
Beautiful Trenton

Project OverviewTo highlight the positives of living in Trenton and to bring the glory days back to the city.

Beautiful Trenton believes this can happen by educating people about voting for the 2014 mayoral and council elections.

Beautiful Trenton is a website created to explain top issues in Trenton and the candidates platforms on these topics.

Community group believes that voting is a major step to begin change in the city.

By creating a user-friendly and informative webpage for Trenton voters, Beautiful Trenton hopes that more residents will go out and vote.

Analysis AudienceCommunication Objects:What are we trying to do with our website

What we want readers to learn on our website

Who are they

Size of Audience/Makeup of Trenton

Vote turnout of 2010s mayoral election

What do they need

Why will they be reading

How will they be reading

Wireframe of Project


Sample ContentAbout Beautiful TrentonCandidate BiographiesThe top issues in TrentonVoter informationUpcoming eventsBlog posts

Special Consideration and FeaturesProfiles would be:

Bi-lingual sections

Text message alerts

Mobile site

Social media buttons

Extra: distribute flyers and hang posters

Resources RequirementsSnapshot of data

Visit Duration

Page Views

Average Time on Page

Traffic Sources

If we choose to go mobile, Google Analytics

Development TimelineMeet and talk to Beautiful Trenton

Brainstorm ideas

Create content


Organize and work on creating further content

Choose color scheme


The site will be updated weekly. All out of date information will be removed and replaced with new, current information.

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