Page 1: Autonomous Mapping of Outcrops Using Multiclass … Mapping of Outcrops Using Multiclass Linear Discriminant Analysis

Autonomous Mapping of Outcrops Using Multiclass Linear DiscriminantAnalysis

R. Francis*, K. McIsaac*, D. R. Thompson**, G. R. Osinski*

*Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration, University of Western Ontariocontact: [email protected]

**Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology


The growing capability of robotic planetary explo-ration missions brings increasingly constrained data bud-gets. The autonomous prioritization, processing, and evenacquisition of science data could allow more scientific in-formation and discovery per megabit of transmission – in-creasing the scientific value and the pace of operations.

Here we explore the problem of analyzing rock out-crops using only colour photography. Elementary imageprocessing techniques generate a feature space incorpo-rating colour and visual texture information from an im-age. Then, a machine learning technique, multiclass lin-ear discriminant analysis (MDA), is used to learn the vi-sual components that distinguish adjacent rock types fromeach other, and a vector clustering technique is used tosegment images of the same and similar outcrops. Theapproach is tested successfully in a variety of geologicalsettings representative of those expected in planetary sur-face exploration, and shows promise for extension to otherimaging modalities and processing techniques.

1 Introduction

Planetary exploration missions have deployed pro-gressivley more capable and complex platforms to explorethe bodies in the solar system. The Mars Science Lab-oratory rover, for example, carries an extensive suite ofremote-sensing, contact, and internal instruments [1], to-gether offering far greater capacity to generate scientificdata than previous missions. Communications capabili-ties continue to be an important limitation for these mis-sions, however, restricting the amount of data that canbe returned to Earth. This has an additonal consequenceof restricting the speed of operations, as many tasks –such as approaching a rock outcrop and placing an instru-ment against it – require several human-in-the-loop stepsin decision-making. Each such step requires the transmis-sion of data to the Earth, its inspection, and the transmis-sion of resultant commands to the spacecraft.

1.1 Improving scientific throughputThese missions could realize a greater throughput

of science information by achieving these tasks morequickly, or by devoting a larger fraction of the downlinkto science-relevant images as opposed to intermediate im-ages intended for human decision-making. Achieving ei-ther – more science per time, or more science per kilobit– may be possible by allowing the robotic system to makedecisions on its own.

One tool for aiding such decision-making by the robotis autonomous interpretation of images. A major taskof operations scientists is finding interesting features indownlinked images so that they may be targeted for fur-ther investigation. New software has already begun to al-low a degree of autonomous interpretation and improvedscientific return, as in the case of the AEGIS software de-veloped for the Mars Exploration Rovers [2], which useson board image processing to prioritize images for down-link, based on the detection of rocks sitting on the plainsurrounding the rover.

1.2 Geological investigations: In-placematerials and contacts

For a surface mission with a geological focus, an ex-ample of an interesting feature is an outcrop in which vi-sual inspection suggests the presence of more than onetype of rock. In terrestrial field geology, these featuresare called contacts between geological units, and whilethey have a variety of forms and origins, they are impor-tant sources of information about the nature and historyof the rocks in a region. The information they carry isparticularly rich if the materials are still in-place, that is,remaining in the position and context of their formation.This makes outcrops valuable sites of investigation, overloose material that cannot be clearly connected to its placeof origin.

Impact craters, ubiquitous on solid planetary surfacesand of interest for both geological and astrobiological in-vestigations [3], are formed by violent and turbulent pro-cesses that result in numerous emplacements of mixedrock types, such as impact breccias, melt rocks, and ejectadeposits [4]. This chaotic process also tends to produce

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features of vertical relief, often including exposed out-crops of rock, particularly in environments where the rateof erosion is low. Finding such outcrops, particularlythose displaying geological contacts, is critical in investi-gations of such widely-varying settings as impact craters,sedimentary environments, and volcanic flows.

1.3 Present workThe present work aims to develop image processing

tools which allow the segmentation of images of rock out-crops along geological units, as a step towards producinga capability for detection and mapping of outcrops dis-playing geological contacts. We formalize this problemas one of unsupervised image segmentation into geologicsurface types. We test the hypothesis that Mahalanobismetric learning, trained by exemplar scenes, can improvethe fidelity of such segmentations to an expert interpreta-tion. The experiments show that unsupervised image seg-mentation produces geologically relevant categories fromsimple colour and texture primitives when analyzed withappropriate distance metrics. Section 2 describes the his-tory of similar work in the exploration context. The designof the algorithm is presented in section 3, and the designof an experiment to test it is described in section 4. The re-sults of tests on field data in a variety of geologic settingsare presented and discussed in section 5.

2 Existing techniques

2.1 Geological classificationGeology on Earth relies site visits by a trained analyst,

but planetary exploration programs have researched auto-mated techniques. Previous efforts have identified specificfeatures in outcrops, especially sedimentary layering [5][6]. Further efforts saw significant successes in detectingloose rocks resting on the ground [7] [8], by a variety oftechniques with varying results [9]. Such systems even-tually became capable enough to be used to guide roboticdecision making [10], and in recent years to be deployedon the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity to improvethe return of scientific data [11]. But with highly vari-able visual appearance, gradational boundaries, and com-plex boundary morphology, separation of geological ma-terials within an outcrop is even more challenging a taskthan recognizing rocks against a background. At least onecurrent project is working to apply information from im-age texture to the problem [12] but to our knowledge thepresent work is the first attempt to identify geologic con-tacts within a single image in a wholly unsupervised fash-ion.

2.2 Distance metric learningIn the presence of correlations and noise dimensions

in the input space, it can be quite difficult to find a repre-

sentation where the classes of interest naturally separatefrom each other. Metric Learning seeks a distance met-ric, or equivalently, a transformation of the input space, tomaximize task performance. These methods typically relyon a training set of distinct classes from the problem do-main. They optimize the distance metric to maximize thedistance between the dissimilar classes. This new repre-sentation reflects semantic distinctions of interest so thata wholly unsupervised algorithm can recover them.

Many such algorithms involve fitting a Mahalanobismetric, expressed as a simple linear projection that we willwrite here as a matrix A. Following the notation of [13],applying A to each sample pair (xi, x j) produces a Maha-lanobis distance in the original sample space:

M(xi, x j) = (AT xi − AT x j)T (AT xi − AT x j)T

= (xi − x j)AAT (xi − x j)(1)

Note that the matrix M = AAT is symmetric, posi-tive semi-definite. There are many ways to find this ma-trix. The most common approach, Multiclass Discrim-inant Analysis, is an extension of classical Linear Dis-criminant Analysis; for k distinct classes, it forms A bythe eigenvectors associated with the top k-1 eigenvalues ofM−1

w Mb Here Mw is the within class scatter matrix and Mb

is the between class scatter matrix. The resulting trans-formation minimizes the determinant of the former andmaximizes the determinant of the latter. Other linear dis-tance metric learning algorithms include Information The-oretic Metric Learning [14], Locally Discriminative Gaus-sians [15], and NCA [16]. A comparison of all such tech-niques is beyond the scope of this paper, but LDA-basedmethods often perform comparably to iterative approachesand basic MDA is sufficient to evaluate our hypothesis.

3 Method

3.1 StrategyThe approach used in this work begins from the ob-

servation that rocks which are visually distinct from eachother are often distinct in several ways - by colour, by theorientation of linear features in the rock surface (‘fabric’,in the geological sense), or visual texture, such as fromlayering, weathering, fracturing, or grain size. Very oftenseparate geological units are visually distinguishable fromeach other in more than one of these characteristics. Weattempt to exploit this property by applying a techniquethat finds groups of pixels which vary together in severalvisual features.

3.2 Channel setWe begin by processing the image to produce sev-

eral data products relating to colour, texture, and other

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visual attributes at each pixel. Each such data product iscalled hereafter a visual ‘channel’, and represents an arrayof values corresponding to each pixel in the input image.For initial tests, a basic feature set was used consisting ofseven channels:

1. The grayscale representation of the colour image;

2. The red channel of the colour image;

3. The green channel of the colour image;

4. The blue channel of the colour image;

5. The ratio, at each pixel, of the blue and red channels;

6. The difference, at each pixel, of the blue and redchannels;

7. A brightness map produced by first taking the magni-tude of the image gradient at each pixel, then passinga kernel over the result which sums the values of allpixels in a small radius. This channel is intended torespond to the local density of edge features in re-gions of the image.

An extended feature set uses these same channelsalong with eight more provided by the MR8 filter bank[17], in an effort to further emphasize textural informa-tion. In principle, many more channels can be designedand included, but this present work reports only on resultsusing the above basic and extended feature sets.

For either implementation, the data produced in cre-ating the n-dimensional feature space is represented as aset of n-dimensional vectors, with each pixel representedby a vector composed of that pixel’s corresponding valuesfrom each visual channel.

3.3 Learning stepWe first train MDA by using a dataset of labeled im-

ages from the same locale. This is relevant for spacecraftoperations where a rover is travelling tens or hundreds ofmetres per command cycle, and geologic surface typeswill be somewhat similar to categories that have alreadybeen seen in previous images. Scientists could train such asystem on the ground and then transmit the compact trans-formation matrix to the rover, enabling it to recognize ap-propriate features in new images. For each set of trainingdata, we formed 2 to 3 classes from the categories of in-terest, and learned an MDA representation based on thistraining data. MDA permits solutions with a rank up tok-1 where k is the number of classes. We then applied thelow-rank transform to other images from the locale notused during training, producing an unbiased estimate oftask performance on a new scene.

To effect the segmentation, the feature space vectorsare transformed to the MDA-learned representation, then

clustered by proximity in the n-dimensional feature space.As a baseline, the k-means clustering technique is used,with other clustering techniques possible.

3.4 Assessing the segmentationCandidate segmentations are assessed by compari-

son to manually-labeled reference segmentations usingthe Adjusted Rand Index [18]. The Rand Index is a figureof merit that counts the number of pairs of pixels whichare, in both segmentations, assigned to the same segment,as a fraction of the total number of pixels. Normalizedagainst random chance, it becomes the Adjusted Rand In-dex (ARI), which has a value of zero for a pixel segmen-tation performing the same as random assignment, and avalue of one for a segmentation which is identical to thereference.

4 Experiment design

The technique was tested on imagery from a varietyof geological settings, including several types of volcanicdeposits in Mars-analogue sites in the Mojave desert, Cal-ifornia; impact breccias from the Sudbury impact crater inOntario, Canada; and a clay-rich sedimentary setting withvisible calcium sulfate veins in Gale Crater, Mars. In eachgeological setting, the system is trained using a represen-tative image showing the characteristic local rock types.The trained system then segments both the training im-age, and new images from the same locality. Three casesare tested in each locality, each using a different featurespace:

• The basic feature space (described in section 3.2),without applying the learned vector (“No learning”)

• The basic feature space, with the learned transforma-tion applied

• The extended feature space including the MR8 filterbank, with MDA learning on that larger space

In each case, the segmentation is compared to a ref-erence, human-labeled segmentation, using the AdjustedRand Index.

For the locales on Earth, the photographs used werecaptured with a handheld digital SLR camera. Lightingconditions varied from full insolation to full shade; castshadows that covered only a portion of the scene wereavoided, though shadows created by in-scene relief are un-avoidably present in several cases. The photographs wereselected to show a variety of geological materials with vis-ible contacts, and a variety of contact types (sharp, grada-tional, highly complex) and morphologies (adjacent mas-sive units, layered materials, clasts within a matrix). Artif-ical objects often included in geological imaging, such ashammers and rulers to provide a reference for scale, were

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Table 1. Segmentation algorithm perfor-mance. Values are the Adjusted RandIndex, as described in section 3.4

Scenetype,Num-ber ofclasses



Learningon basicfeaturespace


A 1277 0.814 0.968 0.9872 1261 0.912 0.922 0.936

1281 0.912 0.961 0.973B 0272 0.562 0.759 0.8162 0743 0.378 0.657 0.715

0283 0.348 0.538 0.609C 0199 0.565 0.943 0.9503 0200 0.372 0.795 0.749

0230 0.245 0.587 0.563D 0495 0.323 0.693 0.7423 0497 0.289 0.616 0.633

0511 0.350 0.589 0.665E 9726 0.774 0.920 0.9462 9735 -0.072 0.790 0.793

9745 0.761 0.837 0.868F s133r1 0.084 0.769 0.8282 s133ls2 0.053 0.220 0.718

s133ls3 -0.002 0.018 0.313

intentionally excluded. These procedures allowed the ex-periment to employ a set of fully natural scenes with nointrusions, but somewhat optimized shadow for the localtopography. Such conditions are representative of thoseto be expected in planetary surface imaging with a roboticplatform.

Images from Mars were obtained by the left and rightMastcam imagers of the Mars Science Laboratory rover inthe context of the mission science team’s investigation ofthe Yellowknife Bay locality of Gale Crater. Scenes of thedesired lithologies having broadly similar dust cover wereselected from the area visited by the rover on sol 133 ofthe mission, with views of the rover hardware excluded.

5 Results

We tested the algorithm on a variety of scenes hav-ing diverse rock types and boundary shapes. These scenetypes are described in the following section, and include avariety of volcanic, impact, and sedimentary settings, eachshowing clear contacts between distinct geological units.

The results of the segmentation are shown in Table 1.For each scene type, one image of a representative scene

Figure 1. Example of scene type A. Basaltblocks and sand, image number 1281,and its segmentation result.

Figure 2. Example of scene type B. Mas-sive basalt and lahar deposit, imagenumber 0272, and its segmentation re-sult.

was used to train the algorithm. The feature space trans-formation learned using this image was used in segment-ing this same image, and two more images of the sametype of geological materials, taken under similar lightingconditions at an adjacent site, with the image fields ofview not overlapping that of the training image. For eachscene type, the image used for training is that marked byby an italicised reference number in Table 1.

5.1 Scene types

5.1.1 Type A: Basalt blocks and sandA mixture of irregular, vesiculated basalt blocks, sur-

rounded by fine sand, shown in Figure 1. The basaltblocks are of volcanic origin. The silicate sand occupiesthe space between the basalt blocks, and also fills in someof the surface vesicles, complicating the segmentation.

5.1.2 Type B: Massive basalt and lahar depositOutcrop exposure of massive basalt overlying older

lahar deposit, shown in Figure 2. A lahar deposit, formedby violent pyroclastic flow, is visible in the lower portionof the image as a highly disordered accumulation of mate-rial with many irregular shapes and highly varying colourand texture. It is overlain by a layer of massive basalt,sourced from a later volcanic event. The basalt also hasnon-uniform colour, and some of the surface coatings inthe basalt are of similar colour to the lahar. Fissures andridges that intruduce linear shadows are also present.

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Figure 3. Example of scene type C. Lay-ered volcanic materials, image number0199, and its segmentation result.

5.1.3 Type C: Layered volcanic depositsA succession of volcanic deposits from periodic

events at the Cima volcanic flows, shown in Figure 3.Three layers of material are visible. Each has a differ-ent dominant colour, but each shows significant variation.Gradational changes are visible between the layers, andsome blocks in the bottom layer have faces which arecoated in material from the top layer. The boundariesare irregular, and enclaves of each material can be foundwithin the others.

5.1.4 Type D: Complex intermixed volcanicmaterials

A complex scene, treated as three distinct classes,shown in Figure 4. Massive basalt overlies and is partiallymixed into two other types of material, each of which isvisibly heterogeneous. Such visibly complex scenes arecommon in a variety of geological settings.

5.1.5 Type E: Impact brecciaAn exposed outcrop of breccia from the Sudbury im-

pact structure, shown in Figure 7. Fractured by the vio-lence of the impact, clasts of one type of rock are embed-ded in a matrix of another type. This type of material iscommon in impact craters and in volcanic settings.

5.1.6 Type F: Mineralized veins in Martiansandstone

An outcrop of clay-rich mudstone showing visibleveins of calcium sulfate material [19], in the YellowknifeBay locality of Gale Crater, Mars. This site was studied bythe Mars Science Laboratory mission science team, andan example is shown in in Figure 10. It was selected asa high-priority science target, and a nearby outcrop of thesame composition was the site of the first drill sample ofthe mission. The training image was acquired by the MSLrover’s right Mastcam; the other two test images are ofnearby exposures of the same material imaged by the leftMastcam, all on sol 133 of the mission. Significant andnon-uniform coverage of reddish dust on both rock types,nearly ubiquitous on the Martian surface, complicates thevision problem.

Figure 4. Photograph of complex geologi-cal scene, image number 0495

Figure 5. Segmentation map of image number 0495

5.2 DiscussionIn general, the algorithm produces good quality re-

sults, both by reference to the Adjusted Rand Index figureof merit, and by visual inspection of segmentation maps.Even without the learned transformation matrix, the sys-tem produces results significantly better than a randompixel assignment, and in some types of scenes, far bet-ter. With the learning step included, the figure of merit in-creases in all cases, generally by a significant margin. Thevalue of the training is also illustrated in Figure 6, whichcompares the separation of pixel vectors as plotted using aprincipal components analysis, and reprojected using theMDA-learned feature space representation. The projec-tion is trained on a separate image. When applied to thenew scene, it improves the alignment between k-meansclusters and geologic unit classes. Black circles show thelocations of cluster centroids.

The expanded feature space, including the MR8 filterbank, in most cases produces only a small improvementover the results with the basic feature set. The MR8 filter

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Figure 6. Normalized spread of the pixelvectors with the learned feature spacerepresentation from MDA, compared toan ordinary principal components anal-ysis. Data from image #0497, trained on#0495, coloured by class label.

bank is designed to contribute information about visualtexture, as is the gradient-derived channel in the basic fea-ture space. Given the small marginal improvement of inthe ARI in most cases, it appears that the gradient-derivedchannel adequately captures that textural information, formost purposes, and the high cost of computing the MR8channels may not be justified in many applications.

As the scenes become more complex, with greaterintra-class variation and complex boundaries betweenclasses, the figures of merit are somewhat reduced.Nonetheless, even for very complex scenes, a visual in-spection shows that the segmentation accurately repro-duces the visual divisions that are salient to the humaneye. An example of this is in scene type D, where threetypes of volcanic deposits are found in a single outcrop,with very complex mixing and irregular boundaries. Sucha scene is shown in Figure 4, where a massive basalt, vis-ible in the upper right hand corner, is intermixed with twodifferent layers of volcanic material. The segmentationmap for this image is shown in 5. The division of thescene by material type is evident, with the algorithm de-tecting even small isolated regions of one material em-bedded in another. Some stray pixels are apparent, at-tributed to the difficulty of training on this very difficultscene type. The Adjusted Rand Index for this segmenta-tion is 0.742. While already likely adequate for a varietyof follow-on uses such as steering a spectrometer instru-ment at the identified regions, futher improvements maybe found by including new types of information in the fea-ture space.

A particular demonstration of the value of the learn-ing step is found in the case of the impact breccias fromthe Sudbury crater. Here the algorithm was, as usual,trained on a single example of a typical outcrop, thentested on other images of similar materials. One of these,

Figure 7. Photograph of Sudbury impactbreccia, image number 9735

Figure 8. Segmentation map of imagenumber 9735, without the learning stepapplied

Figure 9. Segmentation map of imagenumber 9735, with the learning stepapplied

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Figure 10. MSL MastCam-right pho-tograph of calcium sulfate veins inmudstone, image reference s133r1. Im-age credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

with image number 9735, is shown in Figure 7. A red-dish oxidation coating is visible on the surface of the out-crop. This uneven coating covers portions of both rocktypes (the darker-coloured ground mass, and the lighter-coloured clasts) in the breccia. This colouration is unre-lated to the rock composition and potentially confusingto an algorithm relying on colour information, and with-out applying the learning step the results are unsatisfying.Figure 8 shows the segmentation map for the no-learningcase, with ARI -0.072, slightly worse than random assign-ment. A naıve two-class clustering finds the numerically-significant difference between the smooth rock and darkshaded fractures. However, with the learned feature spacetransformation applied, the results are greatly improved,as shown in Figure 9, with the ARI rising to 0.793, evenwith the algorithm having been trained on a different im-age in which the oxidation coating was not present.

The learning step also improves the sedimentary ex-ample from Yellowknife Bay, Mars. Reddish-hued dust isnearly ubiquitous on rock outcrops on Mars, and like theoxidation coating in Sudbury, is potentially confusing toa vision algorithm. The segmentation is greatly improvedby the training, even in the most challenging case (images133ls3), where significant variation in dust cover makesthe host rock appear more grey, rather than the dominantred hue seen in the training image in Figure 10. The chal-lenging variation in colour from the dust cover is likely thereason why this is the geological setting in which the ex-tended feature space, featuring the texture-rich MR8 filterbank, is most beneficial.

Figure 11. Segmentation map of image s133r1

6 Conclusion

Further testing in new geologic settings is ongoing.In particular, the system is being tested as a means ofdetecting surface contaminations – recognizing dust par-tially covering a rock outcrop, for example, and discrim-inating it from the rock itself – for application to im-ages of dusty contact spectrometry targets investigatedby the MSL rover. Future developments of the tech-nique could expand and optimize the feature space to ac-count for optimal combinations and representations of thecolour channels. An adaptation to multispectral imaging,as currently practiced with Mars-surface missions, is alsoplanned. The system could also be adapted to other imag-ing modalities, depending on the instrumentation avail-able in a given setting. As part of integration into a largerscheme for outcrop analysis, an autonomous method fordetermining the number of classes to use in the vectorclustering is also in development.


Funding for this research was provided by the Cana-dian Astrobiology Training Program and the NSERC/

CSA/MDA Industrial Research Chair to G.R. Osinski. Aportion of this research was performed at the Jet Propul-sion Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of Technol-ogy, under a contract with NASA. The authors wouldlike to thank JPL’s Visiting Student Researcher Programand its Machine Learning & Instrument Autonomy re-search group for enabling and supporting the collabora-tion. Copyright 2014. All Rights Reserved.

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