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  • Alien Vs Predator 40K

    Contents Alien ........................................................................................................................................................ 2

    Alien Special Rules .............................................................................................................................. 2

    Alien Entries ........................................................................................................................................ 2

    HQ ................................................................................................................................................... 2

    Elites ................................................................................................................................................ 2

    Troops ............................................................................................................................................. 2

    Predator .................................................................................................................................................. 4

    Predator Special Rules ........................................................................................................................ 4

    Predator Entries .................................................................................................................................. 4

    Predator Armoury ............................................................................................................................... 4

    Predator Glossary................................................................................................................................ 5

    Human ..................................................................................................................................................... 9

    Marine Corps ....................................................................................................................................... 9

    Marine Entries ................................................................................................................................. 9

    Marine Armoury ............................................................................................................................ 10

    Transport ........................................................................................................................................... 11

    Transport Armoury ....................................................................................................................... 11

    Other Humans ................................................................................................................................... 12

    Other Humans Entries ................................................................................................................... 12

    Other Humans Armoury ................................................................................................................ 14

    Glossary ................................................................................................................................................. 15

    Entries ............................................................................................................................................... 15

    Transports ......................................................................................................................................... 15

    Weaponry.......................................................................................................................................... 16

    Rules .................................................................................................................................................. 17

    Predator Glossary .......................................................................................................................... 20

    Other Humans Glossary ................................................................................................................ 21

  • Alien

    Alien Special Rules Acid Blood: When a model with this special rule losses a wound in close combat the model that inflicted the wound takes a single S4 hit.

    Alien Entries


    Alien Queen The creator of the hive, she lays the eggs and begins the hive. She is visibly bigger than a normal Alien and has a large crest extending from her skull. Her ultimate aim is to protect here eggs and she will fight with unholy strength and speed to ensure their safety.

    Cost WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Alien Queen

    60 6 - 5 5 3 5 3 10 4+

    Special Rules: Acid Blood, Rending.


    Pred-Alien The result of a face-hugger successfully impregnating a Predator. These Aliens are tougher than normal and have prestigious stealth skills and a cunning intelligence.

    Cost WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Pred-Alien 20 4 - 4 4 2 4 2 10 3+

    Brood: A brood consists of 3-10 Pred-Alien Special Rules: Acid Blood, Rending, Infiltrate, Move through Cover.

    Alien Bodyguard These are Warrior Aliens specially bred to protect the queen. They will fearlessly protect her against any threat.

    Cost WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Alien Bodyguard

    20 5 - 4 5 2 6 3 10 4+

    Brood: A brood of Bodyguard Aliens consists of 3-6 Aliens Special Rules: Acid Blood, Rending, Fearless.


    Alien Worker These are the basic Aliens and perform mediocre tasks such as constructing the hive and scouting. They are identifiable by their smooth cranium. It would however, be a dire mistake to assume they are not dangerous.

    Cost WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Alien Worker

    10 4 - 4 3 1 4 1 8 5+

    Brood: A brood consist of 5-30 worker Aliens Special Rules: Acid Blood, Rending, Fleet-of-Claw.

    Alien Warrior Warrior Aliens are bred for a single purpose: to kill. They can attack in huge waves or use vents and tunnels to surround a foe. They are remorseless and emotionless. They will show no mercy must be offered none. Kill or be

  • killed.

    Cost WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Alien Warrior

    18 4 - 4 4 1 5 3 10 4+

    Brood: A brood consists of 3-20 Warrior Aliens Options: For + 2pts per model may Deep strike, if taken count as Fast Attack. Special Rules: Acid Blood, Rending, Fleet-of-Claw.

  • Predator

    Predator Special Rules Independent: Predators are purchased as a Unit but may be deployed separately and count as independent characters. Mission Objectives: At the start of the Game a Predator must select and enemy character to hunt down. The Predator must kill this model in close combat then exit the board via any table edge. Infiltrate: Applies to ranks 2-6. Move through Cover: Applies only to ranks 4-6.

    Predator Entries Predator Ranks: All Predators are 1 of 7 ranks, which indicates how experienced they are and how high up the social hierarchy they are placed. Higher ranks have access to more and better equipment than lower ranks as benefits their status. Team: A Predator team consists of 1-3 Predators of the same Rank. The profiles below show a Predator of that rank without any equipment:

    Cost WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Rank 1 Unblooded

    20 3 2 3 3 1 3 1 7 6+

    Rank 2 Young Blood

    25 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 7 6+

    Rank 3 Blooded

    35 4 3 4 4 2 5 2 8 6+

    Rank 4 Warrior

    50 5 4 4 4 2 5 3 8 6+

    Rank 5 Honoured

    70 6 5 5 5 3 6 3 9 6+

    Rank 6 Elder

    100 7 5 5 5 4 6 4 10 6+

    Predator Armoury Weaponry and Equipment: Predators may select Equipment and Weapons from the list below. Be aware that some items may only be purchased by certain ranks.

    Armour Each Predator may only have one of the four following armour suits:

    Name Cost Ranks Save

    Light 5 1-6 Improve by 1

    Basic 8 2-6 Improve by 2

    Reinforced 10 3-6 Improve by 3

    Ceremonial 15 5-6 Improve by 4

    Chemically Treated: Available for all ranks, for +2 points, Ignore Acid Blood Alien and Eversor Assassin Bio-Toxin Special Rules.

    Equipment Name Cost Ranks

    Self-Destruct Device 15 1-6 (Mandatory for 1-3)

    Shuriken 3 1-6

    Insertion Pod 20 1-6

    Stealth Field 20 2-6

    Bio-Helmet 10 3-6

    Medi-Comp 5 4-6

    Close Combat Weapons Name Cost Ranks

    Wrist Blades 5 1-6

  • Pole Arm 20 4-6

    Maul 8 6

    Ranged WeaponsI Name Cost Ranks

    Spear Gun 10 2-6

    Net Gun 8 3-6

    Plasma Caster 15 5-6

    Light Shoulder Cannon 10 3-4

    Medium Should Cannon 12 5-6

    Heavy Shoulder Cannon 15 5-6

    Each Predator may only take one shoulder cannon (Light, Medium or Heavy).

    Predator Glossary Light Armour: This is light ceramic armour that covers a little of the Predators body. When worn by senior ranks it shows great courage as that Predator has opted to forgo its allowed protection. It confers +1Sv. Basic Armour: This is the basic armour worn by the Yautja; it offers protection where the Yautja needs it the most. Light and manuverable, but is still vulnerable to heavy strikes. It confers +2Sv Reinforced Armour: Heavy-duty armour that consists of several overlapping plates and gives good protection in battle while still remaining manuverable. It confers +3Sv Ceremonial Armour: This armour is worn only by the upper ranks of Yautja society. It is often given as a reward for a particularly tough kill or an act of outstanding courage. It confers +4Sv Chemically Treated: A special chemical treating can be applied to armour to make it resistant to the highly concentrated acid of the xenomorph but is also highly resistant to other powerful toxins. Ignore Acid Blood Alien and Eversor Assassin Bio-Toxin Special Rules Stealth Field: The camouflage is the ultimate in stealth technology. By bending light waves around the wearer, the suit makes them practically invisible. However, it doesn't grant true invisibility. An alert opponent would be able to notice the heat wave-like shimmer, especially noticeable when the wearer is moving. The suit does not function well (if at all) immersed in water, and may be ineffective in environments saturated with material surrounding the wearer such as fog, rain, or dust. Any unit firing at a Predator with a stealth field must roll under its initiative to shoot at the Predator. If the test is failed then the unit may not chose to shoot a different target. Predator with a Stealth field counts as having a 4+ cover save. However, as soon as the Predator shoots or moves into initiative range of an enemy model or makes a close combat attack, the field switches off and all the above bonuses are negated until the Predator spends 1 whole enemy movement phase out of LOS of all enemy units.

  • Bio-Helmet: While on safari, the Yautja wear distinctive headgear, which serves multiple functions. The basic Mask worn by lower class warriors offers protection during combat, and houses a respirator, which provides (or supplements) a breathable atmosphere. It is also capable of being used underwater similar to scuba gear. The higher-class Bio Helmet performs the functions of the basic Mask, but also contains other devices. It can filter through five visual settings: Infrared, Ultraviolet, Thermal Imaging, Low-Light Amplification and Air Density Pressure (movement). The visual setting may also be modified for X-rays and Microwaves, with a built-in Magnetometer and a Geiger counter. Housed within the helmet is a targeting and tracking system for any shoulder-mounted weaponry, with an extensive array of surveillance equipment - including a Waveform Analyzer that can imitate previous words spoken to it in an effort to communicate with alien life forms. Model with Bio-Helmet ignores night-fighting rules, can detect booby traps and hidden units e.g. lictors. If an enemy model deep strikes within 6 of a Predator with a Bio-Helmet, the Predator may make a free round of shooting against that unit. This is resolved after the unit is deployed but before it moves. May not do this if locked in combat. Medi-Comp: Though not a weapon, the medi-Comp is an indispensable Yautja hunting item. It contains enough supplies to staunch blood-flow from bullet wounds, or even cauterise a lost limbs. While short on painkillers, the kit is highly effective. The Medi-Comp includes surgical blades, a crystallised-medicine burner, medicine dispensers, an emergency breather and surgical hypodermics. A Predator may use a medi-comp in the shooting phase instead of using ranged weapons. The Predator is restored to its full complement of wounds. Self-Destruct Device: There are many uses for the control panel, such as changing vision modes, but the most remembered use is the self-destruct mechanism that can be activated through this device. This weapon of last resort is used by warriors to keep honour when they die. After the device has been set, there is a one-minute countdown until the detonation of a micro-nuclear explosion. When a Predator losses its last wound roll a D6. On a roll of 4+ place the large ordnance template centred on the Predator. Every model under the template receives a single S10 AP1 hit. Any models partially under the template are hit on a roll of 4+. Shuriken: The Shuriken is carried and transported as a flat circular device, but the push of its surface transforms it into a multi-pointed, sharp edged throwing star. The Shuriken can be thrown at an opponent, or used in hand-to computer-controlled gyros (or possibly a remote homing device) return the Shuriken to its owner. Counts as having Frag Grenades. Insertion Pod: This is a small one-man pod used to insert a Yautja team into a hunting ground. It is basically fired at the hunt location, at a certain altitude thrusters fire to slow the descent enough so ensure the safe delivery of its cargo. It cannot take off again, so its a one-way trip, a Yautja delivered din this way must await retrieval by a Dropship. May use the Deep Strike special rule. Pole arm: The Pole arm is a self-powered telescoping spear that is merely one meter at its shortest length, but extends by two meters at each end. The pole arm makes a formidable weapon for close range attacks, due to its length customisation. It can also be thrown, to puncture through a target.

  • Made of nearly unbreakable alloys, sharpened tips on either end produce electrical charges as it slices through any surface. At the Start of an Assault phase a Predator must declare whether he is attacking normally or drawing his pole arm. If the pole arm is selected, the Predator must decide which fighting style he is using, aggressive or defensive. In aggressive mode the Predator adds +1S to all his attacks. In defensive mode the Predator strikes normally but may force his opponent to re-roll any number of his to hit dice directed against the Predator, you must accept the second result. Also counts as a power weapon. Wrist blades: The Wrist Blade is the weapon of choice for most Yautja. Twin blades (or occasionally triple blades) with jagged double edges and sharp enough to tear through bone, are effective against large and small opponents. Using the Wrist Blades show Yautja pride, because they prefer melee combat fights - face to face. The blades range from anywhere between 12 and 18 inches long and are retractable from a wrist gauntlet on the arm. They are forged from an unknown alloy, which is almost unbreakable. Gives +1A. Maul: The Maul is a weapon of personalised design. It may vary greatly in appearance, but its general usage is the same - used in similar style to a sword, but its power is greatly increased by its counter-balanced design. Mostly created from a forged alloy and double-edged, the Maul is capable of being used as a slashing weapon in all arcs of movement; but it can also be spun like the Naginata, to rain a barrage of blows onto a target. Other designs are reminiscent of the 'mace heads' or 'morning stars' of the gladiatorial era - either solid material with protruding spikes, or forged from a metallic alloy and covered in pointed nail-like objects. Gives +2A and +1WS in close combat. Spear Gun: The spear gun is similar to a sniper rifle and can be fired from great distances, instantly killing victims. It can also attach their flesh, like a nail-gun, to a wall or solid area. There seem to be more then one model of the Spear Gun. The original design was seemingly built-in as part of the armour or gauntlet - similar to the Gauntlet Plasma Bolt - while the newer version is a separate hand-held pistol, possibly even ranged with visual scopes. It is the perfect silent ranged weapon, with some types of the weapon capable of firing multiple projectiles at opponents.

    Name Range S AP Type Notes

    Spear Gun 24 4 5 Assault Causes Pinning Does not compromise Stealth Field

    Shoulder Cannon: The Shoulder Cannon is a mounted and lightweight weapon capable of firing multiple long range energy burst of charged plasma. It is controlled via the targeting system in the helmet, and tracks with the head movement of the firer. It can be used with the Laser Sight to increase targeting capacity, and is fired either by a mandible-controlled trigger in the helmet or by the forearm-mounted control panel.

    Name Range S AP Type Notes

    Light Shoulder Cannon 12 3 5 Pistol

    Medium Shoulder Cannon 18 4 5 Rapid Fire

    Heavy Shoulder Cannon 24 4 3 Rapid Fire

  • Plasma Caster: The plasma caster is a short ranged pistol which fires a burst of plasma rather like a like a grenade which explodes on contact. It creates a small plasma explosion capable of taking out multiple targets at once. Because of their rarity and the difficulty involved in producing them, they are only to be found on the greatest of Yautja.

    Name Range S AP Type Notes

    Plasma Caster 12 6 2 Blast/Pistol Causes Pinning Gets Hot!

    Net Gun: The Net Gun is small and usually reserved for ambushing a group of prey, when entering a major combat area and the temporary incapacitation of a subject is necessary. The net gun is not a projectile weapon, instead launches a web of razor-sharp wire powerful enough to propel a target to the floor/wall and pin them there, viciously cutting into the flesh. If the target tries to struggle the damage increases, and this keeps up until the subject is released or is killed.

    Name Range S AP Type Notes

    Net Gun 18 3 5 Blast/Pistol Causes Pinning

  • Human

    Marine Corps The United States Colonial Marine Corps is America's interstellar force-in-readiness. The USCM is America's only major means to forcibly enter a hostile area from space. The USCM is integrated into the command structure of the United Americas Allied Command (UAAC). There are two primary parts of the USCM: supporting establishment, and the operating forces. The supporting establishment includes, recruiting, training, research and development, administration, and logistics. 58 percent of USCM personnel are in the operating forces. There are three primary Marine Space Forces (MSF): MSF, Sol, which is responsible for operations in the core systems; MSF, Eridani, which operates along the American and Chinese colonised arms; and MSF, Herculis, which handle operations in the Anglo-Japanese arm up the fringes of the Network. To join the USCM, a potential recruit must be a high school graduate, have a clean police record, and pass a physical examination and written tests.

    Marine Entries

    USMC Platoon

    A USMC Platoon consists of 1 command squad and 1-4 USMC squads.

    Cost WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    USMC Lieutenant

    20 3 4 3 3 2 4 2 8 4+

    USMC Sergeant

    15 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+

    USMC Private 10 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 4+

    USMC Advisor 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 6 5+

    Synthetic Person

    20 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 10 3+

    Command Squad

    Squad: A USMC command Squad consists of 1 USMC lieutenant and 4 USMC privates, all armed with M-41A Pulse Rifles. Options:

    Add up to 7 additional USMC privates.

    Add up to 3 USMC advisors. USMC advisors are armed with handguns.

    Add up to 2 Synthetic persons. Synthetic persons are armed with handguns.

    The Command squad may purchase a motion tracker for +5pts, counts as an auspex.

    Upgrade to 2 USMC privates with any of the following:

    M240 flame units for +6 points.

    ZX shotguns for no additional cost.

    M56 Smart Guns for +15 points.

    M53 grenade launcher +15 points.

    SADAR for +18 points.

    USMC Squad

    Squad: A USMC squad consists of 1 USMC sergeant and 11 USMC privates, all armed with M-41A Pulse rifles. Options:

    The USMC squad may purchase a motion tracker for +5 points, counts as an auspex.

    Upgrade to 2 USMC privates with any of the following:

  • M240 flame units for +6 points.

    ZX shotguns for no additional cost.

    M56 Smart Guns for +15 points.

    M53 grenade launcher +15 points.

    SADAR for +18 points.

    One USMC private may purchase a UA 571-C Remote Control System for + 20 points. This allows the squad to Purchase a UA 571-C Remote Automated Sentry System. It is deployed as a separate unit.

    UA 571-C Remote Automated Sentry System Cost WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Remote Automated Sentry System 100 - 4 - 4 2 - - - 4+

    Group: An Automated Sentry Systems consists of 3 UA 571-C Remote Automated Sentry Turrets Armament: Each UA 571-C Remote Automated Sentry System must select a weapon outfit from the following:

    Twin-Linked M56 Smart Guns for +20 points.

    M350 Heavy Flame Cannon for +15 points.

    Twin-Linked M72 Laser Cannons for +30 points. Special Rules: Remote Controlled Turret: UA 571-C Remote Automated Sentry Systems may not move and are controlled by whatever model purchased a UA 571-C Remote Control System. In any turn that the model holding the UA 571-C Remote Control System does not shoot, the UA 571-C Remote Automated Sentry System may shoot. If the model carrying the UA 571-C Remote Control System is killed the UA 571-C Remote Automated Sentry System deactivates and is removed from the board.

    Marine Armoury

    Name Range S AP Type

    M-41A Pulse Rifle 24 3 6 Rapid Fire

    ZX Shotgun 12 4 6 Heavy 3

    Handgun 12 3 - Pistol

    M240 Flame Unit Template 4 5 Assault 1

    M53 Grenade Launcher (Standard) 24 6 4 Assault 1

    M53 Grenade Launcher (Frag) 24 3 6 Assault 1/Blast

    SADAR 48 5 5 Heavy 1/Blast

    M350 Heavy Flame Cannon Template 5 4 Assault 1

    ML72 Laser Cannon 36 6 6 Heavy 2

  • Transport

    M577 APC

    Name Front Armour Side Armour Rear Armour BS

    M577 APC 13 12 11 3

    Type: Tank, Transport. Transport: May transport up to 12 models. Crew: 2 (Driver, Commander/Gunner) Weapons:

    Front-Turret Mounted: Twin-Linked RE700 20mm Gatling cannon.

    Rear Turret Mounted:

    M577 A Phased Plasma Cannon for +20 points.

    M577 A1 Free-Electron Laser for +25 points.

    M577 A2 Particle Beam Cannon for +30 points.

    UD-4 Cheyenne Dropship

    Name Front Armour Side Armour Rear Armour BS

    UD-4 Cheyenne Dropship 12 12 10 3

    Type: Flyer, Orbital Lander Crew: 2 (Pilot, Co-Pilot/Gunner) Weapons:

    1 RE700 20mm Gatling cannon.

    2 32x150mm unguided rockets.

    2 AGM-220 air to ground missiles

    2 AIM-90 short range air-to-air missiles. Special Rules: VTOL Hover Mode (See IA3 for more details).

    Transport Armoury

    Name Range S AP Type

    RE700 20mm Gatling Cannon 36 5 5 Heavy 3

    M577 A Phase Plasma Cannon 48 7 2 Heavy 1/Blast

    M577 A1 Free-Electron Laser 48 6 3 Heavy 1

    M577 A2 Particle Beam Cannon 36 4 5 Heavy 1/

    Ordnance Blast

    AGM-220 Air-to-Ground Missile 48 8 3 Ordnance 1

    32x150mm Unguided Rockets 24 4 6 Heavy 2/


    AIM-90 Short Range Air-to-Air Missile 48 8 3 Ordnance 1 AA

  • Other Humans

    Other Humans Entries


    Arnie and crew. Cost WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Commando 12 4 4 3 3 1 4 2 8 4+

    Group: A group consists of 1-5 commandos. Weapons: Assault Rifle, Frag and Krak Grenades, Close Combat weapon. Options:

    Up to 2 Commandos may take:

    Sniper rifle for +5 points

    Machine gun for +10 points. Special Rules: Infiltrate, Move through Cover.


    These rules can be used to represent whatever unfortunates that have happened to get in the way of the Aliens/Predators etc. These represent hired muscle, ex-military or local militia. Not bad, but not proper trained forces either.

    Cost WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Militia soldier 15 3 4 3 3 1 4 2 8 4+

    Group: A group of Soldiers consists of 3-10 Soldiers. Weapons: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Close Combat weapon. Options: Up to 2 Soldiers may replace their Assault Rifles with:

    Shotguns for +5 points.

    Rocket Launcher +20 points.

    Flamethrower +6 points.

    Machine pistols +5 points.


    Stupid scientist, always trying to find unsuitable pets. They deserve whatevers coming for them though.

    Cost WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Scientist 6 2 3 2 2 1 3 1 7 6+

    Group: A group consists of 1-5 Scientists, unarmed. Options: Up to 3 Scientists may take:

    Handguns for + 3 points.

    Nasty Serum for +6 points.

    Crazy Scientists

    At the start of the game roll a D6 for each group of Scientists and consult the table below. The results apply for the entire game.

    D6 Roll Result Effect

    1-2 Im too smart

    to die! The group must move directly away from the nearest enemy model every turn.

    3-4 Its


    The group must move directly towards the nearest enemy unit that is within LOS, each turn. The group may not shoot and must assault if possible. If assaulting an enemy unit the group make no strikes.

    5-6 Normal None

  • Bounty Hunter/All-round Hard guy

    Every horror film needs one of these. A hard bloke with guns. Cost WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Bounty Hunter 20 3 4 3 3 1 4 2 7 5+

    Weapons: None Options: May select weapons, equipment and skills from the lists below. Weapons:

    Handgun and close combat weapon for +5 points.

    Twin-linked Handgun for +5 points.

    Shotgun for +3 points.

    Assault Rifle for +6 points.

    Sniper Rifle for +15 points.

    Power weapon +15 points.

    2 Machine Pistols for +5 points. Equipment:

    Frag and Krak Grenades for +5 points.

    Medi-Kit for +10 points.

    Auspex for +5 points.

    Jetpack +7 points.

    NVG goggles for +5 points. Skills:

    Skill Cost Effect

    Agile 10 4+ invulnerable save in close combat.

    Stealthy 20 Infiltrate. Move Through Cover.

    Dirty Fighter 10 Furious Charge. +2A on the turn that assaults.

    Brute 5 +1S

    Gunslinger 10 May fire two weapons in the Shooting phase, but both weapons must fire at the same target.

    Sniper 7 Re-roll either To Hit or To Wound rolls.


    Untrained, useless, panicky fodder. I give you the general public. Can also be used to represent ship crews, miners or whatever.

    Cost WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Civilian 3 1 - 2 2 1 2 1 4 -

    Group: A group consists of 5-20 civilians, unarmed. Weapons: None. Options: None.


    Dont you just love gang war? But now the gangs have something else to kill rather than each other. Cost WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Gang Leader 10 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 8 5+

    Gang Member 8 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 6+

    Group: A group consists of 1 Gang leader and 4-14 Gang member. Weapons: Pistol and close combat weapon, assault rifle or shotgun. Each model may have different weapons. Options:

    The group may be armed with Molotovs for +5 points per model.

    Up to 3 gang members may be armed with:

  • Rocket launcher for +20 points.

    Machine gun for +15 points.

    Machine Pistol for +5 points.

    Flamethrower for +6 points.

    Synthetic Person

    Oh my God, he/she/its a machine! Cost WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Non-Military 10 3 4 3 3 2 3 1 9 4+

    USMC 20 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 10 3+

    Auton 25 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 10 3+

    Group: A group consists of 1-3 Synthetic Persons Weapons: None Options:

    Each model may take:

    Handgun for +5 points.

    Assault rifle for +10 points.

    Boss/Evil Overlord/Chief Scientist/infuriating guy that wont die!

    Those irritating people who need a good rending. Cost WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Boss 20 3 4 3 3 2 3 2 8 5+

    Weapons: Handgun. Special Rules: Still not dead (counts as having bionics).


    Every horror movie needs a psychopath to kill stuff and scare everybody. As if the Aliens and Predators werent enough heres a human monster to play with.

    Cost WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Psycho 10 3 2 3 3 1 4 3 10 6+

    Weapons: Handgun and close combat weapon. Special Rules: Bwa ha ha ha heeheeheheeeee!: Must move towards the nearest model within LOS, Friend or Foe, must shoot if possible and must assault if possible

    Other Humans Armoury

    Name Range S AP Type Notes

    Handgun 12 3 - Pistol

    Shotgun 24 3 5 Rapid Fire

    Machine Gun 24 4 5 Assault 3

    Machine Pistol 12 3 - Assault 2

    Flamethrower Template 4 5 Assault 1

    Molotov 8 4 5 Heavy 1/Blast Gets Hot!

    Rocket Launcher 48 5 4 Heavy 1/Blast

    Sniper Rifle 48 X - Heavy 1

    Nasty Serum 8 6 2 Heavy 1/ Blast

  • Glossary


    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Alien Queen 6 - 5 5 3 5 3 10 4+

    Pred-Alien 4 - 4 4 2 4 2 10 3+

    Alien Bodyguard 5 - 4 5 2 6 3 10 4+

    Alien Worker 4 - 4 3 1 4 1 8 5+

    Alien Warrior 4 - 4 4 1 5 3 10 4+

    Predator Rank 1 Unblooded 3 2 3 3 1 3 1 7 6+

    Predator Rank 2 Young Blood 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 7 6+

    Predator Rank 3 Blooded 4 3 4 4 2 5 2 8 6+

    Predator Rank 4 Warrior 5 4 4 4 2 5 3 8 6+

    Predator Rank 5 Honoured 6 5 5 5 3 6 3 9 6+

    Predator Rank 6 Elder 7 5 5 5 4 6 4 10 6+

    USMC Lieutenant 3 4 3 3 2 4 2 8 4+

    USMC Sergeant 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+

    USMC Private 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 4+

    USMC Advisor 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 6 5+

    Synthetic Person 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 10 3+

    Remote Automated Sentry System - 4 - 4 2 - - - 4+

    Commando 4 4 3 3 1 4 2 8 4+

    Militia soldier 3 4 3 3 1 4 2 8 4+

    Scientist 2 3 2 2 1 3 1 7 6+

    Bounty Hunter 3 4 3 3 1 4 2 7 5+

    Civilian 1 - 2 2 1 2 1 4 -

    Gang Leader 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 8 5+

    Gang Member 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 6+

    Non-Military Synthetic 3 4 3 3 2 3 1 9 4+

    USMC Synthetic 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 10 3+

    Auton Synthetic 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 10 3+

    Boss 3 4 3 3 2 3 2 8 5+

    Psycho 3 2 3 3 1 4 3 10 6+

    Transports Name Front Armour Side Armour Rear Armour BS

    M577 APC 13 12 11 3

    UD-4 Cheyenne Dropship 12 12 10 3

  • Weaponry Name Range S AP Type Notes

    32x150mm Unguided Rockets 24 4 6 Heavy 2 / Blast

    AIM-90 Short Range Air-to-Air Missile

    48 8 3 Ordnance 1 AA

    AGM-220 Air-to-Ground Missile 48 8 3 Ordnance 1

    Flamethrower Template 4 5 Assault 1

    Frag Grenade 8 3 - Assault 1/ Blast

    Handgun 12 3 - Pistol

    Heavy Shoulder Cannon 24 4 3 Rapid Fire

    Light Shoulder Cannon 12 3 5 Pistol

    M53 Grenade Launcher (Standard)

    24 6 4 Assault 1

    M53 Grenade Launcher (Frag) 24 3 6 Assault 1 /Blast

    M240 Flame Unit Template 4 5 Assault 1

    M350 Heavy Flame Cannon Template 5 4 Assault 1

    M577 A Phase Plasma Cannon 48 7 2 Heavy 1 /Blast

    M577 A1 Free-Electron Laser 48 6 3 Heavy 1

    M577 A2 Particle Beam Cannon 36 4 5 Heavy 1 /

    Ordnance Blast

    Machine Gun 24 4 5 Assault 3

    Machine Pistol 12 3 - Assault 2

    Medium Shoulder Cannon 18 4 5 Rapid Fire

    ML72 Laser Cannon 36 6 6 Heavy 2

    M-41A Pulse Rifle 24 3 6 Rapid Fire

    Nasty Serum 8 6 2 Heavy 1/ Blast

    Net Gun 18 3 5 Blast/Pistol Causes Pinning

    Molotov 8 4 5 Heavy 1 / Blast Gets Hot!

    Plasma Caster 12 6 2 Blast / Pistol Causes Pinning Gets Hot!

    RE700 20mm Gatling Cannon 36 5 5 Heavy 3

    Rocket Launcher 48 5 4 Heavy 1 / Blast

    SADAR 48 5 5 Heavy 1 / Blast

    Shotgun 24 3 5 Rapid Fire

    Sniper Rifle 48 X - Heavy 1

    Spear Gun 24 4 5 Assault Causes Pinning Does not compromise Stealth Field

    ZX Shotgun 12 4 6 Heavy 3

  • Rules Acid Blood When a model with this special rule losses a wound in close combat the model that inflicted the wound takes a single S4 hit. Auspex A model can use an Auspex instead of shooting. If he does so, an enemy unit within 12 has -1 cover save until the end of the phase. Bwa ha ha ha heeheeheheeeee! Must move towards the nearest model within LOS, Friend or Foe, must shoot if possible and must assault if possible. Deep Strike In order for a unit to be able to Deep Strike, all models in the unit must have the Deep Strike special rule and the unit must start the game in Reserve. When placing the unit in Reserve, you must tell your opponent that it will be arriving by Deep Strike (sometimes called Deep Strike Reserve). Some units must arrive by Deep Strike. They always begin the game in Reserve and always arrive by Deep Strike. Arriving by Deep Strike Roll for the arrival of all Deep Striking units as specified in the rules for Reserves and then deploy them as follows:

    First, place one model from the unit anywhere on the table, in the position where you would like it to arrive, and roll for scatter to determine the models final position. If a vehicle scatters when arriving via Deep Strike, do not change its facing it must continue to face the same direction as it did before you rolled for scatter.

    Next, the units remaining models are arranged around the first one. Models must be placed in base contact with the first model and begin to form a circle around it. When the first circle is complete, a further concentric circle must be placed with each model touching the circle inside it. Each circle must include as many models as will fit.

    Models deploying via Deep Strike treat all difficult terrain as dangerous terrain. In the Movement phase during which they arrive, Deep Striking units may not move any further, other than to disembark from a Deep Striking Transport vehicle if they are in one. Units Deep Striking into ruins are placed on the ground floor. Deep Striking units count non-ruined buildings (except for their battlements) as impassable terrain. In that turns Shooting phase, these units can fire (or Run, Turbo-boost or move Flat Out) as normal, and count as having moved in the previous Movement phase. Vehicles, except for Walkers, count as having moved at Combat Speed (even Immobilised vehicles). This can affect the number of weapons they can fire with their full Ballistic Skill. In that turns Assault phase, however, these units cannot charge. This also applies to units that have disembarked from Transports that arrived by Deep Strike that turn. Deep Strike and Transports Units do not confer the Deep Strike special rule onto a Transport vehicle they are embarked inside. A Transport vehicle with Deep Strike may Deep Strike regardless of whether its passengers have Deep Strike or not. Deep Strike Mishaps Deep Striking onto a crowded battlefield can be dangerous, as one may miss the intended objective or even materialise inside solid rock! If any of the models in a Deep Striking unit cannot be deployed,

  • because at least one model would land partially or fully off the table, in impassable terrain, on top of a friendly model, or on top of or within 1" of an enemy model, something has gone wrong. The controlling player must roll on the Deep Strike Mishap table and apply the results. If the unfortunate unit is also a Transport, the Deep Strike Mishap result applies to both the unit and anything embarked within it. Deep Strike Mishap Table

    D6 Roll Result Effect

    1 Terrible

    accident! The unit is destroyed.

    2-3 Misplaced

    Your opponent may deploy the unit anywhere on the table (excluding impassable terrain, but including difficult terrain, which of course counts as dangerous for Deep Striking units), in a valid Deep Strike formation, but without rolling for scatter. Units embarked on a misplaced Transport can disembark during their Movement phase as normal.

    4-6 Delayed The unit is placed in Ongoing Reserves.

    Fearless Units containing one or more models with the Fearless special rule automatically pass Pinning, Fear and Regroup tests and Morale checks, but cannot Go to Ground and cannot choose to fail a Morale check due to the Our Weapons are Useless rule. If a unit has Gone to Ground and then gains the Fearless special rule, all the effects of Going to Ground are immediately cancelled. Fleet of Claw A unit composed entirely of models with this special rule can re-roll one or more of the dice when determining Run moves and charge ranges (such as a single D6 from a charge range roll, for example). Frag Grenade When a unit armed with assault grenades makes a shooting attack, one model can choose to throw a grenade, rather than using another shooting weapon. Models equipped with assault grenades dont suffer the penalty to their Initiative for charging enemies through difficult terrain, but fight at their normal Initiative in the ensuing combat. Infiltrate Units that contain at least one model with this special rule are deployed last, after all other units (friend and foe) have been deployed. If both sides have Infiltrators, the players roll-off and the winner decides who goes first, then alternate deploying these units. Infiltrators can be set up anywhere on the table that is more than 12" from any enemy unit, as long as no deployed enemy unit can draw line of sight to them. This includes in a building, as long as the building is more than 12" from any enemy unit. Alternatively, they can be set up anywhere on the table more than 18" from any enemy unit, even in plain sight. If a unit with Infiltrate deploys inside a Dedicated Transport, they may Infiltrate along with their Transport. A unit that deploys using these rules cannot charge in their first turn. Having Infiltrate also confers the Outflank special rule to units of Infiltrators that are kept as Reserves. Independent Predators are purchased as a Unit but may be deployed separately and count as independent characters.

  • Jetpack: See Warhammer 40,000 rulebook ?!?!?!?! AKI Medi-Kit Ignore first unsaved wound each turn. Mission Objectives At the start of the Game a Predator must select and enemy character to hunt down. The Predator must kill this model in close combat then exit the board via any table edge. Move through Cover A unit that contains at least one model with this special rule rolls an extra D6 when rolling to move through difficult terrain and is not slowed by charging through difficult terrain. In most circumstances, this will mean that, when moving, the unit rolls 3D6 and picks the highest roll. Furthermore, a model with the Move Through Cover special rule automatically passes Dangerous Terrain tests. NVG Goggles Ignore night fighting rules. Rending If a model has the Rending special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Rending special rule, there is a chance that his close combat attacks will strike a critical blow. For each To Wound roll of a 6, the target automatically suffers a Wound, regardless of its Toughness. These Wounds are resolved at AP2. Similarly, if a model makes a shooting attack with a weapon that has the Rending special rule, a To Wound roll of 6 Wounds automatically, regardless of Toughness, and is resolved at AP2. In either case, against vehicles, each armour penetration roll of 6 allows a further D3 to be rolled, with the result added to the total. These hits are not resolved at AP2, but are instead resolved using the model/weapons AP value. Still Not Dead Counts as having bionics. AKI?!??! VTOL Hover Mode: (see IA3) AKI?!?!?!

  • Predator Glossary

    Predator Armour Name Ranks Effect

    Light 1-6 Improve save by 1.

    Basic 2-6 Improve save by 2.

    Reinforced 3-6 Improve save by 3.

    Ceremonial 5-6 Improve save by 4.

    Chemically Treated 1-6 Ignore Acid Blood Alien and Eversor Assassin Bio-Toxin Special Rules.

    Predator Items

    Bio-Helmet: Model with Bio-Helmet ignores night-fighting rules, can detect booby traps and hidden units e.g. lictors. If an enemy model deep strikes within 6 of a Predator with a Bio-Helmet, the Predator may make a free round of shooting against that unit. This is resolved after the unit is deployed but before it moves. May not do this if locked in combat. Insertion Pod: May use the Deep Strike special rule. Maul: Gives +2A and +1WS in close combat. Medi-Comp: A Predator may use a medi-comp in the shooting phase instead of using ranged weapons. The Predator is restored to its full complement of wounds. Pole arm: At the start of the Assault phase a Predator must declare whether he is attacking normally or drawing his pole arm. If the pole arm is selected, the Predator must decide which fighting style he is using, aggressive or defensive. In aggressive mode the Predator adds +1S to all his attacks. In defensive mode the Predator strikes normally but may force his opponent to re-roll any number of his to hit dice directed against the Predator, you must accept the second result. Also counts as a power weapon. Self-Destruct Device: When a Predator losses its last wound roll a D6. On a roll of 4+ place the large ordnance template centred on the Predator. Every model under the template receives a single S10 AP1 hit. Any models partially under the template are hit on a roll of 4+. Shuriken: Counts as having Frag Grenades. Stealth Field: Any unit firing at a Predator with a stealth field must roll under its initiative to shoot. If the test is failed then the unit may not fire this turn. Predator with a Stealth field counts as having a 4+ cover save. However, as soon as the Predator shoots or moves into initiative range of an enemy model or makes a close combat attack, the field switches off and all the above bonuses are negated until the Predator spends 1 whole enemy movement phase out of LOS of all enemy units. Wrist blades: Gives +1A.

  • Other Humans Glossary

    Crazy scientists:

    At the start of the game roll a D6 for each group of Scientists and consult the table below. The results apply for the entire game.

    D6 Roll Result Effect

    1-2 Im too smart

    to die! The group must move directly away from the nearest enemy model every turn.

    3-4 Its


    The group must move directly towards the nearest enemy unit that is within LOS, each turn. The group may not shoot and must assault if possible. If assaulting an enemy unit the group make no strikes.

    5-6 Normal None

    Bounty Hunter Skills:

    Skill Effect

    Agile 4+ invulnerable save in close combat.

    Stealthy Infiltrate. Move Through Cover.

    Dirty Fighter Furious Charge. +2A on the turn that assaults.

    Brute +1S

    Gunslinger May fire two weapons in the Shooting phase, but both weapons must fire at the same target.

    Sniper Re-roll either To Hit or To Wound rolls.

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