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  • 7/30/2019 BasicofIT


    GURU GOBIND SINGH COLLEGE FOR MTMSAL 7 Main Jail Road, Hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064

    Ph. 9810455330, 25138338, 25138339

    Basics of ITObjective type questions

    Ch 1 (Basics of IT) and Ch-2 (Numbering system)Qs 1. Information technology deals witha) Information

    b) datac) knowledged) all

    Qs 2.the planning information requirements of executives can be categorized into three broadcategoriesa)environmental infob)internal and competitive infoc) all of the aboved)none is true

    Qs 3. factors of production includes1.source2. cost and location3. Capital labour and material4. all are true

    Qs 4. Economic trends includes the information relating to consumer and employmenta)all are trueb)none is truec) productivity, capital investment etc.

    Qs 5.competitive information includes the following information1.industry demand and the competitive data2. Market strategy3. comparative information4. none is true

    Qs 6.Internal information includes :1.sales forecast, policies of the organization2. the financial budget3. supply factors4. all above5. 1 & 2 are true

    Qs 7.Level of information within an organization can be analysed into different levels :a)top / middle / low informationb)strategic informationc) tactical informationd)operational info

    Qs 8.accuracy , purpose , relevance ,validity and timeliness are the features ofa)datab)informationc) knowledged)all of the above

    Qs 9.hardware cost / system analysis and operation costs reflects different types ofa)cost of informationb)value of informationc) types of info

  • 7/30/2019 BasicofIT


    GURU GOBIND SINGH COLLEGE FOR MTMSAL 7 Main Jail Road, Hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064

    Ph. 9810455330, 25138338, 25138339

    d)all are true

    Qs 10. Client / Server database system focus on1.validating data2. managing and presenting logic

    3.requesting and receiving information from a database server.4. all are true

    Qs 11. if you want info on jeans , you could use the1. VERONICA2. FTP3. BROWSER (Internet Explorer, netscape )4. Dial up access

    Qs 12. number system are1. positional2. non-positional3. positional and non-positional4. none of the above

    Qs 13.binary value of 25 is1. 101012. 110013. 001114. 11111

    Chapter -3 computer fundamentalsQs 1.diligence, accuracy, versatility , reliability , storage, speed and time are1. characterstics of a computer2. objectives3. goals4. strategies

  • 7/30/2019 BasicofIT


    GURU GOBIND SINGH COLLEGE FOR MTMSAL 7 Main Jail Road, Hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064

    Ph. 9810455330, 25138338, 25138339

    Qs 2.First calculating device is called1. multiplying machine2. analytical engine3. adding machine4. ABASCUS

    Qs 3. 230 = 1024 MB1. true2. false

    Qs 4. 2nd generation of computer uses1. transistors2. integrated chips3. vacuum tubes4. none of the above

    Qs 5.silicon chips were used in1. 3rd generation of computers2. 2nd generation of computers3. 1st generation of computers4. 4th generation of computers

    Qs 6.hybrid types of computers takes the data in the form of1. digital2. analog3. digital and analog4. none

    Qs 7.EPROM AND EEPROM are similar types of RPM1. true2. false

    Ch 4 Computer memory & peripheral DevicesQs 1. primary memory is also known as1. RAM2. Main memory3. none of the above4. 1 and 2 are true

    Qs 2. Input devices1. OCR2. OMR3. Punched paper tape reader4. All above

  • 7/30/2019 BasicofIT


    GURU GOBIND SINGH COLLEGE FOR MTMSAL 7 Main Jail Road, Hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064

    Ph. 9810455330, 25138338, 25138339

    Qs 3. scanner is an1. Input device2. output device3. I/O device4. None of the above

    Qs 4. keyboard , mouse, scanners, joystick and light pen all are1.Input device2.output device3.I/O device4. Standard Input devices

    Qs 5. Resolution power is measured in1. Pixels2. bytes3. bits4. all are true

    Qs 6. inkjet printer comes in the category of1. character printer2. thermal printer3. laser printer4. non-impact printer

    Qs 7. Drum , flatbed and electrostatic Plotters all are1. Input device2. Output device3. I/O device4. All are true

    Ch- 5 SoftwareQs 1. Programming language comes under

    1. hardware2. software3. utility software4. application software

    Qs 2. Operating system is the part of1. application software2. high level language3. system software4. all are true

    Qs 3. WP , DBMS and ESS all are the examples of1. software Utilities

    2. application software3. system software4. none is true

    Qs 4.compiler , interpreter, assembler, loader , linker and editor all Utilities2.application software3.system software4.none is true

  • 7/30/2019 BasicofIT


    GURU GOBIND SINGH COLLEGE FOR MTMSAL 7 Main Jail Road, Hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064

    Ph. 9810455330, 25138338, 25138339

    Qs 5. Dos and unix are the examples of1. software Utilities2. application software3. Integrated system software

    4. none is true

    Qs 6. Advantages of Low level languages are1. processing speed is high because it is one to tone language2. translation of program is not required3. it occupies less memory space4. all of the above

    Qs 7. assembler converts the1. high level language into low level language2. assembly language into machine language3. low level language into high level language4. all of the above

    Qs 8. pascal, fortran, cobol, basic and lisp all are the examples of1. high level language2. low level language3. assembly language4. all are true

    Qs 9. Examples of loader are1. bootstrap loader2. absolute loader3. relocatable loader4. all are true

    Qs 10. types of linker are

    1. all of the below2. dynamic linker3. linkage editor4. linking loader

    Qs 11. Function of O.S. are1. memory mgmt2. device mgmt and file mgmt3. 1 and 2 are true4. none of the above

    Qs 12 flexibility, integrity , adaptability and convenience are1. goals of os

    2. objectives of os3. functions of os4. examples of os

    Qs 13. the well known example of single user os is1. unix2. linux3. Microsoft windows NT4. DOS

  • 7/30/2019 BasicofIT


    GURU GOBIND SINGH COLLEGE FOR MTMSAL 7 Main Jail Road, Hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064

    Ph. 9810455330, 25138338, 25138339

    Qs 14. The functional categories of 4GL are1. decision support tools2. report generators and code generators

    3. retrieval and update languages4. all are true

    Ch 6 Windows XPQs 1. Windows XP home edition and Windows XP professional are versions of1. windows NT2. Windows XP3. Windows 954. all are true

    Qs 2. features of windows xp are1. Robust system protection tools and security features2. all are true3. start menu improvements , 3D windows and buttons4.friendly welcome screen and device drover rollback

    Qs 3.characterstics of Windows XP are

    a)Tightly integrated securityb)protected memoryc) robust and reliabled)all are true

    Qs 4. the redesigned windows XP start menu use ----- columns


    c) 1d)many

    Qs 5------ cannot be upgraded to any version of windows XP

    a)windows NTb)windows Milleniumc) windows 95d)none is true

    Qs 6.WPA stands for

    a)Windows product accessb)Windows product Activation

    c) Windows periodically accessd)all are true

    Qs 7.SID stands for

    a)Security IDb)secure identification codec) several identification coded)none is true

  • 7/30/2019 BasicofIT


  • 7/30/2019 BasicofIT


    GURU GOBIND SINGH COLLEGE FOR MTMSAL 7 Main Jail Road, Hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064

    Ph. 9810455330, 25138338, 25138339

    Qs 17.securabe system provides security to

    1. file or resources2. owner and printer3. all are true4. none is true

    Qs 18. Security ID is1. unique number2. random value3. password4. login

    Qs 19.Activation is registration of the process1. true2. false

    Qs 20.system built around a 64-bit intel itanium processor must use a 64 bit version of windowsXP professional1. true2. False

    Ch- 7 Windows XP InterfaceQs 1. Encryption and Decryption are supported by1. Windows NT2. Windows 20003. Windows 954. Windows XP

    Qs 2. Items at the top of the menu always appear on the menu in1. Pinned items list2. recently used program list3. all programs button4. none of the above

    Qs 3. windows monitors which program are used most often and adds them to this listautomatically that list is called1. Pinned items list2. recently used program list3. all programs button4.none of the above

    Qs 4. This is the entry point to a traditional menu of all installed programs.1.Pinned items list2.Recently used program list3. all programs button4. none of the above

    Qs 5. To manage the most frequently used programs list Open1. all program button2. start button on task bar

  • 7/30/2019 BasicofIT


    GURU GOBIND SINGH COLLEGE FOR MTMSAL 7 Main Jail Road, Hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064

    Ph. 9810455330, 25138338, 25138339

    3. all of the above4. number of programs on start menu box

    Qs 6.My recent documents contains shortcuts to ----- most recently used documents.1. 102. 123. 154. 1

    Qs 7. To open Group policy type ----- at the command prompt1. gpclear.msc2. gpedit.msc3. gpdelete.msc4. none of the above

    Qs 8.Quick launch adds 3 icons to the taskbar namely

    a) netscape navigator, internet explorerb) show desktop, netscapte navigator and windows media playerc) internet explorer, show desktop and windows media playerd) internet explorer, netscape navigator and show desktop

    Qs 9. only active icons and icons you specify appear in the1. status area2. system tray3. working area4. notification area

    Qs explorers offers toolbars1. address bar

    2. formatting and standard toolbars3. links, address bar and standard buttons4. all are true

    Qs11The view explorer bar command opens a menu on which usercan choose any one from five:1. search2. favourites, media3. history and folder4. all of the above

    Qs 12.which bar is most useful from a file mgmt perspective1. search bar and explorer bar2. favourites and media bar

    3. folder bar4. status bar

    Qs 13.details view presents a ----- display of file names and attributes1. row wise2. columnar3. row as well as columnar4. all of the above

    Qs 14. provides links to various places by using

  • 7/30/2019 BasicofIT


    GURU GOBIND SINGH COLLEGE FOR MTMSAL 7 Main Jail Road, Hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064

    Ph. 9810455330, 25138338, 25138339

    1. search bar and explorer bar3.folder bar4.status bar

    Qs can see miniature images of graphics and HTML files and previews of File contents in1. tiles view2. filmstrip view3. thumbnails view4. list view

    Qs 16. In --------- windows explorer displays a generous three lines of text to describe each file.1. tiles view2. filmstrip view3.thumbnails view4.list view

    Qs 17. ----- generates larger and more colourful icons than the previous large icons view.1.tiles view2.filmstrip view3.thumbnails view4.list view

    Qs 18. the currently selected picture appears in a large size in the center of the windows1. tiles view2. filmstrip view3. thumbnails view4. list view

    Qs 19. During specifying search type different file searches can be perform

    1. Digital media2. doucuments3. all files and folders4. all of the above

    Qs 20. The following kind of deletions do not go to the recycle bin :1.files stored on removable disks2.files stored on networks drives3.files deleted from compressed (zipped ) folders4. All are true

    Qs 21. A search for all files and folders has characterstics like :1. searches all local hard disks

    2. searches common folders3. searches recycle bin4. all are true

    Qs 22.Windows media player plays sound and video files in a wide variety of formats

    a)audio formatsb)digital formatsc) video formatsd)audio and video streamed from internet sites

  • 7/30/2019 BasicofIT


    GURU GOBIND SINGH COLLEGE FOR MTMSAL 7 Main Jail Road, Hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064

    Ph. 9810455330, 25138338, 25138339

    Qs 23.BMP , JPG, TIF and PNG all are formats of

    a)Pictureb) Spreadsheetc) Document filed)All are true

    Qs 24. Microsoft windows XP uses encryption techniques for several purposes

    a)Encryption files on an NTFS volumeb)Encrypting or singning e-mail messagesc) Encrypting data sent between a web browser and a server using SSLd)All are true

    Qs 25. Task scheduler , batch programs and windows script host all are the different ways toautomate the tasks in windows1. windows 95

    2. windows 983. windows NT4. none of the above

    Qs 26 Echo.1. displays a message on the screen2. displays a blank line on the screen3.identifies a msg as a comment4. none of the above is true

    Ch- 8 Security and networkingQs 1. File sharing interface initially makes all the files in the user profile

    1. my documents2. desktop and favourite3. start menu4. All of the above

    Qs applies to

    a) Filesb)foldersc) subfoldersd)all of the above

    Qs 3. IIS software allows to host web and FTP sites in

    a)Windows XPb)windows Milleniumc) Windows 95d)none of the above

    Qs 4 the version of IIS included with windows xp professional lets to create only one web site andone FTP site, and it allows a maximum of ---- simultaneous TCP connections


  • 7/30/2019 BasicofIT


    GURU GOBIND SINGH COLLEGE FOR MTMSAL 7 Main Jail Road, Hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064

    Ph. 9810455330, 25138338, 25138339

    c) 10d)1

    Qs 5. Internet information services provides a web server1. FTP

    2. SMTP3. All are true4. XP

    Qs 6.The documentation option selected by default, puts --- of help files in the folder%systemRoot%\help\lishelp1. 9.15 MB2. 9.28 MB3. 9.11 MB4. 9.09 MB

    Qs 7. A -------- which tells the network how to distinguish between IP addresses that are the partof the same network and those that belong to other networks

    1. subnet mask2. default gateway3. none is true4. all are true

    Qs 8.Routing of packets for intended addresses outside the local network is done by1. TCP2. IP3. default gateway4. subnet maskQs 9.DNS servers , which are computers that translate domain name into1. address2. IP address

    3. domain address4. dynamic address

    Qs 10. QOS packet scheduler stands for1. Quality of services2. Quantum out of schedule3. Quality of scale4.none is true

    Qs 11. A network client provides access to computers and resources on a network ; this clientallows to connect to computers running1.16-bit windows version2 32-bit windows version3.64-bit windows version

    4. 2 and 3 are true

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