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WHAT IS AYURVEDA? ORIGIN, BENEFITS AND RELATED CONCEPTS OF AYUVEDA Panchamahabhuta Siddhanta Tridosha Siddhanta Panchakarma Siddhanta or Purification Theory



Meaning of Ayurveda:

Ayurveda is a Sanskrit term, made up of the words "ayur" and "veda." "Ayur" means life and "Veda" means knowledge or science. The term "" thus means 'the knowledge of life' or 'the science of life'. According to the ancient Ayurvedic scholar Charaka, "ayu" comprises the mind, body, senses and the soul. Definition of Ayurveda:

Ayurveda can be defined as a system, which uses the inherent principles of nature, to help maintain health in a person by keeping the individual's body, mind and spirit in perfect equilibrium with nature.

Widely regarded as the oldest form of healthcare in the

world. The RIG VEDA- written over 6,000 years ago. Vedic knowledge propounds the principle of natural

balance within the body and harmony with the environment. Understanding the philosophy of life enables to become your

own "healer".

Ayurveda is generally based on 3 fundamental principles:

Panchamahabhuta ( ) Siddhanta Tridosha () Theory Rasa-Guna-Virya-Vipaka-Prabhava Siddhanta

Panchmahabhuta siddhantaO Every substance is a combination of PANCHAMAHABHUTA ( )O Each of it have its own features, properties and means of identification O Perfect balance of P.M.-healthy state O Disturbed balance of P.M.-Illness

PRITHVI- Shape and form of body APA- Moisture , Liquidity & lubrication AGNI & FIRE- Heat & energy VAYU- Prana-Vital force controlling respiration AKASH- Vacuoles and pores responsible for transportation of nutritional elements


VATA:- it pertains to air and ether elements. This energy is generally seen as the force, which directs nerve impulses, circulation, respiration, and elimination. KAPHA:- it pertains to water and earth elements. Kapha is responsible for growth and protection. The mucosal lining of the stomach, and the cerebral-spinal fluid that protects the brain and spinal column are examples of kapha. PITTA:- it pertains to fire and water elements. This dosha governs metabolism, e.g., the transformation of foods into nutrients. Pitta is also responsible for metabolism in the organ and tissue systems.

PANCHKARMA OR PURIFICATION THEORY When the toxins are abundant in the body, then a cleansing process known as PANCHAKARMA which is recommended to purge these unwanted toxins. This fivefold purification therapy is a classical form of treatment in Ayurveda. These specialized procedures consist of the following: THERAPEUTIC VOMMITING OR EMESIS (VAMAN) PURGATION (VIRECHAN) ENEMA (BASTI) ELIMINATION OF TOXINS THROUGH THE NOSE (RAKTA MOKSHA)


Bharadwaj was the first person who learnt Ayurveda from Indra and educated the mankind.

He was the guru (teacher) of Agnivesha who created CharakSanhitas original novel 'Agniveshatantra', and Bhed etc. He was also recognized by the name Punarvasu and Chandrabhag.



On the second stratum Agnivesh was foremost stands Charaka who was among the disciples of the first man to refine the Atreya and the author of treatise of Agnivesha the Agnivesh - tantra. thoroughly and enlarge it Agnivesha is mentioned with his interpretations and in Sarngaravadi, Aswadi, annotations. His Gargadi and contributions in this respect Tikakitavadi Ganas of were so spectacular that the Panini's Astadhyayi. original treatise in its new form began to be known on the name of Charaka himself instead of the original author.

DRUDHBALA Drudhabala, son of Kapilabala and resident of Pancanadapura reconstructed the Charaka Sanhita, which was deficient in its onethird part e.g. 17 chapters in Chikisitaasthana and entire sections of Kalpa and Siddhi. He completed the Sanhita in these respects by taking relevant materials from several treatises.


Bhaav Mishra, the son of Latkan Mishra is the writer of this Novel. He was a Brahmin by cast. Keeping similarity to ancient Sanhitas, he introduced new thoughts and Dravyas. It is the last and important Novel of Laghutrai.

In Ayurveda, there are more than 600 herbs and 250 single plant drugs which are included in the ayurvedic treatment. Some of them are explained as below:

ALOEVERA: English name: Aloes Hindi name: Ghee Kunwar Sanskrit name: Ghrita Kumari, Kumari Its use is recommended in as a skin conditioner and in the treatment of non-healing ulcers and in treating liver diseases like jaundice. The use of Aloe Vera is bestowed with multifaceted benefits for skin. It also used in the skin care products in the world.

Continued ASHOKA TREE: English name: Ashok tree Hindi name: Ashoka Sanskrit name: Kankeli Ashoka has been traditionally used as a uterine tonic And has been indicated in menstrual irregularities. Ashoka happens to be a uterine stimulant and increases uterine contractions. It also stimulates the ovarian tissue.

DALCHINI: English name: Cinnamon Bark Hindi name: Dalchini Sanskrit name: Darusita

Cinnamon bark is one of the common ingredients in spice mixtures used in India. Dalchini is known to increase salivation and to improve digestive functions. It also acts as a local antiseptic by virtue of its antibacterial action.

BEL/SHRIPHAL: English name: Bengal Quince, Bael fruit Hindi name: Bela, Sriphal, Bel Sanskrit name: Sriphala Bilva has been used extensively in the treatment of dysentery and diabetes. Dried fruit pulp is used traditionally in many parts of India in preparation of summer drinks, which helps overcome sunstrokes. It was observed that fruit pulp adsorbs the toxins produced by bacteria and other pathogens in the intestine thus helping in the treatment of dysentery.

TULASI: English name: Holy Basil Hindi name: Tulasi Sanskrit name: Tulasi Indian mythology attaches a great significance to Basil by recognizing it as a holy herb. Perhaps, such significance comes from the actual health applications of the herb. Its use is recommended as a first aid in the treatment of respiratory, digestive and skin diseases. Apart from these common ailments, Ayurveda also recognizes its use for the diseases ranging up to tumorous growths.

TEJPATRI: English name: Indian Cinnamon Hindi name: Tamalpatra, Patra, Varanga, Coca Sanskrit name: Cinnamomum tamala Nees Pennel

Indian cinnamon leaves are frequently used for garnishing foods in India and various other countries. Extract of leaves shows a moderate degree of local antiseptic activity.

NEEMBA: English name: Margosa Tree Hindi name: Neem, Nimba Sanskrit name: Arista, Pichhumarda Neem is considered a boon for mankind by nature. Use of Neem has been recommended by Ayurveda For a wide range of diseases. Such usage is attributed to its purification effect on blood. Scientific research on Neem demonstrates it to be a Panacea.


Ayurvedic medicines are aimed to promote health, increase immunity. AIMS OF MEDICINES: first is to maintain equilibrium and repair in case of imbalance and derangement. It had recognized the importance of the environment in total health. It also gives equal importance to mental health. These medicines deals with medical subjects and allied subjects. It helps each individual realign their living pattern and gives importance to both preventive and curative aspects. Ayurvedic medicines aims to integrate and balance the body, mind and spirit. Many herbs used as stimulants which energize and increases total activity of the body. In Ayurveda, most of the herbs are considered to be having property as antiseptic with high medicinal values.

The Indian Medicines Pharmaceutical Corporation Ltd. (IMPCL) is set to foray into export of ayurvedic medicines. IMPCL producing 195 ayurvedic products and 75 Unani medicines, is the largest supplier. The IMPCL has received proposals from countries like Mauritius, Australia and Kazakhstan for exporting traditional preparations. The IMPCL is already in process of getting Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) compliance before exporting medicines because of health standards.



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