Page 1: Autonomous Vehicles and Validation - T&VS · Validation tries to answer the question "Are you building the right thing?” Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981 But…

© Ricardo plc 2019

Autonomous Vehicles

and Validation

Page 2: Autonomous Vehicles and Validation - T&VS · Validation tries to answer the question "Are you building the right thing?” Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981 But…

2June 2019© Ricardo plc 2019

Validation tries to answer the question

"Are you building the right thing?”

Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981


for an autonomous vehicle what is the right thing?

In general driving isn’t defined - it’s taught.

The First Problem

Page 3: Autonomous Vehicles and Validation - T&VS · Validation tries to answer the question "Are you building the right thing?” Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981 But…

3June 2019© Ricardo plc 2019

We don’t know what we are trying to validate.


Page 4: Autonomous Vehicles and Validation - T&VS · Validation tries to answer the question "Are you building the right thing?” Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981 But…

4June 2019© Ricardo plc 2019

Driving is also taught within a context

The context is

350,000 years of human evolution

16+ years of dealing with the real world


The real world is complex!

The Second Problem

Page 5: Autonomous Vehicles and Validation - T&VS · Validation tries to answer the question "Are you building the right thing?” Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981 But…

5June 2019© Ricardo plc 2019

Example – what is this?

By Beijing Traffic Management Bureau - PDF document GIF diagrams, Public Domain,

Page 6: Autonomous Vehicles and Validation - T&VS · Validation tries to answer the question "Are you building the right thing?” Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981 But…

6June 2019© Ricardo plc 2019

Example – what about this?

By Beijing Traffic Management Bureau - PDF document GIF diagrams, Public Domain,

Page 7: Autonomous Vehicles and Validation - T&VS · Validation tries to answer the question "Are you building the right thing?” Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981 But…

7June 2019© Ricardo plc 2019

The ODD is large…

Operational terrain

– Road surface, curvature, banking etc.

Environmental and weather

– Rain, wind, visibility, lighting, glare etc.


– Signs, traffic lights, road markings, tool booths etc.

Rules of engagement

– Road rules and differences between countries/states/cities

In addition…

People (operator, other drivers, pedestrians)

Animals – kangaroos are a real problem…

Everything else!

Operational Design Domain (ODD)

Adapted from: Koopman & Fratrik, How Many

Operational Design Domains, Objects, and Events?

Page 8: Autonomous Vehicles and Validation - T&VS · Validation tries to answer the question "Are you building the right thing?” Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981 But…

8June 2019© Ricardo plc 2019

Some of everything else…

By William Warby from London, England - Traffic Light Tree, CC BY 2.0,

Smart Australia

Page 9: Autonomous Vehicles and Validation - T&VS · Validation tries to answer the question "Are you building the right thing?” Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981 But…

9June 2019© Ricardo plc 2019

Groups yet to (fully) deploy self driving cars…

Waymo (Google)

8 million real world miles The Verge July 2018

8 million miles/day simulation The Atlantic Aug 2017

16 billion miles simulated to date


1 Jan 2019 estimated 1 billion miles & Lex Fridman Dec 2018

31 Dec 2019 estimated 2.3 billion miles ibid


Honda joined Cruise program at $2.5 billion for a 7% shareholding Reuters Oct 2018

How BIG is the Problem?

Page 10: Autonomous Vehicles and Validation - T&VS · Validation tries to answer the question "Are you building the right thing?” Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981 But…

10June 2019© Ricardo plc 2019

Going to the moon might be easier...

Image: SpaceX

Page 11: Autonomous Vehicles and Validation - T&VS · Validation tries to answer the question "Are you building the right thing?” Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981 But…

11June 2019© Ricardo plc 2019

Limiting the ODD


Excluding conditions (rain, snow, fog)

Works reasonably well – difficult to extend

Requiring the driver to be ready to take over

Mostly works at L2

Won’t work at L3 – L4: humans are bad at monotonous tasks

External human monitoring

Even more boring than being in the car…

Can only deal with one car at a time

Partial Solutions…

Page 12: Autonomous Vehicles and Validation - T&VS · Validation tries to answer the question "Are you building the right thing?” Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981 But…

12June 2019© Ricardo plc 2019

Define partial safety goals (specifications)

Stay in lane unless it is unambiguously safe to manoeuvre laterally

RSS - Responsibility-Sensitive Safety

1. Do not hit someone from behind.

2. Do not cut-in recklessly.

3. Right-of-way is given, not taken.

4. Be careful of areas with limited visibility

5. If you can avoid an accident without causing another one, you

must do it.

Top Down Solutions – Rules of Engagement

Adapted from: Nilsson, Safe Self-driving Cars: Challenges and

Some Solutions SSS18

Shalev-Shwartz Shammah, Shashua , On a Formal

Model of Safe and Scalable Self-driving Cars

Page 13: Autonomous Vehicles and Validation - T&VS · Validation tries to answer the question "Are you building the right thing?” Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981 But…

13June 2019© Ricardo plc 2019

Stay in lane unless it is unambiguously safe to manoeuvre laterally.

What do you mean by lane?

Stay in lane unless…

Page 14: Autonomous Vehicles and Validation - T&VS · Validation tries to answer the question "Are you building the right thing?” Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981 But…

14June 2019© Ricardo plc 2019

What is a lane?

To see what the drivers sees there is a video at


Page 15: Autonomous Vehicles and Validation - T&VS · Validation tries to answer the question "Are you building the right thing?” Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981 But…

15June 2019© Ricardo plc 2019

Verification is difficult because we can’t define some basic


That’s just the start…

Major Issue

Page 16: Autonomous Vehicles and Validation - T&VS · Validation tries to answer the question "Are you building the right thing?” Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981 But…

16June 2019© Ricardo plc 2019

Why is this so hard?

Perception Planning Execution Actuation

Planning Checker

Execution Checker

Actuation Checker


Cross check with

safety envelope

Cross check redundant


Cross check Against


Heurist planning

Algorithmic Software

Algorithmic Software

How do we know what we perceive is real?

ML Systems

Adapted from


Heuristic planning

Page 17: Autonomous Vehicles and Validation - T&VS · Validation tries to answer the question "Are you building the right thing?” Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981 But…

17June 2019© Ricardo plc 2019

The vehicle shall always come to a halt at a stop sign.

Consider the partial safety goal..

Page 18: Autonomous Vehicles and Validation - T&VS · Validation tries to answer the question "Are you building the right thing?” Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981 But…

18June 2019© Ricardo plc 2019


– When they see something they usually know what it is

• but not always…

– But they don’t always see the something

Autonomous Vehicles

- “see” everything

- have no “understanding”

- they “pattern match”

- no pattern, no match

Perception is a BIG problem

Gu, Doian-Gavit & Garg, BadNets: Identifying Vulnerabilities in

the Machine Learning Model Supply Chain arXiv 2019

Page 19: Autonomous Vehicles and Validation - T&VS · Validation tries to answer the question "Are you building the right thing?” Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981 But…

19June 2019© Ricardo plc 2019

More might be better…

N-version hardware

Multiple processing units homogeneous/heterogenous

M of N voting

N-version software

Value is debateable…

There is some gain, but not as much as expected – human bias

Ensemble of neural nets

Different models

Different data sets

Not always much better e.g. 94% → 96%

Probably difficult to scale…

Can we engineer a solutions?

Page 20: Autonomous Vehicles and Validation - T&VS · Validation tries to answer the question "Are you building the right thing?” Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981 But…

20June 2019© Ricardo plc 2019

When humans are uncertain they “often” take more care…

Can we use uncertainty to increase safety?

Can we measure uncertainty?

– Intrinsic uncertainty in a classification

– Extrinsic uncertainty over time (e.g. uncertainty in classification)

Extrinsic example - Uber crash in Phoenix Arizona, object classified as

unknown object,

then as a vehicle,

finally as a bicycle




Page 21: Autonomous Vehicles and Validation - T&VS · Validation tries to answer the question "Are you building the right thing?” Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981 But…

21June 2019© Ricardo plc 2019


For example - a person has certain proportions

but not on stilts

Adversarial testing

altering images

changing the focus

changing contrast

adding noise

Repeat until?

The “until” part will always be partly arbitrary.

Other ideas…

Page 22: Autonomous Vehicles and Validation - T&VS · Validation tries to answer the question "Are you building the right thing?” Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981 But…

22June 2019© Ricardo plc 2019

“perceiving” the stop sign is the problem

stopping at the stop sign isn’t the problem

Posted by u/ken3 on reddit

Page 23: Autonomous Vehicles and Validation - T&VS · Validation tries to answer the question "Are you building the right thing?” Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, 1981 But…

23June 2019© Ricardo plc 2019

A successful test is a test that fails.

Final though…

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