
ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

BEE1024 Mathematics for EconomistsExponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

Juliette Stephenson and Amr (Miro) AlgarhiAuthor: Dieter Balkenborg

Department of Economics, University of Exeter

Week 5

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

1 Objectives

2 The Exponential FunctionDe�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

3 Logarithmic functionsDe�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

4 ApplicationsCompounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

5 ElasticitiesOwn-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities


Exponential functions: describes growth processes withconstant growth ratepopulation growth, growth of GDP, in�ation etc...

logarithm: the exponent required to produce a given numberinverse function, transforms multiplication into addition:10a � 10b = 10a+bLogarithmic di¤erentiation


Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities


Exponential functions: describes growth processes withconstant growth ratepopulation growth, growth of GDP, in�ation etc...

logarithm: the exponent required to produce a given numberinverse function, transforms multiplication into addition:10a � 10b = 10a+bLogarithmic di¤erentiation


Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities


Exponential functions: describes growth processes withconstant growth ratepopulation growth, growth of GDP, in�ation etc...

logarithm: the exponent required to produce a given numberinverse function, transforms multiplication into addition:10a � 10b = 10a+bLogarithmic di¤erentiation


Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Gliederung1 Objectives2 The Exponential Function

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

3 Logarithmic functionsDe�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

4 ApplicationsCompounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve

5 ElasticitiesOwn-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

The Exponential Function

power: xy

base: x

index or exponent: y

power function like x2: vary x

exponential function 2y : vary y

admissible values for y : positive integers, integers, rationals,real numbers

problem: for general y the power xy can only be de�ned forpositive x

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

The Exponential Function

power: xy

base: x

index or exponent: y

power function like x2: vary x

exponential function 2y : vary y

admissible values for y : positive integers, integers, rationals,real numbers

problem: for general y the power xy can only be de�ned forpositive x

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

The Exponential Function

power: xy

base: x

index or exponent: y

power function like x2: vary x

exponential function 2y : vary y

admissible values for y : positive integers, integers, rationals,real numbers

problem: for general y the power xy can only be de�ned forpositive x

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

The Exponential Function

power: xy

base: x

index or exponent: y

power function like x2: vary x

exponential function 2y : vary y

admissible values for y : positive integers, integers, rationals,real numbers

problem: for general y the power xy can only be de�ned forpositive x

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

The Exponential Function

power: xy

base: x

index or exponent: y

power function like x2: vary x

exponential function 2y : vary y

admissible values for y : positive integers, integers, rationals,real numbers

problem: for general y the power xy can only be de�ned forpositive x

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

The Exponential Function

power: xy

base: x

index or exponent: y

power function like x2: vary x

exponential function 2y : vary y

admissible values for y : positive integers, integers, rationals,real numbers

problem: for general y the power xy can only be de�ned forpositive x

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

The Exponential Function

power: xy

base: x

index or exponent: y

power function like x2: vary x

exponential function 2y : vary y

admissible values for y : positive integers, integers, rationals,real numbers

problem: for general y the power xy can only be de�ned forpositive x

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Power functions




­4 ­2 2 4x

y = 2: f (x) = x2






­4 ­2 2 4x

y = �2:f (x) = x�2 = 1

x 2

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Power functions



1 2 3 4 5x

y = 12 : f (x) = x

12 =








1 2 3 4 5x

y = � 32 :

f (x) = x�32 = 1


Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Exponential Functions

approximate irrational index y by fraction mn :

xy := limmn!y

xmn .






­2 ­1 1 2y

x = 3: g (y) = 3y






­2 ­1 1 2y

x = 13 : g (y) =

� 13

�y= 3�y

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Exponential Functions

0.51.5 2 2.5 3







z = xy x � 0Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Gliederung1 Objectives2 The Exponential Function

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

3 Logarithmic functionsDe�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

4 ApplicationsCompounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve

5 ElasticitiesOwn-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Properties of exponential functions

An exponential function ax :

is strictly convex and has strictly positive values;

is for a > 1 strictly increasing with limx!�∞ ax = 0 andlimx!∞ ax = +∞;is for 0 < a < 1: decreasing with limx!�∞ ax = +∞ andlimx!∞ ax = 0.

Calculational rules for generalized powers:

as+t = asat ast = (as )t (ab)s = asbs

but(as )t 6= a(s t )

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Properties of exponential functions

An exponential function ax :is strictly convex and has strictly positive values;

is for a > 1 strictly increasing with limx!�∞ ax = 0 andlimx!∞ ax = +∞;is for 0 < a < 1: decreasing with limx!�∞ ax = +∞ andlimx!∞ ax = 0.

Calculational rules for generalized powers:

as+t = asat ast = (as )t (ab)s = asbs

but(as )t 6= a(s t )

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Properties of exponential functions

An exponential function ax :is strictly convex and has strictly positive values;

is for a > 1 strictly increasing with limx!�∞ ax = 0 andlimx!∞ ax = +∞;

is for 0 < a < 1: decreasing with limx!�∞ ax = +∞ andlimx!∞ ax = 0.

Calculational rules for generalized powers:

as+t = asat ast = (as )t (ab)s = asbs

but(as )t 6= a(s t )

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Properties of exponential functions

An exponential function ax :is strictly convex and has strictly positive values;

is for a > 1 strictly increasing with limx!�∞ ax = 0 andlimx!∞ ax = +∞;is for 0 < a < 1: decreasing with limx!�∞ ax = +∞ andlimx!∞ ax = 0.

Calculational rules for generalized powers:

as+t = asat ast = (as )t (ab)s = asbs

but(as )t 6= a(s t )

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Gliederung1 Objectives2 The Exponential Function

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

3 Logarithmic functionsDe�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

4 ApplicationsCompounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve

5 ElasticitiesOwn-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Compounded interests and the number e

Put P0 > 0 (the principal) in savings account

�xed nominal annual interests rate r > 0

Interests paid n times during the year

amount Pt in your savings account after t years:

formula for compounded interests

Pt = P0�1+ r


�ntrn interest paid per period

nt total number of interest payments.

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Compounded interests and the number e

Put P0 > 0 (the principal) in savings account

�xed nominal annual interests rate r > 0

Interests paid n times during the year

amount Pt in your savings account after t years:

formula for compounded interests

Pt = P0�1+ r


�ntrn interest paid per period

nt total number of interest payments.

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Compounded interests and the number e

Put P0 > 0 (the principal) in savings account

�xed nominal annual interests rate r > 0

Interests paid n times during the year

amount Pt in your savings account after t years:

formula for compounded interests

Pt = P0�1+ r


�ntrn interest paid per period

nt total number of interest payments.

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Compounded interests and the number e

Put P0 > 0 (the principal) in savings account

�xed nominal annual interests rate r > 0

Interests paid n times during the year

amount Pt in your savings account after t years:

formula for compounded interests

Pt = P0�1+ r


�ntrn interest paid per period

nt total number of interest payments.

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Compounded interests and the number e

Put P0 > 0 (the principal) in savings account

�xed nominal annual interests rate r > 0

Interests paid n times during the year

amount Pt in your savings account after t years:

formula for compounded interests

Pt = P0�1+ r



rn interest paid per period

nt total number of interest payments.

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Compounded interests and the number e

Put P0 > 0 (the principal) in savings account

�xed nominal annual interests rate r > 0

Interests paid n times during the year

amount Pt in your savings account after t years:

formula for compounded interests

Pt = P0�1+ r


�ntrn interest paid per period

nt total number of interest payments.

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Compounded interests and the number e

Put P0 > 0 (the principal) in savings account

�xed nominal annual interests rate r > 0

Interests paid n times during the year

amount Pt in your savings account after t years:

formula for compounded interests

Pt = P0�1+ r


�ntrn interest paid per period

nt total number of interest payments.

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Compounded interests and the number e

The (natural) exponential function:balance in account after one year if interests paid continuously:

exp (r) = limn!∞�1+ r



The table below shows the value of�1+ r


�n for various n and r :r = 5.4% r = 5.5% r = 100%

n = 4 1.055103375 1.056144809 2.44140625n = 12 1.055356752 1.05640786 2.61303529n = 364 1.055480375 1.056536225 2.714557303n = 8736 1.055484426 1.056540432 2.718126265n = 524 160 1.055484599 1.056540612 2.718279235n = 31 449 600 1.055484602 1.056540613 2.718281796n! +∞ 1.055484602 1.056540615 2.718281828

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Compounded interests and the number e

The Euler number e is de�ned as

e = exp (1) = limn!∞�1+ 1



The �natural exponential function�is indeed the exponentialfunction with base e:

exp (r) = er

�proof� for rational r :

exp (r) = limn!∞



�n= lim




�n= lim




�rm= lim








�m�r= er

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Compounded interests and the number e

formula for continuously compounded interests:

Pt = P0ert .

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Gliederung1 Objectives2 The Exponential Function

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

3 Logarithmic functionsDe�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

4 ApplicationsCompounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve

5 ElasticitiesOwn-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Properties of the natural exponential function

1 e0 = 1,2 e1 = e3 ex > 0 for all x4

d (ex )dx = ex

In particular, ex is strictly increasing and convex.instantaneous growth rate of a function y = f (x): dy



when x is increased by a exponential function has constantgrowth rate 1.


ea+b = eaeb (ea)b = eab .

In particular 1ex = e

�x (because e�x ex = e0 = 1).

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Let fn (x) =�1+ x


�n.Intuition for property 3:

�1+ x


�is positive when x > 0 or when n

large compared to jx j . Then fn (x) > 0 and so hence ex > 0.Intuition for property 4:


= n�1+


�n�1 1n=�1+




�n= fn (x)

for n very large compared to jx j since 1+ xn is then very close to 1.

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function


There is one and only one function y = f (x) which satis�es the�initial condition� f (0) = 1 and the �di¤erential equation�

dydx= y

and this is the exponential function f (x) = exp x = ex .

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Properties of the natural exponential function

Exponential versus polynomial growth: For any polynomialP (x)



P (x)= +∞

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

Intuition: Suppose P (x) = amxm + . . . has degree m.Approximate ex by

�1+ x


�n with n larger than m. Thenlim



P (x)� lim


�1+ x


�nP (x)

= limx!+∞

� 1n

�nxn + . . .

amxm + . . .=


Cxn�m = +∞

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

A quicker way to calculate ex : is to use the formula

ex = 1+ x +x2


3!+ . . .+


n!+ . . .

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

Gliederung1 Objectives2 The Exponential Function

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

3 Logarithmic functionsDe�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

4 ApplicationsCompounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve

5 ElasticitiesOwn-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

Logarithmic functions

Let a > 0. The logarithmic function loga x to the base a is de�nedas the inverse of the exponential function ay

y = loga x , ay = x

For instance, 1000 = 103, so log10 1000 = 3;18 = 2

�3, solog2

� 18

�= �3.

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

The natural logarithm

natural logarithm function

y = ln (x), x = ey








­3 ­2 ­1 1 2 3 4x

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

Gliederung1 Objectives2 The Exponential Function

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

3 Logarithmic functionsDe�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

4 ApplicationsCompounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve

5 ElasticitiesOwn-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

Di¤erentiating the natural logarithm

x = e ln x

(ln x)0 =1e ln x

=1x= x�1

because by the chain rule

1 =dxdx= e ln x � (ln x)0 = x � (ln x)0

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

Gliederung1 Objectives2 The Exponential Function

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

3 Logarithmic functionsDe�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

4 ApplicationsCompounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve

5 ElasticitiesOwn-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

Properties of the natural logarithm

1 ln (y) is only de�ned for strictly positive y > 0.

2d ln(y )dy = 1

y . In particular, ln (y) is strictly increasing andconcave.

3 ln (1) = 0, ln (e) = 1.4 limy!0 ln (y) = �∞, limy!+∞ ln (y) = +∞.5 ln (ab) = ln (a) + ln (b), ln

�ab�= b ln (a). In particular

ln� 1a

�= � ln (a).

6 Logarithmic differentiation: Combined with the chainrule one obtains the following useful formula where y = g (x)is any di¤erentiable function:

d ln(g (x ))dx = g 0(x )

g (x ) (1)

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

Properties of the natural logarithm

1 ln (y) is only de�ned for strictly positive y > 0.2

d ln(y )dy = 1

y . In particular, ln (y) is strictly increasing andconcave.

3 ln (1) = 0, ln (e) = 1.4 limy!0 ln (y) = �∞, limy!+∞ ln (y) = +∞.5 ln (ab) = ln (a) + ln (b), ln

�ab�= b ln (a). In particular

ln� 1a

�= � ln (a).

6 Logarithmic differentiation: Combined with the chainrule one obtains the following useful formula where y = g (x)is any di¤erentiable function:

d ln(g (x ))dx = g 0(x )

g (x ) (1)

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

Properties of the natural logarithm

1 ln (y) is only de�ned for strictly positive y > 0.2

d ln(y )dy = 1

y . In particular, ln (y) is strictly increasing andconcave.

3 ln (1) = 0, ln (e) = 1.

4 limy!0 ln (y) = �∞, limy!+∞ ln (y) = +∞.5 ln (ab) = ln (a) + ln (b), ln

�ab�= b ln (a). In particular

ln� 1a

�= � ln (a).

6 Logarithmic differentiation: Combined with the chainrule one obtains the following useful formula where y = g (x)is any di¤erentiable function:

d ln(g (x ))dx = g 0(x )

g (x ) (1)

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

Properties of the natural logarithm

1 ln (y) is only de�ned for strictly positive y > 0.2

d ln(y )dy = 1

y . In particular, ln (y) is strictly increasing andconcave.

3 ln (1) = 0, ln (e) = 1.4 limy!0 ln (y) = �∞, limy!+∞ ln (y) = +∞.

5 ln (ab) = ln (a) + ln (b), ln�ab�= b ln (a). In particular

ln� 1a

�= � ln (a).

6 Logarithmic differentiation: Combined with the chainrule one obtains the following useful formula where y = g (x)is any di¤erentiable function:

d ln(g (x ))dx = g 0(x )

g (x ) (1)

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

Properties of the natural logarithm

1 ln (y) is only de�ned for strictly positive y > 0.2

d ln(y )dy = 1

y . In particular, ln (y) is strictly increasing andconcave.

3 ln (1) = 0, ln (e) = 1.4 limy!0 ln (y) = �∞, limy!+∞ ln (y) = +∞.5 ln (ab) = ln (a) + ln (b), ln

�ab�= b ln (a). In particular

ln� 1a

�= � ln (a).

6 Logarithmic differentiation: Combined with the chainrule one obtains the following useful formula where y = g (x)is any di¤erentiable function:

d ln(g (x ))dx = g 0(x )

g (x ) (1)

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

Properties of the natural logarithm

1 ln (y) is only de�ned for strictly positive y > 0.2

d ln(y )dy = 1

y . In particular, ln (y) is strictly increasing andconcave.

3 ln (1) = 0, ln (e) = 1.4 limy!0 ln (y) = �∞, limy!+∞ ln (y) = +∞.5 ln (ab) = ln (a) + ln (b), ln

�ab�= b ln (a). In particular

ln� 1a

�= � ln (a).

6 Logarithmic differentiation: Combined with the chainrule one obtains the following useful formula where y = g (x)is any di¤erentiable function:

d ln(g (x ))dx = g 0(x )

g (x ) (1)

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions


The natural logarithm y (x) = ln x is the unique solution to thedi¤erential equation


which satis�es the initial condition y (1) = 0.

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

Gliederung1 Objectives2 The Exponential Function

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

3 Logarithmic functionsDe�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

4 ApplicationsCompounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve

5 ElasticitiesOwn-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

Di¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmicfunctions

ln (xy ) = y ln (x)general powers can be rewritten as

xy = ey ln(x ) = e index�ln(base).

Partial di¤erentiation yields


∂y= ey ln(x ) ln (x) = xy ln (x)


∂x= ey ln(x )


�= yxy

1x= yxy�1.

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

Derivative of an exponential function y = ax is

daxdx = ln (a) a

x .

The instantaneous growth rate of y = ax is ln (a)The derivative of a power function y = xb is

dx bdx = bx


even if b is irrational.

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

De�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

x = loga (y), y = ax .

We have

y = ax , y = ex ln(a) , ln (y) = x ln (a), x =ln (y)ln (a)


loga y =ln(y )ln(a)

loga y has hence the derivative

d (loga(y ))dy = 1


Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Compounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve

Gliederung1 Objectives2 The Exponential Function

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

3 Logarithmic functionsDe�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

4 ApplicationsCompounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve

5 ElasticitiesOwn-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Compounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve

Compounded Interests

Example: Suppose Bank A o¤ers the annual nominal interest raterA = 5.5% and pays interests monthly. Bank B o¤ers the annualnominal interest rate rB = 5.4% and pays interests daily. Whichbank o¤ers the better deal?Solution:

reff ,A =�1+


�12� 1 =



�12� 1 = 5.64%

reff ,B =�1+


�364� 1 =



�364� 1 = 5.55%

so Bank A o¤ers better deal.

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Compounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve

Gliederung1 Objectives2 The Exponential Function

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

3 Logarithmic functionsDe�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

4 ApplicationsCompounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve

5 ElasticitiesOwn-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Compounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve

Exponential decay

most radioactive substances decay exponentiallysample of initial size Q0 weights Q (t) = Q0e�kt at time t.k measures rate of decay, �half-life� of the radioactive substance:Example: Show that a radioactive substance that decaysaccording to the formula Q (t) = Q0e�kt has a half-life of t̄ = ln 2

k .Solution: �nd value t̄ for which Q (t̄) = 1

2Q0, that is

12Q0 = Q0e�k t̄ .

Divide by Q0 and take natural logarithm:

ln12= �kt̄.

Thus the half-life is

t̄ =� ln 12k

=ln 2k

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Compounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve


Example: Find the derivative of g (x) = xx .Solution: Using logarithmic di¤erentiation we obtain

g 0 (x)g (x)

=d (ln xx )dx

=d�ln ex ln(x )


=d (x ln (x))


= 1� ln (x) + x � 1x= ln (x) + 1

g 0 (x) = (ln (x) + 1) xx .

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Compounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve

Gliederung1 Objectives2 The Exponential Function

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

3 Logarithmic functionsDe�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

4 ApplicationsCompounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve

5 ElasticitiesOwn-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Compounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve

The logistic curve

The graph of the function of the form

Q (t) =B

1+ Ae�Bkt

where A, B, k are positive constants, is called a logistic curve.describes growth processes when environmental factors impose a�braking� e¤ect on the rate of growth.Example: Show that the growth rate of the logistic curveQ (t) = 1

1+e�t is 1�Q (t).

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Compounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve

Solution: We have

Q 0 (t) =�e�t (�1)(1+ e�t )2


(1+ e�t )2

Q 0 (t)Q (t)


1+ e�t

1�Q (t) =1+ e�t � 11+ e�t


1+ e�t

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Compounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve


The logistic curve y (x) = 11+e�x is the unique solution to the

di¤erential equationdydx= y (1� y)

which satis�es the initial condition y (0) = 12 .

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Compounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve


Public health records indicate that t weeks after the outbreak of acertain form of in�uenza, approximately Q (t) = 20


thousand people had caught the disease.a) How many people had the disease when it broke out? Howmany had it two weeks later?b) At what time does the spread of the infection begin to decline?c) If the trend continues, approximately how many people willeventually contract the disease?

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Compounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve

Solution: a) Since Q (0) = 201+19 = 1 it follows that 1000 people

initially had the disease. When t = 2

Q (2) =20

1+ 19e�2.4� 7.343

so about 7.343 thousand people had contracted the disease by thesecond week.b) in�ection point at t̄ � 2.5. For t < t̄ convex and so the numberof newly infected increasing. For t > t̄ concave and so the numberof newly infected is decreasing.

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Compounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve





­4 ­2 2 4 6 8t

c) limt!+∞ Q (t) = 20, so roughly 20000 people catch the diseaseon total.

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Own-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Gliederung1 Objectives2 The Exponential Function

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

3 Logarithmic functionsDe�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

4 ApplicationsCompounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve

5 ElasticitiesOwn-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Own-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

ElasticitiesOwn-price elasticity

demand function

Qd = 1000� P3dQd

dP= �3P2

current price is £ 5, price raised by a pound:quantity demand decreases approximately bydQ ddP jP=5 = 3� 5

2 = 75 tons.

one-percent increase in the price: increase by 5p= 120 � $1

reduce quantity demanded by approximately 3.75 = 7520 tons.

demand at £ 5 is 1000� 53 = 875percentage decrease in quantity demanded is 3.75875 �0.0043 = 0.43%.Thus 1% increase in price reduces quantity demanded by 0.43%.Demand is inelastic at this price.Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Own-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

More generally: dQd

dP approximate change in demand when theprice increases by a pound.initial price is P,increase by one pound is an increase by 100

P increase of the price by 1% changes the quantity demandedby approximately by P

100 �dQ ddP tons.

percentage change in quantity demanded is approximately:

ped (P) =100Qd

� P100

� dQd


dP� PQd

This is the own-price elasticity of demand.

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Own-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

rewrite this formula as

ped (P) =dQd

Qd� dPP

where 100dPP is the percentage increase in price and 100dQd

Q d is(approximately) the induced percentage change in quantity.In our example

ped (P) =��3P2

�� PQd

= �3 P3

1000� P3

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Own-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

When is demand inelastic?


1000� P3 < 1


3P3 < 1000�P3 4P3 < 1000 P3 < 250 P < 3p250 � 6.3

Exactly when P = 3p250 there is unit elasticity and above demand

is elastic.

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Own-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Constant Elasticity

A function has constant elasticity ε if and only if it is of the form

Q = αP ε

We have


= αεP ε�1



= αεP ε�1 PαP ε

= ε

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Own-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Total Revenue

With this demand, total revenue of the market is

TR = PQd = P�1000� P3

�Total revenue is maximized when


= 1000� 4P3 = 0

or P = 3p250, i.e., exactly when there is unit elasticity.

Since d 2TRdP 2 = �12P

2 < 0, total revenue decreases to the left andincreases to the right of this price.

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Own-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Inverse Demand

The consumers will demand a quantity Q when the price P is suchthat

Q = Qd (P) = 1000� P3

P3 = 1000�QPd = 3


inverse demand function

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Own-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Marginal Revenue

use inverse demand function to express total revenue as a functionof quantity:

TR = PQ = 3p1000�Q �Q = (1000�Q)

13 �Q

quantity demanded is decreasing in revenue is increasing in price when it decreasing in quantityand vice versa.

Marginal revenue is the change in revenue if a small unit more ofthe commodity is sold on the market.


= �13(1000�Q)�

23 �Q + (1000�Q)


Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Own-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Marginal revenue is zero when

(1000�Q)�23 �Q = 3 (1000�Q)


Q = 3 (1000�Q) = 3000� 3Q4Q = 3000 Q = 750

at P = 3p250. For lower quantities it is positive and for higher

ones negative.

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Own-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

TheoremMarginal revenue and own-price elasticity are related by

MR = P�1+

1ped (P)

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Own-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

This is so because




= Qd + PdQd


whereas by the chain rule





and so



�Qd + P





dQ ddP

+P =P

dQ ddP

PQ d


Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Own-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Gliederung1 Objectives2 The Exponential Function

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

3 Logarithmic functionsDe�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

4 ApplicationsCompounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve

5 ElasticitiesOwn-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Own-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Elasticities and logarithms

data (x , y) = (lnP, lnQ). Then

dydx= ped (P)

dydQ =

1Q , P = e

x dPdx = e

x = P.The chain rule applied twice yields



dPdx=1QdQdPP = ped (P)

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Own-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Gliederung1 Objectives2 The Exponential Function

De�nitionProperties of exponential functionsCompounded interests and the number eProperties of the natural exponential function

3 Logarithmic functionsDe�nitionDi¤erentiating the natural logarithmProperties of the natural logarithmDi¤erentiating general exponential and logarithmic functions

4 ApplicationsCompounded InterestsExponential decayThe logistic curve

5 ElasticitiesOwn-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Own-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Other Elasticities

demand for a commodity function of own price, income and otherprices.

Qd = 100� p + 2p� � 3yp is the price of the commodity,p� the price of another commodityy is income.

own price elasticity:∂Qd


= � pQd

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

ObjectivesThe Exponential Function

Logarithmic functionsApplicationsElasticities

Own-price elasticityElasticities and logarithmsOther Elasticities

Other Elasticities

demand for a commodity function of own price, income and otherprices.

Qd = 100� p + 2p� � 3ycross price elasticity:



Qd= 2



income elasticity∂Qd


= �3 yQd

Balkenborg Exponential and logarithmic functions, Elasticities

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