  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 8 Blessed are those persecuted.ppt


  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 8 Blessed are those persecuted.ppt



    Produced bySimon Siew

  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 8 Blessed are those persecuted.ppt


    Adventist Pastor Severely Beaten, Churches VandalizedBelgrade, Serbia ....ANN

    Seventh-day Adventist pastor Josip Tikvicki was seriously beaten on April 15 in front of the Adventist Church in the city of Zrenjanin,northeast of the Serbian capital, Belgrade.

    In the last 10 days eight Adventist churches were targeted by what isbeing viewed as an "orchestrated campaign against a religiousminority" in a predominantly Orthodox country.

    Dr. Radisa Antic, president of the Adventist Church in the South-East

    European area said, "This, however, is not an isolated incident Inthe last 10 days our central church in Belgrade was stoned twice,along with the church in 4 other cities . Obviously these are notcoincidences, but rather orchestrated attacks by some organizationstargeting religious minorities.

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  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 8 Blessed are those persecuted.ppt


    Persecuted for righteousness sake

    The final Beatitude (v. 10) does not say Blessed arethose who arepersecuted But only those who are persecuted forrighteousness sake. Many people sufferpersecution but a varied

    number of reasons, manyof them needlessly.The Christian howeversuffers persecutionbecause of his stand forright living. 4/25

    Produced bySimon Siew

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    Maturia - Greek word is the samefor the term witness & martyr

    Before the end of the firstcentury, the Greek wordfor witness (marturia) and the word for martyr has become the same word.This was because in thattime, the man who was awitness had every chance

    of becoming a martyr.Due to the Roman practiceof emperor worship, hewould have been killed for

    his faith


    Produced bySimon Siew

  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 8 Blessed are those persecuted.ppt


    Jesus was startlingly honest with hisdisciples

    Jesus was startlinglyhonest with hisdisciples He askedthem to count the costof discipleship Luke14:28.He did not induce themto follow him on false

    pretencesInstead He left them inno doubt that theywould suffer if theywere to follow him.


    Matthew 16:24 - To followJesus necessarily involvedtaking up the cross.

    Produced bySimon Siew

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  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 8 Blessed are those persecuted.ppt


    Reasons leading to inevitable persecution

    Christians have a completelydifferently moral standardwhich stands in opposition tothat of the sinful world we livein.Those who exhibit genuinetransparent righteousnessstands out of the crowd andmake others uncomfortable.Genuine righteousnesscondemns by implication andpeople lash out in retaliationbecause of this.


    Produced bySimon Siew

  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 8 Blessed are those persecuted.ppt


    The dual responses to a Christian

    Through righteous living, theChristian either draw peopleto them or repel them.John 15:18-20 If the worldhates you, keep in mind that ithated me first. If youbelonged to the world, itwould have loved you.if theypersecuted me, they willpersecute you also. 2 Timothy 3:12 All whodesire to live godly in ChristJesus will suffer persecution.


    Produced bySimon Siew

  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 8 Blessed are those persecuted.ppt


    Produced bySimon Siew

    It is not what we say that makes othersuncomfortable

    It is not that Christian goabout criticizing others or theyare consciously self-righteousand superior, displaying theholier than thou art attitude.

    Rather the Christians presenceand his way of life becomes theconscience to his society.Their life is a reminder of whatlife ought to bePeople want to silence theirconscience by persecutingthem because their way of lifeis seen as threat to their socialset-up.


  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 8 Blessed are those persecuted.ppt


    Family are divided sometimes becauseof our faith

    An undeniable effectof Christianity is that,sometimes it makes adivision in the familyChristians arepersecuted by theirown family members.This was prophesiedby Jesus. Matthew10:34-37 and amans enemies will bethose of his own

    household (v. 36) 11/25

    Produced bySimon Siew

  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 8 Blessed are those persecuted.ppt


    The Christians first defenceagainst persecution

    The Christian neverthought of using forceto meet persecution.Rather they resort to 2weapons The first weapon ishis/her Christian life.The Christian showshimself so loyal and souseful a citizen and sogood and conscientious aservant, that theslanders of thepersecutors are silenced. 12/25

    Produced bySimon Siew

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    Produced bySimon Siew

  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 8 Blessed are those persecuted.ppt


    "Make Yourselves More Prominent in Society,"Russian Leader Tells Adventists.

    Moscow, Russia. ANN]-------------------------------------------------------Mr. Lukovnikov, the director of religious affairs forRussia's Irkutsk region in Siberia urged Miss Irina

    Supryaga, regional director of communication forthe Adventist Church that small churchdenominations make themselves more prominent insociety to avoid being labeled as sects.


    Produced bySimon Siew

  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 8 Blessed are those persecuted.ppt


  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 8 Blessed are those persecuted.ppt


    The Christian church shouldbreak theinertiaof silencethatdistances us

    from citizens.

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    Brazilian Government Honors PathfindersBrasilia,Brazil....[Suse Xavier/ASN/ANN Staff]

    The Brazilian House of Representatives gavespecial recognition on April 26 to thecountry's Pathfinder movement, a Seventh-day Adventist organization dedicated to

    assisting the social, spiritual, and physicaldevelopment of young people. During theevent at the Plenary Assembly Hall, sevenpoliticians gave speeches thanking theAdventist Church for the work ofPathfinders in Brazil .

    The event was broadcast on several localtelevision channels, including the Adventiststation ADSAT/Novo Tempo (New Time). 17/25

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    In June 2000, the Adventist Church receivedrecognition from the House of Representatives forservices rendered to the Brazilian Nation.

    In May 2000, the House of Representatives honoredthe Adventist Publishing House, and, in 1998, itrecognized Adventist education.


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    Simon Siew

  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 8 Blessed are those persecuted.ppt


    Produced bySimon Siew

    The second weapon whichthe Christian used in theface of persecution isapologetics (The defenceof the Bible).Christians must ever beready to give an answerfor his/her faith.They must know what theybelieves and why theybelieves - that we doindeed have a solid basisfor our faith and actions


    The Christians second defenceagainst persecution

  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 8 Blessed are those persecuted.ppt


    The importance of the 8th BeatitudeJesus changed the 3rdperson form of theBeatitudes (Blessed are THOSE v.10) to the directaddress of the 2nd person(Blessed are YOU (v.11) The implication here is thatevery Christian who lives outhis Christian life faithfullycan expect persecution even

    those he/she does notwelcome it.It is no longer happening insomebodys ball park but

    right in yours as well. 20/25Produced bySimon Siew

  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 8 Blessed are those persecuted.ppt


    Persecuted for righteousness sake =Persecuted for Jesus sake

    The phrase becauseof righteousness (Matt 5:10) parallels

    because of me (Matt. 5:11)This confirms thatthe Christians life ofrighteousness is animitation of Jesus andit is this which bringsabout persecution.


    Produced bySimon Siew

  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 8 Blessed are those persecuted.ppt


    Beware when people speak well of you

    Luke 6:26 -Woe unto youwhen all menshall speak wellof you! For sodid their fathersto the false



    Produced bySimon Siew

  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 8 Blessed are those persecuted.ppt


    Persecution is an opportunity to witness

    The light shines brighter when the darkness is greater.Persecution is an opportunity to demonstrate loyalty -shows that we are not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.It shows that we do not shrink from showing it is Godwhom we love and how much we love Him.


    Produced bySimon Siew

  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 8 Blessed are those persecuted.ppt


    Produced bySimon Siew


  • 8/10/2019 Beatitudes 8 Blessed are those persecuted.ppt


    Reward of the Persecuted - the Kingdom of Heaven

    The final Beatitude(v10) has the samereward as with thefirst Beatitude (v3)Both promise thatthose who arepersecuted for

    righteousness sakewill have the rewardof the kingdom ofheaven. Matt. 5:10,12

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