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Page 1: Bash tricks

3 bash one-liners

Carlo “zED” [email protected]

Page 2: Bash tricks


Page 3: Bash tricks

To lá eu fazendo um dump de banco...

$ mongoexport -d pseudo -c games | gzip > dump.json.gz

connected to:

Page 4: Bash tricks

Demorou mais de 10 segundos...

$ mongoexport -d pseudo -c games | gzip > dump.json.gz

connected to:^C

Page 5: Bash tricks

Tá, preciso mostrar o progresso...

$ mongoexport -d pseudo -c games | gzip | pv > dump.json.gz

connected to: 0:00:05 [1.75MB/s] [ <=> ]

Page 6: Bash tricks

Hunnn... Ainda não sei quanto falta.

$ mongoexport -d pseudo -c games | pv -c -N raw | gzip | pv -c -N gz > dump.json.gz connected to: raw: 54.5MB 0:00:07 [8.28MB/s] [ <=> ] gz: 11.1MB 0:00:07 [1.72MB/s] [ <=> ]

Page 7: Bash tricks

Ah, eu sei quantas linhas são...

$ ( export H=localhost D=pseudo C=games; export F="dump-$H-$D-$C-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)"; mongoexport -h $H -d $D -c $C 2> $F.log | pv -c -N raw | pv -c -N rows -l -s "$( echo -e "use $D;\ndb.$C.find().count();" | mongo $H 2>> $F.log | grep "switched to db $D" -A1 | tail -1 )" | gzip | pv -c -N gz | tee $F.gz | md5sum > $F.md5 )

raw: 78.4MB 0:00:10 [7.97MB/s] [ <=> ] gz: 16.1MB 0:00:10 [1.69MB/s] [ <=> ] rows: 46.7k 0:00:10 [4.59k/s] [> ] 63% ETA 0:00:05

Page 8: Bash tricks

Mas tá muito idle ainda....

top - 23:19:46 up 53 days, 17 min, 24 users, load average: 0.15, 0.12, 0.09Tasks: 334 total, 2 running, 331 sleeping, 0 stopped, 1 zombieCpu0 : 33.3%us, 8.8%sy, 0.0%ni, 57.9%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si,Cpu1 : 2.3%us, 1.0%sy, 0.3%ni, 94.2%id, 2.3%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si,Cpu2 : 85.2%us, 4.6%sy, 0.0%ni, 10.2%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si,Cpu3 : 2.6%us, 1.0%sy, 0.3%ni, 94.1%id, 2.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si,Mem: 4107620k total, 3687764k used, 419856k free, 278800k buffersSwap: 4192960k total, 363512k used, 3829448k free, 658816k cached

PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 24448 zed 20 0 17688 4300 2880 R 98 0.1 0:10.45 mongoexport 24451 zed 20 0 2052 504 344 S 31 0.0 0:03.20 gzip 24449 zed 20 0 4056 644 568 S 10 0.0 0:01.04 pv 24450 zed 20 0 4056 656 576 S 8 0.0 0:00.81 pv 3587 mongodb 20 0 804m 120m 119m S 1 3.0 0:08.59 mongod 24456 zed 20 0 3892 508 440 S 1 0.0 0:00.07 md5sum 24454 zed 20 0 3884 548 480 S 1 0.0 0:00.05 tee 24452 zed 20 0 4056 660 568 S 0 0.0 0:00.03 pv

Page 9: Bash tricks

Vamos ver...

$ time --help--help: command not found

$ type timetime is a shell keyword

$ help timetime: time [-p] pipeline Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.

$ /usr/bin/time --helpUsage: /usr/bin/time [-apvV] [-f format] [-o file] [--append] [--verbose] [--portability] [--format=format] [--output=file] [--version] [--quiet] [--help] command [arg...]

Page 10: Bash tricks

Ei, espera aí, que tal usar xz?!

$ mongoexport -d pseudo -c games | head -c 10000 | tee >( ( /usr/bin/time -f 'gz: %E real, %U user, %S sys' gzip -9 | wc -c | sed 's/^/gz: /' ) 1>&2) | /usr/bin/time -f 'xz: %E real, %U user, %S sys' xz -9 | wc -c | sed 's/^/xz: /'

connected to: 0:00.24 real, 0.00 user, 0.00 sysgz: 2078xz: 0:00.31 real, 0.02 user, 0.04 sysxz: 2012

Page 11: Bash tricks

Melhor limitar por tempo do que por bytes. Mas como parar?...$ { ( mongoexport -d pseudo -c games | tee >(wc -c | sed 's/^/raw: /' 1>&2) | tee >( ( /usr/bin/time -f 'gz: %E real, %U user, %S sys' gzip -9 | wc -c | sed 's/^/gz: /' ) 1>&2) | /usr/bin/time -f 'xz: %E real, %U user, %S sys' xz -9 | wc -c | sed 's/^/xz: /' ) & } ; sleep 9 ; kill -INT %% [1] 12289connected to:$ raw: 14623779gz: 0:08.99 real, 0.75 user, 0.00 sysgz: 2706591Command terminated by signal 2xz: 0:09.02 real, 8.78 user, 0.17 sys

Page 12: Bash tricks

Ahh, aí está o número perdido!

$ { ( mongoexport -d pseudo -c games | tee >(wc -c | sed 's/^/raw: /' 1>&2) | tee >( ( /usr/bin/time -f 'gz: %E real, %U user, %S sys' gzip -9 | wc -c | sed 's/^/gz: /' ) 1>&2) | /usr/bin/time -f 'xz: %E real, %U user, %S sys' xz -9 | wc -c | sed 's/^/xz: /' ) & } ; sleep 9 ; kill -INT $(pstree -p $! | sed -n 's/.*mongoexport(\([0-9]*\)).*/\1/p') [1] 12724connected to:$ raw: 14497402gz: 0:09.10 real, 0.73 user, 0.01 sysgz: 2695783xz: 0:09.18 real, 8.73 user, 0.16 sysxz: 2021928

Page 13: Bash tricks

Mas deixa eu formatar isso melhor...

$ ( { ( { mongoexport -d pseudo -c games 2>/dev/null | tee >(wc -c | sed 's/^/s_raw=/' 1>&2) | tee >( ( /usr/bin/time -f 't_gz=%U+%S' gzip -9 | wc -c | sed 's/^/s_gz=/') 1>&2) | /usr/bin/time -f 't_xz=%U+%S' xz -9 | wc -c | sed 's/^/s_xz=/' ; echo 'scale=2; print "\nxz is ", t_xz/t_gz; r_sz=s_gz/s_xz; r_gz=s_gz/s_raw; r_xz=s_xz/s_raw; scale=0; print " times slower and ", (r_sz-1)/.01,"% smaller\ncompression ratios: gz=",(1-r_gz)/.01,"%, xz=",(1-r_xz)/.01,"%\n"' ; } 2>&1 | bc ) & } ; sleep 9 ; kill -INT $(pstree -p $! | sed -n 's/.*mongoexport(\([0-9]*\)).*/\1/p') 2>/dev/null ) xz is 12.02 times slower and 33% smallercompression ratios: gz=82%, xz=87%

Page 14: Bash tricks

Ai... :/ será que tem algum outro nível de compressão que valha a pena?

$ ( { ( { { echo -n 'mongoexport -d pseudo -c games 2>/dev/null | tee' ; for z in 1 2 ; do for l in $(seq 0 9); do test $z = 2 -a $l = 0 || echo -n " >(/usr/bin/time -f 't[$z$l]=%U+%S' $(test $z == 2 && echo gzip || echo xz) -$l | wc -c | sed 's/^/s[$z$l]=/' 1>&2)" ; done ; done ; echo -n ' | cat > /dev/null' ; } | bash 2>&1 ; echo 'scale=4; for(p=1;p<=13;p+=6) { for(x=1;x<=2;x++) { for(l=x-1;l<=9;l++) { i=x*10+l; s=s[i]/s[26]; t=t[i]/t[26]; print s^p*t," (s^",p,"*t) "; if(x==2) print "gzip" else print "xz"; print" -",l," is ",t,"x time and ",s,"x size of gzip -6\n" } } }' ; } | bash <( echo -n 'BC_LINE_LENGTH=0 bc | tee ' ; for p in $(seq 1 6 13) ; do echo -n " >(grep 's^$p.t' | sort -n | head -1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2- 1>&2)" ; done ; echo -n ' > /dev/null' ) ) & } ; sleep 9 ; kill -INT $(pstree -p $! | sed -n 's/.*mongoexport(\([0-9]*\)).*/\1/p'); while wait -n ; do : ; done ) (s^13*t) xz -6 is 17.2978x time and .5913x size of gzip -6(s^7*t) xz -1 is 2.4042x time and .7802x size of gzip -6(s^1*t) gzip -2 is .5957x time and 1.1931x size of gzip -6

Page 15: Bash tricks

pstree dos comandos no slide anterior

bash─┬─bash───bash─┬─cat │ ├─mongoexport │ └─tee─┬─10*[bash─┬─sed] │ │ ├─time───xz] │ │ └─wc] │ └─9*[bash─┬─sed] │ ├─time───gzip] │ └─wc] └─bash─┬─bc └─tee───3*[bash─┬─cut] ├─grep] ├─sort] └─tail]

Page 16: Bash tricks

código bash, resultado do primeiro trecho

mongoexport -d pseudo -c games 2>/dev/null | tee >(/usr/bin/time -f 't[11]=%U+%S' xz -1 | wc -c | sed 's/^/s[11]=/' 1>&2) >(/usr/bin/time -f 't[12]=%U+%S' xz -2 | wc -c | sed 's/^/s[12]=/' 1>&2) >(/usr/bin/time -f 't[13]=%U+%S' xz -3 | wc -c | sed 's/^/s[13]=/' 1>&2) >(/usr/bin/time -f 't[14]=%U+%S' xz -4 | wc -c | sed 's/^/s[14]=/' 1>&2) >(/usr/bin/time -f 't[15]=%U+%S' xz -5 | wc -c | sed 's/^/s[15]=/' 1>&2) >(/usr/bin/time -f 't[16]=%U+%S' xz -6 | wc -c | sed 's/^/s[16]=/' 1>&2) >(/usr/bin/time -f 't[17]=%U+%S' xz -7 | wc -c | sed 's/^/s[17]=/' 1>&2) >(/usr/bin/time -f 't[18]=%U+%S' xz -8 | wc -c | sed 's/^/s[18]=/' 1>&2) >(/usr/bin/time -f 't[19]=%U+%S' xz -9 | wc -c | sed 's/^/s[19]=/' 1>&2) >(/usr/bin/time -f 't[21]=%U+%S' gzip -1 | wc -c | sed 's/^/s[21]=/' 1>&2) >(/usr/bin/time -f 't[22]=%U+%S' gzip -2 | wc -c | sed 's/^/s[22]=/' 1>&2) >(/usr/bin/time -f 't[23]=%U+%S' gzip -3 | wc -c | sed 's/^/s[23]=/' 1>&2) >(/usr/bin/time -f 't[24]=%U+%S' gzip -4 | wc -c | sed 's/^/s[24]=/' 1>&2) >(/usr/bin/time -f 't[25]=%U+%S' gzip -5 | wc -c | sed 's/^/s[25]=/' 1>&2) >(/usr/bin/time -f 't[26]=%U+%S' gzip -6 | wc -c | sed 's/^/s[26]=/' 1>&2) >(/usr/bin/time -f 't[27]=%U+%S' gzip -7 | wc -c | sed 's/^/s[27]=/' 1>&2) >(/usr/bin/time -f 't[28]=%U+%S' gzip -8 | wc -c | sed 's/^/s[28]=/' 1>&2) >(/usr/bin/time -f 't[29]=%U+%S' gzip -9 | wc -c | sed 's/^/s[29]=/' 1>&2) | cat > /dev/null

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scale=4;for(p=1;p<=13;p+=6) { for(x=1;x<=2;x++) { for(l=x-1;l<=9;l++) { i=x*10+l; s=s[16]/s[i]; t=t[i]/t[16]; print s^p/t," (s^",p,"/t) "; if(x==2) print "gzip" else print "xz"; print" -",l," is ",t," slower and ",s," smaller than gzip -6\n"} } }


código bc, resultado do primeiro e segundo trechos

Page 18: Bash tricks

entrada do ultimo script bash

1.7356 (s^1*t) xz -0 is 1.9565x time and .8871x size of gzip -61.7317 (s^1*t) xz -1 is 2.2173x time and .7810x size of gzip -62.9388 (s^1*t) xz -2 is 3.9565x time and .7428x size of gzip -63.9534 (s^1*t) xz -3 is 5.5000x time and .7188x size of gzip -65.6251 (s^1*t) xz -4 is 6.9782x time and .8061x size of gzip -67.9124 (s^1*t) xz -5 is 10.7608x time and .7353x size of gzip -611.5197 (s^1*t) xz -6 is 19.5217x time and .5901x size of gzip -611.5289 (s^1*t) xz -7 is 19.6304x time and .5873x size of gzip -611.6693 (s^1*t) xz -8 is 19.8695x time and .5873x size of gzip -611.7460 (s^1*t) xz -9 is 20.0000x time and .5873x size of gzip -6.6479 (s^1*t) gzip -1 is .5217x time and 1.2420x size of gzip -6.4924 (s^1*t) gzip -2 is .4130x time and 1.1923x size of gzip -6.7174 (s^1*t) gzip -3 is .6304x time and 1.1381x size of gzip -6.8379 (s^1*t) gzip -4 is .7608x time and 1.1014x size of gzip -61.0056 (s^1*t) gzip -5 is .9782x time and 1.0281x size of gzip -61.0000 (s^1*t) gzip -6 is 1.0000x time and 1.0000x size of gzip -61.4688 (s^1*t) gzip -7 is 1.5000x time and .9792x size of gzip -62.1495 (s^1*t) gzip -8 is 2.2608x time and .9508x size of gzip -62.5589 (s^1*t) gzip -9 is 2.6956x time and .9493x size of gzip -6.8457 (s^7*t) xz -0 is 1.9565x time and .8871x size of gzip -6.3929 (s^7*t) xz -1 is 2.2173x time and .7810x size of gzip -6.4933 (s^7*t) xz -2 is 3.9565x time and .7428x size of gzip -6.5450 (s^7*t) xz -3 is 5.5000x time and .7188x size of gzip -61.5428 (s^7*t) xz -4 is 6.9782x time and .8061x size of gzip -61.2504 (s^7*t) xz -5 is 10.7608x time and .7353x size of gzip -6.4860 (s^7*t) xz -6 is 19.5217x time and .5901x size of gzip -6.4730 (s^7*t) xz -7 is 19.6304x time and .5873x size of gzip -6.4788 (s^7*t) xz -8 is 19.8695x time and .5873x size of gzip -6.4820 (s^7*t) xz -9 is 20.0000x time and .5873x size of gzip -6

2.3783 (s^7*t) gzip -1 is .5217x time and 1.2420x size of gzip -61.4146 (s^7*t) gzip -2 is .4130x time and 1.1923x size of gzip -61.5591 (s^7*t) gzip -3 is .6304x time and 1.1381x size of gzip -61.4958 (s^7*t) gzip -4 is .7608x time and 1.1014x size of gzip -61.1875 (s^7*t) gzip -5 is .9782x time and 1.0281x size of gzip -61.0000 (s^7*t) gzip -6 is 1.0000x time and 1.0000x size of gzip -61.2946 (s^7*t) gzip -7 is 1.5000x time and .9792x size of gzip -61.5879 (s^7*t) gzip -8 is 2.2608x time and .9508x size of gzip -61.8726 (s^7*t) gzip -9 is 2.6956x time and .9493x size of gzip -6.4120 (s^13*t) xz -0 is 1.9565x time and .8871x size of gzip -6.0891 (s^13*t) xz -1 is 2.2173x time and .7810x size of gzip -6.0826 (s^13*t) xz -2 is 3.9565x time and .7428x size of gzip -6.0748 (s^13*t) xz -3 is 5.5000x time and .7188x size of gzip -6.4228 (s^13*t) xz -4 is 6.9782x time and .8061x size of gzip -6.1969 (s^13*t) xz -5 is 10.7608x time and .7353x size of gzip -6.0195 (s^13*t) xz -6 is 19.5217x time and .5901x size of gzip -6.0176 (s^13*t) xz -7 is 19.6304x time and .5873x size of gzip -6.0178 (s^13*t) xz -8 is 19.8695x time and .5873x size of gzip -6.0180 (s^13*t) xz -9 is 20.0000x time and .5873x size of gzip -68.7297 (s^13*t) gzip -1 is .5217x time and 1.2420x size of gzip -64.0640 (s^13*t) gzip -2 is .4130x time and 1.1923x size of gzip -63.3880 (s^13*t) gzip -3 is .6304x time and 1.1381x size of gzip -62.6702 (s^13*t) gzip -4 is .7608x time and 1.1014x size of gzip -61.4024 (s^13*t) gzip -5 is .9782x time and 1.0281x size of gzip -61.0000 (s^13*t) gzip -6 is 1.0000x time and 1.0000x size of gzip -61.1413 (s^13*t) gzip -7 is 1.5000x time and .9792x size of gzip -61.1731 (s^13*t) gzip -8 is 2.2608x time and .9508x size of gzip -61.3704 (s^13*t) gzip -9 is 2.6956x time and .9493x size of gzip -6

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código bash, resultado do terceiro trecho

BC_LINE_LENGTH=0 bc | tee >(grep 's^1.t' | sort -n | head -1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2- 1>&2) >(grep 's^7.t' | sort -n | head -1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2- 1>&2) >(grep 's^13.t' | sort -n | head -1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2- 1>&2) > /dev/null

Page 20: Bash tricks

Como tirar o race-condition?

$ while true ; do { { { for d in {1,2}{1,2}{0..9} ; do echo -n " { { echo -n "$d: " ; ls /dev/fd/ ; } 1>&2 ; " ; done ; echo -n 'seq 2000 2>/dev/null | tee' ; for z in 1 2 ; do for l in $(seq 0 9); do test $z = 2 -a $l = 0 || echo -n " >(/usr/bin/time -f 't[$z$l]=%U+%S' 2>&2$z$l $(test $z == 2 && echo gzip || echo xz) -$l | wc -c | sed 's/^/s[$z$l]=/' 1>&1$z$l)" ; done ; done ; echo -n ' >/dev/null' ; for d in {1,2}{1,2}{0..9} ; do echo -n " ; } $d>&1 | grep '' " ; done ; } | tee /dev/fd/2 | bash ; echo 123 ; } | sed 's/^/b:/' | grep =.*= ; } 2>/dev/null ; done

Page 21: Bash tricks

Mais consistência no teste dos parâmetros de compressão$ ( { { { { for d in {1,2}{1,2}{0..9} ; do echo -n " { " ; done ; echo -n 'mongoexport -d pseudo -c games 2>/dev/null | tee' ; for z in 1 2 ; do for l in $(seq 0 9); do test $z = 2 -a $l = 0 || echo -n " >(/usr/bin/time -f 't[$z$l]=%U+%S' 2>&2$z$l $(test $z == 2 && echo gzip || echo xz) -$l | wc -c | sed 's/^/s[$z$l]=/' 1>&1$z$l)" ; done ; done ; echo -n ' > /dev/null' ; for d in {1,2}{1,2}{0..9} ; do echo -n " ; } $d>&1 | sed '' " ; done ; } | bash ; echo 'scale=4; for(p=1;p<=13;p+=6) { for(x=1;x<=2;x++) { for(l=x-1;l<=9;l++) { i=x*10+l; s=s[i]/s[26]; t=t[i]/t[26]; print s^p*t," (s^",p,"*t) "; if(x==2) print "gzip" else print "xz"; print" -",l," is ",t,"x time and ",s,"x size of gzip -6\n" } } }' ; } | bash <( echo -n 'BC_LINE_LENGTH=0 bc | { tee ' ; for p in $(seq 1 6 13) ; do echo -n " >(grep 's^$p.t' | sort -n | tail -1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2- 1>&2)" ; done ; echo -n ' >/dev/null ; } 2>&1 | grep "" ' ) ; } & } ; A=$! ; { { sleep 9 ; kill -INT $(pstree -laAp $A | sed -n 's/^[^,]*\<mongoexport,\([0-9][0-9]*\)\>.*/\1/p') ; } & } ; B=$! ; wait $B || { echo "finishing..." ; kill -INT $( { pstree -laAp $A ; pstree -laAp $B ; } | sed -n 's/^[^,]*,\([0-9][0-9]*\)\>.*/\1/p') ; } ; while wait -n ; do : ; done) #xz-vs-gz

Page 22: Bash tricks

Bom, mas voltando ao dump do banco, com xv fica assim:$ ( export H=localhost D=pseudo C=games; export F="dump-$H-$D-$C-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)"; mongoexport -h $H -d $D -c $C 2> $F.log | pv -c -N raw | pv -c -N rows -l -s "$( echo -e "use $D;\ndb.$C.find().count();" | mongo $H 2>> $F.log | grep "switched to db $D" -A1 | tail -1 )" | xz | pv -c -N xz | tee $F.xz | md5sum > $F.md5 )

raw: 54.7MB 0:00:38 [ 1.4MB/s] [ <=> ] xz: 7.85MB 0:00:38 [ 176kB/s] [ <=> ] rows: 32.7k 0:00:38 [ 818/s ] [=> ] 44% ETA 0:00:47

Page 23: Bash tricks

Como está idle e o xv é o gargalo, o negócio é paralelizar de algum jeitotop - 12:15:16 up 53 days, 13:13, 27 users, load average: 0.69, 0.24, 0.29Tasks: 338 total, 3 running, 334 sleeping, 0 stopped, 1 zombieCpu0 : 99.7%us, 0.3%sy, 0.0%ni, 0.0%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si,Cpu1 : 2.3%us, 1.3%sy, 0.0%ni, 96.4%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si,Cpu2 : 18.3%us, 1.7%sy, 0.0%ni, 79.4%id, 0.7%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si,Cpu3 : 2.0%us, 1.3%sy, 0.0%ni, 96.7%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si,Mem: 4107620k total, 1334364k used, 2773256k free, 24868k buffersSwap: 4192960k total, 2373236k used, 1819724k free, 259280k cached

PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND20507 zed 20 0 99420 93m 736 R 100 2.3 1:06.74 xz 20504 zed 20 0 17688 4304 2880 S 17 0.1 0:11.88 mongoexport 20506 zed 20 0 4056 780 576 S 2 0.0 0:01.45 pv 20505 zed 20 0 4056 732 576 S 0 0.0 0:00.25 pv

Page 24: Bash tricks

pixz ou parallel?

$ git clone$ cd pixz/$ makepixz.h:1: fatal error: lzma.h: No such file or directory $ sudo apt-get install lzma-dev Setting up lzma-dev (4.43-14ubuntu2) ... $ makepixz.h:1: fatal error: lzma.h: No such file or directory $ grep lzma README * liblzma 4.999.9-beta-212 or later (from the xz distribution)

Page 25: Bash tricks

parallel? não?..

$ parallelThe program 'parallel' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install moreutils $ apt-get install moreutils... $ parallel --helpparallel: invalid option -- '-'parallel [OPTIONS] command -- arguments

for each argument, run command with argument, in parallelparallel [OPTIONS] -- commands

run specified commands in parallel

Page 26: Bash tricks

Bem vindo ao mundo real...

$ wget$ tar xvf parallel-20110822.tar.bz2$ cd parallel-20110822 $ ./configure && make -j 4$ ./src/parallel --helpUsage:parallel [options] [command [arguments]] < list_of_argumentsparallel [options] [command [arguments]] (::: arguments|:::: argfile(s)) ... | parallel --pipe [options] [command [arguments]]

-j n Run n jobs in parallel-k Keep same order

Page 27: Bash tricks

Quantos jobs pra compressão?...

$ uptime ; for j in $(seq $(( $(grep -c ^bogomips /proc/cpuinfo) * 4 )) ) ; do echo "$j: $( ( time ( mongoexport -d pseudo -c games 2>/dev/null | head -20000 | parallel -j $j --pipe nice xz | xz -t ) ) 2>&1 | tr "\n" "\t" )" ; done ; uptime

14:46:08 up 53 days, ... load average: 0.07, 1.29, 2.23 1: real 0m18.759s user 0m26.602s sys 0m2.448s2: real 0m11.673s user 0m24.746s sys 0m1.916s3: real 0m9.033s user 0m23.553s sys 0m1.460s4: real 0m8.561s user 0m23.093s sys 0m1.468s...8: real 0m7.645s user 0m23.173s sys 0m1.356s...16: real 0m7.087s user 0m22.153s sys 0m1.260s14:48:27 up 53 days, ... load average: 6.49, 2.88, 2.66

Page 28: Bash tricks

Achievement Unlocked

$ ( export H=localhost D=pseudo C=games; export F="dump-$H-$D-$C-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)"; mongoexport -h $H -d $D -c $C 2> $F.log | pv -c -N raw | pv -c -N rows -l -s "$( echo -e "use $D;\ndb.$C.find().count();" | mongo $H 2>> $F.log | grep "switched to db $D" -A1 | tail -1 )" | parallel --pipe nice xz | pv -c -N xz | tee $F.xz | md5sum > $F.md5 ) #dump-mongo-collection

raw: 48.9MB 0:00:10 [5.64MB/s] [ <=> ] xz: 6.38MB 0:00:10 [ 678kB/s] [ <=> ] rows: 29.6k 0:00:10 [3.27k/s] [==> ] 40% ETA 0:00:14

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Page 30: Bash tricks

E se eu quiser mandar pra net?

$ scp dump.xz

dump.xz 100% 97MB 32.3MB/s 00:03

Page 31: Bash tricks

Putz, mas e a integridade?

$ ssh "xz -vd > dump" < dump-*.xz

(stdin): 96.9 MiB / 228.5 MiB = 0.424, 22 MiB/s, 0:10

Page 32: Bash tricks

Mas não queria descomprimir lá...

$ F="dump.xz"; ssh "tee >(xz -tv) > '$F' " < "$F"

Page 33: Bash tricks

Ueh?.. kd o output?

$ F="dump.xz"; ssh "tee >(xz -tv) > '$F' " < "$F"$

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Aff, a stderr nao passou pelo ssh, claro... mas tudo bem.$ time ( F="dump.xz"; ssh "{ tee >(xz -vt) > '$F' ; } 2>&1" < "$F" )

(stdin): 96.9 MiB / 228.5 MiB = 0.424, 22 MiB/s, 0:10

real 0m10.580suser 0m2.963ssys 0m0.243s

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Soh que descomprimir o xz pra validar eh overkill... que tal usar o md5sum?$ F=dump.xz; pv "$F" | tee >(printf 'size:%-10d\n' $(wc -c) ) >(echo "md5:$(md5sum)") | ssh 'FIFO=$(mktemp -d); mkfifo $FIFO/{a,b}; trap "rm $FIFO\/[ab]; rmdir $FIFO" 0; tee >(tail -c 56 | tee >( sed -n "s/size:\(.*\)/\1/p" >$FIFO/a ) | sed -n "s/md5:\(.*\)/\1/p" >$FIFO/b ) | head -c $(cat <$FIFO/a) | tee '"$F"' | md5sum -c $FIFO/b | cut -c 4-'

Page 36: Bash tricks

Droga, deadlock! E agora?...

$ F=dump.xz; pv "$F" | tee >(printf 'size:%-10d\n' $(wc -c) ) >(echo "md5:$(md5sum)") | ssh 'FIFO=$(mktemp -d); mkfifo $FIFO/{a,b}; trap "rm $FIFO\/[ab]; rmdir $FIFO" 0; tee >(tail -c 56 | tee >( sed -n "s/size:\(.*\)/\1/p" >$FIFO/a ) | sed -n "s/md5:\(.*\)/\1/p" >$FIFO/b ) | head -c $(cat <$FIFO/a) | tee '"$F"' | md5sum -c $FIFO/b | cut -c 4-'^C

Page 37: Bash tricks

kkkk, tem um jeito bem mais simples!

$ time ( F=dump.xz; pv "$F" | { tee >(md5sum 1>&2) | ssh 'tee '"$F"' | md5sum' ; } 2>&1 | sort -u | wc -l | grep -qx 1 && echo OK || echo ERR )

96.9MB 0:00:03 [28.7MB/s] [===========>] 100%OK

real 0m3.212suser 0m2.373ssys 0m0.307s

$ ### time ssh + xz:$ #real 0m10.580s$ #user 0m2.963s$ #sys 0m0.243s

Page 38: Bash tricks

Jah tah bem mais leve;que tal tirar o ssh tb?$ { F="dump.xz" ; H="" ; P=9999 ; pv "$F" | tee >(md5sum 1>&2) >(wc -c 1>&2) >( sed -n '' | ssh "$H" "{ netcat \$(set | grep [S]SH_CLIENT | sed \"s/.*'\([^ ]*\) .*/\1/\") $P | tee '$F' >(wc -c 1>&2) | md5sum ; } 2>&1" 1>&2 ) >(netcat -l $P) >/dev/null ; } 2>&1 | tee >( sort -u | wc -l | grep -qx 2 && echo OK || echo ERR ) 19405636a84a3cd315f4ee235c5e15d82872ab5d -1933516885d99c783b541885b05ef263c1f35cdc -ERR

Page 39: Bash tricks

Morreu antes de terminar o envio,o receptor vai ter que autorizar o fim$ { F="dump.xz" ; H="" ; P=$(printf "39%03d" $RANDOM | cut -c 1-5) ; { ssh "$H" "{ netcat \$(set | grep [S]SH_CLIENT | sed \"s/.*'\([^ ]*\) .*/\1/\") $P | tee '$F' >(wc -c 1>&2) | md5sum ; } 2>&1" 1>&2 ; } | { < "$F" tee >(md5sum 1>&2) >(wc -c 1>&2) >(netcat -l $P) >/dev/null ; } ; } 2>&1 | tee >( sort -u | wc -l | grep -qx 2 && echo OK || echo ERR ) 19405636a84a3cd315f4ee235c5e15d82872ab5d -19405636a84a3cd315f4ee235c5e15d82872ab5d -OK

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Cuidados com o netcat

$ { F="dump.xz" ; ; P=$(printf "39%03d" $RANDOM | cut -c 1-5) ; S=$(stat -c %s "$F") ; { { pv "$F" | { tee >(md5sum 1>&2) | { netcat -l -p $P 2>/dev/null || netcat -l $P ; } ; } 2>&1 ; } & } ; A=$! ; ssh $H "{ H=\$(set | grep [S]SH_CLIENT | sed \"s/.*'\([^ ]*\) .*/\1/\") ; { netcat -w 5 -c \$H $P 2>/dev/null || netcat -w 5 \$H $P ; } | tee '$F' >(md5sum 1>&2) | pv -n -s $S 2>&1 >/dev/null | while read X ; do test \"\$X\" -ge 100 && kill -INT \$(pstree -laAp \$\$ | sed -n 's/^[^,]*\<netcat,\([0-9][0-9]*\)\>.*/\1/p') &>/dev/null ; done ; } 2>&1" ; kill -INT $(pstree -laAp $A | sed -n 's/^[^,]*\<netcat,\([0-9][0-9]*\)\>.*/\1/p') &>/dev/null ; } | uniq | wc -l | grep -qx 1 && echo OK || echo ERR #netcat-send 537MB 0:00:04 [ 110MB/s] [=================>] 100%OK

Page 41: Bash tricks

Mas serah que houve vantagem?

$ time !?#netcat-send 537MB 0:00:04 [ 110MB/s] [============>] 100% real 0m5.298suser 0m0.063ssys 0m0.003sOK

$ time !?scp dump.xz 100% 537MB 35.8MB/s 00:15

real 0m14.658suser 0m11.123ssys 0m1.130s

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Page 43: Bash tricks

E se forem vários arquivos?

$ find dumps/ -type f -printf "%10s %p\n" 101632892 dumps/b/dump.xz.2 65536 dumps/b/a/dump.xz.1 0 dumps/a/3688 0 dumps/a/8958 (... total de 10000 arquivos no dumps/a/) 0 dumps/a/4308 0 dumps/a/3338

$ scp -r dumps/* 100% 0 0.0KB/s 00:00dump.xz.2 100% 97MB 48.5MB/s 00:02dump.xz.1 100% 64KB 64.0KB/s 00:00

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Mas quero selecionar melhor

$ tar c -C dumps/ --exclude=./a . | ssh "tar xv -C dump-backup/" ././b/./b/dump.xz.2./b/a/./b/a/dump.xz.1

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$ TAR="tar c -C dumps/ --exclude=./a ." ; $TAR | pv -s $($TAR | wc -c) | ssh "tar x -C dump-backup/" 97MB 0:00:02 [32.8MB/s] [================>] 100%

Page 46: Bash tricks

Não rola fazer o tar duas vezes...

$ S="dumps" ; D="dump-backup" ; X="--exclude=a" ; ; tar c -C "$S" $X . | pv -s $(cd "$S" && du --apparent-size --block-size=1 $X -s . | cut -f 1) | ssh $H "tar x -C '$D' " 96.9MB 0:00:02 [33.5MB/s] [==============>] 100%

$ S="dumps" ; D="dump-backup" ; X="" ; ; tar c -C "$S" $X . | pv -s $(cd "$S" && du --apparent-size --block-size=1 $X -s . | cut -f 1) | ssh $H "tar x -C '$D' " 102MB 0:00:03 [33.7MB/s] [================] 104%

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Mas assim tem muita imprecisão... :/

$ S="dumps" ; D="dump-backup" ; X="--exclude=./a --exclude=./b/d*" ; ; tar c -C "$S" $X . | pv -s $(cd "$S" && du --apparent-size --block-size=1 $X -s . | cut -f 1) | ssh $H "tar x -C '$D' " 70kB 0:00:00 [ 544kB/s] [====> ] 29%

$ S="dumps" ; D="dump-backup" ; X="--exclude=./b/d*" ; ; tar c -C "$S" $X . | pv -s $(cd "$S" && du --apparent-size --block-size=1 $X -s . | cut -f 1) | ssh $H "tar x -C '$D' " 4.95MB 0:00:00 [7.77MB/s] [================] 1267%

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Vou tentar incorporar o overhead do tar na conta do tamanho total$ for X in "('./a/*' './b/a/*')" "()" "('./a/*' './b/d*')" "('./b/d*')" ; do eval "X=$X" ; E=""; N=""; for x in "${X[@]}" ; do test -n "$N" && N="$N -and" ; N="$N -not -path '$x'" ; E="$E --exclude='$x'" ; done ; echo "${X[@]} => $E => $N"; S="dumps" ; D="dump-backup" ; ; eval "tar c -C '$S' $E ." | pv -s $(cd "$S" && eval "find . $N -printf '%y %s %p\n'" | awk 'BEGIN { sum=0 } { s=length($0)-length($2)-1+($1 ~ /f/ ? $2 : 0) ; c=512; r=s%c; s=s+(r?c-r:0) ; sum+=s } END { chunk=10240; remain=sum%chunk; print sum+(remain?chunk-remain:0) }') | ssh $H "tar x -C '$D' " ; done #tar-pipe-ssh 96.9MB 0:00:02 [34.7MB/s] [====================>] 100% 102MB 0:00:02 [41.5MB/s] [====================>] 100% 70kB 0:00:00 [ 835kB/s] [====================>] 100%4.95MB 0:00:00 [21.2MB/s] [====================>] 100%

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Page 50: Bash tricks

Não tentem isso em casa

Nesse fantástico mundo dos one-liners se pode usar o history como repositório de comandos; basta comentá-los com tags memoráveis e deixar o history bem, bem grande:

$ export HISTSIZE=999999999 HISTFILESIZE=999999999$ echo !! >> $(ls -S ~/.{,bash}{rc,{,_}profile} 2>/dev/null | head -1) $ ls -ltr #lista-recentes...

$ !?#lista-rels -ltr #lista-recentes...

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Ubuntu 10.10GNU bash, version 4.1.5(1)-release (i686-pc-linux-gnu)Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Arch Linux 2011-09 GNU bash, version 4.2.10(2)-release (i686-pc-linux-gnu)Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Windows 10.0.14393 (WSL) GNU bash, version 4.3.11(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

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Page 53: Bash tricks

Obrigado( export M=localhost D=pseudo ; export F="dump-$M-$D-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)" P=$(printf "39%03d" $RANDOM | cut -c 1-5) ; { { { { echo -e "use $D;\nprint(db.getCollectionNames().reduce(function(a,b){ return a+db[b].find().count()+1; }, 0)) ; db.getCollectionNames().forEach(function(a){print(a)});" | mongo $M 2> /dev/null | grep -v " \|^\(system\.indexes\|bye\)$" | { read N ; echo $N ; while read C ; do echo "--- $C ---" ; mongoexport -h $M -d $D -c $C 2> /dev/null ; done ; } ; } | { read N ; pv -c -l -s $N ; } | parallel --pipe nice xz | { tee >(md5sum 1>&2) | { netcat -l -p $P 2>/dev/null || netcat -l $P ; } ; } 2>&1 ; } & } ; A=$! ; ssh $H "{ H=\$(set | grep [S]SH_CLIENT | sed \"s/.*'\([^ ]*\) .*/\1/\") ; { netcat -w 5 -c \$H $P 2>/dev/null || netcat -w 5 \$H $P ; } | tee '$F.xz' >(md5sum 1>&2) | xz -d | pv -l -n -s $N 2>&1 >/dev/null | while read X ; do test \"\$X\" -ge 100 && kill -INT \$(pstree -laAp \$\$ | sed -n 's/^[^,]*\<netcat,\([0-9][0-9]*\)\>.*/\1/p') &>/dev/null ; done ; } 2>&1" ; kill -INT $(pstree -laAp $A | sed -n 's/^[^,]*\<netcat,\([0-9][0-9]*\)\>.*/\1/p') &>/dev/null ; } | uniq | wc -l | grep -qx 1 && echo "OK" || echo "ERR" ) #remote-database-backup

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