
Thanksgiving 2015

Thanksgiving is a time to be awesome.If you are a turn through the rest

of the year, STOP. Be

thankful. Stop complaining about life so

much. Try to see the “silver


You can be whatever you want, if you are willing

to put in the work.In other countries, you can inherit your social status,

occupation, and wealth. This means that you have little

choice where you will be in life. In our country, someone can show up with NOTHING, and build wealth because they

work hard at it.

You have rights, privileges, and the ability to pursue happiness.

Want it? Work for it. Need it? Make it happen.

Have it? Take care of it, it is yours. Be thankful for it!

Give thanks, because you got it made!

While you enjoy time with family or pig out on thanksgiving dinner, give thanks.

While you sit in a padded chair and read this over the “internet”, be thankful.

Who the heck is Squanto?!Where does Squanto come in? He was sent to England as a slave, and was one of the

few that survived slavery. He came back to home with knowledge of the English


Even though he was a slave before, he and his tribe did teach and hunt with the


The pilgrims DID feast in 1621, but not for

ThanksgivingThe feast in the year 1621 was a 3 day feast that was described in Edward Winslow’s letter. It was a joint hunting party involving the Pilgrims and Indians. There was no mention of “Thanksgiving” in any historic documentation.

Hey look, let’s allow people to keep what they worked for!!!

At this point they had a colony meeting, where they decided to move to individual enterprise. They decided that they would share the land, by allotting plots of land to each family. They could not sell or inherit the land.

Nature ruined their crops, so they started

skipping mealsSurely, they were going to starve to death. They did what they were good at, and knowing that they had limited food, it seemed like a good idea. They held a “day of humiliation” and prayer, on which they fasted. After each of these multi-day fasting sessions, they would have a good meal, but not great like we would think. Eventually the harvest was actually saved by a 14 day rain that revived all of the crops.

Thanksgiving never had a meal!!!

They believed that it was because of God’s intervention that this happened and Governor Bradford proclaimed November 29th 1623, a

day of thanksgiving. This was the first recorded observance under civil authority. This

is why I think this is the first “actual” thanksgiving, but there wasn’t any sharing of

food with Native Americans that I am aware of.


There was yet another colony made up of Puritans with many different beliefs than

those of Plymouth. This was the Massachusetts Bay Colony. In 1637, A

voluntary group of heavily armed hunters went into and returned from what is now Mystic, Connecticut where they killed 700

Indians during their annual Green Corn Festival. Governor John Winthrop declared

this day, “A day of Thanksgiving” because the band of people returned safely.

This was a tragedy, and was wrong, but wasn’t the first written record of a

“Thanksgiving observance.”

Thanksgiving provides us with extremely valuable

lessons.Most people don’t think about the lessons we should learn from

thanksgiving because they are ignorant of what it even is!

Don’t be a hermit, get to know people

If hard times hit, it would be a good idea to have a small community, or neighborhood of “like-minded”

people who can work to a common goal of sustainability and survival. This includes people

that have needed skills, and those that arse generous to help others.

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