
Preparation (not procrastination) is KEY!

Austin ISD National Board: Electronic Submission

Remember us?

Michael Massad – Patton Elementary School

Contact for Generalists

(512) [email protected]

Erika Pesek – Bowie High School

Contact for Specialists

(512) 841-4190

[email protected]

“One-stop” Shop

Don’t forget… we have a website with useful information and links regarding technology tips for this daunting process!

Purpose of Presentation

We hope to provide you with an overview of the eSubmission process.

Why eSubmission?

eSubmission allows candidates to submit all materials to National Board electronically.

-Written entries


- Videos

eSubmission is BETTER

Benefits include:

- Elimination of shipping costs

- A more efficient and secure delivery system

- Reduced opportunity for packaging and formatting mistakes

Great Features!

Key built-in features FACILITATE the process.

- An on-line system tutorial

- Tracking capabilities so you can monitor your progress

- Temporary storing features until you are ready to submit for scoring

- An automated process for transcoding most video files

Ready to Start?

The ePortfolio system is available now! It is available from April 1 to May 16, 2014.


You have a submission deadline for Austin ISD of May 9th.

You will need your voucher code(s) to access the system. It should have already been e-mailed to the e-mail address you had on file in your profile. You will register and enter your voucher code(s) to submit your evidence on-line. You can also get your voucher code(s) from the Home Page of your My Profile account.

Have you checked your system specifications?

Prior Take One? Take Note.

If you are a first time candidate AND have an eligible Take One! score you intend to transfer, you do not need to resubmit that entry.

You do NOT need to enter the voucher code for that entry during registration.

However, if you do register this voucher code, it will NOT adversely affect your prior year Take One! Score assignment.

Need a Guide?

National Board has a wealth of information regarding eSubmission.

- Guide to Electronic Submission

- Frequently Asked Questions

- Troubleshooting Tips

- “How-To” Instructions for Copying, Converting, Compressing, etc.

- An Electronic Submission at a Glance SPECIFIC to your Area of Certification

Need a “Real Live” Guide?

You do not have to muddle through this process alone.

- Rely on each other.

- Rely on tech-savvy friends.

-Rely on Michael and Erika!

Pay attention to detail.

Follow your portfolio directions!

Cover sheets and forms – submit as PDF files or graphic files inserted into word document

Written commentaries – submit as MS Word, Open Office, or PDF files.

Video recordings – MUST be submitted as flv, asf, qt, mov, mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, or m4v file.


There is a 500MB file size limit for each individual file uploaded. This means you may need to compress larger video files before submission.

Entry 4 Change!

There has been a change in submission guidelines for Entry 4.

Candidates are now required to submit the Documented Accomplishments in TWO separate files (Description and Analysis in one file and Documentation in another file).

An updated “Submission at a Glance” chart for each certificate area is available in the ePortfolio system.

AISD has you covered.

You should have all the tools and software you need…

-On your district laptop

-On your campus

-On the Internet at no cost

Help with Word Processing

Microsoft Word

-Has an option to save a document as a PDF.

- You could insert into blank pages any instructional materials (requires scanning first), then save entire Word document as a pdf, or copy the graphic files from a scan into the document.

- Pay attention to formatting.

Help with PDF Files

Adobe Acrobat

-Use to control your scanner so you can scan items

-Use to convert any file to a PDF file

-Use to combine multiple PDF files or Word files into a single PDF file

- “How-To” for PC and Mac at National Board Site!

Help Scanning

You WILL need to scan.

- You could use your campus copier. Every campus should have a copier with scanning capability. You can load multiple pages into the feeder to be scanned into a single PDF file.

- You could use a scanner. For example, an all-in-one printer.

- “How-To” at the National Board Site!

Help with Video

Don’t be intimidated by your video.

The National Board site

has lots of help for you.

Michael has also created some nice “How-To” items located at

Too Many Files!

Lots and lots of files…

You are going to have a lot of individual files to upload to the ePortfolio.

Helpful Suggestion:

Store your files in the same file structure as what is requested on the eSubmission At a Glance page. You may then use this page as a checklist as you upload files.

Schedule the Process

Time is a great ally… when it is on your side.

- Allow yourself plenty of time… probably a week.

-Make sure everything is ready to upload.

- You may also upload as entries are completed.

- The more time you allow yourself, the more time you allow Michael and Erika to be able to help you with any issues which may arise.


It is not unusual to realize…

- something is missing,

- something needs to be combined,

- something is in the wrong format, or

- something needs to be compressed.

You have given yourself TIME to fix these issues because you are NOT uploading everything at the last minute on May 9th.

Keep in Mind

As you begin to upload files, keep in mind:

Your status will remain “In Progress” until you mark each file as “Ready to Submit”.

Even if you mark “Ready to Submit”, you may still make changes to the files. Just unclick “Ready to Submit” and make the necessary changes.

Once you actually SUBMIT an entry, you will not be able to make changes. In addition, it will no longer be viewable in the ePortfolio system.

The Uploading Process

I think I am ready to begin uploading…

You have been warned…

From the Guide to Electronic Submission:

“It is important that you begin the upload process early. Uploading your materials may take multiple days to complete, depending on how many entries you are submitting.”

Step 1

Access the ePortfolio page on the National Board website.

Step 2

Click the link to the ePortfolio system.

Step 3

Log in to the ePortfolio system.

Step 4

Click “Start”.

You will be prompted to upload your electronic file(s).

Step 5

Click “View” to review your evidence file(s) for accuracy.

It is important that you review your material in its entirety.

Step 6

Mark “Ready to Submit” when your evidence file for each part has been uploaded and reviewed.

A progress bar for each submission will indicate when all the parts are complete.

Step 7

Click “Submit Portfolio Entry for Scoring” to submit your work for each entry for which you are registered.

Once your work has been submitted for scoring, your submission is final and you will not longer have access to your file(s) through the system.

I Need HELP!

Are you in need of some one on one help?

Michael and Erika are happy to schedule a time to meet with you one on one. Let’s get out our calendars and set up some time.

Just need a phone call or an e-mail conversation? We are here to help. Use us!

Don’t forget us!

Michael Massad – Patton Elementary School

Contact for Generalists

(512) [email protected]

Erika Pesek – Bowie High School

Contact for Specialists

(512) 841-4190

[email protected]

This powerpoint is located at

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