bank 6,269,866 16,949,638

6,269,866 16,949,638


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, '

J3. During FY 2015-16, GoS released amount ofRs.168.46 Million, out of which RsI00.971 Million were utilized and remaining Rs67.488 Million were lapsed, as mentioned in Reconciliation report.

14. Contingencies and Commitments

2015-2016 2014-2015

Rupees Rupees

Contingencies and Commitments

15. General

15.1 Figures have been rounded off to the nearest rupee. 15.2 Comparative figures have been rearranged where necessary for the purpose of


Nazi/~ f:11,,ina Peector

Sindh Skill Development Project (SSOP)

Slndh TEVTA Gos Karachi.


Page 19: Auditor-General of Pakistan - World Bank · 2017. 1. 31. · Financial Attest Audit Report on the Accounts of the Sindh Skills Development Project (SSDP) for the Financial Year 2015-16

~ ~



DIRECTOR GENERAL AUDIT SINDH I" Floor, Pakistan Audit & Accounts Complex, Gulshan-e-lqbal, Block-I I,

Main University Road, Ka rachi. Ph: 021-99244751, Fa x: 021-99244855

No: DGAS/CS-1 IF APISSDPI - /2016-173:i. -.3> Dated: :i..3-J 1-2016

The Project Director, Sindh Skills Development Project, Street 19, Block-6, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi


We have recently completed our audit of the financial statements of Sindh Skills Development Project executed by Sindh Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (STEVETA),

funded by World Bank Loan# IDA-4947-PAK for the year ended June 30, 2016. In planning

and performing our audit of the financial statements of the project, we considered internal controls and other issues in order to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the financial statements.

During our audit, we noted certain matters involving internal controls and other operational

matters that are presented in the report for your consideration. These comments and recommendations, all of which have been discussed with the Project Management, are intended to improve internal controls and policies which result in cost controls and operating efficiencies.

Copy to the Secretary, Universities & Boards I Administrative Secretary, STEVTA Government of Sindh Karachi along with the Financial Attest Audit Report for information and necessary action.

(Azhar Hameed) Director General

Page 20: Auditor-General of Pakistan - World Bank · 2017. 1. 31. · Financial Attest Audit Report on the Accounts of the Sindh Skills Development Project (SSDP) for the Financial Year 2015-16


The Director General of Audit Sindh conducted an audit of Sindh Skills Development Project in September 2016 for the period Otst July 2015 to 30'h June 2016. The main objectives oftlie audit were to express an opinion on financial statements of the Project, to assess whether the Project was managed with due regard to economy, efficiency and effectivenes,s, to review Project's performance against the intended objectives, to review compliance,. with applicable rules, regulations and procedures. The audit was conducted in accordance with the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSA!) with the view to reporting significant findings 'to stakeholders. In addition, audit also assessed, on test check basis whether the management complied with applicable laws, rules and regulations in managing the Project.

There is component wise execution of the project. Component- I of the project is being executed by BBSYDP which counts 75% of the total project cost while the Component-2 and Component-3 are executed by the STEVT A which counts only 25%of the total project cost. The audit was conducted on test-check basis and financial irregularities were observed v.ith respect to deviation from applicable rules, regulations and procedures. The management's failure to monitor the proper utilization of the public funds resulted into violation of the rules and canons of financial propriety. Most of the targets were not achieved and funds were laps at the end of financial year 2015-16. The lapses on part of department indicated improper watch and absence of internal controls. The audit mainly pointed out the causes of deviations from ,rules and procedures. The recovery pointed out may be effected and the irregular expenditure be got regularized; besides internal controls also be strengthened to achieve the intended purpose.

Audit findings indicate the need for adherence to the regulatory framework besides instituting and strengthening internal controls in order to avoid irregularities and to utilize the funds in a manner in line with the principles of economy, efficiency, transparency to achieve the intended purpose.

Main Audit Findings: • Non-accomplishments of objectives. • Un-utilized / lapsed of project funds. , Non-credit/deduction of income tax and sales tax. • Irregular expenditure on procurement. • Excess rate allowed on procurement of generators. • Articles were not accounted for not delivered. • Irregular expenditure on facility up-gradation work. • Irregular expenditure on workshop/seminar.

Recommendations: • Efforts may be taken to achieve the targets. • Un-utilized /lapsed of project funds may be justified. , Income Tax may be credited into Government Treasury.

• Articles mentioned above may please be accounted for in relevant stock registers and compliance be reported to audit.

• The irregularities pointed out may be justified.


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On 21" October 2011, Government of Pakistan entered into an agreement with International Development Association under Cr. No. 4947-Pak to carry out the activities embodied in PC! of the project titled Sindh Skill Development Project. This project was financed through World Bank and Goverrunent of Sindh.

1.1 Local Funding (20%)

This project was initiated in the light of directions given by Chief Minister Sindh during meeting with World Bank Project preparation Mission Visited Sindh from April to July, 2010. Government of Sindh is committed to provide funds up to Rs. 431.45 Million for this project. The required local allocation of funds for BBSYDP in the budget 2011 -12 would be obtained through block allocation under Chief Minister's directives or to be provide through Provincial PSDP/resources as decided by the Technical Committee in its meeting held on 14-12-2010 and PDWP meeting held on 03-02-2011

1.2 Foreign Funding (80%)

This project is to be financed out of Foreign Funding. World Bank Funding of Rs.1 ,724.184 Million (US $ 17 .551 million) is committed; for which the Bank has expressed renowned willingness for training of 45,000 youths under BBSYDP for a period of 04 years from 2011-12, 2012-13 to 2014-15 extended up to 31 "December 2016.

The World Bank has offered funding finance with some suggestions and same were discussed in last meeting of the Provincial Steering Committee (PSC) held on 16-07-2010. The PSC approved amendments in the Guidelines Version Ill including lowering of stipend to Rs. 2500 per month at flat rate and dislocation allowance.

The World Bank has also offered loan under Sindh Skill Development Project with following three components.

Component-I Improving and expanding short term training Support to the Benazir Bhullo Shaheed Yo11th Development Program (BBSYDP). US$ 18.75 million {75%): The program aims to train semi-literate and matriculate level youth including a focus on females and youth from interior of Sindh.

Component-II Establishing of market driven institutional training program Upgrading a few selected TVET Institutions US$ 5 million (20%): This component proposes to modernize selected training programs in training institutions which show potential and dynamism. These programs must have explicit private sector support for its graduates .

Component-III Strengthening Management of STEVTA Institutions and Quality Assurance.

Capacity Building and Institutional Development of Sindh TEVTA US$ 2.0 million

(5%):This component propose to finance technical assistance, and small amounts of equipment supplies to support the STEVTA, the institutions participating in the Component­II, and implementation of enhanced monitoring & evaluation services


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