  • Bathurst West Public School Newsletter \ Suttor Street, Bathurst 2795 NSW Phone (02) 63311142 Fax (02) 6332 2319 Email: [email protected] Facebook: School- Website:

    Relieving Principal: Darren Denmead School Leaders : Michaela & Shanese P&C President: MaryAnn Gould Seth & Josef

    Calendar of Events Principal’s Report

    Tuesday, 6th December, 2016

    Dear Parents/Carers

    Presentation Day Today marked our annual Presentation Day festivities, where we

    come together to celebrate and enjoy all of our successes, big

    and small, from throughout the year. And judging by today’s

    events, it has been a wonderful year. Every one of us who

    contributes to this amazing school community – staff, families

    and children – please take a bow!

    School Leaders for 2017

    This year’s field of leadership candidates was exceptional, all of

    whom are leaders at our school in so many ways. From this

    strong field, the school has chosen our leaders for 2017 – they

    are (in no particular order) Ava Meares, Molly Gould, Hannah

    Gibbons and Angus Porter. Congratulations and we look forward

    to working closely with you next year.

    Stop work meeting on Thursday 8th December

    The NSW Teachers Federation has announced it will hold a stop

    work meeting of school teachers and non-school based Teaching

    Service (OCAA) members on Thursday 8 December 2016, for a

    total of one hour from 8.45am. The purpose of the stop work

    meeting is for Federation members to debate and vote on the

    proposed Crown Employees (Teachers in Schools and Related

    Employees) Salaries and Conditions Award 2016. Bathurst

    West Public School will run as per normal for the entire day,

    with most programs unaffected. If your child’s teacher attends

    the meeting, appropriate supervision will be provided by other

    teachers during play and for the first half hour of class. If you

    have any questions, please contact the school’s office.

    It’s all happening!

    There is plenty happening around our grounds at the moment.

    You may have noticed our new digital sign which will make

    communication much easier and timelier. This should be up and

    running by the end of next week. Our Kitchen Garden teaching

    and learning space is well under way and looks fantastic, while

    the redevelopment of the Eucalypt quad area is nearing

    completion. All of this helps to make everyone’s school

    experience even more rewarding and positive.

    Challenge of the week

    In consultation with parents, the P&C, staff and our children, we

    have decided it is time to get ourselves a new school song! The

    challenge for the remainder of the year is for the kids and their

    families to provide a list of words that describe their school and

    how they feel about it, or perhaps a poem, some sentences, a

    story, or even lyrics if they are so inclined, that we can put to

    music that will be provided by our own Mrs Groves. We need

    these in the red riddle box in the office by the end of school.

    Grab your chance to be part of history in the making!

    Last week’s riddle: I have 24 arms, 10 legs, 1 hand and 4 feet.

    What am I? Answer: A liar!!

    Enjoy your week,

    Darren Denmead

    Relieving Principal

    2016 Term 4 Week 9 Tues 6th Dec OC Class Work Expo Wed 7th Dec Playgroup, Hall, 9.30-11.30 Yr 6 Bathurst High Orientation Thurs 8th Dec Principal’s Afternoon Tea Choir Nursing home visit Support Unit transition Fri 9th Dec Assembly, Hall, 9.15-10 Helpers Morning Tea

    Week 10 Mon 12th Dec Waratah 4 Play SRC Talent Quest Support Unit PCYC Tues 13th Dec Reports sent home Stage 3 class party Stage 2 Shining day Wed 14th Dec Playgroup Xmas Party, St Pats, 11am Year 6 Dinner Dance Fri 16th Dec Assembly, Hall, 9.15-10 Browne Mug LAST DAY TERM 4

    2017 Term 1 Mon 30th Jan FIRST DAY TERM 1 2017 Thurs 2nd Feb First day Kindergarten

    Term 4, Week 9, 2016

    Library Books Its thats time of year again when I'm asking for

    you to look under the beds, in the cupboards and

    behind the lounges to see if any of our much

    loved books have been hiding there. I would love

    if you could find all library books and return

    them as soon as you can to the Returns Box in

    the iCentre within the next two weeks. Notes have

    begun to be sent home for years 3-6 and infants

    will be out next week (week 9). BWPS spend a lot

    of money on these books and your help in bring-

    ing these back to ensure we are not wasting these

    resources. If you can't find the books, you are

    most welcome to pay for, replace or notify me of

    any issues if necessary. I really appreciate your

    help. Those with all their books returned are able

    to receive a prize for their efforts!

    Mrs O’connor

    mailto:[email protected]://

  • Canteen News

    School Awards Congratulations to - Koby Sherden, Brae Miller Griffiths, Eli Armstrong, Billy Berry, Nashita Ahmad, Riordan Kerschner, Chloe Boardman, Antonia Letran, Supriya Sapkota, Sabine Galbraith, Sabine Galbraith, Hayley Bell, Blake Aitcheson, Paton McAlpine, Jodie Riley -Greensitt, Jason Waterhouse Anderson, Logan Watson-Gray, Willow Traves, Xander Nimmo, Skye Simmons, Riley Barwick, Amanda Smith, Hayley Kelleher, Aiden Davis, Isabelle Gorman, David Thomas, David Thomas, Kristi Boyjonauth, Ryan Kirkland, Shayli-Rose Macpherson, Jackson Grant, Mackenzie Clarke-Lowe, Hayden Bell, Kaliyah Bull, Tyrell Lane Bergan, Dezzy Drewe, Sarah Tester

    Roster Mon 12/12 T Roels, Tues 13/12 J.Baillie, Wed 1412 J.Baillie, Thurs 15/12 J.Baillie, C Merrick, Fri 16/12 T.Roels, K Taylor, K McClure




    DEAL. It was a great success with around

    260 meals being prepared. Also THANK


    CAME UP ON THE DAY and helped to

    assemble and hand out those meal deals. It

    was a mighty effort. Once again without

    the support of the school community the

    canteen would not be able to put on these

    special days for the children. It was a great

    way to celebrate the end of the term.




    December. We still have a variety of

    lunch items available but as items run out

    we will not replace them. There will still

    be a variety of foods available.

    As the days have been hot why not send

    your child with some money to purchase a

    cold iceblock at afternoon tea time. Prices

    range from 50c to $1.50. This is a great

    Principal’s Awards Congratulations to - Koby Sherden, Brae Miller Griffiths, Eli Armstrong Skye Simmons, Logan Watson-Gray, Riley Barwick, Isabelle Gorman, Nashita Ahmad, Riordan Kerschner, Ryan Kirkland, Shayli-Rose Macpherson, Sarah Tester

    Badge Awards Congratulations to - Shayli-Rose Macpherson, Sarah Tester

    Talent Quest

    Auditions started for the Talent Quest on the 14th

    of November and go till the 8th of December. The

    performance date of the Talent Quest is the 12th

    of December.

    SAVE THE DATE FRIDAY, 9th December 2016

    You are invited to a parent/carer morning tea

    which will be held on Friday 9th December 2016

    following the school assembly in the school hall.

    We would love to see you there to celebrate

    the Wonderful partnership we share that ben-

    efits all the children at

    Bathurst West Public School.

    Coordinator:, Sue Rogers

    Bathurst West Playgroup meets on Wednesdays in the school hall from 9.30 to 11.30. New people are always welcome. Our Christmas party will be held on Wednesday 14th December at St Pats, starting at 11.00am


    27/1/2017 OPENING HOURS

    8.00AM - 10.00AM

    1.30PM - 3.30PM

  • Central West OOSH Services Central West OOSH Services provide quality & caring out of school hours care (including vacation care, pupil free days) for children & families in the Central West NSW. Care provided for children aged 5-12 Transport provided to & from schools in Bathurst and Kelso Breakfast is provided till 8am at before school care Government CCB & CCR is available to eligible families

    Before School Care - 7am-9am After School Care - 3pm-6pm

    Vacation Care - 7am-6pm For more information please contact Tanya on

    0411 521 460

    Bathurst Bus Lines

    Transport for NSW are now accepting

    applications for 2017. We encourage all

    Students who will be commencing

    Kindergarten in 2017 to apply now. The link to

    apply for a bus pass is:


    Transport NSW have also advised that any

    student with an expiring bus pass at the end

    of 2016 should apply to update their details

    prior to December 2016.

    This applies to all students who are:

    Currently in Year 2 and Year 6

    Have changed address or school or

    Have approval on special circumstances.

    The link to update is:


    After 31 December 2016 students must apply

    for a new Bus Pass at:


    Olivia Duffey (Russell) competed in the 2016

    Australian Titles on Sunday.

    She placed 1st place in Sumo and 1st place in

    Sword Combat.

    This earned her the title of Australian Champion

    for those two divisions for 2016.

    Could you be a Volunteer Ethics Teacher?

    With more volunteer teachers, the Primary Ethics program for students who don’t do scripture at Bathurst West Public School can continue in 2017. Are you keen to help children gaining critical thinking skills to navigate the world around them? Do you have 30 minutes to spare on Fridays during term time? If so, be-coming a volunteer ethics teacher could be a rewarding volunteer experience for you. Volunteer ethics teachers receive comprehensive train-ing, all lesson materials and ongoing support. You will help students explore ethical issues such as what makes a good friend, what being fair means, and is it ever ok to break promises. You don’t need previous teaching experience – just en-thusiasm for discussing interesting issues with our fantas-tic Bathurst West kids! Learn more and make an online application at Questions? Phone or text Miranda Gott (Year 6 parent and ethics volunteer teacher) on 0418 861 341, or talk to Principal Darren Denmead.

  • Host an Exchange Student in 2017! Do you have a spare room? World Education Program (WEP) Australia, a non-profit student exchange organisation is looking for volunteer host families to host an overseas exchange student! *See Australia through the eyes of a non-Australian *Visit new places and re-visit old favourites *Teach our local customs and language *Gain a new family member and friend for life *Have lots of fun! Students are arriving in February 2017 and are looking forward to learning about Australia! Find out more! Request a free information pack for your family! Text “hosting” to 0428 246 633 Email [email protected] or check out

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