Page 1: Background Context of an Exploratory “Interdimensional ......Miller About the Presenter: Rev. Ruth L. Miller, Ph.D., is the author of Unveiling Your Hidden Power - Emma Hopkins’

Background Context of an Exploratory

“Interdimensional Institute for Advanced Study”

Oliver Markley, PhD

Ver 1.0 May, 2017


An Inter-dimensional Institute for Advanced Studies (I-DIAS) is being considered as a vehicle to honor

and facilitate the exchange of information and research results between scientifically-minded human

beings currently incarnate on this planet and like-minded persons who are no longer living in their

earth-bound bodies, for the purposes of enhancing harmonious community, ecological, and spiritual

development on this planet that can be sustained for generations to come.

This may be considered a ‘mini-white paper’ documenting the detailed back story of how the idea of

such an “Interdimensional Institute” came into being.

In the late autumn of 2015, the following series of incidents began:

My refereed journal article was published about the futuristic science fiction author, Olaf

Stapledon (1886-1950), in which I dared to report having channeled his spirit to answer some

questions about his life as an ‘inspired’ author (Olaf Stapledon: Personal Reflections on Cosmic

Inspiration from a Pioneering Visionary, Journal of Futures Studies, December 2015, 20(2):


o My questions to Stapledon were more than answered when – after the formal channeling

session with him had ended and I was transcribing the results from my audio recorder –

his Spirit came back to my consciousness in order to impress upon my article the

following (which I typed directly into the manuscript rather than recording it aurally):

“There are those like me where I now am, who were signally involved in helping inspire

me to write the works you are reviewing. It is important for both futurists and science

fiction writers to know that we and others like us are available as muses for similar

inspiration in what you call “real time.” Although better to develop the capacity for direct

perception, it is enough to simply hold the intentional desire to be so inspired. There are

many channels of communication through which such inspiration is manifested.” (p. 130)

This advice from Stapledon definitely came to mind as the following occurred a few weeks after

the publication of this article in December of 2015.

o David Armistead, a sustainable development activist colleague in Austin Texas, phoned

me to indicate that the late R. Buckminster (‘Bucky’) Fuller had recently come through

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the psychic, Mona Bromley (a childhood friend of his), asking for help in calling attention

to the emerging global water crisis. Armistead said that he brought Bromley’s request to

me, since I am the only futurist he knew who has both not only written professionally

about the anticipation of emerging global crises, but openly uses transcendental modes

of consciousness for so doing.

o When I connected with Ms. Bromley, she tuned in to Fuller’s consciousness for me,

validating what Armistead had said as well as adding more detail (described elsewhere).

But then she added that there were others wanting to talk to me as well:

First, there were two close colleagues that I had worked with at the Stanford

Research Institute (now SRI International) — the late Willis Harman (who went

on to be President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences) and Dean Brown (who just

before his death, had helped me resolve a research question about the nature of

‘evil’ in the evolutionary ascension of consciousness). Bromley emphasized the

eagerness with which they and others like them (i.e., thought leaders residing in

‘akashic’ realms of consciousness) would like to help inspire interested humans

now alive with positive solutions to emerging global problems.

Following them was Jeremiah, the Old Testament prophet, who put forward a

Bible verse she said he wanted me to receive:

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) – “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,

“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

o Bromley ended this conversation by indicating that my mother, father, and various other

deceased family members were there as well, all extending their love and wishing me

well in my work attempting to bring higher consciousness to bear on contemporary

societal problems and opportunities.

o Later in the week, Bromley phoned me to indicate that Jeremiah had yet another Bible

verse he very much wanted me to receive: Jeremiah 58:11. When I went to look it up, I

said, “My Bible doesn’t go that high. There is no such verse. Bromley replied that she

had evidently got it wrong, and went on to say a bit more about Fuller’s concerns. Then,

just before we were about to end the conversation she said, “Oh, I’ve got it. What I

received wasn’t Jeremiah 58:11, it was Isaiah 58:11, but came from Jeremiah:”

Isaiah 58:11 (NIV) - The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-

scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden,

like a spring whose waters never fail.

Needless to say, I felt very humbled to be receiving prophetic blessings such as these, and

when I asked if they were for me personally, or for all of humankind at this pivotal time in

human history, the answer was both.

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o A few weeks later, when I was preparing to give the inaugural presentation launching the

new Austin Consciousness Explorers (ACE) noetic meetup community group, I phoned

Mona Bromley to ask Jeremiah if I was authorized to pass on these blessings to this new

initiative. She said his answer was very clear – that as a basic resource empowering

this sort of work, I must pass them along because they are an essential resource for this

type of work so urgently needed at this time in history.

o Soon thereafter, as I was meditating on how I might be able to help with such a large

scope problem as the global water crisis, I got the thought that ‘crowd-sourcing’ might be

an appropriate approach, although it is not something I know very much about. When I

mentioned this in my next conversation with Mona, she indicated that the crowdsourcing

idea had been planted in my mind by Willis Harman, who she said, also indicated that

many such inspired ideas had been given to me over the years by discarnate wisdom

sources, because I have always made it a practice to be open to ‘higher creativity’ as a

source of inspiration in my professional work and life.

As I considered how my own work might contribute to a crowdsourcing approach, I intuited that

the ‘integral co-creative partnering’ process I was developing for the new ‘ACE’ noetic

community group in Austin, might be an ‘appropriate technology’ for co-creatively inspired


o Toward this end, I wrote the white paper, ‘Foundational Concepts for Integral Co-

Creative Partnerships’ A summery of this white paper and link to an experiential guided

meditation using the concept is attached as Annex One below.

When I told about all this to my colleague, Ruth Miller, she indicated that she had recently

opened up contact in meditation to a number of scientific personages, including Bucky Fuller,

and Albert Einstein – each of whom had given her interesting information that she had not had

previously. (See Annex 3)

At about this same time, Helané Wahbeh released an announcement of an ongoing research

project on channeling and mediumship at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. In light of Ruth

Miller’s recent channeling work, I put her in contact with Wahbeh, and subsequently Ruth has

accepted the task of doing a literature review of this work.

In a May 2, 2016 meeting of the IONS Austin Consciousness Explorers (IONS/ACE) community

group that I coordinate, Karen Robison closed out the May 2 presentation that she and Chuck

did, by agreeing to my request that she channel her guides for their wisdom and advice to ACE

and ventures like us at this pivotal time in history. Her guides’ answer was clearly supportive of

us opening to higher wisdom sources for inspired guidance at this time. (A recording of this

answer begins at min. 1:29:54 of the video linked at

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In light of all the above events, I felt led to invite certain competent mediums in my acquaintance

to join together with me for one or more meetings held in the spirit of ‘integral co-creative

partnering’ to explore the possible effectiveness of using formal channeling and associated

dialogue for the crowdsourcing of solutions to emerging global crises and personal/global

evolution of consciousness (a.k.a ‘ascension’).

o In addition to me, the Austin-area participants included Karen Robison, Lois McGee and

Deborah Antich; remote participants via speaker phone included Ruth Miller, Mona

Bromley and Kevin Blackwell.

o In the first of these meetings, held on ####, was very successful, with several

synchronicities between what various participants brought through.

o Among the significant messages in this first meeting was one to me from Willis Harman,

that he desires to have ongoing channeled contact with the IONS staff; and a number of

detailed messages to Ruth Miller from Bucky Fuller, Willis Harman and others that

included specific guidance too lengthy to detail here – but whose documentation is

available upon request.

In light of the detailed scientific and personal information that Ruth was able to get from Bucky,

Willis, and even Albert Einstein, I asked her if she could do the same with Edgar Mitchell, the

astronaut founder of IONS. She successfully brought forth much useful information from

Mitchell, and even participated in a healing that Edgar did on my knee

Subsequently, the term “transdimensional communication” occurred to me as a better phrase to

use for this type of work than “channeling”. But the literature indicated that “interdimensional

communication” would be a more accurate term.

Following up on this idea, Ruth Miller created a draft website ( for an

Interdimensional Institute of Advances Studies as a way to move forward with this type of work.

Its founding vision is stated in the abstract statement above.

Thereafter, I invited Ruth to make a formal presentation about her involvement in this work to

the IONS Austin Consciousness Explorers meetup community group of the Institute of Noetic


o A full announcement of this meeting, including Ruth’s bio can be seen at:

o A video recording of this 1hr 36min presentation (that included extensive channeling of

Edgar Mitchell who singled out specific members of the audience he wished to connect

more deeply with) can be seen at

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At my invitation, Ruth will be doing a training on her approach to “channeling” (a term that she

rather prefers to avoid), on Wednesday, June 7. A flyer for this event is shown on the following


Page 6: Background Context of an Exploratory “Interdimensional ......Miller About the Presenter: Rev. Ruth L. Miller, Ph.D., is the author of Unveiling Your Hidden Power - Emma Hopkins’

Accessing Higher Wisdom How we can find the Infinite Within


Rev. Ruth L Miller, Ph.D. Whether we call them spirit guides, guardian angels, Source Energy, the Holy Spirit, or our Higher Self, there are minds able to tap into a higher knowing than our own minds can readily achieve, whether we call it Universal Wisdom, the Infinite Field of Intelligence, people on the Other Side of the Veil, or the Akashic Records. Accessing them is really no different from accessing your own inner awareness – it’s all in the intention.

Wednesday 7PM, June 7, 2017 Unity in the Heart of Austin

2801 IH-35 South Austin, TX 78741 Admission: $10/person*

*Suggested love offering covers use of facility and honorarium to Rev. Miller

About the Presenter:

Rev. Ruth L. Miller, Ph.D., is the author of Unveiling Your Hidden Power - Emma Hopkins’ Metaphysics; 150 Years of Healing (and a new ebook edition: Healing from Within) - the lives and teaching of America’s New Thought Leaders, and Natural Abundance - Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Guide to Prosperous Living, along with numerous other books and reports. Through years of scientific study of human consciousness and culture, she has earned degrees in anthropology, environmental studies, cybernetics, and the systems sciences. She is ordained as a New Thought minister and has served and taught at Unity,

Unitarian, and Religious Science churches as well as colleges and universities throughout the Pacific Northwest. A relaxed, comfortable style and a true love of her material and students create a powerful learning environment in all of Dr. Miller’s offerings.

For a preview of what she’ll be sharing about, go to:

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Annex One

Foundational Concepts for Visioning ‘Integral Co-Creative Partnerships’

(available to download at

Oliver Markley, PhD

March, 2016 Executive Summary

This is a brief white paper of intellectual underpinnings supporting the credibility of ‘integral co-creative

partnerships’ as a useful operational concept for the crowdsourcing of positive solutions to emerging

global crises. It consists of slightly edited clips quoting material drawn from three sources:

1. Imaginal Visioning for Prophetic Foresight – a refereed journal article by Oliver Markley (Journal of

Futures Studies, Vol 17 No 1, pp 5-24, 2012). It establishes both the credibility of ‘imaginal’ intuition

as a transcendental – but practical – capacity beyond imagination, and a vision of ‘co-creative

partnering’ in alignment at various levels of consciousness:

Intrapersonal – co-creative partnership between the egoic self and the Source of Higher Self

Interpersonal – co-creative partnerships between individuals so aligned

Transpersonal – co-creative partnerships with other elements in the ecology of consciousness.

2. Connecting the DOTS: The Design of Thrivable Systems Through the Power of Collective Intelligence

– the presidential address to the International Society for the Systems Sciences by Alexander Laszlo

(Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Vol 31 No 5, pp 586–594, 2014). It establishes the

importance for human thrivability of convivial connectivity and coherence among living system

elements. Similar to the three system levels of ‘co-creative partnerships’ noted above, Laszlo

describes four coherence domains of conviviality for human thrivability:

With oneself, personal or internal thrivability

With others, community or interpersonal thrivability

With nature, ecosystemic or trans-personal thrivability

With the flows of being and becoming, evolutionary or integral thrivability.

When sets of coherence domains come into coherence among themselves, an emergent

phenomenon known as ‘super-coherence’ occurs.

3. An unpublished online ‘'expanded preprint’ of the ‘Imaginal Visioning’ journal article noted above by

Oliver Markley. It details essential intellectual concepts that were too lengthy to be published in the

Journal of Futures Studies. The clip selected for inclusion in this white paper details imagistic models

of integral activism, as well as an imagistic model of multiple levels of consciousness surrounding the

centrality of ‘I AM’ at the core of both egoic self and Higher Self.

Please note that a 15 min. Integral Co-Creative Partnership Guided Meditation based on these

concepts is available at

Annex Two

Is channeling real? Let's have science discover the answer

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27 April 2016

By Helané Wahbehé-wahbeh/channeling-real-lets-have

At a recent conference, I mentioned my interest in studying channeling and mediumship to my fellow

scientists. An awkward silence fell across the group before one colleague turned to me and said, “You

understand that telling people you want to study channeling is pretty much a career wrecker, right?” I

paused to consider the question, and then replied, “Yes, I know that. But honestly, I can no longer NOT

ask the questions.”

Channeling is an umbrella term the communication of information to or through a live human, from a

source other than the physical as we know it. At IONS we pursue research on topics—like channeling—

that fly in the face of long-held scientific dogma. In the true spirit of the field, we seek to investigate,

methodically and rigorously, that which is undeniably part of the human experience but is not

understood within the prevailing scientific paradigm.

I went to my first séance at 10 years old; I witnessed my grandmother, and other members of my

family, going into a full trance and revealing information they would presumably have no way of

knowing. Though scant, the research that has been conducted on channeling, including double- and

triple-blind studies, indicates there is evidence that cannot be explained away as “fraud.” Nonetheless,

investigation of channeling and related psi events are still not an acceptable course of study at

academic universities.

Fortunately, at IONS I can study this phenomenon without fear of judgment or being ostracized. Along

with other members of our research team, I have developed a five-year comprehensive research

program to investigate, and hopefully answer, essential questions about channeling. We seek to

answer questions like: What do we already know about channeling from published literature and

unpublished sources? How common is channeling and how does it work? Can we verify the

information? Can we identify and enhance the talent? This video below outlines this comprehensive

plan, and gives details on how we hope to go about further clarifying this somewhat unusual


With our current understanding of quantum physics and non-locality (which says that objects can be

connected to one another outside of our understanding of space/time), channeling and other psi

phenomena cannot be so easily dismissed as “unreal.” Our research will use rigorous and systematic

methods to study channeling, without preconceived notions about what may or may not be “real.” We

may come to learn that the process is complete “hocus-pocus” and that all mediums are frauds. And

then again, we might not. A true scientist is open to either outcome. Through well-designed, blinded,

unbiased studies, we will discover which outcome is correct.

Support Research

The biggest question is perhaps, even with rigorous science, would the world —would you —be willing

to accept findings that indicate channeling is a real experience? Is the world ready to accept indications

that consciousness exists beyond the human body? Stay tuned...

In a video embedded in this online blog, Helané outlines her five-year comprehensive research

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program designed to investigate essential questions about channeling.

Helané Wahbeh, ND, MCR is a Scientist at IONS and an adjunct assistant professor in the Department

of Neurology at Oregon Health & Science University. Contact her at [email protected].

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Annex Three

Ruth’s experiences

My first encounters with “the guys” began in 2013 when my meditations led eher to an experience of

overlapping energy fields I call “the Bliss Cloud.” From the beginning I was aware that many wonderful

scientists shared the space with me but never thought to communicate verbally with them until Oliver

shared his experiences with Mona Bromley in February of 2016. The following is some of the material

that came through when I opened my awareness to that kind of communication.


So, I’m ready. What’s on your mind? We “note with concern and alarm” the plight of humanity with regard to water and as we told Markley, we think you can do something about it.

Me? He and I? Others? You two.

Thanks. Ok. Here’s the plan: There’s 2 million gallons of fresh (pure, alive) water flowing under the crest along the coast thru California. Similarly along other coasts. Now, as you’re thinking, that’s not much. But it’s a starting point for folks who are ready to get off the grid. Heinz’ well accessed some of that. Others have also. But there’s a much larger aquifer flowing below that. Your workshop shows that a few drops of that kind of water, introduced properly into other, polluted, water, with the proper flows, can revitalize it. You and Markley complement each other well – as you have felt for lo’ these many years. His academic and professional connections can get the word out there. Your spiritual and community connections can reach the rest. This is not a local issue; it’s a global one. Other countries need the info too. We can help with that, bringing people to you – and the work you 2 did this past year helps too.

So do I share this piece with him? Is the Grander device part of this?Do I have to be promoting? (please not) Is GLSI part of the equation?

Slow down! Right now, you need to do 2 things… sharpen up your presentation and get it on the web; and locate those aquifers QUIETLY before the corp’s do. Markley can scan who’s doing what about water around the world outside of the corp/gov milieu. We have identified half a dozen people around the world who will be able to promote this but we know you 2 best and want to work with/thru you.

Me? You hardly know me … ah, in this life time! Yes, in this life time we barely crossed paths – but we did. You and we have been teachers and colleagues many times – are now in many s/t continua – which is why you were drawn to us this time … but you’re of the next generation and need to carry on what we started.

So, recognizing my tendency to skip over trivial details, and Markley’s foibles, I trust you’ve got a balancing entity in place?

Yes… us! Got it – relax Ruth and focus on what you do best… synthesizing and clarifying what others are confused by…


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What do you think of Larry’s theory – that the components of the atoms and molecules get rearranged?

Hello my dear… we’re glad to see you and feel your attention with us! You and Larry are very close to understanding. It’s almost cold fission-fusion – and you remember there are bacteria that do this work, yes?

Yes – from the ‘80s… (clearly this is Albert E talking to me)

So yes, the components get rearranged and the energy is released, not as heat or light, but as the spiral motion you’ve remarked upon – as you say, water never stands still, even in ice. So E =mc2 must be accounted for in other ways… which is why I’m here to help you with formulae

(which I know nothing about)

Ah, but you know far more than you realize – you’ve read the texts and it’s all there in your memory for me to draw upon, yes?


So relax into what you so aptly call “the Bliss cloud” and let me type for you, ok? If we call the H atom a valence of 1 and the O atom a valence of 8 then it’s clear there’s no way they can form a stable bond – hence the need for “clusters” of – yes 280, relating to the difference between 16 and 2. So, because they are not stable, they are in constant activity, searching for ways to stabilize, yes? So, as the H reaches out and the O reaches out, they are pulled this way and that, but the basic hexagonal structure of the set of tetrahedrons pulls them back – hence the spiral: out and back, out and back, this way and back, then that way and back – as you’ve seen in the films. Now, what is happening in all of those activities is 2 things – a warping of the electron clouds, and entanglement. So the H atom may have as many as 4 electron forces spinning near or around it in one instant and as few as 0 another. Relax now, as I write this for you Y = H0 X = O24 p = .0001

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Ah, you see where I’m going – there is a different level of probability for each of these electron cloud states… very good Now, relax again… the same applies to whatever chemical is floating around in and amongst the water atoms and molecules… different levels of p for each state. The highest p is generally the pure water state H2O, with descending p as the molecules move further from that state. So, even with impurities in the water, the tendency is for pure water. The gel that encourages the “exclusionary zone” of “alkaline” water is simply a catalyst that decreases the p that any other form will be within a certain range of it. However, in the process, it warps the probability of the presence of positive ions, so pure, untainted water is attracted to it, but only in a negative ion state. Notice that Dr. P doesn’t tell us whether his “hydrophilic” substance is inert or has a positive valence – which it probably does, yes? So, in the natural state, we have some places that are like his substance – as you grasped immediately when you thought of the film on rocks and fish and other sub-surface objects – and these act in much the same way. We also have the movement, the spiral motion that you picked up on from the start – the overlapping helixes that, as we have said break up the structures and cause them to reform in new ways. So let’s look at that. Yes, relax and breathe and let this flow – we will clean it up later… Y is the direction of flow X is the turbulence Z is the breaking up W is the restoring of the molecule When y and x are high, w and z are high, yes? So you can imagine the formula: arrow up on x and y means up-arrow on w and z, together and independently with a => between them: ^y,x =>^w,z ^z means increasing numbers of “free” electron clouds attracting other atomic structures. Also the probability of it all being H2O is so high that ^w is always high, yes? So if there’s a hydrocarbon in the water, it will come apart into more H2O and the carbon atoms will tend to fall apart into the components of H2O: 12 protons, neutrons, and electrons that will tend to become the new pieces of H and O, merging into various forms of the water molecules Using your favorite, glucose, C6H12O6, you see that you already have water, but you also have 6 x 12=72 more protons, neutrons and electrons in the carbon atoms, the 6 carbons in glucose become 4 water molecules in the spinning process – and contribute to the spin along the way.

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Ok, but what about the huge amounts of energy in the fission process?

But we’re not talking about blowing up big structures of atoms like plutonium or uranium my dear! It takes a huge amount of energy to break the bonds of such giants! We’re talking about a quiet little exchange of energy that keeps things moving all the time – like the water flowing up the tree or the blood through the capillaries of the body, yes? So what we need to do next is to find the relationship between the activity of the water and the restructuring of the atomic particles to convert organic chemicals into more water – that’s all!

With salt water, too? To a lesser extent, but we don’t need to worry about that one because so many people are already doing it with filters. At this point we need to justify the spiral form treatments so people will begin to encourage them – and the free movement of streams. It’s a positive feedback loop, yes? You start the motion with gravity or another “push” and then the activity increases the motion – not the speed necessarily, but the flows – multiple flows emerge in the process, as the spirals or helixes. So we have to talk, not about v for velocity, but spiraling, ok? Using our earlier variables Y is the direction of flow X is the turbulence Z is the breaking up W is the restoring of the molecule We can set up V as speed if you like… V is minimal at first and gradually increases as there is nothing to stop the flow Y = 1 at first but gradually increases to multiples – in the Fibonacci series, hence the spiral – as long as the flow is maintained X is the effects of 2 things, the Y interacting on itself and the presence of varying surfaces such as rocks Z is a quantum jump – when the clear spiral at the center forms, then increases gradually to a limit W follows the same pattern, delayed. So yes, we use the dy/dt structure: (breathe my dear, you can let this happen)

V = dv/dt , 0 limit (we need to get you a mathematical keyboard!) Y = 1,2,3,5,8, etc. as long as V>0 X = dv/dt + O (for objects) where O >0 Z = dy/dt where Y>??? (this # we don’t have yet – it will be in the Schauberger info)

W = Z – some level of Y & X

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Ok, we’re getting there… the new, clear water emerges at the point where the parabola has completed the “J” and is in the long slow curve. It may be different in the “shell forms” but I doubt it – the integration of the multiple curves leads to the formation of the new one… Ah! Herr Schauberger is joining us! Yes! I will confer and return…

Well my friends, I have no idea whether I can use this in any kind of technical forum, but I’m beginning to see that they are clear and consistent relationships. I get the sense that the collecting of information I’ve been doing is good, but not sufficient. I’m hesitant to go into the scholarly work… don’t know if anyone’s doing this sort of thing…

Hi there, this is Dean – no one that we’ve found is… that’s part of why you’re doing it, don’t you know? You can relax… it isn’t going to be hard. Basically you’ll do what you always do – make suggestions where people have the knowledge they need and make assertions where people need to be motivated to think and act differently. (yes, I know you’re concerned about Kaz. Yes, he’s up against a wall and is blaming you for not pulling him through it. But that’s his way… he’ll get over it… and you have done him a great service in this process. Fear not!) The thing is to help people realize that there’s a physical/mechanical process as well as a metaphysical process at work, so they’ll be willing to take the needed actions. And yes, the intuitive work that you and Markley do will come in too – as a way for people to realize they really do love water and appreciate it and want more of it in their worldly life, and have a way to bring it into their experience, as you say. Okay, now… enough work – come and play!

I put my attention on the formless interactions of the “bliss cloud” where I’ve been in contact with these wonderful beings as overlapping energies. As I relax into the formless but unique energy fields that we are, it’s as if we are floating around and through each other – I can stay in one spot for a time but get pulled back in and through the others – with great joy and delight!

3/3/16 for Oliver’s “”co-creative” group session R B Fuller offered a way to bring water into small

communities as images to Deborah and as word-images to me that together offered a do-able


A couple weeks later, while on the road, I shared the following thoughts with Oliver:

I've been aware of a niggling concern about this project, saw this email yesterday, drove 5 hours last night, and woke up this morning with an understanding: words and images coming from the "other side" through someone on "this side" are a lot like hearsay evidence: "he said; she said." Corroboration is essential, and not always easy or even possible - both for the source of the information and the content. When I teach people about prophecy I tell them that much of what we receive will be in images that can have multiple meanings. My favorite example is: the "massive earthquake on the San Andreas fault" that so many people prophesied in the '70s (including my mother, who dreamed of it), could be easily equated

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with the advent of the personal computer and the formation of Silicon Valley - an "earthshaking event" that "changed the world", based in the region from San Jose to Palo Alto, along the San Andreas fault. When I teach them about channeling, I remind them that the ego-self is very tricky and disguises itself in many ways - so if the message they're getting is fear-evoking, then probably it's ego, but if it's inspiring and loving, it's probably the higher self taking the form they're ready to experience in the moment. Only if what's coming through has no emotional content for them personally is it likely to be actually channeling another entity for someone. This means that, without a way to check out the source and the information, what we're getting has all the weight of brainstorming possibilities - potentially useful but not "hard data" that we can build any kind of projections on. So whatever we do would have to have either methods for checking out content and source, or ways to integrate unverifiable info into the process (e.g. scenarios), or both.

3/19/16 (following a session with Oliver’s friend Kevin in which he was having difficulty sharing what he

was receiving – I felt “the guys” pushing so opened up)

What did you really want to say? RBF: this is not just a crisis of water; this is a crisis of ethics, morals, and everything we hold dear… but if we don’t address the water issue, all the rest falls apart. And there are simple solutions to the water issue that don’t involve the organized institutions. More, if you’re going to crowdsource, don’t make it about what’s wrong, but what can be done!

Ok. Others?

Well, of course we can tell what you’re thinking, if you’re open to us… and of course we need your hands and feet in the realm of matter.

Who’s saying this? I am. El.

I like that pun! Thought you would.

What else? Mark, Oliver, whatever you’re calling yourself, it’s time to get off your duff and acknowledge that you do this stuff all the time. We’re available to you because you’ve tuned into us all your working life. We can assist you now the same way we always have – share what we know when you come up short – but you’ve got everything you need to do whatever you set out to do. You don’t need Kevin, or even Ruth. Just do it!

Do what, in particular? Get the people who can do something informed about the situation and their options and let them run with it. It’s not about academia, or about government, it’s about people. Engineers, planners, farmers, foresters – people who have access to water supplies and are ready to conserve and to utilize.

Anything else? Be open to guidance on all levels, and not so concerned about confirming (that goes for you

too, you know, girl). Do what feels fitting. Don’t worry about methods, but do focus on the

highest and best “heart” in the process. You can make a huge difference just by speaking

from that center…

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8-9-16 An accident the first week in April laid me up for months and for some reason I avoided this

work. But on this date it felt right:

RBFuller: (after some preliminaries) The issue is the availability of potable water. We’ve been working with people all over the world to wake them up to possibilities and managed to get some of that work funneled to you

(I remember postings online of the handheld/bicycle mounted solar water collector/purifier, a village-scale “fog catcher” and the Israeli desalination plants)

There’s so much more that can be done – and you were correct in your reading with OWM that it must be locally collected and provided – and treated. The work you did on Schauberger and Grander is critical. Understanding the funnel/spiral action as part of what makes water “living” must be built into the work. Creating processes that use local resources to access and move local water in that way will be the only way that most communities can continue to exist or thrive. And Deborah’s insight, the long pipes from tops of hills to communities below, will be commonplace for future generations. Now, though, we need you to bring people together to see the possibilities. Your Gaia Conferences need to include water. Either blend it in or add one, but make sure people start integrating what has been taken for granted into the equation. We’ll help you reach the right people with the right information to begin to make something happen. Markley needs to, too. I’ve got a design, building on the Austrians’ work that I think people will understand. It uses local materials – ceramic mostly - to create the spiral flow pattern from the collection points to the distribution point. Using Deborah’s image, a funnel shape near the top of a hill guides fog, clouds, rain into the pipe, with a screw-shape at the entry and at each (shallow, 45’ or less) bend along the way. The “4th state” water separator filters out the irrigation water from the drinking water at the distribution point. Similar funnel-screw-shallow-bend systems move the drinking water through the community to specific use-points, and also, with Schauberger “spiral-dish-fountains,” move waste water from those points into a wetlands-greenhouse treatment system for each community. This treated water is used for commercial washing as well as gardening systems and fountains in the community, which then move the moisture back into the air to be collected by plants and into the fog/clouds that gather above the community.

(I’m remembering the scene in Mollison’s “Global Gardener” where he’s touring a farm in Germany that uses the Schauberger “fountain” to aerate the runoff from the hog barns on its way to the trout pond.)

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The key will be building and distributing the molds for local builders to create the ceramic pieces. They will need to follow the hyperbolic curve that Schauberger used, which is also the golden mean/ratio. We can create re-usable molds for the clay, which they will have to glaze and fire and piece together in a way that any breaks can be repaired or replaced without taking the whole thing apart. We can also develop a sealant that will not poison the system – a concrete mortar that is made of ground basalt or quartz with a nontoxic equivalent to “Portland cement”. So what I need from you is to gather the people to begin to talk realistically about all this, to find a model (Waldport Laura’s place??) that can demonstrate the principle, and to get the word out. Markley will be very helpful in that last part. We’re working with engineers and designers on the specific pieces, but we need a way for people to get used to the idea – and your conferences are a perfect fit.

(I’m thinking “Yeah, if I can get anyone else to move on them with me!”) I know you were aiming for a fall meeting and that doesn’t seem to be happening – which is a disappointment to us, also… we really must get started on this! That’s enough of what I have to say for now. Others are waiting.

Ok, who’s next? The sense of pressure is greatly relieved, as if the most important info has been shared, but there’s still 2-3 forms emerging. Willis is one of them but he’s hanging back… I’m happy and ready to hear whatever any of you have to say at this time… A man I don’t immediately recognize begins to emerge from the formlessness of the cloud and I realize it must be Dean Brown.

DB: Indeed I am! Well done! We had only that one meeting but you’ve captured my essence well! (I’m thinking time in his home with Wendy must have helped) Yes, I’m sure it did. But it’s no longer my home, or my life, there. They’re dealing with an entirely different set of issues – more power to them! Well, to business. I’m here because I want to build a bridge between you and Markley so that these ideas can move out more smoothly and effectively. You two are operating on different wave lengths and it’s getting in the way. Now I know you’re not interested in the drug side of what he does, and I know he’s not interested in the mental framework you’re operating from, but you’re both bringing decades of experience and a heartfelt passion for improving the human experience to this work. And you have shared language and concepts

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that make working together much easier for you than many – not to mention various lifetimes of making things happen. So here’s my proposal. You and he meet at my house before your meeting with IONS in September and allow me/us to work with the two of you there. We’ll aim to “inject” you both with the same experience so you’ll have a common platform to work from. What do you think?

I can do that... Other alternatives will show up, I’m sure. That having been said, I’ll back out now and let someone else come in. You’re willingness to do this is very appreciated here! Einstein is right behind him.

AE: Ach! You have been a long time healing! Are you truly ready for this? Ah, I see you are. You may not yet walk easily but your mind is fully engaged. Well done .. (a German term of endearment I can’t quite catch)…! So! We have some chemical and mathematical formulae begun, yes? And you picked up that I’m willing to guide your hand in deep trance to take you the next step. Good. As you’ve heard, I’m also working with others who may or may not be able to grasp what I’m doing. Between you all, though, I have hopes. You know that it’s the women in my life who did the important math, I know. So that’s part of why I’m depending on you – for even though you have not taken the advanced courses, you have the mind that can grasp the possibilities – can take the intuitive leaps – just as you did in your classes. We just need to get you to that point. Soon I hope!

You know I dread this part – I feel so inadequate! But I trust you… now I have to trust that I can follow you in this! There will be several times in the next week when I can give it a try. I’ll pay attention to when you may be ready.

That is good! We will plan on it! Continue healing little (again that German word)…!

Poof! He’s gone and Harman is emerging – looking very much like that watercolor at IONS.

WH: (after talk about IONS and his continuing involvement there) Which brings me around to the Water issue. I know you remember that water was one of the emerging issues we talked about at the Center. And I know you’ve been tracking it since. I’ve been aware of the kinds of things you and Bucky have been sharing, and the fact

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that it fits very neatly into the image of an emerging culture you’ve been seeing and talking about for some time. What you may not be aware of is the fact that there’s less and less potable water (and arable land) every year. And as the icebergs melt, there’s less stored fresh water every day. This is really the issue. And this is what humanity must address, very soon. In addition to the collection-distribution system you and Bucky were exploring, we need to tap the deep caches of water without disrupting the tectonic balance and causing earthquakes like the fracking operations have. Can we extract water from deep sources? We think so. Artesian wells are examples of what we’re imagining. But they have to be on a small scale, at hundreds of gallons per hour rather than millions – local supplies for local needs.

As he says this, I’m realizing that we may be using metaphysical/psychic methods as much as traditional engineering to accomplish this.

Yes, you’re right. But we’ll go public with the engineering, while the metaphysicians get their act together and figure it out. Fortunately, there are lots of pointers for them, not the least of which is Moses in the desert – and your Emma Hopkins. I don’t expect you to explain the engineering to folks, but I do expect that the metaphysical folks will be coming to you for assistance. You have the tools and the understanding – and some experience – that can help them.

9-15-16 I’m very aware of the presence of Edgar Mitchell with another, unfamiliar man behind him. My throat is tight, ready to speak for them… It’s clear that Mitchell is ready as OWM answers the phone and asks what’s been said. I tell him what I’m experiencing, then dictate as I type:

Yes, of course, this is a good thing. We need to work on all levels these days, don’t we? To bring the people together we need every channel available – no pun intended We have much to offer on this side and it’s sometimes frustrating that so few of you are willing to listen. I’m pleased that your friend Oliver is willing to put in so much effort into this venture and do hope that he will realize the value/profit from it.

OWM: How would he like if Ruth were to channel him to the IONS Community group ldrshp council and I would record it?

Yes, that’s fine, and others might even be clearer who have a closer relationship with me. .. (I get an image/sense of a woman in TX, in Houston, that he met with as an astronaut … Gail?? )

OWM: Perhaps Willis Harman would be willing to introduce Ruth to Wink and include him?

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The male figure behind Mitchell, apparently Winston, steps forward. He is rubbing his hands and grinning… OWM reminds EM of the time he asked about ETs and EM said “there’s nothing there” – then a few years later came out with the story… as I hear this I’m aware of an image of // universes and tell OWM that there’s a timeline in which EM had only psi experiences and another which included ETs. OWM had crossed between them between the 2 communications. OWM and I finish our conversation and hang up … as I clean up the typing I check in again to see if EM has anything more to say:

It really is a good thing to start including this form of information exchange in the IONS process – an obvious next step in our work. I’m pleased that Helané is on board and look forward to seeing/helping this project as it moves forward.

I know that Willis spoke through you the other day and I’m aware of his concern about the hardware focus – it’s as much philosophical as practical. We need to acknowledge that these are inherent abilities in biological organisms and to be working from a biological-psychological model more and more. We also need to recognize that the emerging technologies will immediately supplant anything we’ve been using, rendering them obsolete almost before we can see them coming. His timeframe is a little fuzzy because he always hedges his bets, as you know.

My dear, you are not part of our past but you are definitely part of our future. We needed to work the way we did until this moment in time. Now we will be working more in the way that you do – globally, generally, soft-systems approach. I may not always be available to you in this way but know that I am pleased to have you more directly on the team.

I send a heartfelt thanks, deeply appreciating this explanatory connection. Now. Let’s get to the work at hand.

You will be contacted by several people over the next few weeks. You are to share what we’ve said and done here with each of them. You need have no fear about what’s happening here or what they’ll do with it.

As you share, you will be asked to explain. I know that you have not seen me in person and have only seen videos of interviews with me. So I’m going to tell you that there was/is a mark on my body on the left side of the back, low down. It’s not a scar but looks like one. It dates from when I wore pressure suits. You also know that I had psi experiences on board the moon landing mission but you don’t know that I was a subject in some of Charles Tart’s experiments, as well as working with Targ & Puthoff.

For IONS this is a logical progression in the work. For you this is the hierarchical restructuring you’ve been waiting for – the reorganization of your mental and emotional processing to allow you to function at a level more in alignment with your capabilities. That means you need to recognize the blocks in you and release them as they come up – not a week or 2 later. You need – for yourself and for this work – to open the flow across brain-field-segments, but more, across aspects of SELF/SOURCE that you have felt as “other” in the past – whether insects or ets.

We who have been occupying your “Bliss Cloud” (or that space you’ve so named) are simply the aspects of Mind that you resonate with – we are all operating at the same level, dealing with the same issues – personal and global – and coming to the same understandings...

So, you may not be able to always catch the specifics of our connections with the Earth experience,

but you are part of, and as usual, helping to facilitate, our creative service.


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RBF: I thought I’d let you know that the things you’ve written and shared are getting around to people who can implement them.


And I’ve been working on something new. It’s similar to the desert fog catchers you’ve seen but can be used on a smaller scale – especially as the dry season is extended in the Pacific Northwest. You can hang it in the trees (with their permission of course) and catch some of what is moving through them without decreasing what they get of what they need. It would be very good for livestock and, if necessary, for humans’ drinking water.

I’ve been catching images of it – especially this last drive across the state. In the mountains on both sides of the valley…

Yes I’m aware of that. You receive easily and well. What I want to do is find a way to make it out of easily accessible materials – something with the density of cheesecloth but the repellency of a raincoat or goretex. We need it to be very light, easily packaged, transported, and hung, and still able to last through the season. Yes, it would be curved into a partial funnel, like the dew-catchers in Israel, funneling the fog/dew into a receptacle – something like a cat or dog watering structure. It could be packaged as a kit or the fabric could be sold by itself. In farm stores and outdoor stores.

11-10-16 late evening OWM & EM

Oliver calls me having had a strong sense of EM’s presence and invitation to connect directly. He tells me what happened then asks me what EM might have to say to both of us together…

“Well now what can we do here? How about exploring the healing process a little bit? I immediately connect with his interview in Living Matrix where he describes a healer working on his kidney – I’ve wondered if that condition had been what ended his body’s life.

No in fact it did work beautifully and I’d like to see if I can do some of that for Oliver, realizing that it takes more than one person to do that particular form of energy work, having the 3 of us together may make it more effective than with one of us at a time…

He starts flowing what looks a little like lightning from his “hands” toward both of us, forming an energy grid with Oliver and me working with him… on Oliver’s knee – he flows energy thru both of us and I let it flow toward Oliver while observing both of them… a net of light moves through his knee and the leg around it… then a band down the leg from 3+” above the knee to 3” below… then stitch-like pinpoints up through the knee… finally a wrap, a sort of energy bandage around that whole part of the leg. He says he’s glad he did it because there were some things out of alignment that should be better now … “will look forward to hearing your response over the next few days … pay more attention to what you’re feeling called to do than what someone else tells you.”

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Oliver asks him: what is it like on that side? “Everything that you would want life to be if you didn’t have any fears, concerns, or worries…” The “Bliss cloud” is a fun “place to relax and restore” – “our normal state, formless energy bodies, absorbing and sharing love” Sometimes hang out with friends and family on earth, loving them, energizing them… Sometimes hang out in space, like in a capsule, looking at the planet Sometimes “the guys” get together and set up what looks like a project room to explore ideas and ways we can help

Oliver asks about time:

There is no time here but sometimes we pretend there is – as when we “meet” in the “project room” No, we don’t look at the future much because as Ruth has said, this is a free will multiverse and everyone is choosing a new group of universes all the time.

November – for several weeks I checked in almost daily – then life changed again… The following are

some excerpts:

We’ve been working on an infrastructure design that is, as we suggested earlier, based on local community effort, design, and implementation. We realize that means relatively small scale projects with much more accessible materials, so have been identifying and encouraging resources. You’ve been watching the sewer line at Depoe Bay and seen the destruction, and effort, that has taken. We hope to bypass that somehow, and to do so means different approaches in different communities. What we’d like to do is begin to create a catalog, a database, of approaches – for water collection, retention, and distribution; for solar energy maximization; for food production, and for other infrastructure requirements. Part of it will be historically proven techniques – for paving, for pipes, etc. Part of it will be new materials. And a lot of it will be using materials that are already in place or available but not being used in these ways. We think that’s a beginning. The conversations OM suggested will help to highlight that resource.

It would be wonderful if you were willing – and have the resources to make it happen. We won’t lay that on you now, though.

WH: I’m so glad you’re doing this work – both for IONS and for this. You have already made a difference with it and will continue to as you go forward with it. Here’s what’s on the plate at this moment. 1. I’ve been working with other folks to try to get into the IONS operation. I don’t need

to just speak to the board. But you don’t need to be concerned about that piece… 2. What you do need to know is that you’re on the right track watching for new

information-internet technologies- ones that are more, as you say, “organic” in nature. Carbon-based rather than silicon-based; modeled on neural nets rather than phone systems; energized by photosynthesis rather than power plants – real “power plants” .

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3. My hope is that you’ll begin to build the database of pieces that you see, and publish it on this new website. I think you’ll find the process rewarding, and of course I’ll help make the information available in forms you can use.

4. I also want to see you at more IONS gatherings. Around the country if possible. And inviting new people into the process – as you began to this weekend (with Ruth B). Your presence and openness will make a difference for them and will help expand this work. Again I’ll help get resources and connections lined up.

5. No, you don’t need to write more academic papers to do this, but you will need to remind yourself of some engineering/physics/chemistry that’s buried pretty deep in your memory right now. You will also want to practice what you preach and keep your emotional mind pretty clear. You’re stepping into some pretty charged territory, as you know, and will need to clear those triggers as they come up.

6. Finally for now, get better internet! You need to be fully integrated into the information exchange, and not sporadically as you have been.

Thank you sir I “hear and obey” … so appreciate being able to work with you again! WF: here’s what I’d like to propose:

You set up the website – for the conversations and the database. We funnel things to you as cheaply/inexpensively/”freely” as possible – people,

information, funds. You keep on “seeing” the work fulfilled: communities living freely, with all the

resources they need, including the information exchange infrastructure – whether electronic or, as we are saying, “organic.”

You keep channels open for income - so we can keep resources flowing through them.

At some point you’ll need to actually associate yourself with IONS, and maybe build up Gaia, but not for a while. You are a free agent and there are advantages to that.

AE: Your world today is caught up in a technological feedback whirl that is bound to end in disaster if we cannot enter some negative feedback into the loops, yes? So let’s consider what those may be. We have some social limits in the conservative world of Christians and orthodoxy that can help put brakes on some things. We have also the limits of materials and entropic processes. We have some legislation, but that is seen as something to work around by most. So these are not sufficient. What is needed is something so clear it is not avoidable, so certain it is not questioned. And so minute it is not challenged. We learned from the bomb that destruction is not sufficient, from the rise of violence in the media that the welfare of children is not sufficient; from the price of pharmaceuticals that cost is not sufficient; from their side-effects that consequences is not sufficient. So what we are working on here is something that may simply make it harder to produce and maintain the “toys” the engineers, designers, and marketers are playing with. Something in the electronics themselves, in the transmission and distribution of the electrons. Batteries will not work so well or so long; capacitors will not sustain the charge; and so forth. Can you see it? Yes, I see you do.

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We don’t need you to do anything on this, simply have documented it for the record at this point. Now, for the “other side” of the process. Once the existing technology no longer meets the need, and the existing tools no longer work, then we’ll need replacements that are based on a different power system and process. You’ve begun to get a glimpse of that already: the “organic” system. No, it’s not Heinlein’s “cool solar” grid, but it is based on direct use of sunlight in carbon-based materials, and it expects re-use and recycling materials. We anticipate “seeding” these ideas around the world over the next few weeks so they’ll be in place as the other systems fail in the months ahead. So look for any carbon-based alternative technologies. Plant based. Solar based. Wood and straw and cane based. These will be the bases for earth-bound technologies in the coming decades. A little genetic engineering, but not on the current scale. A little steel and aluminum and copper, but only in the amounts that might be available in scrap. This is a new industrial revolution, focused on what you call “cottage industry” and we’ve been calling “community industry” with groups of folks working together to salvage and create what they need from what’s available easily. Ah, you’re thinking of the toxicity of the tires the man in Coos Bay is dealing with. We hope that people will not try to excavate landfills and dumps – private, public, or informal – for just that reason, but we’re sure some will and will pay the price, and develop the technology, for doing so. Our goal is to make it easy for families and communities to be relatively self-sufficient while being tied into the global communications network – much as you outlined in your book in the ‘90s, but with a whole new technological infrastructure base. My particular piece of this is, as you might guess, the physics and the philosophical basis. I know the physics works but, as usual, will have to stretch current ideas. Your work with biophysics in healing is enough to see the relationship: cells produce light and laser coherence as well as electrochemical communication systems and interacting fields. This is true in plants as well as bodies, and can be adapted to meet our needs without being destructive of the plants’ normal functioning – in fact, will build a symbiotic relationship even greater than food production, if done in community-level systems. We expect a more obvious and aware experience of the mutuality of plants and people, much as your friend Phil experiences it, but with the added awareness of interdependence.


The huge rainfall in your area is partly due to the Arctic melt-off. And the much higher sea levels you’ve observed are also. We’re disturbed that a) no one has stated that and b) more importantly, no one is doing anything to ensure that this massive quantity of fresh water is cached in households and by communities. This is literally the frozen mass of fresh water from the Polar region being poured out on the earth and simply being allowed to flow back into the ocean, rather than saved for future use. I know you’re aware of the relationship between moisture in the soil/plants and rainfall, and you can see how not having the water to keep things hydrated during the droughts will lengthen the droughts – as in first southern and now N CA. Our goal has to be to motivate people to think in longer terms and act in their community interest. You’re a part of that, of course. You can get information out there in your seminars

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and websites, and you can have your rainbarrel visible, and can build your pond, but it all has to be made public to be effective as a motivator for others. We also need you to “see” the rest of the community doing it, to contribute to the field. We know speaking to town councils is useless normally but you may be able to accomplish something there by bringing up the lack of sufficient storm runoff systems and suggesting a cachement system instead. A letter to the editor as well? Anything you can do to get people talking about the alternatives to “business as usual” and empower them to act on their own behalf at both the household and community level (yes, you’re right to amend that, we need both, but not just the household) …


Right now I think it’s important to create that prototype you have in your head – with the irrigation module as well as the livestock drinking module. I’ll work on getting a pet-water-supply system to you.

Thanks! We also need to start finding ways to communicate the community water system models that we shared with you and OWM last summer. I’ve got some others working on it so you may start seeing things on the internet that help. Are you willing to expand on your water presentation in that direction?

Of course! Then we can include drawings and video segments that help people understand. Good. And of course all that will be on the website. (I prefer Trans to Inter, by the way, but both work) That brings us to the next piece of what we’re working on here. We’re aware that there are many people working on housing alternatives all over the planet, and that some of them are potentially long term solutions. What we’re not seeing is people working on infrastructure, and, as we’ve said before, we need to completely rethink what it means to supply water, information connections, and power and waste disposal for a community. As we’ve said before, the first step is to redefine community to a much smaller number of households: 20 – 200 being the full range, with 80-120 being ideal. Much as in the video you just watched, some of those would be connected, and all would be within easy walking distance. A more or less circular pattern would be ideal, with a central building/complex that serves all of them as meeting space, library, etc. Building materials would, of course, be locally supplied, and passive solar design would prevail. With such a pattern we can look at ceramic conduits and piping for water and waste, with wetlands and greenhouses serving each 20-50 households. We’re assuming the restoration of cottage industry, with homes serving as business locations where simple gift exchange is insufficient. You’ve “seen” the vision, so you know.

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The new piece that I want to add is a hydrogen fuel cell energy system for electricity – for lighting, appliances, and tools, and also for charging vehicles. I think we can minimize waste by using whatever off-products we have in building and operating the cells, and can set them up to provide essential service for 5-8 households at a time, depending on their tool usage. There’s even a possibility we can design the cells so that they’re built with mostly local materials – fired brick, etc. Again, there’s some material in my papers on this concept, but it’s likely that the research has moved beyond where I was when I left. In fact, as I say that, I’m aware that some folks picked up where I left off, and others took their own track, and they’re all moving in a direction that supports this concept – even those who think they’re designing cars For connected buildings, distributing the power is not a problem. For the others, underground conduits would be ideal: no wires running across the skyspace. If each cell serves a cluster of buildings, with another serving the central community complex, then there’s a redundancy that prevents major disruptions. Having backup systems on hand, with the skills to maintain them, would be the only issue. So there would need to be a “community engineer”, with training and support. This role might be held by a family and passed down, or by individuals who are trained and willing. It would manage the common resources: fuel cells, power distribution, water distribution, and waste management, plus whatever shared information systems and materials storage systems were in place. Support for the role could be tax-based, ongoing tithe-based or service-based, and would vary from one community to another. It would be equivalent to a healthcare provider’s or teacher’s role; in larger communities, with consistent needs for services, it would require nearly fulltime support – perhaps shared by 2 or 3 people so no one has to focus that many hours outside their own household. So that means adding fuelcell tech’s to the site, yes?

Yes. And I’ll enjoy finding clear models. Thank you.

WH: I’m hoping you will find a way to express this [an image not unlike my experience of the bliss cloud emerges] so that more people will be willing and able to work with it. We’re preparing for larger groups to work with you and we need you to not feel you have to hold back or shirk from your perception/presentation of your experience and understanding. The Cayce drawing you’re exploring is a useful piece, along with Changing Images graphic variation you use. In short, it may be time to present your “model of the multiverse” to larger groups. You could even present the Channeling project within that context. So on the one hand we’re aiming for a more sustainable harmonious way of living while on the other hand we’re aiming for an expanded awareness of what you call the All That Is. Both directions at once – which, happily, is what you like to explore.

Page 27: Background Context of an Exploratory “Interdimensional ......Miller About the Presenter: Rev. Ruth L. Miller, Ph.D., is the author of Unveiling Your Hidden Power - Emma Hopkins’


Both directions are the focus for the new Institute you and OM are forming: advanced studies in eco-culture communities and in expanded awareness, creating a foundation for the emerging planetary consciousness and culture to evolve over the next 26,000 years – for a new Atlantis, if you will, but without the dependence on the material form of a crystal.

[I get the image of Clark’s Childhood’s End]

We don’t anticipate quite that outcome. We’re seeing a more fluid, back-and-forth, multidimensional interaction, as souls incarnate and move through the stages of growth appropriate to the physical form, assisted by very present, visible, interactive discarnate beings such as ourselves, and some who move back and forth in what you call the “matter body into light body and back again” process. The maturation in the physical will thus be aided for maximal emotional, intellectual, and spiritual development so the mature adult will also be emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually ready for more “transdimensional” development and experience. Service to self and others will happen through that work so that the physical is hardly taxed and can remain functional for centuries, even millennia, in this scenario. Yes, you’re right; this is way beyond Changing Images, leading to a kind of world we don’t even have stories foreshadowing. The water piece is just one part of our effort. The kind of explanations you can provide are another. The community design that you and others have suggested is another. And there also needs to begin to be frameworks for this new kind of social structure to emerge – where the presence of discarnate beings is a matter of course and the wisdom of elders is valued more than the peer and popular concepts of current culture, where children’s lives are central to family structures and spiritual work is assumed to be as important as providing resources for the group’s well-being; where harmonious development, rather than simply more progress, is assumed to be the intended outcome of one’s actions and efforts. Right now, psychic fairs and institutes, and spiritualist churches, and the occasional Pentecostal church are the seeds of that new culture, that new social structure. Something else is needed, and we’re searching for models.

Gandhi’s village-as-ashram? Auroville? Kriyananda’s villages? Zegg?

They come much closer, yes. And there are some cohousing communities that are explicitly and consciously spiritual development communities. The processes that the groups you mention are developing and using will become very important as we move forward – as will Quaker norms and practices.

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