

I. PERSONAL INFORMATION QUESTIONS1. What's your (full) name?My names Daniel2. What's your surname / last name / family name?My surname is Cabello Salazar

3. Could you spell your name /surname please? How do you spell your name /surname please?Yes. Its C-A-B-E-L-L-O4. Where do you come from? / Where are you from?Im from Hunuco City.5. What's your address? / Where do you live?Its 281 Los Membrillos Street, Shancayan Urbaization. I live in Huaraz city.6. What do you do? / Do you study/work?Im study at university. I studyII. STUDIES, PREFERENCES AND INTERESTS1. What do you study? Do you like it? Why?I study mining engineering. Yes, I do. Because its interested, a nice career, excellent profession.2. Do you like going to school/college? What do you like about your school/college?Yes, I do. I like big college, theres many people, the teachers are very intelligent.3. Which subjects do you like best?I like math, physics, chemistry, geology and 4. What are you interested in?I interested in learning English, my career, collecting Cds and study.5. What sort of music do you like?I like cumbia and balada.6. What sort of movies do you like?I like action movies, horror movies, documentaries and comedy.7. What are your hobbies?My hobbies are listening to music, playing soccer, playing pool, basketball and running.8. What sports do you like doing?I like playing soccer, swimming, running, volleyball.9. Whats your favorite food? Whats in it?My favorite food is Lomo Saltado. It has French fries, rice, onion, tomatoes and meat.10. What are your favorite TV shows / programs?My favorite TV shows are I Am, combat, the news, sports and soap opera.

III. DAILY LIFE AND HABITUAL ACTIONS1. What things do you do in your free/spare time?In my free/spare time I watch TV, play computer games, sing songs in English, read the newspaper, go swimming, etc.

2. What do you usually do at/on the weekends?I usually work, play soccer, play pool, listen to music, go to the gym, go home, help my parents at home, etc

3. What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?For breakfast:I usually have/eat yogurt and cereal I usually have/eat fried chicken and orange juiceFor lunch I usually have rice, fish, chicken, meat, noodles and vegetables.

For dinner I usually have tea, milk, bread, coffee, toasts,

4. How often do you exercise/go to the movies/ hang out with friends/surf on the net?

I usually exercise in the mornings.I usually go to the movies with my friends on the weekends.I always hang out with friends.I sometimes surf the net twice a week.

5. How do you usually get to school/college/work?I usually get to school by car / on foot.I usually get to college on foot.I usually get to work by car.

IV. PAST TIME ACTIVITIES1. What did you do yesterday / last weekend?

Yesterday I went to college, played computer games and ate Chinese food.

Last weekend I studied anatomy, played volleyball, swam and ate pizza.

Yesterday I read a book, visited my friend, had pasta and surfed the net.

2. Did you go away on holiday/vacation last year? Where did you go? What did you do?Yes, I did. I went to Hunuco city.3. What did you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday?Yesterday for breakfast I ate / had tea and bread with avocado. / oatmeal

Yesterday for lunch I ate rice, French fries, tomatoes, beans, lettuce and onions.

Yesterday for dinner I ate chicken, rice and tea.

4. Where were you last night at 10pm? What were you doing?Yesterday morning I was at college. I was learning geology./ I was attending a class/ studying Last night at 10pm I was at home. I was surfing the net.

This morning at 9am I was at work. I was assisting patients.

5. When and where were you born?

I was born on May 3rd in 1990 in Lima city.

I was born on March 26th in 1993 in Huaraz city.

V. FUTURE PLANS (Future Be going to / Present progressive)1. What are you going to do tomorrow/next weekend?

Tomorrow morning Im going to practice in the hospital, in the afternoon Im going to cook lunch and attend my class.

Next weekend Im going to practice basketball, study for my exams and go to my school to attend the mass.

Tomorrow afternoon Im going to college then eat Chinese food.

What are you doing tomorrow morning? Im meeting my friends at college to do our homework.

Next Saturday Im playing soccer with my friends.

2. Where are you going on holiday/vacation next year? Im going to Lima/Piura/Cuzco.

3. Do you have any plans for the future? What are they?

In 2015 Im going to travel to Brazil.

When I finish school Im going to study medicine in the university. Then Im going to get a degree and look for a job.


1. What do you like about your hometown /country?

My hometown is Huaraz. I like its culture, traditions and the natural scenery that we can see from the city.I also like the typical food, traditional music, dancing and parties that are celebrated here.

2. Which country would you like to visit? Why?

Id like to visit Egypt because of its culture, people history, sea, mountains and to visit the pyramids too. Id like = I would like = Me gustara


1. Talk about your family I have a big family, because I have four brothers and three sisters, in total we are 8 children including me.My parents are Oscar and Norma. My father is 79 and he is a retired teacher and my mom is dead.My brothers are Freddy, Milton, Omar and Pablo. They all are engineers. My sisters are Rossana whos a kindergarten teacher, Eliana whos an accountant and Soledad whos a Lawyer.My brothers Freddy, Milton, Omar and my sisters Rossana and Soledad are married but my brother Pablo and my sister Eliana are single.Freddy is the oldest brother and he has two sons and a daughter and also he has a grandson.

Im an only child and I live with my mother. My moms names Irene, shes 53 and shes a nurse. Shes from Huaraz.

2. Talk about your hometownIm from Huaraz. Huaraz is a beautiful Andean city which has many tourist attractions that I like.I also like the landscapes that we can see around the city, its traditions and festivities. I really like the typical food such as pachamanca, picante de cuy , traditional music such as huayno, pasacalle and dances too.

3. Talk about your house or flat(apartment)My house has two floors. (Downstairs) On the 1st floor theres a living room, a kitchen, a dining room and a bathroom but there are four bedrooms.(Upstairs) On the 2nd floor theres a balcony and a bathroom but there are five bedrooms.Also in front of my house on the first floor theres a garage and a yard/garden.My bedroom is on the 2nd floor. In my bedroom theres a bed, a desk, a chair, a TV and a dresser / wardrobe.

4. Talk about your daily routine.I usually wake up at 6.30am but I get up at 7 oclock. Then I take a shower, get dressed and have breakfast at around 7.30am. I go to work/college at 8am and finish at 1pm. In the afternoon I have lunch at around 1.30pm then I take a nap, watch TV and read the newspaper. Later at 5pm I go back to work until 10pm. I get home at around 10.30 and often have dinner at 11pm. Finally I surf the net or check my email and go to bed at midnight (12am)

5. Describe somebody you know My best friends names Juan. Hes 31 and hes a lawyer. He is tall and slim, and he has short, wavy dark hair. His eyes are big and brown. In general opinion hes a good looking guy/man.Hes friendly, active, outgoing=sociable and funny.PERSONALITY ADJECTIVES:Shy --- Outgoing/ sociable/friendlyActive --- Lazy Polite/Kind --- Impolite/RudeSerious ---- Funny

6. Give advice to a person who usually has headaches and cant sleep well at night.

He / She should take pain relievers for the headaches and also drink a lot of water.But he/she shouldnt eat chocolate, drink black coffee and watch TV for too long before going to bed.

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