  • STAUDACHER Veronika Bachelorarbeit

    Matr.Nr. a6802339 Neurolinguistics

    A 033 Bachelorstudium Prof. Dr. Susanne Reiterer

    612 English and American Studies


    "Was Hnschen nicht lernt, lernt Hans nimmer mehr.

    July 2011

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    Table of contents

    1 Introduction and definitions ..................................................................................... 3

    2 Brain development and aging factors.................................................................... 6

    2.1 Changing brain structures ................................................................................... 6

    2.2 Neuronal changes............................................................................................... 11

    2.3 Chemical changes in brain ................................................................................ 11

    2.4 Genetic factors ....................................................................................................14

    2.5 Environmental influences ..................................................................................14

    2.6 Impairments and aging diseases......................................................................16

    3 Language learning in later adulthood .................................................................. 18

    3.1 Aging factor ..........................................................................................................20

    3.2 Intelligence and aptitude....................................................................................23

    3.3 Education .............................................................................................................24

    3.4 Motivation to learn a language..........................................................................25

    3.5 Learning styles ....................................................................................................27

    4 Use it or lose it successful language learning as older adult ..................... 28

    4.1 Delaying the effects of brain aging...................................................................29

    4.2 Prerequisites of language learning ..................................................................32

    4.3 Strategies for language learning 60+ ..............................................................33

    5 Conclusions and future prospects ....................................................................... 35

    6 Bibliography ............................................................................................................. 38

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    1 Introduction and definitions

    The demographic share of older people is increasing. They gain importance in

    economic fields as well as in health industry, not to forget in education and lifelong


    The following chapters will deal with aging 1 people, their aging brains and how

    their learning, especially learning of a (second) language, can be managed.

    Actually, in this paper the main focus will be on situations and possibilities in the

    late adulthood. What does aging mean in this context? What is the difference

    between childhood, youth, adolescence, adulthood and old age?

    Traditionally, we divide human lifespan in three major parts: infancy and childhood,

    adolescence (teenager), adult life and old age or late adulthood. Up to now old

    age is linked in our perception with retirement from active professional life. In

    modern societies there seems to be a change towards more phases in ones life.

    E.g. concerning the occupational history the former lifelong service in one

    company is nowadays often interrupted for continuing education, sabbaticals or

    childcare. What is of interest for this paper and has also great influence on the

    demographic development of our society is that the late adulthood (60+) has

    prolonged to such an extent during the last decades that this age period can be

    divided again into three stages, the young old, middle old and the old old.

    Nowadays, the average life expectancy of women in Austria is 82.9 years and 77.4

    of men (

    1 ageing

    BE, aging

    AE. As the great majority of studies and references use the American version, we

    also stick to it in this paper.

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    043903.html, 14.7.2011). In other words, there is enough time to decide on an

    active life after retirement, e.g. on learning a language, because if a women retires

    at the age of 60 there still remain more than 20 years of a hopefully fulfilled life.

    In other contexts we find the term 50+generation or the golden fifties when they

    speak about the groups starting with the young old who are going towards the end

    of their work life or will retire soon. These mentioned groups usually are in good

    health conditions, are still very active and are open for changing environments. But

    they show differences according to their gender, their level of education and the

    culture in which they grew up (Ohly 2007: 87, Kimerstorfer 2007: 22-23, 25). A

    survey by Fessel & GfK in 2006 classifies four types of members of the

    50+generation, namely the Curious, the Happy, the Lively and the

    Withdrawn (Fessel & GfK 2008: 7). This means that 74 percent (the Curious, the

    Happy, the Lively) feel healthy and fit enough to lead an active life, including

    learning something new.

    Furthermore, we will have to dedi-

    cate growing interest to the recent

    demographic development showing

    an increasing percentage of older

    population and a decrease of the

    younger age groups. If this long-term

    development will continue the older

    generation will form the majority, at

    least in Western, industrialised so-

    cieties. This trend, lasting since the Figure 1: Population pyramid for Austria 2006, 2030 and


    Source: Statistik Austria 2011

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    beginning of the 20th century, has two reasons: One is the decreasing birth rate,

    the other is the fact that people become older and die later, as already mentioned

    above (Nandy 1977: 2, Kimerstorfer 2007: 24). As a result of the mentioned facts

    and developments, a great number of sciences have been dealing with aging, with

    the development of the human brain, with communication and language in this

    context: biology, medicine, psychology, sports, economic sciences, cultural

    sciences, demographics and even theology. The most recent ones are gerontology

    (the study of the aging process as such) and geragogy (concentrating on

    education / teaching of the elderly; on lifelong learning) (Berndt 2003: 9, Ohly

    2007: 86-87, Kimerstorfer 2007: 76-78).

    Biologically, the period of early adulthood is said to be the culmination point of

    human productivity, but the human brain is already declining after puberty, it is

    aging. But fact is that aging could also be manifested right after birth if we

    describe it as lifelong process of changes, of maturation during the first third of

    lifespan, and of decline and degeneration the time afterwards till death (Seeberger

    2011: 2). If this holds true also for the main organ we have, the brain, and for our

    main communication tool, our language, then we have to speed up and learn as

    much as we can as early as possible. To learn more about these correlations and

    interrelations, the following chapter will deal with the human brain and its

    development over lifespan and how it is changing towards older age. The

    subsequent section will have a look at lifelong learning in general and in particular

    on language learning in older age. The paper will close with strategies to delay the

    effects of brain aging and thus also encourage (second/third) language learning as

    50+ or even in late adulthood (60+).

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    2 Brain development and aging factors

    Behavioral research has found out at least three patterns of age-related changes

    in cognitive development: life-long declines, late-life declines and life-long stability.

    In longitudinal as well as cross-sectional studies more or less steady decline is

    found for cognitive skills like working/episodic memory, processing speech, spatial

    ability or reasoning. After the age of 60 decline shows acceleration in some fields

    e.g. the speed of processing. What is most interesting here is the fact that there is

    an acceleration of decline in cognitive activities 3 6 years before death. On the

    other side, the late life decline especially of short-term memory is distinct after the

    age of 70. Furthermore, study results report on a relative stable semantic memory

    until late lifetime. Researchers conclude that life experience backs up knowledge,

    and the result is wisdom often observable with older persons (Hedden & Gabrieli

    2004; 88 89).

    When the former president of the US George Bush Sr. proclaimed the decade of

    the brain to enhance public awareness of the benefits to be derived from brain

    research" in 1990 a great number of activities with following publications and

    programs was initiated (Sprenger 1999: 100, Janich 2009: 101). Since then

    cognitive neuroscience of aging has been more and more engaged with the

    question about age-related changes in neural structures of the brain and their

    effects on learning (Hedden & Gabrieli 2004; 88 89).

    2.1 Changing brain structures

    Many studies affirm that structural changes are to a certain extent normal but can

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    become pathological thus being the result or the cause of age-related diseases.

    Firstly, post mortem and in vivo studies (fMRI) tend to confirm that older adults

    have less grey matter in brain than younger ones. This means that there is a

    decrease in brain volume in general and a loss of weight of individuals brains

    especially over the age of 60.

    In general, neuron loss or shrinkage is said to cause only 10 % reduction each

    decade in the total length of myelinated axons of the brain. Other studies report on

    volume losses in the cerebral cortex of 14 % over the age of 30 90 years, of 35

    % in the hippocampus and of 26 % of the cerebral white matter, again with the

    highest loss after the age of 50 (Anderton 2002: 811 - 812, Hedden & Gabrieli

    2004; 88 89).

    Former studies wanted to confirm that neuron loss in the aged brain is not so

    dominant and neuron loss takes

    place only in specific regions

    (Rapp & Gallagher 1997: 14). But

    anyway, aging is associated with

    brain shrinkage, mainly in the

    regions of the association cortex,

    striatum and cerebellum, but shrinkage of white matter and hippocampus is

    accelerating not until older age (Raz et al. 2007: 91). In addition, recent studies

    report that the reason for loss of volume in certain brain areas probably does not

    result from cell death, but rather from lower synaptic density in older adults,

    which declines steadily from the age of 20 years onwards and which is one of the

    markers of Alzheimer disease (Hedden & Gabrieli 2004: 89).

    Figure 2: Progressive changes in neurons of prefrontal cortex with aging

    Source: Nandy 1977: 41

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    In detail, a major region for age-related changes affecting volume and functions is

    the frontostriatal system including the prefrontal cortex and the basal ganglia

    where motor, cognitive (language, memory, reasoning) and emotional actions are

    interconnected and regulated. The estimated average decline in the structure of

    the prefrontal cortex is about 5 % per decade, beginning with the age of about 20.

    As motor control is highly relevant for speech production, i.e. for the impulses

    needed for muscles in and around the mouth to formulate the appropriate sounds

    of speech, the age-related changes in these areas can have negative effects on

    articulation (Singleton 1995: 32, Bongaerts 1999: 135, Singleton 2004: 84, Hedden

    & Gabrieli 2004; 89, Herschensohn 2007: 12).

    Moreover, the white matter tracts in frontal lobes also show an age-related loss of

    integrity what could have negative effects on memory circuits. In addition,

    Parkinsons and Alzheimers patients show lesions and loss of volume in the

    entorhinal cortex, located in the medial temporal lobe and being the main interface

    to the hippocampus which has an important role in transferring information from

    short-term memory to long-term memory, a very important aspect in language

    learning. On the other hand, the decline of the structures of the hippocampus and

    the parahippocampal gyrus is said to be 2 3 % per decade, increasing up to 1 %

    per year after the age of 70.

    As the below mentioned changes happen gradually and may start more than a

    decade before Alzheimers disease, emerging cognitive impairments during this

    period could be used for predicting progression from healthy (normal aging) status

    to Alzheimers disease (Hedden & Gabrieli 2004; 89 - 92).

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    Senile plaques:

    Moreover, senile plaques are also an age-related change, namely the abnormal

    deposit of amyloid, a protein, which is deposited outside the neuron in the grey

    matter of the brain often surrounded by abnormally swollen neurits. Plaques often

    occur in the amygdala and in the sulci of the cortex, but rarely in the cerebellum.

    Plaques are of various shape and size and are known as markers for Alzheimers

    disease where the number of the plaques has greatly increased compared to a

    normal aging brain where only a few plaques could be found (Anderton 2002:

    814). Women are said to have slightly more plaques than men and generally the

    proportion of people with plaques increases from about 10 % at the age of 60 to

    more than 60 % with 80 years. Interestingly, there are elderly persons having

    varying degrees of amyloid plaques but do not show any clinical abnormalities

    compared to cohorts without any amyloid deposits (Dickson 1997: 55 69).

    Neurofibrillary tangles:

    Neurofibrillary tangles, which are decayed portions of the dendrites and are

    aggregates of a tau protein, are significant markers of AD. In normal aging the

    number of tangles is relatively low and can be found only in hippocampus,

    amygdale and entorhinal cortex whereas in strongly demented persons the

    neurofribriallary tangles are widespread (Anderton 2002: 814). Under electron

    microscope we recognize an entanglement of spiral twisted protoplasm-threads in

    these areas. The precise mechanism of tangle formation is not completely

    understood, and it is still controversial whether tangles are a primary causative

    factor in disease or play a more peripheral role. Anyway, large numbers of senile

    plaques and neurofibrillary tangles are characteristic features of Alzheimers

    disease (de Leon 2007: 116 - 117).

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    Blood vessels:

    Furthermore, we must not forget the possible changes of blood vessels in the

    brain caused by different reasons and with various effects because the saying

    one is as old as ones arteries provides a remarkable truth. PET studies have

    found that also cerebral blood flow in the white and grey matter declines during

    normal aging and with it the rate of oxygen supply. Reasons could be structural

    changes in the cerebral vessels in connection with thrombotic, infarcted or

    infectious occasions. Furthermore, diseases associated with artherosclerosis,

    hypotension, diabetes, heart disease could also affect the cerebral blood supply

    (de la Torre 1997: 78-80).


    In this connection we must mention the fact that also the cerebral metabolism

    tends to slow down with age. This is affirmed by PET as well as fMRI studies

    concerning measurements of the rate of glucose or of oxygen as well as of

    cerebral blood flow in general. The less the brain is affected by cardiovascular

    diseases the less is the degree of reduction in cerebral metabolism and blood flow

    (Blass, Gibson & Hoyer 1997: 111, Mechelli 2004: 583 - 585).

    To sum up we can say that normal aging does not necessarily lead to cerebral

    dysfunction. On the other hand, there is an increasing number of studies reporting

    that changes in signal transmission between the neurons are responsible for age-

    related cognitive deficits, rather than structural alterations (Gazzaley & DEsposito

    2006: 68).

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    2.2 Neuronal changes

    Our brain is said to consist of more than 100 billion cells, most of them being

    neurons, the cells of the nervous system, which is responsible for transmission of

    impulses to and from the brain supposedly at a rate about 200 miles per hour. The

    nerve cells remain healthy until death, unless one has a specific disease

    (Guttmann 2001: 1). In detail, the neuronal cytoskeleton remains preserved, only

    smaller alterations are detected in some proteins associated with microtubules,

    neurofi laments and microfilaments. The cause might be oxidative stress,

    excitotoxicity or metabolic impairment. Concerning age-related late-onset brain

    diseases like Alzheimers or Parkinsons severe changes in the cytoskeleton are

    symptomatic (Geddes & Matus 1997: 24 39).

    Furthermore, myelin degeneration which is observable already in earlier age, but

    increases with later age could be the cause for age-related cognitive and motor

    slowing. This process is often accompanied by a granular degeneration of myelin

    what could be the consequence of oxidative damage to macromolecules (Dickson

    1997: 53).

    2.3 Chemical changes in brain

    Due to recent improved research methods like use of fMRI (functional magnetic

    resonance imaging) or PET (positron emission technology) researchers have

    enough evidence to state that cognitive decline is not due to neuron loss but has

    to do with changes in chemical interactions in brain. They examined brains of

    elderly people after their death and found numerous plaques and tangles typical

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    for Alzheimers disease but none of them had suffered from Alzheimerss

    (Guttmann 2001: 2).


    Cell to cell signals are sent by electrical conduction and chemical stimulation of

    surface receptors. These chemical signals are transported by neurotransmitter

    substances (Kelly & Roth 1997: 243, Janich 2009: 53). A number of researchers

    have postulated that deficits in neurotransmission may have an effect on age-

    related learning and memory, as well as motor function, and that those deficits

    may have influence on the development of neurodegenerative diseases. For

    instance, the neurotransmitter dopamine, also called the happiness hormon, was

    found in the substantia nigra, the midbrain and the hypothalamus. It plays a role in

    transporting motor control signals, but also signals concerning learning and

    memory, furthermore it is responsible for transporting pleasure and reward. The

    degree of its availability is said to be a marker for aging, but concerning the

    electric and chemical effects much more research is needed (Kelly & Roth 1997:

    251 252). Recent findings confirm a decline of dopamine of about 8 % per

    decade starting after the 4th decade which is connected e.g. with a lower glucose

    metabolism in the frontal cortex. Furthermore, serotonin receptors also decline in

    the frontal cortex with age and dopamine receptors in the subcortical striatum.

    (Hedden & Gabrieli 2004: 90).

    Free Radicals:

    For a long time and sti ll under debate is the free-radical theory of aging. It states

    that the organisms age because cells accumulate free radical damage over time

    (, 17.7.2011). Free radicals are

    produced during oxygenation of organic substances. Some free radicals are highly

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    reactive and are supposed to be involved in the reduction of cell membrans, of

    collagen, of elastin and other elements. Even more severe is the likely effect of

    free radicals on DNA causing the formation of unstable substances which in turn

    can alter the DNA structure so that mutant proteins form imperfect enzymes

    having a negative effect on cells (Nandy 1977: 1-2,

    radical_theory_of_aging, 17.7.2011).

    Researchers have found out that antioxidants such as vitamin A, vitamin C,

    vitamin E can slow the process of aging by preventing free radicals from oxidising,

    or can even reduce the formation of free radicals. These antioxidant chemicals

    found in many foods are frequently cited as the basis for fighting this risk factor.

    Nonetheless, some recent studies tend to show that such an antioxidant therapy is

    not useful (Nandy 1977: 4, Muller 2007: 495).

    Estrogen replacement:

    A broader debate in the context of chemical influences is going on about the

    estrogen replacement therapy in healthy post-menopausal women. The reason for

    this measure is that estrogen (the primary female sex hormone) is supposed to

    increase cerebral blood flow and to accelerate metabolism which has an effect on

    prolonged vitality and functionality of cerebral neurons (de la Torre 1979: 91 -

    92). Studies during the 1990ies show evidence that women who have used

    estrogen replacement have better naming abilities with advancing age, alongside

    a decreased risk of Alzheimers disease (Obler & Gjerlow 1999: 161 162).

    As chemical reactions or structural changes in brain do not happen to everybody

    in older age or at least do not occur at the same pace their occurrence might be

    also due to genetic factors and might be influenced by human development.

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    2.4 Genetic factors

    During evolution of the human brain over more than 100.000 years for a long time

    the maximum age of humans was about 40 or 50. Only during the last millenniums

    and especially in the past centenaries people are constantly growing older and

    reach an old age of more than 70 or 80 years mainly due to better live conditions

    and higher education. This might be the reason why all brains decline with aging

    because there was no evolutionary selective pressure in former eras (Guttmann

    2001: 3).

    As Robert Tan from the Mens Health Network at the University of Texas-Houston

    states having good parents certainly helps: your genes determine how long you

    are going to last (, 23.7.2011). Studies

    have proved that certain proteins in the brain like e.g. apolipoprotein E4 can be

    genetic risk factors for memory decline, especially for the development of AD.

    Therefore researchers think that genetic factors have an impact on the functional

    decline of the brain. Furthermore, it is likely that a combination of genetic and

    environmental factors might determine whether a person is destined to get AD or

    not, independent from age (Anderton 2002: 811, 813).

    2.5 Environmental influences

    Recent findings and also practical experiences show that the aging of brain can be

    speeded up or slowed down by lifestyle factors.


    Restricted weight lowers the blood glucose level. Glucose is very reactive as a

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    chemical and can cause damage to proteins. Especially those individuals with

    diabetes show more signs of brain aging than non-diabetic [ones] (Guttmann

    2001: 3).


    Those who use it [the brain], dont lose it as quickly is the resume of numerous

    studies. Constantly using cognitive patterns could make the synopses stronger or

    even create new neurons (Guttmann 2001: 3).


    People walking rapidly min 45 minutes a day show significantly improved age-

    related cognitive abilities (Guttmann 2001: 3).


    Under stress the human body produces the hormone cortisol which in small

    dosage can improve memory, but in larger amounts has a negative, depressing

    effect on our immune system (Guttman 2001: 4).


    Sleep of at least 8 hours per night helps protect against age-related chronic

    illnesses including memory loss. (Guttmann 2001: 3).

    But certainly there is no guarantee that we can keep our brain in top condition if

    we avoid all the above mentioned negative environmental influences . At least the

    consequences of aging in the brain and the central nervous system could be

    slowed down, in fact the earlier one starts with lifestyle improvements the larger

    can be the impact on delaying brain aging (Guttman 2001: 4).

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    2.6 Impairments and aging diseases

    A short overview of the main brain diseases and impairments in later adulthood will

    help to understand why most of the affected persons have massive problems in

    performing cognitive processes.

    Alzheimers disease (AD):

    Dementia among elderly can have various

    reasons, but Alzheimers disease is the

    commonest. The onset of Alzheimers disease is

    difficult to diagnose reliably. Only post mortem

    inspections clearly show a large amount of the

    characteristic plaques and neurofibrillary tangles

    in certain brain areas. Also synapse loss is

    extensive in AD and this process can start early in

    age (Baddeley 1998: 321 322, Hof & Morrison

    2004: 611). Especially during the early stages of AD the symptoms can vary from

    patient to patient and can comprise problems with orientation concerning time and

    place, memory and language blackouts, decrease of visual abilities and attention

    and gradual loss of competence in problem solving and social functions.

    Furthermore, personality changes are a symptom in a later stage of the disease

    (Baddeley 1998: 322, Obler & Gjermow 1999: 91).

    Parkinsons disease:

    Most of the Parkinsons diseases are caused by subcortical cellular changes.

    Patients have problems with walking and speech, at least in starting to carry out

    these movements. Their speech elements may end up in stumbling, and also their

    Figure 6: Causes of dementia in later life Percentages in this diagram based on a study in the US in 1992

    Source: Baddeley 1998: 323

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    writing will be disturbed. These impairments are caused by loss of muscle control

    but usually there is no damage to language areas in the brain. This form of

    dementia shows primari ly problems with memory and with recalling stored

    knowledge. The cause is said to be an insufficient distribution of dopamine to the

    frontal lobe, a central region for language production (Obler & Gjerlow 1999: 91


    Aphasia and dementia:

    Both aphasic and demented patients produce some speech elements but often

    with disturbed forms or unusual elements. With aphasics there is often a sudden

    onset after a stroke or a gradual deterioration with a tumor which causes linguistic

    but also other cognitive impairments. On the other side, dementia develops

    gradually and is not so easy to distinguish it from normal aging at the beginning.

    The area and extent of brain damage determine the type of aphasia and its

    symptoms. There is evidence that the demented persons have problems in

    connecting cognition and language (Obler & Gjerlow 1999: 102 103).

    Cerebrovascular diseases:

    These vascular impairments in the brain are well known to have a negative effect

    on cerebral blood flow and thus are main reasons for brain damages and

    dementia. They can be the cause for occlusive infarcts or encephalic hemorrhage,

    each of them affecting the cerebral blood flow massively. Besides others, the

    consequences can be a number of cognitive impairments. [T]he older the patient

    who develops a cerebrovascular insult, the worst the prognosis (de la Torre 1997:

    80 81, 97).


    As many other diseases also hypertension reduces cerebral blood flow, what can

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    lead to decreased cerebral oxygen metabolism. Hypertension can also increase

    the amyloid and the neurofribrillary tangles who are markers of AD, but also occur

    in other neurodegenerative diseases (Blass & Gibson & Hoyer 1997: 111 - 112).

    Cerebral stroke:

    This means loss of certain brain functions due to a problem in the blood supply to

    the brain which can be due to a blockage (e.g. thrombosis) or a leakage of blood.

    The consequence concerning speech can be the inability to understand or

    formulate speech. There can also be a so-called silent stroke which does not have

    any outward symptoms, but still causes damage to the brain so that the risk for a

    major stroke in the future is high. A recent study in the US has found out that

    people who carried out regular moderate to intense physical exercise where 40 %

    less likely to have a si lent stroke (

    moderate-to-heavy-exercise-for-brain-health/26840.html, 16.7.2011).

    To sum up we can stress that cerebral blood flow and metabolism tend to

    decrease in later adulthood. And the above prognosis the older the patient the

    worst the prognosis holds true for all diseases and impairments in old age.

    3 Language learning in later adulthood

    Elderly persons of today are in many aspects different from those of previous

    generations and surely from coming cohorts2 of the future. Future elderly people

    will have grown up in the post-industrialized world including all benefits and risk

    2 In this context cohort denotes a sample of persons who were [or will be] born in the same period

    of time, and who have therefore lived [will live] through similar social influences (Kimerstorfer 2007: 25).

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    factors of modern living. An increasing number of the population will benefit from

    improvements of preventative medicine and a rising awareness of health factors in

    lifestyle. As mentioned before this will lead to longevity of a greater percentage of

    the population and consequently to a higher number of active older adults

    (Dickson 1997: 51 52). The lifestyle of older persons will no longer be

    determined only by its biological age, but rather by their social and financial

    situation, their attitudes and their values (Kimerstorfer 2007: 28). Consequently, we

    can observe an increasing number of older people returning to part-time or full-

    time learning in many parts of the world (Singleton 2004: 213).

    On the other hand, certain structural changes in brain and cognitive problems are

    inevitable with aging, but the learners gender plays a significant role for the age of

    onset. Affected are to some extent the motor and mental ski lls, but what will be

    hold steady is the general knowledge as well as the lexicon. But in addition we

    have to accept that there is a slight decrease in attention span, in shor t-term

    memory and recall speed (Dickson 1997: 52). Studies report reduced accuracy

    and slower reaction time in comparison to the younger subjects (Gazzaley &

    DEsposito 2007: 73).

    Compared to other fields in brain research only a relatively small number of

    studies delivers results about second language learning in late age, only since the

    1990ies language development in adults becomes a topic of interest (Nippold

    2006: 2, de Bot 2009: 425 426, 429). What does occur in brain when we are

    learning? Neuroscientists explain it simply as communication of two neurons.

    Electrical stimuli in the dendrites and chemical signals (neurotransmitter) in the

    synapses transport learning content to and fro the short- and long-term memory

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    areas, the motor, visual or acoustic areas. About 100.000 billion neurons are

    involved in this immense task. Each neuron is said to be linked with another 5.000

    to 10.000 neurons (Sprenger 1999: 2 3, Obler & Gjerlow 1999: 15).

    The main regions of brain involved in learning are the occipital lobes for visual

    information and the temporal lobes for acoustic processing influencing speech and

    memory. Most important for higher learning processes like critical thinking,

    problem solving, planning and decision making are the frontal lobes (Sprenger

    1999: 42).

    3.1 Aging factor

    At this point we have to state that the boundary between normal aging and

    preclinical disease is not always easy to define. Some researchers argue that

    language impairments during Alzheimers disease are simply an exaggeration of

    what happens with normal aging (Obler & Gjerlow 1999: 104). But there are a

    number of behaviors of demented persons which have never been seen in normal

    elders. This would mean that age-associated cognitive decline is not necessarily

    the first stage of an inevitable progression to AD [Alzheimers disease] (Hof &

    Morrison 2004: 607).

    Many researchers have followed Lennebergs theory of the critical period

    hypothesis from the 1960ies which means that after the onset of puberty the

    capacity for language acquisition declines because the brain loses plasticity after

    its organization and lateralization is completed. This means that the left

    hemisphere becomes dominant and specialised for all language functions

    (Singleton 1995: 31, Obler & Gjerlow 1999: 70 72, Singleton 2004: 130- 131).

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    Some studies also argue that the auditory acuity is highest at the age of 10 -14

    years. And because the auditory loss starts immediately afterwards this could be

    the reason for an endpoint of a critical age for language learning (Singleton 2004:

    119 - 120). The consequence is that it becomes more and more difficult for

    persons to acquire a second language in adulthood, especially its phonology and

    syntax. But Lenneberg himself stated that lexical development may continue

    throughout li fetime, and that it is not impossible for adults to learn and speak a

    second language, although it requires conscious and labored efforts. (Nippold

    2006: 4-5, Kimerstorfer 2007: 5). But already in 1997 Bialystok argued against a

    cut-off point and for a continuous decline of language learning abilities (1997: 117).

    Since then there has been a long controversial discussion for and against the

    postulation of a critical period (Singleton 1995: 31 -36, Berndt 2003,

    Herschensohn 2007: 19, Ohly 2007, Kimerstorfer 2007). Mercifully, the language

    scientist Steven Pinker argued that adults can learn a second language as long

    as they are motivated, receive enough instruction and practice it sufficiently. But

    he also makes clear that adults will never be able to speak an L2 without

    conscious effort and a marked foreign accent (Singleton 2004: 103, Nippold 2006:


    Nevertheless, the proficiency of late learners in L2 also depends on the amount of

    exposure to the language, the type and quality of instruction, the motivation and

    aptitude of the learner and the frequency of using the new language. For instance,

    Singleton (1995: 44 45) reports about very successful subjects of a study group

    who reached a native-like level of the L2. After learning English at school their

    exposure to the foreign language was highly increased at the university. They were

  • 22

    almost exclusively taught in English, attended phonetic and pronunciation trainings

    and regularly interacted with native speakers of English during international

    conferences. These successful L2 learners were highly motivated and received

    their goal of becoming perfect speakers of English because of their efforts and

    their exposure to the language for a longer time.

    After decades of discussions about the critical period, or as it is called later on, the

    sensitive period (Singleton 1995: 45, Herschensohn 2007: 11) e.g. in 2003 Berndt

    again cites other researchers who also criticize the critical period hypothesis

    (2003: 29):

    Age does influence language learning, but primarily because it is associated with social, psychological, educational, and other factors that can affect L2 proficiency, not because of any critical period that limits the possibility of

    language learning by adults.

    What makes us optimistic is that there are examples of late learners who reached

    (near-)native proficiency what might either be due to better biological preconditions

    in brain or be caused by positive parallel influence by the L1 (Nippold 2006: 9-10).

    Studies document an interference of L1 at all linguistic levels when learning a

    second language, including phonological as well as semantic levels (Albert &

    Obler 1978: 226). The level of L1 proficiency, the knowledge of its grammar and

    syntax structure can have a greater influence on further language learning,

    especially with elder people, than might be known by now (Singleton 2004: 109).

    Besides researcher discuss whether the L2 learner simply uses the set of sounds

    his brain has stored or whether a second system of sounds is developed for the

    L2, the latter still not being identical to that of a native speaker (Obler & Gjerlow

    1999: 126).

    Already in 1995 and again in 2004, Singleton stated that in learning a second

  • 23

    language the youngsters are better in the long run, but that there are many

    exceptions, and that about 5 % of the elderly language learners master the second

    language although they have started learning it long after the critical period (Obler

    & Gjerlow 1999: 133, Singleton 2004: 16 - 17). Nevertheless, a number of

    researchers agree on the fact that children are better at learning grammar of an L2

    language and in gaining a native-like pronunciation (Berndt 2003: 28). An

    extraordinary example of late language learning was the author Joseph Conrad,

    an immigrant from Poland to Great Britain, who managed to learn the English

    language in reading and writing perfectly like a native speaker, but was never able

    to speak it properly (Singleton 1995: 30).

    Nevertheless, older language learners might be handicapped to a certain extent,

    but they can always fill the gap with their life experience. Besides their broad

    knowledge in many fields they have trained a series of cognitive strategies and

    procedures which in this context can account for better and faster combination of

    new learning content to an existing context in the long-term memory of the brain

    (Berndt 2003: 137-138).

    3.2 Intelligence and aptitude

    Intelligence is the ability to deal with cognitive complexity (Gottfredson 1998: 25)

    which includes all components of cognitive ability of men. Therefore it is also a

    factor in language acquisition, but more in formal language learning and but not so

    much in informal, social use of the language. This might change in older learners

    who tend to use strategies and learning styles determined by intelligence also in

    informal situations of language use (Kimerstorfer 2007; 8). Intelligence is said to

  • 24

    be an indicator for information processing and learning in brain. The Seattle

    Longitudinal Study tested individuals every 7 years and found out that even at the

    age of 78 the performance during an intelligence test had increased by 8 %

    (Berndt 2003: 115- 116).

    On the other hand, aptitude is a special competence of person on one or more

    areas, usually above-average. Quite often we hear about highly skilled persons

    although we can assume that everybody has got more or less talents

    (, 23.7.2011). Aptitudes which help to

    advance language learning could be special analytical skills or a good working

    memory (DeKeyser 2007: 227). Aptitude is not a prerequisite for language learning

    but it makes learning easier, especially for older persons. But also learners with

    less aptitude for language learning can achieve a certain level of proficiency

    (Kimerstorfer 2007: 9).

    3.3 Education

    Concerning education as positive prerequisite for language learning in adulthood it

    seems to be proven that a higher than average education can delay the general

    cognitive decline by one year for each year of education. And for females the

    decline can sometimes be delayed ti ll the age of 70 (Baddeley 1998: 319).

    The results of a study in 1999 asking for the factors that influence naming in

    adulthood showed significant correlations between naming and education,

    professional reading, number of adult education courses and the work-related

    language use (Barresi et al 1999: 84 85). The conclusion we can draw from

    these results is that adults should engage in active language activities throughout

  • 25

    their life to maintain a good word-finding ability (Barresi et al 1999: 88).

    The results of various studies attest that mental activity during lifespan, e.g.

    including higher education, reduce the risk of developing dementia. Any mental

    activity increases the cerebral blood flow and thus the provision with vital elements

    like glucose or oxygen (de la Torre 1997: 90). Generally speaking, the higher the

    education of a person the more probable and the more successful he/she will learn

    a second language in late adulthood (Berndt 2003: 14).

    3.4 Motivation to learn a language

    Motivation is certainly an important factor for language learning, especially for the

    degree of proficiency being reached. If an adult particularly in older age has no

    reason to invest time and money in learning a second language and even more to

    learn it to a level of a native

    speaker he will never reach

    this aim (Nippold 2006: 10,

    Kimerstorfer 2007: 11). Motiva-

    tion can even make up for de-

    ficiencies both in ones lan-

    guage aptitude and in learning

    condition (Drnyei 2005: 65).

    One of the main reasons for a

    attending a language course, or

    for further training in older age

    Figure 4: Attending private courses of 60+ persons in Austria 2008

    Source: Statistik Austria, Bildung in Zahlen 2010, p. 115

  • 26

    in general, is to make up for education which had not been possible in younger

    age. As we know that the chances for education of the todays 60 years old were

    by far not so excellent than they are for young people nowadays, we can

    understand that for that generation language learning can be seen a sort of

    compensation. The diagram on the previous page confirms these assumptions

    showing that for Austrian 60+ students attending courses language learning is

    already second after sports, and it is followed by music, art and design, then

    comes next self-development, and immediately after that computer training.

    Especially women of the mentioned age group are eager to take the chance of

    fulfilling perhaps a long wanted wish. Women of older age are also much more

    engaged with sports, travelling or cultural and educational activity than men of the

    same age (Berndt 2003: 148 149). Furthermore, there are gender-specific

    differences in the choice of education. Women seem to prefer language and

    literature as well as psychology whereas men rather start with subjects like history,

    archaeology or geography (Kimerstorfer 2007: 69).

    A further motivation factor is generated by the phenomenon of loss of social

    contacts after retirement which can also be a strong motivation for language

    learning in a public institution. On the one side, social contacts from the time of

    professional life drop away, often because of strongly differing interests. On the

    other side, often the family situation has changed: Children are grown up and live

    their own lives, sometimes the partner of many years has died. Therefore, the

    finding and cultivation of new social contacts is a main factor for attending a

    language course or starting a (language) study program at a university. Often it is

    important that older persons can leave the house to meet with likeminded contacts

  • 27

    (Berndt 2003: 153).

    As said before, language learning in later adulthood is motivated by the wish to

    travel to other countries and to be able to communicate with people living there.

    Actually, the tourism industry recently has created an increasing number of travel

    packages especially designed for the target group of the elderly people, including

    educational trips including language course abroad (Sprachurlaub fr Menschen

    ab 50). They describe the trips as continuing education without compulsion, in a

    relaxing atmosphere. The participants are likeminded and therefore pleasant

    social contacts. The described development could be a new field of activity for the

    recent occupational field of foreign language geragogy (Berndt 2003: 154 - 155).

    3.5 Learning styles

    Each learner has a certain learning style according to his type and preconditions.

    In literature they list four types of learning: visual learning, auditory learning,

    kinaestetic learning, tactile learning types. Some people can learn better when the

    content is visualized. This means the learner can read the text or can study it on a

    chart. Listening to texts and lexical items again and again can help the auditory

    type. The kinaesthetic learner wants to write down the tasks or to draw

    connections in a graph (e.g. mindmapping technique), and the tactile learner

    learns best by executing tasks like building a model (Kimerstorfer 2007: 10).

    Integrative learning can give a very strong impetus for language learning because

    it takes place when the learner identifies emotionally with the culture behind the

    language he is learning. The learner is interested in the people and the culture, the

    history or the nature of the country whose language he is learning. On the other

  • 28

    hand, if learning a certain language only has functional or practical reasons, e.g.

    learning for an exam or only for job-related reasons, it is called instrumental

    learning. Surely, the pressure to reach a certain proficiency will be high in this

    case, but this kind of learning will hardly be relevant for older learners

    (Kimerstorfer 2007: 11).

    4 Use it or lose it successful language learning as older adult

    As we can conclude from the above arguments, the elder generation will be more

    and more interested in learning foreign languages in future. Because of the fact

    that people become older and die later tertiary (language) education will take place

    more and more often in later age. Thus, all the above mentioned consequences

    have to be taken into account and a rethinking has to take place. But after all we

    must not forget that (foreign or second language) learning can or should take

    place during the whole lifetime. The UNESCO World Education Report 2000

    stresses in its title that education for all throughout lifetime must be possible

    (Berndt 2003: 231).

    Concerning the neurolinguistic research in the field of adult language learning, a

    number of neuroimaging methods help to study the effects of learning on brain

    structures in vivo. Besides morphometric and volumetric techniques, more recently

    voxel-based morphometry (VBM) is used to measure changes in grey and white

    matter. It can show the effects of learning and language practice on the brain

    structure. The results depict the structural differences depending on age of

    acquisition of the second language and the proficiency, as well as the number of

  • 29

    languages. But there is still disagreement in interpreting the results of VBM

    (Osterhout 2008: 7-8).

    Most recent cortical stimulation studies show detailed patterns of cerebral

    language activation, especially the differences of localization and organization of

    more than one language. PET as well as fMRI techniques are used to find out

    whether different languages activate different brain areas by imaging the changes

    in neuronal activities. The most interesting aspect of these new technologies is

    that all the various areas of the brain being involved in a cognitive task (e.g.

    production and perception of a language) can be displayed all at once. And recent

    results show that L2 processing involves largely the same language-specific

    cortical area as native language (L1) processing (Wattendorf & Festman 2008: 4 -


    4.1 Delaying the effects of brain aging

    Researchers agree that successful aging consists of three components:

    Low probability of disease or disability,

    high cognitive and physical function capacity,

    active engagement with life (Rowe & Kahn 1999: .434).

    Thus, we can derive that learning (a language) is an important factor of successful

    aging (Ohly 2007: 87). In the meantime the terms "healthy ageing" or "optimal

    ageing" have been proposed as alternative terms to successful aging (Gilmer &

    Aldwin 2003: 25). The most valuable findings in brain aging are surely that besides

    genetics the lifestyle factors can highly influence the rate of changes in brain

    (Guttman 2001: 3). Some keys to longevity including a long-lasting learning ability

    can be summarized as follows.

  • 30

    Apart from being active, nutrition is a relevant factor in later age to back up health

    and thus preserve mental fitness. As mentioned above the brain needs a number

    of neurotransmitters to transport impulses. E.g. acetylcholine is produced from

    choline which can be found in eggs, liver or soy products; this chemical substance

    helps to build long-term memory. Also carbohydrates are necessary for a healthy

    brain because they contain tryptophan which causes the release of serotonin. That

    is why we can conclude that it makes sense that each meal during a day includes

    carbohydrates and proteins. And as the brain consists of about 78 % water we

    should drink enough water or any other liquids (Sprenger 1999: 96).

    In Western civilization we eat too much food in general and consume too much

    salt and sugar causing high blood pressure and diabetes. Fresh fruits and

    vegetables are important for antioxidants like vitamine C and E, as mentioned

    above, to avoid damages in brain.

    Experts also agree upon the fact that the more active elderly people are, the more

    likely they are to stay physically and mentally fit and to be satisfied with life

    (, 23.7.2011). Elder adults who maintain

    an active lifestyle, namely engaging themselves socially, mentally or physically, are

    protected to a certain degree against the onset of dementia, especially Alzheimers

    disease, because it avoids accumulation of amyloid and other brain damage. The

    most exciting finding in this context is the fact that lifelong bilingualism protects

    against the onset of Alzheimers disease. In a recent study the disease was

    diagnosed 4.3 years later and even the first symptoms were realized 5.1 years

    later than with the monolinguals (Craik & Bialystock & Freedman 2010: 1726).

    A series of studies prove that regular physical activity or further working

  • 31

    engagement after retiring helps to sustain a normal level of cerebral blood flow

    whereas high blood pressure would cause stroke or heart diseases. Furthermore,

    regular mental activity is associated with reduced risk for dementia. Usually,

    people with higher education level bear these factors in mind and adapt their

    lifestyle accordingly (de la Torre 1997: 89 90).

    There are also some tools available to train the brain, i.e. to perform brain

    jogging. Besides sporting or artistic activities the older adult can use even video

    games for mnemonic training. E.g. a professor from Japan created a game called

    Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! . The Nintendo game includes a

    variety of puzzles, stroop tests for training the reaction time, mathematical

    questions, and Sudoku puzzles and thus trains cognitive, motor and linguistic

    areas in brain (,


    Furthermore, people who are happy seem to live longer. People who are more

    than averagely successful in life can delay their cognitive decline by three years

    (Baddeley 1998: 320). The explanation could be that as when one is happy,

    certain chemicals and hormones are produced. For instance, being single can

    shorten lifespan whereas having children paradoxically can extend life

    ( aging.aspx, 23.7.2011).

    As we have to summarize that language learning is not so easy in later adulthood

    we should find out some strategies to improve the chance to learn a foreign

    language. The teachers as well as the learning environment should be adjusted to

    the cognitive capacities of the older brains.

  • 32

    4.2 Prerequisites of language learning

    Singleton (2004: 136) describes Lennebergs arguments that language learning in

    adulthood is possible despite of his critical period hypothesis because of language

    universals. This means that although languages are so different, every language is

    based on the same universal principles of semantics, syntax and phonology

    (Singleton 2004: 135). In this context Lenneberg states that L1 acquisition

    provides a basis for a degree of L2 learning and goes on:

    A person can learn to communicate in a foreign language at the age of fourty we may assume that the cerebral organization for language learning as such has taken place during chi ldhood, and since natural languages tend to resemble one another the matrix for language skills is present (Lenneberg 1967 cited in Singleton 2004: 136).

    Many researchers disagree with these arguments, but they could be an optimistic

    basis for language learning in older age.

    Furthermore, an adequate

    financial basis is a precondition

    for further education in late

    adulthood (Berndt 2003: 15).

    Adult education centers offer

    special programs and a great

    number of foreign languages for

    elderly persons at favourable

    prices. An increasing number of

    older people are studying at

    universities. But as the diagram shows the launching of tuition fees in Austria in

    2000 caused a rapid decrease of the 60+ students so that only 0.93 % of the total

    Figure 3: Development of 60+ University students in Austria 1980-2009

    Source: Statistik Austria, Bildung in Zahlen 2010, p. 111

  • 33

    number of students was 60 years old or more in the following year.

    4.3 Strategies for language learning 60+

    Learning strategies are concepts to achieve the learning goal, in this context

    namely to reach the goal of a certain proficiency of a (second) language. They will

    consist of planned actions from starting onwards and step by step to the aim of

    learning a second or foreign language, ideally in using the most apt learning

    techniques according to the type of learning of the person, as well as the

    information of previous learning experience. These learning strategies are

    techniques for improving the learning process (Ohly 2007: 88, Kimerstorfer 2007:

    16-17). A good language teacher for older pupils is the one who can incorporate

    the students life experience into the learning process (Berndt 2003: 232).

    Moreover, as the visual and auditory capacities with elder persons often are

    restricted the language trainer has to find teaching techniques which account for

    these impairments. The mean hearing loss is about 20 % at the age of 60, 30 %

    with 70 years and 43 % at the age of 80. Before that age there had been a linear

    decline till the age of 50. This hearing loss is noticeable mainly in the high-

    frequency range of sounds. Consequently, mainly consonants with high frequency

    sounds cannot be distinguished properly (in German f, s or z) what can lead to

    mix-ups. For the teacher or trainer of a language this means that there should not

    be much background noise in the teaching room, that linguistic components

    should be pronounced clearly and not overlapping (Berndt 2003: 124).

    And as the eye lens of a 60 year old has almost lost its elasticity he will have

    problems to see objects nearby properly. After the visual acuity peak at the age of

  • 34

    18 it steadily declines till 55. Furthermore, the retina can have lost transparency so

    that the eye can spot fewer than 30 % of light intensity. This means that pictures or

    presentations of linguistic contents or exercises should be adapted accordingly

    (Berndt 2003: 124 126, Singleton 2004: 120 - 121). Consequently, L2 teachers

    should be aware of these impairments and calculate a longer time of exposure of

    learning tools. Of help for the older learner is the combination of audio and visual

    presentations and an increased time for adaption between lighted and darkened

    surroundings (Singleton 2004: 121).

    As the mentioned visual and auditory impairments can occur earlier or later in late

    adulthood and can be stronger or weaker the learning abilities can vary from

    person to person. Therefore, individual learning strategies must be adapted

    accordingly. If a person has former experience with language learning it wi ll be

    easier to teach a new language again. Language learning should not happen

    under pressure of time. Complex learning content should be split up into single

    teaching modules. Older learners rather concentrate on quality learning and

    quantity is no more a priority. In addition, older people cannot concentrate on

    content too long and they can be distracted faster from a learning situation. Elder

    learners are better in acquiring language modules if they can work them through

    with their own speed (Berndt 2003: 140 - 142, 147, Singleton 2004: 121).

    Handwriting is a skill we use the whole lifetime and is performed automatically

    more or less but studies have proofed that already at the age of 40 this manual

    skill is slowing down and till the age of 60 it has decreased heavily. This is caused

    by the decrease in reaction time in general but also by a reduced motor

    coordination of the fingers at the mentioned stages of age. The central nervous

  • 35

    system is not able any more to deal with too many impulses at the same time.

    Teachers are requested to prepare learning material that does not afford too much

    writing in a short time (Berndt 2003: 127- 128).

    As aging is associated with the slowing down of processing speech, parallel to the

    slowing down of all reactions of older adults, the problem seems to lie in the

    capacity of the working memory. In other words this means that fewer elements

    can be processed in a certain period of time what should be kept in mind by

    teachers of elderly people (Baddeley 1998: 302 - 305, Singleton 2004: 214).

    Taking these facts into account an example for a language learning lesson with an

    older group of pupils could be structured as follows: Warming up repeating

    listening to a text reading the text analysis/grammar exercises with new

    contents repetition of hearing and listening evaluation (Berndt 2003: 229). In

    this context it is important to state that it is helpful to older learners that the lessons

    follow a certain structure. But in spite of all these training efforts we have to face

    the fact that we cannot give a 70 -year-old the memory of a 20-year-old

    (Baddeley 1998: 313).

    5 Conclusions and future prospects

    Following recent trends we have to be aware that by 2050 the group of the elder

    people may exceed that of the younger population. Consequently, the late-in-life

    educational opportunities will have to increase. If we further assume that a large

    part of the world population will be bi- or multilingual in future it should be

    indispensable that research in all the above mentioned sciences should be

  • 36

    increased in the field of aging and language learning.

    Concerning foreign language learning in old age we can sum up that almost

    native-like proficiency in a second language can be achieved also by elder

    learners, when they are immersed in the new language, can use it in many

    situations and are highly motivated and want to reach a certain level because of a

    certain reason (Nippold 2006: 11). But of course we have to accept that there are

    situations where perfectness, almost native-likeness in the new language is not

    the main goal. Cognitive or personal circumstances have to be taken into account

    and the teaching techniques and learning activities have to be adapted adequately

    (Muoz 2007: 248).

    Language teachers of older pupils should keep in mind to implement certain basic

    technologies: give clear speech input, offer repeated opportunities to hear and

    listen and to train new elements, apply memory strategies, divide complex content

    in single modules and do not set under too much time pressure (Singleton 2004:

    215). Concerning the teaching environment institutions should offer rooms with

    ideal illumination and professional acoustics, the atmosphere should be inviting

    and stimulating, but in any case adapted to adult pupils. Thus a healthy older adult

    learner will become a successful foreign language learner

    Language learning is rarely an end in itself. An increasing number of educated

    people have realized that it is necessary to train the brain to keep it working. This

    activity can start with crossword puzzles and might end in learning a second

    language, wherein the former only needs the retrieving of stored information from

    the brain but the latter uses complex cognitive processes in the respective brain

    regions. And the successful elderly foreign language speaker is proud of his new

  • 37

    knowledge. He likes to communicate with native speakers, to read literary work of

    the new language, to use it for further studies or when travelling abroad (Singleton

    2004: 219).

    Furthermore, to maintain our brains capacity as long as possible a change in

    lifestyle will be necessary. Studies proofed that cognitive loss is to a large extent

    preventable (Guttman 2001: 4). Consequently, the best advice we can give to

    elder people is to keep their mind active and uti lize their memory and cognitive

    skills: Use it or lose it is the adage ( optimal%20aging.aspx,


    In spite of such a great amount of know how we have gained about adult language

    learning and the relevant processes in brain and the strategies we can offer there

    still remains a huge need for age-focused (empirical) research concerning L1 as

    well as L2 learning. Regarding the future changes in population development

    towards a larger percentage of older adults there remain immense challenges for

    various sciences, especially health sciences, economics and tertiary education.

  • 38

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