

Who am I?

Always hungry of knowledge

Symfony 2 lover

Rigor path follower... or searcher

Google Addict

Testing believer

Backend Developer at SocialPoint

@[email protected]


TDD Introduction


BDD Introduction




Which is the value of testing?

TDD & Unit Tests



Acceptance Tests

Integration Tests

Unit Test

Driven Development

Focus on class Methods

Conceptually Isolated test


Basic Unit Test

TDD & Unit Testing

Development time increased25%-15% time when mastering

Design and Quality code is dramatically increased

Code coverage metrics

Unit Test !== Integration tests

Unit Testing

Class interactions:Things become tricky

How much isolation we need?

Lot's of Mocks&Stubs... But it is very Useful?

Mocking class behavior


Alternative to PHPUnit

simple&flexible PHP mock object framework

Focus on Easy mocking

Great API

Basic Mock with Mockery

Mock Example with PHPUnit

Mock Example with Mockery

Does things that others can not

Create Mocks from object instances

Does things that others can not

Great typeHinting definition, from Classes or interfaces, even both!!

Fluent interface definition

Does things that others can not

Define public attributes from Mock Class $this->container->get('router')

Mocking Public Static Methods

Ability to Mock Final Class

Return different Mock responses as secuence$this->get('router')$this->get('my.service')

OK! Great... but

Unitary Test must be ATRIP: Repeatable, Isolated, Independent, Automated

But It's no easy to write correct TestsWhat should I test?

How should I name this test?

Where do I start?

How much to test?

How to understand why a test fail?

How much value has indeed?

Image taken from Alvaro Videla presentation

So ...


Behavior Driven Development

Created by Dan North

Migrates test focus to behavior

SpecBDD Vs StoryBDD

PHPSpec orientation

How much value has indeed?

We have moved our focus from methods to class interactions

Code becomes:Better designed

Focused on Behavior

But ...AGNY No extra features are needed

Acceptance feature is not well delimited

Testing is great but...

Bussines has nothing to do with thatIt should .

Classes are for developers

What we are missing?As developers we create funcionallities

How much extra work are we adding to our development cycle?

Agile Development Approach

Histories are created upon TasksUser Stories describe a feature's benefit in context

Scenarios are executable acceptance criteria

Avoid misunderstandings


Behat is a Bussines expectation framework

Created by @everzet

Behat is a Cucumber port to PHP

What mades that huge difference from SpecBDD to StoryBDD ?Feature definition

Domain Specific Language (Gherkin)


Behat test a feature by executing its scenarios steps in a context

Is driven by bussines value

feature description: collaboration bettween developers and non-techies

Clear feature description&piorization gives as a result better estimation times


Easy to understand

Step definitions becomes test code

Basic Feature Description

More Feature Definition

Let's install it

Install PHP basegit clone [email protected]:marcosQuesada/Behat-Base.git

curl | php

php composer.phar install

bin/behat --init

Or Install Sf2 Basegit clone [email protected]:marcosQuesada/Symfony2-Behat-Base.git

behat --init @AcmeDemoBundle

What's behind Behat

How does it work?

Behat give us our skeleton needs

uses Behat Known Regular ExpressionsRegex to grab test values

Uses any assertion tool to get response PHPUnit

PHP Exceptions

API Feature Exercise

Example using Behat + Guzzle to test a public API (google maps postal code)

Get Feature description git clone [email protected]:marcosQuesada/API-Workshop-Exercise.git

Run api-geo FeatureBehat

Time to code Step 1!

What we have?

Acceptance test pass!

Feature context steps are reusable

Context becomes BIG

Context segregationsingle implementation

Behat Contexts ExtensionsBehatch contexts


MINK Context

Common Context ...

Working with Subcontexts

Subcontext bridging

Adding subcontexts

Refactor Your Code

You have tested an external api

Time to create your own implementationUse Your previous tests!

Run api FeatureBehat

Time to code Step 2!

Behat Event System

Behat Event System

Mink Context

Web Behavior expectation

Support HTML - @javascript

Lot's of driversHeadless BrowserGoutte

Browser handlerSelenium


Symfony 2 webDriver

Install Mink


Mink API






$this->getSession()->forward()evaluate JS expressions


wait N milliseconds or till JS expression becomes true

$this->getSession()->wait(5000, "$('.suggest_class').children().lenght > 0" );

Check available definitions

Exec:behat definitions l (behat -dl)

Then /^print last response$/

Then /^show last response$/

Tools to manage the web browser

Image taken from Jakub Zalas presentation

Tools to work with forms

Image taken from Jakub Zalas presentation

Tools for queryng the DOM

Image taken from Jakub Zalas presentation

Tools to examine responses

And even more features ...

Image taken from Jakub Zalas presentation


Behat driver uses Xpath Selectors $xpath = $handler->selectorToXpath('xpath', '//html');

CSS Selectors can be translatedecho $cssSelector->translateToXPath('h1 > a');

Finder Methods

$fieldElement = $page->find('named', array('field', 'id|name|value|label'));$elementByCss = $page->find('css', 'h3 > a');

Behat+Mink+Selenium Example

Selenium server:Download from

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.15.0.jar


default: context: parameters: javascript_session: selenium base_url: browser: firefox show_cmd: open %s

Feature Description

Feature: Blog SearchIn order to search blogsAs a sauce userI need see blogs

@javascriptScenario: Search Behat Blogs Given I am on "/wiki/Wikipedia" When I fill in "s" with "behat" And I press "Search" Then I should see "Behat"

Adding Sauce

Adding Sauce

Sauce Labs easy integrationUsername & API key

Create sauce.yml

default: context: parameters: default_session: selenium javascript_session: selenium base_url: browser: firefox selenium: host: port: 80 browser: > { "username": "name", "access-key": "APIkey", "browser": "firefox", "browser-version": "7", "os": "Windows 2003", "name": "Testing Selenium with Behat" }

Running on Sauce

exec with: behat -c sauce.yml

View result video of this job:

reports generate in 'report/report.html'

Testing Javascript

Not posible on Headless BrowserGoutte

Javascript element interactionSymfony 2 webdriver


Mink Login Feature Exercise

Mink + Selenium server

Download Selenium Server

Get Feature description git clone [email protected]:marcosQuesada/Login-Workshop-Exercise.git

Run login Feature

Do what you want . but Pass it again


Behat features are meaningful

Behat is Driven Development

Behat is complementary to TDD and Unit testing

Best approach to service assurance

Let's use it now!





Workshop Links

Behat PHP Base

Symfony 2 Behat Base

Workshop Features

Mockery Examples

My Exercise Solutions

Thank you!

Twitter: @marcos_quesadaLinkedin: [email protected]

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