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Automation ScriptsIntroduction about Selenium

Selenium is an open source testing tool to automate web applications across many platforms. This tool is developed in Java Script and supports all the major browsers on all the platforms. Selenium is a cross-browser, cross-platform solution supporting Internet Explorer on Windows and Mozilla-based browsers on Windows, Mac OSX and Linux and Unix. There are 3 variants in selenium, which can be used to create automation suite for web application. Selenium IDE Selenium Core and Selenium Remote Control.

Selenium Grid is an extension of selenium RC to test in different environment.

Selenium IDE Selenium IDE is an integrated development environment for Selenium tests. It also serves as a starting point for automation. Selenium IDE comes as Firefox extension, which allows recording, editing and debugging tests. Features of Selenium IDE 1. Record and playback. 2. Auto complete for all common Selenium commands. 3. Support for Selenium user-extensions.js file and many more. Selenium Core Selenium Core tests run directly in a browser, just as real users do. Selenium Core used for

Browser compatibility testing- Application can be tested in different browsers and operating system.

System functional testing. Create tests to verify the application functionality and user acceptance.

Selenium Core tests run directly into application web server. This allows the tests to run in any supported browser on the client-side. Selenium Remote Control Selenium RC comes in two parts. 1. A server which automatically launches and kills browsers, and acts as a HTTP proxy for web requests from them. 2. Client libraries for your favorite computer language. The RC server also bundles Selenium Core, and automatically loads it into the browser. Selenium Grid Selenium Grid is a tool that speeds up functional testing of web-apps. It allows running multiple tests in parallel, on multiple machines, in a heterogeneous environment. Selenium Grid coordinates multiple selenium remote control servers, so that test can be run on different platforms concurrently, which saves time and allows wider testing.

Overall architecture of the selenium

Classification of seleniumBrowser Support Requires Remote Installation Supports HTTPS/SSL Supports Multiple Domains Requires Java Saves Test Results to Disk Language Support Selenium IDE Firefox Only No Yes Yes No No Selenese Only(and also Ruby in selenium 0.7 deprecated) Selenium Core All Yes Yes No No No Selenese Only Selenium RC Many No Yes Yes Yes Yes Many (Java, C#,PHP, Perl, Python and Ruby)

Same Origin Policy The same origin policy states that JavaScript is only allowed to read/modify HTML from the same origin as its source. That policy makes a lot of sense. Let's say you've got your browser window pointing at, for example, your bank's website, but you also have another webpage open pointing to someone's blog. JavaScript is allowed to read values from web pages, as well as change data appearing on webpages you've loaded. If not for the same origin policy, a malicious blogger could read your bank data, or worse, rewrite your bank page to make you think it was saying something else. The blogger could use JavaScript to trick you into giving him sensitive information. Why Selenium RC? Selenium Core needs to be installed on the same website as the Application Under Test (AUT), because of the Same Origin Policy, a security policy which prevents cross-site scripting. That means that one can't just sit down and write a Selenium Core test that runs on; to do that, one should need to install Selenium Core on The same origin policy states that JavaScript is only allowed to read/modify HTML from the same origin as its source. If a js file is designed to test, the same origin policy denies to run that js file with; instead, selenium RC can be used to test the site. Selenium RC makes a proxy server, which allows running the test against the site. Selenium JS files were actually available on the remote server and the proxy server tricks the browser into thinking there is a directory example:

Installation of Selenium1. Selenium IDE Selenium IDE comes as firefox extension. It can be installed to firefox2.0 (+). 2. Selenium Remote Control Selenium RC can be downloaded from Selenium RC download. Selenium RC comes as a zip file. It is easy to install in the system. Simply unzip the downloaded file to location where your selenium RC to be installed. Selenium RC requires java-1.5 (+). Setting up Selenium RC Set system variable JAVA_HOME= /*---path location of Java home for e.g.: c:\jdk1.5.0_12---*/

Set class path of client driver for selenium Class path= /*-- C:\Selenium\ selenium-remote-control-1.0SNAPSHOT\selenium-java-client-driver-1.0-SNAPSHOT\selenium-java-client-driver.jar --*/ Note: If you are going to use firefox 3, then make sure that your download support for the latest version. Before going to test the automations close all the firefox process in your system, which may also restrict to start browser.

3. Selenium Grid Selenium Grid requires java-1.5(+) and also Ant 1.7 (+) to start the hub. Setting up of selenium Grid Set system variable JAVA_HOME= /*---path location of Java home for e.g.: c:\jdk1.5.0_12---*/ Set path of system variable for Ant path= /*--path of Apache Ant bin c:\Selenium\apache-ant-1.7.1\bin --*/ 4. Selenium Eclipse Developing the selenium java along with eclipse makes the work simpler. Test cases can be written in java and it can be executed using eclipse plug-in. Download Selenium Eclipse. (Add the downloaded selenium plug in to your eclipse\plugins folder) Eclipse requires JUnit/TestNG along with selenium to run the script. The selenium project can also be developed using JUnit4.4. Set system variables for junit JUNIT_HOME=/*--path of junit jar file c:\selenium\junit-4.4\junit4.4.jar--*/ 5. Logging Selenium Logging selenium is required for selenium Junit project to produce log report for the test cases. Logging selenium is a java plug-in which can be included to the selenium project. Logging selenium also requires commons-langs 2.4 to generate log report for the test case.

Getting Started with Selenium IDE

Selenium IDE Selenium IDE is mainly used for record and play back. Base URL in the IDE is used to specify the URL which is going to test. Toolbar next to the base URL is used to record and play back the test. The red circle in the toolbar is used to record the actions which are taken place in the web page. Then the recorded test can be played using either run current test or run entire test suite. Test suite can also be played using Test runner, but it can play only html test.

Selenium speed can be controlled using slider of selenium IDE. In Selenium IDE, select options->format->java to convert the test case in java. In Selenium IDE, select options->options, then selenium IDE options dialog box open. It has selenium core extension, which accepts the user-extension.js. For example flashselenium extension.js and flexSeleniumAPI.js allows the selenium to test flash and flex application.

Getting started with selenium RCTo start with selenium RC, selenium server can be started at interactive mode in command prompt and type each command of selenium in it. In Command prompt, go to selenium server location, and then type the command to start the selenium server in Interactive mode java -jar selenium-server.jar interactive Selenium RC can also run html test suite in test runner and it produce log report.

For example: java jar selenium-server.jar htmlSuite -browser=*chrome url= c:\selenium workspace\testsuite.html c:\selenium workspace\report\log-Result.html Selenium RC can also run the selenium java test case from eclipse.

Getting started with selenium GridTo start with selenium Grid, selenium hub should be launched in command prompt. ant launch-hub A. To run the test in sequence, launch only one remote control. To launch the remote control, in new command prompt, type ant launch-remote-control then in a new command prompt, type ant run-demo-in-sequence B. To run the test in parallel in same machine, launch two or more remote control. Start new terminal for each remote control, then type ant -Dport=5555 Denvironment=*chrome launch-remote-control ant -Dport=5566 Denvironment=*iexplore launch-remote-control ant -Dport=5577 Denvironment=*chrome launch-remote-control (Note: To check, type http://localhost:4444/console in browser, this will display the details of the remote control) C. To run the test in parallel in multiple machine, launch two or more remote control. Start new terminal for each remote control, then type ant -Dport=5555 Dhost= DhubURL=http// Denvironment=*chrome launch-remotecontrol ant -Dport=5555 Dhost= DhubURL=http// Denvironment=*chrome launch-remotecontrol Then in a new terminal, type ant run-demo-in-parallel

In Third case, the hub is launched in the system with the ip= but the remote control is launched in two different machines with ip= and ip= In this case console details can be viewed using

List of Browser and its NameBrowser *chrome *chrome *chrome *iehta *safari *firefox *chrome *iexplore *iehta *safari *konqueror Name Firefox on Windows Firefox on OS X Firefox on Linux IE on Windows Safari on OS X *firefox *chrome (Firefox) *iexplore (Internet Explorer) *iehta (Internet Explorer) *safari *konqueror

Writing Junit Test in EclipseThe following steps are involved in creating a new test case in eclipse. 1) Create a new java/selenium project in eclipse 2) Then build java path (includes java\lib\*.jar) to run the project. 3) Then add the following jar files to project i. Junit4.4 jar, ii. Selenium Grid\lib\*.jar, iii. Common lang-2.4.jar and iv. Logging Selenium.jar 4) Now select File->New ->JUnit test case to create a new test case. 5) Record a new test in Selenium IDE and export the test to java. 6) Now add the java test to new project.

7) To create a new test suite, select File->New->other. In New dialog box, select java>JUnit->JUnit Test Suite. 8) Now add each test case class file to the new test suite. To run the test, Select Run->Run As->JUnit Test.

Successful Test Result

Failure Test Result with Trace

Building up of the project The JUnit project can be build using Ant builder, which will automatically create a build.xml. By using build.xml, project can be run directly from the command prompt using Ant. This Ant builder creates an xml file with target nodes. This target node will be generated for each and every test case and test suite in the project. To build the project, select File->Export, then in Export dialog box select General->Ant buildfiles For Example: .. .. . To run this in command prompt, move to the project location (build.xml), then type ant AllTests

Creating Simple Test Case in SeleniumCreate a new selenium project and create a new JUnit Test case. Record a simple test using selenium IDE and export the test to new test case. For Example: import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*; import junit.framework.*; public class GoogleTest extends TestCase { private Selenium selenium; public void setUp() { selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost",4444, "*chrome", ""); selenium.start(); } public void testGoogle() {"/"); selenium.type("q", "hello world");"btnG"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("3000"); assertEquals("hello world - Google Search", selenium.getTitle()); } public void tearDown() { selenium.stop(); } } Now launch the selenium hub in a new terminal and launch a remote control with environment as *chrome in another terminal. Now run the test in JUnit, which automatically open a new firefox browser, opens a and automate the test. (Note: Selenium may not work properly in firefox 3.0 browser, but it works properly in firefox 2.x)

Creating Simple Test Suite in SeleniumCreate two or more selenium test cases in same project. Then create a new JUnit test suite. Now add each test case class to new test suite. Here is an example for a test suite which includes different user test cases. import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import com.EvalinvalidUser; import com.Evalowner; import com.Evaluser; import com.Owner; public class UserTests { public static Test suite() { TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("Test for user test cases"); suite.addTestSuite(Evaluser.class); suite.addTestSuite(EvalinvalidUser.class); suite.addTestSuite(Owner.class); suite.addTestSuite(Evalowner.class); return suite; } } Now run the test suite as same as the test case. That is launch a hub and a remote control and run the suite in JUnit Test. This will automatically launch a browser and automate the first test case and tear down the browser. Then it will launch another browser and automate the second test case and tear down the browser and so on.

Using JUnit annotation for test caseJUnit uses annotations to identify which methods should be used for testing. The following are the list of annotation which can be used to write a test. These annotations can be import to the class using org.junit. @BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception { } @AfterClass public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception { }

@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { } @Test Public void helloWorld() throws Exception{ }

Using JUnit annotation for test suiteThe old Test suite() method also found its annotation-based replacement in JUnit4.x . For Example: Instead of public class UserTests { public static Test suite() { TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("Test for user test cases"); suite.addTestSuite(Evaluser.class); suite.addTestSuite(EvalinvalidUser.class); return suite; } } We can write with annotation @RunWith(Suite.class) @Suite.SuiteClasses({ EvalUser.class, EvalinvalidUser.class }) public class UserTests { }

Generating HTML Log Report for TestSelenium test result can be logged using LoggingSelenium. LoggingSelenium can generate html/xml log report for the test. HTML result report can be viewed directly in browser which is almost similar to the htmlsuite report generated by selenium RC. Here is the basic usage for the loggingselenium. @Before public void setUp() { final String resultPath = "absolute-path-to-where-your-result-will-be-written"; final String resultHtmlFileName = resultPath + File.separator + "result.html"; final String resultEncoding = "UTF-8"; loggingWriter = LoggingUtils.createWriter(resultHtmlFileName, resultEncoding); LoggingResultsFormatter htmlFormatter = new HtmlResultFormatter(loggingWriter, resultEncoding); htmlFormatter.setScreenShotBaseUri(""); // this is for linking to the screenshots htmlFormatter.setAutomaticScreenshotPath(resultPath); // wrap HttpCommandProcessor from remote-control LoggingCommandProcessor log_Processor = new LoggingCommandProcessor(new HttpCommandProcessor("localhost",4444,"*chrome",, htmlFormatter); selenium = new LoggingDefaultSelenium(myProcessor); selenium.start(); } @After public void tearDown() { selenium.stop(); try { if (null != loggingWriter) { loggingWriter.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { // do nothing } } In Loggingselenium, the result path of the html file should be specified. Then the result type encoding should be specified. Then create an object to the loggingWriter which automatically log each and every command of the test. LoggingResultsFormatter is used to specify the format log report. LoggingCommandProcessor will start the selenium test as well as log the command of test. LoggingSelenium will also be used for taking screenshot of the test. Screenshots can be taken automatically by the loggingselenium when an exception occurs. Screenshots are stored at the

absolute path of the system, so screenshots may throw error while testing it on multiple system. Screenshots can also be captured manually whenever it is required for the test. selenium.captureScreenshot(screenshotsResultsPath+ File.separator+ file_name+ ".png"); LoggingUtils is used for the timestamp for the filename. This timestamp is more helpful for the automation. LoggingUtils.timeStampForFileName ();

Using Command-Line Arguments for Test Command line arguments can be used for the selenium Test. These command line arguments are most useful for testing at selenium grid. These arguments mainly used get the host value, port number and the name of the browser to test. protected static String SELENIUM_SERVER_HOST=""; protected static String SELENIUM_SERVER_PORT="selenium.server.port"; protected static String SELENIUM_BROWSER_STARTCOMMAND= "selenium.browser.startCommand"; protected static String SELENIUM_BROWSER_URL="selenium.browser.url"; selenium = new DefaultSelenium(System.getProperty(SELENIUM_SERVER_HOST), Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty(SELENIUM_SERVER_PORT)), System.getProperty(SELENIUM_BROWSER_STARTCOMMAND), System.getProperty(SELENIUM_BROWSER_URL)); The above code can be included into the test which will get the command-line arguments. While using eclipse for developing the selenium project, command line arguments can be given at the run dialog box. To run in eclipse, Select Run->Open Run Dialog. Then in run dialog box, select Arguments tab, in VM arguments specify the command line arguments than click run. -Dselenium.server.port=4444 -Dselenium.browser.startCommand=*chrome -Dselenium.browser.url= This command line arguments value can be changed to test in different browser directly without changing the browser name in code.

Page Object PatternThe Page Object pattern represents the screens of web application as a series of objects. This reduces the amount of duplicated code and means that if the UI changes, the fix needed to be applied in only one place. Page Objects may not be necessarily a screen of web application; it may be a part of the screen. In Page Object pattern has two faces, one is the facing towards the page and another one is facing away from the page. Facing towards the page is defining a class with various methods and attributes for a particular page. Facing away is the test case which uses those page objects methods for the test.

Page Object Pattern

Page 1

Test Case 1

Page 2 Page 3

Test Case 2 Test Case 3

Last Page

Test Case n

Prototype of the test for particular site, which is defined by each screen/part as class

Actual Test Suite which contains n-Test cases. Each Test case is defined by the prototype of the test

For Example Normal Test Case @Test public void loginTest() throws InterruptedException, ParseException {"/"); selenium.type("txtUserId", "User_NameXXX"); selenium.type("txtPassword", "PasswordXYZ");"//input[@type='signin']"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000");"link=Sign out"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); } The above test case can be implemented using page object pattern. To use a page object, it needs a separate class for login page with various methods. This is a sample page object for Login Page public class LoginPage { public HomePage successLogin (String username, String password) { HomePage homepage=new HomePage(); selenium.type("txtUserId", "User_NameXXX"); selenium.type("txtPassword", "PasswordXYZ");"//input[@type='signin']"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.isElementPresent(logged in); return homepage; } public IndexPage failureLogin (String username, String password) { IndexPage indexpage=new IndexPage(); selenium.type("txtUserId", "User_NameXXX"); selenium.type("txtPassword", "PasswordXYZ");"//input[@type='signin']"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); indexpage.error=Invalid login; return indexpage } }

Now the above test case become @Test public void testUserLogin() { IndexPage index = new IndexPage(); // Open home page LoginPage loginPage = index.loginPage(); // Go to login page HomePage homepage = loginPage.login("user", "password"); assertTrue(homepage.checkID()); homepage.signOut(); } Selenium Commands Selenium commands are mainly depends on three objects, which is used to tell HTML element of the page. 1. Element Locators Element Locators are used to specify the exact location of the page. These element locators are used by the selenium commands as an argument. The following are the element locators which is supported in the selenium, identifier=id id=id (Select the element with the specified @id attribute.) name=name (Select the element with the specified @name attribute) dom=javascript Expression xpath=xpath Expression(XPath uses path expressions to select nodes or node-sets in an XML document.) link=textPattern css=cssSelector syntax(CSS Selector is a flat description of the HTML or XML fragment corresponding to the selection structure.) The selenium can be located using without the explicit prefix/value. The following are used to specify without the explicit prefix/values. dom xpath id 2. Element Filters Element filters can be used with a locator to refine a list of candidate elements. filterType=argument For Example: xpath=//form[@type='input' and @name='xxx'] In this example @name is an attribute which is used as filter to fetch the element with name=xxx.

3. String-match patterns

Selenium uses the string-match patterns to fetch the matching string values. glob(default pattern, which is the limitation of the regular expression) regexp exact

Example for Xpath Locator String sXpathLocator = "xpath=//form[@type='hidden' and @name='xxx']"; System.out.println(yourSelenium.isElementPresent(sXpathLocator)); // print true if found. Otherwise false. String sValue = yourSelenium.getAttribute(sXpathLocator+"/@value"); // Get the value of @value attribute if(sValue.matches(".*yyy$")) //comparing the value with a constant { System.out.println("It ends with yyy."); } else { System.out.println("It doesn't end with yyy."); } Limitation of Selenium 1. Pop-up Window problem To select a pop-up window void selectWindow(windowID) once a popup window has been selected, all commands go to that window. To select the main window again, use null as the target/windowID. Selenium has several strategies for finding the window object referred to by the "windowID" parameter. If windowID is null, then it is assumed the user is referring to the original window

instantiated by the browser.

If the value of the "windowID" parameter is a JavaScript variable name in the

current application window, then it is assumed that this variable contains the return value from a call to the JavaScript method. Otherwise, selenium looks in a hash it maintains that maps string names to window objects. Each of these string names matches the second parameter "windowName" past to the JavaScript method, windowName, windowFeatures, replaceFlag) (which selenium intercepts). 2. Framed Site Problem To select the frame within the current window, void selectFrame(locator) This command is used multiple times to select nested frames. To select the parent frame, use "relative=parent" as a locator; to select the top frame, use "relative=top" and to select the immediate parent, use relative=up. Frames can be selected using DOM expression directly, like this: dom=frames["main"].frames["subframe"] (NOTE: While navigating from non-framed page to a framed page, selenium uses selectFrame to navigate between the frames. Whereas, moving from a frameset page to a non-framed page, selenium may close all the frames in page. This may lead to termination of selenium.) To determine the current window/frame boolean getWhetherThisFrameMatchFrameExpression (java.lang.String currentFrameString, java.lang.String target) boolean getWhetherThisWindowMatchWindowExpression (java.lang.String currentWindowString , java.lang.String target) Determine whether current/locator identify the frame/window containing this running code. This is useful in proxy injection mode, where this code runs in every browser frame and window, and sometimes the selenium server needs to identify the "current" frame/window. In this case, when the test calls selectFrame/selectWindow, this routine is called for each frame/window to figure out which one has been selected. The selected frame/window will return true, while all others will return false.

3. Pop-up dialog box problem To get a Alert/Confirmation/Prompt dialog box java.lang.String getAlert() java.lang.String getConfirmation() java.lang.String getPrompt() JavaScript dialog box is generated during the previous action or fail if there were no alerts. Getting an alert or confirmation or prompt has the same effect as manually clicking OK/CANCEL. If a dialog box is generated but you do not get/verify it, the next Selenium action will fail. NOTE: under Selenium, JavaScript alerts will NOT pop up a visible dialog box. NOTE: Selenium does NOT support JavaScript alerts that are generated in a page's onload() event handler. In this case a visible dialog WILL be generated and Selenium will hang until someone manually clicks OK. 4. Testing for Applet Application Applet Application cant be tested directly using selenium. Applet Application can be exported as javascript enabled application and then the javascript can be tested using selenium. 5. Flash and Flex Application Selenium cant able to test Flash and Flex Application directly. To Test a Flash and Flex Application, Selenium-Flash and Selenium-Flex API plug-ins are needed. These Flash and Flex Plug-in has separate action script file which should be included in the project to test the application. So Flash and Flex applications are very difficult to test in selenium grid.

Limitations Selenium over HeyMath! Element Locator problem The following selenium commands will return Id as the return value. getAllButtons() getAllFields() getAllLinks() getAllWindowIds() getAllWindowNames() getSelectedId(String selectLocator) and getSelectedIds(String selectLocator). These commands will return null value when Id is not assigned. In most of the HeyMath! Sites, Id of the locators are not assigned, so the above commands cant be used for testing. Id is mainly used for locating an element in a page. Since ids are not assigned to the element in the site, id cant be used to locate the elements. To overcome this problem, other element locators like xpath, dom are used.

Pop-up window problem

Almost all the popup window in HeyMath site doesnt have window name/id. Lessons are opening as popup window which dont have any popup window name/id, so these popup window cant be accessed during the automation.

(Suggestion: Popup window page can be tested by directly opening the site by its URL and it can be tested. For eg:; This can open the page directly, instead clicking the link and opening it in a popup window.)

Links like CMS, Benchmark, etc are opening the page in a separate page using javascript about blank page. Tough these pages are more similar to popup window page; these pages are not really a popup window. These pages are opening as a separate window or new window. These types of pages are not visible to selenium test runner, so creating automation for these types of links are not possible.

(Note: selenium open command can also be used to test this type of pages, but there should not be anymore javascript about blank page) Framed Site Problem

After moving from free zone page to Home page, site is moved from non-framed page to a framed page. HeyMath! Banner and Sign Out are two places where the

page move to a non framed page, which closes all other non related frames in the page, So this may terminate the selenium. (Suggestion: selenium open command can be used to go to free zone page and log out the user) Pop-up dialog box Problem

The Places like create assignments, do assignments, upload and download of files, etc., are possibility of occurrence of dialog box. So failure test cases cant be tested for these places.

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