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College of Arts & Sciences Department of Sociology Louisiana State University 126 Stubbs Hall Baton Rouge, LA 70803 225-578-1645

LSU Oil Spill Survey On April 20th, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil drilling platform exploded and sank, with casualties, releasing large amounts of oil into the Gulf Coast waters off the shore of Louisiana. The LSU Sociology Department in Baton Rouge has been monitoring recovery from Hurricane Katrina since 2006. We are now helping assess the social and economic impact of the oil spill. We want to know whether the oil spill has affected you: has it affected your job or work, has it affected the shoreline near you, etc. And has it affected your community and household: how well are people supporting each other, how concerned are you, etc. We ask for your help in understanding these things. We know your time is valuable. We ask for your participation only because we think it will help guide community response. The survey takes an average of 20 minutes to complete (some people will do it faster, some slower). This survey will be used only for community response planning and scholarly research. We are not doing any fund raising or selling anything. We are not working for any side. Your answers are confidential, and you are free to skip any question or to end the survey at any point. We will post PERCENTAGED results on an LSU website, at, where you can see them. We will report results only in aggregate, percentaged form. We will not release data with personally identifying information. Instructions: Please fill out the survey and return it to the organization or church that gave it to you, or mail it to the LSU Sociology Department at the address above. Please ask each adult in your household (age 18 and over) to also take the survey: each person should fill out a separate form. If you have questions about this survey, you may contact the LSU Sociology Department at 126 Stubbs Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, 225-578-1645. If you have questions about respondents’ rights, you may contact Dr. Robert C. Mathews, Chairman of the Institutional Review Board at LSU, at 203 B-1 David Boyd Hall, tel. 225-578-8692. You can also see the portal to the survey at


Thank you very much for your help.

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1. What is the name of the town or city where you live now? (Zip code is optional)

City/Town: ______________________________________ State: _________ ZIP: ______________ Parish or County: ________________________________

2. How long have you lived there?

[Record answer in years, if less than one year record 0.]

97. All my life

3. How long has your family lived there? About when did your first family members or

ancestors move to the place where you now live?

[Record the historical year, all 4 digits, e.g., 1917.]

4. Has the oil spill already caused damage to the following?


Damage Some

Damage Major

Damage Complete

destruction Not Applicable,

Don’t Know Your city or town The coastline or inlet nearest you

Your house, condo, or apartment

Your business and/or your employer’s business

Waters where you work or make your living

Land where you work or make your living

5. How much damage do you think the oil spill will ultimately cause to the following, before

the leakage is stopped? No

Damage Some

Damage Major

Damage Complete

destruction Not Applicable,

Don’t Know Your city or town The coastline or inlet nearest you

Your house, condo, or apartment

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Your business and/or your employer’s business

Waters where you work or make your living

Land where you work or make your living

6. What kind of housing are you now living in?

1. Your own house or condo, which you own 2. An apartment you rent yourself 3. At somebody else’s residence 4. A trailer on your own property 5. A trailer at a FEMA trailer site 6. A trailer at a non-FEMA trailer site 7. Other [Please describe] ____________________________

7. How far do you live from the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico?

1. I live on the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico 2. I live on the coastline of waters that directly connect to the Gulf of Mexico 3. I live less than a mile from the Gulf Coast 4. I live 1-5 miles from the Gulf Coast 5. I live 5-10 miles from the Gulf Coast 6. I live 10-20 miles from the Gulf Coast 7. I live 20-50 miles from the Gulf Coast 8. I live 50-100 miles from the Gulf Coast 9. I live 100 miles or more from the Gulf Coast

8. re you still living in the same place as you lived before the oil spill hit?

1. Yes 2. No

9. [If still living in the same place] How likely are you to move away from the area you live

in? 1. Very likely 2. Somewhat likely 3. Somewhat unlikely 4. Very unlikely 5. Haven’t decided

10. [If living at a different address] What was is the name of the town or city and state where

you lived BEFORE the oil spill hit? (Zip code is optional)

City/Town: _____________________________________ State: _________ ZIP: ______________ Parish or County: ________________________________

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11. [If living at a different address] Did you move because of the oil spill? 1. Yes 2. No

12. [If living at a different address] Speaking only of your feelings, would you like to move

back into your pre-oil spill residence? 1. Yes 2. No

13. What do you think about coastal areas near you?

Strongly believe is

True Believe is

True Unsure

Believe is Not True

Strongly believe is Not True

With good engineering and adequate funding, the coastal areas near me can be protected against a major oil spill

The coastal areas near me can recover from the oil spill

14. And when do you think these things will happen?

Now or in

the coming couple months

In the next 12 months

Within the next five

years Someday Never The coastal areas near me will be protected against a major oil spill

The coastal areas near me will recover from the oil spill damage

15. If it could be made safe from a major oil spill, and speaking only of your feelings, do you

want to live in –

Yes, very much Yes

Yes, a little

In the middle

Prefer not No

No, absolutely

not Your city/town The neighborhood I lived in before the oil spill

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16. How close is your job or work from the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico? Please answer any of the following that apply.

1. I work on the water in the Gulf of Mexico 2. I work on waters that directly connect to the Gulf of Mexico 3. I work on the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico 4. I work on the coastline of waters that directly connect to the Gulf of Mexico 5. I work less than a mile from the Gulf Coast 6. I work 1-5 miles from the Gulf Coast 7. I work 5-10 miles from the Gulf Coast 8. I work 10-20 miles from the Gulf Coast 9. I work 20-50 miles from the Gulf Coast 10. I work 50-100 miles from the Gulf Coast 11. I work 100 miles or more from the Gulf Coast

17. What is/was your employment status?

Retired Student Homemaker Employed full or

part time Unemployed Before the oil spill Now

18. What is/was your occupation?

Occupation Before the oil spill


19. Do you work in any of the following industries that might be affected by the oil spill? Please check any that apply.

1. Oil/chemical industry 2. Commercial (NOT sport) fishing, incl shrimping, crabbing, etc. 3. Seafood processing, wholesale, distribution, etc. 4. Commercial Marine & Support; Marina management 5. Government Marine, incl enforcement, regulation, Coast Guard, other Military,

etc. 6. Shipping, Wharfs, Transport from the Coast 7. Tourism 8. Restaurants, Retail food sales 9. Sport fishing 10. Farming or livestock raising 11. Other (please specify)

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20. [If still working] What do you think about your/your employer’s business?

Better About the

Same Worse

Went/Will go out of business

Since the oil spill, it’s gotten … In the next 2 to 5 years, it will get…

21. Have you already lost your job due to damage caused by the oil spill? Or if you are self-employed: have you lost the ability to do your work or run your business?

1. Yes 2. No

22. [If no] How likely do you think it is that you will eventually lose your job due to damage

caused by the oil spill? Or if you are self-employed: how likely do you think it is that you will eventually lose the ability to do your work or run your business?

1. Virtually certain to happen 2. Very likely to happen 3. Might happen 4. Probably won’t happen 5. Almost certain not to happen

23. Since the oil spill, have you had job offers close to where you live? Or if you are self-

employed: have you concretely looked into the possibility of starting another business close to where you live?

1. Yes 2. No

24. [If yes] Is the new work or business as good as the old one, in the following ways?


Better Better The

Same Worse Much Worse

Not Applicable, Don’t Know

Pay, Income Working conditions Satisfaction with the work itself

Independence Convenience, close to home

25. Since the oil spill, have you had job offers from other cities or regions? Or if you are

self-employed: have you concretely looked into the possibility of starting a business in another city or region?

1. Yes 2. No

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We’d like to ask you some questions about your family and friends in the community.

26. Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted or that you can’t be too careful in dealing with people?

1. Most people can be trusted 2. Can’t be too careful

27. How much do you trust the following groups of people?


them a lot

Trust them some

Trust them only a little

Trust them not at all

Does not apply

People in your neighborhood People you work with People at your church or place of worship

People who work in the stores where you shop

The police in your local community

People outside your community White people African Americans or Blacks Asian people Hispanics or Latinos Oil company representatives Government Employees

28. About how many family members and relatives do/did you have living in your city/town …

Record approximate number of family/relatives

(for instance, 5, 35, 100, etc …) Just before the oil spill


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29. About how many family and close friends do you have in each of these groups? (People you’re close enough to, that you’d visit each other at home.)


0-5 About 5-15

About 15-50

About 50-100

About 100 or more

Family and friends who live in your neighborhood

Family and friends who live in a different neighborhood in your city/town

Family and friends who live outside your city/town

Family and friends of your faith who live in your city/town

Family and friends of a different faith who live in your city/town

Family and friends of your race who live in your city/town

Family and friends of a different race who live in your city/town

30. About how often have you done the following?


week (or more often)

Almost every week

Once or twice a month

A few times

per year

Less often than that Never

Had friends over to your home Visited relatives in person or had them visit you

Socialized with co-workers outside of work

Played cards or board games with others

Attended a club meeting Hung out with friends at a park, shopping mall, or other public place

Attended any public meeting in which there was discussion of town or school affairs

Gone to bars, nightclubs, music events

Attended sports events (professional, college, etc.)

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31. Have you taken part in activities with the following groups and organizations in the past 12 months?

Yes No An adult sports club or league, or an outdoor activity club A youth organization like youth sports leagues, the scouts, 4-H clubs, and Boys & Girls Clubs

A parents’ association, like the PTA or PTO, or other school support or service groups Activities at your church or place of worship, other than attending services? This might include teaching Sunday school, serving on a committee, attending choir rehearsal or a retreat. Or working with any organization affiliated with religion, such as the Knights of Columbus or a bible study group

A neighborhood association, like a block association, a homeowner or tenant association, or a crime watch group

A charity or social welfare organization that provides services in such fields as health or service to the needy

A professional, trade, farm, or business association Any other hobby, investment, or garden clubs or societies Any other kinds of clubs or organizations

32. In the past twelve months, have you served as an officer or served on a committee of any local club or organization?

1. Yes 2. No

33. What is the name of the neighborhood association where you live in your city/town?


Now we’d like to ask you some questions about response to the oil spill.

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34. How good a job do you think the following have done in responding to the oil spill?

Great Good Neither Good Nor

Bad Bad Terrible The state government The local governments Your neighborhood’s representatives in city government

The U.S. federal government President Obama The oil company The leadership of your neighborhood association

The leadership of your church or religious community

The national leadership of your religious denomination

Non-religious nonprofit organizations working in your city/town

35. How good a job do you think your church has done since the oil spill in the following


Great Good Neither Good Nor

Bad Bad Terrible Accepting input from all congregational, church, or parish members

Providing material assistance fairly to all congregational, church, or parish members

Providing community or social support Providing spiritual support

36. And how good a job do you think your city/town community leaders have done since the oil spill in the following ways?

Great Good Neither Good Nor

Bad Bad Terrible Accepting input from all community members

Providing material assistance fairly to all community members

Providing community or social support Providing spiritual support

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37. How would you rate the overall recovery from the oil spill of the following? Fully

Recovered Mostly

Recovered About Half Recovered

Somewhat Recovered

Not at All Recovered

Your own household Your neighborhood Your city or town Your parish or county Your Congregation, Church, or parish

The local religious community in your denomination

38. Neighborhoods can be described in various ways. How would you describe your

neighborhood today, in the following ways: Very

much so Somewhat In the middle

Not so much

Not at all

Close, warm, neighbors support each other

Strong, resilient, able to overcome difficulty

Energetic, creative, stimulating Able to keep its neighbors and attract new ones

Able to protect its interests in the wider region

Good relations with other neighborhoods, well respected, treated well, liked

39. How would you describe your neighborhood today, as compared to the five years or so

before the oil spill:

Much more so

More so

About the

same Less so

Much less so

Not able to compare

Close, warm, neighbors support each other

Strong, resilient, able to overcome difficulty

Energetic, creative, stimulating Able to keep its neighbors and attract new ones

Able to protect its interests in the wider region

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Good relations with other neighborhoods, well respected, treated well, liked

40. How satisfied are you with each of the following in your city/town?


Satisfied Satisfied In the Middle Dissatisfied

Very Dissatisfied

The Economy Political Leadership K-12 Education Infrastructure Local Media My Neighborhood My Church/Religious Community

My Circle of Friends My Family & Relatives The Job Market Available Housing

41. And how worried are you about each of the following in your city/town? Very

Worried Worried In the Middle

Not very Worried

Not at all Worried

Crime The Influence of Illegal Drugs

A hurricane Another oil spill

42. Have you yourself had any of the following feelings because of what’s happened as a

result of the oil spill?

Yes Yes, just a little No

Depressed Angry Hopeful Fearful, Anxious

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43. How do you think each of the following will change? Get

better Stay the

same Get

worse The economy in your city/town 12 months from now The economy in your city/town five years from now Your city/town as a place to live 12 months from now Your city/town as a place to live five years from now

44. Have you had any of the following feelings since the oil spill, even though some of the feelings may seem to conflict with others?

Yes Yes, just

a little No Greater closeness with family, friends, and loved ones Greater conflict with family, friends, and loved ones Greater closeness with people in your neighborhood Greater conflict with people in your neighborhood Greater closeness with other members of your religious community Greater conflict with other members of your religious community Feelings of guilt that my family and I were not harmed as much as others Stronger feelings of spirituality, religiousness, or closeness to God Feelings of abandonment by God A feeling that God is punishing us A feeling that this disaster was not God’s doing, but rather, Evil at work A feeling that our faith and commitment is being tested A feeling that we are being given an opportunity to improve or repair the world

A feeling that this is just the most recent in a long history of disasters and tragedies that challenge and define and unite us as a people

45. Would you say that in general your health is –

1. Excellent 2. Very Good 3. Good 4. Fair 5. Poor

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46. About how many drinks of any alcoholic beverage have you had … (One drink is equivalent to a 12-ounce beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine, or a drink with one shot of liquor) …

Number of Drinks

(for instance, 1, 5, 20, etc.)

Please indicate whether you mean:

Per Day

Per Week

Per Month

Since the oil spill Before the oil spill

47. Do any of the following apply to you now – as compared to before the oil spill?

Much more than usual

Somewhat more than


No, or stayed

about usual Trouble sleeping Sleeping too much Loss of appetite, losing weight Eating too much, gaining weight Trouble concentrating Tired all the time; loss of energy Nervous, excitable; trouble settling down Loss of sexual desire Don’t want to see people, staying at home Don’t want to be alone Worrying about everyday things Afraid that something terrible could happen Finally, we have a few questions about your household and your background.

48. How old are you? 1. 19 or younger 2. 20 to 29 3. 30 to 39 4. 40 to 49 5. 50 to 59 6. 60 to 69 7. 70 to 79 8. 80 or older

49. Are you male or female?

1. Male 2. Female

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50. Do you consider yourself to be:

1. White 2. African-American / Black 3. Asian 4. American Indian 5. Other (please describe) ______________________________

51. Are you Hispanic or Latino?

1. Yes 2. No

52. Are you currently married, living with a partner, separated, divorced, widowed, or have

you never been married? 1. Married 2. Living with partner 3. Separated 4. Divorced 5. Widowed 6. Single, never married

53. Do you have children? How many?

0 None 1. One 2. Two 3. Three 4. Four or more

54. What is the highest grade of schooling that you have completed?

1. 8th Grade or less 2. Some high school 3. High School Diploma 4. Vocational/Technical school 5. Some College 6. College degree 7. Some graduate school 8. Graduate degree

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55. What is your religious preference? Is it Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, some other religion, or no religion?

1. Protestant [If Protestant]: What specific denomination is that, if any?

_________________________________________________________ 2. Catholic 3. Other [Please Specify]

_________________________________________________________ 4. None [SKIP to question about church attendance]

56. Are you a member of a local church, synagogue, or other religious or spiritual community

in your city/town? 1. Yes 2. No

57. [Optional:] What is the name of your church?

Church name: __________________________________________________ Church Denomination: ____________________________________________ Church street location: ____________________________________________ Church city: ____________________________________________________ Church (civil) Parish: _____________________________________________ Pastor’s name: __________________________________________________

58. Not including weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious services?

1. Every week (or more often) 2. Almost every week 3. Once or twice a month 4. A few times per year 5. Less often than that

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59. Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, Democrat, Independent, or what?

1. Strong Republican 2. Republican 3. Lean Republican 4. Independent 5. Lean Democrat 6. Democrat 7. Strong Democrat 8. Neither 9. Other (Please specify) _________________________________

60. Who did you vote for in the 2008 Presidential election?

1. John McCain 2. Barack Obama 3. Someone else 4. Didn’t vote 9. Don’t remember

61. We hear a lot of talk these days about liberals and conservatives. Would you call

yourself: 1. Extremely Liberal 2. Liberal 3. Slightly Liberal 4. Moderate, middle of the road 5. Slightly Conservative 6. Conservative 7. Extremely Conservative

62. What Parish did you live in before the oil spill?

1. Orleans 2. Jefferson 3. St. Bernard 4. Plaquemines 5. St. Tammany 6. Lafourche 7. Terrebonne 8. St. Mary 9. Iberia 10. Vermilion 11. Cameron 12. Other [specify] _________________________________

63. What was your Zip Code before the oil spill?


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64. What was the name of the subdivision or neighborhood you lived in before the oil spill?


65. What was the total income that you and all other members of your household earned before taxes last year, from all sources.

1. Under $25,000 2. $25,000 to $50,000 3. $50,000 to $75,000 4. $75,000 to $100,000 5. $100,000 to $200,000 6. More than $200,000

66. How did you get the request to take this survey? Please check all that apply.

1. An email from my church or neighborhood association 2. An email from the LSU Disaster Recovery Survey team (Us!) 3. A letter or flyer or bulletin from my church or neighborhood association 4. I saw it announced on my church or neighborhood association’s website 5. I saw it announced on another website 6. I heard about it at a church or neighborhood meeting 7. A neighborhood block captain, church volunteer, etc. told me about it 8. A friend or relative told me about it 9. A service provider gave it to me (for instance, the Red Cross, Catholic Charities,

etc.) 10. An interviewer phoned me 11. An interviewer came to my door 12. An interviewer approached me in a public place (on the street, in a store, etc.) 13. Other [please describe] ___________________________________________

67. How did you answer this survey?

1. I filled it in myself on the web 2. Someone helped me fill it in on the web 3. I filled it in myself on paper 4. Someone helped me fill it in on paper 5. An interviewer filled it in during a face-to-face interview 6. An interviewer called me on the phone 7. Other [please describe] _________________________________________

68. Do you have a cell phone?

1. Yes: What area code? (Why are we asking this? To see whether people have local area codes.

2. No

69. Do you have a land-line (home) phone? 1. Yes 2. No

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70. Do you have internet access? Please answer any that apply. 1. Yes, at home. 2. Yes, at work. 3. Yes, at a library or other place I can go. 4. No internet access. 5. Other (please explain) __________________________________________

71. Optional: If you would let LSU contact you again for a follow-up survey, please give us

contact information. We will ONLY use this contact information for a follow-up survey and will not reveal it to anyone else.

Phone number(s):


_________________________________________________________ Email address(es):



72. Optional: If an Organization or Church asked you to take this survey, please tell us who asked you. [If unknown or not applicable, leave blank]

1. Organization or Church name: ____________________________________ 2. Organization or Church street location (if applicable): __________________ 3. Organization or Church neighborhood (if applicable): __________________ 4. Organization or Church city: ______________________________________ 5. Organization or Church (civil) Parish: _______________________________ 6. Organization leader's or Church Pastor's name (if applicable): ___________

This concludes the survey. Thank you for participating and giving so generously of your time. Reminder: Please also ask your family and friends who live in Gulf Coast communities (age 18 and older) to take this survey. Ask them to access the survey at Thank you!

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