Page 1: Background: Thanks to the support of the community Measure

Facilities Master Plan Update

2020 Community Survey Results for

Prioritization Criteria - Community Input

Background: Thanks to the support of the community Measure R passed in March earlier this

year. The District is updating the Master Plan to incorporate Measure R. Please respond to the

survey to share your thoughts about the prioritization and use of the Measure R funding.

Results: The following results combine the survey results from both the English and

Spanish surveys.

Please describe your relationship with West Contra Costa. (check all that apply):


member, 340

Faculty, Staff





member of a

student, 1729

Student, 77

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Which schools are you representing? (check all that apply)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300


Aspire Richmond Technology

Bayview Elementary

Caliber Beta Academy

Cameron School

Cesar Chavez Elementary

Collins Elementary

Contra Costa Jr College High School

Coronado Elementary

Crespi Middle

De Anza High

DeJean Middle

Dover Elementary

Downer Elementary

El Cerrito High

Ellerhorst Elementary

Fairmont Elementary

Ford Elementary

Grant Elementary

Greenwood Academy

Hanna Ranch Elementary

Harding Elementary

Helms Middle

Hercules High

Hercules Middle

Highland Elementary

Jonh Henry

Kennedy High

Kensington Elementary

King Elementary

Korematsu Middle

Lake Elementary

Lincoln Elementary

Lupine Hills Elementary

Madera Elementary

Making Waves

Michelle Obama

Middle College HS

Mira Vista K-8

Montalvin Manor K-8

Murphy Elementary

Nystrom Elementary

Ohlone Elementary

Olinda Elementary

Peres K-8

Pinole Middle

Pinole Valley High

Richmond High

Riverside Elementary

Shannon Elementary

Sheldon Elementary

Stege Elementary

Stewart K-8

Summit Public Schools

Tara Hills Elementary

Valley View Elementary

Verde K-8

Vista High


Washington Elementary

West Contra Costa Adult Education

West County Mandarin School

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How would you rather see measure R funds used to make improvements?


replacing fewer

schools, 297

Renovating more

schools, 1457

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Prioritization Criteria In 2016, the Board adopted criteria developed by the community for prioritizing major school

renovation/replacement projects. For more information on the 2016 Facilities Master Plan, see

The following questions ask how relevant criteria from 2016 are today. Please rank the 2016

prioritization criteria for the level of importance in 2020.

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

12.How many students are attending the school in comparison

to how many students the permanent buildings on campus can


11.If the school has an existing architectural plan created

before the 2016 District Wide Facilities Master Plan was


10.If the school qualifies for state matching funds for facility

construction (At this time the statewide bond has more

application than funding available)

9.The percent of students come from a lower social-economic

background, foster youth or English language learner

8.The social-economic status of the area in which the school is


7.How easy it is for a person with disabilities to access the


6.How seismically (able to withstand an earthquake) safe the

buildings on a school site are

5.How well is technology supported by the building (i.e. wifi

coverage, the strength/speed of the internet around the


4.How well the school buildings and site meet the needs for

teaching and learning, whether the buildings and site function


3.How many improvement projects have been completed at a

school since it was originally built

2.The condition the school buildings and site, whether the

buildings and site are in good working order

1.The Age of the main building on campus





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What else should be considered? (The following are directly quoted from the survey responses)

Buildabiliy, sustainability, and operatonality

The current ventilation system of the classrooms and offices, must have windows and air heater/conditioning, air purifiers in all buildings. 1. Health and safety - reducing exposure to toxins and indoor air pollutants, etc. 2. Heating, cooling, air filtering/ventilation

A healthy and clean modern environment with access to the same amenities other children have in order to build their mind and body, ultimately ensuring their future. A/C in all rooms

Ability to raise funds from the community

About school safety

Academic resource equality

Access to clean drinking water, heated water in bathroom sinks, windows/ventilation for air flow in classrooms and green space access to public transport

Accessibility not only for students with disabilities but also staff. For example the grant staff bathrooms are not accesible for a person in a wheelchair or who uses a walker. Adding gender neutral bathrooms at all schools, especially for middle and high schools. This would promote safety and equity for gender expansive identifying students. Adding toilet seat covers in the bathrooms

Addition of outdoor learning spaces (for a safer return to school).

Adequate green spaces, faculty respite areas

Adoption of social distancing protocol, so the community can use the facilities

Adoption of social distancing protocol, so the community can use the facilities

Age and potentially compromised health of the students served. The younger students like SpEd 0-3 and 3-5 are some of the most vulnerable population served by the district and the building they are seen in is potentially a health hazard. Age of building. Forecast for student population in the next 10 years. Current technology should be priority for all schools. Energy efficient buildings and safety standards are the highest priorities. Age of building. Forecast for student population in the next 10 years. Current technology should be priority for all schools. Energy efficient buildings and safety standards are the highest priorities. Air circulation, windows that open, safe spacing (thinking of any future outbreaks such as COVID-19). Comfortable seating. Schools that are the most in need should be repaired first. Air conditioning needed

Air Conditioning needs to be in all of the classroom district wide.

Air Conditioning should be in most, if not all MPRs especially those in cities where temps gets into the 80s, 90, 100s every year. Students should NOT be in portables for any extended period of time. Air filtration systems

All kids deserve safe and functional school buildings

ALL our District's Schools need make sure the bathrooms, and water fountains are in working and clean conditions, as well as having air conditioner at all classrooms, to keep our students, and staff safe in the future, to avoid any new spark of Covid-19 around our communities. All portables should be priority number one. Permanent buildings should replace these first

All rating scales above should have been the same!

All schools need to have AIR CONDITIONING!

All schools should be renovated and not look aged.

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All schools should equally serve our students. I've seen the disparity from ECHS to Richmond HS, along with Middle schools and elementaries. All schools should serve students equally with the same programs and qualified teachers. All students shall have fair access to school facilities. Old plan doesn’t make sense. New facility plan shall be done to help students who are in temporary facility first All students shall have fair access to school facilities. Old plan doesn’t make sense. New facility plan shall be done to help students who are in temporary facility first Always insist on heavy financial fines to construction companies that exceed the time allowed to complete construction projects. Do not over build. Make plans with cities that would allow for adjacent and or dual use areas such as playing fields, parks, theaters, or other after school programs areas. The city and district that could share real estate. Any and all relevant factors should be considered carefully, including aesthetic and environmental decisions Are there exceptional architectural features in the existing building that have an adverse impact on learning conditions? Kennedy , for example has no windows, with relatively small classrooms in the 100 -200 wing. This is unhealthy in the age of covid and makes reopening a school nearly impossible. Even in normal times, I believe the lack of windows, and generally shabby condition of classrooms in the 100 and 200 building has a significant negative impact on learning conditions. Arts, theatre, band. special needs funding for learning and hands on Programs. “Adequate” teachers for special needs children. Delayed lesson plans for learning disabilities. Hire More ETHNIC special needs teachers. children like to see teachers who look like them and come from the same background. Not only as a teacher, security or a janitor... but principals, front office staff, vice principals... librarians... etc... With all due respect, Stop catering to the Hispanic community. FOR THE LAST TIME MY CHILD DOES NOT SPEAK SPANISH!!! So therefore should not be learning Spanish before he/she knows how to write, speak and comprehend English.. Funding for students that require IEP. BETTER FOOD OPTIONS for disabled children with eating and smelling sensitivity. HEALTHIER FOOD OPTIONS for ANY child in the school district. Take note from Japan!!!! One on one Assistants, more accommodations to assist disabled children, in the lower and middle class of contra costa. STOP sending all the finding to wealthy neighborhoods. In closing. West contra cost has become very crowded, therefore build more schools, hire more teachers, select better food for our children and provide more arts. Show some effort As someone who did their student teaching in Richmond, went to school in Hercules and is now sending a child to school in Hercules, I would like to see more renovations happening in schools in Richmond who need it. With Covid making sure those schools have adequate heat and hair and filtration. Making sure there is real oversight over what happens with these funds. Aside from the physical school building being in good order, items like school gyms, multi-purpose rooms, playground structures should also be considered. Attracting quality teachers

Based on what I have heard on the school board meetings it appears Kennedy High and Stege Elementary have not received the level of priority needed or promised. Bathroom need to be done

Bathrooms that are clean and in working order. My children attended Fairmont and the floors were filthy with ground in dirt, broken soap dispensers, smelled. My children waited to use the bathroom until they were home from school. Better Food

Big grassy area for soccer or other outdoor sports would be great. Would be great if more schools provide the same amenities as Madera.

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Big playgrounds with rubber mats for less injuries enough playground for all to play. AC in class rooms. Parking for parents. Keeping restrooms clean and odor free. Toilet seat covers. More school supplies. I don’t know if this fits here but more time to have their meals and more recess time. Our children don’t eat because they only get 10-15 to grab their lunches and eat. By the time everyone gets their turn to eat it’s time clean up. Then lunch recess is only about 20 minutes. build a new building

Build more parking

Build top tier facilities for the long term.

Building classrooms for social distance

Building Valley View a real school. They are in potables!

Buildings need updated air conditioning because high heat in buildings with no air conditioning affect students' ability to focus. Bay area weather has continually been hotter every year and needs to be addressed. Buildings should be earthquake proof and 1 floor plan for students safety.

Cameron school is an old dilapidated building. The whole building is covered in asbestos materials ceiling to the flooring which would be find I suppose if they weren't all cracked and broken. We had to fight hard to get any type of repairs made, and they are still not fully done. The amount of mold from the leaking roof would shock people. Providing services with a plastic swimming pool to collect the water coming in from the leaks is ridiculous. The kitchen floor drain floods, the toilets flood and clog because of overuse since we don't really have a bathroom. Just a few random toilets for hundreds of people daily. Heating system in uneven and difficult to control, leaving some areas freezing and others boiling. This SHOWED UP IN THE BLANK QUESTION, however YES THIS IS ALL AN ACCURATE DESCRIPTION OF CAMERON. Cameron school is an old dilapidated building. The whole building is covered in asbestos materials ceiling to the flooring which would be find I suppose if they weren't all cracked and broken. We had to fight hard to get any type of repairs made, and they are still not fully done. The amount of mold from the leaking roof would shock people. Providing services with a plastic swimming pool to collect the water coming in from the leaks is ridiculous. The kitchen floor drain floods, the toilets flood and clog because of overuse since we don't really have a bathroom. Just a few random toilets for hundreds of people daily. Heating system in uneven and difficult to control, leaving some areas freezing and others boiling. Cameron school is an old dilapidated building. The whole building is covered in asbestos materials ceiling to the flooring which would be find I suppose if they weren't all cracked and broken. We had to fight hard to get any type of repairs made, and they are still not fully done. The amount of mold from the leaking roof would shock people. Providing services with a plastic swimming pool to collect the water coming in from the leaks is ridiculous. The kitchen floor drain floods, the toilets flood and clog because of overuse since we don't really have a bathroom. Just a few random toilets for hundreds of people daily. Heating system in uneven and difficult to control, leaving some areas freezing and others boiling. Cameron school is riddled with asbestos in the ceilings and floors, both of which are cracking and falling apart more and more every year. We have plumbing issues with our very few limited toilets almost weekly and the roof leaks throughout every single rainy season to the point where we are just catching continual drips in buckets by our desks and in treatment rooms. The heating system is also incredibly problematic and either doesn't work at all when its coldest or is on full blast, forcing us to abandon entire rooms for days. Cameron school serves our youngest and most vulnerable student population at WCCUSD. Not only do we serve special ed preschoolers directly in the building, but we often assess medically fragile and physically disabled children in these conditions. They deserve better. As does the staff that works hard to serve them. Thank you. Cameron school is riddled with asbestos in the floors and ceilings. The floors frequently crack due to our heat waves (and the boiler's overuse) and expose our youngest and most vulnerable to asbestos - who knows how this affects their future? In order to cope with this, we duct tape the cracks and hope it holds as children and their younger siblings walk over it or play with it. It is an old dilapidated building. The roof frequently leaks and we collect it in trash cans. The leakage

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may be hazardous as well because the roof is covered in mold. We have had people come out to repair the leaks in the roofs but the patch work is not sufficient. The kitchen floor drain floods, the toilets flood and clog because of overuse. Have only have four toilets for staff members and one toilet for families. The boiler heats the building very unevenly, leaving some rooms boiling hot and other rooms freezing. A therapy room had to be converted into a lactation room, which leaves us down a room to see students. Our therapy rooms, which we don’t have enough of considering the rise of autism and SLD diagnoses, don’t have locks on them and we are concerned about that given the rise of school shootings. There is no way Cameron is a safe school site or “up to code.” Our youngest and most vulnerable deserve better. We do not have a staff room for large meetings or eating lunch and the OT office has been used as a communal space. We have mice in the kitchen and in the OT room because everyone eats lunch in the OT room and this problem has still not been fully resolved. Cameron school is riddled with asbestos. The floors frequently crack due to our heat waves and expose our youngest and most vulnerable to asbestos - who knows how this affects their future? In order to cope with this, we duct tape the cracks and hope it holds as children and their younger siblings walk over it or play with it. Additionally, this affects the employees and their children (many of my coworkers are pregnant at Cameron). It is an old dilapidated building. The roof frequently leaks and we collect it ourselves in kiddie pools. The leakage may be hazardous as well because the roof is covered in mold. The kitchen floor drain floods, the toilets flood and clog because of overuse since we don't really have a bathroom. Just a few random toilets for hundreds of people daily. Heating system in uneven and difficult to control, leaving some areas freezing and others boiling. A therapy room had to be converted into a lactation room, which leaves us down a room to see students. Our therapy rooms, which we don’t have enough of considering the rise of autism and SLD diagnoses, don’t have locks on them and we are concerned about that as well given the rise of school shootings. There is no way Cameron is a safe school site or “up to code.” Our youngest and most vulnerable deserve a bigger and better school site. Cameron school is riddled with asbestos. The floors frequently crack due to our heat waves and expose our youngest and most vulnerable to asbestos - who knows how this affects their future? In order to cope with this, we duct tape the cracks and hope it holds as children and their younger siblings walk over it or play with it. Additionally, this affects the employees and their children (many of my coworkers are pregnant at Cameron). It is an old dilapidated building. The roof frequently leaks and we collect it ourselves in buckets or trash cans. The leakage may be hazardous as well because the roof is covered in mold. The kitchen floor drain floods, the toilets flood and clog because of overuse since we don't really have a bathroom. Just a few random toilets for hundreds of people daily. Heating system in uneven and difficult to control, leaving some areas freezing and others boiling. A therapy room had to be converted into a lactation room, which leaves us down a room to see students. Our therapy rooms, which we don’t have enough of considering the rise of autism and SLD diagnoses, don’t have locks on them and we are concerned about that as well given the rise of school shootings. There is no way Cameron is a safe school site or “up to code.” Our youngest and most vulnerable deserve better! Cameron school is severely in need to be torn down and rebuilt. There is asbestos in the wall and tiles, which in multiple places is exposed, creating serious health hazards. Small children and babies often wait in the hallways with cracked asbestos tiles, which is extremely concerning. Cameron has multiple leaks in the ceiling, which has caused mold issues. The bathrooms frequently flood. The heating system is imbalanced, making one side of the building super hot and the other side cold. The number of students coming to Cameron is rapidly increasing every year, and Cameron is no longer large enough to serve these students. Cameron school, which serves preschoolers with IEPs, is riddled with asbestos. The floors frequently crack due to our heat waves and expose our youngest and most vulnerable to asbestos - who knows how this affects their health and development. In order to cope with this, we duct tape the cracks and hope it holds as children and their younger siblings walk over it or play with it. Additionally, this affects the employees' health. Cameron is an old dilapidated building. The roof frequently leaks and we collect it ourselves in trash cans and kiddie pools. The leakage may be hazardous as well because the roof is covered in mold. Many of our coworkers have allergies when they are in the building but not elsewhere. The kitchen floor drain floods, the toilets flood and clog because of

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overuse since we only have a few toilets for hundreds of people daily. The heating system is uneven and difficult to control, leaving some areas freezing and others boiling. A therapy room had to be converted into a lactation room, which leaves us down a room to see students. Our therapy rooms, which we don’t have enough of considering the rise of autism and SLD diagnoses, don’t have locks on them and we are concerned about that as well given the rise of school shootings. There is no way Cameron is a safe school site or “up to code.” Our youngest and most vulnerable deserve better. Cameron’s building is compromised and often left behind when it comes to renovations. Our site is very old and outdated and the children served are Preschool-aged kiddos with a variety of special needs, including Cameron in the renovation list would make all the difference. Campus police, SROs & local community police services budgets NOT be cut OR their budgets reduced in order to fulfill any of these school items on this survey. Campus safety and security

Children Staff security; Access to pick up and delivering students; Sanitary conditions and orientation for children/Staff, as well as implementation and management. Children with special needs and how accessible the school is- not just physically, but cognitively

class size, air conditioning, specialized vocational programs, aesthetics, security, equity/equality for school type (high school, k-8, etc), Class size-more classrooms. Social spaces for family/community events.

Classroom space should be enlarged to accommodate class size of 36-38 students. If there is no plan to downsize classes to 25, then create larger classrooms with built in projectors giving more space to maneuver to create personal space. With Covid-19, we must consider social distancing, and reopening closed school buildings to accommodate the overflow of the over populated schools in which students are crammed into classrooms (old and or refurbished) with 36-38 other students. Clean, unvandalized equipment and facilities. Bright paint.

Close it

Closeness to transit and other access issues

Color blind funding, please. And while we're at it, streamline process to dismiss poorly performing teachers, regardless of tenure status. Community access to playgrounds, sports fields and meeting rooms.

Community access to playgrounds, sports fields and meeting rooms.

Community demographics (are school facilities needed for greater or fewer students than are currently enrolled) Community demographics (are school facilities needed for greater or fewer students than are currently enrolled) Consider not spending a portion of the bond money, If that is an option. The tax base may have limited interest in additional large property tax increases (such as measure R). Consolidating schools with low enrollment

cost control; previous projects have been bonanzas--for contractors (not students or staff).

Cost effective improvements are better than architectural statements, for example money was wasted creating the entrance to El Cerrito High School and Harding Elementary. And please construct a school with acoustic considerations for quiet classroom learning settings, so students can hear the teacher...what a concept! For example, Downer elementary school classrooms have such poor acoustics that student noise dominates teacher instruction. It creates a terrible learning setting for some of our most needy students. Cost of living for staff which is above poverty level

Cost to replace vs renovate

covered courts for students if they need to be inside for PE or other activities during rainy days or extreme heat. Covid safety

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Covid, smoke days

COVID-19 will be with us for a long time. Any work done to our facilities should be done with that taken into account. Covid-era retrofits with any-era benefits: touchless faucets, auto toilet flushes, and automatic-open doors; upgraded ventilation systems; functional outdoor classroom spaces; wifi upgrades; adequate number of classroom spaces to avoid overcrowding Crespi middle school need a lot of renovation.

Distance learning is the main focus & should stay that way or parents should have an option. Students should not go back to school until there is a successful proven vaccination. This is a low priority survey with low priority issues. District schools that are out growing their space and need a permanent home in the community they serve. do a great job

Do not use the architects or contractors involved in previous projects. Ask for site input - teachers, custodians, and site supervisors know what works and is needed for teaching, learning, and safety far better than architects do. Don’t spend all the money on one school or community & don’t spend it on expensive furniture or extras. Learn from the charter schools and their minimalist building plans that are able to get done quick and I’m guessing for a lot less money. Don’t spend all the money on one school or community & don’t spend it on expensive furniture or extras. Learn from the charter schools and their minimalist building plans that are able to get done quick and I’m guessing for a lot less money. Dont understand hide answers relate to questions. not worded correctly.


Educational equity. Schools serving a higher percentage of low-income students should have priority.

El director y los maestros tiene un sistema excelente , pero Podrían darnos una escuela más grande por favor. Gracias Embrace modernization through a combination of full modernization and / or replacement.

Emphasize green campuses, energy efficiency, and water efficiency

Energy efficiency and indoor air quality of the buildings

enhance security for safer school environment

Enhancing the dual language immersion program which needs alot if support to thrive

Enrollment of schools being rebuilt should be at no less than an average of 80% of full capacity for past 3 years. Ensuring that teacher and students have temperature control in the classrooms as well as clean water on campus. Environmental impact, energy efficiency of old buildings and sustainability of new building, mental health and student support/community building spaces for school and after school Environmental impact, energy efficiency of old buildings and sustainability of new building, mental health and student support/community building spaces for school and after school Equal opportunities for all students safely. Unrushed

EQUALITY! Schools in less affluent areas must be brought up to the same standards that apply to the wealthier neighborhoods. VERY IMPORTANT! Equity


Equity + health/safety. In COVID times you simply can't have classrooms without windows. I am embarrassed to live near the beautiful ECHS but 3 miles down the road Kennedy feels like a prison.

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Start with Kennedy and Richmond HS, and if the criteria lead you to "prioritize" something else, the criteria should be reconsidered. It's time for our district to live by its equity statement. Equity across the district

Equity issues! Which areas have the nicest schools and why? Let’s compete Richmond high and el cerrito high... Equity no matter what your racial makeup.

Equity to communities. Our disadvantaged areas seem to have fewer dollars spent. Schools should look very similar across neighborhoods of various economic backgrounds: properly constructed and inviting but not lavish. Improving schools in poorer areas makes a visible statement of investing in the education and future of the communities. And such investment improves property values, which is likely to increase continued support of school bonds. All citizens are paying this parcel tax. In El Cerrito, streets are maintained according to an index prepared by engineering consultants. Consumer Reports magazine develops criteria and provides scoring when testing products. The school district ought to be able to identify objective metrics and apply a transparent process to allocating resources for improvements. All citizens in our district deserve equitable treatment. Esthetic that is conducive to the new Pandemic climate - distancing capabilities and perhaps indoor/ outdoor learning environments Esthetics i.e. landscaping, trees, etc.

Every school should has proper buildings and spaces for library, gym, computer center, labs, and quality spaces to help develop music, art, and sports. We need something better than potable buildings or black top fields to have better quality of education. Every school should have working, well maintained bathrooms for the students! Also, outdoor spaces that are pleasant, offer shade and greenery. Every teacher needs an assistant

Exactly, I may not know more though I tried to answer as many questions do not relevant to me. Thanks you. Exactly, I may not know more though I tried to answer as many questions do not relevant to me. Thanks you. Existing environmental health and safety risks associated with site or structures

Existing safety/health violations by local authorities must be dealt with first

Expanding or contracting demographics must be looked at. For example: Hercules is in the process of adding hundreds of new homes near the bay. No plans have been made for building new schools. Children in the newly constructed homes will not be able to safely walk to school due to distance and traffic. Extra tutoring and counseling for all kids who my need help coping with any issues in their lives

Facilities for sports and arts auditorium.

Facilities waiting longest should be prioritized.

faculty and stuff have the needed resources

Fair distribution of funds across the district so equal student opportunity will occur.

Fairmount Elementary really needs to be rebuilt.

Fairmount which is over enrolled and hasn't been updated in week over 50 years needs to be rebuilt

Family engagement at the school.

Fewer students

Find creative ways to preserve what we have. We don't need more new schools, let's fix what we have. First priority has to be EQUITY. We have a fine school with a Ora that raises 300,000 dollars to further support Madera kids whereas Stege has no PTA... this contributes to a very segregated and unequal school system that isn’t serving all contra costa kids equally. To level the playing field We need more funding for schools and and free universal High quality PreK - that is integrated socioeconomically too. [ I don’t really know enough about a few of your questions to be qualified

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to answer - like the renovate many vs completely rebuild a Question. A lot depends on how badly schools are falling apart and not serving everyone. Fix the schools.

For our school West county mandarin school I am okay with the portola site but just want to make sure the pg&e thing there is not going to affect my kids’ health. I understand the earthquake concern but pg$e has been messing up a lot more in these years. Forecast of student enrollment in the area.

Free or low prices for tutoring for low income families.

Function over form. Poorly functioning bldg should be prioritized and then replace temporary facilities with permanent. Who goes there is irrelevant and all schools should function. Funding should go to schools to update for health concerns, such as lead and asbestosis for older buildings many concerns around children's drinking lead and possible exposure. Funds are not wasted and for you to be fiscally responsible with the funding, to make the greatest impact with the funding given to you. Geographic isolation of a school, such as Olinda, should be a factor. Three schools that are within blocks of each other were rebuilt in May Valley, while Olinda, which alone serves a large area by Castro Ranch Rd, has been considered for closure. Get a better survey. This is not soliciting reasonable input on the issues. It’s completely designed around your decision making criteria and not what matters to the community. And why can I select “most important” for everything? What will this mean to you? getting at least 5 bids for every project

Giant schools are not good, keep the smaller schools. Also, please ensure drop off and pick up are not a nightmare and traffic isn’t impacted. Valley View Road has the High School and two grade schools serving 2500 kids and you want to make valley view elementary larger to include middle school. Another example, MA Murphy, an elementary with 500 students, has a tiny drop-off circle, fits a handful of cars in the lot, and the school is surrounded by red zones on all sides. A mom with kids has to literally park at least four blocks away, get the baby in the stroller, and walk in from the neighborhood behind it. Every day the traffic line for pick up/ drop off extends dangerously into the street leading into the singular entrance. This is the result of a poorly designed rebuild. Giant schools are not good, keep the smaller schools. Also, please ensure drop off and pick up are not a nightmare and traffic isn’t impacted. Valley View Road has the High School and two grade schools serving 2500 kids and you want to make valley view elementary larger to include middle school. Another example, MA Murphy, an elementary with 500 students, has a tiny drop-off circle, fits a handful of cars in the lot, and the school is surrounded by red zones on all sides. A mom with kids has to literally park at least four blocks away, get the baby in the stroller, and walk in from the neighborhood behind it. Every day the traffic line for pick up/ drop off extends dangerously into the street leading into the singular entrance. This is the result of a poorly designed rebuild. Give it to school that has growth and needs facility first

Good quality teachers are very important.

Growth plan

Growth plan

Hazardous and worn conditions of buildings that students are in, ventilation, piping, cleanliness, accessibility, size for rooms Hazardous and worn conditions of buildings that students are in, ventilation, piping, cleanliness, accessibility, size for rooms Hazards at the school including asbestos in the floors and ceiling tiles. All should be removed.

Hercules High- please add more trees, shrubs, flowers surrounding the school. Make it more presentable rather than the steel bars showcasing the school. High schools, due to the shear size of the students and their vast academic and extracurricular needs---they join adult status once they graduate--should take priority in any new building or renovation. Highland needs to be completely renovated. If new charter schools have money for new buildings we can also give our oldest schools some love and those schools need it the most.

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Historically underserved schools should have priority for improvement.

How about Kennedy High School? El Cerrito and Pinole are beautiful. It's so nice to visit their campuses. Kennedy is scary and really depressing even during bright, sunny days. Shouldn't all students have access to welcoming and well maintained learning environments? how is service provided to maintain the investments

How long you have been promising a community to fix their schools and only patching things. Those communities have to watch other campuses be rebuilt or remodeled and they get much of nothing. Consider the promises you made to the schools in 1997 and still nothing much has been. Why should those communities vote to support the district? How many portables there are. Finish projects! Rebuild for sites in temporary campuses. How much access to natural light the building has - let kids get to feel and experience nature!

How much the community really wants the school

How relevant is the location for today’s technology minded students.

How to keep students safe during a pandemic or outbreak

How well the buildings meet safety regulations for a pandemic. i.e. room size to accommodate better distancing, hand washing stations, ventilation, etc. How well the overall needs of students are being met by the existing school

hvac systems, age and efficiency of plumbing, shade structures for students,... Fix Highland ASAP, Really! I agree with the above statement. Cameron School serves children in early intervention, who are zero to five years old, yet we have cracked flooring and asbestos exposed walls that are crumbling and mold! We have only 3 toilets for hundreds of people. I wonder if Cameron schools building standards would meet state standards for schools if a complaint was made and an inspection was done. I agree.

I am new to the school as well, not too sure about the build that much. But we did stop by for picture day, as I can see the indoor basketball court is way to small for students to enjoy and learn. I believe my tax dollars should benefit my children's school

I don't feel that I am in a place to judge the greatest need. But, it seems that some schools fairly obviously need an update. I have no idea about this, I have never heard about this issue before.

I hope that the fund will go to teacher more to enrich the education rather than renovating the building. I sent this link out to many of my friends and family members with the belief that Richmond High would be COMPLETELY rebuilt. I think it is important for schools that are not complete to be completed. Ohlone was not complete and it should be. Having a safe school includes the MPR and proper playground space. A new school with portables is not a new school. Hercules middle/high should also be completed. I think now that covid has happened. The appearance of the school is least important. The safety is important The support our teachers have is important And the schools feeling like a second home to students is important. Let make it safe but also fun Our students have already been Hit with their social health being interrupted Let’s make sure the kids have Students lounges, Safe Hangout spots Cool and fun learning areas

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More physical activities Stronger physical education programs Age appropriate mental Health awareness Counseling Renovate the inside of the school walls and halls Thank you I think this is all.

i wish we could have window so the classroom doesn't smell weird .

I would love to see more softscape play areas, natural elements are replacing plastics and asphalt. It would be nice if more schools were at the quality of Madera. If a school has students in any number of portables, they are meant for being temporary. Now they are becoming permanent structures that are falling apart. Schools in portables should be addressed first. If a school is struggling academically and has a very old building, it should be renovated.

If Cameron School has significant amount of enrolled (and projected) students, it might be more financially practical to demolish the building and replace with new rather than doing patching and repairs. With the amount of work mentioned above, having a brand new building would benefit the students, teachers, staff, and community more. However, if enrollment is projected to decline in the school, then repairs may be the way to go. But definitely, we cannot have our children be housed in a building that is dangerous to their health and safety, and one that is not conducive to learning. If parents had been promised a renovation/new school and gotten pushed down the list.

If school provides a higher quality education, its students have higher test scores I'd consider this an important factor to further invest in such school vs school that doesn't provide good education in a first place If the school has already completed any of the four building phases, or has been stalled in progress. Percentage of portable structures. Ability of school to sustain wildfire season (enclosed hallways to seal building and provide access to restrooms, lunch room, library, computer lab, office, etc.) If the school has lead in the water due to plumbing fixtures.

If there are too many schools in the area based on enrollment. We shoudn't be rebuilding schools that could be closed and consolidated with other schools. Immediate improvements needed for a stronger wifi throughout the campus; keep more bathrooms available (need to be more kept unlocked); need more supplies such as soap and toilet paper to be available in each bathroom. Improve crespi middle so el sobrante elementary children can attend safely

Improve ALL BATHROOMS and most transited areas, with this pandemic, most if not ALL schools' bathrooms have to be redone and ready for a future Hybrid Learning. Improve schools in low income areas so that students can learn in a conducive environment that show we care about their success. Improve teachers instead of buildings, hire more qualified teachers. Students needs to get more support from teachers and counselors . Improvements should be made with building usage designed for community members as a whole, (i.e. meeting / Before & after school care, training / recreational facilities readily available to community members as a whole.

Improvements should be made with building usage designed for community members as a whole, (i.e. meeting / Before & after school care, training / recreational facilities readily available to community members as a whole.

Improvements to schools for safety and hygiene (such as hand sanitizer for every room)

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In a time when everyone is championing for the underserved actions speak louder than words. Kennedy has consistently been underfunded and overlooked while it sits in disrepair. Give these students a chance and rebuild the school. In light of COVID, any schools that were originally slated for renovation with Measure R funds, like Kennedy High School that do not have windows and proper ventilation should be prioritized. In addition, Kennedy, Richmond, Stege and Bayview should be top priorities as those schools bear the brunt of systemic inequality in our society and within our district. Incompletion of the school from its original building date. Still large percent of portables

Increased utilization of outdoor space so that safe learning can happen on all campuses outside. Health concerns regarding air quality and COVID should be addressed for safety of course. I really feel that the WCCUSD needs to be more creative in coming up with outdoor classroom alternatives. Independent inspection of need based on hazard and severity

Inspect and replace all moldy ceilings, walls, windows in all schools.

Installing AC and Portables Heaters for all classrooms at ECHS because it’s not fair that only school office has access to both things when teachers and students are suffering by high or cold temperatures. Integration of energy efficiency and renewable energy into projects. Require contractors to provide student enrichment and mentoring to promote trades and learning about construction Is the 2016 plans still in compliance? It’s 4 years later. Charter schools should bank roll their own school upgrade/rebuild. Schools that have been on list forever but have been band-aided and moved down the list in priority for years should go first (ex. Fairmount). Is the campus safe for students and staff both from a structural standpoint and a security standpoint.

Is the campus safe for students and staff both from a structural standpoint and a security standpoint.

It is sad to hear about its condition and realize how many schools are in bad condition. How did these schools pass the Williams reports I ask myself? Look at the High Schools in our district. Many have been rebuilt. Unfairness and inequality in our district can be seen in Richmond High and Kennedy High. Racial Inequality where are you. It looks like the nicer white or middle class neighborhoods have the nicer high schools. When I voted for Measure R I was under the impression that Measure R would get Richmond High Rebuilt. I voted for this measure for this reason and also got family members to vote for it. This is the Youtube video made by your students who made an effort and had a hope and dream that Richmond High would be rebuilt. Someone or many teachers motivated them to take a stand, voice their need and get people to vote for Measure R. Don't turn your back against the students, teachers, and voters now that the measure was passed (and there is $) and not repair their school. It sounds like this building is in a really bad state, and is badly mismatched to its current uses. Merely upgrading the pipes so they do not clog is not going to compensate for the lack of a proper bathroom. Under these circumstances I would support demolishing the existing building and replacing it outright with a new one. It would be good to rank these criteria in relation to each other. I believe the lowest performing schools with the most free/reduced lunch recipients should have first priority. Janitorial Service and general grounds maintenance at Bayview Elementary before the pandemic was almost non existent, besides upgrades to the facility, ongoing maintenance should be a priority for the health and safety of the students. I feel like Bayview Elementary gets no attention at all from WCCUSD. This is a great school with great teachers. Bayview elementary should have the same opportunities and resources available as schools in more affluent areas of WCCUSD. Just get our kids back in physical school

Keep neighbored schools.

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Keep promises made to the community but have the greatest impact possible. Under promise and over deliver. Make facilities open to community when not in use by school. Keeping all children safe

Keeping all facilities clean to protect the students

Kennedy and Richmond High are the only 2 HS that have not be remodeled/renovated and they are in the highest % black/brown youth. How does that look in WCCUSD?! Kennedy has consistently been underfunded and overlooked. There has been a tentative plan to completely rebuild Kennedy for many years, but it has been stalled time after time. Kennedy High School needs to be rebuilt. Schools in our less fortunate communities need to shine to lift the spirits of the local youth and population. KHS and RHS have never been rebuilt and the schools in more affluent areas have been. Equality for the lowland schools. Why are the poor neighborhoods being neglected? Knowing the full history of the building site. This survey does not help parents whom has no idea about the building . Landscaping and consistent maintenance and care of natural areas and fields such as the athletic field and garden at Tara Hills School. Larger Classrooms, more white boards/smart boards. More room for the kids to spread out.

Larger Playgrounds for all Elementary Schools.

lead and asbestos

Learning supplies

Maintenance after rebuild, or updating. For example, De Anza high school is a beautiful campus, but the maintenance of the school is a shame considering the amount of money spent. The grounds are neglected, landscaping is not replaced, weeds are watered. Broken items are not fixed (e.g. fences). Broken concrete. Investing money up front is for not if there's not a long term plan for maintenance of facilities. If this doesn't change then it doesn't matter how much money is spent. Maintenance of building

Make schools safe up to code then find way to use rest to support teachers I'm appalled by how much out of pocket expenses teachers incur. Making Adams campus safe so West County Mandarin School can move there and keep it’s central location (as a district school) and diversity. Making Hercules Middle High not look like a prison. Other schools in the area look like colleges.. IE :Pinole and De Anza Making sure theres a plan in place. In the cleaning department. Classroom floors and bathrooms weren't clean. Management.

Maximizing cost over quality of staff.

Meal availability for all students regardless of household income

Money should be spent to improve the lives of students most in need first!

Money should not be spent disproportionately at schools where parents are most vocal. Older schools that serve Black and brown students and need updating should receive appropriate funding and projects should be completed before moving to the next. more equipment

more high school and update of school computer

More programs for students paying teachers more

More resources must be provided, such as how much extra help students and parents are receiving. It is also important to consider "hands-on" classes, such as art, gardening. Also, classes that promote physical movements, such as dance and sports teams. Students need to stay motivated to go to school. It is not only about academics and pretty buildings that encourage our children to go to school. Classes need to be enthusiastic and fun for them. Motivation is key. How are we keeping our students motivated?

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More sport, technology and parking spaces for parent.

More teachers amd pay better for them

More technology in classrooms, updating facilities, buildings, upgrade playgrounds structures, cafeteria, updates to library, music, making school safer, new desks, update bathrooms (poor condition) More technology in classrooms, updating facilities, buildings, upgrade playgrounds structures, cafeteria, updates to library, music, making school safer, new desks, update bathrooms (poor condition) More than never it is imperative to have renovated bathrooms for ALL students, and school staff, with working warm water faucets, clean air circulation, soap dispensers and paper towels, and/or dryers with clean filters! We know that WASHING HANDS is one of the most important facts about the steps to stop the spread of COVID-19. Also, NEW working Water Fountains, around the schools' facilities. Most of the last bonds were spent foolishly. Many of the rebuilt schools could have been built with fewer "bells and whistles" to cut costs and still be a good school. There are still schools with asbestos in the ceilings and floors. This is unacceptable. N/A

Need to wait for next July when have vacine before going back to school

Neighborhood resources for children such as after school programs, number of parents who who work from home or with one parent who stays home, number of essential workers etc. if neighborhoods are less privileged more resources should be put into the schools. New Bathrooms, water fountains, and air conditioning at ALL areas of the school! Most important than ever before because of Covid-19!!! New safety COVID-19 measures and procedures

Newer books and necessities for students, more recreation and clubs, students need pathways to higher education and pathways to entrepreneurship No




No I don’t think so

No money for charter schools. Start fixing the Richmond High (looks a jail house).




not at this time

Not rocket science, fix things and replace things where needed. Not sure what this statement is supposed to represent. No question was posed. Not rocket science, fix things and replace things where needed. Not sure what this statement is supposed to represent. No question was posed. Not rocket science, fix things and replace things where needed. Not sure what this statement is supposed to represent. No question was posed.

Not sure how to answer this- doesn’t seem to be presented as a question. �





Nothing to add

Number of portable classrooms Schools already through stages of the construction process (interim campus, demo, rebuild, grounds)

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Schools stalled in progress Schools without fire-season safeguards: enclosed hallways that provide access to bathrooms, lunch room, office, library, etc. Number of portable classrooms Schools already through stages of the construction process (interim campus, demo, rebuild, grounds) Schools stalled in progress Schools without fire-season safeguards: enclosed hallways that provide access to bathrooms, lunch room, office, library, etc. Number of portable classrooms Schools already through stages of the construction process (interim campus, demo, rebuild, grounds) Schools stalled in progress Schools without fire-season safeguards: enclosed hallways that provide access to bathrooms, lunch room, office, library, etc. Number of portable classrooms Schools already through stages of the construction process (interim campus, demo, rebuild, grounds) Schools stalled in progress Schools without fire-season safeguards: enclosed hallways that provide access to bathrooms, lunch room, office, library, etc. Number of portable classrooms Schools already through stages of the construction process (interim campus, demo, rebuild, grounds) Schools stalled in progress Schools without fire-season safeguards: enclosed hallways that provide access to bathrooms, lunch room, office, library, etc. Number of portable classrooms. Schools who have already been through construction phases (i.e. interim campus, demo, rebuild, playgrounds). Schools whose progress has stalled due to lack of funds. Schools without fire season safeguards (enclosed hallways that provide access to bathrooms, lunch room, library, office). Number of portables/ temporary buildings past recommended use time.

Older schools need minimal upgrades and a fresh coat of paint, save money not rebuilding a new school not necesary Olinda needs a lot of work: peeling paint and more.

Olinda School is one school that seems to be completely ignored by the District yet the home owners pay high property taxes to the District Open quad with greenery, lots of windows in the buildings for natural lighting, energy efficiency building materials, no jail looking designed like Richmond & Kennedy High Schools campus! Opportunities to improve safety at pick-up/drop-off (especially for kids walking and biking to school), opportunities for energy efficiency projects that will lead to ongoing energy bill savings to lower operating costs. opportunities to take existing sites and house teachers/other employees

Our school WCMS does not have a permanent site that will work for our students. This campus is fully enrolled and growing. We would like to send our younger child there, but have concerns there will not be a campus and what the future of this school is. The parents were promised a viable campus, and the school board has not followed through. I would like to see our school given priority in this process as a magnet school to keep children in this district outdoor athletic facilities

Over the past 20 years, there has been significant new housing developments in Hercules. It is essential to support these newly developed communities with at least one new elementary school and, if possible, a middle school. A school located within the community of various housing neighborhoods is crucial for the families living in that area of Hercules. The families in these new housing communities have been contributing significant tax payor dollars towards public schools in WCCUSD. We are not realizing the full potential that this community can offer to WCCUSD. For instance, many of the families in these new housing development areas are sending their children to private schools as enrolling their children at Lupine or Ohlone elementary schools are not within their local neighborhoods. Since those two schools are located outside of their housing

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community it prompts those parents to look at other options for their children as it relates to school enrollment. This creates an enormous loss in revenue for WCCUSD. These are funds that could make major contributions towards increasing revenue and resources for WCCUSD. Plus, it is an opportunity to increase donations to WCCUSD and local public schools in their respective community. It is critical that there be a school(s), at least an elementary school and a middle school, located conveniently in that area of Hercules to accommodate the needs of those families in this new housing development area and nurture the growth of the children locally in their own community. Overall safety and education is the most important for me as a parent

Overall safety of buildings

Overall safety of the students

overall site safety

Overall upgrading the whole school


Parking lots and children's safety getting to and from the school

Paying teachers more

Physical and technical resources available to student, at each school should be equal regardless of socio-economic status. Planning for the future—whether school is growing or shrinking

Playground structure and open area not just the classroom structures.

Please add Middle College high school to your list of schools to select representation. I know that you will never be able to do any remodeling there, but many students come from other schools in the district and still care. Thank you. Please build fewer schools and invest in HVAC that can handle poor air quality. Also please answer if we can build schools where we can send our children to school in a pandemic. Please consider providing the most support where it is most needed.

Please consider to cover more subjects at school. For example: including music, art class.

Please do a very accurate and in-depth demographic study which will clearly outline whether we need all of these schools rebuilt. I believe the demographic of school-aged children is declining over the next 20 years, and I encourage you to look very carefully at that before building and encourage fewer, schools that are completely rebuilt. Kennedy, Stege, Valley View, need remodeling, but enrollment continues to drop, so please don't dump a ton of money into buildings for schools that have declining enrollment. I also encourage you to look at PROGRAMS that are expanding and will attract families to this district and not just rebuilding because buildings have "been on a prioritization list." Also, build spaces that are flexible and can be adapted to a variety of future uses. Also consider how to build a school that can still be in operation with poor air quality and pandemics. Please do NOT change the names of schools without community input!! What you did to Woodrow Wilson was TERRIBLE!!!! Unforgivable!! Please instal A/C because it gets hot even when it’s 75 degrees outside but the classrooms are HOT, musty, and unhealthy. This isn’t good for our students. Also clean, well kept restrooms and gym restrooms with hand soap/ toilet gaskets/ paper towels/ toilet paper at ALL times. Well equipped buildings that function for our students and teachers is a MUST Please replace or renovate Fairmont!

Please spend the money in a way that creates the greatest good for the largest amount of students. If a choice has to be made between two projects of equal caliber to assist equal amounts of students, chose the students from the lower socioeconomic group or those with the large percentage of minorities. Police presence for safety , nurse on site, resources (free tutoring, emotional support (stress/bullying, abuse, family problems, depression) and after school activity Population-based Equity across cities within the district in terms of spending dollars on upgrades

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Portable buildings should all be first priority to go. The more portable classrooms on site, the higher up the list the site should be PPE's and cleaning products as we head back into the classroom.

Pride is a very important factor amongst teenagers and when they love their school for what it looks like, I believe they do better in school. REnovate if needed! Prioritize school that has growth of enrollment and doesn’t have a permanent site over schools that already has a location and decreasing in enrollment. Prioritize school that has growth of enrollment and doesn’t have a permanent site over schools that already has a location and decreasing in enrollment. Proper ventilation- air conditioning

Proper ventilation/air conditioning/Shade for the classroom facing the sun in pm

Provide more language immersion schools in our district to attract more students. It's the future!

Put money wherever it will actually be put to use, and not where it could be squandered, stolen, wasted or stifled. Putting in air purification systems that can filter the air, bringing in clean air from outside to deal with COvID, but then able to switch and stop letting in outdoor air if there is smoke, but then just filtering the inside air. Ranking of sites as best long-term options under any future potential school consolidation plan.

Really consider the option to renovate more schools.

Rebuild Highland Elementary

Rebuild Stege, Fairmont, Kennedy and Richmond High. Consolidate one or two schools in May Valley. Sheldon, Murphy and Valley View are within a two-mile circle. This is unnecessary with the current population. Close Valley View. Keep Olinda, Sheldon and Murphy open. Rebuilding schools that have already been demolished such as valley view where kids and staff are completely in portables. REBUILDING THE SCHOOL!!!!!!

Regardless if schools are functioning and teaching students, safe infrastructure issues must be considered, older schools that doesn’t pass actual state standard needs to be rebuild and prioritized. Relative positive impact renovated or replaced facilities could have on the affected student/community population. Relative positive impact renovated or replaced facilities could have on the affected student/community population. Renovate Kennedy

Renovate. Re-evaluate. Keep it clean.

Reopen school please in person.


Replacing temporary buildings with permanent.

Resources should go to the most needy schools, not those in the wealthiest areas (like ours)

Richmond High and Kennedy High should be top priorities

Richmond High needs to be rebuilt! I make no consideration of anything else. When this measure was trying to be passed the message that was sent to us as voters was that Richmond High would be completely rebuilt! Not rebuilding it COMPLETELY would be deceiving those of us who voted to pass it. Safe, engaging playgrounds and common areas; places for after-school activities. (Though updates to support academic learning should be #1.) Safe, performed and ready for as is number of students should comes first. Exterior decoration would be costly and less important than those. Safe/visible areas (e.g. no secluded places where students could be harassed by other students)



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Safety all around!

Safety and a conducive environment for learning

Safety and ability to learn in the space is most important to me.

Safety and emergency mechanisms created into the building structure

Safety and emergency mechanisms created into the building structure

Safety and functionality of the building (roof leaks when it rains, toilets flood and clog, kitchen floor drain floods, kitchen sink works intermittently). There are very few bathrooms for how many people use the Cameron building. When one or more are out of service (which is often) we have to wait in line, waste valuable time and share bathrooms with the public. Heating system in uneven and difficult to control, leaving some areas freezing and others boiling. Safety and Security. Genderless bathrooms /accomodations for trans students

Safety features from dangerous outside elements (people with weapons...)

Safety for everyone on campus in terms of air purification, clean water, non-toxic chemicals, lack of mold. And schools should be pleasant places for everyone to be. Safety for social Distancing. More restrooms, outdoor hand washing sinks, more outdoor usable space for classes to use for teaching purposes Safety measure for all the students.

Safety measures and materials for learning

Safety of a school and if its structure/layout our conducive to ensuring student safety as well as supports its functionality as a school. (For example can outsiders easily access parts of the school because of structures being very easy access) Safety of play areas. No cracked pavements

Safety of students

Safety of the students

Safety, equal accessibility, Permanente site

Safety, particularly with ventilation

School performance need improvement and funds should also go to this

School set up for distance learning bigger class rooms and a great air supply systems, better drinking fountains, bathrooms built for washing up, everything turned on and off by the foot ! School should not build next PG&E substation or major power line due to radiation and fire hazards

School should not build next PG&E substation or major power line due to radiation and fire hazards

Schools already through stages of the construction process (interim campus, demo, rebuild, grounds) Schools stalled in progress Schools like Collins are too wealthy to receive funds but too poor to have a quality learning experience, leaving the community to fundraise . Schools like Collins are too wealthy to receive funds but too poor to have a quality learning experience, leaving the community to fundraise . Schools need to be well-maintained, CLEAN, and have periodic updates. It is not necessary to replace a whole school to do this in every case. There should be attention paid to how well the people currently at a school (students, teachers, admin, support staff, parents) feel that the school is providing a pleasant, inviting learning environment. When it is decided to rebuild a school, someone should look at the size of the students who will be using each room. A room that is pleasant and spacious for 20 1st graders will seem horribly overcrowded with 35 6th graders (an example of this would be Downer). Even though ECHS looks lovely, I did not see any classrooms designed to hold 40+ high-school-sized students. When starting from scratch, these issues can be considered in a way that is not always possible in an existing setting. Schools stalled in construction process Schools without fire-season safeguards: enclosed hallways that provide access to bathrooms, lunch room, office, library, etc.

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Schools that are struggling with enrollment and losing students to charter schools with prettier campuses should get updates because families are discouraged from enrolling in an otherwise great school if it looks old and gross. Schools should also be spaces where students feel comfortable and supported in their learning, and the decrepit state of our campus literally tells students "the district doesn't care about you," from broken lockers, windows, and doors to no A/C to peeling wall, floor, and ceiling tiles and mold. Schools that don't have enough bathrooms for staff or students. How many crappy portables a school has without sinks. The number of students per site. How vital the school is to special ed programs. Schools that have students in portables and have not been finished.

Schools with high numbers of students of color from families who face social economic disadvantages should be prioritized. Securing school premises during school hours for safety of all

Security system


Seguridad en el entorno de los edificios escolares

Serve those that depend on school most.

Should not be biased EITHER WAY toward economic or racial background of the students.

site assets--proximity to public transportation--BART, ferry, busses; swimming pool, parks, rec centers, Fab Lab, other shared community facilities; safety/health factors like cameras, fencing, mold or asbestos Sites that have already been slated for renovation and were put on hold

Smart use of construction dollars. Planning far enough ahead to give design and construction teams adequate time to produce quality documents for permitting under DSA. Consider new standards to address equity and healthy environments. Soft environment including school staffs’ inputs.

Soft environment including school staffs’ inputs.

Soil condition and shade

Solar / Renewable - other districts have significantly lowered their energy costs i.e. Lafayette that way without net expense to school district - can provide more info if needed Solar panels

Sounds like Kennedy. WHY are all the rich areas of the bay area rebuilt first? Let's show love to the black and brown low income students for once. REBUILD KENNEDY to show love and respect. BLACK LIVES MATTER. Sounds like the old De Anza, which needed to be repaired and replaced.

State of the art facilities for STEM programs in Hercules.

Stege is extremely old and is unappealing to the students. Stege should be considered for renovation. Stick with the current priorities.

Stick with your current priorities

Sticking to the original plan on new build or renovation. Fairmont school has been on the list for a long time but always gets overlooked just because it's in El Cerrito. The population is low income, despite it being in EC. Rebuild Fairmont!!! Structural covif 19 safety features, e.g solid barriers in halls, classrooms, bathrooms

Studen with low income family need help with school work and English. Needs more help with homework more tutor. student enrollment and projection; safety of the facility

student learning capability

Student opinions on how they feel while at the school.

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Student to teacher ratio, certified support staff, action plans for behaviorally at risk students and their families, periodical individual and group assessments or evaluations to pinpoint issues before they become problems. So much more still.... Support teachers

Survey each school for what they need most.

Sustainability building methods for lowering carbon & energy use

sustainability, carbon footprint

Sustainable design (recycled materials) and efficient/renewable energy

Sustainable design (recycled materials) and efficient/renewable energy

teacher input

Teachers payroll and benefits will not be affected

Teachers salaries should go up

That all schools have air conditioning.

That should be destroyed or petitioned to the state for support with proper destruction. It should then be turned back into natural environmental development. That the facility best serves its users/constituents

Thats it

The above criteria are very unclear- for example "How well the school buildings and site meet the needs for teaching and learning, whether the buildings and site function well"- would that be a qualifying or disqualifying criterion? Others are also unclear. An important criterion that isn't even mentioned here is whether the school (especially elementary) serves a geographically isolated population. Our school, Olinda, serves students that live over 3 miles from the three closest schools, all of which have all been renovated, even though they are within blocks of each other. Clearly a geographic inequity. The Achievement Gap

The air pollution level & level of trauma-impact children face and whether more green spaces are needed to support cleaner air and improved mental / social-emotional health for children The amount of outside money the school accesses. At Kensington, for instance, we have tons of parent money that comes into the school. Prioritize the schools that don't have that sort of socio-economic support. The amount of students per teacher/classroom.

The asbestos and mold in Cameron school is very unsafe. In addition, the lack of bathroom facilities for students, staff and family members is inadequate.

The beautification of school is crucial to give kids a Better environment. Every body likes to be in nice places and schools must be nice places. The Cameron building has numerous structural and safety issues. For a building that works with the smallest and some of the most fragile students in our district the buildings conditions are deplorable. We have multiple roof leaks resulting in various kinds of mold, asbestos from floor to ceiling (when tiles are cracked building personnel have to report the issue to several people before the issue is looked at then building personnel has to demand proper safety conditions are upheld while those items are worked on), bathrooms that consistently do NOT work, and uncontrolled temperature conditions (from sweltering hot where pictures on the wall warp to freezing cold and wearing gloves to work at your desk). These are just a few of the issues the students and adults in the building have to work with when either trying to learn or trying to provide a terrific learning environment for our students. The Cameron building is unsafe, old, hazardous for health, and not suitable for how many kids we assess and treat. The school has asbestos everywhere. The floors are cracking due to extreme heat, leaving asbestos exposed. We cover it with duct tape. That is not ok for us as workers, or our children as they are the youngest in the entire district and many kids and babies crawl around. We sit on the floor often, not in desks as older students do.

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The building is painfully hot in the fall and late spring. It is hard to breathe and we are covered in sweat after therapy. It's dreadfully cold in winter that we must wear scarves and puff jackets to keep warm. Parents are shocked by the awful heat/cold and ask about it. The building has zero ability to regulate temperature. It is a horrible way to work and to try to teach kids who are birth-5 in age. The ceiling in the main hall is clear plastic or glass. It creates a greenhouse effect in the sun. There are not enough therapy and assessment rooms for us to find space to hold IEPs, assessment, and therapy. The building was created many years ago, when speech therapy and autism were not needed in abundance by the community. Times are different now and the building does not support our needs. The Cameron Building serves over 600 students throughout the school district (although not at the same time). We do not have enough room for desks of SLPs and are crammed together, creating a fire hazard. There are broken floor tiles that contain asbestos and there is asbestos in the walls. Our roof leaks and our plumbing backs up on a weekly basis. Work orders seem to be perpetually placed, but take so long to get a response that a new problem arises by the time maintenance arrives. The age of the building and all the problems associated with it, appear to be an unhealthy atmosphere for the students that we are serving (birth through 5). The staff is continually juggling space to hold IEP meetings and to evaluate students. We do not have age appropriate bathrooms for our students and not enough bathroom facilities for our staff. We were on the list to be renovated a few years ago, but were taken off the list and other schools were put in our place. I would like to see Cameron get the appropriate renovations or remodeling. Many schools have been completely rebuilt and I feel that Cameron should be considered to have the facilities become updated. The children at west county mandarin school need a permanent school

The community in which it resides it and their necessity for a safe environment where students can grow. The functional elements of the school matter: can remodeling and enhancements be made reasonably. Is the school building decrepit and plagued with other problems? I think a cost/benefit analysis should apply a variety of lenses, but given the costs of new construction and very expensive new code requirements (and an incredibly high debt burden being carried by our District's taxpayers), retrofitting, remodeling, refreshing buildings need to be a stronger area of focus except where the economics and needs simply do not make sense, The growth of the community - schools in areas where there are a lot of new homes need school expansion to accommodate new families The impact on neighborhoods with lower socio economic status - for example I think consolidating schools with lower enrollment may be financially sound yet if the schools are located in neighborhoods with families with lower socio economic status and the students who attend the schools are higher needs students, then we should not consolidate those schools. My concern if we consolidate schools and have empty buildings: Charter School companies will swoop in and offer the District money. This is not the way to ensure equity for our students who are in lower socio economic households and it is not a way to ensure equity for our brown and black students. In fact those schools should be well maintained or rebuilt if necessary. The implict racism of JFK & RHS being the ONLY high schools that have not be rebuilt and they serve the highest # of students of culture. The interior environment of learning is very important for students and teachers to function well during school hours. Any interior wall/window/fixture repairs (including the school speaker systems) that needs attention should be addressed and classroom furniture that needs to be replaced/updated to provide a friendly atmosphere should be replaced accordingly. Safety should also be the number one concern. An earthquake is due in the area soon. All buildings should be brought up to code for the safety of students and teachers. The last question was included twice

The last question was included twice

Page 25: Background: Thanks to the support of the community Measure

The maintenance of the bathrooms for the students

The necessity of the function served by the building/structure (ie. sports stadiums vs. classrooms). Ability of classrooms to withstand climate change (ex. cooling systems for coping with heat). the neighborhoods

The number so students that is in each class

The parking area and entrance road to school needs remodeling since this structure belongs to more than 20+ years ago and the population in this school is increased. The traffic jam and safety is questionable every single year!!! The plan to renovate the school and whether the school has already started its phase for renovation like moving everyone to portables. Other schools should not start renovation if other schools have already started. A school should be completely finished prior to starting another school renovation. The presence of police and security officers in and on all campuses county-wide is a must.

The projected needs of the school. Need stability for families.

The rebuild at our school made it look pretty but functionality is a major problem. The traffic patterns alone take away *substantial* instructional minutes and are a safety concern. The community was not substantively involved in the process (I was on the committee). In my opinion, in our case - with out original classrooms - retrofitting was the much better option. The resources available for the non-traditional students that attend. Sure the areas where the schools are placed are important but there needs to be more equity when it comes to giving the support actually needed. The resources available for the non-traditional students that attend. Sure the areas where the schools are placed are important but there needs to be more equity when it comes to giving the support actually needed. The safety and cleanliness of the classrooms, bathrooms, lunch room, etc.

The safety of our students, accessibility of the campus, classrooms that are safe (no mold, no abestos, proper heating and cooling) with appropriate furniture that lends itself to an interactive classroom where students and teachers thrive. The safety of the school. Asbestos floors and ceiling tiles should be removed ASAP.

The school’s air filtration system/quality of the internal air. It should have HEPA filtration.

The schools prioritized in the most recent Master Plan should maintain their priority.

The schools with highest %disadvantaged students should be the first made COVID ready for in person teaching The socioeconomic status and the need for renovation or new construction should take precedence.

The state of the science and arts buildings. They are always the most neglected and typical show which schools need the most help. The type of construction used at the current schools. Hercules High school looks like the county jail, this does not create an environment conducive to learning. The ventilation needs of the building to protect the health of students & staff in Covid-19 times and beyond. The way students feels when their school is a place that make them feel special and want to learn not just some where to go to learn. Let's take care of those schools stuck in the 50's design and look forgotten. Let's bring all students to the same level of learning by making theirs surrounding equal no matter where they live! The way students will be able to make it to school, I mean transportation availability.

There has to be transparency in bidding and contracts. WCCUSD is spending disproportionately far too much on building compared to other districts. The problem is either incompetence or graft. Some schools get excessive multimillion dollar upgrades, while others lack basics. If there is some kind of inappropriate relationship between contractors and decision makers in the district, the state should pursue criminal prosecution. There should be mandatory Seismic Retrofit improvements for schools along the fault line!

Page 26: Background: Thanks to the support of the community Measure

These are great questions! I feel that schools that were promised a new school, such as Fairmount Elementary should be given a new school! My kids don't attend there and I still think it is important to fulfill an overdue promise. Thanks! This is a non functional school building that needs to be closed and rebuild from the ground up as it sounds to me. This is horrible and funds should be allocated here to fix this! The district needs to be more transparent about the use of the funds they receive. This is horrible and unacceptable!

This is not a question.

This is not a question. Therefor unable to answer. WCMS needs a permanent location, they have 100% enrollment and serve a diverse community. This is not acceptable.

This is unacceptable and creates an atmosphere that does not foster learning.

This is unacceptable.

This school is not in working order and seems hazardous. Children and faculty should not have to come to a site with these types of conditions. This sounds unhealthy and not safe. Students and staff deserve a safe place to study and work.

This sounds unhealthy and not safe. Students and staff deserve a safe place to study and work.

This survey may be well intentioned, but nevertheless a bit confusing. I’m concerned that responses of similarly confused responders will be used to justify actions/policy changes that would be better addressed by paid professionals. I realize it’s a dilemma for all parties..... I have understood for several years that in the Berkeley school district, all schools are funded equally (per student) so that less advantaged neighborhood schools aren’t.(as) penalized by local family income disparities. Would like to see that happening in Richmond too..... This was a poorly worded and designed survey. Why was the rating scale different from question to question? Though the staff at Cameron is wonderful, the building is falling apart. Please renovate or update the building to decrease the safety and material hazards. to put windows in richmond high

Two high schools need major renovation. Richmond High School students have complained for years about the lack of windows and the poor condition of buildings and Kennedy High also is in need of major renovation. These schools should be prioritized in the new master plan. Typical family composition in the area...older vs younger families.


Unfinished projects like Ohlone and Hercules High School as well as the need for a 4th Elem school in Hercules Updating air quality controls in main buildings so that school can continue during extremely smokey days Updating with the newest products NOT the cheapest! The fire alarms are ridiculous! Also ventilation, heating and air conditioning should be standard in ALL SCHOOLS! Climate change is real, ALL Students learn better when they are in a comfortable classroom! upgrade where possible including restrooms and capacity for technology improvements. Old buildings are fine as long as they are earthquake safe and clean. Use monies efficiently. We are spending too much monies but students are not getting better education. Too many layers of administration! Valley View is a school in a unique situation, in that our school community has been scheduled and reprioritized several times. When my child came to VV in K, the rebuild plans were hanging on the cafeteria wall. He is now in 7th grade, and the school has yet to be rebuilt. Leaving students in portable buildings is unjust, and financially unsound. Rows of portables is not a school. The VV building site is flat and geologically sound, and is adjacent to a park. The community deserves to finally have a permanent school structure. Ventilation for future airborne illnesses

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Ventilation system in school, attractive, painted school, rooms that hold comfortably with desk the maximum of 45 students, camera for safety concerns. Ventilation, AC and Heating, removing portables

ventilation, outdoor areas, green schoolyards, non prison like appearance

Was the school demolished in preparation for rebuilding, students in temporary portables... and then plans put on hold? So now the students have been in ugly portables for over 3 years. (Valley View Elementary). We are in El Cerrito and have been the benefits of school renovations. We believe that all students in the district should be able to attend beautiful, well cared for, well-equipped schools. We must keep our children safe!

We need safe schools that fit the needs of our students and teachers, and limit overcrowding. Many of the schools are in disrepair and we need to prioritize schools that are full and growing and make sure all children can socially distance If needed and breathe clean filtered air, important in covid times as well as wildfires. We need safe schools that fit the needs of our students and teachers, and limit overcrowding. Many of the schools are in disrepair and we need to prioritize schools that are full and growing and make sure all children can socially distance If needed and breathe clean filtered air, important in covid times as well as wildfires. We need to prioritize schools in our under-resourced communities. Kennedy High needs to be rebuilt. Stege needs to be rebuilt. Richmond High needs to be rebuilt. We serve young children with disabilities, and many of our kids have complex medical histories. It's really quite ridiculous to expect us to provide necessary therapies to some of the most vulnerable members of our community in an environment that puts them at risk. Cameron has gained the reputation of providing some of the best early intervention services in the Bay Area compared to surrounding districts, so much so that people move into our district in order to help their young children. Please consider renovating Cameron School, not only for our passionate and dedicated therapists and staff, but for the children and families that are looking to create a brighter future for all of us! We were on the list! We are in portables and been waiting for 5 years. We are losing enrollment because we do not have a permanent location. Lunch room is too small. Our kids come home daily of migranies from the loud noise in a compact area. Well good working condition for teachers and students.

Well good working condition for teachers and students.

West County Mandarin School needs a permanent site. The WCCUSD school board voted to create this school in 2016, and since then it has only been in temporary sites. The school community needs to know where it will land, so that it has a sense of stability and a home. This school community has worked tirelessly to ensure that it has upheld its end of the school mandate: over 50% of the students are low income, English language learners, and/or foster youth. We have built a wildly successful program. Where is the support from the district? We hear board members say that we are trying to jump the line for a new site. No one is trying to do anything like that. We are asking for a site that can hold our growing student population and will allow us to maintain equitable access for all of the families in our widespread district. We are frustrated and disappointed that we feel no support for our school. West County Mandarin School needs a school. They are fully enrolled and serve a diverse community. What else should be considered is, how long this will take? The students are always the ones that suffer, because they can't get the help they need. Have an academic program that's durable for all students to learn from. Students do not all learn the same way. Consider looking into a curriculum, that benefits all students, no matter the background they come from. What other purpose is property used for

What other purpose is property used for

What state of disrepair the school is in. How it supports learning for students and teaching for staff. Cameron School has not been renovated and is in disrepair.

Page 28: Background: Thanks to the support of the community Measure

What the heck is the point of this? what is your question? Tear it down and replace it.

What's the question?

Where does this school fall in the FMP? This looks like a high priority.

Whether improvements have been promised in past bond measures and not fulfilled.

Whether improvements have been promised in past bond measures and not fulfilled.

Whether the outdoor space has some grass areas for the students to play in

Whether the school site has received any real structural renovations in the last 20-30 years.

Whether there is a permanent building in place that allows for Shelter-in-Place as needed during fire season and for other catastrophic events. Valley View is ALL portables and has been so for many years. There is not a safe area for children to wait for rides after school either. The temp lunchroom is overcrowded. The District should very seriously consider taking the student populations from both Olinda & Valley View (and likely some from Murphy) and creating a new safe elementary campus for all those children. It amazes me how many neighborhood children are opting out of our neighborhood schools. The don’t come back for middle or high school after they have found alternatives. Of the families that live close to me, none of them send their kids to Valley View and most of the new families I know look to send their kids elsewhere b/c our campus looks like something in a disaster zone. We used to have such a gem of a school in our neighborhood. Now it’s an eyesore. It’s ridiculous that income in the neighborhood and income of student’s families is used as such a large factor in whether schools are allocated priority on the Facilities Master Plan. Because my neighbors make more, our children don’t deserve decent schools with “amenities” such as bathrooms in our SPED and kindergarten classrooms? This is unsafe for our most vulnerable students. During fire season our children’s lungs work the same as those in “more deserving” neighborhoods, and as such, our children shouldn’t be subjected to toxic air just to use the temp bathrooms on the other side of campus. I voted for the new bond and am praying that I wasn’t fooled once again to continue increasing my taxes just to continue waiting for our neighborhood school to be rebuilt as we were promised a decade or more ago. Do what’s right for the May Valley/ El Sobrante neighborhood. Rebuild a campus for the 94803 area. Which are in danger of being closed?

Which buildings are safe, which buildings are set up in a way that shows we care about kids, which buildings provide enough space for pandemic safety. Why have other schools in the district, in better shape, received funds for adequate maintenance while Kennedy sits in disrepair? Poor management? Systemic racism? Follow through with the plan to rebuild Kennedy high school and give the kids of this community access to the same resources that all the other kids in the district already have. This is appalling that these children don't have access to the same kinds of resources other students receive regularly. I wonder how well they would perform if they had access to well maintained, working buildings. Will the community be able to use the facilities when not used by the school?



windows on richmond high.

With the current pandemic situation, it is primordial to focus on the renovation and improvement of bathrooms, water fountains, and air conditioner for ALL! Work toward equity and eliminate portable classrooms.

You have two repeated questions: "How many students are attending the school in comparison to how many students the permanent buildings on campus can hold" If the data is different on each of those I would take a second look as to why. Some of your language is misleading: "How many improvement projects have been completed at a school since it was originally built" Renovations are not the same as reconstruction. Some data here might be skewed.

Page 29: Background: Thanks to the support of the community Measure

You need to look out for your most vulnerable kids, but you also need to keep the "taxpayers" happy so that they vote for future bonds. And stop allowing charter schools to move in on the territory of real public schools! Your questions have different scales for importance: 1-3, 1-4, 1-5. If you analyze them compared to each other, it will be misleading! Ampliar el edificio para instalar más áreas de librerías y computadoras

Añedir más buenos proyectos

Añedir más buenos proyectos

Asegurar el bien estar de mis estudiantes

behaving of the rest of students, overall

Brindar más ayudas para las escuelas para que así los alumnos tengan un mejor aprendizaje.

Camaras de vigilancia afuera de las escuelas

Capacitación para los maestros

Checar la capacidades del maestro.en alta tecnología debe aser el distrito alluda. A..maestras tradajadores.padres de familia..nuevos curso de capacidad para manejar todos las tecnologías gia.los niños son muy inteligente en la tecnologia..pero que sea adecuada para cada niño. Comida mas saludables para los ninos no chips y mas personal para limpiar las escuelas.

Construir mas aulas para poder tener menos alumnos por salon y asi puedan tener una mejor atencion por maestro; por ejemplo 30 alumnos son demasiado para un maestro. Deportes y otras actividades después de clases para estudiantes de todas las edades

El aprendizaje la seguridad y el buen trato Asia ellos

Entiendo qu es importante la construcción pero también y más importante la educación invertir en clases extra para los niños clases extra para todos sin excepción de arte o música para desarrollar un mejor psquico-emociónal en estos tiempo de pandemia necesitamos que cuando nuestros hijos regresen tengan actividades extra curriculares para poder sobre llevar los días de encerramiento. Gracias Hola soy mamá de un niño que asiste ala escuela Downer ,Casi la mitad de los padres de los niños que asisten ala escuela Downer tenemos que. Caminar más de 15 minutos porque no manejamos y la entrada que teníamos más cerca era entrar por la entrada que queda por la California y el año pasado la cerraron que porque no tenían dinero para poner una persona que cuidara esa entrada pero a sido algo muy difícil para los niños porque cuando esta lloviendo nuestros niños llegan mojados asus clases y tratamos de hablar con el director de la escuela y lo único que dijo es que los niños son repelentes al agua,pero ahorita con eso del covid 19 es algo preocupante ahora que nuestros niños regresen ala escuela y tengan que caminar tanto sobre la lluvia y no hagan nada ,espero contar con su ayuda y abran nuevamente la entrada que nos queda más cerca gracias dios los bendiga La alimentacion

La escuela necesita muchas mejorías

La escuela necesita muchas mejorías

La escuela necesita muchas mejorías

La implementación de la religión ala escuelas que lean la biblia

La mera verdad no se mucho todavía de la escuela pero estoy a favor de los beneficios que pueda recibir La población sigue creciendo

La salud de los alumnos y personal al está en las instalaciones viejas, e inseguras.

La seguridad

Las dos escuelas ocupan muchas mejoras

Más actividades para los niños.

Mas aulas

Page 30: Background: Thanks to the support of the community Measure

Mas aulas

Más maestros

Más maestros el los patios a la hora del recreo

Mas seguridad

Más seguridad en los banos y salidos para que los estudiantes no corten clases. Y más seguridad para que no se peleen en frente de la oficina no se mira bien. Y que los estudiantes tengan más respeto hacia los adultos Mas seguridad fuera de la escuela

Me gustaria que se aceguren de hacer bien la limpiesa de la escuela sobre todo en los baños que estubiese al pediente de eso el conserge de verdad es muy nesesario. Me gustaria que se aceguren de hacer bien la limpiesa de la escuela sobre todo en los baños que estubiese al pediente de eso el conserge de verdad es muy nesesario. Mejorar Instalaciones deportivas

Mejorar Instalaciones deportivas

Mejorar Instalaciones deportivas

Mejorar la escuela y hacer más salones , por qué hay salones que quedan alejado de la cafetería , de la oficina , dela biblioteca esos salones quedan alejado y afuera que cuando está lloviendo o hay humo los niños tienen que cruzar por fuera del establecimiento y en área de la cafetería no es suficiente mente grande para todos los alumnos y los alumnos salen al aire libre a comer y cuando no se puede estar afuera ellos aún así salen a comer en los establecimientos de comer afuera . Mejorar las instalaciones deportivas

Mejores almuerzos y actividades

Menos estudiantes por aula, más maestros por cada escuela, más tutores para niños aprendices de inglés y más actividades deportivas. Mi hija Kiana Navarro no ha recibido ayuda en el idioma Ingles. Tambien necesitan mucha seguridad. Otra joven le hizo buling todo el año 2019. Mi hijo apenas comenzó este año y no se mucho de la escuela

Mi prioridad, es menos escuelas, y mejor educación, para que quieren tantas escuelas si la calidad de educación es muy baja, porque no hay suficientes maestros para cubrir tanta escuela y las pocas escuelas que sean seguras para los estudiantes y maestros . more programs for our childrens and more trained teachers , school needs more money for everting

N /a



No tengo tanta información de que mejoras o actualizada este la escuela?

Oportunidades de programas de actualización para los profesores para mantener e improvisar standares de enseñanza y oportunidades para incrementar su salario. Oportunidades de programas de actualización para los profesores para mantener e improvisar standares de enseñanza y oportunidades para incrementar su salario. Paga de maestros y para contratar a más maestros .

Para mi me parace todo bien

Para mi me parace todo bien

Pienso que se debe tomar en cuenta los daños en la estructura principal de los edificios para determinar si es conveniente repararlos o demoler los para construir uno nuevo y otro aspecto que a mí criterio es importante son las áreas de deoortes diversos y áreas para enseñar protección al medio ambiente que tanto se necesita que aprendan los niños y jóvenes... Poner mas seguridad en las escuelas

Programas académicos para los estudiantes

Pues arreglar más las escuelas para que nuestros hijos se sientan agusto

Page 31: Background: Thanks to the support of the community Measure

Pues brindar transporte escolar para seguridad de los niños

Que contraten más personal responsable con la limpieza en la escuela, y más maestros sustitutos.

Que hubieran menos estudiantes por clases

Que las aulas tengan menos estudiantes. Y aya más apoyos a los maestros

Que si pueden poner cecuriti en la escuela para más protegido los niños

Que si pueden poner cecuriti en la escuela para más protegido los niños

Recursos para los estudiantes como fondos para material escolar y tecnologia, contratar asistencia para limpieza de baños, estan muy sucios. Remodelación

Renovación de escuela que realmente necesitan la construcción Highland necesita renovación en su edificio Renovación de escuela y muebles nuevos pls

Renovacion de los baños En las High schools, que tengan mejor acceso a papel y jabón es ahora muy importante antes del regreso fisico a la escuela, y también sinks y jabón para manos en los comedores. Renovar de las escuelas

Segurida, en todos los ambientes

Seguridad para los estudiantes.


Tener buenos maestros.que se han responsables

Tener muchas formas para no trasmitir el coronavirus

Todas las preguntas q hicieron no les entendí muy bien pero no c especifica q si c pueden arreglar o c pueden remodelar no c los estudiantes q dices q más o meno eso q yo al parecer las respuestas no están bien o no c si la pregunta no la especificaron bien para q uno pueda da responder Todos


Ver lo que le hace falta a la escuela para que mejore en todos sus ambitos

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