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Culworth Newsletter Volume No. 21 Issue No 6 Date

October/November 2016

Diary dates for October/November2016 Regular events; Coffee and Chat in the Village Hall (every 2nd

Tuesday of the month).

Culworth Gang alternate Wednesdays at 2.00.

Contact: Judith Robbins on 07799 846313 for more


Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 8th November


Village Hall AGM Tuesday 15th November at 7pm

Circle Dancing (every 3rd Thursday). Contact Joan

Gottowik on 760737 for more information.

Culworth House 2pm (every 3rd Thursday). Short


Village Cafe (Every 1st Saturday in the month ) In

the village hall. 10 – 12. October 1st… for Macmillan

Cancer Support.

Other Events

Saturday 1st October Macmillan Coffee Morning

Village Hall 10 till 12

Friday 14th October Culworth Film Night

Saturday 5th November Culworth School Fireworks

Wednesday 9th November from 9.30 Culworth

School Open Morning

Thursday 10th November 9 till 4 Christmas sale at

The Manor

Culworth Camera Club Culworth Snappers, a new photography club based in Culworth was formed in August 2016. We welcome anybody with an interest in improving their photography to join us. We held our second meeting last Monday with 8 people attending. This month’s topic is Autumn with a maximum of 4

images per person. The next meeting is on 18th Oct and will be held at The Old Police House, Banbury Lane. Anyone wishing to come along should contact John Emmett on 01295 768285 or Colin Lamb on 01295 760169.

Culworth Fete Sunday 11th September started sunny and we

knew we were onto a winner. The set up team got

to work and very soon stallholders were arriving

with all their goods. There was an excited buzz

with the odd cry of panic thrown in - where is the

bunting for the dog show arena and where are we

going to put the PA man? The fete got into full

swing with all the traditional stalls and some

visiting stalls to add interest, all busy with

customers. Children were having a ball and their

faces painted too. The dog show was a big

attraction, so many dogs all hoping to win John's

approval and a rosette and there were huskies,

snakes and model aircraft too. There was a

constant queue for the bar and the bangers and

burgers (all donated by Mumfords Butchers) and

punters could sit and listen to the wonderful music

courtesy of the Rock School and Folk Band. Those

who had seen it all retired to the Village Hall for a

quiet cup of tea and a slice of delicious cake. Then

the cry went up - 'line up for the egg throwing' - it

was as usual a hotly contested competition but fun

had by all those who took part and those who just

watched. People even stayed for the raffle this

year and those whose tickets were pulled out were

in for a real treat - vouchers from Forge2, The Red

Lion, Culworth Garage, a substantial cash prize,

tickets to Canons Ashby, a bottle of wine signed by

David Cameron and many more. As people drifted

away the set down team got to work and after

while the cricket field was bare - you wondered if

there had really been a fete there at all. Thank you

to those who helped make it a really happy event -

and a very successful one too. We made just over

£2700 to be shared between the Church and the

Village Hall.


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Thanks to some wonderful and generous prizes, I sold out of raffle tickets at the fete and raised over £400 Prizes won: £100 Forge2 voucher. J.Tobbin Red Lion Pub meal. Medhurst £50 voucher. Koster Whisky. Ben B Jeremy Culworth Garage MOT voucher. Mumford Tins. Lucy Mold House of Commons white wine. Myra Kilmister Garden string. Mary Grice NT notelets. June Oxley Kitchen Board. Ken Webster Canons Ashby voucher. Claire (Banbury) Canons Ashby voucher. Aliana Diana

Culworth Film Nights.

'Florence Foster Jenkins'

The next film night is on Friday14th October and we will be showing 'Florence Foster Jenkins' about a New York heiress who dreamed of becoming an opera singer even though she had a terrible singing voice. Starring Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant. Doors open at 7pm, bring your own liquid refreshment and glass. Tickets £10 with supper, £5 film only from June 01295 768184 or Julie 760855.

Village Hall AGM

Tuesday 15th November, 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Everyone is welcome.

HS2 will be undertaking ground investigation work until approximately early December. This will involve taking “pavement cores” on Banbury Lane for a maximum of two days, involving manned “Stop/Go” traffic control.

Culworth Village Hall Saturday 1st October 10 till 12 Raffle and Bring and Buy The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning is Macmillan’s biggest fundraising event for people facing cancer. We ask people all over the UK to host their own Coffee Mornings and donations on the day are made to Macmillan. Last year alone we raised £25 million and this year we are aiming to raise even more. All donations, cakes etc very welcome!

Culworth Library For those of you who are new to the village, we have an excellent collection of books donated to the village library. This is at the back of the church and is now very neatly organised alphabetically thanks to June and Christine. No fines if you hand them in late. You could pick up a good selection of paperbacks to take on holiday too.

Jigsaw puzzles now available.

If anyone thinks having a similar collection of books for children is a good idea, please feel free to start the scheme rolling.

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Children’s Park The newly forming committee for Culworth Park

would like to thank everyone at the fete who took

time to come and fill in our questionnaire. Emily

Collins (Cook to lots of us) made a very

comprehensive presentation to the Parish Council

at their most recent meeting, and the Parish

Council has agreed to support the plans for a play

area. We are still looking for the best site for a

park, and will be starting fundraising in the village

very soon (although we do already have a couple

of very generous pledges of cash from village

residents). If anyone is interesting in joining the

committee, we would be delighted to hear from


Watch this space!

Michelle on behalf of Culworth Park Committee

Please email Emily at [email protected] to

be added to our mailing list.

If you are on Facebook please join our group

"Culworth needs a park"


Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 13th

September 2016 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall

Councillors present. Cllr S. Rolt Chair, N. Guinness M. Koster, D. Mumford, M. Rowling, B. Leadbeater and the Clerk Mrs J. M. Rowling Apologies for absence. Cllr Lamb (annual leave) agreed. Members of public present. Mrs E. Collins, Mrs C. Razavi, Mrs S. Cubitt ONeill, Mr Boasman, Mrs Upton, Mrs Lika, Ms Vicky Swift, Mrs K. South, Mr S. Kerridge. OPEN MEETING. Report from Mrs Collins and group re play area. A very full and comprehensive report was given by Mrs Collins. (Report in file) Many sites had been identified with the Cricket Field with three possible locations as the favourite in terms of accessibility

and safety Concern was expressed by a resident regarding noise. No other topics raised. Open meeting closed 7.35pm Items discussed included; Culworth Castle site. Land registry documents received. Work carried out as requested. Work on animal shelter deferred. Roof adequate at present. Further mowing scheduled for end of September 2016. Councillors agreed that the field looked in good heart. Further scrub clearance is required in the autumn. Field used by children in school holidays especially holiday club. Recreation Field Cllr Koster hoped that sheep would not be in the field in the future to deter the children from playing football. The Chairman said he had spoken to the farmer. Play Area proposals from Open Meeting were discussed. A vote was taken with the majority in favour of support but this was not unanimous. Historically the landowner was thought to favour a site near Butts Close. Danger of cricket balls was noted. Mrs Collins was present at the meeting for the Chairman to ask her to form a committee. The Chairman would write to Mrs Trott the Landowner about the possibility of a Play Area on the Cricket Field. Culworth Cricket Field First meeting to arrange steering committee 14th September 7.30pm in Cricket Pavilion to be chaired by Cllr Rolt. Landowner’s letter suggests a) Formation of steering group formed from groups who would use the building b) establish type of building required c) carpark, d) other facilities, e) funding sources f) village interest. Report back to landowner on completion. Highway Maintenance Microasphalting now due to start on 14/9/2016 for four days. Notice to householders received 13th Sept. Cricket Field opened for parking. HS2 Ltd may be carrying out ground investigation works in Banbury Lane near Lower Thorpe. Blocked drains by The Green Bus shelter and in High Street have been cleared. School matters Cllr Guinness None Street lighting Aylesbury Mains asked to clean and safety check all street lights. Light in Sulgrave Road repaired. Councillor Training. All councillors to consider attendance.

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HS2 Ltd Lydia Smith Community Engagement Officer to update village using the newsletter on latest state. Public rights of way. Lack of waymarking and overgrown paths have been reported. Cllr Koster will attend to waymarking using the definitive Map. Cllr Rolt agreed to help. Overgrown rights of way have been notified to landowners resulting in prompt action. PLANNING Applications Installation of defibrillator cabinet on Victorian brick wall within curtilage of listed building Culworth School PC supportive Rear first floor balcony (green oak toughened glass) Westgrove Banbury Lane PC noted that glass sides allowed overlookingto neighbours property. Suggest to SNC Covered sides. Dismantle 3x Norway Spruce and replace later with cherry trees Myrtle Cottage Sulgrave Road For information only; Work to a number of trees Mountfield High Street Decisions by SNC Approvals Blackbird Farm Prior approval not required Fulford Cottage The Green Tithe Cottage Hovel Barn Sunnyside Farm Eydon Road Meeting closed 8.12pm Date of next meeting November 8th 2016

Jose has a village network list of emails. She sends

any news or information out to all people on that

list, including missing dogs, break-ins, ‘What’s On’

etc. etc. in fact anything to do with village life.

If you would like to be included please email her… [email protected]

Rights of Way both footpaths and bridleways.

Culworth has a number of excellent rights of way. These can be viewed by looking at map on Parish Council noticeboard outside Forge 2 in High Street or by purchasing an Ordnance Survey map of area. Cllr Koster [email protected] has a copy of the Definitive map which you can view by contacting her. You are asked to keep to the correct rights of way as there is no right to roam locally. The correct paths are marked by

waymarkers. Any problems with the paths, please do contact Cllr Koster.

CULWORTH VILLAGE HALL Minutes of Culworth Village Hall Committee Meeting Tuesday 20th Sept 2016 at 7pm Those Present: June Oxley(Secretary) Jane Field (Treasurer) Michelle Koster, Joan Gottowik, Margaret Watts, Colin Hall, Julie Tinn (Chair) Rose Courtney, Sarah Powell and Ruth Gross. Apologies: Martin Rowling. The Minutes of the last meeting were signed as correct. 1. Matters Arising: none 2.Chairmans Report: The last film, Eddie the Eagle, was well attended, £352 was taken and expenses of £16 and the Invoice for the film have yet to be included. The next film will be Florence Foster Jenkins starring Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant on Friday 14th October and we are hoping to get The BFG for the December 2nd film. The recent fete was the best yet and made over £2700 which is being split between the VH and the Church. Thanks to all involved and the visiting stalls enjoyed the atmosphere, the weather was really good and the footfall was up due mostly to CH’s input to the media. JT will distribute the remaining toys and will write to all the donators of prizes and burgers/sausages and eggs. The inaugural meeting of representatives of the VH, P.C. and Cricket Club has taken place to discuss the future of the hall/pavilion. The next step is to prepare plans (hopefully FOC) for a new build and then present the plans to the village for approval. Savills have given a figure of £175K with planning for the existing site. The committee consists of Julie Tinn, Michelle Koster, Colin Hall, Stuart Rolt, Jim Powell, Dave Osbourne, Ed Guinness and Josie Rowling. The next meeting is set for 9th Oct. with an architect and the village meeting will be after this. At the moment there is no point in discussing spending the fete money on refurbishments.

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3 Treasurers Report: The opening funds are £16112.65 (including Brians legacy), booking revenue is £217. Outgoings are Electricity, £107.78, Water £28.00, Insurance £73.89, Cleaner £36.00 and the last film £133.55. 4. Buildings and Renewals: Thanks were given to MR for putting a lock on the ladies’ toilet. SP said she would try and paint the white lines on the steps as soon as she is able. 5. AOB: JG asked if there had been any movement on the old photographs promised from Val Webster (English Heritage). JG will contact for an answer at the next meeting. The next meeting will be the AGM on Tuesday 15th November at 7.30pm, notices to go in the Newsletter and Banbury Guardian. There being no other business the meeting closed at 8pm.

The village hall is now used 5 times a week by Julie Russell and her Pilates class. For more information phone Julie on 07778 673677 or email [email protected]

Village Hall If you are looking for a local venue for your party, celebration lunch, meetings or any other get-together, why not think about our Village Hall? The hall is well equipped with all crockery, plates, glasses, etc. and is kept very clean and warm. Our rates are very competitive at only £10 per hour for occasional bookings To book just ring me (June) on 01295-768184.

Village Café Saturdays 1st October and 5th November 10 till 12 1st Saturday of the month, every month in the Village Hall. Free coffee, cake and chat.

The Culworth Gang The Culworth Gang meet once a fortnight on a Wednesday afternoon from the beginning of March to the beginning of December. 9th November Real People from Lark Rise to Candleford 23rd November Visit to Harley Equestrian with lunch at 1 7th December Xmas buffet at Lois Weden

Culworth Cricket Club Culworth Junior Cricket Club Autumn 2016 I would just like to start by thanking all the people who helped during the season. Firstly a thank you to Dave Osbourne, Ruth Derbyshire, Emma Upton, Phil & Suzi Cubitt, Andy Reynolds. Sue White & Ewan Shinton and Sam Wilson for the Tuesday night coaching. Also I would like to thank the parents who helped with mowing the outfield or the wicket, but a special thank you goes to Ali Mills for his help every week in mowing the wicket, Andrew Barnes for helping with rolling and Suzi Cubitt’s father for helping to regularly mow the outfield. That certainly took a lot of pressure off me, especially as the cricket season coincides with my busiest time at work. A big thank you to Vernon Phipps for servicing the mower and tractor and supplying fuel. I would also like to thank the parents for help on match days. I would also like to thank all of you who helped at the spring clean. It was a massive effort from everyone. We had a good parents and children game in July. I hope to do this again next year. We also took a group of children to watch Northampton play a T20 match on a Friday night. They all enjoyed this and it was noticeable their fielding skills improved after seeing the professionals. Kwik Cricketers The kwik cricketeers enjoyed themselves this year. They played in three tournaments at Horley, Woodford Halse and Byfield. Unfortunately like a lot of the summer, two of the tournaments were shortened by the weather, but they played well. They are a true development team as the average age would be 6, compared to playing against ten year olds who should be playing in the under 11 teams. We as a club try to promote them up into the teams to give them experience and it was nice to see some of the kwik cricketeers playing for our under 11 team. The awards go to : Best fielder – Albert Buckley Best Bowler – Finley Cloete Best Batter – Noah Cloete Most improved – Oliver Bird

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Highly Commended x 2 – Harrison Derbyshire Digby Tetley Under 11s This was the children’s third competitive season and it did show. We had a strong core of year 6 players and this was bolstered by younger players who played well. It certainly helps for the future to be able to do this, and the younger members like it as it helps their confidence. The Under 11s had their best season so far under me. We started in the central league and won two, lost one and won one because Westbury conceded, so we finished second, only one point off first! We were then promoted up to the Premiership league, and I have to admit to a bit of apprehension before we started, but I need not have worried. We played six matches and won three of them, finishing third in the league. Now for the awards: There were many fine performances during the season: Guy played very well and captained the side really well. He is very consistent and I hope he gets selected for the county team. He is going for selection this winter after being nominated a number of times. India as usual was very good. She kept wicket very well, her movement is so natural behind the wicket. She also opened the batting and consistently scored runs. I just hope she decides cricket is more important than ballet as she is now too old for the under 11s so has to decide what to do on a Wednesday evening. James has improved this season and is a very reliable bowler, he is also a very good catcher of the ball. Nothing gets dropped. When he bats he has a very strong straight drive. Samuel has improved his batting as he gradually grows taller and stronger. He can also command a team well, but his best strength is his bowling which is consistently fast and accurate. Tommy started in the middle of last season and completed the whole of this season. He has continued to improve and is a very good all-rounder. Archie joined mid- way through this season and will become one of the lynch pins of next years under 11 team. He has got good potential and is not fazed by what he faces. Max, Noah, Charlie, Heidi, Emilia and Finley all played in rotation and each one gave their all. It is

great to see such enthusiasm, Emilia and Heidi being the most enthusiastic. Noah developed into a very good wicket keeper for the under 11s when India was missing. It was funny to see the competition between Noah and Finley when they were both batting as a pair. Max and Charlie I remember batted well at Middleton Cheney. Albert did very well, especially with his bowling, getting a wicket with his first ball at Towcester. This year’s awards are : Batting - Guy Wilkinson – our highest scoring batsman who has developed his stroke play and is by far the best caller and runner. He averaged over 11 runs per innings. Bowling – Samuel Powell – had 13 wickets, nearly double the next best bowler, and only conceded 5.6 runs per wicket Fielding – Tommy Mills – He is always alert, is not scared of the ball and learnt from our trip to see Northampton play a T20 match (as well as enjoying seeing the cheerleaders) Champagne moment – Albert Buckley – first ball wicket against Towcester and performed so well I gave him three overs in the match – and he is only 8! Under 13s This season due to numbers we joined forces with Woodford Halse cricket team for a joint under 13 team (even though we had only two 12/13 year olds). We supplied 5/6 members and they supplied the rest. This meant we retained our 12/13 year olds and gave the younger members a chance of playing a higher standard of cricket. Unfortunately the weather did not play as well and in the early season a lot of Wednesday night matches were called off due to rain. The awards go to : Best Fielder – Joseph Upton – Joe turned up at the first match and I handed him the wicket keeper gloves and he developed really well in the role. Best Batter – Jack Shinton – following on from last years performance in the under 11s and he has gained more strength and improved. Best Performance – Guy Wilkinson – against Towcester he achieved bowling figures of 4 overs, three wickets for 15 runs, then turned around and opened the batting and scored 33 when he was asked to retire. Most Improved – Archie Hunt – only started playing cricket this season, but played for under

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11s and under 13s and even opened the batting for the under 13s. Champagne moment – Finley Cloete – only six years old but played one game for the under 13s and caught someone out. Thank you for all your help during the year, let’s look forward to next season. Northants cricket will be running training sessions for all ages during the autumn. We also need parents to help with coaching next year and we are willing to pay for

you to do the ECB coaching qualification during the winter. Jim Powell

Culworth C.E. Primary


Open Morning Wednesday 9th November From 9.30

Come along and see our school in action and meet our Headteacher

Oliver Johnson and the staff

Tours of the School

Information Refreshments

If you would like further details please contact us 01295 760610

The Green, Culworth, OX17 2BB

News from St Mary’s

Services for October and November

October Sunday 2nd 10 am Benefice Holy Communion 6.00 pm Evensong

Sunday 9th 6pm Harvest Festival followed by a buffet supper in the church Sunday 16th 10 am. Matins Wednesday 19th 10am Mid- week H.C. Chipping Warden Sunday 23rd 9.30 am Holy Communion Sunday 30th 10am Benefice Holy Communion

November Sunday 6th 10am Benefice Holy Communion 6pm Evensong Sunday 13th 10.15 am Remembrance Day Service followed by Act of Remembrance at the War memorial on the Green Wednesday 16th 10am Mid-week H.C Moreton Pinkney Sunday 19th 10am Matins Sunday 26th 9.30 am Holy Communion Sunday 4th December 10am Benefice Holy Communion

Harvest Celebrations Sunday 9th October 6pm. This year our Harvest Festival will be a family celebration of Harvest. Along with poems and readings from all ages and countries, we will have traditional harvest songs and hymns. This will be followed by a buffet Harvest supper in the church. We do hope you can join us in this village event.

Culworth House Care Home There is a short service at Culworth House at 2pm usually every third Thursday of the month conducted by the rector. A few very familiar hymns are sung and the residents would be delighted if you could come and join them. We meet outside Culworth House about 1.55.

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Churchyard Thank you to everyone who volunteered to mow the grass this year. The rota worked really well and all slots were filled.

A special thankyou to James Stewart who strimmed all the conservation area for us. It was a mammoth job and we are very grateful.

Wanted Rugs and Wraps

Have you got any spare rugs or wraps we could use in the church when the temperatures are a little less than tropical? If you have any please leave them on the chest at the back of the church. Thank You

Now We Are Six This goes out to all 6 villages in the Benefice and so is read by a lot of people. If you would like to advertise your business in this, our rates are very competitive and start at only £60 for a whole year. For more information, please ring June Oxley on 01295 768184 or Email [email protected].


Hello, my

name is Lydia

Smith and I

am a




working for

HS2. I live in

Northamptonshire and have worked in the county

for over 5 years, predominantly in South

Northamptonshire and Daventry.

As a Community Engagement Manager, it is my job

to work with communities along the route

between Brackley in Northamptonshire up to

Southam in Warwickshire, to help make sure that

local people are kept up to date with the project

and are made aware of any impacts that might

affect them. I will be pulling together events which

will help share information with local people about

different aspects of the project, from our property

compensation schemes to noise and vibration

impacts. I will also be looking to identify

opportunities for us to attend existing community

events, to try and make our engagement activities

more locally focussed.

What is happening with the project at the

moment? The Hybrid Bill, which gives us the

necessary powers to start to build the railway, is

still going through the Parliamentary process. It is

currently in front of the House of Lords who are

listening to petitions from local people and

community groups who have particular concerns

about the project. Once this has been completed,

then the Bill will be passed back to the House of

Commons before being sent for Royal Assent,

which we anticipate being granted towards the end

of 2016. Petitioning issues that arise as part of the

Hybrid Bill process will still be dealt with by the

Hybrid Bill team.

I hope that over the coming months that I get to

meet as many of you as possible, in the meantime,

if you do need any help please do get in touch;

[email protected]

Best wishes,

Lydia Smith | Engagement Manager | HS2 Ltd

[email protected] |07775 943580

From Gareth Epps – the independent HS2 Construction Commissioner Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to introduce myself and my role as the independent HS2 Construction Commissioner. The Government as sponsors of the HS2 Phase One Bill being examined in Parliament has set out the need for a similar role to that provided on the Channel Tunnel Rail Link and Crossrail projects. If someone affected by construction complains and

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those constructing HS2 cannot resolve the complaint, then that person has the ability to ask me to examine the issue. My remit also includes the publicising of the ways to complain about construction to HS2 Ltd.; a reporting function that provides an overview of trends in complaints and makes recommendations on how HS2 and its contractors might reduce the number of complaints; and publicising of my office. I also have a role as adjudicator in the case of unresolved claims under HS2's Small Claims Scheme. I was appointed in the summer and will be setting up an office shortly. My role is independent of HS2 Ltd and I have set up a website at I can be contacted by email at [email protected]. There are a number of exclusions from my role including:-

Matters currently being dealt with by Parliament in the HS2 Bill; Matters relating to the property schemes and communications on which my colleague Deborah Fazan, HS2 Residents’ Commissioner, delivers scrutiny; Issues that would be the responsibility of other statutory authorities such as future rail services or investigations under health and safety legislation. In the months before the start of construction I hope to spend time meeting local councils along the route. I intend to visit several of HS2’s engagement events, and I look forward to meeting principal local authorities at the Planning Forum meetings. In due course I will be seeking your assistance in helping publicise my role and the ways in which complaints can be raised with HS2 Ltd and with my office. Later this year I will produce a leaflet which I would like to be available in community facilities such as libraries and Citizens' Advice Bureaux. Meanwhile if you would like to arrange a meeting or discuss any aspect of my role, please contact me via the details below and I will be happy to help. I can be contacted by email at [email protected].

Recipe of the Season

Swiss Chard is a really easy vegetable to grow

and can be used in a surprising number of ways. This dish is delicious.

Hint… to destone black olives just bash them with the wide blade of a chef’s knife. The stone comes away easily.

Gratin of chard and new potatoes

Ingredients 5 tbsp olive oil, plus extra for greasing 450g/1lb ruby or Swiss chard, stems and broad ribs cut into 1cm/½in pieces, leaves finely sliced salt and freshly ground black pepper 60g/2oz black olives, stones removed 2 canned anchovy fillets, chopped 2 sun-dried tomatoes, chopped ½ tbsp capers, rinsed and drained 1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley 400g/14oz new potatoes, scrubbed, boiled until just tender, drained and sliced 60g/2oz gruyère cheese, grated 30g/1oz parmesan, freshly grated Method 1. Preheat the oven to 190C/375F/Gas 5. 2. Heat two tablespoons of the olive oil in a wide, lidded pan and add the chopped chard ribs. Stir, then cover and cook over a low heat for four minutes, stirring occasionally. 3. Add the leaves, stir, then cover again and cook for a further five minutes, or until just tender. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and set aside. 4. Place the olives, anchovies, sun-dried tomatoes, capers, parsley and two tablespoons of olive oil into a food processor and blend to make a smooth paste. 5. Lightly oil a 30cm/12in ovenproof dish. Place a layer of the chard, along with any cooking juices, and a layer of the cooked potatoes into the dish. 6.Spread a little of the olive paste over the chard and potatoes and season with freshly ground black pepper. Continue to layer up the chard and potato, spreading more of the olive paste between each layer and finishing with a layer of chard.

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6. Mix the gruyère and parmesan in a bowl and sprinkle over the top of the gratin. Drizzle over the remaining tablespoon of olive oil. 7. Transfer to the oven and bake for about 25-30 minutes, until the cheese is browned and bubbling. Serve hot or warm. Serve this gratin as a first course, as a side dish with grilled chicken, or perhaps just on its own with a fresh tomato salad and good bread on the side.


You can do it online; Report highway problems online or use your mobile

Problems such as potholes, overgrown verges and cracked pavements can all be reported online in just 5

easy steps and you will receive regular updates.

Canvass chases unregistered residents Reminders to people who have still not confirmed or updated their electoral registration will soon be going out to homes around the district. The law requires South Northamptonshire Council to issue reminders to those who do not confirm the information held about them on the electoral register at the first time of asking. The reminders are going out to 15,948 homes in South Northants. Individuals who do not respond to this reminder will receive a visit from an authorised council canvasser. The decision on whether or not to vote is a matter of personal choice in the UK, but voter registration is mandatory for everyone aged 18 and over. Anyone who does not register to vote risks a £1,000 fine. James Doble, deputy electoral registration officer for South Northants, said: “The electoral register is used for credit checks every time someone applies for a loan, mobile phone or mortgage. “And of course the main way people can have their say in how our country is run is by voting. “Anyone whose circumstances have changed in the past year needs to update their information on the electoral register.

“Changes can include: name, for example following marriage, divorce, or by deed poll; moving to a new address, or turning 18. “When people fail to register at the first time of asking, the council is required to take follow-up action which means additional cost to the taxpayer. “Our goal in this campaign is to highlight the importance of the electoral register and to minimise those additional costs.” People who find that their information on the electoral register is correct should confirm this by calling 0800 197 9871, texting 80212; or visiting and inputting the security codes printed on their form. Those needing to amend the information held about them can do so via

It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to update you all on what has been happening; it has certainly been a busy few months! Firstly, to everyone who participated in the EU referendum - whether you supported Leave or Remain - I would like to sincerely thank you for voting. This was the biggest democratic exercise ever undertaken in this country and it is important that we all come together following the result; neverendums are in no-one's interest. I was honoured to be asked by my colleague and friend, the Rt Hon. Theresa May MP, to serve in her first Cabinet as Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. I take the Prime Minister at her word that "Brexit means Brexit", and look forward to working with her in Cabinet to deliver it. Locally there are a few items that I should specifically like to update you all on. You may recall that, at the time of the last general election in May

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2015, I outlined my ambitions for South Northamptonshire and set out a "to-do" list for the area:'s-blog/my-ambitions-for-south-northamptonshire/785 You may be aware that Ashfield Land proposes to develop a strategic rail freight interchange between the villages of Blisworth and Milton Malsor at the junction of the West Coast Main Line and the Northampton Loop. I am working with the local action group to ensure that all residents' concerns are being represented, specifically focusing on HGV movements, noise and light pollution, and site suitability. The developers are running a consultation on the plans until the 21st October and I would encourage anyone who might be affected to complete their feedback form: There is also a rival proposal by Roxhill for a Northampton Gateway on the adjacent Howdens' site; this is in a much earlier stage of development however. We're also making progress on the Towcester relief road which I know is a priority for everyone who uses the A5. I've been holding a series of meetings with South Northants Council, the developers Bloor and Persimmon Homes, as well as with the Department for Transport. There is broad agreement that the early delivery of the road would benefit everyone and we are currently considering how best to cover the costs of moving the timescale forward. The Towcester Bypass Action Group has been excellent in helping to make progress on this issue. In other matters, I have added to my local ambitions a new coffee morning initiative aimed at tackling our communities' loneliness. Too often we look to government-led, top-down programmes to help in these areas when I've always been convinced that often all it takes is a village or a community coming together in the spirit of unity. After an initial pilot in Castle Ashby, the hope is to develop a model that can be expanded to other villages in South Northamptonshire who want to do something similar; of course, some villages already have incredibly successful coffee mornings

in Whittlebury, King's Sutton, and elsewhere. Keep an eye on my website for more information! As we settle back into the normal Parliamentary calendar, I am looking forward to kick-starting my village action days. I'll be criss-crossing the constituency in the upcoming weeks and months, and I'm aiming to visit as many of our wonderful parishes as I can before Christmas and into the New Year. I always enjoy speaking with local residents on the doorstep to hear your views but please do remember that you can get in touch with me at any time on any issue that you like. You can email me at [email protected] or reach me through my office on 01327 353 124. I look forward to my next opportunity to update you all with what has been going on in Parliament and in our area. With best wishes, The Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MP

Police Update August 2016

At the start of a new school year there will be children attending new schools transported by parents unfamiliar with the usual congestion associated with the morning school run. As such this is a good time to remind people of the following considerations to ease these issues; Park with consideration to residents – do not block or overlap driveways. Do not park on the corners of junctions as you reduce views and make it awkward for vehicles to safety turn into or out of a street. Do not park across or impede pedestrian crossings or school zig-zag markings. Do not drive along pavements when a road is blocked – be patient and wait for traffic to clear. On congested routes plan ahead and do not proceed unless there is a clear space to use to give way to oncoming traffic or to allow traffic to give way to you. If possible join with other parents and share journeys to reduce the number of vehicles used and/or avoid congested routes. Please be patient where a car has to cross a pavement to exit a carpark. The driver’s view may

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be restricted and this will be further reduced by pedestrians congregating whilst waiting to pass. Be aware that children do not easily judge the speed of traffic and may step out into the road. 30mph may be the limit but generally much slower speeds are required. Pedestrians, especially with young children, should use the side of the road with the widest pathway and wherever possible protected from flowing traffic by barriers or parked cars. “Why should we have to cross and use the other side of the road?” – If it’s the safest option in any situation then it’s worth doing! A large number of children using a narrow path will always be at risk no matter how busy the road. The above list is not exhaustive and there will be occasions where people make errors of judgement, especially under pressure. We are all human so please be patient. Police officers will monitor where they can, however there are a large number of schools across the town and villages all experiencing the same issues. There has been a lot of concern and interest related to the robbery of an elderly lady in July. The offender was charged and remains on in prison on remand. Sentencing for the offence has been adjourned, due to Crown Court processes, and is now set for the beginning of October. We will provide an update once this is complete. At present crime levels in the area are low with sporadic reports of thefts from vehicles (primarily vans) and sheds. Please take time to review your security, especially as the nights begin to draw in. Ensure that vehicles are covered by street lighting or a good security light where possible. Garden gates should be locked and sheds secured. Inexpensive alarms can be purchased and all property should be security marked and serial numbers recorded. Please contact us in confidence via 999 in an emergency, 101 for non-emergency or to arrange to speak directly to a local Brackley officer then via our email address [email protected] Brackley Police operate a Twitter accounts @BrackleySctSgt & @Gezshillito105 where we

place updates as to our daily activities. This can give you information but are operated by Brackley officers and incidents will take priority. As such the accounts will not be monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We cannot take crime reports via Twitter. If you require more urgent information regarding an incident then please contact us via 101. Visit our website for more information and updates:!/SouthNorthantsBrackley Sergeant Michaela SIMONS, Brackley Police Station

Please contact us in confidence via 999 in an emergency, 101 for non-emergency or to arrange to speak directly to a local Brackley officer then via our email address: [email protected] Follow us on Twitter: @BrackleySctSgt or alternatively you can visit the Northants Police website for updates, events and local team details:!/SouthNorthantsBrackley Sergeant Michaela SIMONS, Brackley Police Station

The NAB Unit (Northamptonshire

Association for the Blind) will be located outside

Brackley Town Hall on the first Wednesday of the

month between 10.00 and 12.30, for advice and

information. (next one is October 5th). There is

everything from talking watches and clocks, big

button telephones and mobile phones to large

print diaries, writing aids and electronic magnifiers.

There are also a number of booklets and

information leaflets on eye conditions, equipment

and services available. No need to book an

appointment. Just drop in and see Fred.

Helpline: 01604 719193

Email: [email protected]

Forge2 The Gallery re-opened on Saturday 2nd

April and is open Wednesdays through to

Saturdays from 10 till 5.

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Forge2 will be hosting artist demonstration days

once a month with complimentary coffee and cake

and a warm welcome as always.

LOIS WEEDON FLOWER CLUB Do you love flowers, arranging flowers or would you like to learn how to arrange flower? If so, then please join us on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 2.30 pm in Lois Weedon Village Hall. Or, if you simply want to relax watching flowers being arranged, we would love to see you. The afternoon usually involves a floral arrangement demonstration by a NAFAS (National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies) demonstrator followed by tea and homemade cake and biscuits. The Club’s other activities include workshops and garden visits. The next meeting on Tuesday 18th October is ‘The Life and Times of Elizabethan Ladies, by Ann Horsley. November’s meeting is ‘Crazy for Christmas’ by Andrew Lloyd, this will be an evening meeting at Moreton Pinkney Village Hall and we welcome everyone to join us getting ready for Christmas. For more information, please contact Janet Cooper on 01327 260607 or Pat Japp on 01327 857796

Ride and Stride Saturday 10th

September 2016

Northamptonshire Historic Churches Trust’s purpose is to make grants to churches and chapels in Northamptonshire for their preservation, repair and improvement. In 2015, the Trust made grants to 33 churches of a total value of £61,000. Approximately half of the funds used to make these grants was raised by the Annual Ride+Stride.

Thank you to everyone who sponsored myself and Brian. We both survived the very wet weather (it was the day before the fete… non- stop rain!) and for the first time in many years I discovered I really enjoy cycling! Although I had planned to cycle to more churches after over 3 hours I decided I was wet enough. Hopefully next year the weather will be a bit drier and I’ll do more churches. Maybe some more of you will join in the fun. Between us we raised £110. Thanks again Jenny









Thank You Mary Grice would like to thank

everyone who helped her move in August, after 35

years in St Peters House next door to Elmdene. It

was also made so much easier with the help of

Tracy Sands and her Super Clean team. (Tracy

could help you. Tracy Sands House Cleaning

Services.. Weekly cleaning and one-off cleans.



Has anyone any covered space to store a vehicle in

the village?

Simon Theobald ( 07808 586606)

[email protected]

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Culworth Film Night FRIDAY 14th OCTOBER

Florence Foster Jenkins

Starring Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant




768184/JULIE 01295 760855

£10 Film & Light Supper

£5 Film only

Culworth CE Primary Academy

OPEN MORNING Wednesday 9th November 2016

From 9.30 am

Come along and see our school in action and meet our Headteacher

Oliver Johnson and the staff

Tours of the School

Information Refreshments

If you would like further details please contact us

01295 760610 The Green, Culworth,


Banbury Young Homeless Project is a charity that offers support and guidance to vulnerable people between the ages of 16-25. Many young people are at risk of homelessness, often through no fault of their own. As well as supporting homeless young people and those at-risk of homelessness, BYHP also offers counselling, employability training courses, family mediation and a job club. To support this local charity, I am collecting non-perishable food and toiletries. Items needed include; UHT milk, cereals, crackers, tinned fruit/meat/pasta, soups, crisps, biscuits, instant noodles/rice, pasta and pasta sauces, also shampoo, soap, shower gel, sanitary products, toothpaste and toothbrushes. Please leave items in the collection box at the church or alternatively contact me on 01295760335 to arrange collection. To find out about the amazing work that BYHP does or to make a direct donation please visit Emily Collins

Christmas sale at The Manor.

9am to 4pm 10th November.

All welcome.

Welcome to the October edition of the Culworth

Newsletter. If you have anything that you think might be

of interest, please send any articles/information by

email to [email protected] or post any hard

copy articles through my door at Bankcroft (last house

before the Eydon turn).

Closing date for the next edition is Wednesday 23rd

November. The newsletter is financed by Culworth

Parish Council and distributed free of charge. The

opinions expressed in the newsletter are not necessarily

those of the parish council.

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