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Today was a very tough day.Well, it started out great. We were planning on getting things rolling with a new program partner. The Cleveland City Stars soccer team has a program where they train professional soccer players from all over the world to use their sport as a platform to share the Gospel with young people. This year, one of their players, Tobias is helping reach Urban Cleveland as part of his training. Today we took Toby, on a tour of our community. He is learning the ropes and wanted to get to know some of the key poeple and some of the kids we work with.The last stop was our boys basketball practice to watch them do what they do. Half way through the practice a couple of rival neighborhood gangs began to fight. The small altercation ended in an all out brawl and someone shooting a gun a few times. The kids on our team began to run to see what was going on and jumped right into the mix.As bedlam erupted and the crowd grew, things were getting out of control and dangerous. The police arrived with guns drawn and riot control shotguns in hand to break things up. While nobody was shot, there was a strong sense that the fight is not over. There will be payback and more kids are going to get involved.In a minute we lost control of our small team of kids. The street has a stronghold on these kids and it is going to take a deep commitment with blood sweet and tears to even see things change.

Toby was no phased, he said, "I don't think it can get much worse, might as well get this out of the way." And later, well someone is going to have to get close enough if thing are ever going to change.What wisdom from a first time visitor, if we are going to change the broken systems and love broken people, then we have to be in position to do it, right in the heart of the battle.Thank you Jesus for reminding us that this is not fun and games that you have called us to. But we are battling against the enemy

to advance your Kingdom inch by inch.Please pray for Larry Wanzo, Gary Stanton, Mr. Browder, Derrick, and Herman and the rest of the staff at Lonnie Burten rec center. They are on the front lines of this war for these kids. And pray that we can get the people and the resources to advance the cause.

His Kingdom Come

Lighthouse Inc.Lonnie Burten Work and Witness project coming in march. Check out the for more details.

Lighthouse Inc, is gearing up for the summer "rising stars" program. This is the Urban ourtreach arm fo the Cleveland City Stars. Soccer camps will be on the horizon.

Taking our punches,There are times in urban ministry you feel like someone punched you in the gut. These days are often followed by amazing moments when you just know you are right where God wants you to be. You must read the bottom of the page....

The aftermath of a all our Brawl...Every game we play, there is a huddle meeting where a youth speaker addresses some issue facting the kids on the baksetball team. The week of the big fight my buddy Luvirt lead the meeting. When he was done, we had 6 boys approach him to pray. In the middle of one our worst weeks, 6 boys gave their hearts to Christ, for the first time.

The Central Express is doing their thing.Things are moving so fast, but heres a update...First off, our Basketball team is running other teams out of the Gym. They won the last game by 50 points, the game was called with a lot of time left on the clock. Our coaches are very excited about what the team might be able to do in the city league and beyond.We have had 18 boys sign up this year that is twice as many as last year. The city has cut the rec league basketball so we are the only game in town.Our new coach is a very experience tutor and mentoring trainer. We went to the High School in the community to see if they would allow us to track attendance and behavior to help us decide who can play and who must sit. To our surprise the School said that they would allow us to pull students out of class for mentoring and tutoring and that they would like for us to take on all 102 freshman boys. This was much bigger than what we had expected. Long story short, our basketball program is opening the doors to mentor and tutor one of the most difficult groups of people to reach, urban youth boys.Last year we had 8 players, two were arrested for a shootout that lead to the death of a 17 year old girl. 3 were homeless in at least one part of the past year. The challenges these boys face are not easy to meet, but two thing have to happen in order to see change. First you have to be close enough to feel the need, and then you have to have the resources to meet the need.We have positioned ourselves to feel the need, we are working on the human, program, financial, and space resources to attack this head on.Basketball is the open door to a relationship, that is a big first step.In the coming year we plan to take our team on the road for Smac and AAU basketball. We need to get some folks to sponsor our boys. Some of these guys don't have regular meals, they sometimes have to borrow gym shoes to be able to play, and many don't have socks or boxer briefs that they need to play the game. These are some small obstacles that should not get in the way of transformation. If you would like to talk more about the Central Express Basketball, please message me, hit me up on my wall, or donate to help us reach this goal. $2500 gets us past the first hurdle, and opens the door to bigger things in the near future. My wife and I will match the first 10 donations of up to $25.00.Things are moving so fast, it is hard to keep up. There are a couple more updates that I can't wait to bring, but they are not yet final.

Burten Express 2009


The Vision Moves on.Things are going well for our team. They are undefeated and are playing at the Quicken Loans arena, tomorrow night. This is the home of the Cavaliers. Then on tuesday the whole team is going to the Cavs game, should be a blast. Below is a note from Coach Gary about the Basketball program and the upcoming schedule. If you have any questions please let us know. Special thanks, to all the folks from BedNaz. The kids are still talking about the dinner and having you all out to cheer for them.

Hi everybody,

I hope everyone is in a blessed place, spiritually. Regarding basketball and related activities. I hope you know we play at the Q tomorrow @7:30.

It is free to everyone. Everybody must enter at the Arcade entrance at 6th n Huron.. They are asking teams who play late(us) come at 5 for an inspirational message and performance from 5-5:30. We had already made plans for travel so we won`t be there until 6:30. Concession stands will be open.

Our practices are on Mondays and Thursdays from 6-7:30pm. @ Lonnie Burten. All games are @ the City Mission, except tomorrow(Feb. 1) and, April 18th @ Tri-C Metro Campus(All-Star game). Note; if anyone is planning on observing a practice, please call me ahead of departing due to gym schedule subject to change poilcy. City Of Cleveland events take precedence.

The Playoffs begin March 28, concluding with the Chapiomship Game to be held at The City Mission on April 25th- All playoff game times tba.

This league has been growing rapidly and may already be too large for the Mission site.

Further expansion planned:

Young Adult League in 2011

Summer League/year round pgm.

Any questions, please call me @ 216.297.1742 or 412.377.0713

You could be the one, never give up!

Coach Gary

BurtenExpressYear three of Basketball has been a huge succes and a huge struggle. But this is

the fight we have been looking for.

Coach Gary and the teamAre changing from press to a half

quart trap while playing at Quicken

Loans arena. The boys won the

game and have a lifetime of

memories ahead of them. Thanks

to everyone that has been a part of

making this season so speacial.

The promise is within reach.Things have been up and down, but we are moving steadily toward our once far off goal. The timeline has been moved forward by years.

Wow, what a week.

It has been a roller coaster of a week. First we had our guys playing at the Q and winning a game on the biggest stage of their life. Next was a terrible practice when a fight outside the center ended with shoots fired and an army of police coming to brake the mess up. Then tonight I got to hang with some of they boys at a Cavs game. The older guys do their own thing, but there was a pair of brothers that was much younger. This eight and nine year old were attending their first game ever. They watched with wounder in their eyes as the introductions were made, they cheered every bucket the cavs made and booed every bad call the refs made. It was so cool to watch. They were watching everything around them and imitating what they saw and heard.

At half time I watched those two little boys watch all the people going in and out with big piles of food. They watched the older boys buy pizza, hot dogs, nachos, and drinks. You could see the look in their eyes, they were hungry. They had not planned on going to the game, and went to the rec center fight after school. They had not been home to eat because the tickets were offered to late to go home.

It was the greatest feeling in the world to take them down to the concession stand and ask them what they wanted. I almost cried when they asked if they could share a nachos and a drink. They each got a pizza and a large drink and their eyes lit up like it was Christmas. As they went back to their seats, they dug right in. But then one of them notice a little girl that had come with us and offered her a slice and to share the drink. She was so grateful to their generosity. Then they littlest one caught my eye and flashed me the biggest happiest grin ever. Wow, what a great feeling, the feeling of hope. If something so small can create such a big result, what else can I do.

With the week we have had, that little boy gave me hope. Hope that all is not lost, there is plenty left to fight for, and that little things can make a difference.

The past few days have been hard to explain. Our local High School has opened the door for us to mentor and tutor the boys on the team and have asked us to tutor all the incoming freshman boys. We have been searching for a make shift volunteer staff to get things started. This was always the dream, but we never thought it would be happening so soon.

Today we went in to present to the teachers and staff. They were very receptive and have offered to help when and wherever possible. It was funny because the staff members said they had been hearing of the "Blue Bus" for years, and now they could put a face to the legend.

We then went on a tour of the school, and it was as if God was presenting us the tour of the promised land. I felt like Joshua and Caleb walking the halls, thinking Oh man, what is God going to do with all this. Then

we turned a corner and they showed us the Lighthouse Academy, no joke thats what they named it two years ago, learning center. Our offices are a 2000 square foot media center that is more than we could have ever dreamed. It is empty, without any equipment or kids, but you can just see the what could be possible. We know that all things are possible.On February 24th, we will begin the Lighthouse Academy academic enrichment program, and so our march to Jericho begins, the walls are coming down as His Kingdom rolls into East Tech High School.

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Lighthouse Inc.

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