Page 1: Authorization card circular

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Generation’s School …a happy place to learn

Dear Parents,

Assalamu alaikum,

Compulsory Use of Authorization Card

Starter and Junior Sections

Safety and security of our students is an utmost priority for us, just as it is for the parents. If you are one

of the few parents who have as yet not collected your card, please ensure that you do so latest by

Monday, March 15, 2010.

As part of our efforts to step up on vigilance and security, please keep in mind the following guidelines:

It is absolutely essential that you (or the guardian, driver or van-driver) use the authorization card

when collecting your child at home time.

You must ensure that the authorization card is handed over to the individual responsible for

collecting your child at home-time, with clear instructions on usage, as per the following points:

When entering the school premises, the authorization card must be worn firmly and

prominently to avoid inconvenience to yourself, and our staff on duty.

It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure – with utmost care – that the authorization card

remains with a trusted person at all times.

It is important that you cooperate with all the school staff that is on duty inside and outside

the gates. Please remember that if they ask for the authorization card, it is only part of an

effort to ensure the safety of your child. Any verbal or physical abuse at any level will not

be tolerated.

Lost authorization cards are a cause of great concern and weaken the integrity of the system.

However, if your card is lost, please contact the Front Office immediately, with a photograph of your

child and an application for issuance of a duplicate card; and wait for at least a couple of days, which

is the time it would take to make a new card. During this time, home-time collection for your child

may be cumbersome.

Finally, in order for the system to ensure the safety and security of our children, all parents must use the

authorization card with persistence. Please remember that even if a single parent fails to comply, that could

potentially undermine the safety of all students.

Jazakallah al khayr for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. K. Noorani March 12, 2010

Vice Principal Rabi ul Awwal 25, 1431

Junior Wing

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