Page 1: Baie D’Urfé Library President’s Annual Report · President’s Annual Report for the Annual General Meeting of February 22, 2016 The year 2015 has been good for the library

Baie D’Urfé Library President’s Annual Report

for the Annual General Meeting of February 22, 2016

The year 2015 has been good for the library. Key events include:

As a result of a survey carried out in the summer of 2014, the library`s opening hours

were changed and extended at the beginning of 2015. The library is now open 31.5

hours per week up from 28.5 hours per week in 2014.

Alexandra Jenkins retired in March after many years as library technician and in April,

Linda Audet was hired to replace her. Thank you again Alex and welcome aboard


Over the course of the year Karen Armstrong, our librarian, instituted many new

services. These include access to one’s library account from home, home delivery of

books and inter-library loans. But as these were all her initiative, I will let her tell you

about them in her Librarian’s Report.

A sub-committee was formed to design a logo for the library. Its members included

Stephanie Hopley, a graphic designer living in Baie D’Urfé, Jane Dawson, Karen

Armstrong and myself. A design was prepared and submitted to the Executive and

adopted. Stephanie`s help is gratefully acknowledged.

On being told by Doug Cole that the Mayor Tutino had once mentioned that she thought

the workroom should be refurbished, I discussed the matter the mayor and she

confirmed that this was so. A new layout was prepared for the workroom (by Karen,

Linda Audet and me) and meetings were held with the Council and then with members

of the Town administration. Monies for the work were approved when the Town passed

its 2016 budget in December 2015 and the work started earlier this month. The room is

being completely redecorated and with the changes, the workroom will be much less

cluttered and a much more pleasant and efficient place to work.

It is appropriate to thank people for their help and rather than naming them all one by one, I

would like to say that we have a strong executive; they all are essential members of the team

and I thank them all. Likewise, our volunteers who man the desk and help in the workroom are

an essential part of the team and they too deserve, and have, our sincere thanks.

It is also appropriate to thank the Council for its continued support, both financial and moral. For

not only does the Town provide more than 90% of the funds required to run the library, we know

that they will look with open minds on anything we propose to them that we think will improve

the library and the services it offers. We are grateful to Mayor Tutino and to members of

Council for their continued and generous support. And this year, we are in particular grateful to

them for refurbishing our workroom.

Respectfully submitted Philip Cumyn, February 15, 2016

Page 2: Baie D’Urfé Library President’s Annual Report · President’s Annual Report for the Annual General Meeting of February 22, 2016 The year 2015 has been good for the library


Financial Statements

Year Ended December 31st 2015


Submitted on behalf of the Executive Board

Philip Cumyn, President Zahir Shariff, Treasurer

__________________________ ________________________

Date: _____________________ Date: ____________________

Page 3: Baie D’Urfé Library President’s Annual Report · President’s Annual Report for the Annual General Meeting of February 22, 2016 The year 2015 has been good for the library

Balance Sheet As at December 31

st 2015



$ 2014



Cash 20,961 16.825

Total Assets 20,961 16,825

Surplus Surplus for the year 4,065 6,766

Total Surplus 20,961 16,825

Page 4: Baie D’Urfé Library President’s Annual Report · President’s Annual Report for the Annual General Meeting of February 22, 2016 The year 2015 has been good for the library

Statement of Revenues and Expenses Year Ended December 31

st 2015



$ 2014



Municipal Grant 119,500 118,240

Provincial Grant 5,326 2,060

Fines 1,936 1,754

Discards 573 856

Non-resident fees 142 275

Interest on Grants 354 3

HGM interest 50 0

Other 795 1,329

Total Revenue 128,676 124,517


Adult Books 31,519 27,923

Junior Books 9,572 9,015

Periodicals 1,946 2,255

Audio-visual 2,715 4,936

Library Supplies 2,625 2,836

Salaries & Wages 59,476 59,193

Employee Benefits 6,155 5,824

Furniture & Equipment 4,355 290

Administration 2,600 2,951

Telephone/Internet 2,260 2,179

Property Rental 0 0

Sundry 0 14

Photocopier 0 335

Activities 1,388 0

Total Expenses 124,611 117,751

Net Change

4,065 6,766

Page 5: Baie D’Urfé Library President’s Annual Report · President’s Annual Report for the Annual General Meeting of February 22, 2016 The year 2015 has been good for the library


The Library was fortunate to have the efforts of Anne Dodge, Marlene Fisher and Tobby Skeie working for our committee again last year and they are continuing this year. We were favoured with a useful budget that has been renewed and increased this year.

With our budget of $15,425 we bought 527 new books and the attached page gives the numbers we bought and the circulation of the 33 different subjects of fiction and non-fiction for which we have statistics on from Karen and her band of computer wizards. We usually buy about 500 books per year and last year we added two new two subjects that do well in the book stores, adult graphic novels and self-help books and we received extra funds to buy 33 of these two subjects.

Many of our new books come from American publishers and the average cost of books began to rise last year from $28.39 to $30.01 per book, as our dollar fell against the US dollar. The first deliveries this year show that trend continuing with more books priced closer to $40 than $30 which was the old normal.

The overall circulation statistics in our department have been quite stable for the last three years, not bad considering the growth of electronic media. Some individual subjects have become more popular while others declined. Mysteries as a single subject used to be the most popular but the different varieties of Novels in total have surpassed Mysteries since 2013 and I think this might be because we now have statistics of the circulation of each of 13 different kinds of novels, romances and thrillers which allows us to reflect Members reading trends in our buying.

We buy three Fiction for every Non-fiction book (what a shame that such an interesting collection is only known by what it isn’t) and in the Non-fiction, most subjects continue to be very well read but the circulation of books on sociology (which includes crime and politics) and war including terrorism declined last year. Some new books on those subjects tend to get out of date very quickly and our readers have daily access to all the latest news on the other media. Nevertheless, we continue to look for outstanding books that deal in depth with these important world problems.

Another change we were happy to make last year was a better way of handling Members’ suggestions by informing them when the suggested book has been bought and by reserving that book for them when it comes in. We bought 48 suggested books and we hope that number will increase.


We spent $607.99 to buy 19 audio books on CD from plus 6 more we bought from Nova and donated. The new audio books cost an average of $ 32.00 but it was difficult to find interesting books at this price and most new audio books are priced at closer to double that. The circulation of audio books was quite good at 311 for last year, 12 loans for every one purchased which is similar to the circulation of adult books.

The price of audio CDs from Amazon USA at first seemed low compared with their Canadian branch so I bought some from each, but after adding the exchange on the dollar, shipping from the USA etc. we ended up paying about the same from the two sources.

Respectfully submitted by Herb Pidcock.

Page 6: Baie D’Urfé Library President’s Annual Report · President’s Annual Report for the Annual General Meeting of February 22, 2016 The year 2015 has been good for the library

Adult English Books Committee: Report to AGM on Feb 22,2016 page 1 Circulation and Purchasing Statistics for 2014 and 2015.



2014 2015 2014 2015 UNGENRED SUBJECTS

General Fiction,older books

1149 1278 x x

Mysteries,new and older

1614 1568 115 116



graphic novels


10 74 2 25

novels and short stories




NOV- FO 116 132 16 18



NOV- HI 259 281 31 35


NOV- HU 28 53 6 5


NOV- LI 15 51 8 3


NOV- SA 100 133 9 7


NOV- SS 48 66 10 7

s/t nov 1024 1230 140 143



ROM- RN 140 133 14 14


s/t rom 370 384 48 46

science fiction and fantasy



s/t sf fan 156 141 10 16



THR- AC 279 233 46 33


s/t thr 473 403 74 61

Fiction total

4796 5078 389 407

for totals see page 2

Page 7: Baie D’Urfé Library President’s Annual Report · President’s Annual Report for the Annual General Meeting of February 22, 2016 The year 2015 has been good for the library

Adult English Books Committee: Report to AGM on Feb 22,2016 page 2

Circulation and Purchasing Statistics for 2014 and 2015 (cont'd).


2014 2015 2014 2015


the arts incl.performing ART

63 60 1 1



304 317 15 18



9 0 1 0

cooking,food and drink COO

289 301 10 14



9 6 0 0

gardening and agriculture GAR

81 79 1 5

health and medicine HEA

155 162 4 11



118 121 11 9

hobbies,crafts and sport HOB

38 26 5 6

investing and economics INV

55 53 2 1

literature,essays,poetry LIT

82 83 6 1



0 92 7 11

the sciences and engineering SCI

71 64 9


sociology,politics and crime SOC

156 110 13


travel and geography TRA

95 137 17 9

war and terrorism


97 62 4 4

Non-Fiction total

1622 1673 106 120

Fiction + Non-Fiction total

6418 6751 495


Percentage of Non-Fiction

25.27% 24.78% 21.4% 22.8%

Average cost per book $

28.39 30.01

NOTE: The circulation statistics for Non-Fiction are for the totals of French and English loans.

The purchasing statistics for Non-Fiction are for new purchases of English books only.

Page 8: Baie D’Urfé Library President’s Annual Report · President’s Annual Report for the Annual General Meeting of February 22, 2016 The year 2015 has been good for the library


At the 2015 AGM, we were pleased to announce that three new people had joined our selection team. Unfortunately, during the course of this past year, two of them resigned. However, as luck would have it, we were fortunate and a new member announced his willingness to participate in selecting French books for our readership. His name is Philippe Paulmier, a member of the library and a Baie d’Urfe citizen having recently moved here.

Our committee now consists of Marjolaine Loevenich, Philippe Paulmier, Petra Hospes-Vaast and, of course, the undersigned. Yvan Therrien now and then also still suggests new titles to us, but is not able to attend our meetings.

We expect to have our first meeting of the year around March 15th (the precise date remains to be confirmed when Philippe Paulmier and Marjolaine Loevenich return from their respective holidays), at which time we will establish our book buying agenda for the year.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my committee members for their willingness and continued interest in the selection of French books for our library. Thanks are also due to Karen and Linda both of whom are always ready, with a smile, to help us and to share with us their extensive knowledge and give us the information(s) we require to make an educated decision in our choice of books. Not once has either of them made us feel that we are making too many demands on them.

Our budget for 2015 was originally capped at $14,000, and has been increased by $1,000 in the course of the year. To these figures, an amount of $400 was added, to cover the purchase of Talking Books, bringing our total budget for 2015 to $ 15,400. We bought for $ 15 360.58 and we were also given a credit of $ 545.07 for books we returned.

In total, we purchased 468 books at an average cost of $ 31.67, which corresponds with the average cost per book in 2014.

As for Talking Books, we spent $ 559.87 for 13 books, which averages out to $43.05 per TB.

The total amount spent on Paper and Talking Books is $ 15,382.38, an amount $17.62 below our budget.

Concerning the types of books purchased, the breakdown is as follows:

335 novels - Crime, Thrillers and Sci-fi

117 books - covering Psychology, Ethics, Social Sciences, Medicine and Health, Home, Family, Biography and History

16 Comics

It is interesting to note that the 117 nonfiction books purchased in 2015 constitute exactly 25% of the total amount of books purchased, which we feel is a good ratio.

Furthermore, most of the books which were given literary awards in 2015, have been purchased during the last 3 months of the year and are now available in the library.

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This year, we intend to make a concerted effort to come as close as possible to the actual reading tendencies of our Library’s patrons. We expect to accomplish this by following more closely Karen’s “Circulation’s” lists as well as the popular reading lists covering various published categories.

We will also, or I, should the others not be able to accompany me due to lack of time, go to the presentations of new arrivals, organized by MONET, once a month, and consult their in-house specialists. This will, no doubt, be a time-consuming enterprise. On the other hand, it is most interesting to see what new arrivals are available.

Certainly, we intend to continue to base our choices on the various information available via radio, internet, magazines such as Lire, L’Actualite, Le Figaro Litteraire, Le Libraire, Les Nouvelles Litteraires and many others too numerous to name.

It should be noted that the suggestions made by the Library patrons are 75% fulfilled.

Respectfully submitted Sophie Dutoy

Page 10: Baie D’Urfé Library President’s Annual Report · President’s Annual Report for the Annual General Meeting of February 22, 2016 The year 2015 has been good for the library

Bibliothèque Baie d’Urfé Library JUNIOR SECTION

Year End Report 2015

Book Selection The purchasing team consists of Helen Fyles for English­language junior and teen­age fiction, Nathalie Pedicelli for French­language teen­age fiction, Susan Murphy for non­fiction in both languages as well as French fiction easy readers, Aimee Suojanen for French junior fiction, and Sandra Munro for picture books in both languages and English easy readers. We are awaiting confirmation of someone to assist with the purchase of French fiction easy readers. Grace Berard continues to be most helpful in surveying the needs in the non­fiction section and advising on suitable purchases. Young people continue to submit items to the suggestion box, primarily for young adult and graphic fiction. Purchases The budget is allocated according to the following formula: 60% English and 40% French, with 75% apportioned to fiction and 25% to non­fiction. Previously 30% had been apportioned to non­fiction; however, circulation in this area is considerably reduced, with very little borrowing. This can be attributed to the possibilities of research on the internet. However, we have observed a certain amount of browsing in that area.

322 English and 245 French books were purchased for a total of 567. This is slightly higher than purchasing in 2014. As well, there were more French books and fewer English books than last year, which skews our formula somewhat. The reason for this discrepancy is the fact that very few French books are being published in hardcover. The committee will need to look at the significance of this trend in terms of our purchasing formula. As the softcover facile and romans are very flimsy and lack durability, we will probably continue to purchase more (within the percentages) since replacements will be needed more frequently. Shelf Maintenance As usual, shelves are checked on a weekly basis for improper shelving and tidiness and book weeding is ongoing.

Publicity Displays on various topics were set up through the year, such as seasons and holidays. Items were submitted to the News & Views about recent purchases and special events Special Projects and Events This is an area that we have found very discouraging to organize, since historically participation has been extremely poor. Much of this is due to the community demographics, i.e. working families with children in day care and after­school programs. We have had discussion with

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Karen concerning various approaches, and we will continue to look at possibilities to engage young people.

Appreciation Sincere thanks go to Grace Berard and Susan Murphy for their Tuesday morning efforts. Karen Armstrong, along with Alex Jenkins and Linda Audet, have provided ongoing support with valuable assistance and advice, for which we are very grateful. We also greatly appreciate the work of the book processing and book mending volunteers, who help to ensure that our collection is up­to­date and in good shape.

Coordinating the work of the Junior Section has been a satisfying engagement for me for the past ten years and I look forward to continuing my involvement in the committee on a lesser scale, confident that the leadership will go forward in Bev Beauchamp’s very capable hands.

Respectfully submitted, Sandra Munro February 2016

Baie-D’Urfé Library Annual General Meeting Periodicals Report February 22, 2016

Jackie Treyhern should be thanked for her 8 years of service to the library and in particular for establishing a well-rounded magazine collection. At this time we have over 60 magazines on display in the three sections: adult, juvenile and teen areas. Circulation statistics have indicated the termination of several magazines, including PC Gamer, as teens must be acquiring gaming information on line. We have added three fitness magazines, as this was a missing category. In December, with the remaining budget, we added several new adult French magazines, including Psychologies. The majority of our magazines are ordered through Campus Discount. They are certainly cheaper than any other distributer we looked into. Unfortunately, American ordered magazines have increased our costs. In 2015, $1946.69 was spent on renewals or new subscriptions. Circulation statistics indicate that the most popular magazines continue to be Country Life and Consumer Reports followed by home décor, cooking and gardening magazines. Respectfully submitted by, Dianne Perdue Lillie

Page 12: Baie D’Urfé Library President’s Annual Report · President’s Annual Report for the Annual General Meeting of February 22, 2016 The year 2015 has been good for the library

Baie D’Urfé Library Annual Report for 2015 Audio-Visual Materials

1. The audio-visual buying team was made up of the following:

Tony Brown Adult DVDs Mimi Winlo Children`s DVDs John Ahrens Popular music CDs Philip Cumyn Classical music CDs

and the help of Tony, Mimi and John is gratefully acknowledged. English and French talking books were purchased by the respective book buying committees; see their reports for details. 2. Total acquisitions for the year amounted to the following:

Acquisitions Cost of purchases Adult DVDs 87 $355.00 Children`s DVDs 58 $735.00 Adult music CDs 62 $580.00 Total 207 $1680.00

out of a budget of $4150 (which excludes talking books). The numbers for acquisitions include donations, they also include items that were purchased in 2014 but not and entered into the catalogue until 2015. 3. Tony, Mimi and John assumed their responsibilities in March and as a result, got off to a slow start so some budgets, notably that of Adult DVDs and to a lesser extent that of the Children`s DVDs, were under-spent. Respectfully submitted Philip Cumyn February 13, 2016

Page 13: Baie D’Urfé Library President’s Annual Report · President’s Annual Report for the Annual General Meeting of February 22, 2016 The year 2015 has been good for the library

2015 Annual Report from the Exhibitions Committee The Library’s art exhibitions have been busy the past year. The new hanging system has saved much time while hanging paintings. The following exhibits were on display:

The local Cub Pack displayed their newest models of Kub Kars (and Trucks) from April 1st to May 3rd

The Baie-D’Urfé Watercolour group showed a collection paintings from various members of the group from May 8th to June 9th.

Thomas Donaldson Titman (1902-1992), from June 11th through Aug 12th. The pieces on display were kindly provided by the artist’s son, Rodger Titman.

Nicole Dorion, from Sept 1st to Oct 9th. Nicole, a well-known local artist, had her second exhibition at the Library. Her show was one of “local” themes.

Ron & Janet Brown, from October 19th to January 29th , 2016. Ron and Janet’s watercolours were kindly provided by Ron Brown and his son, Tony.

The upcoming year promises to also be a busy one once the workshop renovations are complete. A number of Beaconsfield Artist’s Association (BAA) members are in the lineup. Respectfully submitted by Tobby Skeie.

Page 14: Baie D’Urfé Library President’s Annual Report · President’s Annual Report for the Annual General Meeting of February 22, 2016 The year 2015 has been good for the library

Computer Committee – Annual Report for 2015 The computer committee was created in March 2015 to provide technical support and advice to the library board in managing computer equipment, network, and services in the library. The members of the committee are Karen Armstrong (Librarian), Hugh Mansfield, Denise Gore, and Tobby Skeie. The committee has been very successful due to the different skills and expertise each of these three volunteers possess. Hugh Mansfield generously donated to the library several second-hand computers, keyboards, and mice, a Wi-Fi router, and 5 brand new monitors. Hugh also provided the software solution that manages our Wi-Fi service. Other skills he has put to work for the library include computer troubleshooting and repair. Denise Gore completed a work practicum in the library, during which time she installed and configured the new library computers, researched new computer equipment and computer solutions for the library, and prepared documentation for the library Wi-Fi project. She continues to provide well-researched options in response to our library computer needs. Tobby Skeie examined library wiring, performed some re-wiring to eliminate problems, and documented the wiring of the library network. Tobby cleaned and repaired a malfunctioning printer. He has also taken the lead in recycling our old computer equipment. The computer committee’s biggest achievement was to design and install a public Wi-Fi service for the library, which was launched in August. The installation of the donated computer equipment was another great achievement. The committee has also done an excellent job of making well-researched recommendations to the Library Board in regard to new equipment purchases. 2015 computer equipment purchases included a new receipt printer for the circulation desk, a new professional-quality printer/scanner/photocopier for the library workroom, and a set of headphones for the public use computer. In 2016 the computer committee will continue to work on projects related to the library network, to ensure we are operating smoothly and taking advantage of the best technologies to fit our needs and our budget. Respectfully submitted by Karen Armstrong, February 22, 2016.

Page 15: Baie D’Urfé Library President’s Annual Report · President’s Annual Report for the Annual General Meeting of February 22, 2016 The year 2015 has been good for the library

Volunteer Report for 2015 – AGM, February 22, 2016 Eighty people volunteer at the Baie D’Urfe Library. This number has stayed roughly the same for the three years that I have been coordinating the volunteers. We seem to have a 10-15% turnover annually and fortunately we have a loyal core group. All of these volunteers are supported, kept on track and moving forward by our very capable and diplomatic librarian, Karen Armstrong. Approximately 60 volunteers work at the circulation desk and keep the library open for 31.5 hours a week. There are fourteen 2 or 2.5 hour shifts per week, usually staffed by two volunteers. These are the most visible volunteers who interact with the patrons. Fourteen of these sixty volunteers also volunteer in other capacities – Executive committee, Computer committee, Junior committee, Purchasing Committees, Exhibits, Processing…. Another 20 volunteers participate solely in behind the scenes activities involved in running the library. Special mention and thanks must be given to the Computer Committee – Hugh Mansfield, Tobby Skeie and Denise Gore. Many of our library’s advancements this year are a result of their time, hard work and expertise. New this year has been our “Tuesday Night is Library Night” programme. This programme was proposed and supported by two new volunteers Sahar Sabati-Safai and Borna Safai. Sophie Dutoy is to be commended for leading the successful Les Lecteurs (French readers) evenings once a month. A few notable changes on the Executive Committee this year: - After 10 years, Sandra Munro is stepping down at this AGM as head of the Junior Committee and passing the portfolio to Bev Beauchamp. - After eight years Jackie Trayhern stepped down from Magazine Purchasing. We are pleased to report this responsibility was picked up at a neighbourhood party by recently retired Dianne Perdue -Lillie!! - Jane Dawson & Maddy Daly did a great job on Publicity for two years but have now been replaced by a long time library desk volunteer and recently retired Nadia Ahrens. Most of our volunteers are Baie D’Urfe residents but we also have several from neighbouring towns: Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Senneville, Pincourt, Ile Perrot, Pointe Claire and Beaconsfield. Opportunities to volunteer in libraries are rare. We have two high school students, two CEGEP and one university student among our younger volunteers. If you enjoy books and people, the library is a warm and friendly place to volunteer in the community. Respectfully submitted, Elise A Titman February 22, 2016

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