  • 8/14/2019 Australian Business Solutions - How To Foster Diversity In Your Organisation Across Borders


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    International business

  • 8/14/2019 Australian Business Solutions - How To Foster Diversity In Your Organisation Across Borders


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    How To Foster DiversityIn Your OrganisationAcross Borders

    In an innovative world, where a companys resources are constantly under scrutiny

    and the smallest error can be the difference between success and failure, many

    businesses are now identifying that the diversity of its people is just as important

    as technology, nance, manufacturing and so on.

    AUSTRALIANBusiness Solutions 059

    | By Barry Thomas |

  • 8/14/2019 Australian Business Solutions - How To Foster Diversity In Your Organisation Across Borders


    In order to address such issues and to ensure

    that you foster diversity in your cross-border

    organisation, it is necessary to create and

    encourage a workplace culture that appreciates

    the contributions and values of all employees.

    Here are some key learnings to consider:

    Best Practice: Conduct Your Research

    First and foremost, when looking to develop a

    strategy to foster diversity in all of the markets

    that your organisation has a presence in, it

    is worthwhile conducting your own research

    to identify companies that are successfully

    managing this process. Local HR awards may

    highlight the achievements of businesses that

    have worked to diversify their workforce. From

    this, you will be able to assess if any strategies

    can be replicated in your organisation and what

    specic markets can benet.

    You may also want to establish a plan which

    gathers information about your organisations

    current environment. It may include an assessment

    of the prevailing culture in each market, a

    demographic prole of staff and an assessment of

    existing human resources strategies.

    Diversity essentially denes what is different;

    a variety of choices and opinions. However,

    when we talk about people, diversity becomes

    an attribute and it is how a company can utilise

    this diversity in its people that can make dealing

    across borders a more successful experience for

    those involved.

    When it comes to human diversity there are

    two parts. First there are the obvious differences

    including nationality, age, sex, ethnicity and

    spoken language. Then there is the more detailed

    and often more difcult to identify, this includes

    religion, sexual orientation, marital status,

    education, life and work experiences, socio-

    economic background and personality. All of

    which contribute to a diverse workforce and have

    a signicant impact on workplace culture and how

    employees interact and work with each other.

    Workplace diversity is embracing the

    differences in your staff and selecting the best

    people for the task, regardless of their location.

    Indeed, according to a Forbes study conducted

    in 2011 amongst 321 large global enterprises,

    companies with at least $500 million in annual

    revenue agreed that diversity is crucial to

    International business

    060 AUSTRALIANBusiness Solutions

    fostering innovation in the workplace.

    A diversied organisation also has the ability to

    ensure it remains cutting edge and competitive. It

    is advantageous to harness the talents of people

    from all backgrounds and locations so they can

    make contributions.

    Diversity must be actively embraced by the

    organisation for the benets to be realised. The

    self-imposed boundaries that may exist within

    one country or part of your organisation may

    be non-existent in another. Through exchanges

    of knowledge a host of ideas, innovation and

    creativity can ourish and higher levels of

    cooperation can be achieved. If your employees

    are not equally understanding of the person who

    sits beside them and the person with whom they

    interact with on the other side of the world, the

    misunderstanding will reign and your business

    will be hampered rather than helped by diversity.

    A strong corporate identity will provide your

    staff with a common ground on which they can

    embrace their differences. It is the mechanism that

    removes the boundaries subconsciously imposed

    by cultural norms and local business practices,

    and provides the platform for innovation.

  • 8/14/2019 Australian Business Solutions - How To Foster Diversity In Your Organisation Across Borders


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    Cultural Sensitivities: Watch, Learn And


    We are increasingly witnessing staff working across

    borders and interacting with colleagues in foreign

    teams. Therefore, it is imperative that employees

    are sensitive to cultural differences and are open

    to observing market nuances and adapting their

    behaviour in order to respond appropriately.

    When visiting another country it is important

    to observe local etiquette. For example, in some

    cultures it may be acceptable to greet a familiar

    colleague with a kiss on the cheek, whereas other

    markets would consider this to be inappropriate.

    In Asian markets, pointing with a nger can be

    considered rude and instead an entire hand

    would be used. In western culture, eye contact

    means you are being attentive and honest, yet in

    Native America or the Middle East, this would be

    considered disrespectful.

    The key consideration is to be receptive to

    visual and non-visual clues and to be open to

    learning about cultural differences to ensure that

    offence is not caused. It is worthwhile sharing

    cultural awareness about local business etiquette

    so that all employees, no matter where they are

    located, are prepared when travelling.

    Lead By Example: Encourage Diversity

    To successfully diversify your organisation,

    senior management needs to lead by example.

    Cross-border training programs are a way to

    educate staff in the corporate identity resulting

    in a consistent and collaborative approach. This

    will promote a sense of unity which encourages

    colleagues to respect everybodys opinions and

    varying outlooks.

    Managing Diversity

    Like all well-built structures, diversity requires

    a solid foundation. Organisations need to

    develop strategies to identify areas that embrace

    employee differences. Workplace diversity

    principles should be integrated with all human

    resource strategies, including: training and

    development, evaluations, planning, recruitment,

    and health and safety.

    Maximising Diversity

    Innovation is the key to maximising diversity

    in any workforce throw the rule book out

    the window. Let your imagination run wild and

    establish programs where employees can

    embrace and immerse themselves in different

    business cultures. For example, a market

    exchange program so employees can visit other

    regions, learn foreign languages and learn about

    different business cultures.

    Information sharing is key to maximising

    diversity and ensuring employees are educated

    about what is happening in other markets.

    An interactive intranet system can be a useful

    tool for publishing content that all markets can

    universally access.

    Barry Thomas is the Vice President of Cook

    Group and Director of Cook Medical APAC

    and Managing Director of Cook Australia. Barry

    has more than two decades of internationa l

    leadership and expertise in the pharmaceutical

    and medical device industries and he currently

    spearheads the worlds fastest growing region

    for Cook Medical. His current position sees him

    working to expand the opportunities for people

    in Asia to access Cook Medicals advanced and

    minimally invasive medical devices.

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