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“I LeFT unwILLInGLy, cOnvInced THT I Hd Seen THe nereSTpprOcH TO uTOpI THT I m ever LIkeLy TO See.”Geofrey Gorer, English traveller, 1936.

Sta at o to lightfl hotls:ahsi Jiaa pi bali au Hagig Gas i th hills.

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If there is paradise on earth, then surely it must beBali. From the sands that edge its shores to jungle-clad volcanoes, this green island’s natural and cultural

treasures enchant every visitor.This is an island of pure, sensual pleasures. Waveslap white beaches, exotic birds call from the trees, thescent of frangipani wafts on the breeze.

Alongside natural wonders are a host of artisticdelights. Exotic temples cling to clis and stone-carved statues guard lotus pools, while music, dance

dIScOver THe dIverSITyOF bLI: STy by THe Ocennd HIGH In THe HILLS

and painting are part of the rich pattern of daily life.

To experience the huge diversity of Bali, every visitor

should spend a few days both beside the ocean andhigh in the hills.

Stay by the sea at Jimbaran Puri Bali and watchspectacular sunsets from your dinner tableon the sand. The lights of shing boatsglimmer out on the water and the magicalsound of the gamelan orchestra brings thenight alive.

Then move to Ubud Hanging Gardens in the mountains,where primeval rainforest cloaks spectacular ravines.

This is a quite dierent, yet equally beguilingenvironment. Monkeys chatter in the coconut palms,rice paddies cascade down deep valleys and fast-owingrivers course over waterfalls.

The 30-mile journey between these two hotels—one on the coast and the other in the mountains—isfascinating: scenes of village and agricultural life unfoldalong the way.

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bLI’S mOSTbeuTIFuL becHTh isti ah that lis Jiaa bais oft si as bali’s st. Its talsas a fig saths of toialts that a this o of th isla’s ostat shos. uli so a of bali’sahs h it is ot aisal to si,h o a a ot ito th a atsa a th ost of th shlt as.

Jimbaran Puri Bali is a tl agialla to sta, ith iiial, taitioal-stl illas stlig i lsh gas aa 180-g i of th a. dsigto sl a tial balis illag, itsottags fat saat iligs foslig a liig, st ithi a gosotoo sa.


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dIScOver SpecTSOF LOcL LIFe, FrOm

Se FISHInG TO THerIcH cuLTure OFmuSIc nd drm,S In THe keckdnce (beLOw). OrSImpLy reLx In THeHOTeL’S beuTIFuLGrdenS (rIGHT).

JOIn In LOcL LIFe,THen reTreT TOyOur TrnQuILHIdewy

roati, afl, ilgt,stat: ths a allos that si thistaqil tat. bt stotsi a stoll alog thsho to iso a balisillag a a at sith olo a lif. ll thloals o h to sho aat th liais that sizzlo as. So o ot issth ha to joi th aiso fasiatig asts of a shig oit’s lif.

Lif is sil a sllai a. cool o i otooshos i th ga o lig ools ll at fosots a li thialats fo th Hiatho of gos.

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cOme SunSeT ndTHe becH T

JImbrn purI bLIIS THe pLce TO be.Or STreTcH OuT FOr mSSGe, LuLLedby THe wveS ndTHe SOund OFwTer cScdInGInTO pOOLS.

wTcH THe Sun SeT Over THe Se nd nIbbLe SuperFreSHSeFOOd, wITH THe Snd beTween yOur TOeS.

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THe vILLS TJImbrn purI

bLI re deSIGnedIn TrdITIOnLLOcL STyLe, wITHSeprTe cOTTGeSFOr LIvInG ndSLeepInG. THeLeFy GrdenS reexcepTIOnLLybeuTIFuL.

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TruLy SpIrITuLpLce, mOnGLuSH rIce FIeLdSu has log o as asl siital hiaa. nstlig highi th otais, th al lasasthat il this atisti to s t o i ti.

Ubud Hanging Gardens is st otsi thto, i athtaig otsi. dsigi olt hao ith at, ith ahasis o o-filiss, it is a lstof iiial illas fashio fo balisoos a thath i taitioal stl. eahhas its o iat iit ool, sig toho th i ls that s to il oth all all ao. fila lis tha lls of this hillsi hotl.

Tucked InTO THe verdnT LndScpe, wITH prIvTe pOOLSSeemInG TO rIppLe dOwn THe vLLey’S SLOpeS

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reLx InTO THe

mGIc Or embrkOn n dvenTure

t u o a s tias liatig i a aoo illa, o joi i atiitisa ats o atio-a as. rla o ota a ath th jglaials a is. chill ot ith sa, la to oo balissialitis, a iso hsa sis i th hotl’s oogai ga. O siloat i th tal ool, hosoig fo alls to i aa l, f a taitioalbalis iigatio sst.

Th, aft ightfall, jo aoati allit i i ast la ithi th gasolooig th oal tlilliat o th all’soosit a. O joi i that siit. Th balis iss a ootit fo a lilgathig: a tos aatists glal isit th hotl.

“every LImb, every pOSTure, everymOvemenT, IS nObLe nd GrceFuL”photographer Gregor Krause, 1922.

cuLTure nd nTurere HIGHLIGHTS

OF ubud HnGInGGrdenS. enJOydnce nd muSIcperFOrmnceS;reLx beSIde THeruSHInG rIver ndTrveL up nd dOwnTHe HILLSIde byFunIcuLr (beLOw).

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I th oo fo at aiso? Th ho aotshootig th ais at bag-bigro o athig sis o aolao a th alig aoth at? elo o hosa,

go lhat tig, l too-th-at ta illags oal thogh th aifost to aotai-to staat.

elo u’s aazig atso isit its fasiatig gallisa ss. do o at aftatlis a t th ao ho at atiflos of at.

THe vILLS Tubud HnGInG

GrdenS cOmewITH ScuLpTuredprIvTe pOOLS ndvST wIndOwSTHT OverLOOk THeGreen vLLey.

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We take our guests beyond the conventions of today’s luxury travel.Our collection spans land and water, adventure and relaxation, stronglocal presence and international acclaim. Whether you plan a stay inone of our hotels (including our six in Asia), wish to take a legendaryrailway journey (such as the Eastern & Oriental Express) or discover theAyeyarwady River in Myanmar (Burma) aboard the Road To Mandalayriver cruiser, our experiences oer an alternative way to discover theworld—albeit in distinctly comfortable surroundings.

For further information on any of our properties and experiences, pleasevisit:


OrIenTexpreSS rOundTHe wOrLd: L réSIdenced’nGkOr In SIem rep,cmbOdI; THe venIceSImpLOnOrIenTexpreSS TrInIn eurOpe; HOTeL cIprInIIn venIce; mcHu pIccHuSncTury LOdGe SITS beSIdeperu’S GreT Inc cITdeL.


dIne OverLOOkInGn exQuISITeTempLe On THeOppOSITe bnk OFTHe GOrGe.

T aa hi uHagig Gas is a lightflillag hos sits hasto sh as i aoots fo th hotl. Gsts a

lo to isit a iasts of thi a of lif.

both h at u HagigGas a at Jiaa pibali, o losl ith thoit to sot th aiol th i o atiitish a.v

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Fo fth ifoatio las otat o tal ofssioal

o Oit-ess o

United States of America

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SingaporeTel: +65 60950678

AustraliaTel: 1 800 000 395

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Jimbaran Puri BaliJala ulat

Jiaabali 80361Iosia

Telephone: (+62 361) 701 605

Ubud Hanging Gardensdsa baha

dsa paagaGiaa, bali 80571


Telephone: (+62 361) 982 700

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