Page 1: Behavior driven integration with Cucumber & Citrus


Behavior driven integration

with Cucumber & Citrus

Christoph Deppisch ConSol Software GmbH

@cucumberbdd @citrus_test

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#DevoxxUS @citrus_test


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Behavior Driven Development


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#DevoxxUS @citrus_test



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Explaining the behavior


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Concrete Examples


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Given a certain context When some event happens

Then an outcome should occur




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Voting application


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Feature specificationFeature: Create voting As a user I want to create new votings. Each voting is given default vote options. Scenario: Default voting options Given voting title "Do you like Mondays?" When I create new voting Then voting should have 2 options And voting should have option "yes" And voting should have option „no" And voting title should be "Do you like Mondays?"


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Feature specification continuedFeature: Create voting As a user I want to create new votings. Each voting is given default vote options. The user should be able to set custom vote options. Scenario: Default voting options Given voting title "Do you like Mondays?" When I create new voting Then voting should have 2 options And voting should have option "yes" And voting should have option „no" And voting title should be "Do you like Mondays?" Scenario: Custom voting options When I create new voting "What is your favorite color?" And voting options are "green:red:blue" Then voting title should be "What is your favorite color?" And voting should have options | green | | red | | blue |


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#DevoxxUS @citrus_test@cucumberbdd

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JUnit Cucumber test@RunWith(Cucumber.class) public class VotingFeatureTest {}


voting-close.feature voting-create.feature voting-results.feature

public class VotingSteps { @Given("^New default voting$") public void defaultVoting() { ... } @When("^I create new voting \"(.+)\"$") public void createVotingWithTitle(String title) { ... } @Then("^voting should have (\\d+) options$") public void votingShouldHaveOptions(int optionCount) { ... } }


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Step definitions

@When("^I create new voting \"(.+)\"$") public void createVotingWithTitle(String title) { votingId = UUID.randomUUID(); Voting voting = new Voting(votingId, title); votingService.add(voting);}


@Then("^voting should have (\\d+) options$") public void votingShouldHaveOptions(int optionCount) { Assert.assertEquals(optionCount, votingService.get(votingId).getOptions().size());}

When I create new voting "What is your favorite color?"

Then voting should have 3 options


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Data tables

@Then("^(?:the )?voting should have options$") public void votingShouldHaveOptions(DataTable dataTable) { List<String> options = dataTable.asList(String.class); votingShouldHaveOptions(options.size()); for(String option : options) { votingShouldHaveOption(option); }}


Then voting should have options| green | | red | | blue |


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#DevoxxUS @citrus_test



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Hooks@Beforepublic void before(Scenario scenario) { // do something} @Afterpublic void after(Scenario scenario) { // do something}


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BackgroundFeature: Show voting results As a user I want to vote for an option. All voting results are stored and the user should be able to get top vote option for each voting. Background: Given I create new voting "Do you like cucumbers?" And voting options are "yes:no" Scenario: Initial vote results Then votes of option "yes" should be 0 And votes of option "no" should be 0 Scenario: Get vote results When I vote for "yes" Then votes of option "yes" should be 1 And votes of option "no" should be 0 And top vote should be "yes"


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Scenario OutlineFeature: Show voting results As a user I want to vote for an option. All voting results are stored and the user should be able to get top vote option for each voting. Scenario Outline: Get vote results Given I create new voting "<title>" And voting options are "yes:no" When I vote for "yes" <yes_votes> times And I vote for "no" <no_votes> times Then votes of option "yes" should be <yes_votes> And votes of option "no" should be <no_votes> And top vote should be "<top_vote>"

Examples: | title | yes_votes | no_votes | top_vote | | Do you like hotdogs? | 12 | 5 | yes | | Do you like crap sandwiches? | 1 | 25 | no |


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#DevoxxUS @citrus_test@cucumberbdd

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Messaging Integration


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#DevoxxUS @citrus_test

Client VotingAppHttp REST







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#DevoxxUS @citrus_test

VotingAppHttp REST





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Citrus Object Factory


@RunWith(Cucumber.class) @CucumberOptions(plugin = { "com.consol.citrus.cucumber.CitrusReporter" } )public class VotingRestFeatureIT { }


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Messaging FeatureFeature: Voting Http REST API Background: Given Voting list is empty And New voting "Do you like donuts?" And voting options are "yes:no" Scenario: Top vote When client creates the voting And client votes for "no" Then votes should be | yes | 0 | | no | 1 | And top vote should be "no" Scenario: Close voting Given reporting is enabled When client creates the voting And client votes for "yes" 3 times And client votes for "no" 2 times And client closes the voting Then participants should receive reporting mail"""Dear participants,the voting '${title}' came to an end.The top answer is 'yes'!Have a nice day!Your Voting-App Team"""


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Endpoint injection

public class VotingRestSteps { @CitrusEndpoint private HttpClient votingClient;

@CitrusEndpoint private MailServer mailServer; @CitrusResource private TestRunner runner; @Given("^Voting list is empty$") public void clear() { runner.http(action -> action.client(votingClient) .send() .delete("/voting")); runner.http(action -> action.client(votingClient) .receive() .response(HttpStatus.OK)); } }


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Endpoint configuration

@Configurationpublic class CitrusEndpointConfig { @Bean public HttpClient votingClient() { return CitrusEndpoints.http() .client() .requestUrl("http://localhost:8080/rest/services") .build(); } @Bean public MailServer mailServer() { return CitrusEndpoints.mail() .server() .port(2222) .autoStart(true) .autoAccept(true) .build(); }}


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Citrus endpoints

Component Descriptioncitrus-http Http REST client and servercitrus-jms JMS queue or topic destinationcitrus-ws SOAP client and server

citrus-mail SMTP mail client and servercitrus-docker Docker container managementcitrus-camel Apache Camel endpoint

citrus-selenium Selenium browser endpointcitrus-vertx Vert.x endpoint

citrus-kubernetes Kubernetes client…

@cucumberbdd @citrus_test

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Http REST messaging@Given("^New voting \"([^\"]+)\"$") public void newVoting(String title) { runner.variable("id", "citrus:randomUUID()"); runner.variable("title", title); runner.variable("options", buildOptionsAsJsonArray("yes:no")); runner.variable("closed", false);} @When("^client creates the voting$") public void createVoting() { runner.http(action -> action.client(votingClient) .send() .post("/voting") .contentType("application/json") .payload("{ \"id\": \"${id}\", \"title\": \"${title}\", \"options\": ${options} }")); runner.http(action -> action.client(votingClient) .receive() .response(HttpStatus.OK) .messageType(MessageType.JSON));}


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Mail SMTP messaging@Then("^participants should receive reporting mail$") public void shouldReceiveReportingMail(String text) { runner.createVariable("mailBody", text); runner.receive(action -> action.endpoint(mailServer) .payload(new ClassPathResource("templates/mail.xml")) .header(CitrusMailMessageHeaders.MAIL_SUBJECT, "Voting results") .header(CitrusMailMessageHeaders.MAIL_FROM, "[email protected]") .header(CitrusMailMessageHeaders.MAIL_TO, "[email protected]"));}


<mail-message xmlns=""> <from>[email protected]</from> <to>[email protected]</to> <cc></cc> <bcc></bcc> <subject>Voting results</subject> <body> <contentType>text/plain; charset=us-ascii</contentType> <content>${mailBody}</content> </body> </mail-message>


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JMS messaging

@CitrusEndpoint(name = "reportingEndpoint") private JmsEndpoint reportingEndpoint;

@Then("^reporting should receive vote results$") public void shouldReceiveReport(DataTable dataTable) { runner.createVariable("results", buildOptionsAsJsonArray(dataTable)); runner.receive(action -> action.endpoint(reportingEndpoint) .messageType(MessageType.JSON) .payload("{ \"id\": \"${id}\", \"title\": \"${title}\", \"options\": ${results} }"));}


@Beanpublic JmsEndpoint reportingEndpoint() { return CitrusEndpoints.jms() .asynchronous() .connectionFactory(connectionFactory()) .destination("") .build();}


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#DevoxxUS @citrus_test



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Reading & information

Demo Sources

Citrus Cucumber Extension


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#DevoxxUS @citrus_test

Thank You!


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