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Avery House Care Home

April 2018

What’s inside:

Upcoming events Page 3

Rambling Rose Page 6

News Page 13

Community News Page


WELCOME… Happy Easter! Easter Sunday falls on the 1st

April this year, the same day as April Fool’s

Day! So keep your wits about you and try

and catch out any tomfoolery! There are

plenty of other special days to come during

the month of April too, including 100 years

of the RAF, St Georges Day, the Grand

National and the Queen will celebrate her

92nd birthday!

Relatives and friends: If you would like to receive your own copy of our update letter, please leave your email address with reception

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Activities with Oomph!


facts about

this month…

1. The Romans called this month Aprilis

which may derive from the verb aperire

meaning “to open”, referring to flowers and

fruits opening.

2. In the UK, April is national awareness

month for pets, mathematics, stress,

irritable bowel syndrome, bowel cancer

and jazz.

3. The Anglo-Saxons called April Eostre-

Monadh, possibly named after a pagan


4. A giraffe named April at Animal

Adventure Park in Harpursville, New York,

is expected to give birth any day now.

5. Of the eight US presidents who died in

office, three died in April.

6. April is the first month of the year with

exactly 30 days and the only month with an

“i” in its name.

7. “April” is an anagram of “pilar” which

means “hairy”.

8. April was the 216th most popular name

given to a baby girl in England and Wales

in 2015 and the 191st most popular in


9. “The first of April is the day we

remember what we are the other 364 days

of the year.” (Mark Twain).

10. “April is the cruelest month.” (opening

line of TS Eliot’s The Waste Land).

Have you joined in with

Oomph! Session yet? If not then

we strongly recommend you

do! It’s so much fun and great

for your health! Join us 2 times a

week for chair based exercises

to upbeat music using scarves

and pom-poms, with a different

theme at every class, come and

see what all the fuss is about…

Well Done to our Oompher of the Month Sally!

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1st Easter Sunday

1st Easter Church Service 2:30pm

3rd Holy Communion 10am

4th R.L.E.D.E Meeting 12pm

5th Brian’s Yoga Class 10:30am

5th Jo-jingles 2:30pm

9th Arts & Crafts with Jane 2pm

10th Dementia Café with Johanne 10am

12th Rhythm of Life 2:30pm

13th Friends Friday 2:30pm

14th Craft Fair @Hampton Community Centre 2:30pm

14th Grand National

17th Jeremy Hilliard 2:30pm

18th Connect Lunch Club 11:30am

18th Musical Club 2:30pm

19th Brian’s Yoga Class 10:30am

19th Jo-Jingles 2:30pm

20th National Care Home Open Day

21st Queen Elizabeth 92nd Birthday

22nd London Marathon starts

23rd St. Georges Day

23rd PAT Dog 2pm

23rd Arts & Crafts with Jane 2pm

24th R&A Meeting 11am

24th Rosa Mae 2:30pm

25th Anzac Day

25th Time Travellers 2:30pm

26th Zumba Gold 2:30pm

28th Saturday Night Takeaway 6pm

Dates for your Diaries…

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At brighterkind we believe in living life to the full. That’s why we

do our upmost to ensure that our residents have access to a varied

programme of activities to deliver the Magic Moments that will

help them love every day.

Our Magic Moments programme also aims to encourage well-being by

concentrating in equal measure on the mind, through mental agility;

the body, through fitness and mobility; and the soul, through

entertainment and personal interests, continued learning and

emotional engagement.

In the pink

Our Activities Coordinator & Assistants are the people who help make

the Magic happen here at Avery House they are there to provide a

comprehensive activity programme that will be loved by our residents

and their families. Our Activities team Laura; Bea & Debs can always

be spotted because of their pink uniforms and the fact that they are

always having fun! You can see all the exciting activities that we are

having daily by looking at our pink activity boards throughout the



& Activity

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Wise Words…

Quotes of the Month from Resident Volunteer

Bryan Barnes…

Thank you to our Work Experience!

“Success is going from failure to failure without losing

your enthusiasm”-Winston Churchill

“What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what

you say”-Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Beautiful young people are accidents of nature;

beautiful old people are works of art."-Eleanor Roosevelt

"Most successes are unhappy. That's why they are

successes - they have to reassure themselves by

achieving something that the world will notice." -Agatha


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Rambling Roses Corner…

Dear Fellow Residents,

The very thought of spring lifts our hearts, the awakening of

nature as it reveals its wonders, once again we may even get

“Sunshine” to brighten it up as well. Below is a short poem

written by our poetry club, we hope you enjoy it! Also “The

Daffodils” by the famous poet William Wordsworth.

Spring Spring is a lovely time of year,

The gambolling of lambs,

A time when veg are always dear,

And we’ve used up all our jams.

When birds are nesting in the trees,

The empty shells are falling,

And if you listen carefully,

You’ll hear their babies calling.

Spring is a time for lovers,

Romance is in the air,

We all know that threes a crowd,

They want to be a pair!

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By William Wordsworth

The Daffodils I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine

And twinkle on the Milky Way,

They stretched in never-ending line

Along the margin of a bay:

Ten thousand saw I at a glance,

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they

Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:

A poet could not but be gay,

In such a jocund company:

I gazed—and gazed—but little thought

What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood,

They flash upon that inward eye

Which is the bliss of solitude;

And then my heart with pleasure fills,

And dances with the daffodils.

Until Next Time…Rambling Rose xxx

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Irish Dancers for St. Patrick’s Day!

A huge thank you to The

Casey Academy for

performing for us! We

thoroughly enjoyed watching!

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In the spotlight Carer-Paul Arnold

Question? If I could change anything about

myself I would…

Like a head of hair like David Beckham!

Question? The most random thing I have ever

done is…

I’m not a very Random Person!

Question? My Previous Jobs Included ……

Finance, I also worked for Renault & British


Question? Not a lot of people know this but I am

good at…


Question? Not a lot of people know this but I am

not good at…

I’m yet to find something I’m not very good at!

What or who is your inspiration? Jimmy Greaves (Footballer for Spurs)

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April Nature Notes… For many people, spring has really arrived when they see the first

swallows return from Africa. These graceful birds are wonderful fliers,

swooping and scything through the air.

Another traditional sign of spring is the sound of a cuckoo. These

birds, too, have made their way from Africa. Cuckoos can be heard,

but are seldom seen. We enjoy the sound of its distinctive call, but we

are not so keen on the way it leaves other birds to bring up its young.

Many birds fly in to enjoy our summer, but some are also leaving.

Fieldfares and redwings head north to Scandinavia and Russia. There

they will make the best of the northern summer before returning here

in the autumn.

Deb’s Top Tips

Nail Polish-Keep nail polish in a cool place, preferably the fridge to prevent it from thickening! No birds in your bird bath? Try sprinkling a little birdseed on the surface of the water. That should attract them! Splinter? Apply rubbing alcohol to area and remove with tweezers. If imbedded totally, sterilize a needle with alcohol and work the splinter out from the bottom. You can also soak the area in olive oil to remove splinters easily!

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Kitchen Corner

Food events this

Month: Easter

St Georges Day

Knit-Wits Knitting

Club… Do you like to knit, crochet or

sew? Or do you just like to

natter? Then join us every

Wednesday at 2:30pm in the

Balmoral Small Lounge for our

weekly knit and natter group

The “Knit-Wits”…

At the moment were knitting

Bunting Flags to decorate our


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April Words…

Spring, The Sweet Spring By Thomas Nashe (1507-1601)

Spring, the sweet spring, is the year’s pleasant king,

Then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring,

Cold doth not sting, the pretty birds do sing;

Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo!

The palm and may make country houses gay,

Lambs frisk ad play, the shepherd’s pipe all day,

And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay;

Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo!

The fields breathe sweet, the daises kiss out feet,

Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit.

In every street these tunes our ears do greet;

Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo!

Spring, the sweet spring!

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Join us in celebrating our April

Monthly Bonanza which is

Gardening Month

Look out on the Planners for

themed Activities, Trips & Events

Housekeeping & Laundry: Just a reminder, lost clothes will be on display in the Small Lounge on the Buckingham Suite; this will take place on the last weekend of each month. If you find any missing items please ask a member of staff from the laundry team to mark them with your loved ones room number, thank you

Because we are a dog friendly

home, we now have a water

bowl outside and a treats jar in

the foyer for our furry friends to enjoy!

Donate a Rose for those you

love… We would like to make a special

garden for all the residents to enjoy, a

focus point for them and a talking

point for family and friends.

We want to add climbers to the

vertical fences.

In order to help achieve this

improvement to our garden would

you be willing to donate toward a

climbing rose, once planted this

would carry a small marker showing

your loved ones names.

All planting and maintenance will be

taken care of, please ask at reception

or see R&A Team if you would like any

more information, or to purchase your


We need your help!

We’re developing a reminiscence box

and require various items to complete it,

we are looking for:


Flat cap

Horse brasses

Fire bellow

If you could assist in any way we

would be extremely grateful! Thank you

Thought of the Month!

Wrinkles mean you laughed,

Grey hairs means you cared, Scars mean you lived!

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Dementia Café Are you a person living with dementia, or a carer, a family

member or friend of somebody facing dementia?

Come along and join us monthly at our Dementia Café!

3rd Tuesday of every month!

With a guest speaker or entertainment!

Our Dementia Café is a sociable get-together to give you the chance to

meet new people dealing with the same experiences

as you, making sure nobody faces dementia


This month we welcome

Dementia Champion

Johanne Hazell for a group

discussion over lots of tea

and cake! Please join us from 10am-12pm

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Community & other News…

Dementia Café… Did you know we now hold a

Dementia café every 3rd

Tuesday of the month? Find us

in the Tea Room on

Sandringham Suite between

10am-12noon for support,

advice and friendly chit-chat

over tea and cakes!

We need assistance with

distributing leaflets to schools,

surgeries, libraries and

churches if you could help

take a few, please see Laura,

your assistance would be

greatly appreciated… Tuesday 10th April 10am-12pm

Did you know?... Our hairdresser Christine takes

all our old towels and duvets to

her local vets and animal shelter,

how lovely? If you have any old

pillows, towels or duvets please

bring them in, let a dog or cat have a snuggle in them…

We will now be attending the Holy Communion Service held on the First Tuesday of each month at 10am at the CSK Church, please let the activity team know if you would like to attend …

The first of April some do say, Was set apart as All Fool’s Day, But why the people call it so, Nor I nor they themselves do


Wishing Wells.

We would love to have our

residents and relative’s

involvement on choosing wishing

wells. We now have a wishing well

form located in the leaflets stand in

reception. If you have an idea of a

wish you might like or a wish on

your resident’s behalf please

complete the form and give back

to the R&A Team we would love to read your thoughts and ideas

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World Poetry Day…

Thank you to


Poet Laurate Clare

Currie for

entertaining us with

some of her poetry

and helping us to

write our own poem!

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In loving


Rest in Peace…

Gone but never



Welcome to all our new

residents joining us this

month, whether you’re here

for a long or short stay we

hope you really enjoy



Thank you to all our respite

residents, we hope you

enjoyed your stay; we

loved having you and hope

to see you again soon…

Photo Albums… Please could relatives/friends

bring in a photo album for your

residents rooms, we think it

would be a great talking point

when visiting your loved one if

they had an album full of photos

of the things they have joined in

with in the home…

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Saturday Night Takeaway… Did you know? One Saturday each

month we enjoy a takeaway, the

residents pick what particular

takeaway they would like that month,

and decide what they would like

from the menu, then enjoy their

chosen food together whilst

socializing. Residents have enjoyed

Chinese, McDonalds, fish & chips &

KFC so far and they were thoroughly

enjoyed by all.

If you would like to participate

please speak to a member of the

R&A team, please note food orders must be paid for in cash on the day…


ITEMS… Sensory items

Bingo Prizes

Raffle & Tombola Prizes

Unwanted Alcohol for

our Pub

Tiny baby or dolls


Raffle Prizes

R.L.E.D.E Meetings…

Residents loving every day

experiences is our monthly

meeting with home manager

this takes place on the first

Wednesday of each month at

11am in the Balmoral lounge,

all residents are welcome,

this is a chance to meet with

the Manager and heads of

departments to discuss your

choices, views and opinions

with each department of the

home and to hear what’s new

and upcoming so please do

join us!

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Hair dressing in

the Salon… Have you seen our Salon?

It’s Beautiful and soo


Christine our lovely

hairdresser is in the Salon

Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri

Let her know if you would

like to make an


Regular activities…

Don’t forget we still have

these regular much loved

weekly activities, please

see the weekly planner for

times and places…

Knit-Wits Knitting Club

Choir Practice

Prize Bingo

Gardening Club

Gentleman and Ladies Pub Club

Board and Card Games club

Cooking Club

Trolley Shop

R&A Meetings

Trip Tuesdays

Zumba Gold

Yoga Class

Oomph! Sessions

Art & Crafts Club

Sunday Strollers

Saturday Story Tellers

Topic of Interest Club

Church Service

Time Travellers

And much more….

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this month!


We would like to


Happy Birthday to:

4th Connie

4th Avril

29th Anne

29th Trixie

30th Isa

We hope you all

have a lovely day!

Employee of

the month!

Well done to this month’s

Employee of the Month

Activity Assistant Deb

Andrews! Deb has really

taken on the brighterkind

values since becoming a

member of the R&A Team and

chooses to be happy every

day! Thank you for all your hard work and commitment!

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Life Story:

It’s so, so important that

we receive as much

information about your

loved one as possible in

order for us to keep their

care person centered. In

line with this the Activity

Team require a “life

story” from each resident,

be it a story or bullet

points this information is

not only lovely to read but

it gives us a bit more of an

insight into their life.

Please feel free to email,

or write me a brief life

history for me to put in

there care plans

Thank you for your kind support

Connect Community… The connect Suites now have their own lunch club and takeout


If you would like your loved one to take part in either or both of

these please let a member of the R&A Team know, please note

food must be paid for in cash on the day. Meeting for food is a great way of socialising and building friendships…

Luncheon Club… Do you enjoy great food? Great

company? And getting out and

about? Then why not join our

Luncheon Club, with a different

restaurant of your choice every

month. Please see a member of the

R&A Team if you would like to

attend… Please note food must be

paid for in cash on the day; please

see the Activity Programme for your Suites next Lunch club date and time

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Jokes on you…

Q. What do you get if you pour hot water down a rabbit hole?

A. Hot cross bunnies!

Q. What do you call a rabbit with fleas?

A. Bugs Bunny!

Q. Why shouldn’t you tell an Easter egg a joke?

A. It might crack up!

Q. How did the soggy Easter Bunny dry himself?

A. With a hare-dryer!

Q. Why did the Easter Bunny cross the road?

A. Because the chicken had his Easter eggs!

Q. What did the rabbit say to the carrot?

A. It’s been nice gnawing you!

Q. How did the Easter Bunny rate the Easter parade?

A. He said it was eggs-cellent!

Q. How does the Easter Bunny travel?

A. By hare-plane!

Q. How does the Easter Bunny stay fit?

A. Eggs-ercise and hare-robics!

Q. Why did the Easter egg hide?

A. He was a little chicken

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Would you like to ‘review us’ on

We’d love for you to share a good experience you’ve had at

Avery House with others. Reviews can be made by a resident,

relative or friend. Simply go online or ask a member of the

team for a card.

Avery House Care Home

2 Chaffinch Lane

Hampton Vale



01733-246840 [email protected]

Feedback… Please feel free to leave us some feedback about this Newsletter or if

you have any ideas for resident’s activities… we would very much

appreciate your thoughts. You can find compliments slip in

reception, or feel free to email Laura at

[email protected]

Many thanks for your continued support xxx

Residents’ Focus… Avery House-brighterkind strives on providing meaningful activities to the residents. During our Resident of the Day Experiences we spend one to one quality time finding out what your dreams and ambitions are, what you want to do over the forthcoming months and we implement these into the calendar of events.

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