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  • 7/30/2019 Be a Master Patriji


    We are all born as human beings: normal, average human beings. But, how can we grow as perfect

    human beings ?... Perfect-physically, mentally, emotionally, intellectually-to satisfy our myriad needs and

    desires? In short, how can we achieve total success in this world, in this society?

    It's often the case that many people invariably lead dejected lives. They are not happy with their

    achievements. Their needs and desires remain unfulfilled. Many even do loose hopes. There are any

    number of cases of suicides and there are any number of cases of people living a boring life, impatiently

    waiting for death to embrace them.


    Thousands of persons are living without knowing what life truly is !

    Thousands of millions of persons are sick, unhealthy, full of mental tensions, saddled with non-

    harmonious inter-personal relationships. Families are continuously breaking up.

    All the technology of the world is not making man happy. Why is all this happening? It is because man

    does not study himself or herself.

    We lead lives studying everything else other than our own selves-whereas, the first charge on our own

    Self is to study ourselves, to find out who we are; to find out what we are.

    Where do we come from ?

    What exactly is Birth ?

    What exactly is Death ?

    What exactly is Life ?

    What exactly is the source of Human Misery ?

    What is the permanent remedy for all Miseries in human life ?

    Is misery self-inflicted, or decreed by God, over which we don't have any authority ?...

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    ... These are all the fundamental questions which every person, every man, every woman, every child has

    to put before himself or herself.

    And then, when we pose proper questions to ourselves, we will find all answers. Without asking ourselves

    the right questions, how will we get relevant answers ? Without trying to look at the Sun how can we see

    the Sun? Without trying to climb the tree, how can we be on the tree and have a tree-view of things?

    So, unless a person is bent upon finding the truth about human existence-the facts that govern human

    existence, human relationships or human event formations-he is going to drift through his life aimlessly.

    He is going to grow without knowing what is growing up. He will go into samsara, family life, without

    knowing exactly what the value of samsara or family life is. He will die without knowing what death is, he

    will wait for death without knowing what waiting for death is. He will reap failures after failures in personal

    life without ever knowing the causes.

    He will be unhealthy without knowing why he is unhealthy. He goes to doctors, goes to hospitals,

    hospitalises himself, undergoes surgeries without exactly knowing why all this is happening. He visits

    temples without knowing why he is going to a temple. He does pranams to Gurus without knowing why heis doing it. All is a big oblivion for a normal, average person who does not put these basic questions.

    If somebody else has done graduation, we are required to do post graduation ! If somebody has built one

    house, we would like to build twohouses ! That's how it goes on ! We don't do things because we want to.

    Because others have done it we wish to duplicate it, replicate it, or improve upon it !

    The normal, average person goes blindly to a Rama temple. He does not contemplate on what Rama has

    achieved, how he became aGod.

    Similarly, when he goes to a Krishna temple he doesn't bother to think what exactly is Krishna's teaching !

    He does not think twice what Krishna's life is about. What a shame !

    When he goes to a church, he doles out mechanically his petitions... never contemplating, even for a

    second, about Jesus Christ, what his life is, what he asked us to do.

    When we go to a Buddhist temple, do we bother about Buddha's teachings ? This is the lot of

    the modern man ! What a shame !

    All these things, I too had undergone in my early life. I too had gone to the church without understanding

    Jesus Christ. I too had gone to the temples without understanding anything at all, because I was also an

    ordinary fellow before the year 1976.

    The year 1976 was the turning point in my life. For the first time, I encountered a Master, a friend of mine,

    a colleague working in my sister company-his name Ramachenna Reddy. He was having Meditational

    Experiences, and he used to narrate to me how he used to come out of his physical body-how he used to

    see Chakras-how he used to see Astral Masters and what conversations he used to have with them. All

    these things, for the first time, opened up New Horizons for me.

    Now, for the first time, I encountered something wonderful. No sooner than I heard these statements and

    these experiences from my friend, my life was committed to them. All my earlier goals vanished. They

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    paled in significance before this new theme of Mastery of Spiritual Knowledge, of Spiritual Wisdom, of

    Enlightenment, of Meditation, of Other Worlds, of Reincarnation, of the Law of Causation and Effect, or

    themes like We Create Our Own Reality, There Is No Injustice Whatsoever, There Is No Partial God

    Over There.

    So, one by one, in between the grand years 1976 to 1979, I gathered all these Spiritual Science thingssystematically. Oh, what a beautiful tapestry they made ! Out of all these individual threads, a wonderful

    Kashmiri Shawl was woven, and since 1979 I have been wearing this Shawl over my shoulders and

    leading my life as a Master !

    Everybody should wear this Shawl of Mastery in Spiritual Knowledge and then go happily about one's day

    to day life !

    Everybody has to be a Master ! That is why, in fact, we are born on the Earth !

    We are not here to languish as half-baked individuals, not to suffer and suffer ! That is not at all the

    purpose of man !

    The purpose of each and every person born on this Earth... is to regale himself/herself with the highest

    possible Enjoyment, Entertainment and Enlightenment.

    Everyone should have Non-Stop Enjoyment and Perfect Enlightenment. No need for anybody to suffer

    whatsoever ! Sri Krishna said in a beautiful shloka :

    Api chedasi, paapebhya sarvebhyaha papakruthamaha - Sarvam Jnanaplavenaiva vrujinam


    It means, even if you are more sinful than the most sinful one, yet all that sin can be washed off, in one

    raft of Spiritual Knowledge. That is the state of things.

    So, whether we are an engineer, or a legislator, or a businessman, or a teacher, or a student, or a clerk,

    or a bus-driver, or a house-wife, we all can be happy in our respective positions only if we are Spiritual

    Masters !

    Jesus was a Master of Masters ! So were Buddha, Mohammed, Ramana Maharshi, Vivekananda,

    Leadbeater and Annie Besant.

    Guru Nanak, Guru Raghavendra Swami, Kabir, Veerabrahmendra Swamy, Vemana-all of them were

    Grand Masters. And what has been their single message to the whole of Mankind ?

    Be a Master !

    That is their theme ! There can be no other theme ! Impossible! No Master's theme can be anything other

    than that !

    My purpose is to shake every person, awaken everyone, into thinking of Mastery, into setting up

    the personal goal of Becoming A Master.

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    One cannot become a Master until one aims to be a Master. This is the first step. We will not begin to

    practice music unless we aim at music. It is as simple as that. And Mastery can be obtained when we

    begin early in life, not much later in life. As we become older and older it becomes that much more

    difficult to bend our knees and our mind, and to practice Mastery. When we are young, our knees are

    flexible and our mind is flexible.

    So, the moment a person hears about these things, that is exactly the moment to begin the practice of

    becoming a Master. At whatever age we first hear about this concept... that is the time we should

    immediately start practicing the subject.

    When we are born, we are born with different designs. For some people, it's only at the age of sixty years

    that they are designed to start Meditation. They take it as a challenge and achieve it. Some people are

    born in rural areas without much culture and education, but they are designed to hear this and transform

    overnight ! The famous Mummidivaram Bala Yogi was born in a rural area. But when he watched the

    movie Pothana, he instantly became a Master ! Some others, hear about Mastery in their early childhood

    itself and achieve it. One such example is Prahlada. The moment he heard Narada's words, he became a


    All of us, we make an excellent plan for ourselves before we are born, but very few of us live up to our

    own designs. We languish, we trip over, we hesitate to take steps, although we hear the theme " Be A

    Master " so many innumerable times. We do not follow up, or we delude ourselves into thinking that " this

    is not for us at this early age, or under these circumstances ". However, I want every person who hears

    the theme for the first time, Be A Master , to immediately grasp its essence, make it one's own, and from

    then on, it should become the moment-to-moment reigning deity.

    We all can become like Jesus Christ ! We all can become like Mohammed ! Each of us can be a

    Zoroaster, or a Buddha or a Socrates or a Ramana Maharshi ! How? Simple! - We have to meditate ! We

    have to calm our minds !

    What is Meditation? It is simply calming our Mind and activating our Invisible Senses and exploring our

    own Greater Reality. Our Reality has two aspects. Known Smaller Reality and Unknown Greater

    Reality. Known Smaller Reality is like a pinhead and Unknown Greater Realityis like a big mountain.

    That's what we are ! We delude ourselves as vincible and we dwell in ignorance; we think we are very

    small, stupid, incapable of doing things, having small potential. Actually we are Mountains ! Our own

    Invisible Greater Reality is as big as a Mountain !

    This is realised as and when we become Meditators. We have to become Masters of our mind, the ability

    to still our mind whenever we want. In that stillness of mind, our Inner Senses get activated and The Inner

    Senses begin to throw light on whole of our own Invisible Greater Reality, plus the Cosmic Invisible

    Reality. It is then that we understand the Grand Structure of the Cosmos and our own Grand Self. Then

    the puny-personality-self dies .... The puny personality-self which is born on so and so date... male or

    female... and dies on so and so date !

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    Only through Meditation, only through Enlightenment, only through hearing others' Life

    Experiences, do we come to know of our own Grand Self, our own Universal Self, our own Cosmic

    Self. That is becoming a Master !

    Once we know about our Cosmic Self, we understand that we are everybody and everybody is

    ourself ! There is no separation whatsoever ! There is no other ! We exist everywhere aseverything, and as everybody ! Then starts the peace that passeth understanding ! Then starts health,

    then starts longevity or even immortality ! We have to realise our own Cosmic Self ! That is the bottom-

    line for a would-be Master !

    For this, we have to earmark, out of our twenty-four hours, one hour for Meditation, one hour for reading

    the Right Books, and one hour for spending time with Co-Meditators, Co-Seekers, or Co-Masters. This is

    an on-going process. This process of becoming a Master begins, but never ends !

    We should never be devotees of anybody ! We should never be disciples of anybody ! We should aim

    to become Masters of ourselves. That is the Goal. The world is full of devotees; the world is full of

    disciples. However, I want the devotees and disciples to disappear from this world ! I want everyoneto practice Mastery !

    How can we become Masters ? Apart from doing Meditation, apart from Reading Right Books, apart from

    Sajjana Sangatya, we have to do many more things.

    People who have set their goal Be A Master , Must stop talking casually ! Must stop listening

    to others casually ! Must stop reading newspapers casually ! Must stop watching TV casually !

    If it is absolutely necessary then alone one should speak. If it is absolutely necessary then alone

    one should hear others, but even then sparingly ! Similarly, one should cease to think casually !

    These are all very, very important and unless we become conscious of these concepts and impeccablyimplement them, it is very hard to become Masters. If we are conscious of these things it is very easy to

    become Masters. Mastery is at once easy for a Regular Sadhaka and difficult one for an irregular

    dabbler. So, regular practice and being conscious of the goal, will make every thing happen.

    Meditation is very simple ! Anapanasati meditation means to sit comfortably clasping our hands, closing

    our eyes and observing the natural breathing without chanting any mantra, without holding onto any form

    of Deity, or God, or Idol, Vigraha, or Master, or Guru !

    As we do this, by and by, our thoughts will get controlled, we will enter into a thought-free zone. Then

    begin our Meditational Experiences; we begin to see flashes of lights, colours, then greenery, wonderful

    scenery, mountains, and rivers, Masters. Slowly, we begin to converse with them. When we conversewith the Masters in meditation, we become a Master ! However, all this takes much time. There is no

    doubt about it !

    We should eat sparingly and sleep sparingly-to the extent the body needs ! We have to follow the Middle

    Path ! We should attend only to the minimum needs and eschew the rather unnecessary desires ! It is

    only then that we would be having sufficient time and sufficient energy at our hands, to spare for our

    efforts in becoming Masters.

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    So many people have become Masters through the efforts of the Pyramid Spiritual Societies ! A

    newcomer is very well supported through these Masters ! A newcomer is very well placed to have the

    benefit of experiences of all these Masters ! For this, we have to hear their Meditational Experiences,

    have an open mind and not believe or disbelieve in the first place. We should continue with our

    Experiments, gather a huge amount of date-personal and impersonal data. Soon, a Core Wisdom arises

    in us, a Core Will arises in us, And we become a Master! So, interacting with fellow-seekers, fellow-

    masters, and fellow senior-masters is very, very important.

    This is what Adi Shankaracharya has said in Bhajagovindam.

    Trijagathi Sajjana Sangatireka Bhavathi Bhavarnava Tarane Nauka

    It means, in all three worlds i.e., the Physical, the Astral and the Causal, Sajjana Sangatya alone leads

    one from Misery to Bliss .

    We all know the classic prayer of the Hindus :

    Asatoma Sadgamaya !

    Tamasoma Jyothirgamaya !!

    Mrithyorma Amrithangamaya !!!

    It says, From un Truth, Oh Masters, lead us please to the truth. Lead us from darkness to light, from

    mortality to immortality.

    It means :

    Oh, Knowers ! Oh, Helpers ! Please help us !

    And the Masters do answer the aspirants this way :

    Uddharedatma naatmaanaam, aatmaanamavasaadayeth ! Aatmaivahyatmano bandhuratmaiva

    ripuraatmanaha ! ,in Krihsnas words.

    The Masters say You have to lift yourself through your own self. You should take care not to fall. You

    will, by your own hope, by your own efforts, become a Master . This is the constant refrain of every

    Master. Only you can be your friend. Only you can be your foe .

    How can we lift ourselves by our own efforts? It all happens through Practice of Meditation; it

    becomes possible by Reading Books; and it becomes possible through constant Sajjana

    Sangatya. It is all our own personal responsibility.

    After a little introspection, this person who made this prayer, who made this kind of supplication, he stops

    saying his prayers ! Now he understands that going from Untruth to Truth, from Darkness to Light, from

    Mortality to Immortality is his own responsibility Others can never help ! Now he know he has to sit with

    his eyes closed and observe his breathing. Now he understands he has to control his mind. Others

    cannot really help; it is all our own personal effort and our own personal responsibility !

    Once a devotee realises that, he becomes a Sadhaka. The Master creates an environment in the seeker

    so that he can turn his view within himself, not without. He helps the supplicant by making him realise that

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    he creates his own reality. Jesus Christ said Seek ye the Kingdom of God ! Then, all else will be added

    unto you !

    It is all within ! And as everything is within, we have to close our eyes and have to observe

    breathing that connects life and death, mortality and immortality.

    Jesus said I have become a Son of God and you can also become like me. Once we realise that we

    alone are responsible for our own Mastery, then Devotees transform themselves into Sadhakas. A

    disciple who just does service to the Guru, now thinks of doing relevant Sadhana to become a Guru.

    Through devotional singing t Gurus, or mere physical service to Gurus, one cannot become a Guru or a

    Master. One has to do the relevant Sadhana to become a Master i.e., to open, to activate ones own

    Third Eye, or the Divya Chakshu.

    So, we have to open our Divya Chakshu through Meditation, and our Jnana Chakshu

    through Reading Right Books and Sajjana Sangatya. We become a Master when we are a paragon

    of Divya Chakshu , and a paragon of Jnana Chakshu .

    Once we become a Master, life becomes continuous joy, a continuous celebration ! All ill -health

    vanishes ! We become a natural leader of the people around. We become the natural friend of everybody


    We become naturally efficient in whatever we take up ! Whatever field we take up, we achieve. If we take

    up music, we will be wonderful musicians. If we take up painting, we will be a Da Vinci ! If we take up

    cricket we will be a Gavaskar ! If we take up politics we will be a Gandhi ! Because of his spiritual

    background Gandhi became Mahatma ! So, let us contemplate on this theme Be A Master . Let us

    spread the theme Be A Master to everyone ! The world should be full of Masters !

    Everybody should read more of Buddhas Teachings the wonderful Four Noble Truths, the Middle Pathand the Eight-Fold Path ! Everybody should read the New Testament of Jesus Christ. Every body should

    read Bhagawad Gita. We should implement the Teachings in our daily life impeccably. That is the real

    challenge to ourselves.

    We should encourage all children to become Masters ! We should not consider children as

    children. They have taken many births before. Nobody is a child ! An Advanced Soul could be

    in a childs body. We have to talk to them as Masters. We have to talk to them of Mastery. Even to old

    people we have to talk about Mastery. Nothing is impossible for a man. Neither childhood nor old age is

    a barrier, nor lack of education is a barrier. Every person should be immediately encouraged to become

    a Master.

    We should request every one to stop having non-vegetarian food. We should request every one to read

    books, books of Rajneesh, Richard Bach, Lobsang Rampa, Carlos Castaneda, Leadbeater, Yogananda

    Paramahamsa, Swami Rama, etc.

    We should ever strive to live in the moment , Lets never think of the past or of the future too

    much! What must come will come ! What ever is ours, will come onto our lap ! I has to come ! So, lets not

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    worry ourselves over much about the future. We should live in the moment grandly. When all family-

    members become Masters, that is a Real Family !

    Once we become a Master, we end the chain of Births and Deaths ! We dont have to be born

    again. We may come here now and then to teach others, or to be an example for others, but our

    particular course on Earth is over. We get promoted to Higher Worlds. We begin to create our ownunder-selves. We may even create new worlds, new planets, new galaxies depending on our own

    Personal Energy !

    Unless we live like a Master we cannot die as a Master. Unless we die as a Master we cannot break this

    chain of Reincarnation. Until we become a Master, we keep coming back. We have to be born again.

    We have to die again, any number of times.

    Shankaracharya said :

    Punarapi Jananam, Punarapi Maranam Punarapi Janani Jatareshayanam.

    If one doesnt heed the message Be A Master thats ones own choice. One has to bear the

    consequence , to be born again and again. The two routes are crystal clear. One can either postpone

    spirituality and come back again and again, or take up spirituality and make the current birth the final

    birth. The choice is crystal clear. There is no ambiguity whatsoever ! If we want to be a Disciple or a

    Devotee we have to come back again and again ! But if we choose to be a Master, this would be the last

    birth ! The two ways are crystal clear !

    A master is such a pleasure to see, to hear, to be with ! A master is one with Everybody and

    Everybody is one with the Master !

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